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@badp You just upgraded to a full account? I thought you had a full account!
@Powerlord I've made an alt.
@badp I see...
Also, I'm unimpressed with this years Naughty/Nice crates.
I dunno. Unusual weapons?
Last year, you had like a 75% chance of getting a hat from them. This year...
@badp They're stock weapons with Christmas lights...
This year... unusual weapons.
@Powerlord So? A hat with effects around it isn't suddenly worth 200× as much?
And the Nice crates are absolutely useless, as the items drop normally starting on the 22nd.
Consider those weapons are always playable but have limited distribution.
They're basically telling you, buy a key now, or else.
@badp Unusual hats are rare. There are likely thousands upon thousands of Naughty Winter Crates out there.
Now, they're also kinda gimmicky so except perhaps for the minigun (apparently the lights spin with the barrel) they wouldn't be interesting.
@Powerlord Certain promo hats aren't rare, but they're still stupidly valuable.
@badp If by stupidly valuable, you mean worth... what's their current value? $4?
Fine, kinda bad example. Have none instead.
They're still basically free money, if you didn't buy the relevant game just for the promo item.
on this subject, if anyone wants crap from my backpack, feel free to make me a somewhat fair offer. I don't play enough to justify keeping any of it around.
@badp L4D2's price came down rather quickly, iirc.
@agent86 Backpack link?
lemme see
I tend to use tf2b, but you can use whereever
(although I'm at work today, so if you link to your Steam backpack, I can't see it)
@agent86 A respectable backpack.
@badp If you say so :) I mainly stopped playing a long time ago
Oh, I guess we should have asked if you were looking for money, games, or what?
uh, I don't even know. I guess money's easy, although I don't know how hard it is to do a trade for money
The most valuable items in your backpack are the Earbuds and Treasure Hat (or so I assume, I dunno how much it goes for these days)
but you need Gift Wrap to trade the Treasure Hat.
I was about to say "not really tradeable"
The lugermorph ain't cheap either.
@badp It's not a Vintage.
(which means it comes from a game that costs like $5)
all you've got to do to get the lugermorph is play some poker night
oh, wasn't the lugermorph the only preorder bonus?
The downside being that all 5 Poker Night items require gift wrap to trade.
@badp Lugermorph was a preorder bonus like Max's Severed Head, but that version got converted to Vintage Lugermorph.
Strangely, they even have different item codes in the game's item schema.
The more you know. --==★
yeah, I didn't realize they were the same, and yet different items.
At a guess, they were originally going to have a different item, but changed it to the Lugermorph again.
insert coin
Press 1P Start
OK, that's awesome. I don't think I've played Asteroids since the 1980s.
Oh, I guess I should change which map my Vs. Saxton Hale server is running on so it updates its gamedata
@Ullallulloo Hah! I scored 0.
Because I have none of those games, and apparently that means I haven't played in 2011.
Also, as of yesterday's TF2 update, I can wear my Le Party Phantom with my Familiar Fez again. \o/
that article should have done one for portal2 co-op.
You suck if you're always the one that has to let the other person tell you how to solve the puzzle.
I dunno, saying that wasn't as fun as I hoped.
@Powerlord last I heard the octopus hat is going for $450
if thats what you were talking about in terms of treasure hat
@Loktar No, there's one named Treasure hat, too
ah ok
I hope theres another hat this Christmas treasure hunt
Ive started early
@Loktar Yeah, the treasure hunt wasn't at Christmas last year.
We've already past the time it happened last year (late November, early December)
well theres a ton of games that have updated their achievements to include Christmas related ones
they say its going to start the 19th
@Loktar "they" who?
random forum peeps, and a few of the devs inadvertently, cant remember the exact game.. but the devs hinted at 19th or 20th
also some of the achievements say "play during the holiday sale of 2011"
Q: Why can't I get Rest or Well Rested?

M. Travis VolkerI sleep in rented beds and my bed in Jorrvaskr (with the Companions) and no mater how long I sleep I don't get the notification that I'm rested or well rested anymore. I've looked at my active effects to check for Lycanthropy or Vampirism and all I have are positive effects. I have slept in ren...

@Loktar Yeah, except we always have a Holiday sale.
oh yeah, I see what your saying now. Yeah who knows what the event will be. I thought you were saying there possible wont be a holiday sale.
regardless Ive started to get the achievable christmas achievements just in case
^ has the list so far
why would the 1,000 arms race wins achievement for CS:GO be called "Cold Pizza Eater"
Is that a reference I'm missing?
I mean, I like cold pizza too, but...
Presumably because you've invested so much time in the game that all you've been eating is cold pizza that you had delivered a week ago.
urban dictionary says 'cold pizza' also means "sleeping with a guy's wife, then stealing his breakfast and/or lunch for the next day." Now that might be challenging to translate
So....it means you're a sexually deviant cannibal?
lol where did you get cannibal from?
horrible images in my head now.
Bah, loadout not available?
@Loktar Well if that's the definition of "cold pizza", and the achievement is called "Cold Pizza Eater", the eater part had to come in somewhere.
@Powerlord What do I do with a Nice Winter Crate?
(for reference - every kill unlocks a gun. The last gun is a knife. A knife kill wins the game.)
@GnomeSlice Try and sell it.
@badp Why?
I want some naughty ones
a huntsman with christmas lights!
They're not worth opening
they're not worth keeping
My naughty crate appears to be gone.
Nope, there it is.
so either sell them or delete them
How do I open them.
Nice key I think right?
Im just gathering that from the update image I saw last night, had 2 types of keys in the image.
Yeah. Those crates contain the new weapons, but they'll start dropping next week.
ah ok so nice crates are pretty worthless
Also, what's with The Splendid Screen
What's 'charge impact damage'?
When you charge into somebody you damage them.
How do you 'charge'?
With the regular shield you need to charge for at least some distance for that to happen.
uh. Right click.
Also, what do you mean 'regular shield'. This is the first one I have.
Chargin Targe
(the first shield to appear in the game)
Medic is my most-played class now. Huh.
None of my loadouts work any more.
@Loktar No, Nice crates have the cool new weapons. Naughty crates contain decorative lights for weapons.
yeah Naughty crates are the ones I want
Nice crates sound pretty useless, I wont waste 2.50 on them.
It costs that much for a key?
I hate that kind of shit.
in fairness they arent a requirement.
And crates droprate seem alot lower than weapons/items outside of holiday events
Last year they gave free keys I thought.
@Loktar There are only 8 Festive items: Scattergun & Bat for Scout, Rocket Launcher for Soldier, Flamethrower for Pyro, Stickybomb Launcher for Demoman, Minigun for Heavy, Wrench for Engineer, Medigun for Medic, Sniper Rifle for Sniper, and Knife for Spy.
There are almost no servers with people on them...
bah.. I really wanted a festive huntsman..
I know this because I just updated the AlliedMods TF2 Item Indexes Wiki page
I guess it's a work day.
they already screwed me on strange items :(
Oh, and I'm writing a plugin I call TF2 Festivizer that uses the TF2Items extension to replace stock items with their Festive equivalents. >:P
and all hats to the industrial festivizer? :P
@Powerlord So people with the normal ones will get the festive lights?
@GnomeSlice Yup, but only on servers running it.
How come I can't connect to the items server any more? It says the servers I'm on have lost connection to it as well
Also, I can't count. 9+1 = 10, not 8
@GnomeSlice Possibly it went down.
Which is bullshit, because that sniper has a bow.
It's been doing that a lot lately. :/
Basically, if you're on a server when the item server goes down, sometimes you keep your items. Sometimes you don't.
Sometimes you also lose them when you respawn, or touch a cabinet
Sometimes you'll be reset to stock on the class you're playing, but not on the other 8 classes.
I can't even connect to it from the main menu.
which is super fun when you're playing engineer with a non-stock wrench
And now my loadout is back.
@GnomeSlice welcome to TF2. Shit happens, give it time. Valve time.
@badp What, just because all your buildings explode?
@badp oh, nice.
Why does this guy keep making jingling noises and snow puffs out of him
@GnomeSlice The noise maker you've got today
He's using it.
@GnomeSlice festive noise maker?
You can use it too.
How do I use it?
Equip it in the action slot and then press H
also if you want to make questions - gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/ask
Live help is a cancer for SE chatrooms
Let's not get infected
I thought you said you got score for healing people?
@badp this. 1000 times this. I hate trying to help people in a chat room.
between the low character limit, the 10 people trying to help at once, the inability to do research and summarize easily, such a pain.
I'm good, thanks.
HTTP Status Cats!
Q: Import character in Skyrim

dqpbIs there a way to do any one of these (on PC version): a) Start a new game with an old character keeping perks and level? b) Reset the main quest line back to escaped from Helgen? c) Reset everything not character related

@agent86 Where is I'm a Teapot?
@YiJiang it is sadly missing :(
although finding a cat in a teapot doesn't sound challenging, so you should make one :P
Ah, it's in the original flickr image set
oh look, festive strange weapons have their own ranks
@YiJiang This would have been better:
@YiJiang hmm.... C418 = teapot reference?
@alexanderpas C418?
The image refers to HTTP error code 418, I'm a Teapot!
@YiJiang not HTTP, but HTCPCP
The Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP for short) is a protocol for controlling, monitoring, and diagnosing coffee pots. HTCPCP is specified in the jocular RFC 2324, published on 1 April 1998. Although the RFC describing the protocol is an April Fools' Day joke, it specifies the protocol accurately enough for it to be a real, non-fictional protocol. The editor Emacs actually includes a fully functional implementation of it, and a number of bug reports exist complaining about Mozilla's lack of support for the protocol. Ten years after the publication of HTCPCP, the fictional We...
Q: Do followers have skill levels and level similar to my characters?

AvienI was helping Vilkas go to the temple and on our way I made a pitstop at a dungeon. Inside the dungeon he would get hit only once and be down on the floor with barely any health... So, I'm curious if followers have levels and if so how to do you check it and get them leveled? Generally I don'...

@RonanForman "Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!"
He must have deleted that tweet?
Apparently he has, it links to his livestream.
Anyway, downloading my TF Force Holidays plugin from the SourceMod site again will result in a working version. But just in case, I'm going to test the version with Christmas enabled tonight and push it.
today's daily deal on steam: Magicka! 75% off the regular price, which makes it $2.50 if you measure value using US dollars. Another wishlist contest entry awaits you when you login and visit the page.
@agent86 Have you seen the GoG sale? Just about everything 50% off, so $2.5-5USD.
I hadn't seen it, thanks for the heads up. The only problem I tend to have with that site is that most of the good games of yesteryear I still have on disc (or sometimes disk, doh)
@RonanForman OH GOD MY EARS
@badp What?
@RonanForman The sound's so horribly warped
there was the same problem during the SE thing
"Notch before your next stream in XSplit edit your channel, and under the Audio Encoding change the format and Bitrate to something decent. Right now you're on 11khz mono which is harsh on the ears."
@badp why is 11k mono even supported anymore, honestly
it's such a trivial amount of data compared to everything else
ah, freespace 2. I miss this genre.
this question and the answer and the comment on the answer is starting to creep me out
Q: How can I get my wife to stop nagging about a few murders?

EarlzI killed a few people in a town.. then I decided to try to make amends. I bought some properties and set them to low rent/price. Then I tried to make friends with a few of the townspeople. One thing led to another and before I knew it, I became married to one of these townspeople. Most of the tow...

starting to sound more like a manual for a serial killer than anything else :)
oh, Valve.
@badp I can't see that image, so I dunno what you're referring to.
a screenshot of a part of the new map
reading, 1961 13 22 13
add in this and similar tweets:
AV - 10.0 | 8.2 | 12.6 | 15.2 | 7.8 | 0.2 | 17.9 | 6.9 | 21.1 | 3.7 | 21.2 | 20.4 | 10.7 - Connection Lost
Valve denies the existence of an ARG, but it could very well do so because it's all on the internet. (An ARG requires combining internet and afk clues)
So, I just asked on the TF2Items thread if it was ethical for me to release a plugin that replaces standard weapons with their festive variants that Valve is charging $2.50 a piece for a chance to get.
you'd really worry about that?
your server, your rules
you're not messing with network stream or some such, the kind of stuff you're not supposed to do
anyway, what was the response?
@badp Dunno, I just asked.
But anyway, one of Valve's employees said this yesterday:
> We are working on something like this. The ability to "level" your game server account. Certain benefits would only be given to servers with level >= N, etc. Show the level in the server browser and give preferential treatment, etc. Get caught breaking the rules, and you lose your level, etc.
That makes one wonder... what's considered "breaking the rules"
I don't think it's defined, or final yet. They're still working on it after all.
Because technically, I'd be giving out items to people on my server that people haven't bought.
@Powerlord How many servers out there enumerate paint and unusual effects as donator perks?
@Powerlord Well this is just stupid...
That's the other thing, I'm intentionally making it so this applies to everyone equally.
I'm even considering making the renamed and Strange variants change.
so it's even less ethically wrong
you're not making people choose between paying you or paying valve, in a way
However, that may kill the Strange counter if I do.
Can the new weapons be crafted btw?
@Powerlord You want to share the item wealth?! SOCIALIST! COMMUNIST! You hate our item store capitalist freedoms. GTFO of our USA! USA #1 USA #1!!!!!!
@badp Not yet.
Well, no, I take that back, some apparently can
Although you may have to try the slot token + class token to do it.
I noticed the Dr. Grordbort items are in the Mann Co. Store already
I wonder if the heavy mittens laugh taunt thing lasts enough for the heavy to switch to, say, tomislav
Also, there are a lot more community Contributed hats/misc items than Valve's page mentioned.
I still want a Spy-cicle. That would be so overpowered with the Dead Ringer.
Enforcer + Spy-cicle + DR
@badp That account is a confirmed suspected fake.
Q: Are you awarded points for reparing vehicles?

YatrixI repaired a couple of vehicles the other day (I typically equip mines) and didn't get any points for it. I have no repairs listed on my BattleLog either, but I recall the vehicle being fixed.

Q: Will using the Orcish Boots of Muffling increase my Sneak skill while wearing them?

GaryGamesoupI found the Orcish Boots of Muffling inside a chest earlier, and the description says something along the lines of the boots silencing my footsteps. Does this mean that they will be COMPLETELY silenced when sneaking? And, if so, will my Sneak skill increase while wearing them and sneaking? Thank...

I can't compile this plugin without editing tf2.inc
I loathe doing that, but I'm going to do it anyway
@agent86 you about?
@FallenAngelEyes You missed him by that much!
@Powerlord enjoying TOR?
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, what's up?
did I do something dumb :P
@FallenAngelEyes Well, I noticed one really, glaring bug: All the PVE servers last night (after i logged out to check on TF2) had populations that were either HEAVY or FULL, and this is... well... unacceptable considering that they're controlling how many people can play right now.
@agent86 No, was wondering if you saw this yet
@Powerlord very punny :)
And don't get me started on last night's TF2 update.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, that video was awesome! I feel like I linked it in here at one point not too long ago
@Powerlord Ouch. How many servers are there anyway?
They had 40 or so in beta
Not only was it plagued by content distribution problems, but the updater kept insisting that it was complete when it really wasn't.
and then I realized I already had it from the deckers missions :(
@FallenAngelEyes 40 or so sounds about right.
but then I realized I had it so I went and killed people with it and went :D
@Powerlord friend of mine had trouble downloading it at all, kept bugging out and saying she needed to reinstall/repair :/
@agent86 I love that thing!
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, this was my server install I was updating.
When I finally did get it working (nearly two hours after the update launched) I find that the 12 new achievements they added for cp_foundry are all of the "play to lose" type.
@Powerlord I meant for TOR early access
@FallenAngelEyes Oh. I didn't have problems with that.
@FallenAngelEyes I'd never really used it before. what slot is it in? maybe I didn't take it cause I wanted something else more
@agent86 Special weapons
@FallenAngelEyes ah, yeah, I'd have to lose my RC Posessor then. hmm
Same place as satchel charges and stuff
oh, you mean explosives? instead of the rocket launcher then
@agent86 I thought they put satchel charges in special this time
I'm almost done with that game, but I've put it aside to work on AC:R, and when my buddy shows up, MW3
@agent86 It's the RC Possessor spot I mean
I would consider dropping the Possessor for that permanently
the possessor was good when I wanted tanks and VTOLs for my garage
@agent86 It's nice, infinite ammo
@FallenAngelEyes even without the inf. ammo upgrades?
@agent86 yep
wow, I'd say "that's overpowered" but so is every other freaking weapon in the whole freaking game
@agent86 no overheating
@agent86 so no cooldown even
it just does more damage if you care to charge it up
I don't think I've messed with the 8-bit tank I got from that either
@agent86 that thing seems tougher than the regular one
it's fun
that's all the noise it makes, haha
Cobalt alpha! Right now! Mojang is publishing it, whatever that means! http://playcobalt.com/ :D
@FallenAngelEyes hmm. yeah, I joined my buddy's game before I got it and heard that noise and thought the game was glitching
then I came out on the street and saw it and laughed
> Alpha access will be granted to anyone that is willing to pre order the game! During the alpha the price for pre-ordering will be 9.95€.
Oh come on. This model again?
@ArdaXi what's a cobalt, and why must I own it now?
Nobody knows.
@ArdaXi yeah, I hate buying alpha games if I can avoid it.
@ArdaXi Nobody knows but dammit give us your money NOW
That's the model Minecraft was promoted with.
someone famous for game design or something is attached in some unspecified way so it is going to be AWESOME! this has NEVER backfired! ever!
Oh wow, I apparently have a new chat bug to report on Meta.
I can't click the link in agent86's post because the flag/star/reply icons cover it up if I move my mouse near it.
interesting. In my browser it's on the next line; you must have a different resolution than I do.
@agent86 1600x1200 in Firefox 8.0.1 with the window maximized.
I don't much care for the color choices of links and "new" stuff on the feed, personally. at first everything looks like a link until it's been in the feed for a couple of seconds.
I don't even know what the resolution of this is. It's a virtual machine, so I just size it however the heck fits best alongside my other windows
Hm. The cobalt installer is public and it comes with various .ogg files "in the open"
see the shirt.woot.com today?
anyway, thought this se site would enjoy. ciao!
@rfusca cotton? +10 AC?
@Mana I hate you
@Mana \o/
Now you can play TF2!
@badp well, it is mithril cotton ;)
no I have flags to take care of
uh, the game demo for Cobalt was very interesting
I loved the bit where the cobalt button slided in on the taskbar
only to disappear again
I guess it's a stealth game
it looks kinda like Soldat
with 2 people
It looks like a clusterfuck
Have they taken the Mojang school of thought that you can just skip over those stupid tutorial stuffs and just shave the full game in its complexity to players from the first second?
Because it's failing squarely here.
Is it like you're controlling both robots with the same input?
no it's not.
Q: What levels in LittleBigPlanet 2 have four-player/x4 challenges?

splattered bitsI've got some friends coming over this weekend, and am thinking about asking them to help me complete the four-player/x4 challenges in LittleBigPlanet 2. I still have two worlds to complete to finish the game. I'd like to know, before my friends arrive, how much farther I have to get in the gam...

@badp Did you buy it?
@Ullallulloo No.
I'm watching the demo.
You can download the thing, install it and pick 'run demo' instead of logging in as a customer
which plays a sequence of bot v bot games and the only user input is ESC to quit
or is it bot + bot v bot + bot
ha ha! I have no idea.
@badp sounds very intuitive.
@agent86 There are four things moving on the screen, two red and two blue. I can't understand if they're controlled by the same input or not
@badp and this isn't covered on the wiki? it has four whole pages! that's got to be completely inclusive of everything in the game.
Sometimes the bots non involved in the immediate action seem to act erratically, kind of what you see on some sections of the multiple game TASes
@agent86 LIES! It's six.
heh, this is what happens when people trade Steam keys to beta stuff in public
You are editing token-key: Steam_BetaRequiresPassword
I don't think this is an insult, but it's pretty damn amusing that it can be construed that way.
BTW, the HIB4 now comes with soundtracks

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