It's kinda important to not mix up northings and eastings. Now I don't know if my code that relies on this is working properly, of if I'm allowed to blame something else.
@KevinvanderVelden Well this shouldn't be passing by pointers, it should be passing by reference, but as I said it was written by a C guy a long time ago.
@MBraedley agreed, reference is generally better than pointer, but I'm saying that is a different discussion. For an in variable you generally want to mark it as constant so that you guarantee that you won't change it
@PrivatePansy Declare a function pointer to a function returning a void* that takes a constant pointer to a constant Foo, but I syntax-errored something somewhere
Thank fucking god today is Friday, because I don't think I'd be sober enough to come into work tomorrow with how much I'm going to have to drink tonight after seeing stuff like this.
i want to test if a player has the following item:
minecraft:bow 1 0 {display:{Name:Bow I},ench:[{id:48,lvl:1}]}
i know this command works with normal items:
/testfor @p {Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:stone_sword"}]}
but i dont know how to add the attributes
or is it possible to search for ...
> BREAM: That's my question about these guys. If we know they were speaking unaccented French and they had ski masks on, do we even know what color they were, what the tone of their skin was? I mean, what if they didn't look like typical bad guys? As we define them when we think about terror groups.
@KevinvanderVelden Okay, I don't know what accents have to do with skin tones, but identifying suspects by their skin tone is a thing and I don't think it's particularly racial.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment i proposed something similar a while back that got shot down because it was too close to automotive. this could maybe work.
@KevinvanderVelden Depends on what you mean by "racial profiling". If it means "suspect is Muslim because Muslims are terrorists", then yes that's wrong. If you mean "suspect is white because he's white in this photo or a witness said he's white", then that's more understandable.
Given the backlash, I'm guessing that person intended on the first interpretation?
@JasonBerkan Yes, it looks like the definition is correct and the declaration is wrong. But the declaration is usually the only thing that you have (or what is shown to you first) so if it's wrong, the likelihood of anything using it being correct is low.
@Yuuki no no, it is vitally important to know the skin color. If they are vaguely brown they are part of a terrorist organisation, if they are white they are lone wolves and everyone should quickly move on
Specifically avoiding profiling is kind of stupid too. Pulling the 83-year old grandma out of line at the airport security to check her for bombs, or the 3 year old obviously-spoiled-upper-class-American-kid is probably not a good use of time (though, yes, they could theoretically be strapping)
But really, I think we can all agree toddlers and infants should be banned from planes anyway.
@KevinvanderVelden Maybe. It's a set of utility functions, and declaring PODs for each function gets messy. We already have that problem with other legacy code, where we have a bunch of relatively useless structs. Abstraction upon abstraction that isn't necessary.
Also, if I want to stop someone from drawing on the wall with crayons, I'll have better luck keeping an eye on the toddlers than on the adults. SOME PROFILING CAN BE OKAY
@MBraedley aah, small utillity functions I get, I thought it was an API with more things like that, it'd be better to say ( XYPosition, LatitudeLongtitude ) vs ( double, double, double, double )
> This year, the eagerly anticipated Adventure Y will finally navigate the dark underground caverns of development and venture out into the Sword Coast. We’ve mentioned before that Adventure Y will be an addition to the Baldur’s Gate line using the Infinity engine, bridging the gap between Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition.
@KevinvanderVelden It's all internal code. If I were to rewrite it, I may use a set of stucts like that. We're not really doing that in many other places though, and consistency is also something to strive for.