Right... and I'm also warning people here that at least one of our members will flag anything that sounds remotely bad even if in context it's clearly sarcasm or pointing out how ridiculous something is. And reminding them that flagged messages are presented to other people on the chat network without context.
For example, I finally have a level 150 Sage so I have Land Decimator. If I reincarnate into a Catsaber will I have a Level 1 Catsaber that knows Land Decimator?
With the release of Heart of Thorns, I've noticed fighting some bosses that sometimes the condition icons on their hud change from being red to grey.
Why do these icons change colour? What significance does this have?
I'm asking this for a minigame I'm making. The egg should spawn a chick when broken, every time, as opposed to the 1/8 chance the egg normally has of producing a chick.
I don't want to have to create any mods or plugins for this either. Perhaps my first question should be, "Is it even possible?"
Incidentally, today is one of those fun days. Waiting for a response from our DBA as to why the Dev DB is currently non-responsive. Currently waiting on a response from my boss about why our time tracking system was issuing warnings to me last week. Currently waiting on a response from our DB designer as to why the UAT database only has a 50 character limit on a field when he told me it was increased in size in all DBs in a previous push.
Anyway, my larger point is I don't think it's fair to say tumblr is a community of people "looking to get offended by something". Furthermore, I think that's a very nebulous term that doesn't really lend to discussion well and oftentimes exposes hypocrisy.
I've lost count of the number of times I've seen someone rant about people "looking to get offended" after they themselves were offended by something.
A lot of complaints about frivolous flags are just users being bitter about being legitimately flagged. A lot of them also aren't, and the flag was actually frivolous. Flags are weird.
@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft Yeah, the chat is for discussion of all kinds; we don't moderate it for content (except obviously illegal/NSFW) like the site.
Ok. I'm looking for a game that's extremely similar to pokemon, but it came out before pokemon existed. I played it in the early 90's, it was on one of those "1000 game demos" discs.
All I remember is that the graphics were hand-drawn. There can't be many pre-pokemon pokemon games, though
@Yuuki No it was on PC, 2D top-down with hand-drawn graphics. You fought other monsters and captured them with devices similar to pokeballs (machines, I think?). It was really, really similar.
Anyways, both of these look familiar from my childhood: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51dv4IFf75L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg http://image.allmusic.com/00/agg/cov200/drg100/g134/g13443ovc27.jpg
I think the same CD had a game called 'lexicon' that was similar to wheel of fortune
Currently I have the option to proceed through the Forbidden Woods or surrender to the kidnapper at Ward Cathedral and go to the jail and fight the boss.
But I'm worried about that. Should I beat the boss there in order to proceed (exit the jail) through the game? Or fighting him is optional and...
I've almost reached the level upload cap, and while I was hoping that my tenth star might net me a new badge and allow me to upload more levels...it did not.
I've assumed that my next badge would allow me to upload more levels, but what I'm really asking here is not how to get my next badge (s...
@Unionhawk I feel you have the least legroom for a "WOW" reaction considering you're probably the one who's removed my ownership the most. With the probably exception of @badp.
I enabled broadcasting because it was an annoying option getting in my way on the in-game Steam menu, although once I enabled it I realised I did not know how to disable it. Am I being stupid or is it difficult to disable?
It was this Vandal Hearts game. Failed kickstarter but it was some really nice old lady who just really wanted to tell a story. I figured, what the hell.
Yeah, it seems like it would be fun to play around with and make some stuff. I knew some people who really got into it, I guess there were big communities around it where people just tried to push the limits as much as possible.
@twobugs I've done that a bit but I was loath to spend them all. Now that I think about it, though, all else you'd buy with them is badges, and those are comparatively free.
Might not be a bad idea to go back and grab all the skulltulas and heart pieces from the main story (and the first few from hard mode) as that'll net you a rewards map
And that rewards map is a really easy way to farm EXP and ruppees
I think the level cap is now 250, but that's pretty prohibitive to reach through normal play. There's also a ruppee glitch to basically max out ruppees for training, but I can't remember the specifics
I didn't do it either. The consensus seems to be there's no point unless you really want to do the later DLC maps (which expect everyone to be high level)
I got a ton of ruppees and exp on everyone just doing the first adventure mode board and the master quest one as well. Basically 100%'d those (except for A-1 in normal and a few on master quest - those can fuck right off)
Actually I could probably cheese A-1 now that I think about it, it just has a horrible gimmick
To get a Heart Piece for Agitha you have to get like 1200 KOs in under 10 minutes on a tiny map with a bunch of those big nasty guys from Skyward Sword... the Unsealed or whatever?
Yeah, I have a mission where I have to go from keep to keep as Fi and kill stuff, and the last thing to kill is that, and after like 3 weakness strikes he gets up again and just attritions me to death.
Ah. But yeah, Fi is one of the weaker characters. If you haven't already done so I would check out the move list on gamefaqs, pretty good break down of what moves are good for each character and how to utilize them
Also her name is canonically pronounced "Fy" and that annoys me!
I've been renting from a certain company for a while now, and I'm currently thinking of switching to nfoservers because I would get a cheaper deal since I plan to expand the servers further.
However it's not going to be many servers, so I was wondering if it would be possible to at least get 3 ...
Ball/chain wrecks faces in TP too, to the point that the any% speedrun goes to Snowpeak Ruins just for it (Snowpeak is skippable otherwise but it's faster to go there and have the ball and chain than to skip it)
TP has this glitch where if you void out and reset the game at the same time, or something weird like that, you end up in a playable version of the menu screen
Which you can use to overwrite the menu screen state to your save file
And causing a few weird things to happen (forcing you to skip a trigger in which Midna thinks you don't have a sword or shield when it's on your back. or something)