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@Dragonrage This makes you sound so incredibly shallow.
@AshleyNunn im pretty sure girls think about things differently
@Dragonrage Nah man
That's not real science, trust me
They don't.
idk it seems like it
@Dragonrage everyone thinks about things differently, has nothing to do with gender.
@Dragonrage society forced image.
They act, just like everyone. This applies for men too.
maybe im just not a people person. ill go crawl back in my hole and continue to be an introvert
People is people is people is people. Besides, its all a messy spectrum anyhow.
and let the world revolve around me. simpler that way
You can't expect anyone to be %100 themselves. When they are, they get called crazy.
People are limitless (as in freedom), and therefore we set a limit to themselves.
@AshleyNunn Does it count if you do the calling crazy yourself?
I deffo think differently to most people
Face It: You're Crazy (But So Is Everyone Else)
like... vastly differently
but yes, everyone is bonkers
@Arperum I call myself crazy most days because the nice doctors have told me I am :)
(aka neuroatypical and proud, yo)
@AshleyNunn the voices told me it was everyone else
@AshleyNunn I have not had doctors call me crazy, I figured it out myself.
I used to get called "idiot", "stupid", "crazy" just for expressing my opinions.
People are neurodiverse just like they're diverse in every other thing.
@Arperum That works too.
We've all got Stuff.
@AshleyNunn What's a neuroatypical if you don't mind me asking?
*remembers past*
you're just jealous because the voices picked me
Ninja. I was about to say that you mistyped it.
@Arperum Basically used to describe any sort of...neurodivergence - generally used by the mental health communities, autism communities, etc. Basically a friendly way of saying "oh hey my brain does not necessarily do the things the way you might expect"
I mean I literally have tubes in my head, plus some brain-tissue death so literally my brain works different (neuroplasticity is cool as heck)
(Sorry, I am an absolute dork over this stuff.)
whenever someone talks, i actually hear 2 voices
@Dragonrage Y'know, if my conscience ever got wrecked by something, there are probably three options: 1) I'd be dead, 2) I go crackpot conspiracy theorist, 3) Evil genius.
i subvocalize anything i read/hear/speak
Apparently, no one currently at the bridge is normal.
i believe it has to do with dyslexia
@AshleyNunn I'm pretty sure I fall somewhere in the autism spectrum. Probably including some light form of asperger syndrome.
Just beat Rise of the Tomb Raider. Fun game
most people subvocalize when they read, though some dont notice. but as far as i know, very few people subvocalize spoken words
There's some weird score attack mode I haven't tried and I'm only about 80% done
AFAIK everyone subvocalizes when they read
At least on some level
@twobugs do you subvocalize spoken words?
like if someone is talking to you, or if you are talking to someone?
Not that I'm conscious of
@Sterno 50
@Arperum Yeah, ASD and Asperger's are somewhat similar in their stuff. :)
Weird: I don't subvocalize anything.
@twobugs if you dont mind, how would you describe how you hear/process words.
@ardaozkal im the opposite, i literally subvocalize everything including sounds
that might be good, but mine sucks
What exactly do you mean by subvocalize?
I mean, like when you read something, you like.. ughh... hear it in your brain. I hear it very, very quietly, and rarely.
@AshleyNunn what ardaozkal said. basically anything i hear, i also hear it in my brain
Worse: Unless I subvocalize it, I don't usually remember it. This makes studying for exams very problematic.
@Dragonrage I read too fast for that to be practical
@ardaozkal Get yourself to a quiet place and read all the stuff you need aloud?
I also don't subvocalize other speech
@Arperum I depersonalize on that occasion.
Depersonalization (or depersonalisation) is an anomaly of self-awareness. It can consist of a reality or detachment within the self, regarding one's mind or body, or being a detached observer of oneself. Subjects feel they have changed, and the world has become vague, dreamlike, less real, or lacking in significance. It can be a disturbing experience. Chronic depersonalization refers to depersonalization/derealization disorder, which is classified by the DSM-5 as a dissociative disorder. Though degrees of depersonalization and derealization can happen to anyone who is subject to temporary a...
@Dragonrage Like, when someone is talking to me?
its suggested that subvocalization occurs when your brain sends speech impulses to the vocal chords, but they do not get produced as sound. something about the brain also sending a signal to not produce the sound
@twobugs yea
man, brains are so freaking fascinating.
@AshleyNunn how many words a minute?
It is the thing what happens when you are, like, watching TV, and you feel like you wake up, and loads of time passed.
Um. I just kind of hear what they're saying. Sometimes I have to make sense of the context
@Dragonrage I forget when I last checked.
But that happens nearly everyday to me. Lessons mainly.
I'm not aware of any subvocalization like I am with my reading
Let me test again real quick
I read at a decent speed but I definitely have to sound each word out
@Dragonrage Heh. I remember last time this was mentioned in here, it ended with everyone being in awe of the insane speeds at which @AshleyNunn reads.
But, two of the reasons for Depersonalization is depression and not getting enough sleep.
@twobugs God no, that's hyper inefficient.
I've read that everyone subvocalizes during reading even if they aren't aware of it, but I don't really know how accurate blanket statements like that are
Guess what? I'm depressed and am not getting enough sleep in the last 6 months.
3-5 hours.
@Dragonrage just tested, hit 1100 wpm
usual range is like 900-1100 wpm, 80% retained
@AshleyNunn nice, i read about 1000 words per minute as well. usually with 90% retention
I'm fairly certain you're the next level in human evolution
Do you have a test for reading speed?
@twobugs I subvocalize rarely, and I don't remember anything about the thing I just read when I don't.
er, a link to one
Top comment on Daniel Radcliffe's tribute to Alan Rickman:
> Holyshit.
People use google+?
they say people who subvocalize can only read at like 250 words per minute
@twobugs I usually use www.readingsoft.com
although if you do it more than once then you know the comprehension q's :P
@twobugs Well, I am a cyborg :P
Alright let's test this
@ardaozkal Get to bed, ye crazy. That's not enough sleep.
@Arperum homework.pptx
I'll get 4 hours of sleep if I sleep now. I might aswell stay overnight and study for the exam.
i also dont really have a method for sounding out words. i dont use phonetics. i can mimic sounding out words if i know how the word is pronounced, but normally i just memorize the sounds associated with the word
I don't really think about it, I just read
@AshleyNunn this, is also what I do.
But I don't remember nearly anything about the thing I read
i also have like a speech impediment. i dont use my tongue to accent words like most people, i generally form sounds mainly with my throat.
@ardaozkal That doesn't work. I tried. I failed. Bed. Now.
this leads me to sound like im mumbling if i dont talk loud enough, and having a very deep voice does not help this at all
@ardaozkal And then you fall asleep in the exam
Which is ungood
Oof. 500 WPM with 80% comprehension
@AshleyNunn Unfortunately, I do that in nearly every exam though.
I am not on your level @AshleyNunn :(
Hello future employers, these are just jokes.
@twobugs Better than average, though :)
but i can subvocalize my own speech, as well others, and i can subvocalize multiple voices at once
as well as sounds
And I bet you're good at other stuff I'm not, like...most non-Nintendo video games :P
@AshleyNunn more like this
Depersonalization (or depersonalisation) is an anomaly of self-awareness. It can consist of a reality or detachment within the self, regarding one's mind or body, or being a detached observer of oneself. Subjects feel they have changed, and the world has become vague, dreamlike, less real, or lacking in significance. It can be a disturbing experience. Chronic depersonalization refers to depersonalization/derealization disorder, which is classified by the DSM-5 as a dissociative disorder. Though degrees of depersonalization and derealization can happen to anyone who is subject to temporary a...
Maybe, but I'll never beat your Google Play score for sure :P
@ardaozkal Which I suspect doesn't help you write the exam either
It definitely doesn't.
I miss like, %90 of all lessons because of this too.
@twobugs you wont beat me on my high score for the game i made
@twobugs I'm almost Level 44 :D
1 min ago, by ardaozkal
Hello future employers, these are just jokes.
@AshleyNunn I kinda gave up around level 5... Jeez.
753 WPM
Huh, apparently I can record gameplay on my phone through Google Play. Because I know you'd all love to watch me play Sky Garden: Paradise Flowers. (legit that's what I am playing right now the most)
@twobugs Yeah but how many Steam or console achievements do you have? Probably more than me!
Do you recommend it? I'm just watching numbers go up in Adventure Capitalist mobile ever since I 100%'d 10B wives (Do not do this, it's a bad idea and not worth it)
@twobugs It's a simple collection/tapping game. It's decent enough.
10B Wives is an incrementer where the twist is you "marry" cute anime women. Once you get past that it is a brutal grind
I was going to tell people to play Ice Age Adventures but it's so paywalled its not worth it.
Ah, that's too bad
I spent like $15 on it before i was like NOPE ENOUGH
I just like nice chill mobile games where I can relax and make some gradual progress
The newest Cut the Rope is pretty good if you don't hate energy based games
For my heavier gaming I have... well, too many other options
every time i think about asking a question here i google it and do a little digging and find my answer
@badp According to the same logic, you don't need me, therefore you need me. Next you should prove that black is white and get run over at the next zebra crossing
@PrivatePansy But if black is white, there are no zebra crossings, since there are no different stripes. But at the same times everything is zebra crossing, because everywhere is stripes.
Here’s an example of what I mean. Think about when you are driving. When you see a stop sign, do you actually vocalize the word “STOP” in your head?
yes, yes i do
@twobugs The Lara Croft GO game is fun, although it's paid. Rayman Adventures is also fun although it got a little tricky for me
Okay, neat. Paid isn't totally off the table for me because I do those Google Reward things
I just lost $10 to Hearthstone charging me and not giving me my packs though :(
@twobugs oh, the fix is easy
Just contact battlenet live support
I wanted to listen to nile, not to some random I don't know what.
@twobugs Oh that sucks
I guess I should contact their support
@Arperum Sure, just buy Youtube music for 10$/mnth.
@twobugs Yeah, I got a GP card for christmas, and between that and the Google Reward stuff I've gotten a lot of stuff for little to no money
Oh, also Slashy Hero, its REALLY REALLY fun.
I suppose chat and hw doesn't go that well together.
@Arperum YouTube's autoplaylist: Michael Jackson - Bad -> Devo - Whip It -> 99 Red Balloons -> 30 minute ANGRY GAMER RANT ABOUT HOW AMERICA WENT WEAK AFTER THE 80'S
Also, send the receipt, as they'll ask for it.
@NBN-Alex Chances of it autoplaying any of those things for me is pretty low.
@Arperum It's not autopicking songs, it's autopicking videos
@ardaozkal How much of that money goes to the artist? I'd rather buy a cd, that will result in more money for the artists.
@murgatroid99 Shush. It's nearly 2AM, I'm allowed to be wrong on the internet.
It just picks the next related video, but I don't think it actually cares in what way they're related
@Arperum no, most of the money from CD goes to the market, the other people between.
So, I'm just using Spotify, the artists get the money as soon as I click play on the song (well, more like 20 secs into the song, but whatever)
what is the correct word for someone what commits a traffic violation?
like crosses double yellow line, etc
@Dragonrage ell.se
@ardaozkal Nope, I generally buy cd's at shows, so straight from the artists.
@Arperum yeah, that'd go mostly to the artists.
@ardaozkal Ya, like 10cent for 10k plays or something.
@ardaozkal I know.
@murgatroid99 not scientific: but it seems like it uses the video's tags, the account the video is on, and other metrics (weighting against your previous history, most played videos, the date on each video) to determine what to play next. Unfortantly, your history of videos can greatly skew the results from music to non-music per video.
Also what is up with my stuff getting starred today? it's ridiculous.
@Dragonrage it'll get migrated if it is on the wrong website.
@Arperum random stars are random
@Dragonrage If you already know english, that's probably what you want
@Arperum wasnt my star, but maybe others are trying to help you get badges
@NBN-Alex I don't know the details. I think it's just sending you to the first related video, iteratively
Still, if I bought a CD in turkey, nearly none of it would go to the artist, so I just use spotify premium instead of pirating it.
@Dragonrage Lol, I got those for years already.
I think I have listened to the Hamilton OST too much
I haven't had anything else in my head in weeks
@Arperum idk then. ask Ashley, stars have been random all day today
@murgatroid99 That tends to be the case. But for some reason some songs end up linking to another artist and then get 100% stuck in that other artists works.
@AshleyNunn It's the Undertale of Broadway.
@Dragonrage Yes, I've been starred a ton today.
Also, it's not me this time
with handing out all the stars
i dont think i have been starred today.
that one is on the house
Yay, looks like I'll be getting my refund
I knew I should have done this earlier but I was just being dumb and lazy
Oh god damn it
@twobugs Glad you're getting the refund though :)
I still have 200 pictures to organize and research about
And it is due tomorrow.
Yep, and thanks to @ardaozkal for getting me to contact support :)
@twobugs np, blizz is awesome when it comes to support!
oh god
Picture Overflow
I'm reading things about it having snowed, I should go check that.
It actually has snowed, first snow of this winter. But only on the grass there is a little bit left, all the rest has melted already.
Q: What do you call someone who commits a traffic violation?

DragonragePeople who commit crimes are criminals, people who commit felonies (heinous crime) are felons, is there a specific word for people who commit traffic violations (minor crime) i.e. crosses a double yellow line, runs red light, etc. Is there a word for people who commit these types of infractions?

You know what I hate? I work so hard for exams and homeworks, but my classmates just copy them from each other.
Meh, only got garbage from my Hearthstone packs
At least they're dust though
@ardaozkal Welcome to school.
@ardaozkal Yea, but once you are out of school there is no more copying.
@Arperum Yes, but unless I manage to catch up to the power of 15+ people combined, I'll be seen as a bad student.
On the plus side, if they're copying they aren't actually learning the material the same way you are
@Arperum yea instead of copying, its plagiarism
I don't know how it is over where you are but here that would not be seen as your problem
i single handedly caused my entire class (read people in the same grade as i) pass chemistry
"here" never applies to turkey, unless you are living on turkey
Freedom? Nah. Fun? Nah. Understanding? Nah.
That really sucks then. It's not your fault at all that other people are cheating
I wouldn't care if I didn't understand it
But there is a heavy talk about how they'll cheat in exam, before the exam.
And you can hear them if you listen careful enough.
OK, I'm going to bed. Goodnight all, have a lullaby (of the very heavy kind.[technical death metal kind of heavy])
Last part <3
Q: How to set a specified block on another specified block command

AkidusLike the title, how do you place a specified block, like a golden pressure plate, onto another specified block, like purple wool block? And only that block can a golden pressure plate be set on. Is there a command block or a /give @p command for this?

and I have 3 hours of sleep left
Q: Magnet and Delete buttons won't show up in NEI 1.8

DashI own a 1.8 server running Bukkit. I have Essentials and bPermissions installed. Client-side, I have NEI installed and I can't seem to get the Magnet and Delete buttons to show up. Every other button shows up. I go to cheat mode, I override the global settings.. They still don't show up. It wor...

good night morning bridge
Sweet, my Zeldathon shirt made it here :D
Apparently DHL thinks Singapore is in Germany
@Wipqozn I have close vote privileges now
Q: Server Resourcepack not working

FredDiggerI made this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/wreel2glk3wme5h/server.zip?dl=1 and it says in my minecraft log [18:21:38] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to parse metadata section of resourcepack: legacy bnl: 'pack.mcmeta' in ResourcePack '/Users/-/Library/Application Support/minecraft/server-resource-...

Does anyone here play MKX ?
Well then I found one for you:
(this is literally a thing)
@Unionhawk That sounds delicious
(I have a high school alumni meetup at MadTree next week, and I'm scouting the taproom)
@Unionhawk in 3 weeks imma drink all of this.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Touche
Between Rubus Cacao and Axis Mundi though, I'm pretty happy that my high school's new president is apparently really cool
And that this occurs during syllabus week
Oh and Identity Crisis, to a smaller extent
Dragon's fist of a thousand exploding suns.
@Steam - before the prime meridian was defined at Greenwich, most (western) maps were centered on Jerusalem, and on Rome before that - even at the time of the British using the Greenwich meridian, the French had a different one for their maps. The Greenwich meridian hasn't been superceded mostly because mapmaking isn't quite the p***ing contest it used to be. Also, it would now take the whole world to agree on the shift in meridian - and all maps and references to be updated accordingly. — HorusKol 10 mins ago
@Unionhawk oooh.
I... don't see how this clarifies anything.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Drink all the things for me.
anyone speak german?
I mean no
> Rum Barrel Aged DIPA
Bridge, do I preorder Dragon's Dogma on Steam?
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2016

Grace NoteIt's 2048 eventually, but it's 2016 now, and we've made some changes to the sidebar size. As such, we can now restart the Community Promotion Ads for 2016! Keep in mind, we have updated some of the guidelines compared to previously - the changes are marked in bold in the Image Requirements secti...

oh my god
@Unionhawk facepalm
Why is @AshleyNunn not through the pacifist run of Undertale so I could share a thing
Awww I'm sorry :(
It is going on my bookmarks bar for future refrance
@twobugs Dragon's Dogma is coming to Steam?
I thought it was already here.
Are you talking about II?
That's because Capcom tricked everyone
Dark Arisen comes out tomorrow
OH F--K.
Preorder and you get soundtrack + artbook
we doing this @Yuuki?
I dunno, I dunno...
Tempted, yes.
I played a lot of Dragon's Dogma when it came out on PS3.
Didn't touch Dark Arisen though.
It's kinda like class-based Monster Hunter but not quite as good.
I heard Dark Arisen was REALLY good and I never played it either
And painting is complete!
So I may or may not have found a way to introduce Monster Hunter content into this Pathfinder campaign.
I made a Dinovaldo for 1st and 2nd levels to fight.
So, it's pretty much a juvenile one.
> Dinovaldo - CR 2
N Large animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +4

AC 11, touch 8, flat-footed 11 (-1 Dex, +3 natural, -1 size)
hp 27 (3d8+9)
Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0

Speed 40ft
Melee: bite +6 (1d8+4), tail slash +6 (2d8+4)
Space: 10 ft. (long); Reach 5 ft.

Str 18 (+4), Dex 8 (-1), Con 14 (+2), Int 2 (-4), Wis 11, Cha 5 (-3)
Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness
Skills Perception +3, Swim +7

Special Abilities

Ignite (Ex)
Q: Rename the [bukkit-worldedit] tag to [minecraft-worldedit]? (It doesn't just support Bukkit)

RobotnikAs part of the Tag Wiki edit post I stumbled across bukkit-worldedit. Now it was proposed just over a year ago to rename it to minecraft-bukkit-worldedit however - according to WorldEdit's Wiki page WorldEdit also supports the Forge, LiteLoader, Canary and hMod modding platforms - not just Bukkit...

@twobugs I kinda wanna get it but I don't know if I should.
I shouldn't, but I will
Damnit Capcom, you're evil but I keep buying your games
@Yuuki The tail slash seems too powerful for level 1 or 2. :o Level 1 or 2 characters don't have a lot of health.
Yeah, balancing Monster Hunter monsters for Pathfinder is... difficult.
Maybe I should use a Lagombi instead.
I love Lagombi
Goofy ass bear rabbit that does donuts on the snow
Dinovaldo is soooo bad-ass though.
anyone else just get logged out?

Proposed Q&A site for pinball players, enthusiasts, owners, designers, and repairpersons.

Currently in definition.

Q: Minecraft command being weird?

DemonLordx64I made a command that, by all Minecraft logic, should work. My command: /tp @e[name=NameA] @r[name=NameB] I need it to teleport NameA to a random entity, which is named NameB. Instead, it says: The entity UUID provided is in an invalid format How do I make it do what I want it to do?

The fact that this is so highly upvoted when it doesn't even answer the root question is disconcerting.
@Frank I think they were trying to answer the general case before a specific game was presented
@AshleyNunn And answering it wrongly.
Then downvote,comment, etc
I dont know enough about it to say either way
im more interested in how it got 33 upvotes in 8 hours
i'd downvote it
except that'd be like crying into a bushfire
@Aequitas Probably got HNQed
@Aequitas If you think it's wrong, downvote it.
Don't hold back because you don't think it won't make a difference.
@Unionhawk I am only like 5 min into the TAS block and I am already super entertained
downvoted question, upvoted @Frank
IMO, people shouldn't answer questions that have problems with them, just edit/flag/VTC, then if it gets fixed you can provide answer. otherwise it just promotes the asking of bad questions
also, the whole trust me I'm a programmer thing is kind of stupid, as a large portion of the people on this site are programmers
Plus, the basic premise of that answer is pretty much "programmers always get concurrency right", which is basically the Magical Christmas Land of the software industry
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I saw it on the HNQ sidebar
@murgatroid99 Not to mention the the video game industry, if the tripple-A game devs can so royally screw up releases/ports... You want to trust them to do things correctly, but there are many clear examples where they do not.
Right, it's probably worse in the video game industry because of all the concentration on deadlines and performance
But even if you have the time and manpower and technical correctness is one of your top priorities, it's still just hard to get right
i.e. my team. Stability is literally our top priority, and we still have concurrency bugs here and there
For all we know, in some game someone in the testing department even caught the fact that the game does not handle Alt-F4 well, and that it can corrupt saves, and rather than fix the issue, the devs' solution to the bug was to just insert standard "don't close game when you see this saving icon" text. Even if 90% of all games handle it properly and gracefully, how do you know the game you are playing is not in the other 10%?
> 01/14/16 12:12:58 AM - It felt like someone jabbed you with a pin, but when you looked around, you didn't see anyone. This, naturally, has made you a little jumpy.
2 hours later…
Q: Minecraft Launcher Pressing play does not work

AkiraI've downloaded a mod with forge with all the steps then it says ready to play 1.8 forge and I click play it loads then straight away goes back to play

Agreed, it is too cold
Coat status: full winter
Jun 15 '15 at 18:57, by fredley
It's either coat, or not coat
Maximum overcoat
looks at pinned thing So many downvotes
Could be most downvoted post ever I think
nope, 8 downvotes to go though!
Q: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

Adam DavisThe system should search posts for the word "please" in proximity to the phrase "don't close" or "do not close", and if found together disable the close link for the following reasons: They asked nicely They knew enough about the system to understand that posts can be closed, and thus are exper...

@fredley I'd love to add one, but I can't.
What if a StackOverflow answer only contains a Gist link whose license requires no attribution? Do you think people might move into this direction? — Adam Szabo 1 hour ago
My updated community ads are going up
@fredley if anything they might be moving in the opposite direction
honestly I think all code on SE is basically public domain and people copy and paste shit without remorse or a care in the world
so the whole exercise is important and pointless at the same time
people who want to do the right thing linked already
people who didn't will continue not doing so
Q: First adventure for a beginner

Bl00dyliciousAt the moment in Hearthstone I feel a bit weak. I have been doing pretty good for a newbie with the Mage to the point I start seeing some pretty insane cards, like Death Wing and Aviana. Meanwhile I am still using a few basic Murlocs, some basic 2/3 cards and nothing special at all. I read that...

brb, making a userscript that subtley permutes SO code snippets (by changing variable names, etc.) so that it's impossible to tell if you copy/pasted it or not.
@fredley And it got past that point. Most downvoted thing now.
Gah. This is mean. I got a happy new year card from my health insurance. It did include a request of payment for three different things.
@Arperum lol
@fredley Yea, one of the three things is certainly an insurance I'm required to be take by law, the second one is too, although I'm not entirely certain and the third one is optional, but I'd rather pay that ~€200/year than end up in the hospital and have to pay the ridiculous price of a prolonged hospital visit.
@Arperum €200/yr is pretty reasonable
meanwhile, another first-in-man trial has put several people into comas
@fredley Total cost of the three things combined is ~€330 or something.
Read Ben Cox's book years ago about how it kept happening, and how they should stagger giving people a new drug during a first-in-man trial
Still happening
@fredley Did anyone ever post something like "teach them not to climb on your desk"? Since that worked pretty damn well for me.
@Arperum No, that is not an answer on that question
@fredley I assume it is not lifehacky enough then.
@Arperum Yes, they did
A: How can I keep my cat off my keyboard?

HectorAnimals need boundaries. The only way to prevent that from happening is to set boundaries with him. If he steps on the keyboard, remove him from the desk and place him on the ground. You will need to REPEATEDLY do this EVERY TIME. He will very quickly learn that as soon as he steps on the keybo...

Needs more lifehackiness — Sterno Oct 6 '15 at 15:46
^ That comment on the answer has 25 upvotes.
(If you actually upvote that ad, I will delete it)
@fredley I did not upvote it.
I'm pretty sure the three upvotes it got at this point are related to the Bridge in some way though.
I'm not up or downvoting anything related to lifehacks. I wouldn't touch lifehacks with a ten meter long pole, let alone that I'm going to use a single vote on it.
@Sterno You could cast a close vote on my question!
Man, it's amsuign to see the E team try to dance around the "positive reception" stuff
Don't try to bullshit devs. Devs love calling people out on bullshit.

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