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Is it? Damn. Welp.
God awful compared to what they normally do, or god awful in general
bit of both
they came to my school when i was in college
to do like a webisode or something in our cafeteria
I mean, what they normally do wouldn't make great TV I wouldn't say. But it does pretty well on the Internet.
they pretty much stretch the normal youtube shows (5-10minutes) to a TV show (23). so.. yeah
maybe it will be like culinary history
@Unionhawk Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Is it a small ship? Please tell me it's a small ship.
Nobody knows
> I hope it's okay... that we're laughing at this
> The Java plug-in is not installed.
> The required version:1.7.0_76 or higher
You lie!
@Yuuki its a 1 seater.. so probably
Yeah, that would make sense
@Rapitor Please make it not be ridiculously priced?
Gutamaya only makes ridiculously priced ships, let's be real here
this is true.
(but if I'm guessing, and I am, right now, I'd speculate... somewhere between Vulture price range and... maybe up to 15m?)
but they sure are fancy
@Unionhawk (shudders)
It'll be less than the Clipper
But it won't be a cheap ship
Well, I'm gonna be playing some more Elite: Dangerous this weekend. And probably do trade runs to make money for it.
depending on its other stuff like internals.... i'm going to guess around 10 mil
I have Story of Seasons to lessen the boredom.
But bounty hunting is vastly improved, and we'll get high intensity resource extraction sites too
@Yuuki i often farm while waiting for FSD or criminals to show up at locations
i like to imagine my pilot is doing the same sort of thing
Can I not use Java 8 with Chrome?
@Rapitor We should do some group bounty hunting and farming.
With dual monitors, I can also watch Song of the Sea at the same time!
I should get some popcorn on the way home for tonights movie
I could also just make my own
Ship is estimated at 45 meters long so...
Titan Souls is so much fun. (cc @GnomeSlice)
...literally no other ship on the wiki has dimensions. Excellent.
@Unionhawk teeny tiny
@Fluttershy cc @Wipqozn
Clipper is 120m as a large ship...
It's like 2 sidewinders long
@Wipqozn I didn't realize you were interested!
Or something
@Unionhawk clipper still on the small end of large ships
It's probably a small ship, barely
@Rapitor True
Conda is estimated at over double that length
> The Anaconda can also be upgraded with a docking bay allowing small fighters up to Sidewinder size to be carried and launched. - in-game description
if it wasn't for the wingspan i'd say the python is bigger than clipper
hell even asp.
You would be right about that
Dear DB developer. When you complain that the dropdown on the webapp isn't showing a city, I shouldn't be able to write a quick query that shows the City table doesn't show said city.
Python is a larger medium ship
Incidentally, manually updating the DB tables is a wtf, so why are we doing that instead of having the webapp do it?
@Fluttershy I'm not even going to dignify that with a your mom joke.
@Fluttershy Also it's supposedly a cross between a bunch of awesome games, so yes.
@Wipqozn It definitely has a SotC feel. And is Dark Souls difficult. :P
Q: Why are some artillery mages tagged as Assassins?

Kim MinseoIn League of Legends, Champions are divided into different roles - such as Marksman, Mage, Assassin, Fighter, Tank, etc. Under Official wiki, Assassins are categorised as "An assassin is an agile champion that specializes in killing or disabling high value targets. Focused on infiltration, decep...

@Fluttershy Excellent.
Actually, that's not a new peek, it was in newsletter 71
Oh wait, no, nevermind
unfortunately is still has that ugly orange hud color (inb4 "just mod it")
i think each ship manufacturer should have their own color scheme for the huds
@GnomeSlice Well that is a tiny link.
@John They want you to buy games. They don't necessarily care if you play them or not.
@Yuuki It's a free game though
arg why can I not start a 50 rep bounty on this thing?
Q: Is version 1.8 compatible with 1.8.3 servers?

JoshMy friend and I have a hosted Minecraft server through Apex, and my question is does the server have a specific version it runs on, so the latest being 1.8.3, and could I change my profile version to say 1.8 release and have the server recognize it? I want to break through the roof of the nether,...

@Unionhawk Which thing?
Can anyone reproduce?
Oh, that thing
@Unionhawk 50 is an option for me, but I'm not willing to part with 50 rep just cuz
so I didn't go any farther than that
Maybe it's because I posted an answer?
@Unionhawk Yes, that would be it
Bounty rep cost is doubled
Ah. Damn.
to prevent farming rep
from bounty-ing your own posts
You can't bounty your own posts though
And the answer is deleted
@Unionhawk Bounty placed->views->votes
Because I'm an idiot who didn't test things
@Unionhawk System doesn't care. You can undelete it.
There are documented instances on MSO/E of people putting 50 rep on a question they answered and reaping hundreds of rep from the resulting votes brought in
Well, give that dude some upboats.
Because he actually tested his shit and I did not.
I am apparently the one guy who upvoted you.
Why on earth did I do that
I know that answer is wrong
Well whatever.
Undelete it so I can unupvote you :D
@Unionhawk Hahahahahahahahahahahaha goddammit bridge
did you just reply to yourself?
Yes I did
I replied to a particular message to give context for the "goddammit bridge"
@Batophobia More fun to reply to the post you are making
Q: Can Chirper messages be limited to only relevant messages?

PhilippThe ingame Twitter parody Chirper is quite useful because it points out problems in the city. However, there are also numerous filler messages which appear to have no connection to the gameplay at all, like comments about some kind of space program. Is there a way to limit Chirper messages to on...

@Unionhawk True
Nailed it
Apr 13 at 16:22, by Kevin van der Velden
@GodEmperorDune There is only, recursion
Q: How can i keep my hands warm without affacting my game performance?

Broken_CodeSo its winter and yes its cold amazingly and while playing lol for the past week i have noticed when the temperature drops drastically I a bit worst than normal. Is there anyway I can keep my hands from getting frozen without affecting my game performance as in mechanical performance.

@Lazers migrate to lifehacks
@Lazers play harder
@MBraedley legacy code doesn't like you either
it was running fine for a long time, why'd you have to come and ruin everything?
i couldn't help being sassy on that question.
@GodEmperorDune Thing is, I thought I fixed this particular instance months ago
This place has a TV with ads for the employment services place I am sitting in but it is silent with no captions so it is just a bunch of people moving their mouths and it is cracking me up
@Rapitor maybe the winter was so cold that OP asked the question in december, but the internet pipes didn't thaw out until right now
@AshleyNunn dub it yourself with what you think they are saying!
I mean, to be fair, I had this problem in early fall since for some perverse reason my roommate hated my hands, and insisted the window whose sole purpose in life was to freeze my hands was open.
Like, that was that window's one goal in life
@Unionhawk why did your roommate hate your hands
I don't know.
I'm as confused as you are.

In which MBraedley has to deal with crap legacy code

Jan 9 at 16:11, 34 minutes total – 94 messages, 18 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked 17 secs ago by MBraedley

@Rapitor that's what I am doing!
But confused is practically my default state, so it's fine
Same files
@MBraedley those parameter names
Oh, I just realized that my program is going to fail for positions in the southern hemisphere. Who goes to the southern hemisphere anyways?
@MBraedley southerners shakes fist
Is it any coincidence that I'm dealing with this on a Friday again?
@MBraedley Please tell me you're not writing a date handling library
@Powerlord Lat/Long <-> UTM conversion app.
@Powerlord i am actually having fun with date parsing right now
Wait, I must have the link to that blog post around here somewhere...
The one where the guy has to start messing around with date and time zone conversions.
@Powerlord if it was up to me, i'd make everyone follow UTC
i don't care if midnight happens while it's light outside
I think the guy was trying to figure out how long ago something was.
planetary constant time ftw
Incidentally, UNIX time is always expressed in UTC
@KevinvanderVelden Beat me to it
May 12 '14 at 16:28, by MBraedley
Jan 22 at 17:33, by MBraedley
There, that's better
So, other than leap seconds it generally does what you want as long as you know what time zone you need to convert to.
But yeah, it probably was that video. No headphones, so I can't check it to make sure
UTC is best. Always store and compare with UTC (well, Unix timestamp).
Incidentally, if you're dealing with Java, try to avoid the Date object if you can.
@MBraedley yeah, my problem is converting into UTC
@Powerlord joda ftw
@GodEmperorDune It's just a timezone offset. UTC is the same timezone as GMT.
The Date object doesn't store time zones... or does it?
@Powerlord DateTime stores time zones, Date doesn't IIRC
@MBraedley the current problem i have is determining if a particular datetime falls into DST, so i can offset properly
DST: messing thing up since (I'm too lazy to look up when it started)
@GodEmperorDune Unless it's southern hemisphere, it does right now.
@MBraedley Not all areas use DST
@GodEmperorDune What language are you using?
@Powerlord coldfusion
or time library
@GodEmperorDune Oh... hmm...
@Powerlord *if (area.useDST() == true)
the only dst checker they have does local on the machine
which is fairly useless for checking future/past dates
and prod machine will be in a diff timezone than the local machine is
its not impossible to do, just a pain to do when i know there are libraries that take care of this already
Interestingly, Java's new Time API actually has classes for dealing with exactly this.
@Powerlord iirc, they based a lot of it on joda
Such as the ZoneRules class and its getDaylightSavings method.
(which tells you what the offset currently is in the current ZoneId)
Incidentally, I see on the Joda Time page that they're telling people to switch to java.time if they're writing in Java 8.
One of my coworkers said he fixed the issue with the City earlier. checks the query he wrote earlier Still no City entry for the thing he's talking about.
@Powerlord shouldiblamecaching.com
@GodEmperorDune I'm querying the DB directly.
@Powerlord no idea then
@GodEmperorDune fuck caching. I still have to fix some issue where you can select deleted users due to caching of some ajaxrequest.
More importantly, I have a second query I'm running that returns all the cities in a county and I'm getting the other 5 cities no problem.
Even though I specifically said to not cache the bloody thing.
Q: How do I stop cars from tailgating?

LuckyLucWhat is/are safe way(s) to deter tailgaters? I'm looking for a way to give a polite message to the driver that is tailgating that they are following too closely and could potentially cause an accident without angering them and possibly making the situation much more dangerous. This could be for ...

@Wipqozn brakecheck. a rear-end fender bender is their fault.
Apparently this test is impossible
We who are about to die salute you
Q: So i've gotten the minecraft forge 1.7.2 problem

LordGabenI've gotten it again i've got a solution long ago but it does not work anymore can someone plz help? i'll post my log here: [18:56:32 INFO]: Minecraft Launcher 1.6.11 (through bootstrap 100) started on windows... [18:56:32 INFO]: Current time is Apr 17, 2015 6:56:32 PM [18:56:32 INFO]: System.g...

Tapping the brakes you could accidentally press them and cause an accident. Better use the rear fog light, as suggested by jammypeach — algiogia 4 hours ago
what the hell is a rear fog light?
@GodEmperorDune A fog light that's in the rear.
i think... blinding the tailgater is probably an even worse choice.
at least if they hit you, you are expecting it. and can brace and control accordingly. then collect the insurance moneys
@Wipqozn Start driving like you're drunk, people tend to give swerving drivers lots of space
@Wipqozn So Lifehacks saw Health.SE and was like "Challenge accepted"?
@TimStone no, they want to give the option to get questions about injuries caused by car crashes.
Ah, altruism!
Q: Payday 2 - kill 10 snipers with flachette rounds not working

caekHiya I still haven't found a solution for this odd situation yet, but for some reason killing snipers with flacette rounds (on any shotgun may i remind you) doesn't lower the counter of many I need to kill - i.e in a nightclub mission i shot 3 snipers, checked my inventory, and the target was sti...

@Rapitor I can't wait to see the downgraded console graphics!
> For Jedi and Padawns alike, check out our #StarWarsBattlefront reveal trailer. - EAStarWars
I... I can't even.
@Yuuki what about non force-sensitives? #bigotry
It's almost like EA has no idea what they are talking about
@GodEmperorDune or sith?
you can't get me hype unless you show gameplay
I don't care if it's the star wars universe or Hello kitty. if the game isn't fun it's not worth checking out.
@Rapitor how the hell do they fit an AT-AT between the trees?
@GodEmperorDune because it's an AT-AT? it doesn't care
@Batophobia Sith isn't a "lifestyle choice"! #jedibigotry
@Rapitor It is EA, so launch day server issues will likely be a thing
@Rapitor it is horribly unsuited for that kind of terrain
@Batophobia idk. Hardline launched very smooth from what I remember.
Q: Checking current flow

Harish SI am supposed to walk over rainy pond in my area. I have cheap electric cable in my area, that when ever might drop on the pond(heavy rain, wind). So how to find an electric wire has current flow or not without using any device?

The nose is real
> Who knows, maybe someday, but I really like writing for and about teenagers. There are a bunch of reasons for this: 1. I like teenagers because they're experiencing so much stuff for the first time--love and loss and grief and individual sovereignty and driving cars and, in the case of nonredditors, sex.
@Yuuki +1 for poking reddit
I didn't have sex as a teenager before Reddit was cool
@Rapitor John Green AMA.
@Yuuki our john the green?
@GodEmperorDune well of course.
@GodEmperorDune Yes and no.
His book about bridge angst was a best seller although I don't recall the part where her got hospitalised. Clearly some bridge by night accident with @Ktash
@Yuuki John green makes me angry.
Also, I accidentally played the brain surgery card at the recruiter for bravery points. Didn't mean to, but if it helps.... :p
"cybernetically enhanced" wasn't enough for them?
Q: My mods are crash (maybe because of iChunUti)

user108225When I start the game without iChunUti, I see "ichunutil: minimum version required is 4.0.0". I tried to unistall 4.0.0, 5.0.0, 4.2.2. versions, but it doesn't works (crash, see a log). Also, I have no Optifine. The log is here: http://pastebin.com/5whTsez4 Someone, help me.

@AshleyNunn Of Nerd Fighters, or someone else\?
Whoever said this was impossible is an idiot. That or me being an ECE who knows this shit already helped
@Unionhawk nothing is impossible, merely unlikely on a infinite timescale.
I mean, I do remember this stuff not making any sense in round 1 of me taking this class, then I did applications in ECE classes
Can we just start banning at the merest mention of Minecraft?
Ban cube-based gaming as a whole.
44 mins ago, by Unionhawk
Apparently this test is impossible
> "I deserve a fairy-tale church wedding and a party in a castle – but there’s no way I could afford it on benefits and I can’t work because I’m overweight"
@Chippies Maybe, maybe not. But having an extravagant wedding is definitely not a basic human right.
@Batophobia I was informed by a third party that it was.
@Yuuki being able to get married might be a basic human right, having a wedding is not a basic human right for sure
Why is quitting your job and binge eating call for getting disability in the first place?
And you can work when you're overweight.
it doesn't cost much to get legally married without all the fancy shit
marriage licenses are pretty cheap.
@Ixrec I am considered morbidly obese, and I still work!
@Rapitor about a hundred dollars in Canada, iirc, might differ by province though
@djsmiley2k Yeah, that John Green.
yeah i both like and despise him
maybe despise is the wrong word, i dunno
His books are crap, I don't find him at all interesting as a person
Same with his brother.
> And she wants the taxpayer to stump up a further £2,000 for her honeymoon, where she hopes to jet off to Mexico.
@Chippies stupid woman.
@Chippies yeah no. you were already pushing it by asking for a wedding. honeymoon is a luxury, not requirement
All she should get, if anything, is the money for the marriage license.
as an unemployed person, I understand getting a job is not easy, probably less so if you're overweight
but I don't ask for 15$ dollars eithert
@AshleyNunn agree
if your so fat you can't walk
you'll soon get thin
It's not easy, but it isn't impossible. I do it, so do many others.
You have to be willing to do the hard work.
and I'm outta here o/
And take just about anything within your abilities, to start. Then find better/different.
@AshleyNunn but to be fair, if your welfare is paying you minimum wage (I don't actually know how much they pay) then why bother working hard for the same amount
Q: How to obtain a gift from another player in Fantasy Life?

Mathias711Today I streetpassed someone, who also played Fantasy Life. I went to the streetpass-clerk in the game, and I can see the profile of that other person. I saw that she had a gift, black something (I think it is not important what it is exactly). But how do I get this item? I don't see it in my inv...

@Chippies you don't get min wage on welfare, at least not here.
There is a very clear expectation you get a job.
welfare is case by case, but most of the time it's below minimum wage
It's also often dependent on showing you are trying to get a job
At least here
Yeah, here you need to constantly show you are trying to get a job to be eligible.
@AshleyNunn I don't know the specifics, but wife has some relatives who have been on welfare for years and years and I doubt she's looking for a job
yeah, but that requirement is stupid easy to cheese... they don't check it

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