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If you get past 25 drunkenness on st sneaky pete day, hide your meat in your closet and adventure until you drunkenly stumble into a tattoo parlor. It's the only way to get an awesome tattoo
@GodEmperorDune Apparently, the equipment from the Barrel God is once-per-ascension.
The special monsters should be great tomorrow... Hopefully I can fill out some more monster Manuel
@GodEmperorDune Not sure if KOL or Lifehack
@Yuuki yeah, but the barrels that drop after combat are fun... Especially multi using them (aka Smash Party)
@MadMAxJr Why not both?
What @Yuuki said
And the class buffs are repeatable
@GodEmperorDune I got a barrel pickle from one.
I think that might only be available in a Smash Party though.
Yeah I got a barrel pickle in a smash party too
And the barrels seem to take on the appearance of the zone you find them in
My undersea barrels had barnacles on them and dropped sea veggies
And apparently, each barrel type has a special rare drop.
So the barrel drop depends on your terrain.
Outside drops mostly foods, Inside drops booze, Underground drops spleen, and Underwater drops... well, underwater stuff.
And apparently, each barrel type has further barrel sub-types that drop depending on the difficulty of the zone.
Oh shit I want a "little barrel" familiar
Q: Why is Astora's Straight Sword so bad?

user2656801I actually had to grind 14 faith to be able to use the Astora's Straight Sword. I was super disappointed when my attacks were doing 29 damage with r1. I have a drake sword that does 200 damage per hit.

Q: Set Xbox controllers order on Windows

codroipoI have an Xbox One controller and an Xbox 360 controller plugged in my PC. Windows always set the 360 controller as the primary (number 1), but I want the One controller to be the primary. If I unplug and then plug in again the 360 controller it is still the primary controller.

Q: What is a "rule of right" RPG? (a.k.a. "Oudou RPG")

jSepiaI've seen this term applied to Bravely Default, Final Fantasy and other JRPGs, but I haven't been able to find a definition for it.

Q: Who is the bandaged man?

MattIn the prologue to MGS V, you're attacked while recovering in a Cypriot hospital, and narrowly led to escape by a fellow bandaged patient. This escape culminates in an car crash that leaves you briefly unconscious after a helicopter strafes your vehicle with bullets, seemingly killing your benefa...

Q: Can two consoles play on one online-enabled copy of a game

DillonThe wife and I game a lot, and we each have our own PS4. We recently found out the neat option of only one of us needing to have a PS+ account for both of us to basically use it. If you're reading this and are unfamiliar with how to do this, basically what we did was we made her PS4 my primary o...

Lasers seems to be a little slow today.
"Just give me a second to pull over here, maybe that will make it easier for me to follow your directions" AUGH NO
why are you calling while driving
...I'm assuming you guys don't do any kind of cellular service?
Probably a stupid question, but that's easier for me to process in my brain than someone calling on their cell phone, while driving, asking for help on their home internet connection.
Why is he trying to call his ISP when he's not even at home?
@twobugs Oh, no, he was troubleshooting the email we host
Okay, that's slightly less insane
@PrivatePansy See, that's not unusual, people call from EVERYWHERE and then get shocked when I go "are you near your router/modem/little grey box (PoE)" and they go "nooooo" and I go "well, first step for this problem is to power cycle your devices"
That's still insane though.
@twobugs It happens ALL THE TIME and I am waiting for the day someone gets into an accident while on the phone with me
I had to power cycle my TV last night. Technological advances aren't all they are cracked up to be.
(because I try to encourage people to pull over if I can tell, but I can't always tell)
@AshleyNunn I hope you never have to deal with the accident while on the phone thing :(
That would be freaky
@twobugs I know, right?
I am so scared it will happen
Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger split up
Sucks, but I mean now is my chance
@GnomeSlice Why does anyone but people who actually know them care?
@GnomeSlice I hate that I think that I know that this is the guy from Nickelback, and I hate that I just typed the name of that band.
Not, know of them, but know them
Do you have a ticket close reason of "Closed - User Fataility" ?
Nickel back doesn't deserve most of the negativity they get these days. Also, say what you want about them, but they were pretty influential when they were relevant
I fucking love Avril
All I know about Nickelback is that people say their songs sound alike. I feel like you could probably cherrypick enough songs from any established group to make that point, though.
Basically, it's cool to hate on Nickelback. Just because.
They're not really my kind of music so whatever
Nickelback was never as bad as Creed, at least.
I liked Nickelback, until their lyrics mastered the art of single entendre.
Also, I'd like to wish @GnomeSlice best of luck in his pursuit of Avril Lavigne
got a nice upgrade! cc: @Arperum
Damn, that's sexy
@Chippies Hot damn, nice!
I really want to play a Monk this season
@Chippies Looks good.
I'm playing Monk this season!
Life per Spirit could be better rolled, but who really cares? That thing is a monster
this is my best geared character I've ever had, lol
I'm running WD, so far it's a lot of fun
I'm really enjoying Monk
It's a lot of fun
A bit difficult to play
I played Monk mainly in vanilla, and a bit in S2, I just never got any good builds
But if you play it right, you can do a ton of damage
S3 revamp was good and their new stuff is awesome
Seven Sided Strike has always been one of my favorite skills and now it hits so hard
Q: Fallout Shelter Game Save lost

NealCI have the Lenovo Yoga Tab 2 and it has it quirks. Every now and then I will come across the problem of opening an app, and on my tab I figured out if I delete the app and re-download it, it will work again. it's happened on my snapchat, clash of clans, facebook. The list goes on and I've done it...

@twobugs I'm just facerolling everything so far with seven sided strike
Dammit Chippies, I have so many other games to play, do NOT force me to level a Monk right now too
@twobugs I only ever liked the rune that made each hit deal AoE damage.
Otherwise it was ok against a single target and terrible against groups, but with that rune it wrecked groups.
I hear it got buffed a lot since I've used it, though.
The Humble Store has very deep discounts on both Continue987654321 and Cherry Tree High
I dunno about the former — I just bought it — but I enjoyed the latter. Even though it's very technically a dating sim where you must complete at least half of your harem. Very technically so.
(Alas the game features no actual romance, no actual harem and no actual pidgeons)
No pigeons? Barf.
@StrixVaria there's a hat that makes SSD apply exploding palm and the new set 6 piece bonus makes it so it detonates exploding palm on each hit
so each SSD = 7 explosions of EP
@Chippies Oh.
or 14 if you have the seasonal claw
That sounds really fun.
it is fun
And, of course, Gungdo gear to spread EP on explosions
@twobugs it helps, but not required with the hat that makes SSD apply EP
@Chippies why does your disk have palms?
@badp so it can move bits around, duh
I thought the whole point was having no moving parts
fingers are optional
Emojis are mandatory
bits are virtual, so are the palms, silly @badp
SublimeLinter_CatGutterTheme: Catify your SublimeLinter gutter http://bit.ly/1LOaGc8
Emojis are very real, however, and they are coming for you.
Q: GTA V Online xbox 360 and one sync

Jack RadforthI have both an xbox one and 360 both with GTA V. I originally started on the 360 and later synced my account to the one. However when I play on the xbox 360 it does not affect my xbox one files and vise versa. Is it possible to get these to sync?

Why did you start your hashtag with a dash
tag-hashtag? fancy
@badp Fixed.
@Yuuki deep
I am ashamed for my friends. He named his HDD "Kernel Sanders".
That's what the refrance combob ×2
@Yuuki is his PIN number 12245?
His OS is on his SSD. Shameful! You name the OS drive "Kernel Sanders", not the non-OS-having drive.
@Yuuki That is merely a security precaution
Hackers will see the drive name and start scouring it for kernels
Just like my file that's named "Totally Not My Passwords".
Also Hard Disk HDD Drive is a work of art.
you need a folder named "passwords" and one named "not passwords". each containing password files
Three letters TLA abbreviations can be quite the joy indeed
/cc @KevinvanderVelden
Today has been a long day.
Redundant RAS Synrdom is also always fun
I blame everyone but myself.
Looks like the internet won't be hooked up until almost the end of the day.
Q: Which items from the Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case can be Unusual?

TexenoxEarlier this week, the Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case had been released, which contains a selection of new cosmetics. There's also a chance that the item you get from it may be either Strange, Unusual or even both. Earlier today, I managed to unbox an Unusual hat, and that was the Rotation Sensation. ...

Q: How do I make my soldiers better?

zero298I've noticed that many of my soldiers in my combat unit have yellow bars on their stats. I'm assuming that this means they have gained boosts to their attributes. Is there a limit to the boosts they can receive? I also noticed that several units also have medals on their portraits are those ...

@KevinvanderVelden Redundant Acronym RAS Acronym Syndrome is the proper medical terminology, I believe.
@Yuuki I dunno, sounds a bit too redundant
Of course it's got its own Wikipedia article
RAS syndrome (short for "redundant acronym syndrome syndrome") refers to the use of one or more of the words that make up an acronym or initialism in conjunction with the abbreviated form, thus in effect repeating one or more words. Two common examples are "PIN number" (the "N" in PIN stands for "number") and "ATM machine" (the "M" in ATM stands for "machine"). Other names for the phenomenon include PNS syndrome ("PIN number syndrome syndrome", which expands to "personal identification number number syndrome syndrome") or RAP phrases ("redundant acronym phrase phrases"). A person is humorously...
@GnomeSlice I didn't even realize she was still alive
@Wipqozn She's... not that old, I think.
@Yuuki I just thought she died of a drug overdose
> PNS syndrome ("PIN number syndrome syndrome", which expands to "personal identification number number syndrome syndrome"
Hell, I didn't even know they were together in the first place.
I still can't get used to this new Google logo
@Wipqozn Just Googled for a recent image and she doesn't look like your average starlet who's done a lot of drugs (cough cough Lindsay Lohan looks like an eight year old's nightmare cough)
@twobugs it's pretty weird
@Yuuki ohhh riiiight
I'm thinking of lindsry lohan
she was the drug addict
@Wipqozn She is also not dead
Although I don't think you could say she is alive.
@twobugs She's sorta hovering in that place in-between life and death. I guess you could call it "massive cocaine overdose".
@twobugs sooner or later it'll probably go back to monochrome
Q: Why does the capra demon take additional damage from black night weapons?

user2656801Is there something in the story or the lore that explains why black knight weapons do extra damage to the capra demon? I know occult weapons are bossing weapons. However the black knight weapons don't seem to have an occult aux number.

Q: agar.iogetin eatin

raking**in agar.io when you get eatin by a biger person* agario suck dick let me be on the qustion plz let me thank hgjfhrut thtmgtnf fhhfjt gjt fhtntnt tjt tgntt h g g f fdhnfnfnfnnfnf fg hng t gjt g yjy hngg hnh h hnh h hh h h h h h h h h j h h h hh gf g vf...

user image
cc @Sterno
@Yuuki Terrifying
Clearly the stall was Snake's buddy for the mission.
@badp Nobody ever cares about the old logo until it becomes "the old logo".
> It’s an old-looking, disproportionate piece of typography that no designer would think of using in a logo pitch to a client.
That's a bit hyperbolic.
The old logo looked fine. The new logo looks fine. People should stop putting so many feelings into a logo change.
Well, I'm glad people generally like it. Some people internally were afraid that there would be a lot more change averse responses when the new logo was revealed
I like the smoothness of it, if that makes sense.
the san serif is nice
it's more 'fun' than business now
@murgatroid99 and here I got my torches and pitchforks all ready to go for nothing... :(
@murgatroid99 It's good, I'm just not used to it yet
@djsmiley2k Yeah, that's my thoughts on it too :)
Especially the favicon
@AshleyNunn I'm trained in typography D:
I wonder if they are going to change the sign on the building to match.
I'd expect so
everything will change, some things take time tho
@AshleyNunn They already changed some of them
(Although they're building a new building for Google here so that might wait til the new building)
@murgatroid99 I am going to have to look when I go by it on my way home to see if this one changed
What are they doing with the old signs? I would love the old logo in my living room
I'll check the Google building by me, too. I think it's an adsense office
Some of the old signs were actually getting taken down before they even announced the change
@GodEmperorDune No idea!
@murgatroid99 that supprises me
@twobugs Oh yeah, I should look at the sign on the outside of my building. I almost never see my building from the outside, since there are stairs to the subway from inside.
My thoughts are: "Oh, Google has a new logo. That's nice. I'm gonna go read some news. Holy f--k, I didn't realize people could get so emotionally invested in a company logo."
@Yuuki I think we forget that some people have known google all their lives..
it IS the internet to them
Random tangent: if Kim Davis (the county clerk that's refusing to do gay marriage) isn't found in contempt of court (and the judicial system in general), I might need to go do something crazy.
also on a different slant, before the 'internet' when a company cvhanged their logo, it was discussed in graphical magazines and things
however most of the population no one knew
Now, a logo change is a lot more visible and immediate because anyone using any of that company's products sees the change immediately
Yeah, it is so much more pubic facing
@murgatroid99 WHY IS THE e CROOKED
@Rapitor So it's quirky?
and when it is a company like Google who is, as they said, a verb in a lot of people's lexicon....they're going to notice.
@Rapitor Nobody noticed the 'e' was tilted until they made it sans serif
@Rapitor And it's because it's quirky and playful
@Yuuki i can hear it.
@Yuuki That cocky asshole starts celebrating before it even goes in
@twobugs What a cockatiel asshole.
Q: What does LF:#-# in Angband mean?

ThrakaAt the bottom of the screen in the dungeon it says LF:1-2 What does this mean?

@Yuuki Is there a YouTube version of that?
Because, despite being better than .gif, .gifv still sucks.
zomg people understand something I said \o/
@djsmiley2k heck, some people who frequent this chat room have known this specific google logo their entire lives (it is 16 years or so old)
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, seems crazy
/me goes to find foods
@KevinvanderVelden It has actually changed a little over time
@Yuuki -1 no sound
It used to have beveled edges
And they changed the kerning a year or two ago
@murgatroid99 but serif to sans serif is TOO MUCH CHANGE! I miss the connected g
waa i'm on the internet and i hate change
/theinternet, probably
Q: Does Mighty Mighty Missile Have The Same Maps As The GBA Che Chu Rocket?

user3735278Mighty Mighty Missile is a homebrew game that was released on the Sega CD in 2004, and it appears to have incorporated many game play elements and assess from Sonic Team's Chu Chu Rocket, specifically the one released for the Game Boy Advanced. I was wondering if the maps associated with Mighty M...

@murgatroid99 Hahaha the initial backrub logo was the best
Good lord.
That is a very 90s logo
Oh god, I remember wordart
I had an old boss that loved 3-d charts and crap like that.
3D charts! That's like one more D!
These bar charts need shadows! This is the year 1995, after all!
/me returns to dark souls
send help, I just remembered I'm stuck :(
@Lazers2.0 Is it not Chu Chu Rocket?
@djsmiley2k where are you stuck?
Weee. I have tenants starting next week.
Shrine of ... arama...
Shrine of Amana?
i've actually got to the next bonfire
where the creatures that break equipment are...
rhoys resting place.
So, what's the problem?
come out of the cave
no cover, about 10 enemies using ranged attacks
Are you talking about the area with the large ring of standing stones?
OK, there's only 2 ranged enemies there. I would suggest taking out the first one with a bow from inside the cave, and then going after the second
wheres the second?
@djsmiley2k The first one is within the ring. The second is slightly off the left side of the ring, from the point of view of the cave
There are also those hidden water things in the ring
/me counts 3 ranged enemies
2 guys with hammers
and whatever underwater enmeies there are.
Where's the third?
behind, on the left as you leave the tunnel
@badp That's a slogan if I've ever heard one
That one should be far enough away that you can deal with the first two without it bothering you
red summon goes off the edge \o/
that person turned into..... gold sparkles?!
am i playing a vampire game D:
The gold sparkles indicate the underwater guys
nah past that
in the hut thing
I guess this fogwall indicatea a boss? :/
@djsmiley2k Get close enough to bait out its grab or smash attack (but back up when it actually uses them), and then hit it when the eye opens
@badp Science has gone too far
yeah damn
@twobugs I would like to thank @StrixVaria for linking me to all of the clicker incrementals that made this far going possible
@djsmiley2k Most of the time, fog walls indicate a boss fight. Although sometimes, they are used for area transitions.
Hey, I recognize this episode!
3 casters
1 healing at the start
one at the back
one to the left
AND one round the corner.
@Yuuki The fog walls are used to troll the player.
Just like all the other game design elements.

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