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@badp Have fun!
Drumpf pls
@GnomeSlice cc (RIP) @spugsly
@Sterno i don't even remember how to spell it :(
@GnomeSlice to be fair, japanese mangoes have tiny words written all over them. #truefax
donlad trump reportedly says that normal type pokemon are a waste of time. they're just dirty birds & rats who have no right being a pokemon
@GnomeSlice it must be legit, I can tell by the artifacts
@badp (It's not)
Pretty sure it's a dolan meme
> Not as bad as Bush v. Gore, but close.
@GnomeSlice no no no look at the reflections in the JPEG artifacts
If you zoom and enhance in his eyeball you'll see the reflection of a Twitter client open with that tweet typed in
I never thought the common thread through all these bad BvS reviews would be "Affleck is a good Batman"
@badp Man, they haven't told you to put phones away yet?
@SaintWacko we're still midway safety procedures and we haven't yet started the 10-15 min long taxi
@Sterno i have a love hate relationship with zack synder
@badp Ah, wow, you're running behind a bit!
Did your seatmates ever show up?
If we have the wind in favour we might still be on time
@SaintWacko yup
@badp Booo
They didn't miss the argument
@SaintWacko if they didn't we'd be even more late
@badp They'd wait for them?
@SaintWacko yes, to a point
after that point you have to disembark their luggage
@badp Wow. They're a lot nicer than US airlines
so that takes even more time
@SaintWacko yeah US carriers dgaf
"you can pay to have your luggage mailed back to you"
Pretty much
@SaintWacko no, it'd be very convenient to check in a bomb and then accidentally the flight
I mean if you miss your flight yeah
If it's their fault then they pay for 24 hour courier service
Literally 24 hour
Yeah if you don't check in at all it's different
@badp Does the luggage not get scanned?
@Unionhawk i've heard mixed results about that
My bags arrived once at 3:00 in the god damn morning
@GodEmperorDune If they can get them to the destination on time, anyway
Which usually means if they know where it is
24 hour as in they will deliver it whenever
@SaintWacko I suppose, but you can check in a lot more stuff than you can get through security
Not as in they will deliver it within a day
The main thing that comes to mind is toothpaste
Deadly deadly critical masses of highly dangerous toothpaste
I mean, if you're taking more than 3 oz toothpaste you're either emigrating or doing it wrong
Or both
Probably both
Three Wizard of Oz's worth of toothpaste do sound like a ludicrous amount of toothpaste
Imagine what they would do if such a package ruptured in flight
We'd smell like mint for DAYS
finally we start taxi
yay, new pycharm out today
The sixty years old angry business class dude in a suit would probably get considerably more fresh and upset
...aaand we interrupt taxi again for another commercial break
Toothpaste contains fluoride right?
@djsmiley2k most do, yes
@djsmiley2k depends on the brand
hippie toothpastes don't
the stuff that can eat through concrete.
Maximum over
No wonder they don't let us take it through a plane
(I'm joking btw)
right now i'm loosing it
i feel so lost :/
If it leaked just the right way, someone might finally be right about chemtrails!
I don't even know why i feel like this
i should feel awesome
instead i feel liuke i've failed everything
oh dammit i totally forgot my work pycharm account info
@SaintWacko "Oh now, now they're using airborne chemicals to prevent tooth decay"
@djsmiley2k what's going on?
@GodEmperorDune manic depression strikes when times look good.
the weirdest thing is I can almost step outside of it
@djsmiley2k ooh that sucks. talked to a mental health professional about it?
look at it, laugh and go 'well it'll end soon enough'
no shame in getting help
@GodEmperorDune lol aye
well, not this specific time
it only started this evening, but in the past, many times
annoyingly knowing what it is, doesn't make it any better to deal with
@djsmiley2k yeah, brain stuff is like that
oh hey it's only cancer, cells growing out of control
yeah, right :/
Brains need a huge 'sleep' button
that just turns off everything for awhile
If there was a pill to turn off emotion for 24 hours, I'd take it
@djsmiley2k yeah i know the feeling
Woo another bundle set done \o/
All I have left is...
Pantry, Bulletin Board, Fish Tank
@Sterno I should make a video with totally legit title and first few seconds and put friday to the rest.
@ardaozkal its been done before
Yep, with trump.
@GodEmperorDune many, many times
@ardaozkal that was my planm
but to have my daughter singing let it go in the middle too
special guest appearance etc.
@Sterno gib pls
@djsmiley2k no one will watch that long tbh :(
@ardaozkal No, you should not.
@Sterno so far these clips are from DS1
Intro is DS1, dunno about rest.
skip to the end
@djsmiley2k to be fair, let it go is a pretty great song
theres new stuff
tho it looks mostly rendered with a little 'real' game place there.
@GodEmperorDune hehe
she just runs around with her plastic guitar in the air going 'Gooooo ..... GOoooooo!'
how old is she?
Q: Where can I find full spec of Super Mario Bros game?

EugeneI recently thought about implementing Super Marion Bros as a web game, but I have little, almost none, information about the game. I'm interested in maps, images and levels. From level one to the last level available. If there were different difficulties, then how did it influence the level. I ...

Q: Ulianna Stratagem 6-pc + Madstone interaction

rensaI'd wearing the full Uliana's Stratagem set. It's 6-piece bonus is: Your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm. I'm also wearing Madstone, which means: Your Seven-Sided Strike applies Exploding Palm. I'm hoping that, as per this link, Madstone would proc first, applying and...

@Lazers2.0 Super Marion bros? XD
@djsmiley2k Maaaaaarion. The pluuuuuumber.
@SaintWacko That reminded me of the "sharoooooon" quote (not that much of a quote but whatever) from south park.
Q: how to extract games from steam to my pc without downloading

mesumHOW TO EXTRACT FILES FROM STEAM TO MY PC WITHOUT DOWNLOADING Please tell me a way :p. I will be thankful sir

wow the downvotes
Steam doesn't come with every game pre-installed. To get a game, you'd have to download it from Steam's hosting servers. — Texenox 11 hours ago
tht reminded me of an xkcd
> I will be thankful sir
because there are no women on the internet?
download and runs on the fly
sounds like...
Q: Minecraft Launcher Troubleshooting

James the StrangerMy minecraft launcher won't let me do anything! When I click minecraft launcher it will not let me log in to my account! My account is not stolen but I have Java 8 Update 77! After downloading Java 8 Update 77, my minecraft stopped working. Someone please help! (Note: It is a Java problem or a Lo...

@ardaozkal reminds me of a question I posed to a lecturer in Uni
It seems children have some iniate ability to 'know' certain things
How can we differenicate against them inheriting memories of very specific things from their parents vs evolution/natural selection causing those behaviours
Ok, not really massively the same but still.
I went so far to propose a baby is born with all knowledge, but forget most of it due to lack of use, before they are old enough to make use of it. ;D
@djsmiley2k yeah, many religious people use that to say "SEE, ALLAH EXISTS!"
and then we found....
mice/rats passing on 'memory' via some kind of biological link between generations
And I was amazed.
I still don't see why you'd ever get a 'fear of spiders' via genetic mutation
While it is VERY VERY VERY unethical and taboo, human cloning can help reveal many stuff about genetics imo.
@ardaozkal nod
I wish I could just take a copy of my brain
not to 'run' it in the cloud
but to allow others to experience it
you sound like Charlie Sheen
It is easy to run all 9gag users on cloud.
@KutuluMike ... yet it's there
mice, within a few generations
@StrixVaria Might not be back early enough to play
passing on biologically, a fear of something
'Babys only fear 2 things, darkness and falling'
but, WHY?
Ok, fine
@ardaozkal I've been watching Orphan Black again
while (true) { NineGag.Post(reddit.OpenSubreddit("/r/funny").Rising.SelectAll()); Task.Sleep(60000); }
@Unionhawk You are the last person I would expect to post that
@ardaozkal You could as well try that on mice or something like that. I don't think there's much more to learn with humans than that.
@GnomeSlice Always happy to shatter expectations
@ardaozkal This is precisely what I expected
Congratulations on doing literally the opposite of shattering expectations
I can't even get it to load
Q: Why doesn't Duck Hunt work on plasma or LCD screens?

KeaanuI'm told that the original Duck Hunt (NES) works fine on all CRT screens, but fails to register successful hits on a plasma or LCD screen. Why is this? Is there a fix for it?

Makes me think....
so can't I, I added too much websites. Remove one website.
@MadScientist I think that cloning smarter animals might help a lot too.
@GnomeSlice It's not real, but nicememe.website is for a while
I don't see much of any knowledge gain by cloning, except for getting better at cloning itself
It takes a dumb joke and makes it dumber
Which is what the internet does best, really
@MadScientist Memory transmission on mammals is something I would want to be researched more.
You're probably talking about epigenetics. And while that is interesting, I think the importance is sometimes overblown in the popular media
Oh boy, we're talking about video games as art in our philosophy class!
Goddammit not leaving until 7
@MadScientist Can't it be used for literally "living forever (moving memories and experiences to clone when old/sick)" (I know that clones don't live that long) ?
@ardaozkal Clones don't get memories. And there is no way to transfer memories that currently exists, and not even any way that we could imagine in the near future
well djsmiley linked this: bbc.co.uk/news/health-25156510
I don't think we're entirely sure yet how memories work specifically
Which says that some animals do, at least mice.
@GnomeSlice No problem, I might not get a chance to play tonight anyway now.
That's epigenetics, and that's not really memories as you think of them.
External influence can modify certain genes, that's the epigenetics part. The sequence doesn't get changed, but you can change how much of that genes is produced. And that change can be inherited
You guys should watch Orphan Black, and play SOMA
> Thus epigenetic can be used to describe anything other than DNA sequence that influences the development of an organism.
Ah, I see.
I love how media and lessons get me interested in something but then it is not that interesting when you research it.
@StrixVaria being the jungle guy is fun but I feel like all I do is pop out to kill guys and dont help any othrr way
or is that what's supposed to happen
@GnomeSlice Killing guys is super beneficial for your team.
I would just enter a lane when my team were fighting
If that's what's happening you're doing a good job.
I didnt get a lpt of kills but i got assists and made them retreat
@Unionhawk Well then I know what we're doing as soon as you can pry yourself away from Stardew Valley long enough to finish the first one :p
@GnomeSlice thats pretty much a jglers job in mobas
@GnomeSlice Assists are even better, because that means your allies got the kills.
that and helping control objectives
I think in Paragon that's less important.
But your goal as jungler is to feed your allies.
@John I don't even remember where we are in that map rn
Yeah, jungler's job is to scare people into not playing properly for fear of being killed.
Which moba is @GnomeSlice feeding in?
Among other things.
I think we were working through some etho/vaks section
@John paragon
@John paragon i think
by Epic Games, maker of unreal engine, unreal tournament aaaand JAZZJACK RABBIT.
I thought feeding was a noob thing
@StrixVaria do you play league?
that had holes in the bedrock walls
@Unionhawk Yeah like some underground lab
@GnomeSlice "feeding" the other team is bad
@GnomeSlice that'sthejoke.jpg
also smite looks boring
i looked it up
it's flat
It means giving them XP by dying repeatedly to them.
or gold
Oh okay
"feeding" an ally is a good thing. It means making sure that your allies get kills on enemy team guys.
if you play league and i havent added you, my summoner name is SmG Dragon
@Dragonrage I used to.
@StrixVaria my last 3 games I was positive or neutral
@Dragonrage StrixVariaXIX if you want to add me.
No clue when i'll play again.
@GnomeSlice Nice!
Howie has a fun combo
use his ult, watch for which way the baddie runs and then use a nade to toss him back in
I got a few kills that way
@StrixVaria well i know 2 others from the bridge that play. if we get another, we could play as a premade 5
Stellaris sounds like it has potential.
I'm actually surprised at how often Bioshock has been mentioned in this discussion (clue: it's zero times).
cc @Wipqozn, because he loves Paradox games.
@Dragonrage I have RL friends who play, so if the goal is a premade 5, having me might make it easier.
That said, I almost never play, so...
@GnomeSlice That's pretty sweet.
Games that have been mentioned: Braid and FEZ.
my most kills is still only like 4
@GnomeSlice How long you been playing this? a few days?
I am also on my way tp meet a girl from tinder for coffee
@John yeah like 2
@John it has been out for a few days though
@GnomeSlice sounds like you're doing great then
Mobas are notoriously hard to learn
@GnomeSlice congrats!
how are the graphics?
@Dragonrage Unreal Engine, nuff said.
@Dragonrage amazing
it lools like smite except completely different and not bad
@John I feel like I have a harder time with RTSs.
Yeah so far the learning curve on this hasn't felt as bad as a traditional rts
@Yuuki I feel like you would be in the minority there, but have no actual stats to back that up.
That said, mobas are pretty much team rts
@John Despite being Asian, I don't have well-developed micro skills.
@Yuuki stop breaking the stereotypes okay
thats not allowed
@Yuuki They aren't all as micro-intensive as SC2
Airmech is about the only RTS i plsyed with any regularity
@John Asians play MOBAs a lot though (esp. LoL and Dota 2), Jason probably wouldn't be in the minority.
and it's kinda of a moba rts hybrid
@ardaozkal Are we just going to pretend Korean SC2 was never a thing?
There used to be a game
also the meta just became "spam tanks' so I stopped playing
Y'know, even though everyone here probably knows my real name, it still feels weird to have people use it.
@John We have like 2 wools left or something
I think
I didn't know it
where you made your tanks and planes etc.
Like, the area we're in then the last area
@Unionhawk I think this is correct
@Yuuki Yah, that's a little weird
@GnomeSlice Which actually makes it even more disturbing that @ardaozkal just used it.
Oh, but TR2 is 1.9 so we should wait for some bugs to get ironed out in 1.9.1 at least
I guess tower defense is an RTS and I love those
@Yuuki To be fair, i never looked or asked
@Yuuki sorry, I prefer using chat name while mentioning online identity, but rl name when mentioning as a person. I'll stick to Yuuki from now though.
No problem. Everyone has their own preferences, but I just prefer being called @Yuuki here.
calling you arda still feels weird
@ardaozkal In general, use whatever name people use in here when referring to them unless they state otherwise, it's the safest option
because of old arda
When in doubt, go with 'clown'
(not actually)
@clown i agree
@clown whats weird about ArdaXi was that his name wasn't Arda but Arien.
holster something
@ardaozkal shrugs it's an internet handle, they don't always have to follow logic
So there has been a lot of NPM today on my Twitter feed. Something about a open source contributor who pulled all his libraries after he got a copyright violation or something and inadvertently broke thousands of projects?
@Yuuki hue
Can anyone explain what's going on with that?
@ardaozkal My name isn't really Strix, in case you assumed that for some reason.
You're not actually an owl?
Nor am I a ghostly chandelier, a fish, or a robot in a dog suit.
@NateKerkhofs There was a library yesterday that somehow got unpublished and broke a ton of stuff
@NateKerkhofs Or advertantly, the way I hear it.
@StrixVaria suuuuuuuuuuuuure, Mr. Varia
My name, however, actually is Frank.
With internet growing, it is easy to find everyone's name here, however, I'm not a stalker.
@Yuuki its weird that my employer blocks i.imgur.com but allows i.stack.imgur.com
@stalker what's my real name?
@GodEmperorDune turkey has i.imgur blocked too, but not i.stack.imgur
@ardaozkal ...the whole country?
@GodEmperorDune Probably filters on "i.imgur.com" instead of "*.imgur.com".
@GodEmperorDune Matt Giltaji
@Yuuki well worth the star, thanks
@GnomeSlice yes.
@ardaozkal so you admit that you are @stalker
OK, yeah, it looks like that guy did unpublish his NPM packages on purpose. That's pretty dickish
@Sterno Not a RB link? What world is this?
@ardaozkal If that's all you take to find everyone's name, you're going to be supremely disappointed.
@murgatroid99 I don't really blame him. NPM was a bunch of dicks to him, so he just moved to github.
@GnomeSlice DNS blocks.
i'm surprised that everyone was relying on such a basic function
@StrixVaria He broke a huge number of projects because he was feeling bad
Well NPM shouldn't have been dicks.
What did NPM do to him?
@ardaozkal My real name is obvious, but can you find my nickname?
@KutuluMike Removed one of his projects for coincidentally being called "kik" which is the name of some company.
Even though it didn't do anything remotely similar to what that company did.
@Frank It takes just googling the username or going over some other links on profile to find most. (your name on meta is initial and surname afaik)
from what I've read, they were being told he was violating someone else's trademark and wasn't cooperating.
@StrixVaria Whatever NPM did, breaking other people isn't a reasonable reaction
@ardaozkal 'tis. But that's not the point. How do you know that's not a different screen name?
@Unionhawk not sure if you actually found me or its just a coincidence but that is actually part of my real name
@KutuluMike The way I hear it it's like those DMCA claims on YouTube that are mostly bullshit.
@GodEmperorDune This is actually a coincidence
DCMA is copyright. Trademark law is completely different.
@murgatroid99 I'm actually really glad this happened overall, because it brings a bunch of really interesting questions into the spotlight.
it's pretty easy to tell if a trademark complaint is legit: 1. am I using their trademark? 2. Did they have it first?
So even if it sucks for a bunch of people who used his code, in the long term it will hopefully wind up being a good thing.
@StrixVaria Like "why does NPM let you unpublish packages?"
@StrixVaria like why are you importing a third party module when all you need to do is pad a string with spaces?
@murgatroid99 yeah, for example nuget doesn't.
Two great examples already!
@Frank I don't.
@GodEmperorDune It broke a lot of stuff because of transitive dependencies
@ardaozkal Exactly. So it's a non-starter.
@murgatroid99 so other libraries imported it because they needed to pad a string with spaces
@Frank Yeah, well how do we know your name is Frank?
Somewhere along the line, someone needed to pad a string and decided to use a library for it.
@GodEmperorDune It only has like 8 direct dependencies. Which is pretty small for an old module
I bet you're secretly a Jeffrey
@Unionhawk @fredley, @Ronan, @Wipqozn, and @TrentHawkins can all vouch for it.
Or a Michael.
@Unionhawk or geoffrey
But someone used one of those libraries, which did something more interesting, in a bigger library

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