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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Q: Play Yobis Basic Spelling Tricks

BeefI dont know if you guys know the old pc game known as Yobis Basic Spelling tricks, i think some people just refer to it as Spelling Jungle as well, its from the late 90s but does anyone know of a way I could potentially play this again with a windows 7 64 bit computer, I can only think of downloa...

game went for an hour and 7 minutes
had someone drop partway through xX
the problem there was my friend and I were pretty much the best players on the team, which is uh, bad
I was running Morgana and he was on Zilean, we took the top, the person in the middle had the... tiny midget mage thing... someone else DC'd partway in, then we had someone on the bottom with Miss Fortune
by the time we'd cleared top, middle still hadn't cleared a single tower
How many raw weapons == 1 refined metal?
so my friend covered top while I went to help mid
4v5 just suuuuuucks
@Brant 18
we finally managed a push for the last tower in mid around 50 min in then got an inhibitor down, got pushed out again, had the entire (connected) team dead again, then we bum rushed the middle, got 2 more inhibitors down and were finally able to get the nexus
@badp Not really, it's now used as more than just a guide though
the last 10 minutes were pretty epic but guuuuuh
goes eat food
Q: Help me identify this 3d strategy game?

Leigha RoyThe game is from around 8 or 9 years ago. It is for the pc, and the game is in 3d. You play as oval/egg shaped charecters. The main one is yellow with a blue hat. Your goal is to help the mayor with something. You search for keys in each level, and have to avoid obstacles in your path. Obstac...

@badp and it's set pretty opaquely
Oh wait. My bad.
I did it again.
@FallenAngelEyes Veigar
And, at least you made it.
> Undefined behavior means that anything can happen. The program might crash immediately. It might crash five minutes later. It might send email to your boss saying that you screwed up and then read you Vogon poetry. Or maybe not.
@GraceNote Is it possible to set up matches against a specific team in LoL?
That is to say if we had enough people do LoL for game on, we could play against each other instead of random people.
@Wipqozn Yep.
@Wipqozn Yes.
@GnomeSlice ah damn, Gnomeslice is wrong
Too late, we all saw it @GnomeSlice.
(doesn't play LoL)
and thanks @Grace
@Wipqozn show?
I wonder what level Strix is
@GraceNote Do you have any idea how many NA server players we have compared to EU?
I hope he's high, because otherwise, we'd have to split 3 30-levs between 2 teams of five.
I know you/raven/fallen/arda have been playing and what not
@Wipqozn The vast majority of us who play together are on US
There's also Borror0 and C. Ross on US. I don't know about Strix. badp and M'vy were on EU, though badp doesn't play anymore
tzenes also played but haven't seen him.
...wow, I have an average score of 10 on League of Legends answers.
All in favor of replacing @GnomeSlice with a bot that posts the same Youtube videos at random times every day, star this post.
@Powerlord ...Have I posted that one before?
@GnomeSlice Yes, multiple times
@Powerlord I stopped reading at @GnomeSlice :P
@GraceNote Oops.
Maybe we should make @GnomeSlice a program which selects a video for him to post at random, but then deletes the video link so he doesn't post it again
I can't handle this video.
I'm losing it already.
You just lost the game?
I'm hoping the picture alone will suck you in
@Wipqozn You...
That should distract him for the next few hours
Class is done at 15:00
What are you studying @GnomeSlice?
Social and personal issues of technology is my current class.
Which is really silly. We're just learning how to use Mailchimp mailing lists.
Who wants to see the funniest thing you will never show anyone for fear of accusations about your sexuality?
@GnomeSlice That seems to make a broad sweeping generalization about the sexuality of the people in this room.
Well... that's probably true.
I still don't know what love is. =[
@GnomeSlice Me?
Q: Is there a list of public Dwarf Fortress dfterm2 servers anywhere?

Adam NofsingerI'm curious if there is a list of publicly playable dfterm2 servers you can telnet into somewhere to play Dwarf Fortress. I have seen a few servers mentioned on Steam Community sites dedicated to Dwarf Fortress, and one mentioned in the bay12 thread for DF, but none of them seem to be online (as...

TFA is so stupidly fun
I still can't figure out how to melee consistently tbh
also Engie is stupid hard.
Q: Anyone going to make a NHL 12 Tag?

BeefIm a big NHL 12 player and I was wondering if anyone was going to create a NHL 12 tag?

@GnomeSlice Still waiting.
Q: What does the "full pixel mode" option do on Shadow of the Colossus HD?

Daniel LewLooking through the options, I saw "full pixel mode" as something you can enable/disable. What exactly does it do?

@Lazers I didn't think this was out yet.
@Powerlord came out a few days ago
PlayStation 3
JP September 22, 2011
NA September 27, 2011
AUS September 29, 2011
EU September 28, 2011
Do any of you have trouble with YouTube?
Well, I get an erroneous "Your subscriptions haven't added videos lately."
Let's try loading a playlist...
took a while but it did load
now watching 'Heavy is Spy'
...while logged out.
after I logged in I get 502s.
and Service Unavailable's to the Create Account page
I guess there is trouble indeed
I get this.
Http/1.1 Service Unavailable
trying to watch the GA premium intro video
youtube.com/… works for me
but it logs me out
logging in causes 502s.
I still dread the day when I'll find my Youtube profile disabled as Youtube starts using Google Profiles.
A day that's definitely coming
Dun dun dunnnn
woo some decent shows on channel 4 for a change
Seen on The Register:
> Java is to Javascript as a Clown is to a Clown Fish.
Q: How can you reliably melee?

badpIt appears that melee attack is pressing attack plus jump at the same time, but that more often than not triggers a secondary jump-attack. Am I doing it wrong? How are you supposed to melee?

Oh right, the freeware game thingy.
Although I doubt very much that it's named Team Fortress Arena. I seem to recall "arcade" being in its name, and there's likely a "2" as well.
eh wat
just as I was about to sing the praises of the redesigned 4od
randomly pauses and interjects ads
Anyway, time for me to depart.
@Powerlord you're correct on 'arcade', fixing
Oh my
Psychonauts just got updated
> "We are really excited," said Double Fine president Tim Schafer in a press release, "to finally be answering fans' requests for a more difficult Meat Circus." And by "more difficult," he actually means "less difficult."
(there's no 2 however)
I'm pretty sure it's just restarted my program
Also: Achiiiiievements
yep, it did, so I have to sit through another advert break. joy.
@CruelCow Yeah, I think that sequence was the most extreme difficulty jump in any game I've ever played
Didn't we have a question about it? I might have to replay psychonauts...for fact-checking of course
If these were the olden days, a publisher would never admit to making that jump too hard
and close it
thank Lord there's still Jeff upholding the good ole tried and true traditions! ducks
@ArdaXi youtube's improving but still degraded
Q: How long does corn take to grow?

antony.trupeIs it safe to plant in public lots, or do I need to get a house first? Is it different for different crops?

@Powerlord challenge accepted
@StackExchange Need diff
@GraceNote Moar Lazers is actually not new
I just recreated the feed hoping that something glitched up in the featured questions feed that never really worked and still does not work
@Grace or @Raven or anyone else with LoL, feel like playing a game?
I might be in a moment.
@bwarner I wonder if I want to make all the promotional grant posts CW
merely from a "let's not skew vote counts/badges/reputation/etc. with attempts to sort answers by reputation of the askers" point of view
thoughts, @GraceNote?
I thought meta doesn't give reputation anymore? Or am I mixing stuff up?
It still does give badges and your meta activity (answers and votes received) is shown in election pages
those are the two places left where meta voting really counts afaik
@ArdaXi Only $2000?
meh, I'll just CW. If it's a bad idea I can always unCW later.
Greedy bastard.
@Wipqozn Go right ahead and top it.
@ArdaXi I would, but I'm even more greedy.
I didn't buy it at all.
nor I
because I already owned the game
and don't care about the bonus games
I own Trine, but have yet to play it for more than an hour
I own the bonus bundle, as well as the game.
I didn't even know Frozen Synapse was an indie title.
THen again, indie is being used more and more loosely these days.
@ArdaXi if you were real greedy you'd pay $0.01 to lower the average!
@Wipqozn Well it is hard to define, especially if you want to exclude Valve
@badp Great idea.
oh wait, that would be "a real douche"
Will do tomorrow.
who are you sending your one cent to then?
Frozen Synapse? Frozenbyte? EFF? Child Play? Humble Bundle?
To Mr. Transaction Fees
@badp I'm a douche! I should probably do that.
Well if you enter less than 1$ you get a neat picture
@badp So something appears to have triggered the Skyrim grant question becoming community wiki. This is bad, because it makes the reputation of the all the answerers invisible. Can you flip it back?
Q: Gaming Promotional Grant - Fall 2011 - "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

Brett White Ψ You currently need more reputation than Resorath to be eligible for a copy of this game. If you unfamiliar with the cavalcade of fun that is The Gaming Promotional Grant, please follow the link. This is one of 9 threads currently open, all of which constitute the remainder of the Fall 2011 ...

I made all 9 questions CW
I admit I didn't think about reputation scores visibility
I'm tempted to buy a few $1 frozen synapse keys just to give to my friends.
@Brant Buying as gifts is supported.
Hmm, you were worried about people earning badges on meta?
If so, we can stop the whole "sorting by votes" idea (although personally it seemed useful)
@bwarner Community Wiki wouldn't seriously stop anything other than Mortarboard
At any rate CW can be undone easily
It doesn't even bump the question as I found out
Yeah, I'll restore them
I'll wonder if they should be CW or not once the winners are selected
Oh god, I have to un-CW every single answer
oh well
@badp Community wiki ain't gonna affect the votes, is it?
@GraceNote People are already voting on terms that are reasonable but not based on the actual answer
@badp Which, again, community wiki isn't going to do anything about
Reputation on Meta ain't meaningfully tracked, the election stats look at votes anyway.
Yeah; I saw that as some kind of endorsement of reputation based voting
@bwarner CW reversed, enjoy
I feel so useless. Everytime @FallenAngelEyes pings me, I'm in class or working.
Okay, that's useless.
Chat pings show up as taking place at a different time (due to timezones, I'd imagine) when viewed via the inbox, rather than via the chat window itself.
yay Rainbow Unicorn Bonus Edition of the SourceForge.net Update newsletter I don't know yet why I haven't unsubscribed yet from!
so @badp - near as I can tell, there are no equalizer changes in the current tf2 beta built
Q: How do you open the barred doors in the Binding of Isaac?

MorinarThese doors are grey and usually (always?) open into a "weapon" room, i.e. there is a weapon on the minimap for them. I've gotten in two, but it was very non-obvious what I did to open the doors. For other doors, I've killed every mob on the floor, put out every fire, and dropped a bomb on the do...

@RavenDreamer All I know is the token for the new equalizer's been updated and translated and approved and applied and is ready to ship
@Raven, you free now?
If you're free now, @Raven, we could do all 3 of us
@FallenAngelEyes For a time.
Lemme boot upp
@GraceNote I'm in
You two got a room ready?
gonna brb real quick while Grace gets the phone
The internet has too much time on its hands...
ohgodohgodohgod Intermediate panic
It has been forever since I've used Rammus in a bot game
Oooh Raven has Vayne
Do you want practice in the middle, @FallenAngelEyes?
Uh, I dunn oif that's a good idea on intermediate
I've done it on beginner once, but that's it
Oof. Ninja Rammus.
I can try @_@
@RavenDreamer that's awesome
@RavenDreamer Yeeeeessssss, Ninja Rammus!
I like King Rammus.
But mostly because I have him.
I can't get King Rammus...
I don't think I was very helpful there :S
You held mid
Honestly, not dying in mid is a pretty important job in Intermediate Bots.
Was having a bit of trouble pushing though
You had an epic duel with ryzebot and won
Morgana isn't really a pusher though
Morgana's better at farming than pushing, as well
I only managed level 13 :<
How do you tell who is where? The arrangement on loading?
Oh, all of the bots follow a preset
That's why that bastard Taric is always on top?
@FallenAngelEyes I think there's 2 options for each bot slot. Taric / Soraka is always top
The first slot is Cho'Gath or Shen, second is Ashe or Miss Fortune, third is Annie or Ryze, fifth is Taric or Soraka.
The fourth slot is one of Trundle, Nunu, Renekton, or Warwick. And I think one more, actually
Ah, gotcha
It's basically Tank, Ranged, Mage, Off Tank, and Support. Tank and OffTank on bot, Ranged and Support on top, Mage in mid.
I'm so far having a lot of fun with this but I'm scared that I'm going to end up with my spirits crushed when I stop playing against AI
There's a Penny Arcade strip to express that sentiment
@GraceNote I thought you were going to go for the starcraft 2 comic (which is along the same lines)
@GraceNote This is going to be me T_T
Aw... no worries.
pets @FallenAngelEyes
pats @FallenAngelEyes
@FallenAngelEyes IF it helps, I often take delight in the misery of others. So I'll probably be amused if that happens.
One thing I might recommend is to try some PvP while you're alone.
@Wipqozn Huzzah Schadenfreude
Today I've either played alone or with my friend mostly
On the one hand, it means you won't have Raven and/or myself to help, but that means that matchmaking won't pit you against hordes of evil level 30s that would show up because of us.
If I start playing (which I plan to, if only for Game On!), I'm happy to play you
Playing on a team already increases the matchmaking level (on the assumption you know how to work together), and then you account for the level increase due to us
since we will both be terrible
So, playing alone increases the chance you're more likely to run into people around your skill level. And ideally, not so jerk as to be a jerk to you
@GraceNote Oooh, I didn't know that
It's an easy way to crush your spirits.
Speaking of crushing spirits, does anyone else think we're too harsh with @Gnomeslice?
@RavenDreamer Sometimes it does get excessive
Though I don't think it's been quite as bad as the time everyone started to just out-and-out say he's a troll, that was just... eh?
@RavenDreamer I just noticed the starred message there, seems kind of uh... passive aggressively not nice.
Yeah, that's why I mentioned it.
I didn't realize it had 10 stars
You did miss some of the context to that
Which is the folly of the star list in general, I suppose.
It was intended as a joke about how he will forget he posted a video in the post, and then post it again.
I will agree though that we can get a little harsh on him at times. I think most people just say it jokingly, but even so. He was thinking about leaving before.
I've tried to cut it down somewhat since then, making jokes at his expense, because Gnomeslice is a rather stand-up guy and I'd hate to think we've been hurting his feelings with our jokes.
I personally think he's hilarious.
Hm... buying Molten Rammus means I could never afford a Legendary skin without paying more money.
No idea how the system works in LoL, so I'll just nod in agreement
(Or a Legendary skin actually goes on Sale, but I don't think they do)
nods in agreement
Aw, skins are real money only
I kinda want "raging over burnt cookies Morgana" for the amusement factor
Also Blade Mistress Morgana looks nifty
@FallenAngelEyes I want a Blade Mistress Urgot skin
Actually, let me rephrase that so it doesn't horribly scar your brains
I want an Urgot skin with the same streamlined curves and cyborg-ality of Blade Mistress Morgana.
De-uggify him.
@RavenDreamer Thank you for the clarification because my first thought was jibblyjibblyjibbly
@FallenAngelEyes I'm not quite sure how I should interpret that.
Except, perhaps, Urgot with jiggling Moobs.
Wargh. I have 9000 IP and I don't know what to use it on
@RavenDreamer From Homestarrunner
Your image is distinctly more horrible
@GraceNote Movespeed quints.
@FallenAngelEyes I do not like to look at fat, naked men.
Mwargh, don't want to spend money on Quints yet
@RavenDreamer I don't judge! To each their own!
How much are Quints anyway?
@FallenAngelEyes I think Speed costs 2050
@GraceNote hurk
@GraceNote Holy shit, are you selling Speed? I'm sorry, but I can't support you selling drugs in chat.
Yep, 2050
@FallenAngelEyes I'm a ladies man.
@GraceNote I'm just bummed I combined one of my move speed quints. I had two, and combined one. Got some random tertiary rune out of it. grumblegrumble
@RavenDreamer Why did you do that?
@GraceNote It must have seemed like a good idea at the time.
It was months and months ago
You must've been off your rocker at the time
@RavenDreamer Not the jiggling moob type, eh?
@GraceNote mundo voice has happened before!
@FallenAngelEyes Nope. At least I don't have them myself. I'm just a skinny white boy. If I hated jiggling moobs and I was a fat guy, I might have some self-esteem problems.
@RavenDreamer lol
/ don't look at me
/ flees chat
Damn. I really want to go to Europe again, just so we could meet, once.
I imagine you must be twice as fun in person as you are online. ;)
You are silly, sir
Well, dinner. Later~
Eat well @Grace! Thanks for the games!
@FallenAngelEyes Guilty as charged!
I'm also an idealist and hopeless romantic!
And sarcastic.
I do all of the sarcasm.
And a bird
You're an angel! That means we both have wings!
See? We have something in common already still!
But I'm a fallen one!
Darksiders tells me all that means is your wings are upside down.
I never played that game
It's a game about Christian Mythology re: Revelations and the end of the world.
It looked very... brown
There were also some grays!
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