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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

@Raven I believe you have beaten me in this week's reputation league. shakes fist :)
@WillfulWizard I had more reputation than Tzenes, once. It was a glorious two days.
3 hours later…
anyone home?
I'm here
Why do I read EJ the day before a major patch? It only makes me angry at the number of blithering idiots that play wow. :/
1 hour later…
:8391 could be worse. You could read the wow forums
:8394 This is a good point.
But seriously, Patch Day EJ is such a cesspool.
On the plus side, it's vaguely gratifying to have the RSS feed from the banhammer up and keep seeing names I reported.
Well I think the thing EJ does the best is ban people
gamers are fractious and really need to be brought in line
without heavy moderation that site would be just as bad as the bliz forums
Yep. The Moderation makes the site without a doubt.
it's just days like this one where the sheer volume of garbage comes in faster than the bans can go through.
I almost wish that say... 3 days before a major patch, the site would go onto lockdown, and restrict posting to users with more than X posts or who have been a member for Y months.
or like arena junkies there was a section just for the vets
:8405 Well, there kinda is that in the form of the BB.
but the BB is... different and has a culture all it's own. And also largely isn't about wow.
its not the same
its like an after hours club
Good comparison.
I wish TL would move to the arena junkies model
they just aren't aggressive enough with the bans
Though it's certainly where you see the more... interesting and in depth discussions, when new content is actually hard.
Like, it was fun when the Yogg-0 exploit happened and all of a sudden all the Premo folks came out of the woodwork and basically laid out everything they had tried and why they were convinced it was mathematically not possible.
I almost never post on TL, because the signal to noise ratio is so bad
I remember that
we were on 1 keeper when it happened
jesus, that was right at the end
before I stopped
oh, funny story
so I haven't played in about a year
and I guess my account got hacked
I just found out yesterday
Was it not tied to your SC account?
I mean, I guess not.
no they're tied
same passwd
I changed it really fast
And yeah, there have been a lot of hacks on inactive accounts in the past month or so. Running theory is that the thieves are paranoid that Blizz will include an authenticator in the Cataclysm box, so they're cashing in all the passwords they've been sitting on.
I still have my authenticator I should probably put it on my account
I got it at blizcon last year
I just use the phone app personally.
do they make an android version?
Android, iPhone, and a whole bunch of dumbphone models as well
no Verizon :(
2 hours later…
:8403 blech
2 hours later…
I think the amount of questions asked is going down
Like way down.
21 mins for a googleable question?
gg gaming
:8444 Maybe people chose not to answer to dissuade you from asking googleable questions :p Or maybe the new design drove away all nethackers...
1 hour later…
Good afternoon all
:8447 Maybe we're just dropping traffic :/
@badp so far looks more or less identical to last week
But I do feel a general trend of questions getting asked with lower frequency
Compared to, say, a month ago
Well end of October should bring new stuff
Fable III, Fallout: New Vegas, Rock Band 3
Oh well, let's enter a not so cheap question
oh. crap.
self answer. oh well.
What does that amulet do?
:8459 There's actually no such amulet, but the ring causes nearby monsters to attack you and each other regardless of whether they're friendly or not.
Yeah, when I saw the inventory listing I noticed the problem
but then I accidentally typed a key before I could copy paste the line.
gaming.stackexchange.com is offline here, anyone else experiencing that?
I can't access meta.gaming.stackexchange.com
Only chat is available to me... :S
I've got the main site running right now
Both main site and meta work for me
What's the domain that refers to it? Or has no domain been registered?
No domain
Posted by Robert Cartaino on October 5th, 2010

Friday night we rolled back the domain name of our first out-of-beta website. After less than 24 hours of existing on the internet, nothingtoinstall.com was reverted to its original public beta name – webapps.stackexchange.com.

We’re sorry for springing this on you at the last minute but – at least at the time – it felt like circumstances didn’t give us much choice.

With deep concerns about domain name choices for the 20+ ongoing public betas and some negative feedback about breaking up the network into smaller domains, we made the snap decision to roll back the name change we had launched barely a day before. We felt that rolling back ASAP was preferable to letting problems grow exponentially through the next week while we discussed and voted and debated. That’s not an excuse; just an explanation. In hindsight, dealing with the community and the repercussions of our decisions should have taken precedence. …

Yeah, I know. Still hope that there will be a domain for each site in the long end...
Ping request could not find host gaming.stackexchange.com. Please check the name and try again.
Pinging chat.gaming.stackexchange.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=167ms TTL=41
Well, adding my own entries in the hosts file solved it. :D
Gaming seems down indeed
badp@delta:~$ nmap gaming.stackexchange.com -PN -p 80

Starting Nmap 5.21 ( nmap.org ) at 2010-10-12 16:17 CEST
Nmap scan report for gaming.stackexchange.com (
Host is up.
rDNS record for hit-nxdomain.opendns.com
80/tcp filtered http

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.18 seconds
Still up and running for me
what IP address, @Oak?
Running here too with the hosts entry.
@badp dunno, can't ping it :)
I'll try and force a cache update in OpenDNS then
gtg bbl
So, basically... No DNS is giving an IP for gaming.stackexchange.com.
You're either able to visit it if the DNS is cached or add the hosts entry...
can you guys still bookmark conversations?
okay, it's a room owners-only problem then.
(deleted it now, it serves no other purpose than demonstration in that form)
All Area 51 SE sites show DNS problems now...
yet Area 51 is still working for me
ah I was about to ask what happened
I assume you guys can't reach gaming either?
fear not
it shall return
I have faith
its strange, I haven't been able to reach a number of websites
I don't know if its related or not
since most are passing dns, but I can't get servers to respond
Posted by Kyle Brandt on October 9th, 2010

As you may have noticed many of Stack Overflow’s websites suffered some down time today from 6am EDT for about an hour and Stackoverflow.com is still offline for maintenance. Our collocation provider in Oregon experienced an unexpected UPS failure that caused us to lose power. Once they were able to restore power Geoff, who was already on site, brought up our servers. Stack Overflow itself is still offline because the database, was, well “suspect” according to SQL Server. We have recovered the database and are working to bring it live again. …

I wonder if that has something to do with the problems
or the associated move
Q: Stackexchange DNS seems to be down.

C. RossAccording to discussion in our chat, and downforeveryoneorjustme, http://rpg.stackexchange.com is down. I can still access it, so I think it's a DNS thing. Update: Gaming seems down too, and a number of others mentioned in the comments Update: Everything seems solidly back up. 2010-10-12 10:5...

cool, thanks for the update @badp
:8440 I wasn't referring to Gaming.SE. I was referring to ElitistJerks. Which, on patch days, becomes a cesspool of morons with terrible english and no fucking clue how to read the three posts prior to theirs and insist on doing worthless tests that reveal nothing about the mechanics they intend to investigate.
I have a general Fallout 3 question.....do you guys think that any of the expansions were 'worth' more than others? I'm going to buy New Vegas when it drops, and really debate purchasing a single expansion to hold me over or simply fanagle the GOTY version in with my existing savegames and play it here and there....so basically any thoughts on 'must have' DLC for it?
:8511 Most of the DLC isn't very good TBQH.
@LessPop_MoreFizz: hmm, good to know...i suppose i can wait until NV comes out then :)
Operation Anchorage is Fallout-as-rail-shooter, and rewards you a few insanely overpowered items. It's nifty if you're into FO universe history, but really linear.
Broken Steel is awesome in that it raises the level cap to 30, and adds new perks, but the new enemies are all just bullet sponges (Seriously, four freaking clips to kill a radscorpion?), the new added story is meh, and really, most of the challenge is evaporating by level 20 anyway, so going to 30... doesn't help there.
The Pitt and Point Lookout on the other hand, are both a lot of fun and pretty cool and atmospheric. They're nothing special, but they're by no means bad, and a nice look at some other corners of the east coast Wasteland. Point Lookout has some bullet-sponge issues though. :/
Mothership Zeta does not exist, never happened, should never be spoken of again.
Good info to have....any news if NV will import any character attributes or is it strictly a fresh start?
Fresh start. It takes place like 20 years later, all the way across the country.
it's not an expansion really. If it was using a new engine, it'd be Fallout 4
What kind of a character did you roll for your game LessPop?
In FO3?
I've played it with a couple of builds.
I think my favorite was Stealth/melee with Pyromaniac perk and the Shishkebab though.
I also went with Stealth and went for a small guns / sniper type character. I had more fun sneaking around picking off Raiders than I ever thought I would. I used the hunter's rifle pretty much the whole game. Twas quite fun
:8526 Have you ever left a surprise in a super mutants pants?
Because that is the best part of stealth in fallout.
2 hours later…
stuck in Metroid: Other M... not fun this early in the game.
also, give me back my analog stick!
Warning, dump, warning.
If there are more gaming-related tags on SE feel free to point them out in @-reply to me.
(I've added to the top "ticker" gaming questions from Ubuntu, Unix, Apple, Android and Webapps.)
Actually they're low enough volume I might as well put them in the main flow with everything else.
Still kicking ass aren't we?
hmm.... this could turn into a walktrough on Metroid: Other M
question after question after question....
Hrm, the new feeds should've flooded the chat already.
[gaming], [games] & [game] lol!
seems like the feedreader is smart.
Feeds that are shown with their URL haven't been fetched once yet.
in that case... uh oh...
coriandoli overload!
1/5 that's Ask Ubuntu, four to go.
I'd given it the HTML url, not the RSS url ._.
fail :(
:8589 They should be right now
you probaly want the new feed and not the active feed.
I didn't specify anything actually in the URL.
:8595 I don't think the order counts anyway.
default is active.
mine is specifically for new questions.
Again, I think it only affects the order...
doesn't active brings up older questions back to the top?
okay, they've been fetched
so let's try that again!
you are just ****-ing around, aren't you? ;)
Also, @alex, adding &sort=new didn't make any further question pop up.
I guess it just changes the order.
:8608 What can I say, I like feed aggregators :D
and those feeds are very low activity.
I think it knows which questions were previously in the feed.
(and one click away from being deleted or relegated to the ticker.)
:8613 Yeah, 'cept we still haven't got a single one from WA, Unix, Apple, Android yet
I guess they're too old.
I guess so too...
also damn... look at my comment here: the actual situation is nicely reflected in the comment.
A: How to continue after the breeding room?

PowerlordI don't recall exactly, but it was one of the following ways to get out, from most to least likely. A morph ball tube you can grab near the blast shield. You may need to blow open a hatch over it first using missiles first. A secret passage in the control room under the pod the creature was in...

yeah, the morphballing in the pod creature room was not very, er, I still don't get it. Sorry :)
shoot pod, see morph ball entry, try standing on it (to become morph ball after you stand on it), can't reach it by jumping (it is just morphball height). solution: become morphball, jump on it, go trough tube entrance.
what were they thinking?
:8623 a waterfall, a boat. (or does he wants the extended version?)
seriously? toilets? realism++!
No self respecting game lacks a toilet scene.
oh hi
That reminded me of the '8-Bit Pwny Club' episode where they talked about the top 5 video game toilets.
GO AWAY! (another hunt-the-pixel section... gah!)
@alexanderpas IMO pixel-hunt sounds much better than hunt-the-pixel
^ Agreed.
I've never seen the latter used before
I'm not familiar with either term.
But Pixel Hunt sounds better.
okay, pixel hunt it is then!
It feels cheap to get +60 for something I've never done :/
Hunt-the-pixel (also pixel hunt) is a term used to describe some computer game interfaces involving point and click with a mouse. The term is usually applied to adventure games in which the primary difficulty with some portion of the game lies in finding an object on the screen. In some cases, the required object is quite small, and may be only a few pixels in size. The player may not have any idea what to look for, but often the game cannot progress without finding it. Players often apply the term to any game in which the gameplay is hindered by the frustrating task of determining precis...
Ah, thanks.
:8645 awesome.
there's also an article on wikipedia called armour, yet I'll bet armor is more used
I'm Canadian. Armour ftw.
British and american English spelling differences are one aspect of American and British English differences. Historical origins In the early 18th century, English spelling was not standardised. Differences became noticeable after the publishing of influential dictionaries. Current British English spellings follow, for the most part, those of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language (1755), whereas many American English spellings follow Noah Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language of 1828. Webster was a strong proponent of spelling reform for reasons both...
I also see armour as the one true spelling, but there's a lot of people who disagree with me :)
:8654 It was just an example
and yes, I was referring to Americans who would disagree with me
besides, the TV Tropes article is also called "Pixel Hunt"
TVtropes vs. Wikipedia vs. Google... 2-1 for Pixel Hunt!
"hunt the pixel" seems to be refactored into pixel hunt by google anyway
look at the results
try searching with quotes.
that's what I meant, sans quotes
Google doesn't refactor anything within quotes
pixel AND hunt --- hunt AND (the) AND pixel --- anything noticable?
sans quotes doesn't work for stuff with the same words.
it will give the results for the most popular query
basically, if you enter hunt the pixel sans quotes it will look for that order first, then find out that pixel hunt is probably what the user was looking for and show results for that
.. or Save the Pixel by Ben Hunt
compare avec and sans quotes
it's a bit broken, but
broken on your side.
Never heard of Google fight before.
Must try this.
quotes do make a difference!
alexander > quotes just force the search to follow the order of terms searched, do they not?
no, they search for the exact sentence!
"the" doesn't get filtered out (ranked lower as a common word) for example.
Alex > Isn't that what I said?
:8692 More or less
Also, hover over the message and click the arrow to reply to it
No @Gnome, exact sentence is not the same as preserving order
Since "pixel hunt" will not find the sentence "pixel something hunt"
Also, How are our roots today?
Well what I meant is that it would search exactly following the order the terms in the sentence typed.
As a side-effect, yes
In effect, searching the exact phrase entered.
But these are not the same :)
exactly <s>following</s> the <s>order the terms in the</s> sentence typed.
Alexander > Yeah, I've been there, sorry, I'll stop. :)
When entering distinct terms, their order in the document is ignored. When entering a phrase inside quotation marks, that phrase is searched for precisely, i.e. it will not match if it finds the same phrase but in an extra word in the middle. You probably meant the same thing, it's just when you say "preserve ordering" it makes me think of a query that forces the same ordering of the keywords in a document, but allows other terms in-between.
(side note - I dislike the math behind all that searching stuff)
feel free to highlight me when migration is required
I see someone made the mistake of putting you in charge :)
our ninja is back again!
badp > I've already marked sandbox as a favourite room, I'm still learning how to use the chat. :P
:8737 Indeed ;D
wasn't it @balpha?
Now I can move posts I disagree with straight to the bin! mwahahahahaha
Whats the bin?
I assume its a bad thing
:8746 a link
A room I set up to park spam
mainly spam I caused :)
I can imagine.
Does anyone have a problem with my habitual replying convention? Should I try to change it?
??? habitual replying convention ???
Alexander > this one. It annoys some people.
Using "@" is better
:8754 or this
@Gnome it's just easier if you @-reply the person or click on the → arrow on posts
If you're referring to me, I wasn't annoyed, just a pointer
it takes so much time... try @
since @ does highlights
Mind if I ask why?
:8761 the main reason is that hovering on a message highlights what you're replying to (hover on this message)
@a click.
Ah, highlights don't look for the user name? They search for the @?
Yeah, @ + three letters at least of the username
strip hyphens spaces etc.
@gnome it even supports partial names.
that's exactly how comment replies work on the main site, btw.
Well that's silly.
I always wondered what happens when there's more than one username with the same name / prefix
also, @ replies go to the inbox when you're not in chat.
:8771 which is quite handy.
Finally, when you're @-replied your client beeps
clicking on the number on your avatar brings you to the latest mention.
see "How do I get someone's attention?" in thine Faq
I mean, go to stackoverflow.com/users and type "Oak" in the search box
Which one of us is pinged?
Well, on the site you need to take part before you can be @replied
and I'm not sure you can @-reply people who never joined
I'm confused, if I @reply someone it shows as a colon followed by a number. Is that the user number?
I'm sorry, @JonSkeet, should this work
:8780 That's the message number
:8782 huh?
It's just chat syntax which make the message you replied to highlight on hover
Wait, then how does it know who I'm sending it to?
Oh I see tzenes is also marked as owner
because it knows who sent that particular message
You two are always in competition :)
because the message has been posted by someone.
@Oak yeah, I gave him ownership to have an owner around 24/7 :)
okay, now I lol'd. Our two fanatics
and to have somebody check on me ;)
the reason it uses the id is so that even if you reply to a message posted 2 hours ago you can still see what exact message it was a reply to
Arda > Ah, so it's the message number of THAT message not of mine. Silly me.
if you use @ syntax it will highlight hte last message by that person
I think the chat features @JeffAtwood & Team has made are great.
@Arda so I can simply type @ and the user's name?
@Gnome yes you cann
@Gnome Indeed.
works if you shorten it too
Hmph. This make take some getting used to.
If you @-reply, the chat assumes you're replying to the highlited's latest message
Apologies in advance.
If you :-reply, you're specifying what you're replying to exactly
try twitter, uses @ too.
@badp > Makes sense I suppose. Is that information shown anywhere in the chat?
:8808 ← see the arrow before your name?
click on it :)
Now I understand.
Also, by doing this there's no risk of typos in nicknames
↑ I'm guilty of that :D
@badp even with typos @syntax should still work
:8816 me too
depending on how long the name is
@Arda not sure
Wait, so you only need 3 letters?
:8821 Testing typoes after the third letter :)
Of the name?
@GraceNote tended to experiment with @FallenAngelEyes iirc
:8824 Yeah. 3's the minimum. That's why your nickname must be three letters long at minimum.
@badp figured that out, sorry.
@ArdiXi trying another typo.
When this feature was introduced I was just 'bp' on StackOverflow :/
What if 2 usernames begin with the same 3 letters?
@GnomeSlice nasal demons
:8829 he changed his name after the oil spill.
@badp I don't follow.
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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