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But they're also rather susceptible to being executed poorly.
Nihilistic villains are interesting with what you can do with them.
woooo mortgage offer accepted \o/
@twobugs I'm thinking baout Darkest Dungeon too. I want to go home and play.
@agent86 You're not even my senpai anymore, so I don't care
@Wipqozn so this is what happens when you aren't noticed by your senpai
Scientists find evidence of a 9th planet lurking at the edge of our Solar System! http://futurism.com/videos/scientists-find-evidence-9th-planet-lurking-edge-solar-system/ 🌎 https://t.co/AFZ5JZ3JJt
@Unionhawk yeah, it's called pluto. We knew about it back in the day
No, Jerry, a real planet
@Unionhawk Hasn't this always been the case? The search for Pluto arose because there were abnormalities in Neptune's and Uranus's orbits.
I'm really hyped for a REAL 9th planet
@Yuuki Those were actually mismeasurements
@Yuuki uranus has an abnormal orbit
@twobugs Mmkay.
Once we flew probes by Neptune and Uranus we had a better idea of their mass and there wasn't a need for a planet perturbing them
@GodEmperorDune Something something urmom.
@Yuuki uranus > urmom
Pluto is a— F--K YOU.
However, we've noticed that a lot of trans-Neptunian objects (tnos) had strange orbits that were really, really similar
The best explanation for this is a large planet perturbing them, and we can estimate the size and orbit based on the effect it has
@Unionhawk that was a weird episode
That was an awesome episode
The issue is this 9th planet would have a really wonky orbit
20,000 year orbit
200 AUs at the perihelion, 1000 at the furthest
Even voyager 1 is only at 133 AUs from the sun right now. 9th planet would be FAAAAR
In theory it should be observable, but very faint
@Unionhawk oh wait that was the episode where summer was working for satan
yes that was a great episode
@twobugs You're welcome!
It's just super cool and I hope the planet is on it's approach so we can send a super cool probe
Also, FF XIII was one of the better ones. Cc @agent86
@GodEmperorDune AND had the butter robot
@twobugs Given that these probes use nuclear energy, I'm not sure how cool it would be even in space.
@twobugs yeah anything that far from the sun will be super cool
In space, nobody can hear your dad jokes.
@Yuuki given that the probes use the energy created by a thermal gradient I hope at least half cool
@GodEmperorDune But things have trouble radiating heat in space because of the vacuum.
Being too hot is actually a common problem for spaceships.
@Yuuki thats why they have fire coming out of the exhaust port
to radiate the heat
@Yuuki Not if you vent the heat to hyper/sub/plotspace!
@GodEmperorDune No, they cool down by looking at Uranus. That's like jumping in an ice bath.
Aaaaaaand we're full-circle.
@Yuuki actually they have no problem radiating heat
A: What exactly is the difference between radiation and convection?

AdamRedwineTo pretty much everything you stated in your question, "no". That convection requires a medium is not the main difference, it is simply the most obvious aspect of what is a fundamentally different mechanism for transfering energy. Convection is the transfer of energy by movement of a medium, wh...

drops mic and walks away
no worries, gave him a briefing
Q: Heat Transfer From a Spaceship in Deep Space

Jonathon WisnoskiSpace is a very low temperature environment, however it also has an extremely small number of particles per unit volume. This leads me to believe that, contrary to popular portrayals of heat loss in space, there would be very little heat loss due to conduction on a hypothetical spaceship in deep...

> Yes the temperature is low-- but there is not enough matter out there to cool down anything quickly.
picks up mic and throws it at @GodEmperorDune
@Yuuki radiation doesn't use matter
I have no idea what is going on right now.
E = MC^2.
@twobugs Quick! Jump to plotspace!
@AshleyNunn Science fight!
@AshleyNunn Honestly, I don't really either.
Ah, okay then. :)
Carry on.
vacuum doesn't matter for heat transfer via radiation, but it does matter for heat transfer via convection
That's different from saying "radiation doesn't use matter".
> radiation = generated and absorbed photons
conduction = molecules exciting their neighbors succesively
convection = molecules heated like in conduction, but then move to another location
damn, now i need to look up if photons count as matter
Does it matter? a new website that will tell if you something is matter or not
Q: Do vendors ever get new legendary items?

TedDo vendors like the ones in diamond city ever get new legendary items if you already bought the ones they had?

Q: Is it possible to obtain the Ballistic Weave mod in Fallout 4 without hitting a point of no return?

RESPAWNSo after some reading around today, I discovered that it is possible to upgrade clothing to incorporate ballistic weave. As somebody who finds power armor to be a bit bulky and unwieldy and not at all flattering to my figure, I love the idea of being able to upgrade clothing for better protectio...

With mass-energy equivalence, photons are (or maybe aren't) matter. Point is, matter is not well defined.
@GodEmperorDune Yes/no.
alright i'll accept my earlier statement as incorrect
literally me
Everything is particles. It seems to be unclear whether all particles generally count as "matter"
@murgatroid99 urmom is particles
@Sterno New PC to make sure you don't miss a minute of XCOM 2?
@GodEmperorDune Hahahahahaha Dr. Xenon Bloom is voiced by John Oliver I never picked up on that
@StrixVaria Something like that.
The burger feels like it would be too big for a mouth.
@Yuuki They can always look that way but some how get eaten just the same :)
That burger feels like it would be too delicious for a mouth.
@Yuuki i think my cholesterol went up just looking at it
That is some HD burger there
Those are less appealing to me
Augh nope no food because I don't get lunch for another 2 hours and I am already wanting to chew my own arm off
Going on with the briefing.
Any tips?
@Yuuki Now I'm hungry!
Normally I would post more with that reaction, but @AshleyNunn literally reaching through the Internet and gnawing my face off is one of my nightmares so...
@Yuuki Hmmm... Apparently Ashley is the stuff of... five people's nightmares :D
Q: Does reactivating Fortification cancel the melee bonus?

DarthPizzaThe description for the Fortification ability is the following: Reinforce armor using protective Foucault currents. Purge the current and send its charge to your gauntlets for increased melee damage. Slow down power use. So deactivating (or "purging") Fortification gives you a melee ...

@James or they are controlled by the cybernetic hivemind that is represented by @AshleyNunn
@James It's a perfectly rational fear!
My fear is that @fredley... I got nothing you guys are just weird
@Yuuki I promise I will not gnaw your face off
Man, season two of Arrow is getting weird
All past experience has told me that I should not be watching Citation Needed while at work, yet here I am.
I kinda want the Sega 3D Classics collection even though I don't know much about any of the games except Sonic (which I suck at and would not be fun) .
That sounds kind of neat. I don't know much about those games either, I was a Nintendo kid
Shame there's no Phantasy Star, though
@twobugs Same, still pretty much am.
I figure it's not out til April, I got time to figure out what those other things are
Even though I grew up with nintendo, I only know Sonic and Mario.
Let's see... I do know Altered Beast. That's a weird old beat em up. Pretty fun, but the genre has moved on
by grew up, I mean 5-10 ages.
@Sterno If this ends in any sort of hype explosion, I am not cleaning it up.
The Day The Hype Stood Still
@Sterno How many sleeps until it arrives?
Speaking of hype, my Final Fantasy Explorers copy shipped
cc @Yuuki
Q: call of duty 4 multiplayer is not working, how do i fix it?

Sparta270I have call of duty 4, and one match i did bad, then all of a sudden it says it will take a couple million experience points to level up to private, when i was a corporal, and it wont let me go online. How can i make it work?

Q: When should I use the negative milestone unlocks?

GodEmperorDuneThe most recent timed event zone of Adventure Capitalist, "New You", has a set of paired investments, a healthy and slow option and a corresponding unhealthy and fast. Every other milestone unlock for the unhealthy option sabotages the speed of the already slow healthy option. Currently I'm just...

@twobugs Nice.
I'm not sure if that game is going to be in short stock though.
So I might just pick it up at Fry's or something.
I bought the Collector's Edition so I had to buy from Square Enix's stupid webstore AND pay extra for shipping
Dear Square Enix: Please stop doing this
@twobugs Oooh, that sounds interesting. Although I might struggle with it, because the MH stuff I've played has been super hard for me.
They've been making MH easier to get into, but it's definitely a different style of game a lot of people find challenging
I hope FFE isn't too tough to get into
Schools are cancelled tomorrow too
failed hl pun
@twobugs I'm worried about how much I'll have curb my Monster Hunter habits.
I figure I'll hold off on it til I can learn more
With YoKai Watch and Paper Jam and stuff I'm pretty full up
Hopefully there will be a demo or something for the people who don't impulse buy
Yeah, I'm wondering there isn't a demo out already.
@Yuuki I have to do this in Dark Souls 2. MH teaches you to find deadzones... in Dark Souls 2 there are no deadzones because of the goofy hit tracking
You'd think that Nintendo would realize that this is a good way to get even more Western audiences into Monster Hunter so that when MHX comes out, the sales go into outer space.
@twobugs I'm hoping so.
Its... nice you're getting reddit karma but do you need to tell us?
Out of context these links are confusing
Yeah, context pls.
context: this track is pretty great and so is carlos
Q: Do tamed oviraptors promote pooping?

DpeifI have an oviraptor at my base generating increased egg production from my other dinos. I swear poop production has skyrocketed as well though: my compost bins are always maxed out, and sitting amidst the ~50 nearby dinos can sometimes sound like a symphony of poo (constant fart sounds). This is ...

strangly incontex with what @lasers just posted XD
@djsmiley2k This makes me less trusting to click that link.
That's better than flowers. I always feel bad that the flowers die. I know it's not something I can prevent, really, but I still feel awful.
I keep watering my animal crossing flowers, but they still die. :<
@James haha
it features dinosaurs
@fredley Oh, probably like 14-21, knowing non-priority shipping speeds
Plus, then, inevitably they'll try to deliver it when I'm not home
> but this $50 stuffed menagerie—including two T-rexes, two triceratops, and two apatosauruses—isn’t going to be wiped out by a meteorite or ice age anytime soon.
Apparently, Gizmodo can tell the future.
@Yuuki yeah was about to say
all of those things would definately cause an issue
> Scheduled delivery: Tue, 1/26/2016 by 8:00 pm
Actual Delivery: 1/26/2106 by 8:00pm
It will still be able to play XCOM 2 in 90 years
Steam will have died out by then, so probably not
I'll get it just in time to play Half-Life 3
Valve apparently approved someone to make a game based on Nova Prospekt
I heard about that. It was built off his failed resume application project.
"Hey Valve, I built this fantastic tribute piece, can we talk about a job?" Valve pushes it into dumpster with all the other applications w/ projects attached
"No, but you can make it for us and we will take the money."
So, my PM is upset that I don't have a bunch of stuff to show our external customers tomorrow.
Because being assigned a bunch of non-coding administrative type tasks by said PM was totally my choice!
@Sterno 6-8 weeks
8-10 business weeks*
80-100 business days*
800-1000 business hours*
8000-10000 business minutes*
8-10 angry executive foot-taps on tile floor*
80000000000000000000-10000000000000000000 business femtoseconds*
4-543 business epochs
That's more to-scale.
8-10 'when its done's
> sitting amidst the ~50 nearby dinos can sometimes sound like a symphony of poo (constant fart sounds).
> This is especially noticable with my Phliomas, which are now pooping in burst fire mod
ARK I'm guessing?
@twobugs just saw the mobile strike ad with arnold and the cell phone gun. hilarious
@GnomeSlice yep
Q: Do tamed oviraptors promote pooping?

DpeifI have an oviraptor at my base generating increased egg production from my other dinos. I swear poop production has skyrocketed as well though: my compost bins are always maxed out, and sitting amidst the ~50 nearby dinos can sometimes sound like a symphony of poo (constant fart sounds). This is ...

A: How can I humidify a room without a humidifier?

ThePROgrammerAnything that humidifies is a humidifier, your logic is flawed: this is impossible

@Sterno Well, that's constructive.
@ardaozkal lolol
Is it THAT complicated?!
i got an outspoken badge O.o
i and :wq
^All you need to know
first silver badge hype
@Dragonrage gz
@ardaozkal have you used vi?
@ardaozkal why not?
@GodEmperorDune I did.
@ardaozkal why not?
@ardaozkal then you should already be aware of how complicated it can be
Q: Should I feel like my answer was plagiarized?

Just Do ItThere's this question to which I posted an answer around an hour after it was asked. I decide to review some of my answers, to see if I can improve them somehow, when I see another answer very similar to mine, posted a day after mine. What bugs me out is that it's basically the same idea behind t...

Q: Someone came up with the same obvious idea as me and wrote it entirely in their own words with some additional suggestions. Plagiarism!
@GodEmperorDune it can, but I don't think that this will be a healthy SE if it gets out of beta.
@ardaozkal Why not?
@AshleyNunn the more the topic gets more specific, the less amount of possible questions.
I'm not convinced this is the case here.
That's why beta exists no?
To prove you wrong?
Pretty much.
Q: Building a foundation for vi/vim knowledge

Shog9This site will shortly enter public beta. With that change in status will come fresh opportunities: visibility via search engines and throughout the Stack Exchange network, a team of moderators chosen from within the community, and a path to obtaining the status of a full-fledged member of the St...

We don't all have to agree on everything ever
You don't all have to agree on everything. You just have to agree with me. Because I'm right.
Or old. One of those two.
is that an SE for a code editor
@Sterno And we just need to disagree with Uni, because he is always wrong.
what's next, photoshop.se
> And if that doesn't happen, it'll be because in your hearts you all know that Emacs is a better editor. Go on, prove me wrong again...
@GnomeSlice vi/vim is like the most complex and arcane code editor in existence
@GnomeSlice pinball.se

Proposed Q&A site for pinball players, enthusiasts, owners, designers, and repairpersons.

Currently in definition.

@Sterno I'd like to report the LifeHacks StackExchange for plagiarizing the LifeHacks website.
Stock Exchange

Proposed Q&A site for investors and analysts of the stock market and general stock investment practices.

Currently in definition.

@GodEmperorDune I thought that was butterflies.
If it's hard enough to use that it needs its own Q/A site to operate, maybe use a better one
@Yuuki must resist lapsing into again
@GodEmperorDune emacs is about as hard
@KevinvanderVelden emacs has a help menu
@GodEmperorDune the most complex editor in existence is @GnomeSlice' phone.
@ardaozkal that's not a code editor, its a sapient AI toying with all of us
for duck shake
@GodEmperorDune :help
Which is also shown when you start it up
@KevinvanderVelden not helpful when you're stuck in another mode and don't know how to get back
@GodEmperorDune escape
Always escape
VI isn't that complex
Open VI, press i
write stuff, then press esc
@GodEmperorDune ?
If you want to save it, :wq
If you don't want to, :q!
There you go, all VI.se needs.
Q: My Mod Pack do not show up in Minecraft Forge

Hayday2000So I downloaded a mod pack from curse. I also Downloaded Minecraft Forge. But I start the game as forge and use the forge version when its done loading the Mod Pack does not show up. Do I need to install All the mods for that mod pack separately or is my minecraft just Stupid

Well clearly it's more complicated than that since there have been more than 2 questions asked
@Unionhawk Life is simple, but Lifehacks have more than 2 questions asked
@ardaozkal ao, v, etbf$^%, cs. Uuh what are other important ones
Nope, vi only supports 3 commands
And the capital versions of course
But he might be right!
But that doesn't matter
@Lazers2.0 What on earth did you exactly do?
"Help. Was trying to mod minecraft and may have undermined fundamental fabric of universe"
Behold, a WordPress post written by an absolute wasteman that explains why SO apparently sucks.
coughing (eh good enough I guess)
TL;DR he calls it "yet another trolls&noobs zoo"
@Unionhawk I mean, yeah, SO isn't my go-to website, but still.
@Texenox please don't use retarded as a pejorative descriptor, thanks
That typeface is pissing me off even more than his dumb words
@twobugs Yeah, I'm looking at it and it just looks so out of proportion.
@Texenox so sucks, full of perfect devs, and even if you are the best dev out there, you are noob.
It's just irregular. The lowercase "d" looks horrible and breaks the flow
@GodEmperorDune Also, don't use "wasteman". It's an insult to sanitation workers.
@Yuuki pls
@Yuuki lel
@Yuuki urface is an insult to humanity.
trying to make a joke that doesn't offend anyone in 2016 simulator:
@ardaozkal yes
Oh, really? I don't seem to have a problem with that
@ardaozkal That's from back in the alpha, now they've added at least 700% more traps.
@Arperum yeah
@Arperum I'm a beta and I was offended.
. . .
@ardaozkal beta-kin*
@Wipqozn do you think I care that you don't care? SPOILER ALERT: I don't care.
@agent86 I don't care more than you don't care (also buy darkest dungeon)
@SaintWacko how dare you identify as betakin too
you triggered me
I seriously can't tell whether this @agent86-@Wipqozn thing is joking or not.
@Texenox I was offended by your triggering.
All right we have entered the realm of "this is really stupid"
@ardaozkal I was triggered by your offendedness
Nuff with the offended stuff
@ardaozkal SHush. both of you. Go be offended in your own room.
@Wipqozn I don't care the mostest times infinity. (also I met the devs last year and they gave us a free copy and my partner took it. I haven't stabbed him to take it back. yet.)
I love how one of the comments in the solution is to force all the moderators to use their real names.
@Unionhawk That assumes we ever left.
42 secs ago, by ardaozkal
Nuff with the offended stuff
Being asked to stop does not mean "post more 0gag"
@SaintWacko this is too much for my PTSD, I need an extra hour in the ball-pit.
Get it? 0gag because it is not funny
Yup, nope
@Arperum that was a "I'm done" post.
@agent86 Infinity+1 (also that's awesome. Waht were the devs like?)
Serious question, why is one of the "solutions" for Internet problems always "reveal people's identities"?
@ardaozkal Oh, that's what it was, okay.
@ardaozkal Yea, don't do those, they are dumb.
Don't make an "I'm done post" and then continue to do it
In other news, I have just gotten my fourth win on comp CS:GO.
@Texenox gz
@Wipqozn infinity to the infinity power (also they were pretty cool dudes. I met one of the guys behind Diablo last year too. I managed not to fanboy out. also also also, the guy who made knights of pen and paper, and we had beers together. \o/)
(plus a bunch of other cool stuff. basically, awesome.)
@Wipqozn @agent86 Both of those still technically equal infinity.
Infinity + 1 = Still infinity.
I was standing very close to Darren Korb at a SxSW party-thing, but I didn't recognize him.
@Texenox some infinity is more infinity than others
@Unionhawk u fokin wot m8
for example, which set has more elements, the set of natural numbers, or the set of real numbers
@Texenox we're having a kindergarten-level math fight.
@Unionhawk What about the set of natural cucumbers?
@agent86 Ah. Fair enough. Carry on, then.
@SaintWacko to the corner with you
Hint: they both have infinite elements, but one is most definitely more infinity than the other
Well that went well
I got out with everyone at nearly 0 stress. Crusader stress reducer + torch skill is awesome
Someone rebooted the server with all my data for no reason so it's a pain in the ass to develop! Yeah!
@ardaozkal really fam

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