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@Fluttershy I've never wanted a taco salad more in my entire life.
@Sterno I'm making some this weekend!
I think I'm actually having some tonight, now that I think of it! My wife was planning on make that. SCORE
Of course, my taco salad will be wrapped in delicious tortilla shells, and is more traditionally known as "tacos", but I'll take it
@Sterno Doritos Nachos as the bed is best salad.
Oh no @Frank and @Sterno agree on taco salad. SOUND THE ALARMS
That sounds terrible but I'll withhold judgment until I try it
But I fully expect to disagree with @fbueckert about tacos, too
Oh good
You're talking about the Nacho flavored ones, right?
@Unionhawk urmom is good enough, anyway
@Sterno Yes.
But then, I like my food cheesy.
So, to each their own.
I like my food cheesy, but that's not cheese!
Still, I could see it maybe working. Maybe.
This sounds suspiciously like a Lifehack
I mean, Taco Bell made a dorritos taco
fajitas > tacos
So a dorritos taco salad is either the precursor or the next logical conclusion
@Sterno Pfft.
there's only one r in Doritos™
That's how you make taco salad.
Not a lifehack at all.
I can't trust the opinion of someone who like poutine.
Come live in -40 weather, and decide poutine doesn't work.
I don't like poutine that much
I bet you pronounce it wrong though
hello @Noctrine, i dont think ive seen you around before
Hold on, wait a minute, what
Is poutine more tasty in the cold for some reason?
@Unionhawk It's heavy. Very heavy.
@GnomeSlice you put the pout in poutine
@Dragonrage I'm a habitual lurker.
@Frank is that in Fahrenheit or Celsius?
@Noctrine well hi @modlurker
@Dragonrage It doesn't matter. :P
@Unionhawk About rolls being thrown at your head? Yes.
@Unionhawk No
Plus you dont eat outside when it's -40 anyway
@Frank thatsthejoke.png
@Noctrine so does that mean i have finally exposed you?
@Dragonrage Depending on your perspective. I used to be around more before becoming a mod (before gamedev was a site) and the bridge has been in my favorite (autojoin) channels list forever.
@GnomeSlice "It's pronounced yay-roc, randees"
Something just caused me to get signed out :p
@Noctrine i dont think the bridge has been around for forever, but welcome back
@GnomeSlice I mean, I feel like @Frank might just to prove how much more Canadian he is than all the Americans in the room, that is to say 100% more
By definition
In fact, exactly 2010 since 1 day earlier is the first day of The Bridge
@Noctrine july 14, 2010
apparently the first person to post a message here was a @Downvoter
Which makes July 14 both Republic Day in Iraq and Bridge Day (and probably "first day of SE chat") on SE
Yeah, before that it was chat.meta.so (now chat.meta.se)
On July 14, 2010, the world was forever changed.
@MBraedley this is so much better than when @uni posted it
20 secs ago, by GodEmperorDune
@MBraedley this is so much better than when @uni posted it
@Sterno I cried. all day.
Not starred, wasn't in the currently loaded chat messages, therefore doesn't exist
Remember, if you want a message starred, repost something that someone else has already posted.
Also, I'm definitely going deprived now. Getting hyped for starting with nothing and seeing how it goes.
Remember, if you want a message starred, repost something that someone else has already posted.
I suppose my correct course of action is to sit and say nothing so you all think I care?
@SaintWacko if you give it like a 4 hour window, it works better
I mean
Q: on minecraft i pressed F3 for the xyz co-ordinates but didnt work any ideas how to get them up

MoosekillerI have also tried the fn+f3 still didn't work. I also don't have a fn lock key any ideas on how to get the co-ordinates up

@GnomeSlice Is not "Poo-teen"? Because that might explain why it sounds so unappetizing to me
I thought that was it
Man. Bound by Flame is cool but I hate talking to NPCs when there is no "advance dialogue" option (or if there is I don't know the keybinding)
They talk so slowly!
@twobugs You know what's better than that game I've never heard of until today and know nothing about? Dark Souls 2. You should totally go back to that.
You might be right
Man, games need to stop thinking that they all need a crafting system.
People really life crafting systems. They can be okay in some games but just dumb in others
I don't think it really helped Fallout 4 IMO
the crafting system in factorio is great
when are you going to stream it @twobugs?
Which game? I'll stream later tonight I think. Headed to the gym soon
You know what really needs a crafting system? Cities: Skylines
> It is at least interesting though, partly because of itself and partly despite. Imagine your fourteen-year old self writing something like The Witcher 2, and you’ll likely have a feel for how it all plays out, from a soldier main character far more devoted to snark than world saving, and NPC companions like The Knight Who Talks In The Third Person and Boobs the Witch.
Yeah, it's silly. It's a pretty neat lower budget game and it's by a studio I really like so /shrug
> So much player dialogue is given over to lines like “Hey, did anybody see what I just did to that huge fucking monster? I mean, seriously? I fried that thing! I saved our asses, and you’re all just, ‘Hey, what’s for lunch?'” These are actual words said by our hero, a veteran soldier in the middle of a brutal war against the living dead.
No, seriously, I'm cool with that second quote. That one's a positive for me
@Sterno what game is that?
@Dragonrage Bound by Flame
Hahahahahaha twitch chat recording is great
You get to see chat freak out in real time
> you need two turnips in heat
> no ricky, the expression is to "turn up the heat"
Q: I downloaded forge and it wants me to open it in a app

Icy Alpacai got a new computer and tried downloading forge. it downloads and then asks how i would like to open this file via notepad, internet explorer, winrar and many other apps, i am on a alienware 17 with windows ten.

@Lazers2.0 do you even computer?
@Lazers2.0 Doesn't forge have instructions so that people don't end up in this state?
And I realized halfway through typing that that I actually expect people to read instructions for things they want to use
It does yes, in fact these days it's an installer iirc
Yeah, there's an installer
I just installed it the other day
It's ridiculously easy
It's a fucking exe
Are you serious
Back in my day
shakes cane
I use MultiMC and there's literally a button just for installing Forge.
Q: Why can't I use a Robot Workbench at Boston Airport Ruins? [Automatron]

Alan H.Last weekend, after running through the Automatron DLC, I discovered the Boston Airport Ruins location in Fallout 4 and built a Robot Workbench there. However, after building it (and leaving Workshop Mode), I found that of the two options, Build (A button on Xbox) and Transfer (X button), only T...

Well, I got up to level 25 in The Division before getting bored and (apparently) stopping playing it
I should probably power through the last few hours so that I can say I "beat" it.
But bleh
@badp keeper megasatan is waaaay easier than lost megasatan. fuck getting angelrooms forever.
So I have a question. I don't think it's a good question for the site (mainly because there's probably no good SE-format answer), but I'd like to discuss it with SE-type people.
And it's been asked before - in a form, but I have a different take. So here goes...
"Why can't I download the downloadable games that I bought on my PS3, onto my new PS4?" Now, I know a common answer to this is about "backwards-compatibility" - the PS4 doesn't have quite enough processing power to emulate a PS3 (and they didn't throw the necessary hardware in there to enable it). But I'm not talking about emulating PS3 software.
I'm talking about when there already exists a downloadable PS4 version of the same game.
@DanHenderson Because Sony said so.
@DanHenderson so, you're asking why can't you download this ps4 game?
or why can't you download a ps3 game that also happens to have a ps4 version?
Not sure what you're expecting us to say; you bought one version.
You mean something like "I had Diablo 3 digital for PS3, so why won't they give me the PS4 version on my PS4"?
In other words, I have bought a PS3 game through the PSN, so I ought to also be able to download the PS4 one
You didn't buy the PS4 one.
@DanHenderson well, you bought one version instead of the other. That's all there is to it
@DanHenderson From your point of view, they're the same game. From Sony's point of view, they're not the same game.
It would certainly be cool if they did that. As for why they don't, I'm guessing the answer is "they want to make more money".
The difference is that the latter makes more money for Sony.
@Sterno this.
@Yuuki and sometimes (most of the time) it's not the same game in the sense that it's been improved
and improvements cost money
Q: cant hear any sound on True skate on ios

Cameron.COn my ipad 3 I am playing True Skate and I cant seem to hear any sound come from the game but other games I can hear sound. I have reinstaled the game and i have checked all settings. Anybody know any answers or is it a bug in the game.

So yeah, I know it's not really a "question" per se
also porting from one system to another costs money
if you could buy a ps3 game and t hen own the ps4 game as well, there would be very little financial reason to port the game from ps3 to ps4
Ok well here's an example - the FFX HD remaster.
Someone had to get paid to remaster it.
I'm pretty sure that there's not any "improvements" between the PS3 and PS4 versions of that game
Pretty sure the PS4 version of that has better texturing.
And they had to port the codebase to work on the PS4.
@DanHenderson FFX HD Remaster
@DanHenderson porting is a lot of work as well, especially between previous gen consoles and current gen
@Yuuki I assume there's an HD Remaster on Ps3 as well? At least I think that's his point
@Yuuki He's arguing there's no difference between the PS3 and PS4 versions.
And there definitely is; the PS4 version had a nasty RNG bug that made it impossible to get into random encounters.
@Frank lol
That's why you pay for it; so shit like that don't happen.
It's somewhat analogous to Steam offering you a game for both PC and Mac if you buy either one. Which is cool. However, it's also somewhat analogous to owning the original Day of the Tentacle and expecting the remade Day of the Tentacle for free. Which almost no company will do (though some will offer discounts)
Ok, well I guess from a different angle - I think it'd be a good selling point for the PS4 if they said "oh, yeah, any digital games that you bought from the PlayStation Store, that are available for download to both PS3 and PS4, you own them both."
I mean, the first part is like saying the PS3 and the PS4 are like PC and Mac which is clearly not the case
@DanHenderson It would be.
@DanHenderson but who's gonna pay for porting them?
the dev? Sony?
They're not parallel platforms
Doesn't look like Sony thinks they need the sales, though.
They are sequential platforms
@Unionhawk I was using it as an example for when the game has changed very little on the surface, if at all, and it's all based on the backend and what OS (or platform) the game is running on
Compare Nintendo
ps3 and ps4 use completely different architecture
Wii could play Gamecube games (right off the disk, no less).
Wii U can play Wii games (but not GC, I believe)
@DanHenderson Wii could play GC games, not the GC to Wii ports of the GC games from the disk
@DanHenderson How many more units do you seriously think they'd ship if they did that. The kind of person who wants that kind of free portability probably already has both consoles.
Anyway, you're right. This would have been a terrible question for the site. :)
@DanHenderson Heh. Funny you should mention that...
Wii had the hardware inside it to run GC games, WiiU has the hardware to run Wii games
It's not as strong a selling point as you think it is.
PS4 does not include PS3 hardware
You have to buy a game for every single platform from Nintendo.
For 3DS, for Wii, and Wii U.
If they come out on all platforms, you're shelling out for each one.
Of course, the drawback for Nintendo is that they just don't have very many quality third-party titles
compared to PS and Xbox
@Frank Why? Can you not buy just the gamecube version of TP?
Is that not an option?
@Unionhawk Virtual Console, I mean.
Sorry, forgot to mention that.
Physical disks are totally fine.
I was going to sit here and tell you how wrong you were about how choices work
Digital, no chance at all.
@Frank wait, wii console games can't be played on wii u console?
@badp In the Wii mode on the Wii U console, I think they can. Not 100% sure of that.
Nope, the Wii U virtual console library excludes some games on the Wii VC library even
Which is even funnier
Unless you have a physical disk.
In which case you're golden.
Yet another reason why I prefer physical copies.
But then again, retail sales of games is awful and I'm still salty at Wal-Mart
@Unionhawk why would you go to wal mart in the first place?
I mean, for game sales, hindsight is 20-20, you're right
For other stuff though, solid meh
@twobugs Are you going to let that comment about the Wii U's game catalog just slide, man? COME ON
@DanHenderson Depends on how you define "first-party". Fire Emblem and Pokemon are third-party, right?
ermmm, hmm
@Unionhawk solid meh for all their business practices? you truly are the worst, @uni
I would consider Pokemon first party honestly (though I might be wrong)
I mean, you're right, but on the other hand, they're close and they sell everything
Including the souls of everyone who works there
@DanHenderson Developed by Game Freak, not Nintendo.
Fire Emblem is Intelligent Studios, IIRC.
@Yuuki Sounds right.
They were in danger of shutting down, pre-Awakening.
Intelligent Systems, actually.
They also did CODENAME: STEAM, IIRC.
@Yuuki But Nintendo is the publisher
Etrian Odyssey is a solid turn-based dungeon crawler.
@Unionhawk this is why we can't have nice things
And the new Persona game is going to be on the Wii U, isn't it?
Very much so
@DanHenderson First/third-party refers to the developer, not the publisher.
@Yuuki Ok so actually it turns out that Pokemon is second-party
Nintendo doesn't have a weak line of third-party games so much as their first-party line is so much stronger than the other console makers.
@Yuuki Hmm, well put!
starring a good point that's not funny ? what is the bridge coming to?!
@PrivatePansy wut
that is outrageous
@GodEmperorDune The end of the world, I guess
truly outrageous
Problem is that their first-party line isn't necessarily quite broad enough to drive me to shell out for each console generation
Also, I haven't seen a worthwhile Square title on a Nintendo system in decades.
The Bravely series is nice
> I haven't seen a worthwhile Square title on a Nintendo system in decades.
@Yuuki Mana series?
Chrono Trigger?
Both of which were on Nintendo systems? And also, technically "decades" could be from 1996 and on.
Unless you use the plural for a single decade, in which case Square stopped being Square in 2003.
@PrivatePansy I don't get it
So Dagger and Coin series is complete.
Ok maybe I exaggerated with "decades". But by "Square" I meant Square/Squaresoft/Square Enix
@GnomeSlice Reference to:
Gotta say, I was really disappointed by the final book. It did wrap everything up nicely in the end, but there just wasn't enough going on to keep it interesting. Until you get to the last 100 pages nothing is happening, including character development. In fact only one character goes through any major development. Gotta say, although it would have taken major editing, the series should have just wrapped itself up in four books, because there just wasn't enough material for a fifth.
My trust in Randall Munroe has been damaged severely by the realization that he supported Ron Paul and likes the taste of Cadbury Creme Eggs.
@Yuuki cadbury creme eggs are delicious
How can you not like Cadbury Creme Eggs?
@DanHenderson they look bloody awful
ron paul... well... its the internet so libertarians are kinda a given
My bloodstream is not already composed of sugar so the systemic shock is pretty bad.
@Yuuki see also the people turning their back onto John Oliver as soon as he disagrees with you on your pet issue
@GodEmperorDune they're not that delicious
some things are bad enough to other senses you do not need to also taste them to know they are going to taste awful. See also, red bull.
I don't know if anyone cares, but Homestuck just updated, finally
@Chippies clearly you are a terrible person
with poor taste in overly sweet items
@GodEmperorDune they're just flavoured sugar with gross cream and cheap chocolate
@badp cares immensely
It's actually going to end on 4/13
Q: Bowcaster Nerf?

Walker NiemeyerI realize that for the xbox one the bowcaster was nerfed, but does it still kill in one shot? I'm looking to use the jump pack+bowcaster+Bounty hunter trait strategy.

I mean, I can eat them, but I don't care for them
@badp needs more A's
hey it's very likely the last bunch of flash animations I'm even going to watch :P
hope he eventually gets around to converting them to something else
Literally one of the only things I use IFTTT for is to get a text message every time Homestuck updates.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. :/
now I don't know where I'd left.
I don't know if it is because I've not played this game before ever but I feel like Earthbound is not very good at telling you where to go
@badp Did you not get caught up some time in the last 8 months?
@AshleyNunn where are you currently?
@murgatroid99 I did.
@badp Then this is the new page: mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=009860
@badp Oh, right now I am fighting teh police
@AshleyNunn hm, so that's right after the first boss battle?
But before that, I fought a lot of Sharks before I figured out how to go farther
the five battles in a row IIRC?
@Yuuki Illuminati confirmed
@badp yeah, that's what I am working on, the multiple cop battles in a row
I have died three times now
once you do defeat all five policemen, you want to go northwest
after that you should be basically done with onett
(or did you already clear up the cave system)
Wee! Day off, and I get called!
> jesus boys, he's eating ground pizza
@badp The one you go through to get to Giant Step?
@Yuuki RIGHT
@AshleyNunn you are getting too specific for my vague memories. :(
There's a cool site you can ask about it on
yahoo! answers?
for the last time, yes
Dammit, RNG. Three 80% chances to hit != 3 misses.
@Frank That's XCOM!
@Yuuki Also Fire Emblem.
My freaking Swordmaster missed three times in a row.
Yeah, I heard RNG in the new one was unforgiving.
It very much is.
thats shitty
But over-levelling tends to trivialize story fights.
I opened a nice pack in hearthstone
1 rare 1 golden rare
@GnomeSlice are you not hyped at all for trailer park boys season 10?
not the best though, I got all my legendaries when I was opening packs- 5 of them in a row, 2 legends, 3 goldens in total.
@GnomeSlice I...know?
However, gnight bridge
@Yuuki that's like, at least 3rd time someone links this in the last 2 weeks
Negative internet points to everyone
@Yuuki yes, that is what I was replying to
*in mmo and someone says "YOU DONT HOW TO SPELL"
@WarThog Reply with "Expelliarmus!"
I've posted a postmortem explaining this morning's partial Stack Overflow outage here: http://stackstatus.net/post/141859797844/partial-outage-postmortem-march-28th-2016
@WarThog I guess it's just me who is bothered by people not spelling properly on purpose?
I don't care if I am about to die in a raid at a boss, I am not spelling "you" as "u"

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