And the other thing about Enter the Gungeon, with the exception of the one gun whose description literally tells you that it's the worst gun in the game (the Klobb I think it is), you don't necessarily know how terrible a weapon is against a boss.
So far all I've been able to do is cry as everything comes out looking like it went through a cheese grater. Are there any tutorials to put me on the right track?
@Yuuki I don't really like celebrating my birthday either tbh
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Wouldn't this go against the whole Anonymous thing? Then again I dunno, never participated in any of those, maybe there is a market for it
I remember my freshman comp-sci class. A guy who walked around and gave everyone a burned copy of Slackware saying, "Get rid of Windows from your PCs now, it is a cancer and you will not get a good job by using it."
but honestly if you're learning to develop in C, Linux is by-and-large the better choice for actual technical reasons, including strace, man, and, well, the kernel itself being written in C.
I think the professor just didn't want to have to evaluate the code for the possible behavior differences in compilers and slightly different code between the two.
I recently bought a Steam Controller and it works very well with all the Steam games and features. Some days ago I bought FIFA16 and, as you probably know, it is an EA game accessible only by Origin.
I'm really struggling trying to get the steam controller to work properly with FIFA16. I alredy ...
Slackware man demanded he be allowed to write his game project in C. They did not finish the course because he insisted his team write their own graphics calls and not use an established set.
My team of 4 planned a dirt simple top-down shooter. Guy with the mac, you're our sound and music guy. 3.9 GPA guy, you're writing our badguy AI. I dug up our sprites from free-to-use sourceable sites and made some from scratch. Our fourth guy did code patchwork so all our parts fit together.
So, the counter offer was supposed to be here by 5 today, but they had four people listed as sellers, but two of them are in New Brunswick (at best 2 hours away by car), so they have to sign electronically, but apparently that didn't happen.
Slackware dude definitely sounds like the kind of guy who may be talented at what he does but will get nowhere because he's not practical and nobody wants to work with him.
My assembler professor stopped his lecture one day. We had three chalkboards. "Everyone, stop for just a moment. I need to try this." And he started writing on the boards.
By the end of my degree, I thought I was good. I knew some COBOL, I knew VB.NET, I knew Java 5, I knew enough C++ to read what a block was trying to do, and I could model simple office departments in SQL databases.
First job? "So we need you to maintain these macro heavy Access 2000 databases."
My 3DS got wet and I'll have to wait until the end of the month to get it fixed due to money issues, meanwhile the Legendary Pokemon distribution event is going on and soon the codes for the Legendary birds will be distributed, and I really want to get those Pokemon.
Can I use my friend's 3DS to...
After a year I almost lost my mind there after they moved me over to their VB.Net 1.1 apps which had been freshly rewritten to not use VB6 and ADO calls.
I check out the VB.NET powered ASP.NET site from the repo, try and do a build... It doesn't build.. huh. "Oh yeah, no that doesn't work. Just open the live set in production and do edits. It won't build but what's out there runs. It won't compile because I spliced in my PHP calls in the headers, but it's better that way."
"So this 4 page string variable, what's this?" "Oh, that's the SQL call that gets passed through to oracle." "But there's too many quotes." "Oh, yeah, three layers of escape characters for all the stuff it has to pass through."
"This is vulnerable to simple injection attacks." "Yeah, you shouldn't say that. Security through obscurity you know."
@Dragonrage I'm just like, "Here's the pages and pages of documents where I said this was a bad thing and it should be fixed. You ain't blaming me for this."
@Chippies "pay us X bitcoins or we're going to ddos you" "umm, nope." deadline passes... no increase in traffic ... a week later "how did you like that ddos?"
First thing's first, an example: Identify these video game characters and items from the Crash Course Games backdrop
I've noticed a few of these questions being posted recently. Is there any reason to take action against them?
The shininess of a pokemon is determined by a formula that includes the trainer id and secret id,of the user in the games, along with the personality value of the pokemon.
Since doing a soft reset to get a shiny starter pokemon, you are only reseting the personality value of pokemon, you're onl...
I'm getting a lot of low quality - awful, shoddy, etc items in my storage areas and I don't know how to get rid of them or destroy them. I could move them to another area, but that doesn't really solve the problem.
I am studying German at the moment, and my language on my Xbox 360 is set to it, to pick up a bit while playing games. This works well with non-dialog-heavy games, because it's easy enough to figure out what something means.
However, I'm playing the campaign of Just Cause 2, and someone will oft...