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wtf... why does ls *motd* list a bunch of files that aren't in the current directory?
More annoyingly, it doesn't say which directory they're in
Q: What do you earn on planeswalker level ups?

pfayzeEach level up, a planeswalker unlocks something new. It's often 4hp, additional mana per color match, or a leveled up ability. Here's what I have so far, tested only with Chandra: 2: 1st ability is now lvl 1 6: 2nd ability is now lvl 2 14: 2nd ability is now lvl 1 26: 3rd ability is now lvl ...

Oh, they're in update-motd.d
Hm, Debian founder Ian Murdock has died, seemingly as a result of a very strange suicide
Oh, and your periodic donation total update: $115,235.49
@ardaozkal I don't know why you CCed me on that but please don't.
@TimStone woah
hey guys, i was hacked, but im back. I will start posting later
wait, what?
That was getting too creepypasta too quickly, good to hear he's not dead.
Valve finally acknowledged personal information leak for 34 thousand users this Christmas http://store.steampowered.com/news/19852/
@ardaozkal The nature of the tweets is in question, but Docker is his employer, so unless their Twitter and blog have been compromised as well…
Oh, hey, what's this?
session optional pam_motd.so motd=/run/motd.dynamic noupdate
Gee, I wonder why it's not being updated like it's supposed to!
Hmm, I must have to force PAM to re-read its config file
Actually... it's the login service I have to restart. Not sure how to do that without rebooting the machine
@Unionhawk cc @AshleyNunn
Dear people - trust me, sending people to your house is not the answer to your internet problems nearly as often as you think it should be.
Ugh, removing the noupdate line made it even worse
Q: i cant play a mini arcade game because it says dont stack entity what do i do

user134377on mineplex I'm trying to play snake but it wont let me because when I press on it it says cant stack entity how do I fix this

Am I a wizard?
Now it's displaying the info from 8 this morning
@Unionhawk Thanks for the update :D
Frank causes Government to issue "Danger of Death" warning
Really, isn't life a danger of death?
^^ Frank
Wait, that actually works in a non-conspiracy theory way
Danger Is Dangerous
urmom was an inside job
You know what screw it
(which is also a good album)
I hope all storms are named after Bridge residents
you know what is funny
how people are like 'this flooding didn't happen 25 years ago! we need to dredge the rivers better'
@Fluttershy O.o
how abotu you realise 25 years ago this was falling as snow and not rain and scientists were warning you this would happen
@fredley it's odd
I almost look forward to returning to this at work
my old old job was the water control tech
basically controlling sewerage and clean water plants.
Weather causes havoc. great fun
Q: What does vigilance do?

pfayzeWhat does Vigilance do for creatures? Based on the TCG, I imagine something like allowing creatures to both attack and block, but it seems that Defender already does that.

I used to stress about it, and then I realised it's not my job to stress about it.
@Unionhawk Throw a snowball at someone on the senate floor! That'll own those climate change fools!
@ardaozkal The weird part is, the Docker blog and twitter posted about him being dead, so...
@fredley I think this map is missing a "DO NOT PANIC"
@badp pffft
it's the UK, business as usual
only when it snows do we go bonkers
Granted, if he really was hacked, they might have the passwords to said blog software and twitter account.
who is that guy?
I made a biig mistake
I finished watching IT crowd
Jen broke the internet, screw whatsherface with dat phat ass
Can anyone recommend me something to watch? I started feeling empty after IT Crowd. Recommend everything you want. (inc but not limited to: anime, cartoon, sitcom)
Warehouse 51
A town called Enstine orwhatever it's called
Steven Universe
The Flash, The Arrow
@Yuuki plays undertale blind(?) and cries like a damn baby
@Unionhawk *wipqozn
@ardaozkal @Wipqozn finished undertale (the neutral route anyway)
@ardaozkal Chuck and Leverage are both shows I love
Who do I have to pay to get more stars to hand out?
How do you even run out of stars
My watchlist now: Warehouse 51, Steven Universe, X-Files, QI, @Yuuki plays undertale blind(?) and cries like a damn baby, chuck, leverage.
I've not done it in at least 2 years
Is there @Yuuki plays undertale blind(?) and cries like a damn baby on Netflix?
ow :( Where can I watch it?
Available exclusively on Steam if he decides to do that thing
@Unionhawk I have an addtiction to handing out praises
Speaking of though, I need to finish out this run
You can do it!
I know I can, I just need to, you know
Do it
madagine run coming up
if I pick up white photo
does that stop me fighting dark room?
I'm going for the dark photo icon
As I recall, you need the Negative to enter the Dark Room.
So yeah, the Polaroid would stop you from getting to The Dark Room except in the rare case when you can pick up both.
(usually by rerolling the floor after beating Mom)
and the dark room is what gives you the neg. icon?
Q: How do I tag enemies in Fallout 4?

Jason HeineI'm not sure if this is a mod or a built in feature, but how do I tag enemies like this this image: And here is another image without being zoomed in on the scope:

Man I need a recon scope
Man I should play that game some more
Man you need a Gun Man
Man I need that game
Man I need Undertale.
Ian Murdoc's new twitter account was suspended
I guess he actually passed away.
Rest in Peace.
I guess I could broadcast Undertale when I have internet again.
stop guessing
Anyone want a guest pass to Crunchyroll?
I'll wait for @Verified or actually the news to decide what is going on thank you all
@Fluttershy yes, please.
Q: Minecraft: World Edit - Data Values

cvharkcomI want to fill black stained clay in a region. Here is my command. //replace air stainedclay I do not know where to put the seven for the data tag.

Ian Murdoc? Was he in a band?
@ardaozkal It's apparently only 48-hours, but it's yours if you want it!
@Yuuki he was the founder of Debian Project.
Oh, different Ian then.
@Yuuki his last tweets (down -> older, up -> newer, twitter style)
Because there was some news yesterday that some Ian in a really big band died at the age of 70.
@Fluttershy I can stream a whole season in 48 hours
Motorhead I think was the name?
You could stream a whole season in <12 hours, let alone 48.
@Yuuki Lemmy, aka Ian Kilmister, was in Motorhead, yes. He passed away recently.
Yeah, I heard it on the radio yesterday. I was actually worried I misremembered it since Motorhead's not really the kind of music I follow.
Me neither, but my facebook was full of people talking about it, so that's why it stuck in my head
Things I listen to: video game soundtracks, movie soundtracks, Disney soundtracks, random osu! tracks.
And bands that have appeared in any of the above.
Oh, also songs that have been featured on TV shows.
Q: How can I encourage dwarfs to make babies?

anatolygIn my current fort, I had just 2 migrant waves, and then they stopped coming (I guess, because the civilization died - I got a proper warning before embark). I decided this would be a good setting to have a use for babies, which are usually just a nuisance. However, several years have passed, an...

Dwarves aren't born live, they're hatched from incubating pickaxes stored in barrels of beer inside nests made of beard hair.
@Yuuki I listen mostly to country, but will try pretty much anything.
@Yuuki I regret being unable to star this right now.
If this were a business flight, I'd explain in an exuberant manner that I am on a plane. But this is a personal flight, so there is no need.
Guess who gets to be on a plane on Monday
Probably lots of people
I return on Saturday.
Which will still be busy
Well, they just told us to go to airplane mode, so I suppose I should do that.
Hairplane mode!
All senior officers, please report to The Bridge!
Standing by
Slowly gaining some rep
real slow going atm
@MBraedley I once tested if they were right or not. 1) As you can see, I'm Still Alive. 2) Watching maps in sky with GPS is fun. Navigation goes crazy.
@ardaozkal ...now I only Want You Gone.
...but You Wouldn't Know that unless I told you.
You got the pun.
Speaking of which, I still don't have an MP3 of You Wouldn't Know. I suppose I should buy it online somewhere.
Do you people remember my WIP password manager?
I'm extending it to the powers of Cloud^TM
Ugh, Amazon why are you selling two different versions of You Wouldn't Know
Reasons, obviously
@Powerlord you wouldn't know.
I blame @abbyhairboat
Doughnut-stealing raccoon is Toronto's response to #Pizzarat http://ift.tt/1Tqdpvr https://t.co/UtI7Yo0amN
@ardaozkal (ps. If you are going to say that me storing the passwords in plaintext can result in serious problems, my only connection string is encrypted and can only be decrypted with a correct password, so if they managed to connect, then they already have my password.)
To be fair, I'm not sure how else you would store passwords in a password manager.
But I know nothing about security.
ey lads
double hash everything somehow
@Unionhawk ...
Best solution
Obvious solution
Even better, rot13 everything twice!
Do that
@Yuuki I'd need to encrypt every password out there one by one, destroying my performance.
I know it's a joke, but hashing is a one-way algo, which is not applicable for password manager.
Or rot13 it once
@Texenox ey
@Yuuki AES Rijndael
@Powerlord Or even better, ROT26 it!
Because ROT13 is for scrubs!
Install Windows 7 64bit twice and you get Windows 14 on 128bit! WOW!
That is literally the dumbest joke I've ever heard
I'll let probably @GodEmperorDune know you stole the title
@Unionhawk Who, me or Arda?
I guess
We can split the title
Yeah, I'm just going to hunger games this shit
Why ROT26 when you can ROT52? It's literally twice as good.
@Unionhawk My mom sent me that. I'd expect that from dad.
Hey, @Powerlord did it first with the "ROT13 twice".
Or did I misinterpret it and it doesn't actually do the same as a ROT26?
ROT13 twice actually makes any sense though
Since ROT13 is an actual thing that does anything
ROT26, on the other hand, is not even a thing
@Unionhawk ...but it does the same thing.
@Unionhawk yeah, you save you from prehashed dictionaries.
@Unionhawk ...I thought it technically was.
Technically yes
Actually no
good, someone recreated cat and called it rot26
@Powerlord ahahah, that's great
Thou shalt not use this service in the following situations:
building weapons of mass destruction
aiding terror organisations
murdering kittens
All other uses are fine.
@ardaozkal >he totally bought it
@Powerlord So using it to rob a bank or DDoS is fine?
@Texenox yes.
@Texenox According to the ROT26 v2.1 license, yes.
Ughhhhhhhh airpooooooorrtsss
@Texenox but you can't ddos cats.
> Any harm caused by using our service or ROT26 encryption in general would be considered hilarious. Please tell us about it!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Airports are great
Well, I guess it's okay then.
Except for the, you know, waiting in them bit
inb4 violence inherent in the system
@Unionhawk dammit ><
Anyway, speaking of repeating hashes... that's how Linux stored passwords in the late 90s / early 2000s.
By using the MD5 algorithm 1000 times.
@Unionhawk yeah I am just angry about missing my connection purely because I am an cripple
@Powerlord on my server, I hash them with my CC's pin.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah. RIP
And now I am stuck waiting on a succession of standby queues for full flights.
That was a long time ago, though. I think they use SHA-512 as the default now.
arugh orbiting tears
why would I do this?
On the upside I am guaranteed a seat in four hours in first class. But that requires me waiting here in the airport for another four hours without snapping.
To the bar!
That sounds like a solid solution to me
@LessPop_MoreFizz Set an alarm and go napping?
@Powerlord And you'll wake up with no wallet, phone or luggage
@ardaozkal Sssh, I'm trying to steal someone's phone here.
@Powerlord lel
@Powerlord I do hope not simply once
@KevinvanderVelden I doubt just once. Also, it's salted.
Repeated hashing is an important part of a good password hasing system
See, I told you I was on to literally something
@KevinvanderVelden There's a paper about its implementation
@Unionhawk we use en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 with 10.000 iterations
remembers Europe That's a lot
(default parsing: 10)
Which is fun because people thought it would be an easy thing to add importing hashed passwords
@KevinvanderVelden wikipedia uses this too
/* Default number of rounds if not explicitly specified.  */
#define ROUNDS_DEFAULT 5000
So, apparently the GNU crypt SHA-512 default is 5000 times.
Hashing rate is about 100 per second, on 8 cores 100% usage
@Unionhawk your default parsing is wrong
@KevinvanderVelden Your default face is wrong
Q: Cannot launch a game because of missing OpenAL32.dll library

Maurice KayI'm trying to launch a Steam game on my computer (it's Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones, but I believe the issue is much more common). Every time I launch I get a message that says: You cannot launch the game, because OpenAL32.dll was not found I googled the solution, but most of what I get ...

@KevinvanderVelden 10 seconds to hash ONE password? Are you working with Area 51 secret UFO files?
@ardaozkal no, 100 per second
@KevinvanderVelden oooh
Or for one core, 100/8 per second = 12.5 per second
@ardaozkal that is literally what I said
As in 100 passwords per second as in 10,000,000 iterations per second
I thought that you meant iterations, not passwords, hence I said 10 seconds/password.
or, 10.000.000 if you're WRONG
Man, does that computercraft answer still have zero votes?
@Unionhawk Which one?
A: How to make a turtle run a program over the Modem API in computercraft

UnionhawkLet me begin by saying that the Rednet API in ComputerCraft is... fun. I imagine about as fun as any given netcoding could ever be, I suppose. It is impractical to send an entire lua program over Rednet. It is likely possible, but I will cover a different and more practical solution first. You ...

I guess I should actually edit it since I open with "doing this one thing is hard", and end with "actualy it easy"
There we go
@Unionhawk I like this.
I've actually been getting into Lua more and I would like to try some stuff in ComputerCraft again, so thanks for reminding me about that mod.
I should also find all my command block and computercraft answers and s/we/you, I think
For now, I'm learning how to use LÖVE to make games and I've ordered the Programming in Lua book.
@Unionhawk s/we/you?
@Texenox search and replace we with you
Hey @uni, how can I recommend you to the Zeldathon team? Are there any contact forms/mails?
sees the name LUA and runs
I have a tendancy to make those sorts of answers in plural first person
@Powerlord shoot oop man
@Powerlord that's no name, it's a curse!
...okay, I don't get it. Is Lua a bad language or something?
It counts starting from 1
@djsmiley2k Brainf*ck is the best language. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck
@KevinvanderVelden ...is that it?
@KevinvanderVelden Heh, yeah, that's a thing
lolcode is also funny
I learned that in writing up that answer
Er, relearned that
@Texenox it is enough
@KevinvanderVelden nah m8
Not enough to justify the whole thing being bad.
@Texenox it is enough.
Unless it ends up causing more problems, that is.
Don't you m8 me
Why, then?
@KevinvanderVelden m9
And yes, starting from 1 is sufficient
I'm not ur m8 bro
@Texenox ... I'll allow it
@Unionhawk i'm not ur bro, fam
@KevinvanderVelden why den
@Texenox Slangy explaination: On most others, it means m8, but on lua, it means m9. It is a huge issue.
@Texenox Jump from Assassin's Creed to CS:GO. No pause nor training between two.
You'll suck at CS:GO
Jump from LUA to insert language. No pause nor training between two.
You'll suck at insert language.
Jump from any game that doesn't have headshot on every weapon to any Counter-Strike game: You'll suck at said Counter-Strike game!
@Unionhawk w8 is better.
(This is actually one of the reasons I never got into Counter-Strike)
Q: Where can I get more storage probes?

PyritieI currently only have 3 storage probes at the end of chapter 5. My miranium ticks for about 14k but my storage is only 17k. Where can I get more storage probes?

@Powerlord ...you're not wrong, really, I'm mostly shit at CS:GO.
@Texenox we all are.
That's not how it works
Last two days or so has been fine, because at least then I got MVP a couple of times on Demolition and Casual.
It probably doesn't help that the FPS I play the most only has two weapon classes and one specific revolver than can headshot.
(Mostly Demolition)
A: How do I spin my shovel?

The rockAwwsssssshhhggfccfccccggggggggghhhjjijxcn n v

LP_MF is fast. Removed already.
@Unionhawk Not how what works? 'cause I can tell you right now that machine guns headshot in CS:GO, pistols headshot in CS:GO, etc... Knives and Grenades are basically the only weapons that don't.
Either way, though, I don't see the problem otherwise with Lua.
@Texenox no
@ardaozkal It actually does.
@Texenox I headshot people who wield negev before they even hit me.
@Powerlord I meant in re @ardaozkal
@ardaozkal Even so, you can technically headshot using a Negev.
guys u are failing as my BoI advisors :/
It's not a conventionally good weapon but it does headshot
@djsmiley2k Why am I supposed to be one of your BoI advisors? I suck at the game!
Also, you didn't mention if you have Afterbirth or not.
because I suck worse :D
Oh dear.
Is there anything else that makes Lua a bad language?
@Texenox l,ack of lasers
@Texenox afaik it is relatively slow
You know that java is slow, right?
Lua is even slower.
...I don't... wow.
Java is not that slow
And lua has multiple implementations, including luajit which is pretty fricking fast
I don't know, I'm mainly just using it for game development in LÖVE.
Luajit is Not bad
@Texenox it uses the slow one.
@ardaozkal ripè
Holy fuck
Python is also really slow

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