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Yeah, apparently I backed Godus for $15
I wonder what games I've backed and completely forgotten.
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption
My favorite are my pencil & paper RPG backings. Those things are even worse than video games at delivering on promises
the Kickstarter that's gone worst for me is Haptix Multitouch :(
@Sterno I wonder how many @fredley has backed and forgotten.
For a while there he was backing a crapton of things.
At least I didn't back Ouya
@Wipqozn I get emails
So far I haven't had any failures. Still waiting on a number of them to deliver, so fingers crossed, but so far so good.
Distance, Robot Turtles, and Wipebook were all wins.
One RPG boxed set that was supposed to deliver in May 2013 is still only "75% complete" :P
@Sterno haha oh Ouya
Oh, hey, Project Eternity! That is looking good. Of course, estimated delivery was April 2014. New release date: March 26, 2015. Only a year off!
Oh, Grim Dawn. I backed you before you were even a Kickstarter, back in like 2011. You're so slow.
I should have never showed up to this class. I'm not ready to present at all.
Well, looking back at my Kickstarter pledges, the first one to fail to deliver was the Double Fine one
What's the presentation supposed to be about?
@Sterno Such disappoint.
5 minutes of bullshit about free speech
15 slides 20 seconds a slide. If I could do 1 slide I'd just have this guy up there and just stare at everyone for 5 minutes
Oh, you could just pull up the Bridge and we could say outrageous but protected things because this is the internet and it's important to misinterpret free speech.
Just link to @badp's Free Speech Madlib on meta
Q: How do weapon modifiers and other bonuses stack in Terraria?

WingbladeIf I have a weapon with a +X% damage modifier (e.g. Ruthless) while also having +Y% total other damage bonuses (from accessories, buffs, etc...), will the total damage be: Multiplicative: (BaseDamage * (100% + X%)) * (100% + Y%) OR Additive: BaseDamage * (100% + X% + Y%)

Oh hey, Last Week Tonight is back.
That reminds me
I have a fiend who is an eningeer. I bet he'd love that game.
@Unionhawk Aw, nobody starred my message so I can't say "repost".
@Yuuki Yours was hidden behind text
@Unionhawk Best gif.
cc @GnomeSlice
We just need like 5 more people to volunteer for me to survive today
@Sterno My first experience seems to have been one of the worst managed ones, so I'm quite disillusioned by the platform.
I can't hold a grudge terribly long over $15
3 @TEDx talks from scary genius children: http://t.ted.com/oMtZWs9
Man I am such a failure
Holy shit people born in 2000 are turning 15 this year
Fuck I'm old
@Unionhawk Nonsense
@Unionhawk You aren't old until you can't sign a 25 year old mortgage, because you'll be retired before you pay it off.
@Yuuki My wife hated drug reps, but she did like the free lunches
@Yuuki They should be giving me those billions of dollars instead!
(Literally. I sell software they use.)
@Unionhawk spend your 15 slides in a sequential uncovering of that picture
5 seconds per slide, 3'45" of staring
That's pretty efficient
@Unionhawk Cut it up into the individual panels and do 1 panel per slide
@SaintWacko slowpoke.tiff
@SaintWacko slowpoke.tiff
@badp Oh, is that what you meant?
@Unionhawk in the morning
Q: How do I pop the silver camo bloons?

CuriousWebDeveloperI'm not actually sure what this bloons are - They looked like lead camo bloons. My sniper monkey didn't pop them, even though it's capable of popping camo and lead bloons. This was at least past wave 52 or 53. It may have been near wave 60, I'm not sure, but it was on the first map. I have my...

@JasonBerkan rewhat?
@Batophobia that can't be right. The coffee needs to be in a bottle
Also the bottle needs to be so unpractical you can only carry 4 at a time
Also, if it's supposed to be unionhawk it needs more WRONG
In practice it's less of a coffee cup and more of a coffee pot. The rectangular kind
Also with straight up edges so they can't be stacked
Q: How does Majora's Mask fit into the timeline?

skullkidI want to start the game on friday. After playing Ocarina of Time a long time ago I ask myself how MM fits into the timeline. Is it a direct sequel to OoT? I mean you start the game as a kid again and as far as I remember you were an adult at the end of OoT.

Hey man, I think carrying 4 entire bottles worth of coffee is more than enough
Especially if I can soup glitch it and have unlimited coffee
@Sterno Personally, I don't feel the Double Fine kickstarter failed to deliver. Broken Age part 1 was pretty great, and the documentary that came with backing it is something I'm looking forward to watching.
@Fluttershy But the Kickstarter wasn't for half a game.
@Unionhawk it's one sip of espresso each
Soup glitch
I love me some unlimited soup.
#olive-garden #tim-stones-favorite-restaurant
@Unionhawk I don't think I ever got that in my playthrough
It's the best item in the game by far
@Sterno You're still getting the full game. It's just that part 2 hasn't been released yet. That's my understanding at least.
@Fluttershy Sure, but estimated delivery was October 2012
As for the half a game thing... At least Double Fine didn't burn all of the product and post a long-winded update about the perils of capitalism. :P
I'm not saying they might not eventually deliver, but it would be hard to call it a success
It is certainly far from the worst Kickstarter
I'd have to call... "Buy me chipotle" the worst
I just feel like a lot of the flak DFA is getting isn't warranted.
My favorite Kickstarter is the one where the guy decided to not send the books he made to any of the backers, and to burn one every time someone complained, while ranting about how awful consumerism and his backers are
@Unionhawk Potato Salad.
@Fluttershy Or decide that they were taking too long to deliver, and then throw everything out and start from scratch with a NEW, BETTER thing than was promised, two years beyond their release date.
@Fluttershy Yeah, that's also a thing, but I also changed my mind and switch to the one @Sterno just mentioned.
@Sterno WOAH. That is offensive, sir. You take that back.
That is the worst.
@Sterno Ah! Consumerism, not capitalism. That's the one I was thinking about. :P
@Fluttershy No, instead they made Spacebase DF-9. That's far worse!
Q: How to stop my Minecraft from crashing (February 2015)

bark415I haven't played Minecraft for at least three months, so I wanted to get on and play again. When I started the launcher everything was normal, so as usual i pressed the "Play" button. So it started up as usual, but when the game it self came up it crashed immediately. I tried again and the exact ...

Oh hey. You can watch the first episode of better call saul for free on amazone amazon.com/dp/B00T57HWA0/…
CC @LessPop_MoreFizz
> 'To watch this Free Episode, install the free Silverlight plug-in—it will just take a minute.
That's not free, that's selling your soul.
You also need an amazon account which I don't have
I actually have silverlight installed I think
Though that's only for work
You told me it was free. I was lied to.
Who even uses silverlight in a day and age where html5 video is a thing
And why are they the worst
Also on itunes, which is worse than silverlight itunes.apple.com/us/tv-season/uno/id941931470?i=964323099
@Unionhawk people who want DRM
Fuck those people
Cause html5 video does not provide that and silverlight does
Is that the reason to use it over flash too?
I have flash
@Unionhawk Yeah, pretty much
One of the big selling points of silverlight actually (as in, the microsoft event I went to about silverlight pretty much just talked about how awesome it could do media and OOH WE HAVE DRM TO)
@Unionhawk The important thing is that you have come to realize and accept this.
@TimStone Spacebase makes me sad. :( It had so much potential, and they walked away from it.
@Wipqozn I disagree
I know, they're such monsters ;_;
I have high hopes for Massive Chalice though.
@Unionhawk I disagree with your disagree.
Don't support Amazon and their Silverlight ways, just watch it directly on AMC
And support them for making good TV shows
Oh hey, "f--k" is in my Swype dictionary.
Back to what I was about to say: f--k Flash.
7 mins ago, by Unionhawk
> 'To watch this Free Episode, install the free Silverlight plug-in—it will just take a minute.
That is my alternative.
I will choose flash over silverlight in all cases
@KevinvanderVelden They just hooked up our new line :D
If only somehow @Frank had backed that.
There's always "purchasing" it.
@Yuuki Nope.
1) I don't want to actually purchase it 2) "purchasing" it is way too much work when it's available for free online anyway
I don't see why a desire for affluence needs to be defended. But then again, I'm not a crazy person.
I might not be a crazy person.
You can't prove @Yuuki is a crazy person. He could be faking it.
wellp, guess im done with @Batophobia's TD incremental. accidentally clicked clear save and it worked for once.
@KevinvanderVelden Well, "are you a regular on the Bridge?" is an approved diagnostic question for insanity.
why no confirmation >:O
@Rapitor forgot to add one XD
@Rapitor He's going by the EA model. Clear save confirmation is going to be in upcoming DLC.
@Rapitor what new incremental?
Incrementals are so 2014
@Unionhawk so is your face
@Unionhawk no, they are so two thousand and late
but i am addicted nonetheless
and i require moar
No you don't
Nobody needs incremental games
Nobody needs your face.
@Sterno Once bitten, twice shy.
I think I'm over the Kickstarter craze.
I'll buy games when they come out if I want to play them, thank you.
@Yuuki I need my face
I'm over it and I never started. Haven't Kickstarted anything. Although I think I do have 3 Early Access games.
@Rapitor Added a confirmation to Clear Save button
Granted that's more because I'm stingy rather than any suspicion of Kickstarter.
I backed the Cyanide and Happiness show, but the payment failed for some reason.
@Batophobia umm, how the hell do i play this?
@MattGiltaji It's an incremental. It plays you.
@Yuuki ya but in the manual phase
@Batophobia too late now! the damage has been done
ah nvm, i think i got it
@MattGiltaji money goes up, you build squares to attack smaller squares
@Rapitor Just cheaty-face your stuff back :P
This game does not mobile, by the way.
Wasn't meant to.....
Maybe I should make a mobile incremental.....
ah, these yellow ones are too fsat
wait no that's a horrible idea I'd never do anything again
some sort of sell option would be cool, because my original placements are totally fuct
better restart
I'm confused how they're still considering revoking his pension. Any "protect and serve"-ing he did is kinda wiped out by the multiple homicide charges/convictions.
@MattGiltaji After 12 levels you get Ascension option which it basically "start over, but be a little better"
@Batophobia mmm, cool. i guess you need an faq page with this stuff eventually
@Frank that too :D I understand :D
@TimStone Police unions.
I feel like "Hey, if you kill your wife or, you know, try to have a prosecutor killed, you're on your own" should be part of the sign-up material.
@TimStone Except police unions don't work that way. It's all about protecting them, even when there's extremely good reasons not to.
@Wipqozn w-w-what? o.o NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo........... dies
shouldnt have told me to cheat @Batophobia, I ruined everything
the game runs at like 3 fps
@Frank Yeah, which is just crazy. I mean, I "get" the terrible defenses of "in the line of duty" crap, but this is just straight up crazy.
I told you to get back what you lost -_-
@TimStone It's almost always unions who ensure bad cops can get another job elsewhere. The whole, "Oh, no, we can't ruin their career! He's defended this state/county/precinct with his life!" argument.
It's why we get shitty detectives that botch 82 cases, and get to skate with a minor rap their knuckles.
@Frank also the whole "This is what we are legally obligated to do"
(Not disagreeing with you that it's not a good thing mind, just adding a bit of nuance)
There's definitely a case to be made for unions needing to be there.
There just needs to be a better balance between defending cops, and allowing the bad apples to continue BEING bad apples in a position of privileged authority.
@Batophobia btw, ascension is so ezmode
@MattGiltaji until you get to higher levels
@Batophobia we'll see
@Frank I agree completely, I'm a big fan of unions
Huh: "member for 4 years, 7 months"
39m awarded Yearling
Ooh derp
I missed the 4 years bit
@KevinvanderVelden For the most part, I'm not; mostly because the implementations I'm familiar with pay zero attention to personal circumstances, but rather are complete bureaucracies. It's great for underperformers, but really bad for those who demonstrate greater capacity and skill.
Unions would just limit my earning potential.
@Frank That union is doing it wrong. They should force a minimum wage, not a maximum.
@Arperum They do both.
Or at least, all the ones I know of.
@Arperum yeah, every union i've heard of does the range
Same, range dependent on seniority and job description
Hmmm, don't think Belgium has max wages.
Brand new users with decent answers here and here
I get that it formalizes the process for salary increases and job descriptions, but it tends to emphasize the paperwork over actual ability.
@JasonBerkan I dream of a day where house prices aren't ridiculous.
@Wipqozn What do you consider ridiculous?
@Wipqozn Regardless of house prices, most mortgages are amortized over 20+ years.
@JasonBerkan 15 year mortgage if you're feeling super aggressive!
@JasonBerkan I didn't know that.
@Sterno Or 30 if you have all the time in the world.
My first house cost loss (monthly) than my one-bedroom apartment.
@JasonBerkan Or, like me, you got in before the housing crash, 40 years, and I rode that interest rate straight into the ground.
30 year seems to be the go-to in the US
@Sterno Living costs are expensive period I've come to realize
@Sterno I won't
That's sad. :(
Kids is a responsibility I do not wish to commit myself to.
We're trying to get our house renovated at the moment, and the prices we are being quoted are shocking.
@JasonBerkan I seriously don't know why people even go to college anymore when trade skills can fetch you a pretty decent salary
And I sure as shit don't know how to do any of that stuff, nor does most of my generation. My dad, on the other hand, could do it all. And fix the car. And build an addition to the house.
@Sterno Maybe I'll change in a few years, but right now kids just seem like this huge responsibility and commitment I just don't want. I don't want to give up 10+ years of my life raise children. And I certainly aren't going to enter something like that unless I'm fully committed to it. It's just not fair to the kids.
But I can fix his computer!
@Sterno Do you want a coder under you that hasn't gotten any post secondary education?
@Wipqozn Haha, lowballing that at 10 years is cute.
@Sterno Not right now, but in the past 5-10 years, you could earn a ton of money by heading to Alberta to work in the oil fields.
@Sterno I know. Probably closer to 15.
@Frank Sure.
We actually have one. He's pretty good.
@Sterno They tend to be a risk at first. And require a decent amount of training.
College felt like a huge waste of money other than it being necessary on the resume.
But I was talking about things like carpenters, electricians, etc
@Sterno Yeah, trade skills are great for apprenticeships.
@Sterno when i have kids i will totally make them do some sort of tradeskill
My dad's a jack of all trades.
Can do damn near anything.
@Sterno Yeah - if earning money is your goal, college may not be the best choice.
same or nearly same pay rate, no college loans
@Frank That's actually the title you get at my company if you join without prior schooling/experience. "Apprentice Software Engineer". :P
@Sterno It's nice you have room and bandwidth to do that.
I can't say for sure but I'm willing to bet you get a significantly lower starting salary than a college grad
I wish I could; but we're stretched so thin, we need someone who we know can do the job with minimal supervision.
could coding be considered a trade?
However, the one guy who has joined so far that way was promoted to full position in a year and a half. SO that's 1.5 years of being paid and then getting there, versus 4 years of paying for college
And when it comes to programming business applications, I'd rather have an uneducated, but willing to learn, coder than someone with a degree. I've had to fire too many people with masters CS degrees.
@Sterno but assuming that you worked while the grad was still in school, you have 4 years of experience
@JasonBerkan All book learning, but no practicality for current situations?
@JasonBerkan Honestly I think computer science might have it worse in that field than most others. Technology changes so fast that unless you have awesome professors, whatever they're teaching you is probably dated. You graduate with obsolete skills unless you're learning shit on your own (which you can do without going to college)
@Sterno Most of my schooling didn't emphasize languages, but the concepts behind them.
@Sterno recursion, caching, algorithm design are pretty language agnostic
Q: WoD: Assault on XXX Apexis Crystal events

Wayne WeibelI have been doing the Apexis Crystal daily, but when I began questing in Draenor I would have the percentage bar appear in the assault areas (when not on the daily). In fact I was able to complete multiple in the same day if I ended up in the right area. Even now I can occasionally complete mor...

@Frank Pretty much. A CS degree is great if you are going to do something fancy and complicated (i.e. write the code for Gollum's hair). If you are just spamming out web code for a business...
@Sterno Computer science is pretty stale. Software engineering is fairly dynamic. I guess you're talking about the latter.
Same here, but the concepts themselves were dated. Let's learn the Waterfall method of software development!
@Sterno Well you're old, though.
@StrixVaria Correct. Though it was called "Computer science" when I was in school :P
I learned what waterfall is in a few sentences and then they said "don't do that."
@JasonBerkan Or insist on following a specific process, real world be damned.
Are you guys saying it's possible to get a coding job straight out of high school?
@Chippies I'd have to see some code you have already written, but yes.
@JasonBerkan web code isn't just html tables anymore, you've got async calls, functional programming...
@Chippies Possible. Maybe not likely
You'd definitely want something to show them you've got chops
@Chippies I did.
@Frank I thought you went to college or something, you got a diploma, right?
Build a frankenstein of a website, e-commerce in classic ASP and VBScript.
(North American education system is confusing to me)
@Chippies Yeah, after this job.
I also started programming before I got my degree. I worked and went to school at night for 9 years.
@Frank ah, I see
This was in 2001, when e-commerce was still pretty new.
@Frank dammit i think i am maintaining what you wrote :p
Took me six months and tons of scope creep, but I built a functional site.
And then they hired a guy from college, who stole all my work and re-wrote it in six days.
@Chippies I was hired into my current position in my first year of university based on stuff I had done for money in high school, so I guess so.
so, are websites the thing everyone makes to show at job interviews?
@MattGiltaji You can learn that from other devs, books, or SO. I've found that guys that have taken 5-7 years of CS schooling spend too much time optimizing and abstracting and not enough time writing.
So, I'm currently working on an internal project at work. It's a web app for managing our projects and staffing. One of the managers filed a bug because it doesn't work for him in IE. He's using IE8. I think that should be grounds for immediate firing.
@JasonBerkan i only had 4 years, maybe that's the difference
@JasonBerkan We have a ton of regular "tech days" where coders meet up and give lectures on tools. I find that most of what they talk about is abstracting to a very unreasonable degree.
Oh sweet, my "build your own shell in c" project will be done by the time I start interviews
@Sterno I have an IE8 bug in my backlog too, and I'm pretty sure we support IE9+
If you're making me fix our internal-only website to be compatible with IE8, I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO MOCK YOU ON THE INTERNET.
It's great coding practice, yeah, but there's a limit to how far you can abstract something in an actual business environment.
Everyone here has full admin on their machine. They can update their browser. They can INSTALL CHROME
This guy was even a coder, once! Updating a browser isn't beyond him!
@Sterno Our company still has IE8. IT will install something else, but only upon request.
@Wipqozn at least its not IE7
@MattGiltaji We only support IE9+, and if we get complaints that something isn't working in IE8 we just tell them to get IT to install chrome.
@Sterno And what is IE6 at?
Support HTML5 or GTFO
@Batophobia 1.1%
@Sterno html5 support is still hit or miss even with latest browsers
Half of that is CHina
@MattGiltaji Yeah, but there's missing when you roll a nat 1 on that d20, and missing on anything but a 20
Ah that reminds me of how terrible my newest D&D character is. I'm a sorcerer. The only useful thing I did last encounter was summon spiders to eat up enemy attacks of opportunity so my allies could move.
@Sterno it depends on the features you need. rounded corners not showing up, meh. local storage corrupting your ish.... not fun
@StrixVaria AoO fodder is best fodder
@StrixVaria Is this that 3E game where you specifically took Weapon Focus on your Sorcerer because you hate yourself?
@Sterno I eventually changed my mind and didn't take weapon focus.
Instead I have a large monstrous spider as a familiar, and I ride it around.
Well, that alone is worth the price of admission.
What's its name?
It only gets a +4 to hit, but it can shoot webs and stuff.
I also spent close to 1000gp on poisons which I've never used and may never use.
@StrixVaria does it get spider climb, so you can ride it up walls?
@MattGiltaji Yes it does.
@StrixVaria nice
It also has tremorsense and can shoot webs to entangle things up to huge.
@StrixVaria web a young dragon? really useful
I think huge is 1 bigger than large.
@StrixVaria yes it is
Yeah, then huge.
Our party is...not conventional, though.
I have no combat skill. My spells are things like obscuring mist and expeditious retreat.
@StrixVaria You're the worst.
@Sterno My character is the worst*
Then we have a cleric in spiked full plate who grapples anything it can get near.
Your mom's the worst.
And a warblade who does all the damage but has no defense at all.
@StrixVaria yeah warblades are fragile like that
Expeditious Retreat can actually be a pretty potent offensive spell for a melee character
@StrixVaria So you and the cleric make sure everything is completely stuck and then you let loose the warblade?
@Arperum No, the warblade charges into battle on the first round because he's impatient.
@StrixVaria Do you have a fourth person constantly reviving the warblade?
You can expeditious retreat your spider to have it close the gap on enemies quickly and devour them!
@Arperum No, only 3 characters.
@Sterno It only gets a +4 to hit, unfortunately, and I can only maintain expeditious retreat on it if I'm within 5 feet of it.
@StrixVaria so you are not riding it in battle? there's your problem
Well, yeah. Obviously you ride it into battle like a champion.
I mean, come on.
This would go great with that weapon focus feat you almost took!
Just get a lance!
Stop leveling up sorcerer and switch to fighter!
@StrixVaria So you have a warblade charging like an idiot, a dude in huge spikey armor and some other dude riding a giant spider who are then rushing after said warblade to save his ass?
He could just throw fireballs as he drives-by the enemies
@MattGiltaji I am, depending on the terrain. The most recent encounter was pretty cramped for the spider.
@Arperum Mostly the cleric does the saving and I cast daze or something from the sidelines.
a fireball throwing sorcerer riding a spider is certainly much cooler than a dude with a sword riding a spider
And fail.
@Chippies I don't know any direct damaging spells. That wouldn't be in-character.
besides, spiders are very wide, so it would be difficult to hit anything with a sword/lance from top of a spider
@StrixVaria well you haven't thought this through then
@StrixVaria what is your favored domain?
@MattGiltaji Do sorcerers have that?
3E was great for abusing multiclassing
how can you even call yourself a sorcerer without damaging spells? Or do you have like, DoTs?
@StrixVaria well what is in character for your sorc?
There's some spider-based prestige class I'll be taking at level 7. The DM knows all the things.
@MattGiltaji Spiders.
I have summon spider, web, bought a ton of poisons to apply to my crossbow bolts (which I've never even hit with), etc.
@StrixVaria you really sound more like a typical ranger/hunter
has no knowledge of D&D

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