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@badp Thanks
You guys suck
Except @Unionhawk
@Unionhawk is my only friend now
And @badp. I still like @badp.
@fredley is cool too I guess
I guess I just hate @Sterno and @MadMAxJr.
I am the second worst.
@MadMAxJr I'm not sure if I'm off by an hour, or if Steam just rounds down
@MadMAxJr there's a loooong way from second worst to terriworstest
Oh, I'm off by an hour. Well, this is great. It means I can do this:
@Wipqozn 6 hours
@badp is the keeper of all things "The worst"
@Sterno I hope your daughter takes a crap on your PC
I'm going to make my wife give the kids a bath tonight so that I have 25 uninterrupted minutes to take screenshots of the start menu screen and taunt @Wipqozn
@Wipqozn That would delay me, at best, 10 minutes. I am a parent. Cleaning up crap is what I do.
I'll just avoid chat tonight
As soon as it hits my PC is going off
I'm not going to get any sleep tonight
I'll have your mom hand deliver some printed out screenshots
And I'll be up all night thinking of @Sterno
Star bait granted.
Get a room, you two
I may not have souls, but at least I have stars
Dark Stars
I guess I'd better unstar it so that you have no comfort at all.
Zeus damn it
I'll never be happy again
According to the note, it says it deploys at 5PM CST.
@PrivatePansy Only if your mom is there too
Until 7am tomorrow, + travel time
So that's when I'm hoping for it
@Sterno I live 1 minute away from the store.
I plan to be there for the mmoment the doors open
Dark Stars sounds like an attempt at Mario Souls
@Wipqozn She doesn't stay up all night thinking about you, so no
~ Koopa Kid Soul Obtained ~
Just stand in line at Gamestop for a few hours. Apparently they're doing a midnight release.
Why not just get digital?
He hates technology.
So he'll be playing Dark Souls 3 via cave paintings?
Oh crap. I just realized I haven't done the Painted World yet...
Painted World isn't required.
Unless you really want the Dark Ember.
I don't. And I'd rather not kill Priscilla... So I'll probably skip it.
You're not required to kill her. She'll actually insist you leave as you don't belong there.
There is some loot there of interest.
@twobugs I'm considering it, but I'm going to PS4, and I'm still leery of full games on consoles digital platforms.
I got stuck there on something quite dumb.
@Wipqozn Why?
There's an undead dragon thing on the bridge. It tears itself in half and the front half chases you. That's fine. Kill it. Rear half sits on the bridge, blocking you.
I buy tons of digital games on PS4 and it works fine
Turns out only a forward-R2 attack will make that rear half move so you can get past
My greatest hope is that @Wipqozn buys it digitally, finds that it is downloading painfully slow and can't play it until after he could have gotten a physical copy.
My second greatest hope is that my children lead happy and successful lives.
@MadMAxJr I know. But I'd feel compelled to anyway, for a chance at the dagger. Her tail is hard to hit though.
Plus you could start preloading it now
@Wipqozn Have you decided if you're going Deprived?
@Fluttershy She's part dragon. Ponies like dragons. You're not obligated to hurt her.
@Sterno That's part of my concenr. That PSN goes down too. I've got fibreop, so I trust I could DL it in time buuuut PSN
@Sterno I'm not a coward
I've never had a problem preloading a game through PSN
Plus you could have bought it ages ago and been preloading already!
@twobugs You've never been faced with the prospect of nonstop mockery from me if it fails, though.
I bet you feel like quite the fool
True, I'm more used to constant, nonstop mockery from everyone
@Ronan heard there was mockery occurring and had to join in
@MadMAxJr Plus her lore is pretty tragic. It's the same reason I don't like killing Sif. :(
If you start remotely preloading, @Wipqozn, let me know so I can run home and start sending you 10000 PSN messages with screenshots and fill up your hard drive
Sif doesn't give you a choice.
@Fluttershy This games have made me a monster. I was just egged on to kill a scorpion lady and then kill her husband
Granted it was by someone in my stream
@twobugs I didn't hear it, I just saw you and assumed there would be.
I assume in the Dark Souls world all pets can use weapons.
Housecats with great hammers, etc.
@MadMAxJr This is a part I don't like in many games. You want to die? Fine. Here's a knife; cut your own throat. Else I'm making you my prisoner, thanks.
good morning bridge
@MartinSojka No game is gonna ever have total player freedom. Too long to develop and if it's online, people will ruin everything without fail.
Limited action and choice is the only way to go. But if you have enough interesting choices, people won't mind.
@Dragonrage mornin
@MadMAxJr I think that for any significant fight, there should at least be the option to decide the fate of the losers if you win. Even if it has no further mechanical or in-story significance.
The interesting thing about Dark Souls is that, by game lore, not playing anymore is its own ending.
Your character has essentially turned Hollow after you have given up on your quest.
The ending makes it feel like an NES game. YOU WON. GOOD JOB. Title Screen
It just bugs me when you can't only do Bad Thing and then the game berates you for doing Bad Thing
Especially if it's berating You, The Player and not the character
Cough SPEC OPS cough
Q: Transferring Xbox rewards

PaulWe currently have 10,000 rewards points from the past. Just set the account up but the points have not transferred. How do we do this?

@twobugs Well, the game doesn't really berate you for killing Sif so there's that.
Yeah. It's just sad
@Sterno :(
@twobugs That's how I was my first time through. Quelaag's sister? Dead. Anor Londo fire keeper? Dead. Guy who absolves you? Dead. Undead merchant? Dead. Etc., etc. I feel like karma caught up to me when I glitched through a floor after taking damage and having all of my gear break, though. And then my save file corrupting..
RIP. That's brutal
TIL @Fluttershy is a psychopath.
@twobugs By the Scorpion Lady, you mean the boss, right? You definitely have to kill her
Her husband helps you out though if you free him.
You just have to talk to him, as far as I remember
@Fluttershy Sounds fair tome!
@Yuuki Right, but I was told to kill him after
Oh well
Yeah, I don't think he drops anything that he wouldn't just give you
He doesn't, but one of my viewers insisted I kill him
It was this nice guy who has been giving me advice so I felt compelled to kill the horrible scorpion man
Oh well. I'm a monster.
I'm not as bad as @Fluttershy though who apparently kills every single person ever
I want to know who else is buying the shopkeepers' things in Dark Souls games
Because as far as I can tell, it's pretty much me, some shopkeepers, and a bunch of murderous lunatics and monsters
I think I only ever killed one NPC in Dark Souls who didn't attack me first. There was a guy in a barrel in DS1 who I accidentally attacked because I didn't know he was there
I killed the guy in front of Quelagg's sister because he looks EXACTLY THE SAME as all the other gross dudes
And I killed Patches in Bloodborne because he is blocking a door and looks like an enemy (He's a spider with a dude's head)
When I killed him he had some really funny dialogue like "Ah.... ya killed me, mate..."
I was mostly greedy and wanted fire keeper souls, so I killed anyone who I thought would drop one. This time around, though, I only killed the Undead merchant and Lautrec.
I didn't really kill anyone who didn't advance towards me first. Which kinda bit me in the ass when it came to Lautrec and Petrus.
I enjoyed hunting Lautrec
Oh I killed Yurt in Demon's but that's a good idea because he is basically @Fluttershy
@Sterno I buy stuff from shopkeepers. I certainly don't kill them, since I'm not a monster.
I did kill Solaire on my first playthrough though. He aggro'd on anor londo somehow, and so I had to put him down.
I felt like a monster.
I spawned at a bonfire and he just started attacking me
Lautrec taught me an important lesson. Shotels ignore half of shields.
@Wipqozn Kill The Sun!
No. SUnbros rock.
I saved Solaire and it was everything I hoped it would be.
I alays go sunbro, since sunbros are cool
Lautrec taught me an important lesson too. How to kick people off of ledges.
I joined the Solaire covenant in DS2 because co-op is cool but I did it ironically because I fucking hate that shitty forced meme
In DS2, I'm in the 'People are jerks, we stop jerks' covenant.
Ah, the Blue Sentinels?
@MadMAxJr I'm gonna summon him for Gwyn, I think. Since I suck at parrying.
I'm bad at PVP or I would do that
i need a vacation.
@Fluttershy Exactly why I did that
Blue Sentinels, yes.
yayyy blue phantom save meeee
I got summoned in the rat king area and the guy tried to kill me on a ladder but I snuck around and pushed him off a ledge. Get wrecked, loser!
@twobugs Do u even praise the sun, bro?
The only thing I miss from school is having breaks.
@Fluttershy STOP
Every time I encounter one of those messages I groan really audibly on stream. At least, I assume it's audible.
I need to express my disapproval in a very vocal way
Q: Is there ever a reason not to fuse your equipment?

ChaseCI've been finding a lot of equipment that are not as good as what I'm currently using. Gald also doesn't seem to be an issue. Is there ever a reason not to go ahead and fuse the equipment together to upgrade the equipment's stats?

Insult the moon. /[ʇ]\
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
So I'm not being crazy, there is something going on with online stuff on Dark Souls.
In that it's not happening at all.
There's some kind of technical issue that they need to change in the configs on their end.
@twobugs It's not forced at all. IT's awesome.
Sunbros rock
It's as bad as The Cake is a Lie xD
If you hate sunbros then you must also hate the sun, which is the source of all life, and life is the source of chocolate, so that means you hte chocolate
Also rainbows
I'm fine with the phrase but it's every other message I encounter
@Wipqozn Someone just hasn't engaged jolly cooperation.
How to annoy @twobugs: 1) \[T]/ PRAISE THE SUN \[T]/
Goddangit hang on
You people are awful
You're going to turn me into a supervillain
@twobugs And then you can search for your own sun!
And be so grossly incandescent!
@twobugs I believe the awfulness of the Bridge has been firmly established for quite some time.
I'm going to destroy the Sun just to prove a point
@twobugs Yeah, but you already knew that
@twobugs That would be fantastic
All your superpowers could be bug themed
I almost had a heart attack when I saw this article about Dark Souls 3 screenshots
Your nemesis could be THE EXTERMINATOR
It was "Hot Diggity Damn Have These New Dark Souls 3 Screenshots Got Me Praising The Sun!"
That was a real article someone wrote and then I killed them
> "So Zeus and a necromancer fought some dragons because... they had a disagreement over the land of giant tree stumps or something. And then the furtive pygmy, which would be an awesome band name and that's the only reason I remember it, took some fire, or something, and so humans are cursed to turn into the undead.
So you're a guy who's in jail because it's against the law to be a zombie... even though everyone is a zombie, technically, I think? And you're like, I'm breaking out of this shit because roof man gave me a key. So you escape and find out from some random dude that you need to
I can't wait for @twobugs to give an evil monologue
> Except you really don't. It just opens a door to a snake temple and you fight a man made of rocks and go to some kind of other city where everyone is 12 feet tall and sleeps in their armor. And... somewhere along the line a snake guy tells you that you need to go kill some bosses to light a fire and open a door to go fight Gwynn... because I guess he's bad at his job and you're supposed to replace him, I think?
So you do that, and then you relight the fire, and I think you become the new Firelord or something. But you're still a zombie. I think."
Dark Souls lore done quick.
If only I could be so grossly incandescent.
@Wipqozn Dude, guess what?
I can't wait to preload Dark Souls 3 and start playing before @Wipqozn does.
I'll send him messages while I am IN GAME DARK SOULS 3
I'll leave my computer on all day at the menu so I can send him messages 24/7 like that
I'm so smart
@MadMAxJr How does this work? Do you get a pop-up saying that someone has invaded another player?
uuugh so microsoft decided to pull my internal beta, not available to public.
@Fluttershy I think if you have the ring equipped it automatically summons you to protect them
Notes To Developer:
The app icon is a generic icon. Icons must prominently distinguish informational apps such as guides and tutorials from functional apps.
I don't want to rebuild just to get unity logo off :/
@Fluttershy It doesn't need the ring. If you get invaded, you may have a blue sentinel jump into your game to assist you.
I think it prioritizes helping people who are in the Covenant of the Meek or whatever?
Basically people who don't want to pvp
Although pvp is basically completely optional in 2
Unless some jerk pops a red orb and is invading you then it's mandatory you deal with it
@Sterno 5 hours?
@MadMAxJr I don't think this can happen under normal circumstances? Don't you have to have the bonfire debuff for that to happen?
Burning an effigy turns /off/ invasions for a time.
@MadMAxJr Are the blue sentinels NPCs, or actual players?
A time that stops ticking when you leave the zone!
Blue sentinels are players
Way of the Blue members are the defended
@Wipqozn You're well trained
Huh. Well I only got actually invaded once
He's the SIGH fellow up by the world death counter.
The blue sentinel guy is up in the cathedral of blue
Which I assume is up past that AUGH DRAGON and FFFF WHY IS OREINSTEIN BACK.
@MadMAxJr So they run the risk of randomly being pulled into other people's world's, then?
I believe that is how it works. Checking on my mobile since work network is all THATS A GAME. BLOCKED.
Yeah, Blue Sentinels have to wear the guardian's seal ring. Way of the Blue members don't have to wear their ring
And Blue Sentinels can only invade to rescue when human.
fuck it
I'm buying digital
I hate you @Sterno
Aw, cute. They get a red eye above their head and the only thing they can do is kill the invader.
It looks like it releases earlier on steam? That's bullshit
Being killed when invaded isn't that bad anyway. I just died next to a bonfire and immediately respawned and grabbed my souls again
(No, it wasn't one of the 100 NPC invasions)
wait what, no
well decision out of my hands
@Wipqozn 5 hours!
console unlock is minight est
Why do people find hate interesting?
> Release Date Console: Apr 12, 12am (Your TZ) Steam: Apr 11, 6pm EDT
what, that's dumb
All hate does is ruin our starlist.
man fuck consoles
This went pretty much the best possible way it could for me.
Anyone else getting a tax refund this year?
This is the worst thing to ever happen to me
@Wipqozn Wait, are you buying DS3 for console?
Maybe I'll just buy it on PC, play for 2 hours, then steam refund it
@MBraedley Yes. I always go sony for soiuls games.
Especially since my computer chair is broken, so I can't lean back
But, PC!
also too lazy to hook up PC to big screen
PC is always better!
@Wipqozn Have fun with the 17 gig install.
You have time to buy a new chair in the next 4.75 hours
I wonder if my PC would even run it
or how well a PS4 controller works with PC
There are excellent PS4 controller drivers for PC
If your PC is on, you could probably start installing it right now, and it'd be done by the time you got home.
well not going digital console
@Wipqozn Tuesday retail releases!
I look forward to picking up Dark Souls 3 on sale. Due to Overwatch, I won't be able to afford any new games any time soon.
> This game will unlock in approximately 5 hours
Man I'm not sure what I'm going to do now
I really have no idea
I wonder if my PC could run it
I assue so
Altohugh I have had infrequent issues withmy PC
What's your video card?
@Sterno It's about to be the business card scene from American Psycho with each iteration of Dark Souls on the business cards.
I feel like Darth Vader and @Sterno is Palpatine
That should be my build
@Wipqozn is that guy who gets choked in ANH
@MadMAxJr Radeon R9 280 3GB
Raedon. I dunno how to measure those.
Good luck!
Q: How to see if the chest been empty by the player - Minecraft

Guest1234567I would like to make a command that check if a chests have been emptied by the player and when its empty it does the command /setblock x y z

No. I can wait a bit longer.
But all those extra hours
I wonder how the PC port even is
I'm always owrried about souls PC ports
@Sterno Wow, I just beat the Leaf Temple in DS3 and I have to say, I didn't expect Super Mario to be a playable character
@Wipqozn Better than the console version, at least the pre-patched console version which ran at like 15fps
At the very least the community will eventually fix everything From Soft is too incompetent to do
Sooo bridge, I have a physical prepaid CC but the CC provider now allows virtual cards (I can still put money in them with ATMs). Considering my current card ends in 6 months, should I swit- it supports tap to pay, switching.
oh what to do
Maybe I'll just PC buy
Woo, made it to level 3 in Gungeon for the first time. Promptly got murdered once I was there, but it was still a satisfying run.
@Wipqozn get PC.
and if it runs like crap just refund and go PS4
Also, I learned that the ammo drop for the marine guy is one time, once, unlike many other active items.
If it is bad, you can always refund it.
From what I've read there's a day 1 patch planned which will address many of the performance issues on console
I'll just move my PC into the living room
oh shit but then I'll nee long enough cords
@Wipqozn What you need is an HTPC that's capable of Steam in-house streaming from your main PC.
@StrixVaria I learned this the hard way, too. :( By accidentally using it in a moment of panic during a boss.
@StrixVaria there are actually quite a few one-time-use actives. That's just the only one that a character starts with
I had no gun but the base gun.
@murgatroid99 Good to know.
I think there are at least a couple of healing items, and as far as I've seen, they're also one-time-use items
I can buy a long cable for $15
@Wipqozn Odds if you accidentally setting your house on fire are increasing. I approve.
ugh, who thought it would be a good idea to save one logfile per minute into the same folder for the past year?
@MBraedley Yes
half a million files to delete
@GodEmperorDune Your mom?
rolling logs ftw
@GodEmperorDune B-but... big data!
@Wipqozn This is what your old PC should have become
windows does not like having half a million files in a single folder
@twobugs don't get me started on the people who are trying to build a relational model in nosql
"because mongo is so much more scalable than a regular DB"
Also, because Mongo like candy.
Hmm... Not sure how many people would get that reference. @Sterno, surely, but not sure of anyone else.
i think what they are doing is storing all the data separately, then doing set operations at the application layer
because that's much more efficient than a SQL join
@Wipqozn So basically this chart proves with science I'm better than you (by virtue of GPU)?
@Sterno Yes
@GodEmperorDune Did you ever see that legendary answer about "Joins are just a Cartesian product with lip gloss" or whatever?
I should probably just buy a new GPU on the way home
like a crazy person
so I can get them sweet 60 FPS
@twobugs no i don't remember that
Oh it's good, some guy got really mad at a ridiculous comment someone made and laid down the law
@Wipqozn Might as well get a 4k monitor to go with it
Probably a new chair too
@twobugs is it on SO?
oky I need to get back to work too
And, really, a house to put all that stuff in
Pretty sure it's on SO
@Sterno I just want to paly on my big screen more than anything
It's pretty old
@twobugs dis gun be gud
I wonder if using community wiki to explicitly destroy someone makes it better or worse
It's actually a great answer because rather than berating the commenter it goes into a lot of detail about why that's a bad attitude
I'm not sure using community wiki to destroy anything is a good idea.
> This is the premise behind data warehouses, or at least it is when they're built by people who know why they're doing what they're doing, and not just for the sake of buzzword compliance.
@MadMAxJr it might have gone community wiki because of too many edits
back when auto-CW was a thing
in fact the auto-CW is exactly what happened
Too many edits on the dance floor.
@Wipqozn My GPU is the last one in the list. :(
I need to let my daughter play a few minutes of Dark Soul 3 tonight, just so I can say she did it before @Wipqozn did
Wow, discount works on the PC digital downloads. Good discount, too bad I don't want the game.
Yeah, that'd be a cool discount if I wasn't Fry Cry'd out for the forseeable future

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