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:6530 I think you can edit the question if you like, it doesn't change what he's asking and it'll help him get the answer he needs
Some users don't know how to ask what they want to know :)
whew. just finished the captcha image
i hope you'll like it.. took me forever
when does the go live party begin?
:6553 I bet we will.
3pm EST, when we always launch our sites during the day
that's 45 mins from now then
what time is it
been doing web design for 15years, i still get that butterfly in the stomach feeling everytime a site's about to go live..
@Juan, well? aren't you adding the event to the room then?
what time would that be in UTC?
(I would've done it for ya but obviously...)
i'll be making a post after the new design goes live. to recap on certain things. but if you do find css bugs later, please start a new post about them, instead of replying to my thread.
it's been a nice ride since the definition phase
yeah, time really flies.
Pleasure working with you all :-)
er, is it over or something?
i wish i can make the rocket on Area51 to be animated and fly/land on the moon when is proposal graduates from beta
@badp game over man
see you around then
@badp just kidding. thanks for your help with testing the linux rendering
:6576 you're welcome (actually if you need help with other sites, feel free to poke)
GMail decided we're friends and added each other on GTalk anyway... <.<
@badp maybe the Ubuntu site!
silly thing.
food next right?
and cooking both will be next week
cool :-)
:6582 next up, we burn our $1k budget on Steam!!
we don't always go exactly as the area51 calendar, but should be fairly close to it
:6587 Who gets to partake in that?
I hope I can continue being a moderator, it's fun
FIFO i say!
I actually don't have any issue with our current mod team, the three of you have been awesome
thanks; not a lot of work even, you guys keep everything clean just fine
True, it's a very active group of power users
:6593 if you feel bored you know where /b/ is
they'll give you something to mod!
9 users who can vote-to-close
with or without moderators?
not counting the mods
:6595 I want to make "This is not 4chan" part of rpg's faq
and 3,897 that can still help by flagging :)
actually the text based 4chan forums can't be that bad, are they?
Yes they can.
okay. I'll trust you on that.
:6598 I'll help close bad things as soon as I can! More Civ V questions/answers tonight. :)
I'm kinda worried about having only 9 people who can vote to reopen
ooo possible rep for me :)
now those votes are the tricky ones
@badp you can also start a discussion on meta for cases you feel strongly about
:6611 +1
tzenes will notice Bruce accepted his suggestion
btw @badp mission accomplished I see, 3k before beta ends :)
aye aye, 3k before day 90 ended actually :)
I'ma lose my close vote. :(
:6609 Yes you and @bwarner should be on the lookout. Tonight is my Civ night with friends. I'm going to start posting any questions they ask me, and give you guys a day to come up with a better answer than mine. Sadly for my rep, you guys are pretty good at it!
A new girl in my life.... http://twitpic.com/2v6uc0
Right... "sadly for my rep"... remind me again who had the greatest rep gain since civ5 came out ;)
is it normal the first thing I saw there was the mobile? :/
:6619 Blasted websense blocking twitpic
Can you upload the pic here so I know what you're talking about?
btw @Willful Are you talking about waiting a day before accepting, or waiting a day before posting an answer?
:6621 Yeah, not a smart phone. :(
:6623 you can circumvent that with the upload button :)
Because if you have already done some research, it's best you post it right away and save us the trouble of solving an already-solved problem
:6625 That was my first phone ever!
Hmm now that I think about, the chat design will also change
I wonder if it will disconnect us
:6624 waiting to post an answer. Then I'll accept a good answer if I have nothing to add. Otherwise, beware my charts/graphs!
:6628 yes, that's odd
:6629 Oh neat. nothing wrong with that.
@badp lol - yes, an old (empty) case that has served as a child's toy and now (it seems) for the pooch.
@Willful see my above sentence though, don't make us work for nothing
At least if serious research is involved.
:6637 Oh I see yes. hmm. I want to strike the right balance.
"oh hi guys i herd expansion is like awesome can u tell me moar lol"
:6638 I see what you're saying. if the question begs serious research and I have done it, I will most definitely post it. I'm not expecting THAT many involved questions from my friends... yet.
Yes that's what I mean... but to be honest I have two questions-and-answers that require some research all ready, but I'm ashamed to post them.
Feels a lot like rep-whoring.
And yet posting only the questions without the answers feels stupid, it's asking other people to invest time into solving something I already solved
I don't understand the "feeling of rep-whoring" ... if you have good content, please share it with us
... maybe I'll open a meta question about it
we may reward you with rep if it's good stuff
@CRoss I think it's good in that it's of interest to me
dinner now, bbl with the new design ;)
Q: Should I not answer my own questions?

flamingLogosI asked a question recently, looking for examples of an online tool. Per the FAQ, I answered my own question with a few examples that I had already found. I did this so that these examples would be included in the answers, along with the rest. The question has received only down votes and insult...

I bet you've seen already but its really just fine.
Haven't seen that
Interesting. Well, gtg
be back to the new site later :)
@oak farewell.
Now I think we can only wait for the end of the world as we know it. :D
So, launching soon? It's been fun, sketchy theme :P
So, I just got here, we're launching today?
Party on the other side :-) ...
10 mins it seems
@ArdaXi Nice timing :P
:6613 I'd now withdraw my close vote, if I could. If it does become closed I'll vote to reopen
Now to stare at the mod tools one last time
so it was pointed out to me that The Gaps new logo makes them look like a software company
and now I can't unsee it
:6665 I think I'll join you
What do you mean "one last time"?
some of us are losing mod tools, for a time.
Making use of my close votes too :P
assuming rep requirements are set to what they are on webapps.
@tzenes I won't have 10k rep for a looooong time
@macha Ooh! good idea, time to go down the front page and vote to close on EVERYTHING
I was making a joke @Macha
also, I am willing to reopen this question: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/8517/…
Release dates, guessing on the future, bad.
I said as much
Why are we re-opening it?
3 reopen already?
but if he's willing to change it to: just "what information is there, and how do I find it" then I am willing to reopen it
true ...
my first re-open vote ... it feels strange
Q: Asking about upcoming game releases

Jon BIs it OK to ask for information about an upcoming game? When is Halo 4 coming out? Or is this too speculative/subjective?

If you look at the discussion @arda linked, its on a case by case basis. Since he was willing to change his question to: What information has come out pertaining to the move to beta I'm willing to say this is now a valid question
Oh, fine.
:6686 Just trying to help. :-)
So, one minute left?
I'm not sure why this was closed:
Do we get a countdown? :D
Q: Are there any Gameboy (color) emulators which have joypad support?

James.ElseyI'm looking for a Gameboy color emulator which supports Joypads, but so far I can't find one I have a logitech USB controller (looks same as PS2 / PS3 pad) and would like to use it to play old gameboy and gameboy color games I've tried these so far but no luck DreamGBC GNUBoy PlayGuy

now that I'm on a votin' spree.
Emulators are off topic, I think.
Do you want it re-opened?
and don't we have a room for this?
Q: What's the official stance on console emulation?

John RudyThe way I see it, many of us enthusiasts are probably familiar with emulation and use emulators to play classic games. (I do, I'll readily admit.) However, it's also fairly likely that many cartridge/disc/tape/etc. rips for said emulators are ... well ... not 100% legal, at least in the U.S., an...

Now that I'm on a meta-linking spray
We do, but everyone is in here to celebrate the impending launch
:6697 Segregation works counter-productively
I guess technically that question isn't restricted
but its very close to the edge
:6695 Emulators are not off topic, any more than console hardware questions.
:6701 I don't like to bore people with my list of close this today
@Cross sometimes its easier to form a lynch mob if you go to a place where a lot of people are
If chat was busier, I'd be fine with moving things off to another room. There just aren't enough of us that segregating it makes any sense.
Summarising the meta link, Basically, if it's about the emulator, it's Off topic, if it's about the game in the emulator, it's ok. Right? And that's about the emulator
talk about logo changes
:6710 it looks like a software company
Thats what I said
It does ...
Am I the only person who's not overtly bothered by this design change?
:6715 Nah
I'm not bothered
it is weird
I guess I don't care because I don't shop at the Gap
Mike Fielden
I am also not bothered
speaking of the Gap logo, here's an interesting read: drawar.com/posts/The-World-isn-t-a-Dribbble-Showcase
i shamefully participated in the debate...
So, what is our celebration music going to be? Link the youtubes
Aren't we 5 minutes overdue?
I'm sure they're working hard.
Although I'm considering trying some cache clearing soon...
No, I tried that already
I want my badge coins and spaceship.
it's beyond my control now! the tech team is handling the launch.
soon though
All the SE sites just stopped working for me for a few moments. Thought we'd launched :(
:6734 indeed
actually gaming isn't loading yet
oh, there it is.
Considers the effect of all of us banging on the server when they're trying to do stuff
Presses reload again
reopen now or "never"
Q: What are the most notable new things in Black Ops?

Koning BaardWhat are the most notable new features and things in Black Ops, not available in Modern Warfare 2 and previous CoDs? E.g. I heard you can change your outfit.

Ctrl-R Ctrl-R Ctrl-R Ctrl-R Ctrl-R Ctrl-R
> While I agree in principle, Black Ops is out in just a month or so. A lot is already know about the game, including perks and weapons, new game modes, and new features like points and character customization. – Wikwocket 19 hours ago
@badp then shouldn't it be edited to say "what is know to be different" rather than "what is notable"?
:6744 Not all things known different are worth mentioning?
like the menus, the name, the icon, ... :P
I suppose not. It still sounds to me like its inviting more speculation than sourced facts.
We're up!
it's live gents 'n gals
I wish I could put my finger on why, although you have beaten my first thought.
now i'll take your abuse on meta..
well the design is
On the one hand, I still have access, on the other, the design is borked on that page
not really
Never mind
The black header wasn't
Seemed to be a loading problem
we're still doing some settings on the server.
so give it a few mins before some oddities go away..
I haven't found the empty hearts yet...
It's a beauty
Macha: I think it's normal to have answers and question look differently
@badp The black background for the header wasn't there temporarily on the mod tools. Rendering all text there unreadable. But loaded now, so seems like a connection/cache issue of some sort
oh, okay.
Seen meta?
@Jin can you make the font darker? Light green + white = puke
@tzenes sure.
is it just me, or is the Gaming.Meta logo getting cut off?
Just you, I think
@Jin Are they not changing the rep scale right away?
@CRoss they're working on it... I'm afraid :D
:6772 me too, but I thought the logo was going to change
Is that an AT-AT in the footer? :P
@WillfulWizard do a hard refresh.
@JuanManuel shift-f5
or ctrl-f5
@CRoss what do you mean by rep scale?
or whatever the correct invocation is
@Juan @Jin, yeah I was going to start clearing caches and such.
10k for tools, 3k for edit, 2k for close, still not implemented
Meta logo is still the old one
What abilities at what rep
On short pages, like gaming.stackexchange.com/users, on 1440x900, there's a white box under the footer (not down far enough)
:6788 I did clear my cache, duh
@ArdaXi Nope, it's changed.
it's so weird
my eyes need to adjust
I was so used to the old theme :)
@Jin I don't know you're still going to have to play around with the green on white, the two colors don't go well together
The two images above should be about the same :)
I found the empty hearts!
@tzenes i'll darken it a lot.
Yeah, I love 404
do you love the captcha? :)
:6804 How do we hit that quickly? :)
oh, I have not seen the captcha yet...
:6804 I see no pictures
maybe we could sandbox then kill a question?
@ArdaXi Ctrl-f5, ctrl-r, few variations for different browsers :P
I'd like to see the number of votes in answers a little bigger
Ctrl-Shift-r is hard refresh for FF
Nice captcha
but i'll post that in meta later
and the reCAPTCHA says "no patience"
Do the captcha robots not show up for anyone else in IE7?
:6804 I love the captcha. Do we still need an error image?
that and the chat CSSSSSSSSS, I guess?
@WillfulWizard i haven't done error image for gaming and webapps. my plan is to get community's input on that.
but it will be done..
:6821 actually
Q: The site should use a Killscreen image for HTTP/500 Server Error pages

JoshAs badp proposed in chat, this site should use a killscreen image for HTTP/500 Server Error error pages:

:6824 I'm not in love with that anymore, especially with our Heart theme going on.
Maybe a broken heart?
:6826 That's our 404 image
congrats guys!
thanks @balpha
Does chat get a new design too?
are you joining here to ruin the party and crack the rep requirements back up to 11? :P
:6827 I was imagining it somehow different... I'm not sure how to describe
:6830 yes, won't be too long
please keep design feedback in the room I set up ^^
the room non-owners could migrate the last few hours there
ya we launched! that was nice surprise after a meeting
I like everything but is it just me or is the question title font little too pixelation and blocky?
Off to play L4D, bye all
chat will get a face lift too, but not as dramatic as the main site.
what are you think for the chat design?
we already have a logo in the bottom irhgt.
:6850 reread your msg. sorry.
:6854 I moved to the other chat, thanks for pointing it out
:6848 mostly just colors? I don't see a whole lot of images in chat as it is.
@WillfulWizard yeah.
:6802 click upload here, paste in the logo URL and press submit, you'll get the new logo. Then go fix your cache
F5 for your new design
for the chatroom
:6906 yes, nice
are the rep requirements cached too?
I mean, I wouldn't complain if they were kept them where they are, but it's a bit incoherent. We can afford having close at 3k, whereas other Area51 graduates I shall not name really don't
ooh new design
Mmm, I find the font for the name/rep/log out/etc. row at the top a bit small
:6934 you should either post that on meta or...
Ah, thanks
weird that we haven't had a single post about the design in the main site
it's possible a lot people are seeing cached, or half cached site
maybe... I was prepared to migrate a lot of posts to meta, but nothing
Guess I'm not playing L4D today...
Updates :(
:6960 Shame. The Sacrifice is great. (I only played the L4D2 version though)
I killed myself to save a bunch of AI teammates. A new low.
But then they all die too :P
Nope, they survived
They were in the "rescue vehicle"
So, how does The Sacrifice rate amongst the other L4D and L4D2 campaigns? I have them both. (I was playing 1 because my friend doesn't)
It's "Crash Course" length
not a lot in terms of map features
a bit bland
My favourite is the concert one on L4D2 :P
(It incorporates the exact map of The Passing too)
Me too
Still, I think that a human sacrificing himself for AI violates Asimov's laws... somehow.
Asimov didn't consider the 4th law
I was pleasantly surprised with the L4D comics
:6984 he did
I thought they were pretty well done
:6984 Identification or procreation?
The Three Laws of Robotics, often shortened to The Three Laws or Three Laws, are a set of three rules written by science fiction author Isaac Asimov and later expanded upon. These rules are built in to almost all positronic robots appearing in his fiction and cannot be bypassed. The rules are introduced in his 1942 short story Runaround although they were foreshadowed in a few earlier stories. The Three Laws of Robotics are as follows: #A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. #A robot must obey any orders given to it by human being...
> 4. A robot may injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm if it earns the human an achievement.
Anyway, the AI of L4D2 violated the first law
↑ use 'em close votes while you still have them, guys!
woot, I just got my founder badge on Area51
I wasn't active during definition :/
Congrats @Juan!
Now to work on getting commitment on the other site I'd really like: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/1623/…
I don't see the new favicon being used on the chat site or the main site, but I do see it on meta. Anyone else have this prob?
So, not at all to say that our pro-tem team hasn't been great, not at all, but are we getting elections now that we're launched or are we keeping these?
:7011 it's your cache
I've committed, but I might uncommit. Don't think I'll actually be able to participate enough, @JuanManuel
:7012 the elections will be in about 30 days
:7015 :(
One more countdown!
:7011 I had a favicon problem for a while, but if you visit the favicon url, then reload, and reload again on the main site, it is fixed.
Ah ha, thanks much @WillfulWizard
Or at least that fixed it for me.
I love seeing the little pixelated hearts open on my tabs :P
:7017 Same here, I'd love to commit but I doubt I can make the commitment
I suck at writing.
Besides, I've poured "so much" energy in Gaming it'll be quite some time before I commit to anything else.
I wish I had ownership here, for lack of anything better I'll add the moderator elections event to some other room
:7028 I guess it's fine to make you owner here

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