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cc @kalina
Hey, love the new @ reply interface for new mobile chat
so much rainbow dash
ur alive \o/
@badp Seriously WTF.
@kalina So much [worst pony]
Got the keeper to it lives
0 key pieces
oh well
It was a good build
It was no amazing build
Q: How do you execute a command if you have the right score AND a certain mob is spawned

SmaxI'm using this command: /execute @e[type=Bat,name=ei,score_starteb_min=1] ~ ~ ~ /setblock ~ ~ ~ glass

Bluh, next week is going to suuuuuck
Q: What happens when your Stamina/Psyche Meter runs out?

Camouflaged CowIn Metal Gear Solid 3 and 4, there are bars underneath your health bar. What happens when they are empty? I have never encountered that as I've always eaten/cured that bar.

I think you dropped these: hhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhhhhave some more.
FFX: If you destroyed the Zanarkand Ruins would Sin disappear?
Ahhh, finally back home
@Mazura No
Huh. Apparently there will be no more weather for the rest of the year.
Zanarkand ruins are just a place. Sin is being kept alive through other means
@Yuuki Context?
@twobugs Those means are? What 'birthed' Sin?
Yu Yevon. He's still alive, and is the final boss of FFX.
@Yuuki Ohh, psh, everyone knows the real one is Wiarton Willie.
@Yuuki I think that just means that there won't be weather in Canada
Or Canada will have 12 more months of winter
(although Wiarton Willie's died a few times but we just get a new one and it's fine)
@Mazura The fayth in the Zanarkand Ruins maintain the Dream Zanarkand.
Sin is born from Yu Yevon himself to guard the Zanarkand Ruins and his Dream Zanarkand.
Destroy the Ruins and you only piss off Sin even more.
Sin exists to continually punish people because Yu Yevon is a bad dude.
Even if you destroy Sin with the final summoning, he just makes a new Sin.
Using the Final Summon as a host shell.
Sin is Yu Yevon's armor. He's a super powerful summoner, moreso than anyone else in the game.
The only way to stop the cycle is to actually kill Yu Yevon himself, although depending on how you interpret the audio recording from the HD collection that didn't really work
I totally forgot about the final fight. In my mind it was Seymour stuck to that thing.
When the Final Summon pierces Sin, Yu Yevon takes control of the Final Summon away from its summoner.
Breaking that connection kills the summoner.
And Yu Yevon spends the years of the Calm to rebuild the Final Summon into Sin.
Why doesn't he just call Sin over for? Had we just beat Sin for the 3rd plus time?
Although he apparently is getting better and better at it, since I think they mention the Calms getting shorter
@Mazura I'm not sure what you mean?
@twobugs It's not quite clear whether Yu Yevon is still in conscious control of himself after he creates Sin, but yeah he is still a Bad Dude.
Either way, it's his lingering wrath that continually resummons Sin
I'm kinda begging the question. If Yu controls Sin, why get his hands dirty?
What do you mean "gets his hand dirty"?
As in why do you fight him?
He doesn't directly control Sin, from my understanding
Basically, you fight him because you go inside Sin
@twobugs Oh. That splains it.
Jecht, Braska, and Auron set a plan in motion. They wagered everything on their children
Jecht is an asshole, but he actually had a lot of faith in Tidus.
Ah ha. So it is Yu that should have destroyed the ruins. - Can't have your cake and eat it too ;p
Yayy! I won my first match of Heroes of the Storm! :D
@Yuuki You sure it's the connection breaking?
Why wouldn't Yevon just turn the summon on the summoner, who is now unable to defend themself?
@Frank That's how it's been explained to me before.
I mean, they still end up dead, either way.
Because when Yevon usurps control of the Final Aeon, he still needs to recover.
But it doesn't explain Seymour and his mother.
@Frank I thought Seymour's mother underwent the Final Summoning ritual but Seymour was too young at the time to actually summon her.
@Yuuki Well, you can't get a final summon without being mentally and physically prepared for it.
That's what the whole pilgrimage was for.
@Yuuki I dunno, he's kinda more like the Leviathans from Mass Effect except that he's more explicit in his continuation of the cycle. Overly powerful beings and their terrible, terrible solutions to complex problems shakes head
If he couldn't summon her, then it stands to reason he couldn't summon any aeon.
@Frank "At the time" meaning "when she underwent the ritual".
@Yuuki Which still takes someone to GET her there.
And Seymour, too.
Or she became an Aeon but Seymour refused to ever use her against Sin.
@Frank I thought she just became a fayth, not a Final Aeon
@twobugs Aeons and fayths are intertwined.
@twobugs Nobody but Yunalesca knows how to make fayth.
Aeons are the manifestation of the dreams of a fayth.
@Yuuki True, but the Final Aeon is different
Which means the only type of aeon she can be is the Final Aeon.
Ah, I see. She became an Aeon so he could defeat Sin but Seymour said "nah"
@twobugs Doesn't seem like it. One of the summoner's guardians undergoes the ritual and becomes a fayth.
Then, their dream becomes the Final Aeon.
Well the thing that strikes me as different is Yu Yevon is able to dominate a Final Aeon
@twobugs He dominates each of your other summons in turn as you fight his final form, IIRC.
The aeons themselves lend you their power in the fight vs Yu Yevon, which is why you have auto-life
Ah, I'm misremembering the Dark Aeons which aren't encountered with Yu Yevon.
In that case, I think Yevon's ability to dominate the Final Aeon is because it's the one in contact with him, the one that breaks his armor.
Possibly. Jecht's strong will allowed him to partially resist it, but even he was weakening
Oh dear apparently there's YouTube drama
All I know is YouTube apparently made the Nostalgia Critic angry which is A-Okay with me
In any case, I find it interesting that so many people I've met say that FFX is what made them "done" with the Final Fantasy series.
The setting and storyline are pretty interesting to me.
@Unionhawk I don't know who they are, but apparently they've been hemorrhaging subscribers ever since.
@Yuuki "Kids react to x" and now many other versions
@AshleyNunn I blame you.
@MBraedley And possibly you.
Definitely you, @Wipqozn.
@Yuuki Yeah, I really like it
It's frustrating to try and replay because no cutscene skip and you're rail-roaded
@Yuuki I....why?
It looks like just a hockey subreddit?
Or am I missing context?
(They didn't even add cutscene skip to the HD remake, which is criminal)
@AshleyNunn It's /r/all right now.
@Yuuki Oh.
Hockey sometimes does a thing?
Blah I don't have enough in my Paypal to buy The Witness AND XCOM 2
I think this is all All-Star stuff, which is a pretty big thing for NHL stuff?
I could use my credit card but that's not as cool
Something the fans voting a guy into the All-Star game who apparently shouldn't have been there and the NHL being a jerk about it.
I mean I don't super pay attention to it, because Junior AAA is more immediately interesting, but this is basically like me going "dear Bridge Americans I blame you for Super Bowl"
Then again, maybe I do, and maybe I shall next weekend :P
But we all know you secretly do blame us
Especially @LessPop_MoreFizz
@Yuuki Yeah, hold on. If the connection is what kills the summoner, Yuna should've died as soon as Yevon dominated your first aeon.
God, super bowl next weekend, it's not a good week for productivity
@Frank I'm gonna go watch a video of the final fight because I think I'm having trouble remembering it correctly.
@Frank It's Yu Yevon's taking of the Final Aeon's pyreflies to physically rebuild Sin that kills them, which I guess doesn't happen with the others
That or the summoner's connection to the Final Aeon is far more personal.
And so breaking that connection is far more traumatic.
Yuna does seem to get more tired as you defeat possessed Aeons.
Yeah, according to the wiki (not official but whatever) it's Yu Yevon severing the connection between the Aeon and Summoner which causes death
At the same time, the aeon themselves are a manifestation of the connection between the fayth and the summoner.
For the regular ones, they all LOOK the same, but they have vastly different power levels.
It could be the technique Yunalesca uses to make Final Aeons, making the connection a permanent thing. But then...Yevon taking over Anima in the final fight should have caused the same thing.
So it being a special aeon doesn't seem to hold water here.
Yeah, this is interesting. I never really considered this when playing the game
@Frank The technique Yunalesca uses creates fayth out of beings but also forges a special connection between the fayth and another person.
@Yuuki Which means you should have technically killed Seymour when you beat Anima.
If Seymour had summoned Anima against Sin, he would've died when Anima "defeated" Sin.
@Frank No because Yuna doesn't sever the bond between fayth and summoner.
That's something only Yevon can do.
Yeah, he intentionally didn't do that (Seymour)
And I don't think Yevon severs the bond with the Aeons he dominates during the fight, since you keep the auto-life status
It makes more sense if Yevon just turns the Aeon on the summoner.
@twobugs The auto-life is bestowed by the fayth, but not necessarily the fayth whose dreams are the aeons.
Q: How do I change cloud nine back to mr.cuddles?

TaelynI went into the stash choose equip on the new cloud nine machine. I want to change it back to mr.cuddles but it doesn't have a unequip button and I can't figure out how to change it to me.cuddles

Q: How to delete scenarios in OpenTTD?

NurThe open scenario dialog box displays the path, but when I navigate there from File Explorer it's just empty.

There are other fayth, after all.
True, but the only one who explicitly mentions helping you is Bahamut's fayth
(Granted he is one of like... 3 fayth you actually see)
@Frank But if he can just up and control the Aeon like that, why does the Calm happen?
@Yuuki Probably because Sin looking like an Aeon wouldn't strike fear into the populace.
And Yevon still has to rebuild Sin.
Around the new aeon.
The wiki has a citation that... sort of confirms something I thought but it's just a link to gamefaqs
Only the original summoner that the FA was meant for can use the "true power"
So Anima isn't a FA for Yuna
But again, not a noteworthy source
@Frank Pretty sure a giant Aeon destroying cities would strike fear into the populace no matter what it looked like.
@Yuuki No, but they wouldn't be screaming, "It's Sin!"
And in fact looking like a normal Aeon might cause even more fear considering they'd be attacked by something they near-worshipped.
I don't think Yevon would care about whether he's heralded by "IT'S SIN!" or not.
lol Discord has @everyone as a thing apparently
No, but Sin's been feared for generations.
I also don't think Yevon cares about causing fear.
It's the same thing over and over again.
Yevon basically just wanted a clear menace to prevent technological advancement
Also Discord is pretty good from the bit I've used it, and you can set up a professionally hosted server for free
@twobugs The thing is, I don't think that's the point of Sin.
Yevon's original aeon was probably inside the original Sin shell.
That's why he summoned it - they were losing the war
That's something that happens, yes, but I don't think that was the intent.
@twobugs He summoned it to defend Dream Zanarkand.
Zanarkand lost the war and Yevon knew it.
Yevon probably summoned his aeon, found out it wasn't powerful enough against the machina, and then built the shell around it.
From my understanding Dream Zanarkand happened after that?
So he transformed all his people into fayth to create a Dream Zanarkand.
@Frank I think the original Sin was created from pyreflies after he basically killed all the remaining people
And then summoned Sin around him as armor to defend it.
Okay, so he created Sin as his armor to defend Dream Zanarkand
@TimStone Yevon killed the remaining people?
"Hey everyone I'm going to make a Dream Zanarkland and a terrible monster so you're all gonna die now have fun"
The power drove him insane though and now he goes around destroying everything.
Didn't they turn themselves into fayth to remember Zanarkand?
@Frank Yes
I don't think the power drove him insane so much as he has just faded away. He's not really a person anymore, just a desire. He's the reason they send people
Sin was probably a weapon of mass destruction that Yevon couldn't figure out how to get rid of.
It's weird. I know all the words you all are saying, but I remember exactly squat from the game so I have no idea what's going on, lol
@Frank It's not, though. It follows his very basic commands
It protects Dream Zanarkand and keeps technology from advancing
Dream Zanarkand is an actual physical place. It's an aeon.
Is it Yevon doing that? Or the aeon inside it?
@Frank Ehh well Yu Yevon brought everyone together and converted them to fayth, so
It's Yevon. He's still an existence
Yeah, but Jecht has limited control over Sin.
@Yuuki Isn't it all of the aeons?
Killing him it was causes Sin to dissolve and frees the fayth to stop remembering
Q: (Spoiler) What about all the remaining missing people in Puzzle Agent 2?

AndrewHere are the people from Scoggins listed as missing: Of the people listed as missing I only remember Isaac Davner being found or having a conclusion. Both Halldor Magnusson and Darrel Boutin are mentioned as having walked into the forest and never returned by Korka and Darryl respectively. Wil...

Q: How can I defeat Wiggler and Kamek?

Ashley NunnI've played this fight about ten times now, 8 of those on Easy Mode, and I can't beat this fight. Wiggler gets POW increases right away, and his attacks seem to basically one-hit my guys. I can't leave the fight and come back, so I am limited to the 3 1UP mushrooms and 5 Double 1UP mushrooms I ha...

@Ktash See, at least you know they're words!
Like... It was a shared dream?
@Fluttershy It's the aeon of the fayth in the Zanarkand Ruins.
@Fluttershy Yeah, they were all deaming it.
@Frank Yeah, and that's why it was possible to defeat Sin at all. A full-powered Sin would probably not have been so easily wounded
@Fluttershy No, it's an actual physical place out in the middle of the oceans of Spira.
It's both. It's a physical place created by their dreams
It's Sin that kept the dream going, but I don't think that was it's original purpose.
Clearly we all just need to replay FFX.
Sin's just a permanent summon that never stopped, so the fayth couldn't stop dreaming.
@Fluttershy Totally working on it.
The game doesn't explain it very well.
It's better than the FF7 translation, which glosses over a few major plot points
@Frank Sin keeps the Ruins fayth in their place, but he doesn't technically keep the dream going. I mean he does in a way, but he's not directly responsible.
@Yuuki Not directly, no.
But with Yevon, there's always at least one summon always out.
If Yevon was defeated for good and the fayth in the Ruins stayed and kept dreaming, Dream Zanarkand would still be out in the middle of the ocean.
Yevon is also the one who taught Yunalesca how to create fayths and devised the method to keep Sin going
I think.
He wanted to set up this cycle to keep society from advancing too much
@Yuuki That's how I understand it. The fayth just wanted to stop as they had been doing it for a loooooong time.
@twobugs Primarily in an effort to protected Dream Zanarkland, from what I gathered
@Yuuki But the fayth wanted to dream at the beginning.
"I'll stick it out at sea, create a monster that prevents society advancing too much, everything'll be great"
Once nothing is summoned anymore, they can stop and let themselves die.
@TimStone Yeah.
The only thing that confuses me is the whole Dream Zanarkand/Real Zanarkand thing
Zanarkand was supposed to be the magic dudes while Bevelle was the tech dudes
But Dream Zanarkand seems to have... pretty good technology?
And Tidus is all like "Whoa, magic????"
Well, aeons can't exactly summon things, I imagine.
So magic/summoning kinda stagnates there.
So it's not a reproduction then and Yu Yevon is a big phony!
Well, not a good reproduction.
@twobugs I think it was supposed to be a sort of happy balance
@twobugs Also, Yevon doesn't give a f--k about technology. He's not a Luddite. He only destroys big cities and such because with technology, they could find Dream Zanarkand.
Where they'd just exist and not take things too far
And Sin no likey when people find Dream Zanarkand.
@Yuuki I think you're reading too much into it.
@Yuuki Well the teachings of Yevon of pretty anti-machina. It makes sense that he directly doesn't like high technology
Bevelle's technology thoroughly overpowered Zanarkand
@twobugs It's been centuries. Teachings can be distorted.
The "teachings" came about because of what Sin destroyed, though, right?
Something something real-life.
@TimStone Yes, but there were also things that he directly told Yunalesca
@Yuuki And were. Bevelle kinda hijacked Zanarkand as the religion.
It's not really hijacking. Yevon told Yunalesca on purpose so she could start the religion
Man, can we have a proper good LotR game? I want to have an in-depth discussion about LotR lore now.
(Also, we should have these lore discussions waaaay more often, I'm having fun)
BUT @FRANK HATES L-- is shot
This just made me sad that they got all ridiculous on the FFX lore in the expanded universe
Dear @Uni: shut up, stop watching south park, and do your goddamn homework. Love, @Unionhawk
The audio drama brought back Sin, because reasons. Are they planning for a X-3? I really hope not
@twobugs Apparently so.
Q: How do you replace a block using /setblock?

user137802Im really confused by command blocks. Im trying to make a conveyor belt that pushes gravel using pistons by placing and replacing redstone blocks behind it but i cant work out how to replace the redstone block. Nothing seems to work. Help please!

@Yuuki I thought shadow of mordor was good?
@GnomeSlice It meshes somewhat strangely with the canon.
If at all, IIRC.
Cannons don't really mesh with things unless you're a string theorist
Shadow of Mordor was good but I think some people didn't like it taking an established character in a different direction
Which I can understand
I'm not really that knowledgeable on LotR so I can't comment other than I liked that game
That game was cool
I like cool games
Hmm yeah, Yunalesca just says that the Final Summoning kills the summoner, but doesn't explain if that's just foreshadowing for whatever Yevon does or if there's something special about the act that actually kills them
Preordered X-Com 2 (NOT the digital deluxe edition, therefore @Yuuki must apologize to me)
Also I had forgotten how cold she was
I'll grab the Witness on a sale I guess
Yunalesca is stone cold but I think running damage control for Yu Yevon for 1000+ years would probably screw with you
Well if you want the character to go in the established direction just read the book, when they try to make games where everything follows a movie or book you end up with The Hulk
@twobugs Not just that, but if IIRC, it screws with the origin of the One Ring.
I'd say Shrek 2 except that game was actually really fun
@Yuuki Yeah, looking over it they took the character of Celibrimbor and then made some changes to his background
I can see why people would be mad
IIRC, according to Shadow of Mordor, Celebrimbor creates the One Ring.
In Shadow of Mordor canon he does it all
> the Celebrimbor that appears in the game differs from the Tolkien Celebrimbor in that he not only makes the three elf rings, but he crafts all of the rings of power, and when captured helps Sauron reforge the one ring (via scribing the lettering of the ring upon it) he also gave the ring a will of its own.
Well, he did the make the other Rings of Power.
It's just that Sauron is the one who forges the One Ring, not Celebrimbor.
The other part of it is people who think that it's a made up character
Q: whenever i try to connect to a minecraft server it says the server encountered an unexpected condition

serveri have tried restarting minecraft and my computer it worked a couple of minutes ago but now it wont work I will tell you if it gets fixed

Q: Why are there no Dark type Gym Leaders?

ThunderforgeIn the Pokémon series, Gym Leaders have teams of Pokémon that specialize in one type, such as Brock specializing in Rock type and Misty specializing in Water type. However, a list of Gym Leaders shows that there has never been a Dark type Gym Leader in any game, whereas every other type has appea...

and it's like "no, there's other... never mind whatever"
Well, Talion is a made-up character.
I'm pretty sure Celebrimbor just made the elf rings
In the Tolkien version at least
Celebrimbor made all except the One Ring.
And all of the rings were made for the elves.
Okay, here's the distinction
@Yuuki That's the first thing, aside from the fact that Celebrimbor isn't
Celebrimbor is head ring dude
He personally made the 3 elf rings
Others he probably assisted in
I might redownload that game because that game was awesome
Ah, then yes.

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