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Q: As an assassination rogue what is the best stat to buff with food currently?

ShizamIt seems like the best stat to buff (For Assassination Rogues) changes often so what is the best one to buff currently? With cooking I can buff a stat by 90 but which should it be Agil, Crit rating or Haste rating? Thanks

> I would especially recommend you draw some mock "screenshot" of how the game looks like and upload it alongside your question, it can really help with finding the game
Do we really want to encourage this?
Technically, @LessPop, in terms of actually getting an answer, a mockup can help
Especially as color is one thing that isn't all too often put in text descriptions (except that one recent rainbow question, but...), but it can strongly help identify a game between whether things are a morbid set of colors versus a cheerful one
Q: Which guns are the best in Black Ops?

EarlzI am just starting out and it's expensive to buy guns just to find out that you dislike them. How can I determine what are the best guns for me in Call of Duty Black Ops? (note, answering my own question)

@GraceNote well yes, but at the same time, it definitely can lead to... distortions... in voting patterns that we don't want to encourage IMO.
WTF is this:
A: What should be done with questions asking for game recommendations?

Bruce Connor This policy has been withdrawn from the running Due to the overwhelming quantity of flaws that outweigh the positives of the policy Allow game-rec as Community Wiki if they are specific enough to only have a few answers, it is now withdrawn as an option. These flaws include but are not li...

when did community opinion go right out the window?
Was there a coup while I was gone and now we just remove opinions we disagree with?
I think it's more reasonable to give people a chance to reassign their votes than it would have been to allow that answer to "win" and then have disregarded it due to it being impractical as far as implementation and enforcement go. Naturally that tends to rub people the wrong way, but the intent certainly wasn't to piss on their opinions or anything, heh.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, this is unfortunately true. People's votes tend to flock towards "novelty" question content, like mock-ups..
If we believe that answer is a result in some flaw in our polling mechanism then we should restart the poll
disenfranchising people's votes is not a practical alternative
especially just because we disagree with them
Q: How can you tell a zone is depleted?

yx01Is it after searching a few times and not finding anything, or is it automatically marked after enough auto searches? I know you can mark it while in the zone, but how do I know WHEN to mark it depleted?

I imagine that the poll wasn't restarted in favour of not dragging the process out any longer than it's already taking. I don't think it's wrong to suggest that perhaps that's a flawed set of priorities, though personally I think it's probably the more realistic approach (otherwise these things do tend to drag on forever). And, again, the post wasn't disqualified due to "Oh, I don't like this point of view", but rather its lack of potential as a maintainable solution.
Its potential as a maintainable solution is a matter of opinion. My personal opinion is that no Game-Rec solution is maintainable, but that doesn't give me the right to throw away other people's opinions.
If there is a problem with the vote the solution is not to disenfranchise the community as that is likely to have a greater impact than the vote itself
what's the use in worrying about your beard when they're cutting off your neck?
Gaming has maybe 400 active users
discounting 60+ votes is a sizable chunk of that user base
now we can argue those numbers all we want, but that fact remains that setting a policy dictated by a mock vote does not engender confidence by the community
especially when the option you're removing was the most popular one
worse than that, its morally reprehensible
@tzenes That may be true to an extent, but anything that relies on classification and moderator intervention beyond what moderators already do, on a frequent basis, is really unlikely to work in the long term. Especially when there's still plenty of room for people to argue over each question, which it seems the poll is designed to resolve in the first place.
@tzenes That's a fair point, it can easily cause problems with people. I hope that won't happen, though :)
You're still making the argument against Game-rec
not an argument for discounting people opinions (wrong though they may be).
Their opinions shouldn't be discounted, but they picked a non-option. The natural response is that they shouldn't have had a non-option to begin with, but in light of the fact that they did, and there needs to be a result at the end of the day, the situation has to be corrected somehow. Unfortunately in those circumstances every method of correction tends to involve letting down some portion of the people involved.
It's certainly not ideal any way you look at it, but I don't think it's productive to consider it a malicious action either.
Although @GraceNote may have been evilly laughing behind the scenes "Mwuahaha" style I guess. I have my doubts though. ;)
You're sort of making the assumption that they picked a non-option
that's not true
they picked a bad option
but that qualitative assessment of bad is your opinion
for you to force it on them by removing the option is reprehensible
I'm drawing on my own experience with handling these kinds of situations to make that statement, but it's true that I don't know what their motivation was to mark it as a non-option.
I think they believed as you did, that it was not a real option, but I still consider that a qualitative assessment
if they felt it was a bad option they should have voted for an alternative
disenfranchising a section of the voting population should never have been considered
Hell, never having this vote in the first place and dictating a decision would have been better
or even deciding to declare the whole thing void and starting over
Deciding that people who voted for an option that was bad (even if it was bad) shouldn't get their vote counted undermines the entire purpose of the vote, it undermines our sense of community and it undermines user confidence. Its the worst of all possible worlds
actually, I guess and then implementing a worse option would be the worst of all possible worlds
but this one is pretty close
Yeah, hrm...I guess we'll see what the general reaction to this is. I expect that many people will be (rightfully) upset, but hopefully that won't deter their contributions. :/
Is @LessPopMoreFizz active in chat? Got a question for 'm.
Indeed I am
though I'm kind of raiding atm, so I may be a bit slow to reply.
@RavenDreamer Need to crack US top 10!
@LessPopMoreFizz Power to ya. I never got much into raiding -- I didn't really join a progression-minded guild back in the day.
@tzenes really the worst case scenario would have been to have that removed option win, and then refuse to implement it, saying that we don't agree with it. Here, at least, the people who cast their votes have been given a chance to change them. Of course, most people who have cast their vote already probably won't check back in on the thread for a while.
Anyway, @LessPopMoreFizz , I wanted some clarification on your rebuttal. I've added a new comment to my answer. No rush.
so...I guess it doesn't make a difference.
@Mana Actually I don't think that's any worse than what happened
Yeah, that's what I meant by it doesn't make a difference.
@RavenDreamer Replied there for the sake of posterity. You misread the chart.
Hit has a tiered value
@Brian heeeeeey.
heya :)
Does anyone know of a video demo of a game where the protagonist is blind... and the walls are rendered in visible "echoes?"
I remember seeing the trailer for it some time back, but can't remember anything beyond that for the life of me.
its like chime or something
oh man its great
hold on
nono, 3d game
Devil's Tuning Fork
almost FPS? Or platformer?
Yeah! That's the one
awesome game
Thanks! :)
Chime is a puzzle game that reminds me of Lumines
Anyone else played Lumines or Meteos? I loved Q!
I actually didn't like Lumines
@RavenDreamer You'll also find similar results for a number of DPS classes. The 80-85 rating decay hit stupidly hard, and the prime stats just didn't decay anywhere nearly as much.
Getting hit capped is a matter of item selection and reforging (and to a lesser extent, gemming because socket bonuses are stronger now). Using consumables for hit is just always going to be a raw deal.
Yeah -- that one blue post has me thinking that Blizz'll retune the relative strength of primary stats.
@RavenDreamer Relative to Hit? Doubtful.
Was there another disagreement about semantics on chat?
I really don't know what to think about those votes being discounted now.
Read the blue post carefully. They're okay with primary stats being better than all other stats. They want all the secondary stats to be roughly equal, but they're okay with hit and expertise being better than all the other secondaries until their cap.
I think we should invalidate the whole vote and start over
@tzenes what vote?
it was wrong to begin a vote without sufficient explanation as to what we were voting on and why
Maybe I'm too easily swayed to other people's opinions. When I heard that the answer had been struck from the voting process I was quite pleased and praised the decision, yet now I'm full of doubt.
@LessPopMoreFizz Ha, so you know which one I'm talking about. It's just, theres also been blue posts saying that they like Hit being so valuable because it is ultimately cap-able.
I'd argue that stranger things have happened.
the whole reason for the change is because it lets them make character power fairly predictable. every item of ilvl X is going to have exactly the same amount of agility, barring sockets/bonii, which is going to make tuning content easier for them
Well its clear there are conflicting incentives here. On the one hand game-rec going away is a good thing. On the other hand rigging a vote is a bad thing.
While I'm happy to see game-rec go away, this is a price I am unwilling to pay
@tzenes it's not necessarily game-rec going away
@RavenDreamer Again, parse the post more carefully. They like hit being so valuable relative to haste/crit/mastery. Not relative to Agi/Int/Str
it's just narrowing it down to either all game-rec or no game-rec
no conditionals
I think with this many voters disenfranchised I don't see game-rec surviving
Are people still talking about that rigged vote?
@LessPopMoreFizz Bah! back in my day we didn't have these fangled "ratings" and Strength was an optimal stat pick for rogues! ;)
Q: Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars LAN problem

Unlimited071Hello all, I've a problem when I try to play a LAN game on C&C3 TW for MAC. I've a MacBookPro 2009 with snow leopard 10.6.5 My cousin has a MacBookPro 2009 with leopard 10.5.8 we both have the same game, same patch (1.9), different keys. When I try to start a LAN game we can both see e...

Yeah, that was awesome, take away the moderate option in the middle of voting, uh huh
@NickT What made it rigged?
@LessPop_MoreFizz incidently the plural of bonus is bonuses, unless you want the latin in which case it should be bona.
Changing the ballot in the middle of voting
It wasn't just that the took away an option, but in doing so the odds of any other option than the anti-game-rec has little to no chance of winning
@tzenes yes, I know it is technically bonuses. But Bonii is more fun to type.
if there was a pro-game-rec on par with the other two, that might be considered reasonable (though I'm not sure I would think it so), but as things are its completely unreasonable
I'm confusing "Game-rec" and "identify the game" controversies, I think.
@LessPop_MoreFizz use Bona, its more elitist
because bonus in latin means good man, where as bonum means good thing, thus the correct word should be bonum with the plural bona
Well, you know English... If you're not butchering the etymology, you're doing it wrong.
I think you're all missing the point
these are English words they are pluralized as other English words are
e.g. "octopuses" is perfectly valid
Q: How do I send a car to a friend in GT5?

HoteiWarning - newbie - just got PS3 a few days ago. "Send car to a friend is an option but is grey and can't be selected.

If the plural of goose is geese, clearly the plural of moose is mice.
Though of course, English's idiosyncrasies are mild compared to, say, German.
As Mark Twain said: "German is the only language with more exceptions to the rule than examples of it"
Well German, like a bunch of other European languages, was 'cleaned up' about 200 years ago by the then Kaiser, I do believe.
I have often felt that all the crazy exceptions are what give a language the majority of its "personality". English has the wonderful combination of French and Germanic influences.
2 hours later…
@RavenDreamer Dutch is even worse at that, really. Makes sense, it's based on German.
3 hours later…
Q: Unlocking classes in Dragon Age

happy_emiIs there a way (cheat and/or mod, savegame) to unlock all secondary classes from the first gameplay?

Q: E-mail Address to Inform Site Staff

VxJasonxVDidn't I read something regarding an e-mail address for any/all sites that was team@this->domain? I just got a notification that my message to team@this->domain hasn't been accepted. Does it exist? Is it functioning? Has it blocked Google/GMail? Who does it notify? SE Staff and/or Moderators Pr...

3 hours later…
I didn't do nothing!
Let me put some more background here, @tzenes. I have been gunning for 4 months to try and stop this specific policy (narrowness due to quantity) from ever being in the running. I have been trying to arrange discussions with Juan and Oak for 3 months to work on the available policies so that we can avoid policies which are problematic. When Oak proposed this new policy-making method, I tried to explain to him why this specific policy is a problem. All which ended up for naught.
When the policy was first proposed, I have been working to convince Bruce of the issues, a task which had failed many times before. It is not my position to simply remove a policy just because I don't like it, and as long as he disagreed with me, I would have to live with the policy as it gets implemented. I would not even be allowed to argue against it post-implementation.
There's a big difference between a policy which causes problems (which both unconditional policies can be said to be) and a policy which in itself is problematic (which this one is). I didn't oppose this because of it being pro-rec (and in honesty, the policy is actually very anti-rec due to how much it blocks, you know full well how easy it is to break it). I opposed the policy because the actual rules of the policy do not work, and that there is a humongous hole that can be exploited.
Ultimately, I did convince Bruce to agree with me (although I think badp called it strong-arming or something similar, comparing it to the FRAPS war of attrition). This still doesn't justify that I can remove the post. I had to ask him if he believed that the policy was too dangerous to even allow as an option anymore, to which he accepted the offer.
The rest is in the comments on that post. I reiterate that if it comes down to it, I'm perfectly fine with restarting the vote. It isn't my intention to remove pro-rec from the running and ensure the victory of anti-rec. Honestly, I was kinda hoping to see a spurt of support for the unconditional allowance of game rec. I hope you can understand why I took the actions that I did.
Dec 9 at 18:40, by badp
all grace and tzenes did was bore the guy to tears to the point he gave up. Where have I seen this tactic used before? Hmm...
Off to work, then~
@GraceNote Yeah, it's an unfair comment in hindsight :)
Although probably not entirely.
Q: Which console for couch coop? Ps3 or Xbox 360

user5534I've always wanted a gaming console. I figured I wanted a ps3 but when I look into it it seems like xbox 360 have more games that supports couch coop ( = 2 player on the same console) The games that I'm looking into is: xbox 360 Gears of War 1/2 Halo reach Halo ODST Left 4 Dead 2 Eart...

1 hour later…
Q: How to destroy a base more efficiently in Starcraft 2

Chen HarelI know this is kind of a far fetch, but every once in a while I have a game where I'm destroying my opponent base while he is destroying mine, and it all comes down to who does it first. Of course if one of us gets a worker out and builds something far from his enemy's army this is all pointless....

> I don't actually think it's an unfair comment - I went full force on both this policy and your unfortunate instance, as far as the argument is concerned. I accept responsibility for arguing, and I take that kind of criticism in stride. – Grace Note♦ 37 mins ago
Duly noted, although I admit there's really no alternative.
Q: How does monster breeding +'ing work?

rlb.usaI'm a fan of monster-breeding/raising games like Dragon Warrior Monsters games (GBC). When monsters are bred, they get + attributes (sometimes). How exactly does the +'ing work for breeding monsters? I can't quite seem to figure it out. For example, beast + +3 spot slime = +3 spot slime +2 ...

@badp Pay attention to IRC.
IRC? Where?
@ArdaXi IRC? What? Where? When? How?
Q: How does the item mastery system work in Infinity Blade?

JaydlesI must have dozed off when the game was explaining it to me, but I have no idea what the point of mastering weapons is. As such, I can't figure out if I should be using a weaker weapon till I master it, then selling it, etc.

I really need to stop being the sort of guy who lets his opinion be so easily influenced. D:
@Mana You really like me.
@Arda Damn, you're right!!
@Mana You would like to give me 10 bucks.
@Arda Ah...yeah, you're right. Here you go.
I explicitly said 'money'
well I don't have any, I'm in college
Not moosey.
bucks are not meese what are you on how high do you have to even be to do something like that..................
@Mana MooseY
Which means something to the extent of 'moose-like'
I win :D
everyone wins against me, that's the problem :(
NO ONE LOVES ME throws self off building
pulls Mana back onto the building
Pushes Mana into the elevator down
I think you wanted to go to the ground?
yeah :'(
Well, here you are. Elevator beeps, then opens
But yeah seriously I need to work on my argument skills
I'm never really sure of anything I say and as a result if someone says something which sounds cool I'll agree with them.
how to improve your argument skills: try to defend the position you don't agree with!
yeah I guess that would help.
@Mana I do the opposite. I know I'm wrong, yet I'll defend it to the death, as I'm sure you've noticed by now.
@ArdaXi because that way, you can find holes in your own opinion.
dum de dum.
I think tyr killed you in #hfoc
I'll get over it eventually.
Surprisingly enough there are no IRC clients for symbian... in the ovi store, at least.
Eww Symbian
@alex Is it me or the laptop in the photos has Facebook loaded?
@badp I think that's a very keen eye!
eh, I can't really zoom on the image.
amendment: there is one, for €3
@badp To reiterate:
5 mins ago, by Arda Xi
Eww Symbian
@arda My €150 say meh
what I paid for this mobile.
Wow, stock android is ugly
@ArdaXi luckily it's android :D
@alexanderpas I just flashed an update to my rom, new CM out
it's SO fast.
@ArdaXi 2.2.1?
I think so, yeah.
'luckily'? is it luck that you can get your UI raped by touchwiz? :|
CM 1.6
@badp Eww Samsung
Except that the Galaxy S UI is quite pretty.
wish I could star from mobile
What is it you would star?
eww samsung
-1 star begging
Now that's the art of trolling
-1 spammination
That's not spammination. That's the secret summon-a-mod incantation.
Although I suppose @Oak @GraceNote would work too.
An useless summoning, aka spammination
It is not useless.
They're picking on me!
@ArdaXi and you're forgetting @JuanManuel again.
I haven't seen him in chat for a looong time.
true, I had to type his name Manuel.
I think he got tired of the game rec war
in that case, he should read a book by Sun Tzu.
or Machiavelli
I see our new primary goal is getting Tzenes to 20k. Everyone have their Starcraft questions lined up?
@Arda are you using our names in vain?
They were picking on me!
Q: GT5: How to drift?

DavidYellI've been trying out the drifting in Gran Turismo 5 and I'm finding it ridiculously hard to get a good drift going. Does anyone have any tips or hints on how to play this game mode? I'm using stick controls and an automatic gearbox, if that matters.

I don't see any picking
he's crying wolf @Oak
uh-oh... Gaming Chat: Episode III - Revenge of the Mods.
Actually looks like you picked on Mana!
time for... Gaming Chat: Episode IV - A new hope.
I'll wait for the Empire Strikes Back
I can't wait for Ewoks!
I can't wait to see them die...
in 5 hours, I will be done with exams. In 5 hours and 5 minutes, I shall begin playing Mass Effect 2.
gratz ;)
@Mechko priorities of a college student
sigh. I miss those college days. Lousy real world cutting into my gaming time.
@sjohnston an average week is about 60-70 hours of studying for me
sorry I didn't resume conversation -- random guy on train was more interesting.
@Mechko +100
I saw the teaser for Mass Effect 3 yesterday and it made me happy.
@TimStone I'm going to wait until quals are over for ME3.
Yeah, next year is going to be full of distractions for me >_>
thus the full thing will never be as cost effective :P @tim
@tim you mean you'll be full of distractions -- from Minecraft.
i had to type that 5 times :(
Q: Can the Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit cable charge regular Ni-MH batteries in the controller?

JasonMI use regular rechargeable Ni-MH AA batteries in my Xbox360 controllers, which I charge in a regular AA battery charger. Since the Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit batteries are just Ni-MH batteries, just like the ones I'm using, can I use the Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit cable to charge those b...

ok seeya guys
@badp ...Partially true. ;)
@Mechko See ya, good luck with your exams.
cya on the other side yall
@badp Oh, while playing NFS Hot Pursuit yesterday I realized that occasionally it does to that annoying "out of car" thing, where it warns you about spike strips and stuff (and then it drives for you and you can magically go through roadblocks and such)...not as bad as some versions, but it does happen. I didn't realize it before.
"hi! it seems like yo're trying to carelessly ram into a road block. Need any help with that?"
I used a turbo and tried to take a turn at 230 MPH. It actually went OK, except for the person who I ran into and flipped over the guard rail.
I suppose you were appropriatrly rewarded.
how much reps? a badge maybe?
A Gold Badge. ;)
There are some really obscure achievements in this game, heh.
> Midnight Cowboy Dreamshot a Midnight Blue Metallic Ford GT at night in the desert
...Apparently there is Freedrive in the game >_>
Q: How much XP does a guild get for a boss kill?

opedogHow much xp does one get for a guild boss kill in cataclysm? I can't find a guide for this anywhere.

why can't people write a real question for their title? :(
Too busy
or it's what they googled
can't edit :@
Me either :(
What's it take? 2k?
3k I think
What's a good replacement title? "How much guild XP is a Cataclysm boss kill worth?"
How much XP does a guild get for killing a boss? with cataclysm either in the body of the question or as a tag
no idea how it's tagged
it's correctly tagged (or at least it seems so), so I wouldn't add it to the title
okay. I haven't played the expansion, so I wasn't sure if perhaps Cata bosses were worth more than other bosses
changed the title
thanks :)
hi @TomWij
pinging @Grace
oh, nice, the feed summary updates after the fact!
hehe, no I updated it manually @sjohnston ;)
oh. And here I was all impressed
I didn't feel like opening it again, so I just edited the feed
Feeds will update really old things that you pull up in the transcript, but I'm not what it'll update/what the criteria for doing so are. :P
@tzenes I can't wait to see what random question @grace will ninja dump a comment in to get your attention today.
@tzenes is probably going to bitch-slap because somebody disagrees :P
@less I had no idea guilds gained XP now
@tzenes Yeah, new catclysm feature
I thought he meant how much XP do those 25 people get if they're not 85
guilds 'level up' and gain perks
and was using the word Guild to stand in for Raid
yeah, I found that out now
what sucks is that the cap is absurdly low, but in the original implementation, earning guild achievements, awarded XP that could exceed the cap
@tzenes I know, the whole withdrawal-of-the-highest-voted-answer is... odd
But while I'm sure I got enough mandate for starting the poll, I'm not sure I have enough to ignore it
odd is not the word I would use
but then a couple of guilds logged in on launch night and were level 2 in 15 minutes (with it's attendant +5% XP boost), and they freaked the hell out and knee jerk removed the guild xp from achievements.
So now, every guild in the world with about 10 active members is going to hit level 25 at the same time on April 24th.
@tzenes yea yea, I agree, it's closer to "disastrous" then "odd"
renderring the whole idea of 'levelling up' being this exciting mechanic you worked for utterly useless.
@Oak so we can now ignore answers, but not the whole poll? Then I have a simple solution: let's just ignore every answer and decide the poll hasn't decided anything
@LessPop_MoreFizz As usual they have issues of scale
I don't think anyone would complain if we just rebooted the whole thing as tainted at this point.
it's clear that 'that' option, was not an option for solving this discussion. It's replacing a grey area with another grey area. What are the criteria for allowing questions if that becomes the policy?
@less oh, I'm sure tons of people would complain, most people don't like things changed
@IvoFlipse Those are reasons its a bad option and should not get voted for
not reasons we can ignore votes for it
no, it shouldn't have been allowed as an option in the first place. Then nobody could have voted for it
I'm voting for unicorns and waffles, who's with me?
We started a Poll and, shocker, the most popular answer won
We didn't plan any preliminary phase to weed out things which are deemed as unenforcable
@IvoFlipse raises hand
the fact that it was a bad answer proves that our polling mechanism is flawed
Honestly, I think the biggest problem was just assuming users would come forward and coherently post poll options. There really should have been an effort to pre-populate the question (by coordinating a time/date of posting or whatever), with strong reasonable answers ahead of time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If only someone had mentioned this ahead of time...
Lesson for the next time we use a decision making process like this.
The problem is that the users who voted in favor aren't the ones that will cause problems. They understand the different shades of grey and what they shouldn't ask. The problem users are those that come after them and don't have this knowledge and start asking 'similar questions' with the wrong shade of grey. They won't sympathize with our arbitrary rules for allowing certain question, but rejecting others
Its time we admit our voting mechanism was flawed, close it, and start over
@IvoFlipse again, all reasons this shouldn't have been voted for
or we should have set up a different voting mechanism
one where people didn't get to just throw in random opinions
or perhaps, explain ahead of time what the issue is that we are trying to solve
instead of linking to a long discussion of repositories (which most people didn't follow the link, and I'm sure fewer understood)
@tzenes I'm reading the newest discussion between you and grace now, in those comments. And you say Grace doesn't have the right to remove (or heavily edit) a post without the consent of those that upvoted it. But won't that be the same about canceling the whole idea - as it would ignore the votes of anyone who voted for the original idea?
But all that being said,
And although I find it hard to imagine,
I do agree with you here.
no it shows that those users either don't understand that they are a problem or that they don't think it's a problem. Either way, it means their 'opinion' will hurt the site and that shouldn't be allowed
@Oak its wrong to ignore one set of votes and not another
drawing that line is wrong
@IvoFlipse Again, an issue I expressed with our voting mechanism before we started this poll, and something no one else felt the need to address at the time
which is why I say: let Jeff decide what to do based on what the community has said so far. In the end, he's responsible for the site
That's a solution too, and not one I disagree with, but we need to plan a head and not rush into polls that cause problems
If Jeff was keeping all the decisions to himself, instead of the community, there wouldn't be a gaming SE in the first place.
And yes, this is my big fat I told you so
Now, I'm going to have to ask that people vote to close our current poll: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/1491
we aren't letting him make all the decisions, just one we can't seem to make ourselves
I can't, not enough rep
well shit
because I'm 1 short
What's the spoiler tag? is it <spoiler>?
blockquoute w/ !
Someone just serial upvoted me
actually I'm not sure if you can see that link
You didn't know? Also note who the question asker is
no, I did not
Listen to some of these suggestions: Edit/Delete Comments, Merging Questions
2 Close votes per question!
Jeff just tweeted: Pac-Man Fever headed to Rock Band. Er.. uh.. yay? goo.gl/N3QWf
The thing I like the most is deleting answers
Will help the mods :)
too bad we don't really hear whether they're actually implementing them until they land, though I guess there's no use to that other than still our curiosity
still at it, even though I'm rep capped for the day
I've never hit the rep cap.
@tzenes slowvote.
Best proposed 20k feature.
it would be even funnier if he went through and then removed all the votes now
you know we have a 200K reputation privilege!
@tzenes Oh wow, looks like the fraud detector will have its work cut out for it, heh. Wonder who it was..
wasn't me this time @tzenes :P
I think the fraud detector might have a hard time with it.
also, if they get rolled back, you might need a recalc.
It's possible to recalc yourself now
have you guys seen this:
Q: Please Add Means of Converting Reputation to Actual Beer

Craig StuntzWhen I help someone solve a programming problem, they often express their gratitude for the solution (yay!). Generally, this takes the form of one of the following: "Think you!" Sometimes, people offer to hire me for further work. (Generally, stay away from these folks; they've been hiding thei...

It's... unorthodox
But it would make SO famous around the world
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