Why is my halo 5 game not working i just got it today and all it does is stay on the loading screen and i have already checked to see if the disk is scratched and reset my xbox console
Prosecutors have a legal and ethical obligation not to pursue cases that they don't think they can win.
Like they can literally be disbarred for doing so.
So I am figuring out with my dad what time we need to leave my house to get to Pearson in time on Saturday and he just asked me to "mapquest it" so he can figure out when to leave to get me and for some reason him asking me to "mapquest it" just makes me smile
"alphanumeric letters of your name" - this phrase is in my "this is how you get your paystub password" email and I am just liek "they're letters, are they not alphanumeric by default? O.o
.please help me to retrieve my village again as soon as u can.I have lost it cause I uninstalled it n a reason that I can't donate to our warbase but when I install it again I forgot the password of my gmail that I used.
The username was jercsy23
Clan name d'FIERCE
Thank u so much
This was said by a valve employee directly to me
"We did initiate a slow shift of the Skill Group boundaries recently, due to an increase in players and a substantial upward drift over time in the skill groups distribution. While this won’t impact the quality of your matches (you are matched bas...
A Plea for Sanity
Can we take a step back and consider this for a moment. What really happened here is we had a troll make a post to try and bait users into believing their unsubstantiated answer. And they successfully got a few upvotes in the process, and people fed the troll. We got trolled, a...
Hi Mavric myers and welcome to Arqade! We appreciate this info, but our policy is not to accept claims like "a valve employee told me..." without proof. You don't need to prove that a valve employee talked with you, but do you have any data or anything else to corroborate what the employee told you? Please check out this meta post for more information — GodEmperorDune25 secs ago
Mario Maker allows you to change the game style when making levels so that it will look like Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World, or New Super Mario Bros. The original games from which these styles originate have noticeable differences in momentum/jump physics. Is there any ev...
@Uni we're here to help so much more than a single user. Wasting time on such specific questions when there's others than can help more than just the asker is much more efficient.
I've been a fan of TAS (Tool Assisted Speedrun) videos for a long time, and always go back to watch the various Mario 64 Speedruns because they're so good, but after watching a few videos, I wonder:
Why are the keys obtained from Bowser even necessary, when the speedrunners have the ability to ...
Having never really played much Skyward, every time I think "they must be getting close to the end" the game is like "lol jokes go find this thing" and it seems very long.
@AshleyNunn I found it a respectable length. Not too long and make you want to just finish it, but also not too short where you wrap up everything and just want more.
I have a custom map in which I have a scoreboard objective. Is there any way to set a player's health to this scoreboard objective? The only thing I could find was putting a button on a player's head with the max health attribute but that has many disadvantages.
Because if there's one attitude with regards to the site that I simply cannot stand, it is the attitude that it is not worth helping a particular user.
I imagine it should be easier next week. Enough time has passed that even the people who've watched it multiple times (like @GodEmperorDune) have probably seen enough.
This is very similar to an existing question (MInecraft forge 1.7.10 won't show up in my profile options) but my circumstances are different.
I followed the Forge download/install instructions exactly - I ran regular 1.7.10 before downloading, downloaded the Forge file from the official site, op...
I desperately need an answer.When I was playing Minecraft before(about 2 months ago) my username was Clash Of Clams.After a while I got bored and went offline for 2 months.When I returned Someone changed my password AND my username.Is it possible to chenge my username back P.S I got my old passwo...
(aka I blinded people once because I thought I could set the lights to full and then press fade out while it was black and get a fade in. Nope. SUDDENLY, LIGHTS.)
In the first Halo game, the Elites can be heard speaking their native tongue for a mission or two, then we start hearing them speaking English, and they continue to speak English for all of the other Halo games. My impression was that Cortana figured out how to make Master Chief's suit translate ...
I want to award the players in my game with 2 cooked porkchops every time they kill another player.
What I have tried so far, is setup one command block which gives every player with the killsloot scoreboard objective 2 porkschops, and setup another one which removes one from the killsloot score...
I only got 3 yellow crates which contain keycards, and there is a bit of info on the game's wiki that says they may drop from certain enemies, but so far I have not been lucky enough. Which enemies should I farm for keycards? How does the drop chance change when the difficulty level is maxed out?
(@Yuuki do not spend money on that concussion movie what are you literally insane? It is getting some of the worst reviews I have ever seen for a presumptive 'prestige' picture and that's without even getting into all of he criticism of the movies horrific attempt at messaging and trying to communicate it's 'science' and it's 'message' thereof).
Some magical weapons have additional Fire/Cold/Poison/Lighting damage added. It also can be added through runes and gems. What I do not understand are two things.
1. What does each kind of damage do?
Poison is obvious, deals damage over time. Cold slows the enemies, but the other two are unclea...
I read and posted basically the same question on another thread but it was an old one so I thought I'd post this here. The previous thread's answers were that armour would have the best sell price at armourers and weapons at a blacksmith, herbs at a herbalist, etc. However, I don't know where I c...
I've gotten pretty far in the game, and gotten pretty good at fighting as Sorey, and when fighting while armatized as fire, water, or earth. I understand their strengths and weaknesses.
However, when armatized with a wind seraph, it honestly feels like it's worse than just letting the wind serap...
If any user adds additional information to an answer that was clearly not in the original answer itself, should that answer be approved or rejected (assuming this information is correct)?
For example, say we have the following simplified Q&A:
Q: Where do I find the [X] on level 5?
A: The [X] c...
Is there a way to empty the whole steam cart at once? I can only find a Remove link under the items.
I am not really keen to have to remove all 247 DLC for train simulator one by one ...
There are a few questions about writing a mod to tell the "in game time" in minecraft..
But they all indicated a mod. I'm running MC on a PS3, if I can apply mods, I sure don't know how..
Is there a way to 1. display the in game time on a PS3? OR 2. Write/apply a mod that could get me the time?
When you synchronize at a viewpoint in Assassin's Creed Unity, what locations are added to the map, and what things are only uncovered when you get close enough to them?
It's unclear to me, for example, if the Nomad and the locked chests are uncovered by this mechanism.