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That would be the worst thing ever.
Maybe if we all fill our hearts with the cold heartless emotion of a robot he'll return to us.
OK Bridge. Tell me why I shouldn't buy this house. realtor.ca/propertyDetails.aspx?PropertyId=15187923
@JasonBerkan it's in canada
@JasonBerkan It's not close to me
@JasonBerkan thefuck is a storey
@Rapitor floor
A storey (New Zealand English, Australian English, British English, Canadian English, Indian English) or story (American English) is any level part of a building that could be used by people (for living, work, storage, recreation, etc.). The plurals are storeys and stories, respectively. The terms floor, level, or deck can also be used in this sense; except that one may use "ground floor" and "ground level" for the floor closer to what is considered the ground or street level. The words "storey" and "floor" also generally exclude levels of the building that have no roof, even if they are used by...
@Wipqozn If I had work out there, I'd move to PEI in a heartbeat.
@JasonBerkan PEI has too many Potatoes.
Also, that is a really nice house. Also looks like it has enough rooms that each of your children could have their own bedroom, which seems like a huge plus.
Plus enough bathrooms for the whole family.
Why haven't you bought this house yet?
I'm probably not helping.
Cooling Central air conditioning
I hope no one expected you to help. You're a person on the bridge, you don't help
@Wipqozn Because until this weekend, we considered that price too expensive.
@Rapitor Seems more British than 'murican
That's handy for the summer. Well, assumign you weren't an old man who wishes he lived in Florida
@JasonBerkan That is expensive, but if you plan to make this your retirement home as well.
@Rapitor nope, there's an e in it. Not murica english =p
@5pike murica is why i only know of story, never heard storey and it sounds silly
@JasonBerkan Oh this is why you were talking about the "too old for a 25 year mortgage" thing.
@JasonBerkan Have you considered selling one of your children to afford a larger down payment on the house? You've got four kids, surely you don't need all of them.
@Wipqozn We were / are lining up everything to get our house renovated. But for the prices we are being quoted, we could sell our house and buy that one, which is already renovated and a bit bigger than our current house.
@JasonBerkan That would be less of a pain in the ass to.
@Wipqozn My co-worker suggested the same thing yesterday. :P
Renovations are both expensive,time consuming, and annoying.
@JasonBerkan Oh, wow, that's a beautiful house
Apparently I missed a lot last class
@Wipqozn Renovations == children?
Goddammit @uni wake the hell up
@JasonBerkan Is your co-worker secretly a turtle?
@JasonBerkan I can see why you're considering this, but also not. Not an easy decision.
That is one super nice house
Q: Owning a colony on the same continent as the capital?

Alin StoianAs Ireland I have moved my capital to North America. There is a colonial nation created by Scotland (Scottish California). Will annexing Scotland result in owning a colony on the same continent as my capital? Or will the territories of Scottish California be annexed? => I will have to core them.

Q: bawsaq not working

trevorcIm tryimg to get into bawsaq to invest for my lester missions but no matter what i try it says down for maintenance. It has been like this for 3 days (real time) i tried every fix i found online but none work im connected to psn and i tried signing in and out and my account is linked to the rocks...

@Unionhawk Oh. I was about to say everyone ping @Uni to wake him up
Then I realized you were talking to yourself
I dunno, I think everyone pinging @Uni is a good cause regardless
What do you think @Uni?
@Unionhawk should wake up
@Uni needs to wake up for uni.
@Unionhawk @Unionhawk @Unionhawk
@Unionhawk is like beetlejuice, right?
@Wipqozn More like bloody Mary
Oh hey, it worked!
Now we just need to say @Unionhawk again three times when we want him to go away.
@Wipqozn @Unionhawk @Unionhawk @Unionhawk
Did he go away?
I ask him.
You still there @uni?
We're all such great people.
Oh my god, you killed @uni
> Land Size 7869x
X is a pretty bad unit for landsize.
Not sure why they use x. They mean square feet.
Why not just use ² ?
Because that's difficult
AltGr+2 is difficult?
I really need haircut. I wish barbers did house calls.
@5pike American keyboards don't have an "AltGr" key.
@5pike My bet is because the realtor's backend is some ancient COBOL system that can't handle any odd characters.
I don't even remember what that stands for.
@5pike no, it is also not something that is functional
On my keyboard that has a AltGr key
@KevinvanderVelden Works on my keyboard...
@5pike are you using Linux?
@StrixVaria Right alt?
@badp No, windows 7.
@5pike Yes I know where it would be. It's just a regular Alt key on American keyboards.
² is a single keypress on my keyboard >_>
@Arperum Wizardy.
The upper left key, where most keyboards have ~
@Arperum well belgian keyboards are weird
@5pike EN international keyboard layout then?
@badp No, normal German layout.
@5pike then you're just lucky.
This is the trainwreck that's the italian keyboard layout in Windows
I use this keaboard.
...and this is the Italian keyboard layout on Linux
still no less of a trainwreck
but at least you can altgr-2
(or more crucially write in ` and ~)
(because otherwise you cannot)
(but hey you can write ç so conveniently)
(might as well replace | with ñ)
(who uses |)
Hooray North America
(this is incidentally why you never pipe on Windows)
(you have to have like a huge dev budget to get things to the point where you can pipe)
(basically you have to be the NSA)
explosive | bomb
keymap | ramble | parens | chat
@badp Too subtle.
badp > /dev/bridge
badp 2>&1 > /dev/bridge
chmod +abuse /dev/mod
So hey, Spiderman is coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
That's pretty great.
@Fluttershy As long as we don't get yet another origin story.
rm -r; badp
Spiderman Origins Really This Time
@Unionhawk Not shred badp ?
+better unix fu than I can do
shred is a Unix command that can be used to securely delete files and devices so that they can be recovered only with great difficulty with specialised hardware, if at all.1 It is a part of GNU Core Utilities. == Background == For efficiency, erasing a file usually only erases the file system entry and keeps the content of the file intact. This frequently allows the file to be recovered using commonly available software. Even if the file is overwritten, residual magnetic fields may allow data recovery using specialist hardware equipment. To prevent this, shred overwrites the file multiple times...
@Frank I'd be okay if we did. They could pull it off. I just hope they can get him in Civil War.
@Powerlord This suggests that, to be on the safe side, you should physically shred any hardware too
@fredley Does that surprise you?
@Powerlord No, not at all
Erasing data is hard, shredding drives is easy
If you care that much about removing data, you don't care about the cost of replacing the drives
It bugs me that Windows knows when a password is too similar to a password you've used in the past in Active Directory.
That implies to me that it's storing plaintext somewhere.
@StrixVaria neat. I had forgotten it existed.
Thanks, random internet person!
Q: Is Hearthstone a pay2win game?

Gin-SanI've found no distinct answer to this, so I thought I'd get an unprejudiced opionion here ... so, is Hearthstone a pay2win game? After quitting Yu-Gi-Oh a couple of years ago since Konami became too greedy and it would've been to expensive for me to keep playing with all the new expensive game-w...

@Uni's still broken, it seems.
What the heck did you guys do?
@Frank whisper whisper
@Powerlord Ohhhhhhhhh. Okay.
Q: Can you send mistery skins cross server in league of legends?

Tbi45I want to send a mystery skin to my friend form EUNE server to EUW. Is this possible?

@Powerlord Do not want. Abandon ship.
@StrixVaria Have you tried Hearthstone? For some reason, I feel like you like CCGs. Am I misremembering?
@Fluttershy I have not tried Hearthstone. I generally like the gameplay of CCGs, but I dislike the "collectible" aspect.
So I guess I'll find out today what the hell I'm going to do about sleeping through that test today... hooray?
I'm so screwed
In strategy games, you should be on equal footing with your opponent.
@StrixVaria That's fair.
You shouldn't be in an advantageous position before the game even starts because you've paid more money or happened to collect a bigger pool of cards to work with.
Draft formats in CCGs are fun. Constructed formats are blech.
CCGs are the ultimate pay to win. I've always found it amusing how ignored that is
One good thing about Hearthstone is that you pretty much are on equal footing. And you can buy cards with earned-in-game currency, like champions in LoL. And they have a draft format as well, or something close to it.
@SaintWacko But, but, but MUH STRATEGY!!!
@Fluttershy Everything I've heard says otherwise. You can get so far without paying money, but eventually you start running into opponents who have paid money, so you're either in for a hell of a grind, or you join their ranks.
And now back to work. Meetings upon meetings today.
@StrixVaria Hmm... That's possible, I guess. I'm not very far in the ranks, but I'm still unlocking cards pretty steadily, between daily quests and leveling up.
I think I found the crash! :) But it's relatively new in code I wrote. :(
Hearthstone isn't pay to win... its pay to win faster. the free players can still eventually get the good cards,
@SaintWacko I dislike CCGs because I just have the worst luck.
Steam forum post about Sunless Sea: Will multiplayer be added?
Not sure if idiot, or trolling.
Could just be an honest question.
@Rapitor That's a good way of putting it. And ChaseC's answer on that Hearthstone question above is a pretty solid explanation, imo.
Multiplayer is just so big these days, it's kind of a knee-jerk reaction question to any game that doesn't have multiplayer.
@Sterno Every game should have multiplayer. Every. Single. Game.
@Rapitor Yeah, my answer was that you can pay cash to win, or you can pay time to win. Your choice.
Q: So I am a Giant Lizard Now

TinniestSquashLong story short, my level six dwarven cleric fell along with most of the party in a necro fortress in the underdark. The last two party members made it back to the surface in time to reincarnate one party member — me! The DM let out an evil laugh as I rolled the percentage dice, and now I am a l...

But even if you've mastered the strategy, you aren't going to win without the right cards.
Q: Cookie Clicker (web) on android is zoomed in

cyanisaacI'm trying to play Cookie Clicker on Orteil's website using my Nexus 7 2013 and the Chrome browser. However the page loads and everything is zoomed in, making me pan around the page and making text overlap etc. I cannot pan and zoom out. How can I fix this? I want to play cookie clicker on my ta...

@Fluttershy ToME? Multiplayer. DCSS? Multiplayer. Cookie Clicker? Multiplayer.
I say, as the person who was so angry that ME3 had multiplayer. And then even angrier when I found out how good the ME3 multiplayer actually was.
I mean, I'm pretty sure people were made fun of for asking if Don't Starve would be getting multiplayer.
And look where we are now.
@Yuuki The multiplayer in Don't Starve is great. :3
@Fluttershy I need to play some more Don't Starve multiplayer.
Before I disappear for the weekend.
I need to try that
Sunless Sea is mostly about reading stuff and clicking menus. Multiplayer would be awful.
Don't Starve is wonderful
So is Sunless Sea
Fallen London is kinda-sorta multiplayer.
I can see them implementing the same kind of system in Sunless Sea.
I mean, it won't be multiplayer like Call of Duty...
@Sterno It worked for Eve
afaik Eve is just multiplayer Excel
Kinda like the stock market but for the 99%
Damn kids and their 8K displays. HOW MANY KS DO YOU NEED?
Nobody needs 8k
@TimStone Technically, kids can't afford, nor create, an 8K screen.
@TimStone At least 9
preferably more
I like to drive at 130k or maybe a little more
@Frank Give it a few months after these hit the market in consumer devices and there'll be an 11 year old dropping on on the ground.
@badp That's too damn fast for your truck. You're dangerously insane.
@badp That's twice what I weigh!
@TimStone @badp is Italian
@fredley No surprise then
@badp Your level being 0 km/h?
Screw assistance services, I'm calling the polizia!
Desert Bus or GTFO
He's even driving 152 km/h
Someone remind me, is the sleep meter being higher a representation of tired or just slept?
I guess that's like half
@Unionhawk you mean in the picture?
@fredley Is Italy the New Jersey of European drivers? (You can just say yes if you're not sure)
@Unionhawk It says I'm ~halfway through my shift or I'll start yawning in ~3 in-game horus
@TimStone Yes? Isn't NJ full of Italian-Americans anyway?
It all makes sense now.
Does it?
@TimStone 17
@TimStone I was considering moving to NJ instead of NY back when these considerations made sense
@badp Sounds like you'd've fit right in
I mean
look at the points of interest google maps gives me
Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Carlo's Bakery, Empire State Building, ...
@badp Little Italy? Is that a short joke?
You, sir, have been inb4'd.
What are you, @Unionhawk?
@badp :(
Ew, why would you want to live in the US?
@Powerlord I could consider living in NY-ish if it came with an awesome job.
Actually, you should be asking what we've done to the real Unionhawk. :D
The current @Unionhawk is a marked improvement on the real @Unionhawk.
I'm not complaining
Up top fake @Unionhawk!
I'm not sure if I should be offended or not
Factorio has been updated a lot
@SaintWacko Oh?
@Unionhawk My isn't today a lovely day?
@Powerlord No, no, no, this was actually a terrible day.
@Frank I'm watching Zisteau's new series in it, and the animations are at least improved
It looks nice
This morning was literally the worst.
And it was still a morning.
@SaintWacko I'll wait until it's mostly functionally complete.
I have enough to play as is.
Oh, and I'm designing my first real mission to Duna
...oh god Zisteau is doing Besieged
You're kidding
Just made a 155 part ballista for the first Besieged level. OMG. Videos will be coming soon.
Oh wow
I can't wait
This is going to be amazing
I think I'll subscribe to Zisteau as well
I'm currently subscribed to Danny2462, Scott Manley, and EnterElysium
I should probably prune my subscriptions a bit
I have zero subscriptions.
Q: What is the difference between Armor/Attack Damage and Bonus Armor/Attack Damage

Jon StoryI've noticed that some skills or items scale on bonus Attack Damage, while others scale on Attack Damage There are equivalent items for Armor for example. Is it something to do with the items? ie if my base AD is 100 and I have no items other than one BF Sword (50 AD), my AD will be 150, but my...

@MattGiltaji Import/Export is added for v1.6
> They're so cute, those Canadians.
-- Raymond Chen
@SaintWacko Zisteau is a pretty good LPer. He frustrates the hell out of me when he's playing KSP, though.
@MBraedley Oh? What does he do?
@SaintWacko Oh, it's just "No, Zisteau, don't do it that way!" and "Oh god, that burn is so inefficient!"
@MBraedley Ah, yikes, that would be tough
updating the video drivers and getting geforce experience to work enough to disable shadowplay seemed to have fixed the TF2 crashes
That's why I like Scott Manley
but nope, TF2 still crashes
He knows exactly what he's doing
@SaintWacko Yelling at the screen can be entertaining too, though.
@MBraedley Except I do most of my video watching at work :P
@SaintWacko I think it's more precise to say that he edits out some of his brain dead stuff. He wholly admits to making mistakes too.
@MBraedley Yes, but it's just that, mistakes. I've never watched Zisteau, but it sounds like he doesn't have as extensive a knowledge of astronomy and orbital mechanics
"A team of skilled experts track, capture, and incapacitate a monster before it can do lasting harm to the environment it is in." This describes both the game Evolve and our helpdesk team interactions with the users.
@MadMAxJr You monsters
Good god
I think our helpdesk guys might want harpoon guns now.
They got SMW credits warp% down to 1:46.9
I want to check out that mobile starport. That thing sounds pretty sweet
@Batophobia robbaz #1
@MadMAxJr "A team of skilled experts track, incapacitate or kill a monster so that they can harvest it and kill bigger monsters"
That's Monster Hunter in a nutshell.
@Unionhawk much of 1.1 i don't really care for. I'm more hyped for 1.2, but i guess this lays all the groundwork and stuff for it.
I'm going to have to see how the weapon changes etc affect things too
I'm probably going to be way overloaded on power with shield cells
i've been wanting to change weapons, but i can't find any laser better than E1... (for small hardpoint)
i even went into facece (empire military system)
I don't think there are higher rated weapons per se; you just have fixed/gimballed/turrteed for each size and weapon type
I know they balanced explosives to do basically nothing against shields, but they also made things overheat more often (based on your WEP capacitor charge), so we'll see how that affects my loadout as it stands now.
Q: Why won't my Riolu evolve?

Amir ShaSo recently, I asked a question on how I can evolve my Riolu at Level 2 and most of the feedback said to raise its happiness to max and then level it up. After a long, long while of IV Breeding, Ev Training through Super Training because I didn't want Riolu to level up and fed it tons of vitamins...

i'm happy with my cannons... they can take out an anaconda's power plant with relative ease.
just lasers are still crap
Also shield cells are more expensive and take time to start charging. And you have less of them. And they have increased power requirements. In other words, get better at flying @Uni
never used shield cells, never needed em
shields start to get low boost the fuck out of there and dump all to systems.
That's what I should be doing, really
I miss playing Monster Hunter... I wish it would be available in the US as a non-portable console release.
I need to utilize boost more
boost is best friend
Other than "Shields offline"
@Lazers Isn't this basically a dupe of his previous question?
toggling flight assist is also great
It helps bring an enemy into sights, but one thing to consider is it often ends in a head-to-head encounter
But in a viper that's mostly okay
I want to look into beam lasers again too. I faced a player commander in a fight to shields offline, and got demolished by his beams
head to heads are great, depending on who im against i can just use vertical thrusters to get under/above their aim and unload
Yeah, it depends on the enemy.
beams melt shields the fastest, but the gimbal is like its hyped up on sugar, it won't stay still
Yeah, but when they connect though...
I might look into fixed beams. I don't know. We'll see.
I want to play with the loadout in general.
yeah, viper's hardpoints are close enough that it works
cobra is too spread out i have to gimbal if i want to get hits
@Unionhawk I tried to take on a player Asp with my Cobra for some reason and it was a poor decision.
asps are easy? then again, never fought player... but just target power plant and they go down fast
Yeah, that's the thing with the cobra. The hardpoint placement is weird, and at the right angle, the thing is the broad side of a barn
And it's still a small ship
So it takes 100% damage from all weapon sizes
i'm probably going to get asp next. seems like a good ship
Interstellar Marines is play for free this week
Whereas an Asp, for example, takes reduced damage from small hardpoints
I hate how pip downloads then installs each package one by one
On a shakey connection this is terrible
Especially as it doesn't store downloaded packages if for some reason the process fails
@Rapitor Players are harder because they a) fly better b) have shield cells
^ I find this very funny.
@fredley You could manually install the requisites one by one?
That reminds me, my RPi2 arrives today..
So it was mostly that I couldn't get the upper hand and decided to bail before I actually risked getting killed.
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, gonna have to do this I think
But it's a big requirements.txt
@TimStone i figured that, but NPC cheats too.
NPCs are easy
@fredley cat requirements.txt | xargs -n 1 pip
Obviously put an NPC in a big ship and he'll do work, but in small or medium ships, NPCs are easymode
Uuh, pip --install maybe
NPC anacondas with fully loaded multi cannon turrets is annoying as fuck
@Unionhawk Hm, I didn't know that
@KevinvanderVelden just pip install I think
they are the only things that constistently pop my shields
@fredley whichever, don't really use pip all that often =p
@GnomeSlice I found this quite enjoyable, thanks.
I've killed a player once, but they were just in a Sidewinder
@SaintWacko Yeah, it's something like medium ships take 2/3 damage from small weapons, but 100% damage from medium and up, and large ships take 1/3 from small, 2/3 from medium
Something to that effect. The numbers are probably not exact.
So, Anacondas, on top of having infinity shields and armor, also take reduced damage from small and medium weapons
@Unionhawk only hull damage, shields it doesnt matter
as far as i know
That would make sense
@GnomeSlice Ninja Gaiden composer, Keiji Yamagishi did an album, too. Have you heard it? store.bravewave.net/album/retro-active-pt-1
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I've got one more limb's worth of painting, and then my Build Strike is complete!
(It looks pretty darn good)
@Frank full package?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Indeed.
gonna see how turreted burst lasers handle today, now that 1.1 is out and turrets aren't stupid anymore.
And I have a Universe Booster coming, for the conversion into the Star Build.
@Frank oh nice~ I look forward to seeing it
@Frank have you seen MS Optimus Prime?
I'm trying some new colors on most of it. Going for a bit more of a subtle metallic look.
I have not, no. That's kinda neat.
@Frank I made a SD
Look at the little stubby legs :O
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Even in SD, the Neo Zeong has to be rather large.

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