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My sister is safe \o/
I am going to stay at home for now. No use in leaving home with this Charlie Foxtrot going on.
@NateKerkhofs Shit, that's really bad
the website of the vrt says at least 13 dead in the airport attacks. And 35+ gravely wounded.
@Arperum according ti the most recent governnent reports on the news, multiple sources report 11 deaths
And 10 deaths in the Maalbeek metro station according to fire department.
Brussels is going on a lock down
@NateKerkhofs I have no tv, so only newssites for me.
I think deredactie.be has a livestream
@NateKerkhofs Just found it.
I was hoping to watch Bones this morning. This obviously is more important
Every government in Brussels is stopping their activities. That includes Flemish, Federal and European.
Stations. Tunnels. Shopping malls are all closed
@NateKerkhofs Everything is locked down.
Police is having a press conference.
Reports of another explosion near Law Street.
That said mostly nothing new.
Taxis in Brussels are free
I think the livestream has 20-30 seconds delay on what you are seeing.
I am watching the tv live
VRT news
Yea. Livestreams are generally delayed a bit.
Telenet has opened their Internet hotspots for everyone
@PrivatePansy Scarfolk is amazing
the last explosion was no attack, but a controlled thing of blowing some stuff up that may or may not have contained explosives.
Brussels public transport reports 15 deaths in metro
And over 50 injured.
@NateKerkhofs Only one source though.
good to see the regulars around
@fredley l2git nub
@StrixVaria we already had a huge debate about the wording there. Conclusion was: People have opinions and they stick to them.
@PrivatePansy Well that sure does look like fun
@StrixVaria I agree with you, but let's not dig that discussion up again. All it did was cause people to be mad.
wait really?
@fredley It's like what Orwell would have written if he lived through the 70s
I think we should resolve this dispute with a fight to the death.
Seems legit
@PrivatePansy With a touch of Nightvale too
@Wipqozn No thank you. Enough death already for my birthday. 20+ people being blown to pieces is enough.
@Arperum :(
by decree of the deputy of birthday, we shall retroactively move your birthday to yesterday, effective for the entirety of 2016
@Arperum I did not hear about that. that's nuts.
happy late birthday
@Wipqozn Brussels is in complete chaos.
yeah just finding some stuff now
@badp Acceptable.
The friend I mentioned at Zaventem was at checkin desk 4. The bomb went off at desk 10
Holy crap that's crazy
I have a flight tomorrow ~
She is safe. Shocked, but safe.
@badp If it's thorugh Brussels, I wouldn't expect it to happen.
Her school was going on a field trip to Italy.
@Arperum I don't know why a flight from Amsterdam to Milan would go through Brussels
@badp That would be pretty damn weird indeed.
I mean, over it possibly
98 students and staff. Some have mild injuries but no gravely injured or dead
Though I'd expect delays @badp =p
These attacks are becoming far too common.
@KevinvanderVelden better late than early
@Wipqozn quick let us give up even MORE of our hard-won freedoms
@Wipqozn Pretty sure this is retaliation to some terrorists being arrested a couple days ago.
@Arperum That's the speculation I've read as well
11 deaths and 81 injuries at Zaventem, 10 deaths and 51 injuries at maalbeek
@Arperum Interesting
@NateKerkhofs 15 death in maalbeek
@badp Totally man
@Arperum ah. Misunderstanding
So 26 deaths and 130 wounded. Sounds comparable to Paris relative to population count.
What's paris got to do with it?
Paris had 5 times the casualties
@KevinvanderVelden The guy that was seen as important who got away from the paris attacks was arrested four days ago.
@NateKerkhofs I don't think that's how it works.
WEll @Arperum, I'm glad to hear you're okay
@Wipqozn Uhu
Ugh so much horrible news today.
@PrivatePansy Indeed.
There was also a cousin of mine in the area. He is also safe.
Meanwhile. The USA wants us to name their newest bomber...
Talk about bad timing.
@NateKerkhofs If this is in reaction to the bombings, that's just horribly bad taste. otherwise it's just bad taste.
Profile picture someone has now in reaction to the attacks.
Although that tweet was posted yesterday. So it was just bad timing.
@NateKerkhofs Uhu
@Dragonrage depends on which of the many time travel inconsistencies you mean, but mostly no, they just hand-wave them away with "that's just how time works" or "that's the Speed Force for you."
So for the last lab experiment I only managed to collect two points of data. And now the lab worksheet wants me to fit a best fit line to the data
Well this is certainly easy!
@PrivatePansy And nearly impossible to do wrong :o
Q: Minecraft: Timed Out problem

CommandFoxI have been getting this for over a week now. The Problem Whenever I log in to a server, then log out later, and then log in again, it keeps giving me the error Timed Out for all servers. I have tried restarting my PC, my game. The only thing that works is restarting my WiFi, but I can't do tha...

@PrivatePansy You want hard? Paint in the confidence intervals.
the confidence intervals for each of the two readings? you should be able to get those from the instrumentation he's using
Nah, from the data. Which involves taking a square root of a value which simplifies to 0/0 in his case.
Unconfirmed reports state 14 deaths in the airport, 20 in the metro
It could have been much worse. If that bomb exploded near desk 4, it would have blown up a group of 98 high school students headed for Rome. Including my friend.
Q: What's more fuel efficient, orbit or slingshot?

vianna77I didn't test it because I just had that idea. Normally, I (maybe everyone?) would send the ship to orbit Kerbin and then plan the trajectory to the final destination. Making the spaceship to orbit Kerbin will consume more fuel than sending the ship straight ahead to escape Kerbin gravitational ...

spotlight search 'skype' - nothing comes up. Navigate to skype.com, download skype, open installer, drag Skype to applications folder "Do you want to replace the existing file with the same name?"
@Arperum Heard what happened from @FAE. Glad you, and any other Belgian bridge members are okay!
(I don't know who else in here is from Belgium. D:)
@Fluttershy @NateKerkhofs is, and that's about it AFAIK.
Me. Arperum
@NateKerkhofs I'm glad you're okay too!
I was at home at the time of the bombings. My alarm goes at 9 am for now.
I was still in bed when the first two explosions happened.
I am just staying at home today. Fortunately I had no plans to go somewhere, but if I had something to do, I would have tried to cancel it.
Q: What sidequests can be done before getting Excalibur II?

OakIn order to obtain Excalibur II in Final Fantasy IX, the player has to reach Gate to Space, a room in Memoria in under 12 hours of playtime. That obviously means that several sidequests will have to be ignored, and some areas left unexplored, especially because some areas are inacessible after D...

Q: What determines which bear you get in alphabear?

PureferretHow is the best you receive when you complete a game determined. All I can guess is that it has to be from that chapter. I'm trying to get the final breast from chapter 1 and so I seem to get are level ups for my existing bears. How it's it determined

Q: Why has someone I don't know competes in my alphabear verses match?

PureferretI challenged a friend with a verses match in alphabear, but someone else competes. How did they do that when I didn't share the link with them?

Especially this bit:
> The Choctaw Tribe has decided to place Lexi with a person in Utah who is not Native American and does not live on a reservation
If you can do that why not keep her with the current parents, bloody hell
Even if you are an idiot and think it's a good idea to rip her away from her parents of 5 years because of Native American whateverism, she's 1.5%
Yeah, that's roughly one person 6 generations ago
Q: Why elephants aren't allowed in CWB?

UtkuThis page on CWB rules for multiplayer in Rome Total War says that elephants are not permitted in multiplayer not because they are OP, but because they are easy to counter. That doesn't sound right to me. Sure, if you try to rush the elephants up front, most probably they will be showered by fla...

(I mean, I'm guessing they mean 1.25% or something? That's an actual power of 2)
> The Choctaw Tribe has decided to place Lexi with a person in Utah who is not Native American and does not live on a reservation
I feel like there's more going on here than what's listed in the article.
@Wipqozn that is nearly always the case
The news can't comment on every little detail
Taking her away from non-native parents because they're not native and then put her with non-native parents just doesn't make any sense to me
I mean, it's also the daily mail which is horrible
ah I see a non-blood relative
Either way, that law is fucked, although I can see why it came into existence
Frankly kids have enough trouble being adopted without us adding in more barriers
Most recent I can find: 34 deaths, 170 injured
@NateKerkhofs That injured count went up a lot.
Q: Do bears with multiple letter bonuses give you a bonus power letter or only in combination

PureferretBears, such as the Viking bear, can give you bonuses when you play letters. Is this bonus applied only when all letters appear together or separately?

I have watched more live TV today than I have in the whole of February
at least, if I include slightly delayed through internet livestreaming as live TV
I don't think it matters what screen you use
@Wipqozn It's weird, too, because on the flip side it's really hard to adopt.
Had some friends who had to wait about 3 years to adopt
Can we argue some more about how the free game with The Culling isn't simultaneously free and 75% off?
@Sterno No.
I'm currently not into more drama. Brussels is more than enough drama for a day.
I'm not really sure you can compare those two levels of drama
@Sterno 0.25 * 0 == 0
Belgium has evacuated a nuclear power plant
Probably don't panic though
@fredley Probably just trying to be safer than sorry
@Wipqozn I don't know how evacuating it makes it safer to be honest
@fredley That way there's no one manning the stations
@Wipqozn well quite
oh two of them
That's... odd
@fredley No need to panic. It's not a French nuclear power plant.
@Sterno At least they're not placing her with a family on the reservation. Reservation life is... no good.
The weird part of that story is that the family isn't allowed to tell her (or her foster siblings) why she's being taken
@Sterno It's an awful story, but please find a source other than the DM
That's an excellent way to SCAR THE SHIT OUT OF CHILDREN
@fredley I figured you found it more reputable than Fox News
@Sterno There's probably a lot more to the story than those two sources would report
If a story exists solely on the DM/Fox, it may not exist in real life
@Sterno "more reputable than Fox News"
But yes, it seems like there must be more to the story. I'm failing to find it though. All I've found is an update that the child has indeed been removed
Just google "lexi summer rusty page". Plenty of stories about it, including local news stations. But they're all pretty much the same.
Probably more reputable than DM or Faux News.
> Three Department of Children and Family Services officials waited on the Santa Clarita Valley family’s doorstep for 10 minutes until foster father Rusty Page opened the front door and, holding a crying Lexi in his arms, made his way through a gauntlet of reporters as the child clutched teddy bear.
I hate when people say Faux news. IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE FOX. STOP IT
If I ever meet @Sterno and @SkyDrift in RL I'm going to start singing "What does the fox say?"
@Wipqozn NO
@Sterno It doesn't sound like Fox, but is fitting for a network that claims itself as a news network, when really it's just spouting vitriol and bigotry and racism.
No. Not really. Then instead of "Fake News" it would be "Twisted Into Racial Hatred News"
@Sterno Yeah, but that doesn't quite roll off the tongue the same way.
Q: What happens if I don't give my dog water?

ChaseCSo a dog showed up on my farm and everyday I fill his water bowl. Will he leave if I forget or will he attack me if I don't give him water? He doesn't seem to eat anything, so does he even need this water?

@Fluttershy Neither does your mom
@Fluttershy Faux news, when pronounced correctly, doesn't roll off the tongue either!
I like @Wipqozn's response better.
Didn't we decide to stop with the your mom/urmom stuff? When did we decide to start that again?
We never stopped.
I've briefly toyed with inserting nouns other than your mom.
@Wipqozn I think it would be the tongue rolling off the mom, instead of the mom rolling off the tongue
someone needs to raise the level of discourse in here!
@Fluttershy Your mom jokes will never die. They only take a break.
We wuld, but then we wouldn't be able to involve your mom
I think @GodEmperorDune was the one that killed it at first
but then it came back
I understand not liking your mom jokes because they're unfunny and childish. I don't understand people who get legitimately upset because they think they're actually about their mom
@Wipqozn Unlike... urmom?
@Sterno There's a lot of things I don't understand with regards to people getting upset about
@Sterno I'm not upset by them. I just really thought it was mentioned as a topic of contention here and no longer okay. Looking back through the transcript, though, I can't seem to find anything about it. So, I was wrong. :P
@Yuuki Too real man. TOO REAL.
It was a topic of contention. I'm pretty sure it was from someone who took them personally.
@Wipqozn He just said your mom will never die. THAT'S AWESOME. YOU SHOULD HUG HIM
@Sterno He actually said the opposite of that
It was a clever joke
@Sterno I think you're misunderstanding.
That's a new one. Created a new Minecraft world, spawned underwater.
also I must depart
@Yuuki I once spawned underwater in a cave. Drowned, respawned at the same spot. Repeat ...
@MartinSojka That's when you just immediately go /gamemode c and spawn a bed
Yesterday I wanted to show my nephew a weird spot our nether portal suddenly went to, in the middle of a lava lake, with about 100 zombie pigmen who spawned on our side then went back swimming around it. Forgot he doesn't have fire protection gear. Ooops.
@Wipqozn You're right. Now I feel bad for you and your mom. I'm crying over his harsh words.
was that on a server with a grave mod? or did your nephew lose all his stuff because of you?
@NateKerkhofs That's when I went /gamemode c and spawned him a few items. :)
@Sterno Did you end up watching any Overwatch streams yesterday?
@Fluttershy two, briefly. one was a guy on the team selection screen for like 5 minutes. I got bored and left. The other was the most boring gameplay ever. This guy just kept popping up this blue force field in front of him and backing slowly away from the fights
Hijacking parents-related arguments in 3...2...1...
@Sterno That guy sounds like a dork
@Sterno That second one is pretty much what that character does. He shields his team so they can take others out. Very much a defensive character.
It was Reinhardt, and he's a tank.
Though, I usually see him pushing further into the fights...
If there is a way for people to make a game boring, they'll find it
Remember 2fort?
Reinhardt is the character I'm most excited about playing. The shield is good but all his other abilities are actually really interesting.
10 engis vs 10 engis, just set up in their intel rooms
Anyway, I have shit to do today and can't stick around and get hyped about Overwatch :(
@StrixVaria Noooooo! Now who am I supposed to get hyped with?
I'm most excited about Mei, Zarya, Mercy, Bastion, and Hanzo. :3
I only know what a few characters do. Mei looks fun though
I'll probably buy this stupid game
I hate you all
Since all my friends seem to be getting it, you can buy it for me too, @Sterno.
While you're at it.
Blizzard games are never on sale, so probably not.
They actually go on sale semi-frequently
I would be shocked if Overwatch went on sale before 2018
@Fluttershy With that avatar, you aren't supposed to go around screaming in the first place. You should be "quietly hyped", sitting out of the view with a white bunny, looking around nervously and just saying soft "yay" now and then. :P
Hey guys/gals are self-answers really not appreciated round these parts?
@Sterno It'll go on sale, just not for for more than 20% I think
Self-answers are fine as far as I know.
@AncientSwordRage No, they're fine
Is overwatch a MOBA or an arena shooter
@Sterno I bought WoW on a great sale a couple months ago
@Sterno hop on the hype train!
@GnomeSlice From what I've seen, it plays a bit like TF2.
@GnomeSlice Arena, I think
@GnomeSlice it's very much like Tf2 with MOBA character-types
So... arena shooter?
@SaintWacko someone suggested otherwise
They're allowed- that's why nobody's closing it. People tend not to like them though, especially when you're asking and answering something nobody wanted to know because you want rep. — Studoku 9 mins ago
I probably should have got that instead of paragon
so far having fun with it though
@AncientSwordRage That's... a pretty bad attitude
Yeah that's not right
@GnomeSlice For what it's worth, Paragon was cheaper! Depending on which pack you got, I guess.
@twobugs Thanks for confirming
@Fluttershy cheapest
@AncientSwordRage He has a point, but I don't think that applies to your question
Wow just saw the latest comment
@SaintWacko agreed I've seen it over on sci-fi
There are occasionally self answered questions which seem like just a rep grab, but yours sounds like one that would help people
@SaintWacko Sure. WOW is over a decade old
@Sterno I also got the latest expansion on the same sale
:28432125 please be nice
It's awesome when mods from other sites come in here and start using powers to delete messages. I LOVE THE DRAMA IT CAUSES
@Uni wok is always nice.
(there's going to be drama, right? Someone? Anyone?)
Q: How to reliably refill incendiary or other grenades?

IancnordenWhen running challenging missions, or daily hard missions I tend to run out of grenades after 1-2 missions. I rely on stun or incendiary grenades for CC. I know only of the home base restock function that does not suffice. Are there other functions in the game to quickly refill grenades, beside...

Q: Will the achievements list refresh?

JohnI've noticed an achievement list with achievements like "Friend in Need" that give me XP and Gems upon completion. If I will complete them, then will the achievement list refresh with new achievements?

I feel like the characters in all these new multiplayer games all look kind of the same
see also
But yeah, some people don't like self-answered questions, even though they're clearly okay and sometimes even awesome. Can't please everyone!
@Sterno not on my watch
@AncientSwordRage See, just saying that raises the drama level!
@GnomeSlice Really? Look again. O_o Paragon vs. Overwatch vs. Battleborn.
I mean they're all the same style
there's like a guy in a big thing of armor, and some girl with a computer, and a like piratey fast guy with a gun
I stand by what I said.
I forgot about battleborn
Is it going to be a moba too
@GnomeSlice Pls show examples. I'm on mobile and too lazy to look myself.
@Sterno shhhh
@GnomeSlice Yeah, with a really, really bad coop campaign.
@AncientSwordRage Man, where's that version of Nick Fury come from?
@Fluttershy barf
Everyone knows it's Samuel L Jackson these days
Or is that not Fury?
Although, at least they tried?
Don't give away my secrets
@Sterno google
@GnomeSlice The multiplayer was fun, but horribly unbalanced. There's another beta 'soon' though, so it may be better.
Looks like it comes from a game or animated movie
Marvel Ultimate Alliance, mebbe?
@Fluttershy You appear to be correct
Hrm, 2006. I suppose I can give them a pass for not using Samuel L Jackson

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