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Burger King will pay for the wedding of Mr. Burger and Ms. King http://eater.com/e/8124628?utm_campaign=eater&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter http://t.co/anyGJDH5gD
Oh by the way @Frank, I will almost certainly be in London in September
@TimStone Little late for an April Fool's joke!
@fredley Your London, or our London?
@Wipqozn Proper London
Oh by the way, what was stack egg?
@fredley A game we lost at, and then made me delete my account.
It was basically an incremental.
StackEgg was an MMORPG.
Every game is an RPG now.
Lots of drama happened
@Wipqozn Actually Twitch Plays Pokemon crossed with a Pokewalker is a better description
@StrixVaria Was it a roguelike-like as well?
@No.7892142 Procedurally generated
MMO Tomagotchi.
The Cogent router we peer to has disappeared off their network. their emote hands are on the way to get it back online.
Our BGP session to Cogent is bouncing - we are disabling and moving to Lighttower. One more reconvergence will happen in a moment.
We are now communicating entirely through the Lighttower. We will work with Cogent to get redundancy back online ASAP.
@OKAY,PANIC. Emote hands?
I wonder when I'll ever be able to speak sysadmin
Oh wow, a discussion on putting an end to minecraft logdumps.
@StackStatus http://t.co/7mTYvIoeiA
Sam Brand on April 07, 2015

Every year we ask our users to tell us a little about themselves. This year we asked our users to tell us a lot.

For 2 weeks in February 2015, we ran a 45 question survey. We asked where you live, what programming languages & frameworks you use, how much money you make, how much coffee you drink, and whether you prefer tabs or spaces when writing code. More than 26,000 of you responded, making this year’s survey quite possibly the most authoritative developer survey ever conducted.

A few findings: …

Oh goddammit this project is due in 2 days and we are just starting it.
That's plenty of time
@Unionhawk Typical @Unionhawk.
Still time to play Bloodborne instead.
@LessPop_MoreFizz They made a lot more music than I realized.
@TheStackExchangeBlog I wonder which poor sod had the job of actually counting all the M&Ms
@StrixVaria Thin Lizzy rules. There's a lot more than just the boys are back in town.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's the famous one, but I don't really like it. I listened to their best of album and liked Angel of Death.
@DaBoysAreBack, In Town
A twitter account solely devoted to asking questions about Thin Lizzy's The Boys Are Back in Town
62 tweets, 688 followers, following 0 users
@StrixVaria Jailbreak is the best Thin Lizzy song.
Question for anyone: Which of these two images do you think looks better?
The one without the weird dotted border.
@StrixVaria Ignoring that
One's a screenshot, the other isn't
@LessPop_MoreFizz This one's not bad
What's the difference other than the border?
Oh, the angle on the RP2
@PrivatePansy Yeah
I'd say the straight one
That was my thought. Okay, so that's 2:1 in favor of the straight one.
I also like straight.
all this talk about straight ones, what are we, indiana?
I like the angled one if the angles were to be adjusted to be the same. Feels like they're different.
@MattGiltaji Nah, just graphic designers :D
@StrixVaria Cool. That's what I'll go with. Do you think it looks good otherwise?
Adjusted slightly.
@RPiAwesomeness Yeah, I like that.
I still personally prefer the straight one, I was curious what other people thought.
@RPiAwesomeness What puts me off on the straight one is that part of the sentence is angled and the last part is straight.
@No.7892142 That's what someone else said. I'm trying to go for the 1960s advertisement vibe.
@RPiAwesomeness Also him holding the raspberry between his ring finger and his pinky seems kinda weird.
At least..the effect.
@No.7892142 Yeaaah...I'm not terribly happy with that part, but there isn't a whole lot more I can do with it :P
This is how I'd hold a giant raspberry.
... facepalm I can be really smart some times
Also I just learned that paint smoothes borders these days. What a revelation.
Oh geez, there's a new Dominion set coming out next week?
There's way too many Dominion sets now.
@MadMAxJr Well, there were only supposed to be 8 expansions. That's what Dominion's creator said.
This one, Dominion: Adventures, is expansion 9.
Q: Dark Souls: Pyromancy or pure melee?

Matt ThrowerI'm about halfway through Dark Souls, having rung the second bell. I started out with a Pyromancer build intending to make a mixture of melee attacks and pyromancy. In reality, I melee almost exclusively and only use pyromancies as an occasional prop. I only have access to a few, and their limite...

Is it disturbing to anyone else that the highest-rep user on Health.SE is 14 years old, and thus not likely a health expert?
Unless he's Doogie Howser.
He's probably never heard of Doogie Howser.
Expert is a nebulous term on SE.
@Sterno how does health.se avoid the risk of a malpractice lawsuit for advice that doesn't go so well?
I don't think random people who answer questions on StackExchange are considered professionals and thus subject to malpractice.
Health.SE seems like a bad idea.
Although it's certainly better than getting medical advice from Lifehacks.
Figures, now that I've completed Sigils of Elohim and have new messages I can paint on walls in The Talos Principle, I can't find paint cans.
but wouldn't that make it impossible for real, practicing doctors to answer questions?
Q: Should I delete my account as an Ayurvedic physician?

Maulik VI'm a holistic healer, an Ayurvedic professional. Ayurveda is an ancient medical science of India (dating centuries back). While I thought to join Health stack exchange to provide tips from my 8 yr of medical experience, it seems that users here are more interested in asking for 'references' than...

Q: How to avoid dangerous situations?

Bak1139and also, say you take a walk or is forced to walk alone at night (due to school, job etc) - how and what to do as to avoid potential attack? ( or evening/dusk hours )

I know there has to be one in Area c-4 because one of my friends painted a message there
Damn those people who want "references" rather than someone just saying "Trust me"
@MattGiltaji The site is not for specific health advice, and general health information shouldn't be that risky to post
@Sterno "I have a headache" "Apply a steaming hot iron to your temple. Trust me."
> Alternative medicines work like 'dogmas'. Believe it (as it is actually an evidence based medicine) or leave it.
Interestingly, you can replace the word "dogmas" with "bullshit"
@Sterno Well, my karma ran over their dogma.
It's evidence-based! But I can't give you any evidence.
> Well, it seems factually based to me: "is it better to go melee or keep using pyromancies, and what's the best weapon/stats for each". I thought I'd provided all the relevant info. But as you prefer. Have deleted. – Matt Thrower 5 secs ago
@Sterno Yeah, that part confuses me.
@MattThrower The problem is it's not better to go either one. Both are perfectly viable options.
It's just matter of whatever you prefer.
Which is why I suggested coming into chat.
I was under the impression it was ill-advised to play much without recourse to some sort of ranged attack.
I definitely recommend chocolate.
He seems to be saying it's belief-based medicine.
Chocolate is not a valid weapon or stat in Dark Souls
There's a medical word for that too. It's called the placebo effect.
@Wipqozn hence my question. Missile weapons do seem to be pretty useful. But I have no arrows.
@Sterno where can I buy this placebo? it seems to fix everything
@MattThrower You can get through the game without ranged weapons. They're not needed. Also, Pyromancy doesn't scale with any stats. Your cast time goes up with dex I believe, so if you wanted to use pyromancy a dex build would be better choice imo.
@MattThrower Unless it's on PC with mods to have a brutal two handed chocolate bar.
@Wipqozn I'm so tired of dying to Vicar Amelia
Things'll be going fine for a while and then I'll dodge wrong, or I don't even know what since I think I'm in a good spot, and BAM, she 2 shots me
Then 60 second loading screen
@Wipqozn Yeah, I get that. But I've "wasted" some points in strength and some souls & titanite upgrading that Claymore. Plus, it's fun to chop things into little pieces :)
> I'm a healthcare provider, an SEO enthusiast, a blogger, an outspoken person, a nut with weird guerrilla marketing ideas, a crazy EL learner, and a mouse potato.
What's a mouse potato?
Oh, like a computer version of a coach potato?
@Sterno Probably not. As a kid I told everyone I was gonna marry Doogie Howser.
@AshleyNunn Poor Vinnie gets no love
Q: How should I spend souls to improve pyromancer

kyubikoI'm playing as a pyromancer in Dark Souls and am still near the beginning of the game (In the Depths). I'm not really sure how to improve my character however whenever I get a lot of souls (10k+ or so) from defeating a boss. Should I level up and which attributes should I level. I mostly put the...

You might find that question helpful
@Sterno Come on, given the two....who would you marry? :P
@AshleyNunn Well, I know I'd have a better shot with Doogie than you would, so I guess Doogie.
@Sterno giggles Yeah, this is true.
@MattGiltaji I don't remember exactly how it was explained but I can say "This isn't an issue".
@Batophobia That's mildly terrifying.
@Wipqozn That's interesting, thanks. But it's very weapon non-specific. The dex requirement suggests I ought to switch to the Uchigatana, or something else. I suppose I should go back to Firelink and test that weapon out to get a feel for it. I wonder why they advise the 16 strength?
So should I get mh4u and or mm?
Majora's Mask
@MattThrower If you're just looking for help making a Claymore + Pyromancy build than that's not what I got from your question. That question, I think, would be perfectly answerable.
I'm going to go with "Not @Wipqozn's choice" then.
Oh, Swype knows Majora
@GraceNote I was going to suggest Etrian Mystery Dungeon.
@Wipqozn That means he should get both then.
So there you go, @OrigamiRobot. Buy both.
There, creepy doctor is gone from the screen
@Wipqozn I guess, but that's kind of not what I'm looking for. I could get that from any FAQ site, probably. There are so many options, and I'm struggling to narrow them down. There's a lot about "optimising" Dark Souls that makes it a bad fit for SE, I suppose.
But he just asked which he should get.
He did just buy 3 special edition N3DS
@MattThrower Okay, that's what I got from your question, and why I suggested chat. My suggestion would be to just find a weapon you like, and use it. The Claymore is a perfectly viable weapon which a lot of people like to use.
> The Claymore is a good weapon for STR/DEX physical builds (for obvious reason) and can even be good for STR builds for early to mid-game. STR builds need some DEX anyway, and the Claymore's low DEX requirement means most of the time they can wield the Claymore right away. Just like a straightsword, its one-handed thrust attack has a higher attack modifier, and can do higher damage than the Attack Rating might suggest.
Stat wise,dumping points into strx and dex would be good if you wanted to stick with your claymore
@Wipqozn Ok, have I missed something then .... I thought the Claymore only upgraded with Str?
dex builds best builds
@MattThrower No It's C/C, so it scales with both.
@Wipqozn God, so it is. Sorry, I had no idea. So I can safely pump dex then and still get the same bonuses.
@Wipqozn Thanks for clearing that up. It still leaves one question, which is what to do with it when I get to +10. Just take the path up to +15 or go Lightning/Raw or something else?
@MattThrower I wouldn't go RAW. Claymore RAW seems to be worse than the base one. Lightning claymore looks like it would be effective.
@Wipqozn 'kay, thanks. With that in mind, perhaps I'll just hoover up some more pyromancies and experiment. See if I can get some more use out of them.
Q: Is the GTN the only way to get older pack items in SWTOR?

OmegacronI recently started playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, but the game's been online for something like 3 years. I enjoy collecting the Cartel packs, but currently only the Shadow packs are available in the store. Is the in-game GTN (galactic trade network, aka auction house) the only way to find ...

@Wipqozn I just used a Man Serpent Greatsword +15 for Dark Souls. Never had any issues. :P
Would anyone here be averse to migrating this question from Meta to Arqade?
@Rainbolt It seems way too localized
What does that even mean?
@Rainbolt I don't think a question like that would really be good here either
Too localized was an old close reason applied to questions which only mattered at a very specific point in time
Q: Minecraft all recipes in yaml, json or xml format

moldcraftI need all Minecraft crafting recipes in a format that I can load into a script and use/manipulate it. The best page I found is this http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Crafting#Complete_recipe_list But the problem is that I can't easy parse the html and extract the recipes because there are only ite...

And with StackEgg done, is there even a point to doing so?
Especially now that the game is open source, it will be basically unanswerable
Anyone anywhere could play it, and there's no global leaderboard
@Rainbolt yes
That is not a question that would fit here on Arqade.
I'm not seeing any convincing reasons (only resistance), but I won't flag it for migration.
It's the equivalent of asking what the world record time for Ocarina of Time any% is.
@Rainbolt Basically, we don't like questions of the form "What is the highest score achieved in <game X>?" because it's unverifiable and unmaintainable
Even if magically nobody could play Ocarina of Time ever again, it's not a good fit here.
We can't keep track of everyone who's ever played the game, and any answer, if it is valid, would only be valid until someone gets a better score
@Rainbolt Probably for the best, because it'll probably get rejected in record time.
We're not a fan of those types of questions, regardless.
I think I'd actually vote to close such a question as "too broad"
Since it's effectively asking about an aggregation (max) of all scores (or min of all times) over the game's history
Pillars of Eternity: Restart #6
Just setting up my new computer http://t.co/VPKVMGQfzB
That almost looks like a lifehack
@Sterno This is one of the reasons I stopped playing Baldur's Gate. After you go the Friendly Arm the 15th time, the game gets a bit boring.
Q: What is the current status of Spyro the Dragon?

OmegacronMy favorite games for the Playstation were the original three "Spyro the Dragon" games. I was attempting to catch up with the franchise, but have been unable to determine what the current game is - apparently the franchise was rebooted, and Spyro is also part of the Skylander games. What is the ...

Q: I found meatboy. Where's the others? (Where are the character cages hidden in Dust:AET?)

aytimothyIn the very first area, I've found a cage that requires four keys to pick open. Thankfully, I didn't use any of the keys on the chests found earlier on. So, I opened it. In it, I found Meat Boy, from Super Meat Boy. Now, I'm at the end-boss and I haven't found a single other cage containing a ...

@JasonBerkan It's my fault, not the game's fault
I have serious analysis paralysis when building a character
I understand. I was the one restarting because I couldn't decide on a character.
And you inb4'd me.
Q: How can I tell the difference between a rabbit and a cat?

Chef_CodeI received a shipment of prefabricated skinned rabbit last week and the shipment seemed unusual. Rabbits have a very close resemblance to cats once their “hair” and skin have been removed. Is there a telltale sign that I’m working with Bugs Bunny, not Sylvester? I have a suspicion that Elmer Fud...

Cooking.se is beating us at our own game
The sad part is, 5 of my characters have been paladins. I just keep tweaking stats. Or in this case, restarting so I can get companions at level 2 instead of level 3, so they don't choose stupid shit for their auto levelups
@Sterno Eder and Kana at level 3 is better than 2.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How so?
Do they get more shit than they should if they autolevel?
@Sterno Fighters have no choices at level 3, but Eder is bugged and gets Weapon Focus Ruffian for free.
Well goddamnit
Kana gets a spell at level 3 that he shouldn't have access to until 4.
And it doesn't matter with Durance, because Priests don't choose anything at level 3.
So basically, just make sure you get Aloth at 2.
I didn't find combat hard enough on normal difficulty to worry too much about optimizing stats
So get Durance and Aloth, level to 3, then get Eder and Kana
@MadScientist It has nothing to do with difficulty!
I try to resist the compulsion to restart once I know my mistakes, or I'd never finish any RPG
@MadScientist This is also true!
@Sterno You can get Durance at 3 too. Doesn't matter. Priests have no choices at third level.
I mean, I guess if you care about his skill point allocation that much
but... meh
Actually, I kind of do. Everyone who doesn't have Athletics 3 is a pox on my party until they get it
@Sterno Sure, but it's so easy to not sweat getting him at 2 or 3, because if you rush all 4 companions, you have a level's worth of basically low-combat XP sitting in Gilded Vale.
Playing PoE made me remember that I have a serious problem restarting-to-try-new-classes :|
I'm a bit annoyed I couldn't use the Grieving Mother because my cipher was also my main mechanics user, switching them would meant I couldn't disable high-level traps anymore
@JoshPetrie This is why you roll your own party!
I actually haven't made it out of Gilded Vale yet
Keep restarting :P
@Sterno wat
I will the second time through, on a higher difficulty level
My playtime is also pretty minimal so far
The first time through I want to use at least some of the NPCs.
@JoshPetrie I want to do a run with just NPCs
@JoshPetrie I used the power od mods so I can just rebuild all the NPCs
At the moment I rely heavily on my own tank and rogue (for mechanics/perception)
It might require pumping up the difficulty, though. the NPC default builds are terrible.
My "furthest" guy who cleared Gilded Vale and Valewood has about 3 hours on him
The NPC's builds are fine.
Then I've got a few restarts that are no more than an hour each
No, they aren't optimal, but the most egregious bad stats got fixed in the patch.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But as a unit? Which NPC has high mechanics?
I think I'm going with a greatsword-wielding cipher though, as between that and a rogue I've had the most fun.
And you should be recruiting them before they make too many poor life choices.
Yay, apparently Hudson requires Java 7 or newer now or doesn't include everything it needs in its war file for Java 6.
I just give my main mechanics
Thanks Hudson!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nope, leave them at Caed Nua to do mundane tasks!
Has anyone been playing on Hard?
@fredley Shockingly, Durance. But you should really just put it on the PC. And the way skill's work, you can catch up any of the first 4 NPC's to an acceptable mechanics level in two level ups.
@Sterno Hi.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is it the one true way to play?
@Sterno I also futzed around with Path of the Damned briefly, but decided to save that for when I have cleared everything once.
@Sterno No, The One True Way To Play is Triple Crown.
Path of the Damned + Trial of Iron + Expert Mode.
That sounds like a mode for people who don't have kids.
60 hour RPGs and permadeath don't go together
I got to the end too quickly
at least, not main character permadeath
And got destroyed by Thaos.
Resumed from pre-endgame save and am currently doing endless paths, which I hadn't done before
@Sterno Expert Mode is the real evil part, not the permadeath or Path of the Damned monster buffs.
@Sterno I'm looking forward to write ups of this mode though
expert mode sounds fun
@LessPop_MoreFizz It also removed AoE indicators, or?
Q: Do points roll over if I don't spend them all during level up?

fredleyWhen I level up, I get points to put into Mechanics, Stealth etc. If I don't use them all, will the excess points be added to my total the next time I level up?

@Sterno What's expert mode?
@fredley Expert Mode turns off AoE targeting circles on the ground, it disables the "Maimed" status before death, and removes tooltips that give enemy defenses.
@LessPop_MoreFizz D:
There is an achievement for Triple Crown Solo that I am not sure is entirely possible.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I wonder how long it will be before it's awarded for the first time
@fredley Somebody got it already, iirc.
@LessPop_MoreFizz i wonder what their character build is
My fever is down to 100.1 on meds. I feel like a normal person again!
@JoshPetrie Faking steam achievements is hard.
@JoshPetrie grats to folsomdsf
Also, whacks Hudson. That's for making me waste my time trying to figure out why I couldn't upgrade. Ended up having to go back to the old version.
(Good thing I saved its war file)
I feel bad about murdering the townsfolk accosting Aloth in Gilden Vale every time
@Sterno yeah, aloth was kind of asking for it
@Sterno Honestly, you should.
Though to be fair, they did attack me for merely saying something to the effect of "Can't we all just get along"
It just feels like straight-up killing them was a little harsh
I do not, however, feel bad about looting their bodies afterwards
@Sterno I'm fairly certain that is RPG speak for "I want to kill them, but I don't want to feel bad about it."
The only option I haven't tried so far is "say nothing", because if there's one thing I know about paladins, they like to jabberjaw at people
@Sterno Stupid paladins and their holier than thou attitude and not shutting up about it.
If it doesn't stop snowing soon, I'm locking myself in my basement.
@JasonBerkan This seems like a good idea.
I may actually finish a game!
Durance isn't where he is supposed to be
@Sterno He probably got killed
@JasonBerkan I managed this feat! I think.
Oh. Apparently I need to talk to the dead dwarf lady first
It's a freeform game. I completed all the levels. Does that count?
Actually, I'm less likely to finish a game since I have somehow managed to purchase Flames of War models. Too many hobbies!
I woke up to 100 rep and silver badge. Nice start to my day.
Not to mention the 5 answers I now have for my problem.
@John your hot question about the repeating strings in python?
@MattGiltaji Yep :D
I'm only 18 rep away from being able to close-vote on SO now
I've always wanted to close stuff on SO.
Q: Are we allowed to ask questions about the nintendo Smash Bros poll?

ZibbobzRecently there has been a big fire sweeping the internet regarding an official poll by Nintendo asking fans which characters they'd like to see in Smash Bros. This is exciting, but it also raises a lot of legitimate and interesting questions, and before we start seeing an influx of them, I'd li...

When you say your device outputs 1 pulse per second (1PPS), make sure it's actually exactly 1 second between pulses, and not, say, 1.001 seconds between pulses.
I've always wanted to answer a question with "it wasn't a key, it was a lollipop". — Studoku 7 hours ago
@SepiaLazers strange, i've not seen this "fire sweeping the internet"
@MattGiltaji You've surely seen @Flyk set people on fire, right? That's obviously what the question means.
@MBraedley ah, good point
I just had a question come up in the close-vote queue that was closed a month ago...
> This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. You passed. Closing is appropriate for questions with serious problems.
Well, that explains that.
> Closing is appropriate for questions which are already closed.
@John That's only active on either just SO or just the trinity.
They also lied to me about the vote counts.
I think it's the trinity.
@MBraedley I think so
@MBraedley I knew I'd seen it somewhere, but couldn't remember where
Basically they don't want people just hitting buttons blindly
@Unionhawk Unless it's skip.
But robo-reviewers will do anything for those badges.
@John Those ones always make me think. Like if this is so obvious, why am I seeing it in the queue?
Which is really self answered -- they're in the queue because they're so obvious.
@MBraedley Oh, did kalina change names?
Like I said, they just want to make sure you're paying attention. "Leave Open" is the least number of clicks required and the least mouse movement required for people who aren't paying attention
@Powerlord Yes and no
@Powerlord Yeah, like a month ago. She's still kalina on Arqade, but her chat is associated with another site now.
@Unionhawk Yeah, I've been tested before, just wasn't expecting it right now for some reason
Q: Which Skins give a small advantage?

dyesdyesSome champion's skin can make skillshot harder to see, harder to differentiate from an auto attack etc I am a anivia player and I found that the E is slightly harder to notice and differentiate from the auto attack with the black frost anivia skin. For singed, for instance, the surfer skin has ...

Is it bad that I immediately thought Taylor?
@John i use javascript, match the exact average age, but have no interest in swift or node

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