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@twobugs I liked Jasonbourne, personally.
@GnomeSlice good stuff
good morning bridge
hmm I had an ESP8266 free. Gonna rickroll neighbours.
(that gif isn't mine, but I'll soon do one too)
That's pretty cool
Odds of this being discovered by anyone: 3%
Well yeah. I'll pretty much use this on hackathons and other events though, so better luck of people getting the pun.
Maybe a steve ballmer etc version too?
I mean, for that you could just call it "DEVELOPERS" and claim it changes repeatedly
or I can make it scroll
Good lord
There's a good reason why this technology is deprecated
or I can just do <blink>DEVELOPERS</blink>
do wifi SSIDs support empty names?
I doubt it
depending on how the code worked you could just use it as a demo of it, like, demonstrate that it takes an array of strings and look at what happens if I feed it balmer now
They probably support unicode so just put some none breaking spaces in there
I wonder how many awful jokes have been made about @Uni and 'code'
Correction: They do not support unicode they are just a string of 32 bytes
The answer is probably "more than we ever needed"
Anyway I got Chipotle and I was thinking about this amazing play I had as Mei last night
@KevinvanderVelden well, afaik they do support emojis, so I'd guess they do support unicode
I knew a McCree was around the corner so as I turned the corner I dropped an ice wall but he managed to get his grenade off as the wall was going up
It hit me, but the wall went up before he could fan the hammer
at least on those apple's expensive time machines, you can name it as an emoji
Mei is very good at making people upset and I like that
@twobugs at least 7
empty names are possible apparently
that is a space, not a zwj
Oh good
I always wanted a WiFi network called 👌👌🔥🔥🔥💩
now you can
Technology sure is amazing
now we can express our feelings with signals on air that has small images, isn't that great?
No the only thing anyone ever expresses is 👌👌🔥🔥🔥
that is a scientific fact
With extremely scientific research behind it
@Unionhawk you forgot your 💩
I'll stick to reasonable WiFi SSIDs, thanks
With secure passwords, of course
Q: Will my explorers return safely?

Srikumar Krishna IyerPls give me hope. I think I have left them exploring for too long. :(

Q: How to turn seconds into minutes and seconds

JdoeI am making a racing minigame in Minecraft in 1.8.9 right now. I seem to have trouble how to figure out how to convert my existing setup into minutes and seconds. Let me explain: I have an objective, best, which finds the best time of a player once they finish my course. After, the player can ch...

it works :(
That would confuse the hell out of devices that remember SSIDs
That's funny
I'm not sure what this conversation is about but it sounds like it's funny in the sense that shooting yourself in the foot is funny
In that it's funny for other people
It's funny in the sense that "look at what I can do mom/reddit/maybe neighbor"
31 mins ago, by ardaozkal
user image
@Unionhawk Nice family guy meme
Imagine if Fable4 was all about a couple playing Fable 1 together on the couch. The choices they face in the game affect their relationship
Add a minion in there and you'll reach critical mass and begin stupid fusion
lol it confuses my phone alot
the old ones don't disappear immediately
Which makes it more fun^TM
I just thought of that as a thing, like "there's no way anyone could ever connect to this network"
Unless a device remembered by MAC address
or something
@Unionhawk it doesn't just change name
it restarts the whole wifi
so no maintainable connection
Here's another way to make it so people can't connect to wifi: don't use wifi
That's crazy, I know
But It Just Might Work
hmm I might do a better thing
change the name change interval to 30 seconds, and hijack all connectors to open rick ast- dammit I forgot that this device doesn't have internet
but it'd still load that page once they disconnect
@ardaozkal What problem are you trying to solve?
Are you going through all this effort to try to meme?
Hm, it's neat how the Mars opposition and the Saturn opposition are so close together this time around
@StrixVaria no idea why I'm doing this.
Random downvotes always confuse me, but whatever
Can I ask a mod to investigate my questions
someone keeps downvoting every single one
@committingsudoku Then it will get automatically reversed.
about 10-20 minutes right after they get posted
Part of me doubts it's actually serial voting
@committingsudoku that seems suspicious.
But if it is then the script will reverse it
Yeah, and TImelord has admitted he only targets my questions
@Unionhawk Then there's nothing to investigate.
and he waits before he downvotes
@committingsudoku Do you have proof of this?
@committingsudoku Has he really admitted this?
If you do, I would love to see that.
Or are you just being A Silly Goose?
Oooh hello retrosaur
Honestly nothing would surprise me at this point
He made a comment
I was wondering where I'd seen that name before
He saidsomething like "I only downvote and vtc close your question because the intent isn't there"
something stupid like that
@Unionhawk The way I look at it the outcome here is win/win
@committingsudoku If you can locate this comment, that would be a Big Deal
@committingsudoku even if he removed his comment, mods can see it. can you link the post?
It's possible he has since deleted the comment, but it would still be viewable by mods
@ardaozkal Sure, gimme a sec
Eh, if he just said "your question" instead of "your questions", I'd interpret that as "this question in particular"
@committingsudoku That does not read to me as "I target your questions for downvote sprees."
@Unionhawk I think he's just paraphrasing
Q: What are the commendation voice lines for all heroes?

O-OWhen a hero gets commended with a specific amount of points, both at 5 votes and at 10 votes they get a special voice line. For example, when Mercy gets commended at five votes she will say "It's nice to be appreciated." However, I've never heard her 10 vote line because rarely does everyone ...

Looking at some aggregate vote stats, I don't really see Timelord specifically targeting Retro with downvotes.
Then it was only a sneaking suspicion, though his comment made things really weird
Yeah, I can see that.
@committingsudoku All I see here is Timelord throwing a fit at the mod team, which is par for the course for him.
in Discussion between O-O and Timelord64, May 29 at 6:23, by Timelord64
than let me make this perfect clear. I played in beta, and I play, now. I downvote most questions you post because, as a player, I interpret them as someone who wasnt bothered to do their own research (including simply looking in the game), or someone who is simply way out of their depths. I classify commendations as the end-game quote, which is a customisable option, with other options presented for the player to purchase, if wanted. If my interpretation is wrong, consider that it is entirely based off your own definition.
@committingsudoku As long as he's judging each question on its own merits and voting according to his thoughts on that question, and not just voting because it's you, then there isn't anything to do. The way he phrased it here is the former.
@StrixVaria So I can just do the same for others then
just downvote every question because I consider them delusional or someone who's outta their depth?
Every time you see a question that you think is worth downvoting, on the question's own merits, then you can downvote.
@committingsudoku The kinds of questions you're asking feel very much like "seed" questions.
You can vote however you want, just remember you're voting on a question not a person
You see that there isn't a question for a topic yet and you ask it just so that it's there.
It's a feeling I and others have gotten, moreso than something provable.
He seems to take particular offense to that.
You're getting more upvotes than downvotes, and you're gaining and not losing rep, so shrug.
Some people downvote a lot, not much you can do.
@StrixVaria give @TimPost his keys back maybe
I'm pretty sure stealing @Tim's keys is a bannable offense
Either way, /tp @p is correct for all players
Without even needing to tell people to insert their own name
Yeah it seemed like an improvement overall, no reason to reject
I tweeted at @internetofshit and an IoT board's bot liked my post. Talk about irony.
What the heck is a fredley tho
People seem to be downvoting a few of my Overwatch questions, but it's just 1 or 2 here and there so whatever
@Unionhawk idk isn't that the spoopy bear?
@twobugs Yeah I think it's across the board really
Not just you @committingsudoku
Googling "Spoopy Bear" returns a picture of freddy fazbear.
That is not what I said
it was my understanding that the question was asking to teleport a specific person to some place, and in that case having the name of the player would be better, but i may have read the question wrong
Have the name of the player - yes
But there are players besides @fredley
The edit simply makes the answer general purpose. It's fine.
@Dragonrage eh, they can replace it
@Unionhawk It is indeed
They needed to replace it anyway before, so now it also works for "I want to teleport myself, or in a command block, the nearest player"
Unless they actually wanted to teleport @fredley
Which is impossible because that guy stopped having time to play minecraft 3 years ago
What a quitter
@Unionhawk i think the command block should be set to teleport @fredley whenever someone triggers it. that would be fun.
I may end up throwing my hat into the election after all. There are fewer candidates than I expected by a big margin
@Dragonrage I think a kill code and a fast redstone timer would be better.
@twobugs even I did it (and withdrew). Do it (if you have time).
If @twobugs nominates, I may be forced to by virtue of being his identical twin.
@twobugs Yeah, we're going to end up skipping the primary
@ardaozkal that just kills him a lot, thats not nearly as fun as randomly teleporting him around the map.
@Dragonrage hmm, makes sense
Or the @r selector which selects a random player
Which would also be fun on a slower clock
@Dragonrage reminded me of this youtube.com/watch?v=0j3h-LAC7sQ
/execute @r ~ ~ ~ tp @p ~ ~100 ~
basically annoy thingy, kill, teleport, explode etc
@Unionhawk now i kind of want to setup a mc server to do that
@Unionhawk hehe
This is why is such a fun tag
I feel like you could use Minecraft to make a fun version of Mafia
You probably could
Town of Salem was neat but it got boring quickly
@twobugs do you play all random roles?
And they started added all kind of goofy roles, some of which just made the game silly
any all i think it was
I haven't played in like 2 years
We should play secret hitler, incidentally
my favorite game of ToS was as a werewolf
See that just sounds dumb
@Unionhawk yes. I bought TTS and I never got to play anythinf.
@Dragonrage Why would you want to do that, when you could be a member of the reptilian fascist party?
i killed like almost all of the mafia, the sheriff, the lookout, and someone else at once
by chance, we all visited the same house, so i killed them all
I won a few times, but it got frustrating when people would le epic trole
It was most fun with friends of course
@TimStone Yeah, but they can also still hit the "change profile" button
Being able to come up with names per each game was a brilliant idea
@Sterno Oh, of course. That seems like a fairly significant oversight on their part
@twobugs whenever I was a serial killer, I would target my friends
@Dragonrage ahahah I used to do that and my friends ended up not telling me their names.
@ardaozkal see, i would memorize their character costumes and such, and also i could usually guess them by the names they chose
yeah, I guessed too
(my friend who got me playing ToS is a history (especially germany) fan)
also in the settings:
Q: How is my ranking determined?

two bugsSo... I'm pretty confused. Halo 5 has monthly ladders that reset, with different rankings for each game mode. I get that. Your ranking is calculated after you play 10 games in a specific playlist for each month, and continually updated after that. That's pretty normal. My question deals with how...

Q: Help restoring a 20 hour progress in dying light?

noam bI've played this game for about 20 hours on a pirated copy (go easy on me...), enjoyed every damn second, got to about level 20 (I think?), and then bought it of Steam. Now before reinstalling I've searched for the save files and found only two relevant folders, one was the folder with its steam...

hyperdev.com is pretty cool
@Sterno I'm trying to think of reasons to use it.
Because it let me create this in about 20 seconds
@Sterno Science has gone too far.
We should play Town of Salem as a bridge group some time
Oh god
Hmm... what are some good things to do in Taiwan and Hong Kong?
Buy clothes
cc @TimStone (I distinctly remember you mentioned that you used to live there or something?)
@GnomeSlice Well yeah, obviously gonna go to the night markets. Probably more than once.
Buy terrible games and movies
@GnomeSlice we did for a while
we even had a TOS chatroom
there it is
Hahahahaha I just read @badp's moderator questions
Well played
@twobugs so what is ur problem with Dark Soles 5
Modco Askai pls
I'm not familiar with the since I haven't played Dark Soles 1, 2, 3, or 4.
@GnomeSlice keen
That actually might be a good meta to meta, "are streamers considered members of the industry for the purposes of unreleased content?"
Weil it's about one dude walking in the mud. He walks very solemnly and slowly in all sorts of impractical or dumb looking armour
@Unionhawk BRB
based on the armour he can run, walk or have to come to a full stop in between every single leg movement
Because like, a press-only review copy would almost definitely be considered to be unreleased
The purpose is to reach the city of Güd
I dunno. This is also not a problem we are currently facing, but it'll come up again soon I'm sure
where the village idiot is
the Git of Güd
However the city is in the middle of Gaym country
actually it's in its very centre
The core, even?
the inner Gaym Core
@badp I thought that it was in newly founded areas of Gaym country
also known as Gaymr Core
like, 7-8 year old places mostly
Q: Are some demonic statues peaceful in Dark Souls?

l0b0Entering Lost Izalith via the Chaos Servant door, there were a bunch of aggressive orange demonic statues and one darker statue which seems to do nothing: Is there anything special about this statue? It's not a prop, because it does the standard "just standing around" animation of moving very s...

Q: How fast does the Discord orb travel?

StrixVariaAs Zenyatta, one key way you help your team is by placing orbs of discord so enemies take increased damage. But I'm greedy, and often I want to discord orb someone I have lined up in my sights. Occasionally, however, this happens after I've already started charging up my alt fire. You can't laun...

Access to the Gaymr Core is only allowed to the affluent of proteins
Only those who own much of pro's may enter
This is why MUSCLEPHARTS play an integral core in your road to pro muchness
Place your bets, everyone, how much longer will he drag this joke out
Q: Should streamers be considered members of the industry for purposes of unreleased content?

two bugsIn the moderator election questions, badp's suggestion provoked an interesting train of thought. I'll provide a little backstory. Dark Souls 3 was available to popular streamers well before the general worldwide release. There were download codes supplied by the publisher, Namco Bandai. In the...

@Unionhawk it already is longer than my password
Someone had upvoted it pretty much the instant I posted it. That's extremely creepy.
People in the county were kind of dumb and, in addition to subpar mousing abilities, also didn't know better than to let mod questions be questions for mods
It's something we actually need to talk about you oafish ingrate
"Don't let your mod questions be mod questions" one famously said. He was very very pro much
> should be consider streamers to have access to unreleased content?
@GodEmperorDune Dunno what you're talking about ;)
Q: Should streamers be considered members of the industry for purposes of unreleased content?

two bugsIn the moderator election questions, badp's suggestion provoked an interesting train of thought. I'll provide a little backstory. Dark Souls 3 was available to popular streamers well before the general worldwide release. There were download codes supplied by the publisher, Namco Bandai. In the...

@twobugs the edit history never lies!
@twobugs see this is the kind of issue that is unproductive to discuss before the practical case arises
because there only way we can answer such a question without context is in the absolutes
basically "always" or "never"
@badp and only pro much gamers deal in absolutes
I don't think the discussion is unproductive, but I see your point about making a ruling before we have the specifics.
those are tied for worst possible kind of meta answer
My gut feeling is "yes," because I feel like the most compelling reason to restrict questions about unreleased stuff is because the information necessary to make good answers to those questions is not widely available.
We should allow ourselves to be nuanced by the specifics of the individual case when we have the luxury to do so and the situation arises only a few times in the history of our site
I agree, for the most part
And without that information people can only speculate. But then you get into the thorny issue of like...
@badp I think this is perfectly acceptable as an answer
...is it a handful of hand-picked streamers who get access? Or can anybody with a YouTube account get access?
And consequently you have this tricky-to-find fuzzy line.
also we've had debates about "when is released mean released" wrt fallout 4 worldwide release
@SepiaLazers I think we should close this as asking about unreleased content is off topic ;P
well I'm on the train right now so this is annoying
But I do think that it will be easier to find a strong position either way when there is actual context, actual real-world stuff happening.
I have successfully annoyed @badp, meaning I got more than I ever hoped for
@JoshPetrie Well the real world example is Dark Souls 3 - the worldwide release was about a month after the Japanese release but streamers were given codes to the worldwide SKU
@twobugs so you'd let someone in japan have their question remain open while a worldwide streamer's question is closed?
I made no comment either way!
Yawn, evening all
Apparently someone has already hit 100 in Overwatch
That's completely insane but whatever
@twobugs i have
oh level
i thought you meant badge score
...What did you think I meant?
I don't really post enough answers to get high badge score
A lot of questions I know how to answer seem to get answer sniped
@twobugs post a better answer

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