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Now I actually need to work on the picture, I'm thinking a casper type ghost looking down and being confused.
@Mana Simply use «Justin "Mana" Bieber.»
@ArdaXi It worked but I'm not sure I understand why you pointed that to Arda's profile
(doublechecking you have the right URL in there)
@badp good call
I hear girls go crazy for the Bieber
@badp I need more Mana!
(Actually, I don't remember if that's a phrase from WoW or not. If not... whoops.)
@Powerlord Deploy a dispenser here.
@badp Why not?
@ArdaXi I thought he was working on the poster for the question
Yeah, but I don't have that link here.
And I was too lazy to look for it.
It was just a mockup anyway.
Oh. You posted that, not Ronan. Sorry
It's okay.
OK, so I now have code in the vote object interface to show success, failure, and vote call failure, as well as set the team and vote type. I feel like I'm still missing stuff, though.
@badp That's happened twice now!
I was originally going to have one type of vote object and 3 types of vote handlers, but I've swapped that now for compatibility reasons with the SourceMod vote system's code.
@Powerlord Perhaps you'd like to let admins supervote?
Look at Arda's gravatar and then Ronan's. It's impossible to distinguish those people.
@badp Ha, no, that's a terrible feature.
What is the distinction between and ?
and yes, that is commentary on SE close votes.
supervotes Powerlord as crime-thinker
The problem as I see it is going to be that the vote objects themselves will now have to bind the actual vote command, rather than the handler doing it.
@Mana Mine doesn't do unspeakable things with celestial stars.
@Mana I didn't think I was that good at drawing!
And yet, under the SourceMod internal vote system's design, that's how it has to work, because the handlers as their interface is written is to respond to events that the vote system is causing.
@Powerlord uh, can't you add a field 'isSuperVote' to the vote object?
@CyberSkull Depends on the context, but in general, abilities are more generic and include feats and gifts/advantages too.
@badp I think I already made it clear that I'm not going to do any such feature. :P
@CyberSkull If you're playing GURPS then you can level skils
oh, I thought you were discussing why the feature wouldn't be easy to implement
Admins can already do any actions that normal users would need votes for in SourceMod.
I think I'd like to see them all rolled into .
@Powerlord That's the point. If they want to supervote they already can.
Essentially, I'm rewriting my vote stuff from scratch, but I need to program the interface first. The last version I wrote didn't use an interface (and was thus not usable from other extensions) and I'd like not to do that this time
@CyberSkull What about using the stuff from RPG design patterns? Or is that too obscure?
@MartinSojka Example?
@CyberSkull The whole article can be found here: madbrewlabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/…
Basically, the different kinds of values and flags on a character are split into different groups, and defined there.
@RonanForman Nah, I just look bad.
@badp No.
The basic one is a Gauge (a graduated value) and a Characteristic (something which defines a character), and most others are derived from it.
Skills are then a Gauge and a Selected Characteristic (which is a Characteristic selected from a pre-defined list of choices), which are generally beneficial to the character possessing them.
The negative variant of that would be a Handicap.
... and so on.
@DaveMcClelland do you happen to know Raven's steam name?
@MartinSojka That makes sense
I know he at least lurks on STNO's servers
@CyberSkull It does - it's one of those PDFs I have open on the side whenever I'm working on any RPG-like game mechanic - but it might be too obscure for gaming.SE.
Sep 2 at 0:21, by Raven Dreamer
My Steam Handle is "Lobstah Rage Fist". Now that I'm going to have an income again, I should probably buy a name tag so I can rename my gunslinger.
So, search for that.
Thank you
(We hadn't yet promoted the new moderators to steam group officiers.)
@badp I do, let me find it
@DaveMcClelland Thank you, we got it.
@badp Sorry, I hadn't heard the notification
@CyberSkull They are actually all characteristics, so if anything, they could be all merged there. Talents and skills are just both gauges and characteristics; Spells might be or might not be, depending.
@MartinSojka True
I was just thinking of rolling them into one supertag as they are all quite closely related.
Maybe something like ?
I think capabilities wraps up feats, talents, abilities, skills, spells and the like quite nicely
@CyberSkull Yeah, sounds nice.
@CRoss Nice! Congrats
@CRoss congrats
except @Fabian has 10 shrugs
anyway, gold is always nice
@MartinSojka Ok, Imma go draft a proposal. Thanks for your input!
A: Determining the hour that works the best for Game On's

badpI closed the poll. We have two 'peak' times, both in the US afternoon/EU evening, same time, one Saturday and one Sunday. To make things easier I highlighted them by 'accepting' them, so you can see which is which in your timezone. I see no problem in aiming for both, to be completely honest. T...

@Wipqozn this is your call mostly
Q: [abilities], [skills], [talents], [feats], [perks] and the like into [character-capabilities]

CyberSkullI'd like to request that tags referring to a character's in-game capabilities (skills, abilities, perk) rolled into character-abilities. I'd like a broader tag because it is very game specific whether something a character is capable of is a feat, ability, skill, talent, spell or perk; so I feel ...

Tweaked the proposal a little
Q: [abilities], [skills], [talents], [feats], [perks] and the like into [character-capabilities]

CyberSkullI'd like to request that tags referring to a character's in-game capabilities (skills, abilities, perks, spells) rolled into character-abilities. I'd like a broader tag because it is very game specific whether something a character is capable of is a feat, ability, skill, talent, spell or perk; s...

bah I missed the vote somehow
but the times are good with me
@badp I agree.
We should just have both times. That way if people can make it to one but not the other, they can still Game on! with their SE buddies. If someone can make it to both, all the better.
I assume this is for TF2
or is it for any game?
Sounds good, now that we have the server it's not as if anything but people need to be organised.
Any game, although we're planning to start with TF2.
@Loktar this post
Q: Reviving Game On

Wipqozn Please register for Team Fortress 2 for this Saturday, at 1500 UTC if you plan to attend. Please see badps meta topic so we can set-up a time that works for everyone Now that we have our own Team Fortress 2 server, I think it's the perfect time to revive Game on!. I suggest starting thi...

Is being used to get a list of game we can use
then you might want to update the times
@badp doing that now
Either @Powerlord or a mod will need to update the event for Game On! though
@MarcoCeppi please advise on when the server is back up so I can set up an event that links to it
I'm not a room owner, so I assume I can't add/edit events
@badp The server is up (has been for almost 24 hours)
still at tf2.stackgaming.com ?
yes, but due to DNS caching you might still be maping to the old IP
yup, Isee it now
lol 10am, Ill wake up grab my coffee and start killing :)
D'oh, I made a big mistake and put in instead of !
@Wipqozn uh... I'm not sure you got them right
I have one at 7am and not 7pm, the old one and another at 2am and not 7pm
oh okay
one moment, fixing
I wish I could set events here to be recurring
...so did you all get a Steam notification when I set the event?
(btw the minimum objective for this round of Game On!s is to reach 0x10 :P)
I thought we were doing saturday & sunday?
Q: What effect does the score have in Kirby: Mass Attack?

WipqoznFrom what I can tell, score seems to have no effect on the game. The manual makes no mention of it, and according the manual it does not affect your rating at the end of a level. Does score have any impact on the game, or has Nintendo just kept it in for the sake of keeping it old-school?

@badp Yes.
@badp Should we pin a message for the event on this wall too?
I pinned one in Game On!
Team Fortress 2 Game On! this weekend at 7pm UTC Saturday and Sunday on tf2.stackgaming.com:27015
I think that's all the important details.
@Powerlord Indeed it is
Oh right, I didn't mention Free TF2
I forgot to mention in my Meta post that Prop Hunt is a server-side mod, and the only thing clients need are the maps and sounds, which good servers will let you download. :P
Downloads enabled on tf2.sg? Check
@MarcoCeppi How about a fast download mirror? As I recall, TF2 has its download speed capped really low.
@Powerlord Sure, that's not a problem. I can just mirror the files back on to the server. I thought you could configure bandwidth limits in the server cfg?
Maybe not. Sure, I can setup a fastmirror
I have a fast mirror already, but that then means you'd be relying on me to mirror anything you add to the server.
files.ocrtf2.com/tf2 <-- my mirror
Does anyone want to trade me a detonator?
That includes all the Prop Hunt maps and sounds that ship with the Prop Hunt mod.
Interesting, are fast mirrors as difficult to setup as they were in HL1 mods?
@MarcoCeppi Not really.
So many pings, none of which I can reply to easily.
They just have to match how the server is set up, and I have all the appropriate files bzipped to make them faster to transfer.
(Source games support bz2 natively)
@RonanForman +1, if I could (ego boost).
I separated those three games into independent answers, @Wipqozn.
@GnomeSlice thank you :)
I don't know if you guys can go to this track because I think it's listed as 'exclusive', but if you can, it's up for free download for about a week.
28 mins ago, by Thomas McDonald
I thought we were doing saturday & sunday?
the current events are down for friday & saturday, according to steam
@GnomeSlice I can listen to it
@Wipqozn =D
@ThomasMcDonald that silly @badp
btw... cp_pacman_plus_wtf.bsp = funniest TF2 map EVAR
4 cap points in the corners, 4 giant Pac-Man ghosts running around in a Pac-Man maze (and they have their own scoreboard on the wall)
Did I mention they can kill you by touching you? :D
@Wipqozn I think he's telling @badp so badp will fix the Steam events.
the steam events should be fixed now
@badp not for me yo
what are you getting and what should you get?
stupid fucking us calendars
since when do weeks start on sundays
@badp ಠ_ಠ
I'm Canadian, and we use the same calendars.
So, you meant 'north american' calendars.
a week does not start on sunday
@badp Our weeks have always
that's insane
Ive always agreed @badp
Week starts on Monday.
as a school aged kid learning your even like wtf?? Sunday?
@badp Since never.
Wrong chat @badp
@badp This actually messed me up a lot after I moved here
I still read calendars at-a-glance wrong
I dont' care about wrong chat I already got stab&sapped for this :P
It's too bad @JohnPickford never came back, his answer still left me confused.
@MarcoCeppi: But yeah, a lot of the maps on that map mirror I linked are on my server. There are a few I'd avoid (or are only fun the first few times, then you realize how badly designed they are). Example: koth_aperture_science_iiia sounds like it should be fun, but it isn't. Same with koth_disneyworld_b1.
I should clean up my map mirror. :/
@GnomeSlice go on
@Wipqozn ?
that is to say, provide a link please to the aforementioned answer
A: What Triggers the Addition of New Balls in 'Relentless' Mode?

John PickfordIt's not random. The process of adding balls to the table is triggered when the number balls remaining falls below a certain threshold (25% I think) and continues for several shots until the the table contains the original number of balls. If you clear the table quite quickly it's entirely pos...

Is it just me, or is the site search really hard to use.
New users aren't going to know that they have to search '[magnetic-billiards]' rather than simply 'magnetic billiards'.
@GnomeSlice it's just you
You just have to know how to beat it into submission until it gives you what you want.
Oh my, I never noticed that before
that's terrible design
IT should search the tags too
Q: How come Leonardo just took my codex page?

CodemonkeyI just acquired a codex page in a guarded house in Venice. I went to Leonardo to have it decoded, and he said "Ah, this one is easy!". Next second I'm back on the street where a pickpocket is running away right in front of me. Funny thing was, once I killed the pickpocket I didn't get any money. ...

Ideally you should be putting the game name somewhere in the question description anyways, but still :/
From the moment I joined the site, I basically avoided the search at all costs.
It auto-converts the top 40 tags by post count, but obviously [magnetic-billiards] isn't one of those.
@Wipqozn Ideally, yes, but not always.
I was never sure if I should post about that on meta.
I actually think that titles are weighed much more favourably too, which has its own ups and downs.
I edited your post so it's in the question body now. That way it will come up in search.
or it should when they refresh their indexes
I am kredit to team!
yay selenium
@RonanForman I would have agreed if you didn't spell credit with a k
@RonanForman Argh, now I have to post this.
@GnomeSlice I feel compelled to post this
@badp They just went round
@Wipqozn FUCK.
Sorry Redshirt Theory, Haddaway came to kick your ass.
@GnomeSlice Actually I won't star that, less likely someone will flag you.
@Wipqozn That would be seriously silly if someone flagged him for that considering we're fairly liberal on the language use here
The problem is that when I listen to this while studying, I don't learn anything but the lyrics.
did you ever finish installing Team Fortress 2 @GnomeSlice
@FallenAngelEyes People flag me for posting community-made ubuntu adverts.
@FallenAngelEyes it happens all the time apparantly
@Wipqozn Haven't gotten any more of it since then.
it's not us, it's just random people passing by... then another random mod that has never been here acts on it
important new pin everybody
@Wipqozn He's one of the devs, by the way.
@ThomasMcDonald you're my hero
@ThomasMcDonald ಠ_ಠ
@GnomeSlice oh, fancy
@Wipqozn I'll keep it up for ten minutes, see who gets caught out
Maybe our TF2 should loop what is love non-stop whenever @GnomeSlice is on the server
@Wipqozn Would that even be possible?
@Wipqozn First you need to convince GnomeSlice to play.
Because that would be pretty sweet.
@GnomeSlice Sadly... yes.
@Powerlord If I ever get it downloaded, I'll try.
@GnomeSlice You should ask @badp for his client configuration.
@Powerlord ? (luddite)
@GnomeSlice @badp uses a configuration specifically written to improve frame rates for computers that otherwise have problems playing the game.
@Powerlord First I have to get it downloaded. And even then, it may not run at all. Portal crashes just after the Valve logo.
@Wipqozn Playing The Whispered World really is like playing an 80's cartoon
@FallenAngelEyes Enjoying it?
Good old Sadwick.
@Wipqozn I'm uh, not out of the campsite yet because I need to obsessively read/listen to everything and he says stuff both when you examine it and when you choose the dialogue option
@Powerlord So, what, just have an ip check?
@Powerlord Yeah, my brother had to do something similar to get TF2 running on the ancient computer he was using at the time.
It's official, EDGE extended free DLC will hit Steam and Mac App Store on September 28th! Check out the first screens: http://twotribes.com/message/edge-extended-hits-september-28th/
He also managed to get Left 4 Dead 2 to work, which was impressive, given that only half the textures loaded, leaving zombies a weird blue/yellow appearence.
Hm. Alphas or Warehouse 13?
@RavenDreamer Alphas.
Apparently I've been missing a bunch of Alphas. :/
@RavenDreamer I'd say Warehouse 13.
My father's gonna get the whole first season from his friend so we can see all of the ones we missed.
Speaking of which, I still have to watch yesterday's episode.
BAFTA Launches Unity-Powered Game Maker For Kids http://bit.ly/nOMAYl
When hulu fails me, I go to project free tv.
Seeing as Hulu fails me, I go to Usenet.
@RavenDreamer You shouldn't, you should refuse to use their stupid new branding >:(
Oh wow, this looks awesome.
@FallenAngelEyes Well, Penny Arcade taught me that Syfy is apparently sweedish slang for syphilis so...
yay new data dump
Maybe it's for the best.
(The graphics look much more impressive now)
@GnomeSlice That reminds me of that werewolf flasm game
@RavenDreamer Kind of, except it's got hacking, among other things.
@RavenDreamer ...flasm?
flasm flasm.
@FallenAngelEyes flash*.
Spot looks so cute rolling around
@GnomeSlice springbreakhero.com/?g=abt596 is more annoying than it should be
I really need to get used to putting stuff in my eyes.
Is it actually?
I haven't gotten a chance to try it out yet. =[
@ArdaXi contacts?
@Wipqozn Yep. Just ordered them.
I can't even get it to run. Chrome + download manager keeps trying to re-download unity.
@ArdaXi At least it's easier than having someone slice open your corneas with a thin blade!
@FallenAngelEyes Quite probably. Cheaper too.
@badp How long did it say 'loading...' for you?

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