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Oh, no it's not. Well it should be.
@GnomeSlice it's also meta
you don't get rep for meta
@Wipqozn No reps for meta?
anyways, toodles
@GnomeSlice Only for Meta.SO.
@Powerlord That's weird.
I also never understood why the 'meta meta' is on StackOverflow and not StackExchange.
@GnomeSlice Meta.SO predates StackExchange.
@Powerlord Well, why not migrate it then? Actually, I guess that's kind of impossible.
@GnomeSlice I think they're afraid people won't be able to find it any more.
@Powerlord They could make each link redirect to the other.
Wait. That's dumb.
@GnomeSlice Try to go to meta.stackexchange.com
@Fabian Wow, that was fast.
I thought it was a bad idea. Go me.
I think I scared away @badp. Again.
I forgot MiCamp was this week. Woo, (almost) manager free week for the rest of the week!
Nah, I'm just wondering how long Google needs to suspend my account
The clock's ticking towards 30 minutes now if I'm not mistaken
@badp Google suspended your account?
@Brant Ew, Podcast.
@Powerlord I think it's doing that. Slooooowly.
@Brant :o whoaaaa
My avatar was deleted for a moment and it's come back, so it's currently being so slow it's going backwards.
@badp ...I don't think that's the way it works.
Q: Can ice blocks placed in the nether be used to produce water?

FambidaThe smp server I play on has a general "don't cheat, but feel free to exploit" rule. This means no using /give to spawn water blocks for placing in the nether. However, our admin recently installed the monsterhunt mod and made ice blocks one of the prizes for first place. So, do ice blocks place...

Yup yup yup. Hellbanning people and putting them in read only mode isn't a particularly smart thing to do but...
See if I care, Google.
@badp: You've gone all "Profile not found" on me.
@Brant Yes, somebody decided to flag me
Google is not going to get my surname, and it is not going to put it on the internet for everybody to read, and it is not going to allow anybody on the internet to send me good enough phishing
Oh, lovely.
so whatever. I'm just going to use Twitter more and put the longer stuff on Diaspora or whatever
I didn't know plusgate was that severe.
That sucks.
While I am obviously not an advocate of pseudonimity myself, and I can understand Google's stance somewhat... that's a really bad decision of them.
Yeah, you know, people who hide themselves behind nicks do all sorts of evil things
You're all better off, trust me.
I understand their stance too, but they're wrong.
What are we discussing?
@GnomeSlice Google+ not allowing fake names
Their stance is it should be easy for people to find me by the surname I tell to no one
@Powerlord ...How the hell does it know what your name is. :/
@GnomeSlice It requires you to enter your real name
@FallenAngelEyes Yes, but how does it know what your real name is. =/
Also, trololol.
I think that you are suggested to provide documentation if your authenticity is called into question
They also have bars against supposedly obviously fake names.
@GraceNote And that doesn't even always work
My name isn't Alan Jones?
A friend of mine who is a photographer and a furre had her legal name changed to reflect that
Actually, I forgot what name the Facebook profile I have linked to my Steam account is.
and because it didn't sound like a "conventional" name, she spent over a month suspended on G+
@FallenAngelEyes Do you have some letters switched there?
@GnomeSlice If it isn't extremely obvious people just flag the user
It's a fakebook.
@GraceNote No
kinda like you flag posts here
Or yes
@GraceNote I dunno, I had friends named "The Shark", "Uno Qualunque" (= "Any Body"), "voob scout"
Oh right, I can flag too.
@badp I said they had bars, not that they were particularly good ones.
"furry" is the adjective, "furre" is the noun
Oh yay, it sounds like SSL3.0 and TLS 1.0 have been cracked.
@FallenAngelEyes That I didn't call into question, it was more the "your friend is a photography?"
Gwah? Link?
@FallenAngelEyes What's a furre?
Is that like Hitler?
@GnomeSlice Someone who identifies as furry
I'M A FURRY! puts on a Mascot suit
I really do wish Diaspora allowed me to import Twitter friends.
Isn't @Arda running a Diaspora node?
Yes, that makes 2 of us
I was, but I joined joindiaspora.com instead.
oh yeah, I forgot, since last friday I can has g+
@ThomasMcDonald You don't want to though.
I just deleted my google+ account.
@ThomasMcDonald you mention that a bit too late
It's not cool anymore.
they only let me sign up since last friday
I just wish Google+ didn't mean giving up on resharing from Google Reader
I used to do that all the time
@badp It doesn't.
@ArdaXi Oh yes it does.
Google+ just opened up signups to everyone.
I can reshare.
So, of course it's not cool now.
I cannot have a G+ account.
@ArdaXi I can't
Your profile is disabled.
Not just your G+ account, your entire Google Profile is gone.
That's the whole point.
That's what stops you sharing.
Not G+.
If I hadn't joined Google+ my Google Profile wouldn't be gone.
Fair enough.
@badp I lol'd.
@badp Which is ridiculous
checks star history...lots of one stars... I wonder if GnomeSlice has been around for the past hour?
@GraceNote That would be a much funnier statement if it was a reply to his next message.
@GnomeSlice I noticed that when I posted after both of the responses to said message.
@GraceNote 'Which' referring to Google I would say.
@Mana @MANA
@ArdaXi I would agree on that account considering it's their choice to implement this ridiculousness.
@GraceNote I think I'm dumb, because I've read that message 5 times and don't understand.
This is pretty much accurate
> Exception: major celebrities such as Lady Gaga, 50 Cent, T-Pain, and Soulja Boy seem to be exempted from this.
@GnomeSlice Yes you are.
That's it. I'm going to delete my account before they do.
@GnomeSlice YES
@ThomasMcDonald D: Can't stream this and the podcast at the same time.
@GnomeSlice "I realized that because the previous two messages in chat were responses to badp's comment about Google Reader not having anti-fake-name measures, it was easy to skim and assume mine was likewise as a result of responding to badp and being immediately following, so I looked at the interpretation and noticed that it would be amusing, albeit morbid, if I had indeed marked it as a response to that message, matching in-line with what you noted"
Oh come on, I even lose the people I added on GTalk?
I need to see this contraption in action: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/30794/…
@ArdaXi 404
@ArdaXi "Page doesn't exist"
the thing I tweeted about earlier was a secret and has been removed. please forget everything.
@ArdaXi So... what did it say?
@GraceNote x_x I get it.
How many times can you do that before it becomes unfunny?
"It's highly likely people who go to MineCon will get a unique cloak in Minecraft. #cloakbasedminingsimulation"
@ArdaXi I take it this isn't Notch's first time doing such a thing?
I'm making a fool of myself in the Podcast chat.
I should probably stop.
@GraceNote I can remember him doing that before.
@GnomeSlice You probably won't.
@GnomeSlice I don't think you're being that bad
I mean, I only know who Jeff and Joel are because I spoke with both of them prior to my employment, so I already knew their voices.
@GraceNote You work for SE?
...How did I miss that.
@GnomeSlice I have no idea since I was pretty sure you congratulated me.
Posted by Robert Cartaino on August 9th, 2011

You might know Chris better as “Grace Note,” the moderator extraordinaire on our Gaming Stack Exchange.

I appointed Chris to a pro tem moderator position nearly a year ago. I wasn’t an avid user of Gaming SE, but I was continually amazed how often Chris’s name kept popping up in our moderator chat room. Chris was quickly becoming The Person to quote when you needed a clear, compelling explanation of how this community-management stuff should work. Even in our meta community, Chris was earning a ridiculous amount of rep in a short period of time. You should read some of his posts because it’s really good stuff. …

@GraceNote That does sound like me... Hm...
Jesus, I also thought you were a woman.
@GnomeSlice Me too
@GnomeSlice People still do, I don't know why you need to change that.
Grace Note is actually a well-organized collective of 47 different people.
@Grace I always thought you were an ornament
@fredley Armament is more accurate.
@GraceNote Really? Not heard of armaments before
Aug 16 at 16:48, by Grace Note
Everyone knows that I'm really just a sentient piece of self-propelled artillery.
Nov 30 '10 at 23:25, by Grace Note
@badp I don't actually mind. Though, personally, I'd prefer to be acknowledged as a piece of self-propelled artillery instead of a generic 'bot if it has to come to that.
I quite like the idea of a musical armament though
Armament as in, weapon.
@fredley Well, the R-9DH is named after the humming sound it makes when the Wave Cannon fires. ♪
@GraceNote I see, this is beginning to make sense :)
@GnomeSlice That's my only understanding of the term
Hurray, beat GnomeSlice's time! Wait, that's actually not an achievement at all. That's like, barely applaudable.
@Mana ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
How come you can't do a chat search for Y U NO
Is there a minimum word-length requirement?
Well, you can but it returns 0 results.
I found this.
May 31 at 14:47, by Matthew Read
user image
@GnomeSlice is that you GnomeSlice?
@Wipqozn N...No.
@GnomeSlice Are you sure?
@Wipqozn ._.
@GnomeSlice I'll take that as a no,.
@ArdaXi Mine returns 0 results.
I am obviously better than you.
Wow, 4 stars, that was fast.
@GnomeSlice ??
I just got 6 stars in like 10 seconds.
in SE Podcast Live Chat, 30 secs ago, by Aarthi Devanathan Ψ
@GnomeSlice tsk, you look like a jerk AND an idiot now.
@Grace Maybe it's because Chris is unisex.
@badp So are you still using that @joindiaspora.com account or did you say something about running your own?
Aug 4 at 1:39, by Raven Dreamer
user image
Also I just keep swapping your gender because I always have.
@GraceNote I once had a co-worker form an entire theory about how karma was my bitch.
@GraceNote I try not to think about it too much.
@RonanForman Unisex would mean he'd have not much reason to change. But, sure, I could start blaming your father. ♪
Genders are confusing. Let's go shopping!
Kitten shopping?
Jeez, it's all in caps too.
@RonanForman This. I assume @GraceNote chose that name at birth just to confuse people on the internet.
Despite the fact that this is kind of creepy, the tech's pretty neat
@FallenAngelEyes Uh... ew. But whoa.
@Mana did you actually beat it.
That's pretty cool.
@Fallen Hmmmm... Ah! instant manga!
The Michael Jackson one scared the shit out of me.
@GnomeSlice Haha yeah
I think the features were a tad exaggerated.
Do you know if it's fly generated or made in post,
@ArdaXi I still have that
@RonanForman I think it's fly generated but I didn't read the links
but... I doubt I can find anybody else I know who's active in there
Wow attack the blocks on 4od downloads
@RonanForman I wasn't a fan...as I work in a school I hear enough "ghetto" speak all day any way.
user image
also, told.
@tombull89 Waaahahahahaha.
I hate how American think they know things.
I'm really tempted to write an article for the blog entitled THings you're doing wrong as Spy
I'm pretty good at spy checking, but some spies... wow, that things they do that just Scream HEY! I'M A SPY!
I see sooo many people disguise as a scout and then, well. Be disguised as a scout. protip: you move a lot slower then an actual scout.
I also don't think most spies know that you can disguise as your fellow team mates
I don't know how many times I've seen spies running around with their team mates, disguised as someone on the opposing team. THen they try to sneak up to you by running directly from them to you. OH WOW! I WONDER IF THAT GUY IS A SPY!
Wow, Deadmau5 links something on Facebook, and it effectively DDOS's it.
> Turns out Niagara Falls native Joel Zimmerman, known around the world as Deadmau5, will be going on the Niagara Falls Arts and Culture Wall of Fame after all.
@GnomeSlice that's what he wants you to think
@Wipqozn No, it was from the news page that he linked.
I don't even know why I still follow him on Facebook, he's not actually that great.
Just marketable.
Q: Why does WoW create a desktop icon when I run the launcher?

JonnyPI'm running Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and have installed World of Warcraft using Wine. Absolutely everything about the game's install went perfectly, and everything works exactly as it should (even the one minor detail that WineHQ's AppDB listed about the launcher not being able to actually start the gam...

Q: What do I do with this leopard?

andronikusSo, a few years ago I bought this leopard from an elven caravan, hoping that I could train it as a war animal and post it to guard the entrance to my fort. I saw later on the wiki that leopards are only trainable by the Dungeon Master, so that's not going to happen. So, what can I do with it? ...

Okay, so Good Noows is okayish, but it's not really productive
No unread markers... no concept of "unread/read" actually... meh
let's see where else I can migrate for my rapistic oversharing needs
@GnomeSlice Yes. 1:05 was my time
@Mana Do you still have the link?
@GnomeSlice inb4 mana is lying.
@Mana is a mod now, you can't trust him.
I'm on my netbook and I did it on my desktop
@Mana a likely story
a little.... too likely, don't you think @GnomeSlice?
@Mana You won't have the link anyway.
@GnomeSlice because it doesn't exist
Because he probably didn't save it.
Or that.
oh snap Music of the Night. Love this song.
I really should get around to watching Phantom of the Opera sometime.
Does somebody want to get banned? I'm in the mood
Also, what's wrong?
g'night all!
@FallenAngelEyes you're still here?
err, I mean... good night!
I kid, I kid
@badp Are you okay?!
@Mana I think you just made him even more angry.
Seriously though @badp, what's bothering you?
inb4 he's not really bothered by anything, and is just in the mood to be a dick
I was browsing slashdot...
@badp ._.
calm down people
I don't know what that is, but go on
@Wipqozn Group suicide meetup website
@wipqozn i see we have a volunteer!
(how do you not know slashdot...? Comp Sci students these days)
@Mana I'm a terrible person, I know
you don't know what slashdot is... I think three hours should be enough to figure it out
@Mana As it were, I never actually knew what Slashdot was for years, only that it existed. It didn't help that bash.org had a very similar name in sound and offensive implementation.
@badp I'll be busy doing an assignment, so it won't help
@MarcoCeppi: Required TF2 update that changes the physics of the Sticky Launcher. You need to update your server.
Well I've heard of it before, I just never cared enough to look into it
@GraceNote omg u so dum loooooool lololololol
What's slashdot?
@Wipqozn That's... just meaning you have less to lose in being suspended, you know.
@pow Changes how?
Why would you browse a group suicide meeting website??
@GraceNote I know.
Because it's entertaining.
@badp "Updated the physics for the Sticky Jumper projectiles so they behave like regular sticky bombs"
Algorithms assignment too, so proofs, proofs and more proofs. Luckily I like proofs.
Also, they made two of the newer hats craftable.
To watch the plight of humanity, the thousands upon thousands of desperate souls who are abandoning this mortal coil in the only way they know how
@Mana Maybe I should look into it.
oh. Lol. What was the point of using a stickyjumper then?
@Mana Is it .org or .com?
@badp It's to practice bomb jumps.
Same as the Rocket Jumper is to practice rocket jumps.
...with bombs that didn't behave like the real thing?
So, is @badp gonna explain what he found on slashdot?
Doesn't sound useful
@GraceNote I think he is too busy thinking of how long he wants to suspend me for.
@grace nothing that triggered the banhappy message
So, are you going to note what made you banhappy or are you going to mull in silence?
that was just plus and getting steamrolled in tf2 and tomorrow's exam etc.
"I just feel like someone should be banned" is technically an acceptable answer, as it were, if you were just in the mood rather than in the "GRARRGH!" mood.
@badp Ah. Today is one of those days. You have my condolences
That's weird, Valve updated a lot more .so files than I was expecting.
yrah, it's more like graargh or waargarbl.
Must be because of the CS:S update from the other day.
It's a gwagwagwagwagwagwagwag day for me personally
It doesn't help that, from what I gather, dualbooting a windows 8 machine is going to be more or less impossible
@Mana ._.
@Mana You should be glad I cannot properly illustrate a horrifying dwarvish laugh in text.
VALVE: Please make it so your server updater doesn't return "Connection reset by peer" when it actually legitimately finished. It messes up my auto-updater code.
@mana I fully expect now the relevant homestuck picture
@GraceNote Oh, that's what that's supposed to be?
@Mana No
@Mana That's Bubbleman.
I'm not going to do a dwarvish laugh in the chat room because I will not be able to do it justice.
maybe I missed the relevant line of dialogue, I don't see any opportunity for an HS reference
The best I can tell you is the reactions, which have pretty much been universally "That is the most terrifying laugh I have ever heard in my life"
Specifically, it causes my auto-updater to attempt to update again instead of just verifying that the version I now have matches the master server.
Wait, you do a dwarvish laugh in real life?!
@grace simply put it on youtube
@Mana I could if I wanted to scare children for the following forty nights, and send adults to their loved ones for comfort.
@GraceNote are...are there female dwarves? I forget.
Yes, there are
Well, depending on your mythos, but I believe most do.
In thinking, I'm actually not sure that Norse has female dwarves.
Would your dwarvish laugh be more of a female dwarven laugh or a male dwarven laugh?
@Mana I don't think there is a difference
dwaaaaaaaaaarves :(
@Mana y u no reply.
ii can easily imagine the woman version being more unsettling
@Mana How about "nightmarish", we can leave it at that. ♪
@Mana Perhaps you should play dwarf fortress
Also this horror predates Dwarf Fortress anyway.
@GnomeSlice ?
u no answer.
Hah, my computer theory teacher is talking about "not-c"s....:D
Try repeating your question/inquiry, @GnomeSlice
18 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@Mana Is it .org or .com?

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