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Q: What's the earliest third-person action game with a major escort component?

jsnlxndrlvICO set a major precedent for the escort archetype, as both Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and later Resident Evil 4 made excellent use of support characters who needed to be protected and escorted, but who had mission-critical abilities of their own. Was ICO the first, though? What's the ea...

@Manaಠдಠ No it isn't.
Press '8' on your keyboard once it starts playing.
@GnomeSliceツ You already posted that.
@Wipqozn Yeah, but that's where the reference came from.
Oh, is it going to be Blockhead's main response?
No, his conscience asks him that.
Big, fat, man-lump seeees everything, mhm man-lump?
SE just scolded me for not voting on questions enough
@badp Shame on you.
It is becoming sentient?
@CruelCow SE, or the Man-Lump?
@badp That sucks.
@GnomeSliceツ ಠ_ಠ
@CruelCow ?
I'm not sure about the nominees @Oak, but I strongly dislike joke answers like this one
They make wonderful comments, but not answers.
@Wipqozn Good thing you've never met @GnomeSl~ oh shit.
@GnomeSliceツ Yeah, I try to forget I know that guy.
A: Does hitting a sheep in the face yield more wool?

GnomeSlice ツNo, but it's much more satisfying, so you FEEL like you're getting more wool.

Also, had a change to play frozen synapse yet?
Those actually answer the question though.
No, haven't completed downloading it yet.
this does not:
My internet is slow, and it's over 200 mb
A: What genre of video game does Diablo belong to?

Christian Sciberras"Unforgettable Classics" would be my take. :)

Man I'm feeling tired already and Town Hall Chat is still 5.5 hours away
@Wipqozn Does not what?
Wait, no they don't.
There is nothing wrong with a joke answer if it actually answers the question. It's when it doesn't that it's a problem.
@GnomeSliceツ Thank you, I hadn't downvoted this one just yet
@GnomeSliceツ You haven't deleted it yet
@badp Nope.
It's well established on the page that it's incorrect anyway.
Fine, then. I'll do it for you. ♪
So I post these ridiculous answers.
It wasn't giving you reputation anyway
@badp No! Take a vote!
I know it wasn't.
A: In Halo games, whats the best way to make use of marines?

GnomeSlice ツIf you need a particular weapon, like a Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle etc, you can swap your current weapon with a marine to take his. So marines can be a good way to get weapons in certain situations. Additionally, a marine will carry any weapon you give him until he is killed, or you s...

And then I write this monster on a simple question.
@GnomeSliceツ Yes, but you did answer the question, just incorrectly.
If you answered it Knowing it was incorrect, then it should be deleted in my opinion.
@Wipqozn Isn't that worse than a non-answer?
@Wipqozn Well, you see...
I had a theory.
About magic.
@GnomeSliceツ Incorrect answer should be downvoted, but not deleted.
@Wipqozn YEAH @BADP.
A moderator has deleted this post and it cannot be undeleted
Fuck the system.
@Wipqozn Incorrect answers shouldn't be upvoted either
it had 26 upvotes
@badp Oh, the pig one?
@badp I wasn't get reps for it any longer...
@badp Actually, it had 42 upvotes.
upvoted, incorrect answers that don't get fixed in months, and then become bragging rights for the owner deserve deletion if you ask me.
@badp Yeah, in that case I think it should be deleted. It was obviously getting upvotes for the humour factor, not correctness.
"In the end, it's fine as long as the correct answer remains highly voted. If this question gets a higher score than the other one, then... we'd have some problems in how it implies that it is more useful and more correct than the correct answer. Nothing that would be further of Gnome's fault, though. [May 21st, pruned comments. -bp] – Grace Note♦ May 6 at 16:12"
@GraceNote Help me out here.
Besides it would've been trivial to fix while keeping the style: replace the bacon image with a picture of a zombie pig.
@badp Not as funny.
@GnomeSliceツ then it should be deleted
@GnomeSliceツ Are we on about the porkchops again?
If you're posting it to be funny rather then helpful
1 min ago, by GnomeSlice ツ
"In the end, it's fine as long as the correct answer remains highly voted. If this question gets a higher score than the other one, then... we'd have some problems in how it implies that it is more useful and more correct than the correct answer. Nothing that would be further of Gnome's fault, though. [May 21st, pruned comments. -bp] – Grace Note♦ May 6 at 16:12"
@GraceNote @badp deleted it! ಥ_ಥ
@GraceNote Yes. I made a comment about joke answers, and now here we are.
Blockhead Reference
@Wipqozn just be glad you didn't mention joke questions...
We've already established that Gnomeslice has a shameful amount of those.
@RavenDreamer Those are even worse.
I'm not going to oppose badp's deletion here.
@RavenDreamer Really? Perhaps I should go through his profile and start flagging things.
You know, just to be a huge dick.
@RavenDreamer Shh!
Why does nobody appreciate my talents here.
@GraceNote But...but... it didn't even have half the score of the correct answer.
@GnomeSlice Because you apply them in morally ambiguous ways!
We should replace "@ArdaXi will make a terrible mod" with "@GnomeSlice would make a terrible mod"
And look how much traffic it generated to that question!
@badp toodles
@GnomeSlice Why won't you just use your powers for good!
@GnomeSliceツ I used that for reason why we didn't need to take action. It said nothing to preclude that action was justified nonetheless.
@RavenDreamer We have different definitions of good I guess.
@GraceNote You're right of course, but still... Q_Q.
Anyway, I'm out for lunch.
@GnomeSliceツ Enjoy.
I'm not sure if it would be a pro or a con towards my moderatorship... but I imagine were I to get the position, I'd spend a lot of time disagreeing with @badp.
@RavenDreamer It depends how you act with that.
If you two just argued, it would be bad. However if you were able to have intelligent discussions, it can be a good way to move forward stronger policies.
@RavenDreamer The first few months of elected moderatorship between @badp and I were pretty much a whole lot of this as often as we were on the same side. It helps to have a different perspective, it helps forge better solutions.
@GraceNote yeah, exactly.
Currently, the major con in your moderatorship is your lack of a face. And your subsequent hate for Particle Man.
Remind me why I hate particle man?
Q: Where are the 'content wells' in World of Warcraft?

jsnlxndrlvOne of the things I've noticed about the way World of Warcraft is developed is that, as players reach the current level cap and wait for the next expansion to drop, a series of placeholder patches are released that include dungeons and raids and increasingly superior equipment. However, each of t...

@RavenDreamer Because you're Triangle Man.
@GraceNote touche.
I did manage to prevent a tag from being implemented yesterday. I felt accomplished about that.
Given our previous record of avoiding "Why did they design it like this?" questions, I didn't see any positive use for the tag.
And the tag creator agreed with me, so that was that.
I still think @RavenDreamer should take a screen cap of his current default avatar, and then use that as his avatar.
The thing holding me back is I would have to make an account with gravatar. And that seems like way too much work. :P
It takes all of 3 clicks, plus X clicks to access your email.
But it would be hilarious, and therefore worth it.
I registered 62 Gravatar emails in the span of 2 hours, you can handle making a single one.
@GraceNote 62?!
@RavenDreamer Now you'd look like Darth Maul.
@FallenAngelEyes There are a lot of sites on the Stack Exchange network, y'know
Oh, that reminds me @GraceNote. I'm convinced the reason you are such a private person is because you're really... A ROBOT!!!!
@Wipqozn You're so 2009
@GraceNote Most likely.
@GraceNote So many emails though...
Oh wait, SE lets you use the + trick doesn't it?
Everyone knows that I'm really just a sentient piece of self-propelled artillery.
@GraceNote Come on now, I only realized a week ago you're a mystery. I needed to get at least one joke in.
@GraceNote ...so you have a lot of gas? :x
@FallenAngelEyes It does, but even then, I manage around 7 email addresses right now anyway.
@GraceNote Gotcha
@FallenAngelEyes I run on clean efficient energy.
@GraceNote The confusion of the masses?
@GraceNote I have 6 myself.
Always a useful fuel
I only actively manage 2.
Well 7, but one of them is only used for junk mail/msn
@Wipqozn Or you could do what the majority do and not care.
and things I don't actually care about (like facebok)
I still 2 hotmail accounts but I only futz with one really.
The other has like 3000 messages in the inbox...
@GraceNote oh I don't, but I there was a joke in there somewhere.
Don't mistake my cracking jokes for caring, that's a big mistake.
ok, so I have comfy shoes, hand sanitizer... Hm, should probably grab a smal notebook
Whoosh, I says.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah my hotmail one is similar. It's the one I use for things I don't actually care about.
I used to have a hotmail account until I perpetually locked myself out of it.
Okay, so the apartment is clean enough that nothing weird should grow in our absence.
@FallenAngelEyes That's all that really matters.
@GnomeSliceツ "In the end, the land was laid to waste, as Zophar had intended."
Anyway, back.
oh I need to charge my PSP and my DS
@FallenAngelEyes If it was a 3DS, I'd say "that's a given"
I have no 3DS
no DSi even, just DS Lite
Oh, PSP. Such a lovely screen, such an awful library.
Which is a jab at Nintendo, since one of its defining features is that it has 1/2 the battery life of its immediate predecessor and 1/4 of the Lite model from 2006ish.
@Nick It has monster hunter. However that's the only reason I would ever buy one, so I have refrained from doing so.
@Nick I received one as a gift from one of my b/f's, otherwise I'd never have purchased one for myself
dammit where is my PSP
@Wipqozn "Buy"? Aren't they packaged in happy meals?
goes foraging
I managed to somehow crush my DS power cord. I haven't got a replacement, so I can't use my DS for lack of power.
@Powerlord All handhelds have a short battery life now a days :/
@Nick I lol'd
@FallenAngelEyes There is nothing wrong in being a gamer who owns the handheld that permits more Gaming and not so much camera-ing.
@GraceNote I actually have interest in a lot of DSiWare titles but I can't download them >:(
I really like the Art Style games
I have a few on the Wii
they're very spartan and elegant and interesting to me
they have a bunch on the DSi store but I can't play them ;_;
@FallenAngelEyes I've played one of them, although I can never remember it's name (it differs by region).
I'm too lazy to get a DSi. Also not enough interest. It also means I have an excuse to continue to say "I don't have a camera"
@Wipqozn I have a NA Wii, so I do have the NA Store. Orbient? Light Trax? Rotohex?
@GraceNote At this point, the DSi is a dead technology. From what I hear, the 3DS get 8-10 hours of battery life for DS games, and I've heard that's what the DSi/DSi XL get.
and the 3DS price drop now puts it at the same price the DSi XL was selling at.
I have Cubello too
@Powerlord I'm too lazy to get a 3DS. Also not enough interest. It also means I have an excuse to continue to say "I don't have a 3DS"
I say "heard" because my DSi XL seems to get longer battery life than that.
Also, I am a God of War fan, so I like the PSP games
What can I play on the 3DS that is non-nintendoggy?
also Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is great if you like KH games, though I'm not done with that yet
Every Extend Extra
Patapon series
I really like Patapon
I think the technology is neat, but I haven't seen much that excites me for th 3DS
I'd like my PSP even more right now IF I COULD FIND IT
@FallenAngelEyes I say the same thing about my n64.
EEE is on PSP? Okay, I guess that's more reason.
@GraceNote Yeah, I saw it in the store and didn't know what it was so I picked it up
'twas very cheap
@Nick The 3DS's second biggest downfall after battery life is the lack of good games.
I also like Super Stardust
It ain't the original Every Extend but it's quite awesome, I hear.
The "must have" title for the 3DS is a remake of a 1998 N64 game.
The only reason I have to get a 3ds is for Bit.Trip saga, which is also available on the wii as wiiware.
Nintendo was all like "Hey! Listen!"
Ah ha, found my PSP! zelda item acquisition noise
I... I actually did that IRL
@FallenAngelEyes Not the Metroid acquisition noise, along with a box explaining what it is?
Can you tell I've been playing the Metroid Prime series? :D
I held it above my head and went "Da da da daaaaah!"
@FallenAngelEyes This is the only way to go about this.
@RavenDreamer Honestly when I wrote that question you were the last person I had in mind
This is hilarious, I just saw someone berating another person on the SourceMod forum for having bad English (they're using Google Translate), but the person that was doing the berating is talking about CarVars...
@badp hm? What are you talking about?
CarVars apparently being what they call ConVars (short for Console Variables)
@Powerlord - that was one of the biggest dissapointments in Other M to me -- no Metroid Item Collect jingle.
@RavenDreamer Aside from the game itself?
@RavenDreamer Yeah, I'm playing through Metroid games again... haven't gotten to Metroid: Other M yet.
@FallenAngelEyes this one
Actually, I sidestepped from Metroid 2 to Metroid Prime Trilogy when my PC died, because I could no longer emulate it.
@Wipqozn Ah I haven't played that one and the youtube vid there is dead
I'll have to check it out
@badp oh, I wasn't aware of that question.
@FallenAngelEyes The gameplay was fine. It was just the plot / voice acting that was unforgivable.
@FallenAngelEyes Well, that and that coming after the Metroid Prime trilogy, the stand by of "When you're stuck, Scan" failed to work anymore.
@RavenDreamer I hated that you had to switch to first person mode to use missiles.
I felt it added artificial difficulty, particularly in boss fights closer to the end of the game.
11 nominees... weren't there 12 earlier? Who dropped out?
Honestly, I hated more the fact that for the 'interactive cut scene things' where you had to look around and focus the reticle on the one minor space that would advance forward.
scroll scroll scroll finally caught up to chat
@AnnaLear I think it was Matthew read
@AnnaLear Matthew Reed
@AnnaLear Yes, Matthew.
So, was it Matthew? ;)
Yes, Matthew
@AnnaLear No, it was Matthew
@AnnaLear I don't know, we seem a little divided on it.
Damn. I thought it was Matthew.
Okay, seriously now. Thanks. :)
no problem.
I think we need one more person to drop out just to shorten the election.
you're welcome.
Any volunteers?
@Powerlord I'll drop out.
@Powerlord not really, that'd just make the final voting phase longer
@Manaಠдಠ No. You're one of the good candidates.
@badp. Oi, really?
@Wipqozn It was just a joke man.
IIRC it's 7 nom + 7 elec → 7 nom + 4 prim + 3 elec
@GraceNote should be able to confirm or deny
And it's easy to say that I'm one of the good candidates when pretty much everybody up there is a good candidate ;)
We may have problems, but a shortage of good candidates ain't one of them.
I should confirm or deny who in the what now?
@GraceNote Just smile and nod. What could possibly go wrong?
@Grace How long would nominations last for if another candidate dropped out?
@GraceNote We need to know if it was Matthew
@Manaಠдಠ Nominations will last for another two hours
@JuanManuel It was not Matthew. It was Matthew.
@AnnaLear A whole lot could go wrong, going from personal experience.
@Manaಠдಠ It's the preliminaries that go away with 10 candidates or less.
@badp I got 99 problems, but a shortage of candidates aint one
I'm rather curious why he dropped out.
Although I don't think I've ever talked to him before, so I'm not going to ask.
@Wipqozn You could just make him an image macro.
Huh, this is cool
@Nick You didn't offer him enough .
Q: How can I tell if two Minecraft mods are compatible?

fredleyIf I want to use two mods together, e.g. SinglePlayerCommands and TooManyItems (which don't state compatibility with one another), how can I tell if they will work together (and not break Minecraft - forcing me to re-download a fresh copy)?

Q: Has a boost an effect, if the skill is already maxed out?

MnementhThe question is for Etrian Odyssey 1. As I understand it, the boost adds 5 points to the skill used. But if the skill is already at 10, does boost have an effect in this case?

Q: What is the genre of HoN/DotA/LoL?

hexaSome people call it Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), Valve is calling the upcoming Dota 2 a Action RTS (Real Time Strategy) and I've seen some using Action RPG. Has the community come to an understanding? I do not play these games much (or well :P) so I don't know.

I think that last question is non-constructive.
@RavenDreamer Constructive or not, why did he tag it with genres?
@RavenDreamer I'm not sure I see the difference between that one and the other genre questions we've had
Q: What genre of video game does Diablo belong to?

Sir KsilemI've recently played Diablo 1 and 2 and I'm totally hooked. Now I've been wondering what genre this game belongs to, so it would help me find similar games.

Given the nature of the question, that's an ironically salient point.
Q: What genre would you put "Dope Wars" in?

MosheWhat subcategory of "games" would "Dope Wars" belong in? Does "role playing" sound accurate?

Q: What is Dwarf Fortress?

LatencyI have seen a lot of messages on this site about Dwarf Fortress, what is it? what genre of game is it and were can I get it?

@FallenAngelEyes - the difference, as I see it, is that it's not asking about the genre. It's asking "is this terminology correct?"
Actually I'm not sure what he's asking now that I've read the body more closely.
> Has the community come to an understanding?
Q: Is Indie a game genre?

The only place that I see that Indie is a genre is on Steam, and my teacher tells me that Indie isn't a genre of games. What do you think? Can we say that Indie is a genre?

Is he asking for an official genre, or what the community considers it?
@FallenAngelEyes Indie isn't a genre. Rather, it's a game by an independent studio.
I think that's just odd word choice though.
@Powerlord I agree with you. I hate Steam's store genres
@Powerlord Agreed. I hate people that use the term like agenre :/
Oh wait, is this an older question (keeping in mind I can't see it)?
@Powerlord asked Dec 4 '10 at 21:22
I was trying to sort my library into genres the other day and I was looking at the Steam store to see what it sorted one of the games I had into
It said "Indie, Family, Casual"
Steam's "genres" are more like tags.
3 "genres" I consider useless for classification purposes
@FallenAngelEyes It's funny you see, because those aren't genres.
Also, related to the question asked:
Q: What does MOBA really mean and what characterizes games that belong to that genre?

OakI've lately heard the term Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) used as a video game genre. The Wikipedia entry redirects to the "Defense of the Ancients" genre, hinting that this is used exclusively to describe DotA-like games (e.g. creeps, lanes, heroes, towers etc. etc.) However, I've also ...

So it's half-non-constructive/half-dupe, kinda
Is it sad that I want to go home and play games instead of working (or pretending I'm working)?
@Powerlord I think that characterizes many of us
I could work on my vote extension.
I need to move functions around.
Functions that were in the global handler are being moved out to the local handler.
It must be seriously foggy today, I do not often hear the foghorns on this side of town
A few of these are being replaced with functions that go "hey, is there a vote going on right now? OK, call this function on the vote pointer."
@Powerlord You're a Senior Function Replacer?
@Powerlord Clearly by vote extension you mean "Gaming Nomination", eh? ♪
@Nick Well, the problem is that I was condensing a 3-tier system to a 2-tier system, and condensed a few functions in the wrong direction.
@Powerlord Oh, you're a Function Condenser II
The dumb thing is... I should have known I was moving them to the wrong one.

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