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@Unionhawk Oh yeah!
@Yuuki The 3rd.
Also, my Overwatch early access friend code is spoken for, so I can't give it to @Wipqozn.
I probably wouldn't anyway, given how much @Wipqozn insists on tormenting me with games that he is playing that I want to play.
I'm trying to think of what hero I don't wanna play
Symmetra is kinda meh for me
@Fluttershy You didn't get it yet, though, right?
You just know who you're giving it to?
@badp I bid one internets!
@Yuuki Oh wow. :o excitement intensifies
@StrixVaria Correct. No code received yet.
@SaintWacko I bid two internets, and will sell you the codez for three once I receive the codez.
@Fluttershy Don't tell @Wipqozn who it is or he might... take care of business.
Q: Will N'Zoth the corrupter re-summon an Unearthed Raptor?

David TohThe scenario is pretty simple. Say I copy the deathrattle of a "Fiery Bat" onto my raptor. If my raptor dies, will N'Zoth the Corrupter re-summon it? I understand that N'Zoth will not re-summon minions that have been "given" a deathrattle. But does the raptor's ability really count as "giving" i...

@Yuuki Nah, she's too far away for him to reach.
@Fluttershy is it @FAE?
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah.
@Fluttershy Will we ever see @FAE again?
I have a code I think
@Yuuki She asked a question on the site last week! She's still around.
Dude and my exam week closes out pretty much on Monday
I have a religion paper to write, but other than that
@Yuuki Come to the Netherlands and we'll organize a meeting.I'm sure we can convince her to come along.
@Arperum I'd love to work in the Netherlands, hint hint.
@Yuuki I wouldn't mind it either :p
@KevinvanderVelden is your company hiring and if so: do they accept remote workers?
@Arperum probably and no
But if you're serious I know a good recruiter
@KevinvanderVelden Dammit. I can't move in the next two years for financial reasons (don't want to have to pay something stupid like 10-15k in bullshit taxes)
Working with personal data and such =p
But yeah, starapple is a pretty good recruiter if you want
@KevinvanderVelden I'm open to it, but I'm still not sure whether I want to work outside the country or not.
@Arperum Are you actually planning on moving to the Netherlands or is it just like when Americans say they're going to move to Canada if certain politicians win certain elections?
@Arperum wouldn't you be eligible for the 30% ruling?
@StrixVaria I'm at some point probably leaving Belgium.
@Arperum Based on all the things I've learned about Belgium from you over time, this doesn't surprise me.
Wait crap hang on
@badp The thing is that Belgium has a couple tax rules on reselling a house rather qucikly after acquiring it. plus another rule that resulted in me only having to pay 5% buy price as an extra tax instead of the regular 10%, and that rule gets also undone if selling too fast again.
@StrixVaria Yea. It also doesn't help I now have a Dutch girlfriend :p
@Unionhawk insert @Arperum == @Kevin joke here
@KevinvanderVelden I mean in javascript probably
I don't think === would be true
=== == ==?
=== === ==?
Clearly what we need is a =====
To be really really sure it's equal
Q: How to create a Custom GUI?

Jared2bI am creating a minecraft vanilla mini games server and i want to create custom GUI but as far as I know there is no way to do this with out a bucket server so I want to make it so it will /testfor a compass in a players hand when the player has a compass it will /summon a donkey with out a saddl...

> The ruling, a unanimous decision by the state’s criminal appeals court
Like seriously. What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. You.
> Michelle Anderson, the dean of the CUNY School of Law who has written extensively about rape law, called the ruling “appropriate” but the law “archaic”.
So the legislature is ultimately to blame for this.
Which honestly, I'm not that surprised. Judiciary tends to have the most "common sense" of the three branches of government, but they're hamstrung because they can only interpret laws set by the other branches.
They do make a number of "technically yes but that's fucked up guys" rulings
Oklahoma in particular has made some surprisingly sensible judicial decisions on social issues that you normally wouldn't expect from such a socially conservative state.
> The Oklahoma appeals court declined to make the ruling a precedent.
tl;dr State legislatures are messed up, man.
I mean, ours is finally looking at lifting the alcohol limit on beer which will be fun
We're one of a few states with 12 as a cap
@Fluttershy Yeah,but sometimes I buy you games you want too! I balance my tormenting with niceness.
It's sort like how for every old lady you help cross the street, you can steal some candy from a baby.
@Unionhawk I mean, 12 beers per person sounds like a decent cap
12 as in percent alcohol by volume
@Uni can't wait to get shitfaced on some moonshine.
Q: c'thun and entomb synergy

Karoui HaythemI have 2 scénarios like following. I am playin' standard control Priest (without C'Thun) vs C'Thun Druid. Case 1: He keeps buffing his C'Thun until turn 10 when i entomb it. What happens if He plays more C'Thun buff cards? does it keep buff his C'Thun that i entomb? Is it still considered ...

@Yuuki no, high alcohol beer, which will also support economic growth in my state
Basically I want to try more fully realized versions of 11.9%ers
@Unionhawk RIP liver
Plus the bill also adds free samples, where before the law was you had to give away samples for pennies at least or something
Wait for it... 🐣 https://t.co/BwuVxjoQYu
Basically please pass this thing guys
Q: What happens if you silence C'Thun?

KappeiThe developers have stated many times that the buff to C'Thun works more like an aura than an actual buff so I was wondering this: can C'Thun be silenced if I somehow survive the initial onslaught? What happens then? Does the silence remove the whole buff from C'Thun (wherever it is) or does it j...

@Unionhawk How about you send some of that bill my way. Oklahoma has stupid liquor laws
Yes Yes it does. I used to live there.
Update on my injury: turns out it wasn't due to my nightlight
My nightlight just doesn't get hot enough for that. I had it on for half an hour a few days ago and it was barely warm
@SaintWacko you know what state has stupid liquor laws? Utah
@SaintWacko Oh, I applied to a job in Oklahoma. If I get it, we might be able to hang out.
My current theory is that I managed to pinch it on my key
Did you know a theater bar cannot serve beer to patrons watching a film with sex scenes, including deadpool?
@Unionhawk Why would you want to drink beer in the cinema?
@NateKerkhofs why would you not?
Sci-fi setting, pls
> However, there is one From franchise Miyazaki seems interested in continuing - Armored Core:

"Personally I want to do it," Miyazaki replied to a question about the mech action series. "After all I was involved in three games in the series. Armored Core is one of the pillars of From Software's lineup, but I can't reveal anything at the moment."
@Yuuki That would be awesome! Where in Oklahoma?
@SaintWacko It would be in Norman.
> As for his latest game, Miyazaki also confirmed that Dark Souls 3's two DLC packs would arrive in Fall 2016 and early 2017.
Is Dark Souls enjoyable if you're not good at telegraph-combat games?
So... south of Oklahoma City?
@Yuuki Ah, okay. That's a couple hours away
@NateKerkhofs 3 is a lot more accommodating to R1 spam from what I've seen.
@Yuuki I'm talking about the entire series
on PC
I do have a controller btw
Eh, it's not too bad if you're not good at reading cues. Get a greatshield ASAP.
But you will definitely have trouble with several bosses.
From what I understand, Dark Souls is difficult, but fair, right? Or are there times where you will die because the enemy cheeses you?
@Yuuki cc @twobugs
No sources named for these "reports" so I'm rather skeptical.
> The Express is basically toilet paper. I wouldn't trust this article, in fact, I wouldn't believe a report by them stating that fire burns without independent verification.
Okay, very skeptical, never mind.
Hah, I love this comment thread:
@fredley yes, no
@NateKerkhofs There are times where you'll die due to the enemy cheesing you. Most notably, the movement tracking for some enemies seems broken as hell.
> "Being a doctor is much like being an IT tech, you have to memorize a bunch of symptoms to diagnose a problem. Only difference is that you can't tell them to 'turn it off and on'."
> "That's pretty much what a defibrillator does."
@Wipqozn I'm not sure that's how that works...
Norman isn't bad. College town.
Mad Max is... interesting.
@Yuuki How about being The Doctor?
The ending. Ugh... I saw it coming a million mile away and I still hated it
@PrivatePansy You mean the game right, not the movie?
The game, yes. Just finished it.
Neat that From Soft is finally doing a new IP
I hope it's not "new IP" the same way someone might say Demons -> Dark was a "new IP"
I don't want to give away too much, but, uh, Max goes Mad.
good morning bridge
@PrivatePansy He becomes... Mad Max?
@twobugs If he wasn't Mad enough already
Although if he wasn't Mad enough before than he can't be Max Mad
So now he's Max Mad Max
Sonic Adventure 2 has a great soundtrack
IT does. It's very cheesy but I love it.
This training thing isn't too bad. And free pizza!
Boy Scouts

Proposed Q&A site for boy Scouts of America

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment CC @Unionhawk
Q: Why is my sword a fishing rod?

ThatRandomUserI had to find Nemo in the ocean, so I wandered off to find him for the Angler. I looked at my hot as for my fishing rod, clicked on a tool with a bait number, and fished with it. It was a sword. I got extremely confused, because my Fishing Rod was acting like a sword with no damage, and my sword...

Q: Mame shows 'the selected game is missing one or more required rom or chd image'

user6133116I now have a problem with mame playing some old arcade titles. I tried to search for the issue on google first but I still haven't got a viable answer. My problem is this: I've downloaded mame by using 'apt-get install mame' command on my Debian linux. The installation process went smoothly and...

@KevinvanderVelden probably won't get to commitment phase, but I'll follow and ask an example
Scouting didn't make it last time it was proposed
A lot of the content works on great outdoors, but it's a matter of is there enough not overlap, and I think probably not
> If fillies have cutecineras when they get their cutie marks, do colts have buttmitsfas?
Thanks r/mylittlepony
@Fluttershy IT's just basic math man. 1 Good Deed - 1 Bad Deed = 0! It's completely balanced.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Do Boy scouts of America still ban homosexuals?
@Wipqozn leaders yes I think, but we're working on it
> On May 23, 2013, The Boy Scouts of America's national governing body voted to rescind the long-standing ban on homosexual youth in the program. Effective January 1, 2014, "No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone."
@Unionhawk okay
Step in the right direction, at least
For definitions of we being Scouts for Equality
> Affirming the decision of the National Executive Committee, on July 27, the National Executive Board voted to lift the organization's ban on openly gay adults.[52] The final vote to approve included 45 votes in favor and 12 votes against
Well that's even gooder
Oh hey, I didn't notice that happening
Or I did and I forgot
I think I do remember SFE declaring a victory on that
Science Fiction & Engineering?
Do we have such an SE site?
2 mins ago, by Unionhawk
For definitions of we being Scouts for Equality
oh god I can only imagine the questions.
@Yuuki Yeah, Lifehacks
Lifehacks is every site
@Wipqozn and no site
@Dragonrage and your moms site
@KutuluMike "With a Death Note, how can I build a perpetual motion machine?"
I need a Lifehack for, uh, "hanging out" with your mom
@Wipqozn no, if my mom had a site, it wouldnt be lifehacks. her standards are higher than that
If I keep typing that long enough people will think it's intentional
@Dragonrage Didn't seem like she had very high standards... last night
but seriously back to wrok
@Wipqozn cc @Wipqozn for the self burn in a lie
@Yuuki Isn't that Worldbuilding?
@Wipqozn I think there might still be something weird particular to leaders that a charter organization can say no? But I don't know
I've not been following it lately
Q: my minecraft keeps closing a whenever i try to play on multilayer and its keeps saying that i have a file open

S.joshiCompletely ignored arguments: [--nativeLauncherVersion, 301] [17:43:10] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: Legend_2007 [17:43:10] [Client thread/INFO]: (Session ID is ) [17:43:13] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4 [17:43:14] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default [17:4...

@Yuuki A Death Note has a fundamental problem that makes it unusable for perpetual motion: it can only kill people, and people are a finite resource
@NateKerkhofs the obvious follow up question is how can i build a cloning machine to make people an infinite resource
@NateKerkhofs I mean, you'd first have to find the limits of what defines human
And then use the death note to make people die in such a way that they make more minimally viable humans
@StrixVaria developing itself?
@PrivatePansy Uh.
I played it a few days ago and it was up.
I guess I should have re-checked the link before posting.
You'll just have to play the other incremental I posted today or the one @fredley posted.
> Hey
I am the dev on this game. (and also Reactor idle)
It leaked from Kongregate because "I was playing" it and it showed under my profile even though the game is not released anywhere! :(
Sorry, this is still in development and we are currently testing it with a very small group of players - that is why it is not yet nicely polished yet. I don't even have exact release date yet, but I will set one now: 25th of May 2016!
PS! If you continue playing, I can't quarantee that your saves will be available after game gets published, as it is still in development phase...
Is that a hippo or a pokemon
@Fluttershy think of any object/animal/thing it is probably already a pokemon, on will be made into a pokemon at some point
@Dragonrage Can coozy.
You show me a can coozy Pokémon, and I'll eat my hat. lol
Is the knife edible too?
I hate that feeling when you realize that you've added too much reducing liquid.
@Yuuki just reduce it some more?
Concentrates the flavor though.
Unless you're working with water, that's problematic.
Apparently grass in evil biomes in DF sometimes spawn as wiggling tentacles. Combine with a graphical tileset and you get this nightmare fuel i.imgur.com/u71mHCw.gif
Broth stops supplementing the flavor and starts to replace it.
Obviously if you reduced it too much you should oxidize it instead
Not to mention a longer reducing time means more cooking time and that has an adverse effect on some ingredients as well.
@Yuuki reasons why you dont make fancy meals.
just cook some chicken
on the grill
nice and simple and tastes good.
just dont eat it raw or you could die
@Dragonrage I think you a word there.
@Arperum preposterous
@Dragonrage No, that word would not fit.
How does any of these extra words fit into your sentence?
no idea, i didnt major in english.
Don't blame me, blame the system
someone should star my sale link so someone doesnt come and post it again and that get starred
also is Darksiders and good? the franchise pack is 90% off this weekend
CloudFlare is having DNS issues in South America. See https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/incidents/vwdh6yd29n9h
We're seeing an attack that is affecting some traffic to our Latin American data centers.
Q: When is the earliest point you can learn Sari's Song?

Kevin MillsSo, I just tried going to the Sacred Meadow directly after getting the Fairy Ocarina and Saria wasn't there. Do I absolutely have to talk to Darunia before she'll appear, and teach me Saria's Song, and then return to Darunia to play it for him? Or does she appear, say, after meeting Zelda? Then ...

So I bought Sonic Adventure 2 to potentially do some nostalgia streaming or something
After Senior Design
It was $10 okay I had to do it
@Dragonrage Just standard hack and slash fare
From what little I've played, it's basically God of War in a different coat, although I haven't played GoW either
Just going from footage
although DS does have some RPG elements as well
well i can get the franchise pack for 5$ so i might just try it out
Anything worth buying from THAT sale?
no idea, i dont do animes
9 pages of items on sale...
And the anime community on Steam is fond of overrating their reviews
so apparently ive played 270 hours of skyrim
@Dragonrage the first one was pretty meh, second one was alright but not interesting enough for me to finish it
@Dragonrage 421
i actually played it through pretty much completely without mods/console commands and made it to level 139
then i added something like 137 mods
Well, I just got at least 1000 of each generator in Adventure Capitalist
@Unionhawk That wouldn't surprise me. Glad to see it's making progress, though, even if it's progress that should have happened 20 years ago.
Eh, there's been a shift in public opinion in the last 15 years or so
@Unionhawk Can't wait for that shift to continue to the B and T segments of LGBT
Because I honestly do not see why bi men should be treated differently compared to gay men
@Sterno is skipping work to try and beat Dark Souls 3 before me. IT's ridiculous
He's just mad I beat this one boss way easier
I'm not so much skipping work as reallocating when I put my hours in
Which I've been doing for the last 3 weeks, as you can tell from past chat
It's a lot easier to work from home at night then play souls from home at night.
Q: Is it possible to identify mercenaries in realm battles?

Jon EricsonIn Chaos Reborn it's possible to recruit mercenaries from towns or scripted events. These units will remain in your company after battles if they are not killed. You can also recruit settlements, which provide fighters who can be directed to nearby battles. These units persist after the battle, b...

Q: How do I activate co-op?

Chase SandmannOn the box for Star Fox Zero, it says that I can play co-op with the Wii U gamepad and another controller, but when I select a level in story mode, it just starts the level without asking anything about player 2. Moving the control stick on the second controller does nothing and I don't see any ...

@Sterno Whatever, Hitler
He's just restructuring the paradigm or something
Why do we work 9-5 when we can play Dark Souls 9-5 and then work 5-9?
That does seem like a better trade.
Mostly it's that my code doesn't kill me if the kids interrupt me while I'm doing it
Also, my code doesn't give them nightmares, but that's only because they can't read it.
@Sterno Wait, yours doesn't?
Am I doing programming wrong?
Man this HS match is frustrating. People going REALLY hard and it's not even at the part where you can lose rank yet
People who don't even "well played" back after you have a long and even match are assholes
I should just squelch everyone
I don't think I've ever seen anyone in this chat so ready to murder everyone as @twobugs playing Hearthstone
And that's coming from me
We have a section on this new tourism site we're launching called "Honourary Bluenoser Certificate". Wtf doies that even mean?
@Sterno Yeah, pretty standard in the tech industry in my exerpience
Dev hours are usually really flexible, especially if you don't need to meet with clients.
Q: Replays for LoL

SerenitydotCSSo I've been wanting to make a montage for League for a while now. But my question is, how exactly do I get the replay files for pro replays? I get that there are software out there for recording your own replays, but are there pro replays out there provided for you? Also, apparently with replays...

@twobugs Thanks!
user image
cc @Fluttershy
Also I blame @Fluttershy for that image
Ugh why is academic internet slower than residential now
I mean, I guess that's nice when I'm at home to go super fast at 20/20, but academic is way slower
We are basically hardwired to other Ohio universities though, so getting stuff through like an Ohio State server is basically instantaneous
Other traffic is 1/4 speed compared to residential. This is dumb
Then again, it used to be 5 times faster than residential and uncapped
That's depressing to think about
@Unionhawk when he started, i was like oh, i could do that. then there was a whole lotta nope
I could do the line, just not with that quick of an approach
@Wipqozn Outstanding.
@Unionhawk he jumps so hard the camera goes out of position...
@Dragonrage related
yeah i don't think i would ever be good at that kind of thing
this shouldn't be hard
I love that he just includes stuff that will get flagged with "monetization is not allowed" to keep his show ad-free
the nice part about money is you can split it
four people lay claim to your video
split the revenue in five
how hard is that?™
@badp Well, some like Nintendo flag as "monetization is not allowed"
@Unionhawk okay, then
It's really a genius plan for someone whose goal is to keep his show ad-free
five claimants, two say no monetization
that means you only run ads 3/5ths of the time
and those 3/monetize
or 2/4ths
or whatever
youtube identifies the specific periods of time for a match
it can very well estimate how much of a video is owned by which party
and split things accordingly

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