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@twobugs That's a critique of the newest game
He literally calls it 'the most beautiful mediocre game' he's ever played
I'll check it out later. I love the series conceptually... I just think it's made a very strong argument against yearly releases
Does Not Commute is a really fun game but holy crap does it remind me I am utter fail at knowing my lefts and rights.
@Rapitor Are you here, I need to know if it is possible for me to patch Halo 5 before it goes live
Does Not Commute gets really difficult.
@AshleyNunn Have you played their other games?
Granny Smith is so much fun
@twobugs what do you mean
@Rapitor There's a big day 1 patch apparently, I'd like to download that before the game goes live if possible (I have the digital version)
@Wipqozn What a deal!
It would be cool if my Xbox already downloaded it for me but that would be some like space age stuff
its already downloaded
@Rapitor For real? Wow. The future is here!
@GnomeSlice I didn't know they made Granny Smith. That's a pretty great game.
"Normally $13, but if you call during our special offer time, we'll raise the price to $15 JUST FOR YOU!"
check your filesize around 50gb? ready to go
"And if you call within the next 30 seconds, you can make five additional monthly payments!"
@GnomeSlice Mate. Haven't you heard of Smash Hit yet?
@Yuuki Sounds like what Cards Against Humanity does.
I won't mention the other thing CAH did because chatroom flagging + lack of context = suspension
Why even bring it up then
@GnomeSlice Because I'm being passive-aggressive towards the person who last flagged one of my messages and got me suspended.
You get used to it
@Powerlord now I'm curious about what's been flagged :o
Right... and I'm also warning people here that at least one of our members will flag anything that sounds remotely bad even if in context it's clearly sarcasm or pointing out how ridiculous something is. And reminding them that flagged messages are presented to other people on the chat network without context.
Hey guys, I've invited a friend of mine to this site before and he's just received enough reputation to come onto chat.
You guys mind welcoming him?
There he is now.
@Yuuki Oh my god.
@Powerlord Do you really think it's one of the regulars?
@K4GZL So what do you think?
Or just one of the new people who have been hanging out?
Q: If I reincarnate a character into a different class do I keep all of the Unique abilities for the original class?

ReafexusFor example, I finally have a level 150 Sage so I have Land Decimator. If I reincarnate into a Catsaber will I have a Level 1 Catsaber that knows Land Decimator?

Q: Why are some conditions greyed out?

DavidYellWith the release of Heart of Thorns, I've noticed fighting some bosses that sometimes the condition icons on their hud change from being red to grey. Why do these icons change colour? What significance does this have?

@SaintWacko If this was the first time, I'd consider that it could be new people hanging out in here. However, that's not the case
This ain't a format I'm used to, I'll say that.
@Powerlord Ugh
@K4GZL What, the chat, or the site in general?
@SaintWacko Considering flagging like this is not necessarily a new thing, I'd lean towards a regular.
@Powerlord That's really unfortunate. I've never flagged a single thing in chat, and I don't intend to unless it's something really bad.
Like maybe "wipqozn and fredley aren't that bad"
I've been flagged more than anybody
and probably everybody else put together
@twobugs Flagged.
I've been flagged probably about twice now.
Also, welcome to the chat that stores every message forever! For example, it remembers what people were talking about 5 years and 3 months ago.
@Powerlord He left for bed just now.
So I don't think he'll see this right now.
@Powerlord And some people go through that history just to find something to flag
That's the most ridiculous thing, when someone flags something from hours ago
At that point, it's just looking for reasons to be offended
abandon hope all ye who enter
I don't get why people act like tumblr is any one thing. It's a big site. It has cesspools. All sufficiently large sites do.
@twobugs Yes, but Tumblr specifically is the largest.
The largest site? I... don't think that's true.
@twobugs I meant largest cesspool.
Or the largest group of people "looking for reasons to be offended"? I'd definitely argue against that as well.
@twobugs Then you haven't been there long enough.
Q: (Minecraft) Using in-game commands, how do I create a "ThrownEgg" entity that will spawn chicks when broken?

Evan ThomasI'm asking this for a minigame I'm making. The egg should spawn a chick when broken, every time, as opposed to the 1/8 chance the egg normally has of producing a chick. I don't want to have to create any mods or plugins for this either. Perhaps my first question should be, "Is it even possible?"

@Texenox Have you?
@Yuuki Yes. I've been trying to go on a hiatus from that place.
Incidentally, today is one of those fun days. Waiting for a response from our DBA as to why the Dev DB is currently non-responsive. Currently waiting on a response from my boss about why our time tracking system was issuing warnings to me last week. Currently waiting on a response from our DB designer as to why the UAT database only has a 50 character limit on a field when he told me it was increased in size in all DBs in a previous push.
Yes, tumblr has a lot of those kinds of people. So do a lot of social networking sites.
@Yuuki True.
Google+ probably has less, but Google+ has less of almost everything.
Waiting on our system administrator to install stuff on our TFS Build Server so I can set up Java build jobs for the SVN to TFS migration.
Tumblr is pretty bad for that
and to top it off, I have a meeting in 15 minutes to explain what I've gotten done in the last work day.
Anyway, my larger point is I don't think it's fair to say tumblr is a community of people "looking to get offended by something". Furthermore, I think that's a very nebulous term that doesn't really lend to discussion well and oftentimes exposes hypocrisy.
I've lost count of the number of times I've seen someone rant about people "looking to get offended" after they themselves were offended by something.
Besides, if any site is a community of people looking to get offended by something, it's obviously Livejournal. </sarcasm>
Anyway, I think that if you're going to flag something it should be real serious. Don't abuse the flagging system.
Also don't assume somebody is abusing something just because you don't agree with it
Does anyone even use Xanga anymore? I remember that was a thing for about a month or something.
A lot of complaints about frivolous flags are just users being bitter about being legitimately flagged. A lot of them also aren't, and the flag was actually frivolous. Flags are weird.
@Yuuki What's that?
@GnomeSlice That's a fair point as well.
@Texenox Exactly.
I haven't kept up with the rules, can we still ask Game ID (without proper photos) questions in this chat-room?
> According to Alexa Internet, an internet metrics website, Xanga's ranking has continually declined since 2007.
Man. I remember Xanga and that was almost before my time
@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft You can ask any question in the chatroom.
@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft Yes, and the answer is Crash Bandicoot
@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft Yeah, the chat is for discussion of all kinds; we don't moderate it for content (except obviously illegal/NSFW) like the site.
If the answer really is Crash Bandicoot I deserve to be made a room owner.
@twobugs "What is the worst game ever?"
Ok. I'm looking for a game that's extremely similar to pokemon, but it came out before pokemon existed. I played it in the early 90's, it was on one of those "1000 game demos" discs.
All I remember is that the graphics were hand-drawn. There can't be many pre-pokemon pokemon games, though
Someone make him a room owner!
For example, "Which Final Fantasy is the best and why is it Tactics Advance?"
@Yuuki Tactics advance isn't even the best Final Fantasy game with Tactics in the title!
@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft ... Monster Rancher?
@Yuuki This was also my guess.
Monster Rancher started with the janky 3d graphics, right? I wouldn't really call those hand drawn.
Otherwise, let me start coming up with Pokemon-ish games from that era
@Yuuki No it was on PC, 2D top-down with hand-drawn graphics. You fought other monsters and captured them with devices similar to pokeballs (machines, I think?). It was really, really similar.
I never played Monster Rancher, but it's the only other game I even know that's similar.
Jade Cocoon
Oh, PC? Hm..
Probably a shitty knockoff game based on the card game
If it was on one of those 1000 game things
It was long before the card-game existed..
@GnomeSlice He said it's from before Red/Blue.
Do you remember the name of the disc?
The card game came long before the video games didn't it?
PC had a ton of those 50 in 1 or whatever disc collections... this is gonna be complicated
@GnomeSlice No, the card game came after. I think the cover of the disc was blue, let me try teh googles, one sec
@GnomeSlice For pokemon? No.
Although, red/green (the original Japanese release) does predate R/B by a decent bit.
And if you thought the R/B sprites were bad, haha oh man.
@twobugs I'm curious. Show us!
I have never played a pokemon game
The "from behind" sprites are even worse in red/green
@twobugs buhjeezus
Those look fine to me...
They're better than I remember
lol that charmeleon
Anyways, both of these look familiar from my childhood:
I think the same CD had a game called 'lexicon' that was similar to wheel of fortune
That's a nice, generic name. "1000+ hot games"
Where's @Chippies when you need him
I'm just waiting for a Now That's What I Call Video Games collection
Lmao its yoshi
Damnit google you're failing me
@GnomeSlice Yoh-shiii
@twobugs Oh god, Charmeleon looked so terrible from behind.
he looks like a hippo
Scyther in R/B looked awful from behind
Wait I played pokemon snap, does that coint?
Q: Question about Hypogean Gaol

ChironCurrently I have the option to proceed through the Forbidden Woods or surrender to the kidnapper at Ward Cathedral and go to the jail and fight the boss. But I'm worried about that. Should I beat the boss there in order to proceed (exit the jail) through the game? Or fighting him is optional and...

Q: What do I need to do to be able to upload more levels?

ZibbobzI've almost reached the level upload cap, and while I was hoping that my tenth star might net me a new badge and allow me to upload more levels...it did not. I've assumed that my next badge would allow me to upload more levels, but what I'm really asking here is not how to get my next badge (s...

It does, that game was really fun.
Also I rented pokemon stadium
I would totally offer 500 point bounty on this question if I could :(
I really want to find an image so you can make the question and bounty it and then net all the rep :P
Hold on
Currently holding on
Did @Yuuki just post not one but two Fridays
in a row
immediate succession
Survey says yes
And get stars for both of them
You should click them and find out
I help look but I'm on my phone on the bus
i mean... it's the bridge. are you expecting anything different
@Unionhawk Rude.
Well, then.
I guess it will stand!
Aww, that was short!
@Unionhawk I feel you have the least legroom for a "WOW" reaction considering you're probably the one who's removed my ownership the most. With the probably exception of @badp.
Oh the game on the CD was called 'Lexicross' not Lexicon
@Yuuki Definite exception of @badp
Search up an entire list of the games on that disc
All 1000+ of them
I found this, there's a good chance this is a list of all games on that CD: lateblt.tripod.com/ge2pix.txt
Lol I'm not reading that
(Not on my phone anyway)
@Yuuki He lost a lot of legroom yesterday anyway
I'm not sure I want to begin to know what that's supposed to mean
No results in page for "pokemon"
@GnomeSlice Duh, it was pre-Pokemon.
Searching monster/trainer/etc all I've come up with is CEMETARY: Monster Bash
I wish there was a way to pin things forever
@fredley There is. It's called putting it in the topic :P
DARWIN01: Darwin's Arena Maybe?
DOGS: CyberDogs I guess this is a possibility?
A lot of these names are just kind of generic. Nothing else really stands out.
@SaintWacko Room topic changed to: Welcome to the Bridge.
I'll keep looking, thanks anyways guys. Anyone in particular want to be pinged if I ever find it?
Links don't work well in the room description anyway
You can only have a raw link there
@Unionhawk Room topic changed to: Welcome to the Bridge. youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
Like, just youtube.com/watch?v=siwpn14IE7E will work, but not with text, yeah
Oh boy, I'm gonna be late for class!
Q: How to disable steam broadcasting?

Dark AfterburnI enabled broadcasting because it was an annoying option getting in my way on the in-game Steam menu, although once I enabled it I realised I did not know how to disable it. Am I being stupid or is it difficult to disable?

Right, GameMaker:Studio time.
A new version of RPG Maker came out. $80. I have to wonder who actually pays for that. I don't know of any games that have used it successfully.
I think the Barkley game (the first one, at least) used a heavily modified RPG maker engine?
@StrixVaria Just have to make more than $80, I guess.
I actually bought an RPGmaker game on steam, now that I think of it
@StrixVaria There's one game that comes to mind called OFF, but I'm not even sure if that was made in RPG Maker.
It was this Vandal Hearts game. Failed kickstarter but it was some really nice old lady who just really wanted to tell a story. I figured, what the hell.
@twobugs Was it any good?
Either way, I have RPG Maker VX Ace on Steam already.
Dunno, like most things I buy on steam I never played it.
@Texenox I mean, I vaguely want the new one, but I don't want it for $80.
It was fun to play around with the really old version I got my hands on in high school.
Yeah, it seems like it would be fun to play around with and make some stuff. I knew some people who really got into it, I guess there were big communities around it where people just tried to push the limits as much as possible.
@StrixVaria Thing is, what's different in the new MV version that isn't in VX?
Just as a hobbyist thing. That sounds really cool, honestly.
@Texenox I don't know. The last one I used was from way before VX.
The new one can publish to HTML5.
And it uses JS for scripting rather than Ruby.
Haha, explained to my boss that I wanted to take tomorrow off because of Halo 5. She said "I have no idea what Halo is, but it sounds important."
My boss rules.
It can also publish to mobile.
So even if that's all it offers, and it offers no engine improvements, that's all huge.
@StrixVaria Okay, I'm sold.
@twobugs I took off a week for Diablo 3's launch.
@StrixVaria Oh wow, those are some nice features.
But why can't they have this as a free upgrade for people who already own VX?
@StrixVaria Oh dear. I'm sorry...
@twobugs It was fun, because I was playing with a bunch of friends on Skype.
We all would shut up during cut scenes and no one skipped.
The only piece of software I know of that does the free upgrade is that Train Simulator game
Even though the plot was awful, experiencing it together was good.
That's cool. I had friends who forced themselves to do play nonstop for several days and then raged about it afterwards.
@Texenox I've used RPG Maker 2000.
Oh, I keep forgetting to finish updating my Hyrule Warriors answer. I'll try to do that tonight.
@twobugs I'm pretty sure The Bridge did that back in the day, essentially
@StrixVaria wow
@twobugs I've been slowly trudging through adventure mode, but my guys are all underpowered except Link.
That's old.
I don't remember if that's before my time or not
@StrixVaria If you have a decent supply of ruppees, I highly recommend the training dojo as that is basically all they're good for
@twobugs I've done that a bit but I was loath to spend them all. Now that I think about it, though, all else you'd buy with them is badges, and those are comparatively free.
Might not be a bad idea to go back and grab all the skulltulas and heart pieces from the main story (and the first few from hard mode) as that'll net you a rewards map
And that rewards map is a really easy way to farm EXP and ruppees
@twobugs I did start doing this. Playing each mission like 3 times in a row is meh, but the experience is good.
@StrixVaria I think the mixtures cost ruppees too but the price is so low compared to the material cost (for the better ones at least)
And you're playing the patched version, right? Where they upped the material cap to 999? That was amazing for all the bronze materials
@twobugs Yeah.
Hey @GnomeSlice, Vertiginous Golf is completely free for a limited time!
I think the level cap is now 250, but that's pretty prohibitive to reach through normal play. There's also a ruppee glitch to basically max out ruppees for training, but I can't remember the specifics
It involves some goofiness with Gohma, I think.
@twobugs Not really interested in glitching.
@StrixVaria To The Moon was an RPG Maker game, it did extremely well. It's a fantastic game.
@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft Oh yeah, that.
I didn't do it either. The consensus seems to be there's no point unless you really want to do the later DLC maps (which expect everyone to be high level)
I got a ton of ruppees and exp on everyone just doing the first adventure mode board and the master quest one as well. Basically 100%'d those (except for A-1 in normal and a few on master quest - those can fuck right off)
Actually I could probably cheese A-1 now that I think about it, it just has a horrible gimmick
@GnomeSlice 'sup?
@twobugs Now I have to look up A-1.
To get a Heart Piece for Agitha you have to get like 1200 KOs in under 10 minutes on a tiny map with a bunch of those big nasty guys from Skyward Sword... the Unsealed or whatever?
@twobugs Imprisoned?
Yeah. Him. All the giant bosses are horrible. He's the worst by far, though.
And I really don't like Agitha. She has some neat mechanics, but ugh. I can't get a handle on her playstyle.
Yeah, I have a mission where I have to go from keep to keep as Fi and kill stuff, and the last thing to kill is that, and after like 3 weakness strikes he gets up again and just attritions me to death.
I think some leveling on Fi might help, though.
I think I know the exact mission you're talking about. To unlock her tier 3 weapon?
That one is just awful
@twobugs No, I think it's just a heart piece. I'm not terribly far into adventure mode.
I got the tier 2 gloves and ball/chain for Link, though, and that pretty much just wrecks everything immediately.
Ah. But yeah, Fi is one of the weaker characters. If you haven't already done so I would check out the move list on gamefaqs, pretty good break down of what moves are good for each character and how to utilize them
Also her name is canonically pronounced "Fy" and that annoys me!
Q: VPS/VDS and TF2 Dedicated servers

PuckI've been renting from a certain company for a while now, and I'm currently thinking of switching to nfoservers because I would get a cheaper deal since I plan to expand the servers further. However it's not going to be many servers, so I was wondering if it would be possible to at least get 3 ...

@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft just out of curiosity you can ping me if you find it
That's how I pronounced it.
I always read it as Fee. Oh well.
Ball/chain wrecks faces in TP too, to the point that the any% speedrun goes to Snowpeak Ruins just for it (Snowpeak is skippable otherwise but it's faster to go there and have the ball and chain than to skip it)
@Unionhawk I never finished TP. I think I got pretty far.
A speedrun for that game sounds like a pain in the ass, though.
The beginning was excruciating.
There's big skips for the beginning part
That's good to hear.
For the any% run, not the no s+q run, anyway
save and quit
Why is that a category?
TP has this glitch where if you void out and reset the game at the same time, or something weird like that, you end up in a playable version of the menu screen
Which you can use to overwrite the menu screen state to your save file
Ah, so save and quit is completely gamebreaking.
Haha. That's awesome.
Yeah, I remember saving and quitting at a part of the ice dungeon can be real bad.
Giving you hero's clothes, hylian shield, and I think ordon sword
Not sure
Doesn't Skyward Sword have an issue where you can render the game unwinnable if you learn the songs in the wrong order or something
And causing a few weird things to happen (forcing you to skip a trigger in which Midna thinks you don't have a sword or shield when it's on your back. or something)
Yay. So darn busy at work.
Plus you can clip through gates so that's surprisingly big
@Unionhawk How long is the any% run, and how long is the no s+q run?
WR is 2:59 for any%, 3:20 for no s+q
Oh that's a long run anyway.
So, 20 minutes between Back in Time and savewarping
100% OoT run is under 2 hours.
How low is the Metroid Prime 100% WR nowadays
Gamecube NTSC release I guess
@Unionhawk What run was ZFG doing that was ~1:45 then?
Was that all dungeons?
Maybe, that's 1:33 by ZFG
I remember at some *GDQ, ZFG and someone else did an all dungeons race and used completely different routes.
That was really entertaining.
Hooray, we finally did a beta release of the library I work on

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