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@Chippies true enough
well everything happens an hour from now
> Q: Valve: More hats, everything is tradeable. Diablo III went the other way with nothing tradeable. Will change?
Josh: No… we feel that the fun is finding your own gear. We can imagine some social trading and exchange, but we want players playing and finding items, not ebay.
It seems the D3 devs still don't get it.
@Frank Honestly, I'm fine with the way drops are now
@Frank with D3 tho would'mt buying drops kinda be pay to win?
before when stuff was tradeable, it was the only way to actually get gear
@Chippies To a degree, they're fine. But I do think trading is a huge thing, and should still be part of D3.
now the drop rates are insane
Because right now, you're at the mercy of the RNG.
@Frank that is the only problem with it
I've played my seasons character for...a while.
finding particular pieces of gear
And yet, still haven't found ANY of the Sunwuko's parts.
I have less than 50 hours on my season monk, I'm pretty sure
I faceroll T6
@Chippies I don't.
@Frank kadala is where it's at
Again, all up to the RNG.
also, it really helps if you run with same class players
What you get is straight up luck.
they should just maintain crazy drop rates and bring back the AH. this will cause the prices to be low and make it easy for me to gear up
@Frank mostly, yeah, but kadala allows you to get specific pieces
which reduces the randomness quite a bit
When it comes to deciding what games I play, games with random drops get shuffled to the bottom of the list really fast. When you don't have a lot of time to game, they suck.
@Chippies If she gives you legendaries to begin with.
@JasonBerkan so true
I can't count how many Blood Shards I've spent, trying to get Inna's belt from her.
@Frank you're still doing what you would be doing without kadala anyway
Trading would fix that in a hurry.
you run rifts looking for legendaries
@Chippies Adding an extra level of RNG doesn't make RNG better.
@Frank if anything, it removes an extra level of RNG
it allows you to roll for specific pieces literally for free
without kadala you run rifts, get junk
with kadala you run rifts, get junk, roll at kadala for extra junk
@Chippies No, it gives you yet another level. If you don't get the item you're looking for, you have a chance, a better one, of getting something you're looking for, but it's still RNG.
either way, it really helps if you run with someone of your own class
@Chippies And I play solo.
@Frank are you in the game right now?
If they made every item craftable, we might have something there.
I talked my wife into making a monk, so we can both share drops
it was the fastest we geared our characters ever
@Chippies And that's great.
But it still doesn't fix the issue of everyone being at the mercy of RNG.
@Frank but can you offer a solution that doesn't destroy any gameplay?
the only reason to even play the game is to farm gear
Oh noes RNG is a thing in video games
@Chippies Craft it. Allow people to trade.
I have vanilla D3 and don;t plsy it is it more fun with firends?
NEITHER of those destroy the gameplay.
@Frank so you get the best gear within couple of hours of hitting 70, now what do you do?
@Chippies Chances of getting the absolute best gear within a couple of hours at 70 is minute, at BEST.
I'm not saying fix the stats on the items.
@Frank why? just trade it
Games like that need to be a slow (but not too slow) burn to be engaging
@Chippies start over, like an incremental
@Chippies What do you have worth trading at level 70?
Er, long-term engaging
I was all set to try Sunwuko's with the Gungdo bracers.
Except, I can't FIND any of the damn pieces.
@Frank ask your guildies for gear, since they're all maxed out already
boom, you're maxed out too now
@Chippies That's a different issue. And, you wouldn't be maxed out.
You can already do that for any new characters you create.
You stash items for a different class.
@Frank smart loot mostly screws that over
@Chippies Mostly. But not completely.
@Frank you'd get a massive power spike and then you wouldn't be able to upgrade in a long long long time
I can't tell how many hours I've played my seasonal Monk. But, this is the best I've gotten from RNG:
@Chippies It's the same problem, just sped up.
if i were to build D3, absolute best endgame loot would come from the guy who worked his hands to the bone to bring me these fine goods
@JasonBerkan Especially when getting random drops with bigger numbers is the entire pointof the game.
@Frank except the better geared you are, the more spaced out the upgrades are
FUN FACT: Blizzard feeds on the tears of people who complain about RNG
@Chippies Yes. Which is why getting the gear right at 70 just speeds up the problem.
You're still at the mercy of the RNG. There's no way around it.
@Frank Idk about you, but it kinda takes away the reason to play the game if you have to grind for days to maybe get a small upgrade
The only reason I currently run greater rifts is to for the almost guaranteed legendaries.
@Frank I thought everyone did that
@Chippies If I have to grind for days to even get a piece I'm looking for, what's the difference?
@Frank well for one, you can still get upgrades while looking for the piece
Who's having more fun? The guy trying to find a single specific piece from the RNG, or the guy looking for a small incremental upgrade to his existing equipment?
also, if gear was tradable, what's to stop you from just buying best gear with $$$
@Chippies Nothing at all. Except your own ethics.
@Frank probably the one looking for the specific piece, because once you have that piece, good luck upgrading it
@Chippies Upgrades which help you kill slightly faster, but don't actually contribute to the progression you're looking for.
@Frank killing faster = more loot
@Chippies I can tell you right now, it's super frustrating to try to find even ONE piece of Sunwuko's.
most of the set items aren't very good and I'm probably never gonna upgrade them
@Chippies And yet, you have the gear you want.
I don't. And I have no guaranteed way of getting it.
@Frank it took me days to get those pieces
@Chippies I've been playing for more than that.
And I don't have any of them.
it really also depends on what you do in the game
I would suggest you run greater rifts starting with rank 1 and advance one at a time
That's the point I'm making; in a system that relies on RNG, progression can differ dramatically, even with characters started at the same time.
that will get you going, possibly get you some set items
@Chippies Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
@Frank the "problem" is that Diablo is a game about finding gear
@Chippies But in order for me to feel like I'm progressing, I have to find progression gear.
@Frank sunwuko's is not really progression gear, it's end game
Once everything is a legendary, the only things you want are your end set.
the moment I got sunwuko's 2 piece, I was running t5
Everything else is just salvage fodder.
actually no, I needed the 4 piece set for t5-t6
@Chippies And again, that's the point. There is no progression now, beyond a RoRG, Sunwuko's, and Inna's.
The only one of those I can influence is a RoRG, but I can't even guarantee a legendary from A1 caches.
Because I don't have gear to run T6.
while I understand it's frustrating, it is kinda what the game is
grinding for gear
@Chippies And there are ways to fix it.
That's what I'm saying.
you can still trade gear you found in party
To make it less frustrating for those who the RNG doesn't favor.
which is why soloing is the worst way of gearing up
@Chippies So people should party up, even when they don't want to?
@Frank I believe that by fixing it, they would introduce many other issues
That just forces a playstyle some people don't want.
@Frank no, but it's obvious that you get benefits by partying up
(sigh) I'm being micromanaged again.
by ignoring that playstyle, you're ignoring the benefits you get from it
it's your choice
@Chippies No, it forces a playstyle.
@Frank you can still play solo and get all the benefits, just not as quickly
To get the best stuff real quick, you have to play with others.
@Frank that doesn't sound like "forcing"
@Chippies I don't like playing with others, because I play at my own pace. I feel rushed when I'm partying.
the issue here is that you want the pacing of a full party in a solo game
Have you considered that maybe that's ?
@Chippies No, I want a method of progression that doesn't rely completely on the RNG.
@Frank party with people who you know
@Chippies Still feels rushed. That's the point; I'm very rarely paying full attention to D3.
If Kadala had options that guaranteed you a set or legendary of a specific slot, that, I think, would fix most of my issues.
@Frank that could be a solution, as long as legendaries and set items are in the same category
I don't want to remove the RNG completely. But at least let me lower the chances of junk to a point where I don't spend days hunting for items.
Q: What makes the Sacred Combo so sacred?

Shadow Z.During a Stream of SSBM, I watched what the commentaters called a "Sacred Combo." But, why is this combo so hyped over, and how does one pull it off? Captain Falcon and Fox were used to do it.

The only reason I have a Hoarder gem is because I got super lucky.
But I've stopped playing D3 now, because it doesn't feel like I'm progressing.
my wife's monk is pretty pimped, although she lost 25% dmg when she salvaged her yellow amulet us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Jennybeans-1477/hero/58203040
I haven't played Diablo in over a week, because I stopped progressing as well
and what's even worse is that I kept getting upgrades that I couldn't use, because I needed my set bonuses
And there's the thing; people keep playing because they think they're making progress.
Is it time for someone to chime in with "PROGRESS IS AN ILLUSION. IT'S ALL JUST ONES AND ZEROS, MAN."? Let me know when it is
I think the main reason why people keep playing is that they either are making progress or just have higher tolerance for not making progress
@Sterno Feel free to chime in with that already.
@Chippies I'm a patient guy. I'm willing to put in my time to earn things.
that's why I think the best thing Blizzard could do is to implement an incremental within the Diablo window
so you can make progress even when you're actually not
I thought that's what Paragon levels were for
But at this point, I've put in my time, but it doesn't really feel like I've gotten anything out of it.
@Sterno all just atoms, man
I got the Gungdo bracers real quick, and I was super happy about that.
But then, rift after rift after rift, and I get none of the other gear I need.
@Wipqozn No. Today on Area 51 I learned that ectoplasm is not made up of atoms
@Frank that was my first legendary drop, and it was ancient
@Chippies Luckily, it being ancient isn't a requirement.
The only real boosts for ancient stats is the armor and dex stats.
@Frank sure made it harder to replace though :P
@Frank we never really ran rifts much, only enough to get grift keystones
@Sterno Oh true
Silly me
@Chippies I was including grifts in that.
regular rifts don't really seem that important anymore
early days of running grifts is really boring though
If anything, I'd almost prefer regular rifts; more chances at getting good gear.
since we were waiting for the 10 minute mark before finishing each run
@Frank certainly not at early 70
one key can get you 10+ legendaries
@Chippies No, but regular rifts have a much higher chance of dropping legendaries.
whereas low difficulty rifts usually don't drop that much
Which apparently won't onebox
Grifts just give three or four legendaries from the boss.
@Frank more chances, not higher
@Chippies More chances, across an entire rift, comes out to more legendaries.
@Frank 3-4 is pretty generous
@Frank if you're lucky
I've had one rift that dumped something like six legendaries on me.
also, in my experience, grifts are more likely to drop set items
But not on my seasonal monk.
@Sterno Won't even jump to the question for me. Which one?
@Unionhawk How could you have voted to close that? You monster!
@Sterno it seems @uni voted to close... i knew @uni was part of the conspiracy
@Wipqozn Try again, I had a broken link for a minute
hm, Cities Skylines should be available in 9 minutes is available to download
I am part of the lizard people who control A51. (not really)
Or are you just saying that now to throw us off?
downloading it right now TWICE!
@Chippies My computer at home is currently off, so I can't start installing :(
I'll get to play it until wife gets home, then back to not playing it
@MBraedley didn't think it through, did you!
call someone to turn it on? :P
Also thanks @fredley for making me meta.lifehacks
Now I'm looking at the Steam store page for a game I don't even want.
@Chippies Yes, 8 hours of idle computer time is a waste of money.
Albeit only pennies.
@MBraedley 2 cents or so?
probably less
@uni for lifehacks mod
I am also installing it
Your part about negatively impacting others on a single player game is very wrong. How does an isolated game affect others when there is no interaction? I should suggest you edit this to avoid some strong opinionated confusion. On another level how does Game shark codes fall under this rule as well? How does certain hidden button pressing(some back in the day were considered cheats because they were not well known.) or secret levels considered OT? right now your answer states all of what I said is considered OT. — Virusboy 1 hour ago
Is anyone else as confused by this as I am?
@Sterno I can regurgitate what the puppet says on meta.gaming that's about it
almost there
@Chippies ~$0.20, by my calculations.
@Sterno I knew it!
Like, it was literally "NO, A CLOSE VOTE IS NOT A SUPER DOWNVOTE"
@MBraedley I would like to see those calculations, since I'm not very savvy in that field
@Sterno Only $30!
I'm making it seem like I am really hyped, but I'm not really
@StrixVaria I think he thought you meant that single player cheats are OK unless they negatively impact others. Not because they don't
@Chippies Oh wait, I screwed up. Let me run them again
I suck at city building games anyway
@murgatroid99 Even if I did mean it this way, since they don't, the "unless" clause wouldn't trigger and everything would still be ok...
@StrixVaria RDP
Trying to figure out how early I can get away with leaving today.
I wont be home for another 6 hours
Do we actually know if this game is any good, as opposed to a buggy POS like Sim City 4?
@Sterno plenty of reviews saying only good things about it
@Sterno All the pre-release LPs and stuff I've seen have been very positive.
@Sterno Yes
There are some reviews out as well.
@Wipqozn over 9000 SPF
(notice a lack of city building games)
@Unionhawk HEATHEN
I guess I'll go read RPS's Wot I Think and then buy it anyway
The thing that sold me was freeform roads. I have no idea why.
@OrigamiRobot it actually has pretty awesome transport system
@Chippies Yeah, it's actually only $0.07-0.08
@Unionhawk So...you need a city building game to fill the void?
@MBraedley what wattage were you using for the calculations?
I cannot justify purchasing a game right now
@Unionhawk Banished could be above that
@Chippies 60W at idle, which is typical for my computer.
@OrigamiRobot It is not
@MBraedley I guess that sounds reasonable
I didn't really like Banished. I like my city-building games casual and relaxing.
I'd like to get one of those thingies that can measure how much power it's drawing from the socket
Banished was too stressful.
@OrigamiRobot Sauce
@Unionhawk tl;dr
@Sterno I'm not even sure if ghosts have genders! Sounds like a good question! – Wipqozn 40 secs ago edit [delete this comment]
@OrigamiRobot TLDR I AM NOT A LIAR
@Wipqozn y u do dis
> This is an important question, as it could have masive impacts on relativity. – Lego Stormtroopr Mar 6 at 3:18
Oh my god
I hope this guy is trolling like we are
I'm not sure
@Wipqozn Of course. They are deceased people. I'm voting to close this question as obvious.
He's an A51 regular user
@JasonBerkan Silly me
We are all going to get our Area 51 accounts deleted.
@JasonBerkan time to make some socks
@JasonBerkan I don't really use it for much anyway
Most of my Area 51 account usage is flagging proposals for being dupes of other proposals.
@TheAce the game is playable on my integrated gpu on lowest detail, so it should run just fine on your gt640
@Chippies awesome :)
Q: Is it possible to connect a Gamecube Controller to a 3DS?

Shadow Z.I play a lot of SSB4, and I have gotten used to using the 3DS to play. But, is there a way I can connect a Gamecube (or other type of controller) to my 3DS, and play using that instead? I want to practice with a real controller (and prevent my Circle Pad from dying).

@spugsley HULLOE!
@Rapitor gooby pls
@Chippies gonna wait till tomorow tho
@MattGiltaji pls.
@Wipqozn You mean like the millionth Minecraft proposal?
There should be a blacklist of words not allowed in Area51 proposals, and Minecraft should be in it.
@Wipqozn Oh you
@Unionhawk eh?
@fredley I'm such a scamp
*tousles @Wipqozn's hair*
Do tortoises have hair?
5 hours ago, by fredley
Q: A close reason for silliness

subjectivistI wanted to vote to close some questions because they were silly. Since there was no appropriate close category I did not vote to close. We need a close reason for this. Silliness might equate to extremely and unquestionably obvious, why would such a thing be needed at all, or just playing games ...

Being on 3 projects at once really is the efficiency killer everyone already knew it was.
@Unionhawk Oh, haha
@fredley He updates that all the time
@Wipqozn ikr
He would make an even worse mod than @fredley.
@StackExchange I see that you value your position as worst mod.
@Wipqozn @StackExchange is indeed the worst mod
It's not even banned anyone
That may be a world first
It's mostly to make up for the fact that I'm about to post this.
@Unionhawk @Unionhawk defending Lifehacks?
@Batophobia No, @Unionhawk defending sanity
Sanity and Lifehacks don't go together
@GraceNote At least it isn't spiders.
@GraceNote oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god
@OrigamiRobot wings got delayed
@Batophobia I forgot that character existed
Q: Does weapon weight count in World of Tanks?

Adam AroldI'm driving a Luchs (Light Tank) as a scout in WoT and I'm having a problem about choosing between the main gun: Gun 3cm M.K. 103 Gun 5cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 The latteris better in every aspect (apart from burst damage) but it weights 700kg while the former is just 141kg. Does this count in WoT? Fo...

@fredley Nice
If it's more than 20m, I can never play again
It is going to be
> I could go on all day about Cities: Skylines, much like I could go on all night playing it. It has restored my faith in the City Building Simulator genre. It’s everything that fans of the genre were hoping for and more.
You know it, I know it
RIP @OrigamiRobot
I can't go back to an inferior ship for that long
I've seen the light
The light has just punched you in the face
How does it feel?
Knowledge is a burden
@GraceNote I don't even know what I would do if I saw this on my car.
I guess buy a new car.
@StrixVaria Raid.
@StrixVaria Most of my friends have suggested "Buy a new car" and "Throw the old car into a volcano"
@GraceNote wait, is that your car?
No, it is not.
wiat, no @GraceNote wouldn't have twitter.
@GraceNote You have to get the car to the volcano
We invented cranes and disposable minions for a reason.
Using acid seems much more practical.
Oh! I would have AAA tow it to a car wash.
@StrixVaria right, to wash it with acid
@OrigamiRobot no, wash it with gasoline
nuke it from orbit, that's the only way to be sure
brb, looking on youtube for "thermite wasp nest"
well this was an interesting time to come back to the bridge.
Q: cant complete the silence has been broken - stuck with farkas

franki've gotten stuck with farkas after i accepted a the "purity" quest, but there are no more glemoril witches to collect heads from. now his presence is stopping me from completing other quests, is there any way to get rid of him? there is no option to part ways in the dialogue, and there is no way...

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