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Q: Does lying in a bed and not sleeping the whole night reset one's spawn?

MetaWhen one sleeps and skips night they reset their spawn. Does lying in a bed but not skipping the night reset their spawn?

@ardaozkal playing the steam metagame real hard
So what exactly defines duplicate? I answered a question not realizing the asker had asked the same question earlier. Now people are voting to close the question I answered as duplicate, but I don't think the answer for the previous iteration of the question is as thorough
XCom is evil
Haha, people have flagged both versions as duplicates of each other
wrong link, correct link:
@ardaozkal wiggly tree c:
It is called "a rather festive tree" if you liked it, costs about 3 ref.
@ardaozkal yeah it's one of the cheap ones
back in the good old days of no holiday restrictions
@Lazers2.0 Simple question, simple answer. Yes it does.
so fixed my monitor again
SOMA is a Good Game
by leaving it upside down on a radiator for an hour or so
@djsmiley2k This kills the monitor?
@djsmiley2k Why do you keep soaking your monitor?
Lifehacks QA time!
@djsmiley2k one day, you'll destroy it completely by making it fall. I hope it doesn't come soon.
@fredley No, it unkilled it.
@GnomeSlice SomaFM is a good site
@Arperum How would you even think this would be a way to fix a thing!?
@ardaozkal it's over 2 years old
the cat wee'd on it
(well, sprayed, which is worse, as it STINKS!).
@fredley it seems to have actually fixed it XD
get that cat neutered/spayed
he is
tho we think they might of missed a bit :/
what is spraying?
he's still slightly agressive etc
it's like pissing but it's used to mark territory
Tho cats do spray when they being terrotorial sadly
@fredley He said so.
it's also used to cover an area with a cat's scent when they're in heat
Him and his sister don't get on
She doesn't live here anymore, but he hasn't figured that out yet and my monitors are one of his targets for some reason :/
@Ohnana Male cats mark their domain by spraying some sort of horrible smelling fluid over stuff.
I now having to close the door at night :/
this is why I only have female cats :(
animals are dicks
they like to sit on my desktop keyboard
All the female cats we've had, apart from the one who just left, have been bonkers
Actually, she was too :/
@djsmiley2k Castration doesn't necessary stop spraying, it'll just reduce the want to do it. It's not like they could miss like half a ball during castration...
@Arperum K
how about a whole ball?
They were done really young, as he started taking an interest in his other sister...
@djsmiley2k Can you see a ball? If not: nope: they did not forget.
@Arperum This conversation is brought to you by: fredley
Also, cats don't have anything against incest
For all your leg-crossing needs, fredley has the solution for you
@ShotgunNinja Really? I thought it was evolutionary
@Arperum erm, maybe?
there's a definate lump
@ShotgunNinja Pretty much no animals do, including humans
@PrivatePansy plz see hamsters
especially syrian
@djsmiley2k Did you have prosthetics put in?
Worlds population traced back to single family from the 1970's
I also have two castrated male cats, one of them doesn't spray at all.
@fredley rofl
@Arperum yeah, we've had about 12 over the years
@fredley i thought there were human aversions to people who smell like family
@djsmiley2k srsly, that's a thing
only two ever sprayed, and one was female o_O
@fredley You. Out of this conversation. It hurts.
@fredley yah my father in law was offered titanium one
but for cats? XD
I'm just going to slowly back out of The Bridge and then lock the door ten thousand times behind me
@Arperum True fact: if you do end up with the option of having a testicular prosthetic, it might not be a good idea. Since they're not connected to the musculature, they are often sat on
@djsmiley2k That's so metal
1 min ago, by Arperum
@fredley You. Out of this conversation. It hurts.
@fredley really?
I never thought of that
they'd be really annoying :/
nuts always seemed very impractical to me
@Ohnana Certainly not in homo sapiens, our sense of smell is shite
@fredley I was going to make a heavy metal balls joke. dammit you.
@Ohnana yup!
'ol titanium balls' doesn't quite have the same ring to it
@fredley do you not sit on them usually?
@Ohnana ....no
@fredley how the hell does that work? are they flexing out of the way? wtf nuts
@Ohnana Yes, they have muscles to lift them up
oh wao
Sigh, I don't think pip is configuring right on my machine. Good old environments!
@twobugs virtualenv. virtualenv. virtualenv.
Is applying for a job you're not EXACTLY suited to (i.e. missing some of the relevent experience) but willing to go for a lower wage than their starting offer even make any sense?
If you're developing in Python and you're not in a virtualenv, you're Doing It Wrong
The recruitment guy is putting me forward, but it just seems... odd
@djsmiley2k Absolutely, yes
@djsmiley2k I don't see why not.
@fredley K good.
@twobugs thank you for changing the topic.
He asked me my current and requested wage (I need a job now so i put down my current awage as requested
@djsmiley2k Don't even mention working for less.
@djsmiley2k Also, if you do end up with an offer, you can usually negotiate it up a bit especially with evidence you're paid more already
I've heard mixed things about going for lower starting, generally it seems to be frowned upon
@djsmiley2k Wait? You expect people to only apply for jobs they are a perfect fit for? Is that a thing that actually happens?
Then checking the job desc. and the job offers starting wage of £10k more than I'm on :/
@twobugs Depends if it's affordable or not
@djsmiley2k Haha, wp
I asked for less than they are offering
but as I'm lacking in experience..... I can see it being sensible
@Arperum There's some research on it, women tend to only apply for jobs they're 90% qualified, whereas men apply around 60%.
If they turn round and go 'well you're starting wage is $currWage+10k' then SWEET.
@RonanForman Yup. And men negotiate more on salary
But... yeah
Qualifications tend to be bumped up a bit so they can filter out people with easy excuses, or so I'm told
@djsmiley2k Get the offer in the bag first, then negotiate
@fredley Nod
First get an interview :P
And see what the company is like.
@djsmiley2k *your
As in, get a contract they want you to sign, read it and go, "Hmmm, I'd sign it if the offer was $wage++"
@fredley > Install virtualenv via pip:
@djsmiley2k Willing to say who it is?
@twobugs you don't have to, but yes
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
I've never heard of them personally, but website looks like kinda stuff I can do
That's my problem - not much first hand experience of many tech's, but I can pick stuff up quickly once someone lets me try :D
@djsmiley2k Hey! It's that one IT website everyone has.
@fredley And they were never seen again.
@RonanForman Exactly what my brain inserted too
Brain high five!
Sounds good don't it? :D
@fredley squelch
@fredley That sounds all sorts of squishy.
#beyond #positive #above #atmosphere
How does 8k wage make any sense o_O
@djsmiley2k is it high or low?
@ardaozkal if full time, that'd be lower than min wage by about 1/2
@ardaozkal That's half what I'm earning, and I'm here on an internship.
@djsmiley2k 8k a month sounds pretty high
Did I mention that min wage/month in turkey is 250$?
I'm pretty sure that's yearly.
I could do this and it's in my wage band however
@PrivatePansy All the other stated wages are pa
weird how that shows 25k-35k, yet the recruitment site says 35k-40k
Maybe they getting deperate
@djsmiley2k Now's your chance!
@RonanForman ask for the 80K they offering to head of IT? :D
@djsmiley2k Go for it! Whooooo!
Sci Fi.SE continuing to piss me off with awful Star Wars questions
@PrivatePansy Is £8k enough to live on outside London? I have no idea any more
lol no
@fredley A month? yeah.
My mother makes half that and we live comfortably here
This is worse than back during the Nolan Batman movies when a certain character was clearly and utterly dead and fans insisted he was alive
Cost of living is lower in Singapore, but it's not exactly cheap
But that job is £8k a year
Nolan himself word of god'd the character as dead, fans responded with "oh, you mean metaphorically?"
@RonanForman Below tax threshold!
yeah, a year
Straight up £666.66 a month!
I'd love to be on 8k a month XD
My mortgage is £580/mo ish
@twobugs Now I want to ask if certain character is alive on SFF.
And then refuse to accept any answer and comment to all with "you mean metaphorically?".
You would probably make it to Hot Network Questions without any trouble
So confused now
I asked for 25k
that happens to match what they advertising on their own site
But on the recruitment adverts, they offering 35-40k
ask for 40
Aim high!
There was a question/answer bemoaning that we won't see Lucas's Ep 7 while putting down The Force Awakens
I mean... it's fine to not like TFA... but REALLY?
@twobugs Also, is it the Joker?
@twobugs They do realize that the prequel trilogy was all Lucas right?
Nah, Harvey Dent. Clearly dead at the end of The Dark Knight - THEY HOLD A FUNERAL FOR HIM
I mean, parts of it wasn't bad. I actually liked RotS short of some dialogue, but yeah.
@twobugs they held one for Michael De Santa (on gtav) too.
I think people overstate how bad the prequels were, but they're not good films
@ardaozkal That's a slightly different scenario and somewhat unapplicable.
@Yuuki i do not understand
@twobugs ikno, and Harvey is dead, only theoretically.
Except for how we saw him die on screen? And how he was word of god'd as dead? And how that series is over and he is still dead?
And also how the whole reason why Batman stops being Batman is because he's on the lam from the police for Harvey Dent's death?
He blames himself for it, and takes the blame publicly.
Because the character is very dead. Extremely dead.
Harvey Dent still being alive also undercuts the whole "he's not the hero Gotham deserves, but the one we need" line.
There is a character who has a similar value for DEAD in TFA and people are trying to claim that character is still alive.
Whoops, got the line wrong: "he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one we need right now".
Basically I hate SFF.SE and the fact that they're just feeding and encouraging all these awful questions
Yes I am an angry manchild on the internet who is trying to distract himself from environment frustrations by being mad at dumb things, why do you ask?
@twobugs I'M CONFUSED.
@twobugs ees ok
Oh boy. First the heat wasn't working at my office, now we can smell gas...
@twobugs Run away!
Q: Why won't any more Npcs spawn

user135028I have 7 Npcs on terraria they all arrived fine. I want more to spawn I built a house the exact same as all the others. I waited until morning but no more spawned. Why is this happening!!

@Lazers2.0 moar house
@twobugs stay away from naked flames and... @Lazers2.0 !
@Lazers2.0 This guy has a great username
I wonder how much Android Enthusiasts hates us by now
I'm literally laughing out loud
Uh. Isn't that an actual channel?
also move this whatever
Isn't Android Hell our dump site?
Apparently someone changed it
@fredley renamed hell.
@MadMAxJr I'm guessing @fredley or someone renamed it.
So he can continue moving to Android Enthusiasts with impunity.
Damn, that means his moving to Android Enthusiasts was successful starbait
I don't even know what the deal with that picture is.
You win this round, porkchop.
Android Enthusiasts: now 50% more likely as a post move target
Well currently it's an Android 6 hell. So enjoy your room of marshmallows.
Now we just have to convince Android Enthusiasts to rename themselves to Android Hell.
@Yuuki Convince? Mod abuse.
^move this
@ardaozkal YES
I tried to move it to The Bridge. Outcome: Nothing.
I guess this can stay though
We even have on topic list.
Q: Who is the Best to side with (Loot and story) The Brotherhood or the institute

Xprokiller12Just asking as The brotherhood look like a good side to team with but don't wont to rush in

Q: How do You Find Emeralds

Xprokiller12??????????????????????????????????????? Plz help me and my friend are on a public server where emeralds are worth a lot...

@Lazers2.0 whoa
like 5 people jumped on that question
@5pike photoshop time
Why is Xprokiller12 cryin'? 'COS HE JUST GOT DUNKED ON
@fredley self-deleted, damn people
Q: Is weather localized or map-wide?

DpeifHow big is a weather event, such as rain? I'm curious as to whether or not my water resevoirs (located all over the map) get rain-irrigated from every rain storm, but I bet this answer would apply to the behavior of cold, fog, and heat events as well. Does an event cover the whole map or just a ...

At this rate, we're going to need a flag reason, "I'm pretty sure the asker is under 13 years old and I want their account deleted to see them get upset."
It's a shame we can't flag a user in a way that requires them to navigate to a particular help page and click on a 'Okay, I understand this' button. It can't force them into better behavior, but smacking them in the face with it might catch more than a few.
@MadMAxJr yeah, and if they keep breaking it, they get cooldowned instead. Nice idea!
oh wait, that does kinda exist
Q: What happens with research when there is a 2 vs 1 game in Civilization 5?

iamkdAs I understand, when you are in a team with someone, you have a common research tree. Does the game balance the research for another player who is playing solo? Or the team of two will have something like 2x for research?

@Unionhawk I'd say it's the best state, but it's really not.
I'm pretty awesome, but I can only generate a field of localized awesomeness in about a 100m radius. Not enough to cover a state.
Okay. Shut it down, fallout modding is over.
So, I binge watched The 100 on Netflix.
Season 1 was not so good.
Season 2 was pretty good.
It was practically like different shows.
Season 1 was typical CW teenage romance crap with a sci-fi setting. Season 2 was actually sci-fi.
End of review.
Next year's New Year's resolution is going to be to refer to every mod not by name, but by "Your Modship"
Or, potentially "His/Her Modship"
@Sterno I approve of this
In fact, this should be everyone's resolution
My new years resolution is still 1080p at 60fps
We'll make it eventually
Q: Why would you hire a mercenary?

ken.ganongIn a mercenary encounter, why would it be strategic to hire the mercenary? If you fight the mercenary, you've spent 1 fuel, explored 1 beacon, and gained default rewards through battle. This is what I consider a good beacon. If you hire them to delay the rebels and use those 2 extra jumps, you'...

Q: Sudden FPS drop in multiple games

crayzeedudeSo, I've been getting pretty good framerate on most of the games on my new laptop. A couple days ago, I tried playing Minecraft modpacks which had some major problems. I tried to fix those, which resulted in, well, them not being fixed. Now, my FPS in most games is quite bad compared to what I wa...

@twobugs My resolution is 720p at 45fps. I should really upgrade :/
New physics demo ready! I'll need to increase sphere amount and move them a bit and move camera angle, but here you go! gfycat.com/EarnestFrequentGalah
@ardaozkal o_O
Are you writing these physics?
@djsmiley2k pretty much no
k phew
It is based on Unity, but I optimized it for rendering.
@mods should be migrated over to security.es
Q: Possible security risk in steam

MetaOne of the community tasks (achievement like objectives) is "Use the Steam Mobile App for two-factor authentication" and is visible on public profiles for anyone. This could let possible hackers find out if a account uses two-factor authentication quickly letting them choose targets more efficie...

@ardaozkal that physics demo is awesome! Glad you're still making them
@nukeforum Thank you, you got me started to these (and I realized that they are fun).
Q: Possible security risk in steam

MetaOne of the community tasks (achievement like objectives) is "Use the Steam Mobile App for two-factor authentication" and is visible on public profiles for anyone. This could let possible hackers find out if a account uses two-factor authentication quickly letting them choose targets more efficie...

@Lazers2.0 If I answer it, will the answer stay there if it gets migrated?
oh man
when did Nintendo announce they were making a theme park?
back in May?
They... announced they were making a theme park? I must have missed that...
They partnered with Universal, apparently
since Disney bought out Marvel, Universal has to close their Marvel Superhero Island
around the time that was announced, Universal and Nintendo came out and said they had partnered up to make a Nintendo-themed section of Universal Studios Florida
Apparently yandex now translates sindarin (from LotR) too
Q: Ranking up more ranks?

User9123Now with the rank distribution you can derank more ranks(i.e from MGE to GNM). Is it possible to rank up more ranks?

@Sterno CW?
@GnomeSlice its a tv channel in the US
mainly known for angsty teenage romance kind of shows
And DC adaptations.
Although the two aren't mutually exclusive.
well adapting DC comics into angsty teenage romance kind of shows, but yeah
Q: MINECRAFT: Need help finding minecraft folder in order to find my screenshots folder! (MAC COMPUTER)

MintyMinecrafti need help re-downloading/finding my Minecraft folder, as i want to open my screenshots within that folder. I somehow maybe deleted? the Minecrat folder, or i just cant find it. Ive looked at nearly everywhere on the internet saying the answers ''Look in your .minecraft folder'' Or ''Press go an...

Q: How to remove inactive members from clan?

CeleritasI became clan leader of a large and messed up clan. With 45 members only 5 said they wanted to participate in war. I think a lot of members are inactive. What's the quickest way to verify this and kick out inactive members? Any advice on running a clan would be appreciated, I've tried to get the...

It used to be The WB, if that helps.
Back when you were 2
or something
I'm still 2. Does that mean it's still The WB?
(Note: I'm not actually 2)
@twobugs Two bugs that is!
That's too bad. We could have had @fredley ban you.
Or @badp. But I'm pretty sure @fredley is better at mod abuse.
I've seen people get banned on other sites for saying they were "posting from the womb"
@Sterno I'm bad at reading.

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