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Excellent, my numbers were not wrong - Wolfram Alpha's were!
I think I might just burn every settlement to the ground
@twobugs D:
@Sterno i exacted operation 'death to picket fences'
According to Wolfram Alpha the catchment area for Lake Superior is 1.28×10^11 square kilometers
@StackExchange Reminds me of when I convinced an IRC channel mod to kickban himself
@djsmiley2k If I keep the settlement, I might do the opposite, and put them everywhere just to watch the terrible AI get stuck
Which, according to Wolfram Alpha, is roughly 1/47 the surface area of the sun. That's, well, slightly wrong.
@badp Ouch
i'm currently playing AC style
Oh, this is probably news to the rest of you, but Lake Superior's catchment is larger than Jupiter!
running along rooftops
Q: If I plug in headphones with an integrated microphone, will the Wii U use it?

Jop V.If I plug in headphones with an integrated microphone, will the Wii U use that instead of the GamePad's microphone?

Q: Xbox One Internet Requirements

democidistI have an Xbox One and have been having trouble maintaining a consistent internet connection to the wifi at my father's house. My Xbox 360 can connect perfectly and play online games with no difficulty, whereas I have tried to play Smite and Black Ops 3 on Xbox One and lose connection about every...

k bit confused
I have a spare left leg, and left arm
how do I 'use' them
i've left out more details for kinda obvious reasons
Go to a power armor station
You should be able to construct a power armor at one using the parts you have
oh shall i store them there too?
I already have one
I don't think you need to as I believe the parts are weightless?
these are spare
weight 15
But that'd make it easier to keep track of
Oh, yeah store them then
I think just baby's first power armor has cheap and crappy parts
oh ok wtf
these items are actually unequiped off my armour
how do i put them back on d:
I'm not sure I understand. I'm about to go home so in about 30 minutes or so I can pull up my game and try and help directly
I managed to do it before, somehow
I think i see
you can 'transfer' directly into the armour
yup that's fixed it :)
lol legendary drops are lol
just found my first one
Q: What are the different protectron modes for in Fallout 4?

AutarWhen activating a protectron in Fallout 4 you get the chance to choose its Personnality Mode. The available modes are : Default Subway Steward Law Inforcement Fire Brigadier Medical Reponder Construction Worker Does these modes serve any purpose ? Is there any actual difference in the protect...

Q: In ipad how to find my home in Minecraft.

lenisMy 5 year old build her house and start walking away from it. Now she can't find it. We have the game in the iPad. No F3 key to hit. Please help.

@twobugs Wait, so there are other power armour upgrades besides just the Model mods?
> This is to give you some context so you can realize how big a deal it was when I heard Fallout 4 was being released. I marked it on my calendar. I watched the trailers. I had someone build me a new computer so I could play it, because my current compy is about 8 years old….
i am in the same comp situation... strangely accurate
Q: Can I equip my survivors in Fallout 4

djsmiley2kI have plenty of spare armour etc - can I trade it to my survivors and have them actually use it? Same for Weapons too, also do certain people have better skills with certain weapons?

@SaintWacko There are other power armor parts.
@djsmiley2k Some are good, some are terrible.
@djsmiley2k I think you have to go to a power armor station.
@AshleyNunn Oh, wow, haha
oh noes MAN DOWN
i seem to have stumbled accross a well guarded location XD
@AshleyNunn I hope he gets to play all of fallout. People deserve a break.
@Arperum I hope so too. Like yes, I'd love book 3 but he's only human, guy needs to enjoy stuff like video games.
@AshleyNunn If the meter in the post you linked is the actual meter, he's going to play fallout. $17k vs $2k.
@Arperum I hope he's able to play it every day.
@AshleyNunn Indeed.
I wish I could play fallout, it looks great
has the soon-to-be stream open in another tab.
Not dropping $60 on a game though
@AshleyNunn no clue who that guy is
but the money has spoken!
Q: where to find Dogmeat after being dismissed to Sanctuary Hills

GillesDVI recently dismissed Dogmeat, in favor of Codsworth and I'm fairly sure I send him to Sanctuary Hills, though a fairly detailed look around the place and I haven't found him yet. Does anyone know where he is?

@SaintWacko No ideas who this guy is but his blog is cool and people who are impatient can sod off
I have to deal with the wait for Berserk chapters. They can deal with the wait for a book release :P
@Arperum I'm at woooooork :(
@twobugs Gamers have Half-Life. They can deal with a wait.
@AshleyNunn Stream is still offline.
@twobugs I think you wanted to ping @AshleyNunn there.
..Yes, yes I did
Oh well
I get the feeling that the Brotherhood in this game is vanilla Brotherhood rather than D.C. flavor.
@twobugs Pat Rothfuss writes the Kingkiller Chronicle books. He's a super awesome guy, and a giant nerd.
He's being confused at the twitch stream delay.
I can play Fallout while watching a guy play Fallout!
I think it crashed
And stream crashed/was stopped.
Or something
The game sound is kinda loud compared to his voice though.
Augh, audio's in my left ear only.
help me bridge, adele's hello is stuck in my head
Note: might be NSFW imagery, I did not watch it.
I listened.
Q: How can I kill the Mirelurk Queen?

Mad ScientistI just encountered the Mirelurk Queen, and she kicked my ass pretty thoroughly. I'm at level 17, and I really didn't expect a level 50 boss to appear in this mission. Everthing before went very well, I didn't have any issues with the regular Mirelurks before the queen appears. One issue is that ...

sniped the minigunners head off yewaaaah
@Arperum good stuff, thanks
Also: His beard is amazing. wants one like that
@GodEmperorDune I posted the last song I listened too :p It's from a new cd that will release somewhere in the future.
@Yuuki how is the fallout 4 soundtrack? old timey like fallout 3?
well @GodEmperorDune i still don't want to set the world on firreeeeeee.
I only want to kindle a flame in your hearrrt
or something
Thats the only song I've listened to so far
Hmm... this scam artist just called me a retard. Me. A guy wearing a giant suit of power armor.
I feel like I should blow his brains out for being an idiot.
Y'know, clean out the gene pool.
Can I break down guns/armour some how?
@djsmiley2k You can scrap them, yes.
K, erm, how?
ah found it
need to be in inventory then go to the wep. crafting
Weird. I blast him in the face with my shotgun. OHKO. He still manages to say, "Ah, why you gotta be like that?"
so listening to the fallout 3 soundtrack on youtube... i forgot how much innuendo is in these old songs
Q: How do I assign a task to someone in Fallout 4

djsmiley2kSo certain stations require people to be assigned to them, such as the scavenge station, yet no indication is given as how you make someone do this task. Also harvesting/gardening is another task however I've seen 2 survivors appearing to be gardening so I wonder if this task is automatic?

AH, the magic of alt+ tab :p
The only issue I've had alt tabbing is sometimes the screen gets offset to the left a bit for no apparent reason
But at least it doesn't CTD like Skyrim does normally

Proposed Q&A site for those looking to understand teens and learning to live with them peacefully.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment wat
wat sort of creeper is an expert on "teens"?
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment I think this might fall under parenting?
He's clearly not pleased with the plot.
And he hasn't noticed that his mic cut out.
@Yuuki He just got that clue, now to fix it...
Yeah, but I'm not sure if he's going to reiterate what he was saying about the storytelling.
@Yuuki He's got to figure that mic thing out first, that's going to take some time.
Hmmmmm... Professor is out of town and can't let me in... So... Hmm
What are the odds anyone shows up given I know the one person who always does show up is done
@Unionhawk With your luck, likely slim to none :(
Well, the consideration is do I just say "screw it I'm out" since it's not likely for anyone to show up. I should have just sent an email cancelling my hours tonight, but I was banking on there being a class in the adjacent room
Q: Are you able to "wait"?

DomIn Fallout 3, Skyrim, etc. there was the ability to wait in game for a particular number of hours. I've tried every button combination and looked at the control scheme, however, there does not seem to be a "Wait" option. Is sleeping the only way to pass time?

Which for the first time in a few weeks, there isn't
Unrelated news
Man, 30 years of zelda
Q: Game about commerce in Northern Europe

BoboI'm trying to find an old game (probably 15 year old) about commerce in Northern Europe, where the objective was to establish commercial trades across several cities in Northern Europe. There were pirates, cities had different production capabilities, and ships with different sizes. Does an...

It is true that Bethesda tends towards "big stick" storytelling.
As in "kick the player while he's frozen"?
@Unionhawk Rerelease zelda?
(aka can't watch the video at work, tl;dr me?)
Twilight Princess HD
Well I'm in the room now
Q: How to hack terminals

LudoMCIt seems I didn't see the hint while hacking the first terminal (by the way, is there a way to review all hints already displayed?). So, when selecting a word as possible password, what does the likeness score mean? Is the the number of correct letters or correct letters at the correct position?

Q: NBA2k16 always asks to configure player on start

drneelI'm play NBA2k16 on PS4, and whenever I start it asks me to configure my player, and I already have one that I've configured in MyCareer mode; how can I actually have it save and not ask me anymore?

Twilight Princess HD is neat I guess. I was hoping for Skyward Sword HD as I only played it briefly
I'm not really a big Twilight Princess fan honestly. I think it had a bit too much between dungeon stuff, and those parts just weren't that interesting. The dungeons themselves I don't really remember, but IIRC the game was absurdly easy
I feel like it's too soon for Skyward Sword HD.
I mean, it's already on the Wii U, no?
we should probably aim for Skyward Sword 900p
make it nice and cinematic
and half the screen is actually black bars
hmmm that twenty four FPS aesthetic
throw in some voice acting and quick time events, too
NOW we're talking next gen
@Yuuki Nope. It's on the Wii, but Wii games on Wii U ends up being moderately annoying to a lazy person like me
You have to boot the Wii U, then boot into Wii mode, and then start the game. YAWN!
Home repair complete! Bathroom sink no longer leaks!
Goddammit explosives
@Unionhawk Your water's explosive
Yeah, this isn't suspicious at all.
Second account: 6 upvotes. First account: 6 upvotes, all in a row.

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