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@MBraedley It was one of the comments to an article last night on Ars Technica.
Daycare closes on February 16th for President's day. Fuck you, daycare. No one else gets President's Day off
@Sterno's daycare sounds so scummy.
But it's only about $550 a week for my two kids!
(yes, they get paid on the days they have holidays)
@Sterno Don't you also?
I'm solving this issue by not having kids.
@OrigamiRobot No kids is best kids.
@fredley Yeah. But they get more holidays than me.
Plus snow days
Plus "teacher in service days"
Plus "fuck you, that's why" days
I still can't get over the fact that it was cheaper for Mrs. @StrixVaria to leave her job at the daycare instead of having their child attend that daycare. What the fuck.
@Sterno Haha. To be fair though, if my job was dealing with dozens of other people's infants all day, I'd need a few of those days
@Wipqozn It's pronounced "WifeVaria"
Also, you're in pretty much the worst country in the world for holidays.
@Sterno That doesn't make any sense. Those are the days peopler eally need daycare.
@Wipqozn Eh, it's nice that she doesn't have to go to daycare, though.
@Wipqozn wat. No discount? Wat.
IMHO you should only have to pay for daycare on the days you intend to have your children in daycare. Daycares should prorate their own fees internally to handle holidays.
Oh, and I forgot the "Your kid got the plague because everyone drools on each other here, so now you have to take off work and stay home with them while they're sick but we're still getting paid" days
Sending your child to a British boarding school is famously cheaper than daycare
Honestly their holidays wouldn't bug me if they didn't line up so terribly with my own
I'd believe it.
Seriously, who gets off for President's Day?
WTB Mary Poppins
@Sterno Not us Canadians.
Nor us dutchies =[
We don't get a Queen's day, but she gets 2!
@Sterno I will take care of your kids on holidays. Just drive em down here.
@Sterno It sucks, but I can understand that. You intended to have your child there, but couldn't.
@Sterno When is President's Day again?
It's a shopping question that got reopened.
I'm really happy that my aunt took care of my first two kids.
@Powerlord February 16th
@MBraedley I understand it too. It just adds up to a lot of time off for me.
I get about 4 weeks of paid time off for the year. I end up using it all on sick days for the kids or days when they otherwise can't go to daycare
@JasonBerkan But we do get a February Holiday now (at least here in Nova Scotia)... that isn't stat, and so we must decide between that and the August holiday.
They need to hurry up and turn 18 and go to college
@Frank How is that a shopping question?
@MBraedley We have a February stat - Family Day!
@Sterno You don't get family illness days?
@Sterno Oh, didn't you hear? By the time your kid is 18, all the jobs will be done by robots.
@Wipqozn I don't even know what that is, but I'm assuming I have something similar that I'm including in that 4 weeks of paid time off
@MBraedley What is "stat"
@Sterno wat, you have to use your own holiday for illness? wat.
@Wipqozn I don't. I can take sick days when I am sick, but not when someone in my family is sick.
@Sterno It's basically a sick day, but you tke it off when your kids are sick, not you.
@fredley I'm rolling vacation, holiday, and sick days into one thing
I assume it's the equivalent of a federal holiday here
@crayzeedude Taking the question literally, an answer would be a straight Yes or no, and that's it.
It wouldn't be at all useful.
Because the 5 sick days a year I have are insufficient
@Sterno You have an allotted number of sick days??!?
I know my mother gets them where she works.
@Sterno wtf
@fredley You don't?
You only have 5 sick days? I have unlimited sick days.
@OrigamiRobot Statutory Holiday. It means it's basically a guaranteed holiday. For certain values of guaranteed.
@Wipqozn Why do you ever go to work?
@Sterno Well no, but even people who work for real companies here don't.
The question carries the implication of, "If it does exist, point me at an item that meets my requirements." That's why it's a shopping recommendation, even if all they're asking if it exists.
Because that's inhumane.
Dutchlandia is also sane and does not have a fixed number of sick days
@fredley Despite me bitching about using all my time off for sick days, I do not agree that it is "inhumane"
You get as much time as you need, but for most places if you take off more than a couple of days you need a note from the doctor saying you're actually ill.
@Sterno What happens if you're ill for more than 5 days, they start docking your pay?
My wife is a doctor. BRB MOVING
I don't have any sick days.
@fredley Generally, you take unpaid days.
@fredley Eventually, in a sense. If you run out of paid time off you're now taking UNPAID time off
@fredley Same here. Unlimited sick days, but after so long you need to apply for extended sick leave or something like that. aka just a doctors note.
@JasonBerkan waaaaaaat.
I'd like to be clear that I'm okay with an employer not paying me if I'm not actually working
This is probably a pointless argument because if they did have to cover unlimited sick days, I'd probably just have a lower salary and it would wash
@Sterno I'm an employer, and I don't think this is okay (in the case of illness).
@Wipqozn Doctor's note is required from day one here, but unlimited time off.
It's only a thing with salaried employees. If you are paid hourly and don't show up for work, you aren't getting paid.
Especially in a country where people pay their own healthcare (i.e. costs go up when money stops coming in)
@Arperum That's really silly.
Economically it makes perfect sense, but it's a pretty awful thing to do to someone
Yea, if I needed to take a couple weeks off because I was deathly ill, I wouldn't get fired or anything. I just also wouldn't get paid.
@fredley Theoretically isn't not that much different except the onus is on them to budget for it, instead of the employer
@Arperum Used to be that here, but they relaxed it
@JasonBerkan I am salaried but also paid hourly because it's complicated.
@Wipqozn The company is even allowed to send a doctor to check if you are actually home and sick, and didn't just got a fake doctor note, because people misuse the system.
@OrigamiRobot I'm fairly sure that would be illegal here. Provided you're a salaried employee, anyways. Rules are different for hourly workers.
@Sterno Too much onus. I'll take my healthcare tax-paid thank you.
29 secs ago, by Origami Robot
@JasonBerkan I am salaried but also paid hourly because it's complicated.
@Wipqozn It would be illegal here too.
Then there's my wife who is a doctor and she pretty much never takes sick days unless she needs to be hospitalized, because if she does her clinic literally cannot open that day
@Wipqozn After 2 or 3 weeks, companies tend to shove you off on "short term disability", which means it is their insurance companies problem to pay you.
If I want to get paid for not working on a non-holiday, I have to use PTO.
If you are ill enough that your employer does have the right to stop paying you, the government starts paying you instead.
@OrigamiRobot That actually isn't too uncommon. That's the case for me.
@Sterno First month of being sick is on the employer IIRC, after that it's 100% government payed. Might actually be fiorst week fully for the employer, and after that some kind of split between government and employer.
@fredley Well, if my employer was doing this for me, back before I had kids and wasn't sick much, this would have actually probably resulted in me getting less money for my work
And that seems perfectly fair to me
I can't even wrap my head around that.
It is amazing to me how different our attitudes about this can be while simultaneously acknowledging that we both want what we think is best for people.
Everyone should have unlimited paid sick days.
@Sterno Yes
@Sterno I have it off.
@OrigamiRobot Firing someone because they are ill is not allowed here. Theoretically.
@Powerlord cool. Come watch my kids
@Sterno Yup, but healthcare things happen pretty much randomly. Some people will place almost no burden on the healthcare system, others will place a lot. You don't get to choose which group you're in. Sometimes you're placed in one group from birth, sometimes something bad happens and you're screwed. I'd rather not have to gamble on something like that.
@Sterno Terrorize your kids?
@Arperum In my state, they don't have to have a reason for firing you.
But yeah, working for government means you tend to get government holidays off.
Like President's Day or Martin Luther King Jr. day.
I'm pretty sure there are reasons they could give that are illegal, but they don't have to give you a reason at all.
(the latter is next Monday)
Good morning, Bridge
In other news, though, my company is considering going with unlimited time off. For anything. Period. You take as much time as you want, whenever you want. (but get yelled at by your manager if he thinks you're just being a slackass)
@Powerlord Oh, do you have that off too?
@Sterno There's a Canadian company called T4G which does that.
@fredley I think it's more appropriate to say you have limited choice as to which group you're placed in. Smokers, for instance, choose to be in the burdensome group.
@Sterno Yeah, this is a strategy that's proven to make people take less time off (because they're not 'entitled' to any by default)
@OrigamiRobot They don't have to have one here either, but then they need to pay you X months of income as a fine(they can require you to work that period between being fired and effective end of contract).
@fredley On average
However, I would then have unlimited sick days!
@MBraedley Somewhat true, but these things are driven hugely by cultural and (very importantly) socio-economic factors.
@fredley Yeah, no orries about wasting vacation time. Also, higher morale.
@Sterno unlimited sick
I'm pretty sure my wife has 0 days of paid time off a year
@Sterno Illegal (UK)
Also if your employers are taking a bunch of days off then either your employees just aren't self-motivated or your company sucks.
@fredley Same (NL)
@fredley She's like @OrigamiRobot where she's hourly-but-not
she's also a Doctor with her own practice, right?
@fredley How is that enforced when you are self-employed?
@Wipqozn If you're self-employed you still have to 'give' yourself the holiday days, even if you don't take them.
No, not her own. But the clinic only staffs one doctor at a location for the day. So if she's not there, the clinic doesn't open
@fredley @KevinvanderVelden Nope. Not if she is independent.
(unless they can scramble and get someone else in on super short notice)
@JasonBerkan You take yourself to court. You'll teach yourself who's bos!
@fredley wat.
@Arperum true, but points at @Sterno's message
@Wipqozn I can be a bad employee and a bad employer at the same time!
@Arperum I guess it doesn't even matter.
I have 1 floating holiday that I can use whenever I want and I accumulate PTO every pay period based on how long I've been here.
@JasonBerkan Self employed generally make their own rules for themselves. (They still have to follow the rules for their employees.)
@KevinvanderVelden Yea, in that case it is.
@Sterno My word. That would be illegal here. The solution would be they need to higher more employees in case of sick days.
@JasonBerkan yay! The system works
@Wipqozn s/higher/hire/
Q: The quests says to go to the ship. Except I'm *already* on the ship

aytimothyIn Saints Row IV, there are side-quests that involve you travelling back onto the ship (leaving the simulation) and talking to a specific character before doing any activity (back in the simulation). However, the strange thing is that I'm on the ship, all the rules of the ship applies (no superp...

Q: What are the XP rewards for pubic events in Destiny?

FistOfFuryDo public events give XP? If so, how does it scale based on location or type of event (Kill target vs Defend the thingy)?

@OrigamiRobot We get 3 weeks of vacaation per year when we start, and then more weeks every X number of years. Not sure what value X is.
@Wipqozn Logistically, it's tricky. So the clinic opens at 7am. She wakes up at 5:30am and decides she's sick. They now have 90 minutes at 5:30am in the morning to get call another doctor and convince them to come in and cover the shift
@Wipqozn Yea, that's how my mom's work is.
@Sterno If it's just a walk-in clinic, the solution would be to always have two doctors on staff.
The problem to me just seems to be they don't have enough people on staff at once.
@fredley The only time off my mom has had been maybe a total of three-four weeks in ~ten years. She has her own farm though, so when she doesn't feel like doing much, she doesn't do much, but the animals still need care regardless.
@Wipqozn It's not that big a clinic. They couldn't fully utilize two doctors all day
They only have <x> patients rooms, etc
@Wipqozn I think it's 5-8 here. It's business dependent.
@Arperum I took off 5 days last year, although I'm going to try and take off more this year
But now consider that the place IS set up for 2 doctors, but only one shows up. That other doctor will hate life all day long
It's not healthy not to take time off
@fredley I get better rest at work than home.
@MBraedley It is, but there is a legal minimum, but not sure what it is. Either 1 week or 2, but pretty sure it's 2.
@Sterno Work is manic most of the time
@Wipqozn 2 weeks AFAIK
For the past 6 months it's been 10 hour days full of stress
@Sterno Me too.
@Sterno You have more time to get someone in though. Don't need to get them in right for 7am. I understand it's difficult, and no solution is perfect, I just don't think "no paid sick days" is even acceptable.
It sounds like the fundamental difference in our attitudes is one where one side thinks the employee should be responsible for managing themselves and that those who are more capable (whether through their own skill or just random chance) get more money, versus leveling the playing field so that those who are less capable (whether through luck or because they're slackasses) get just as much
@Sterno But see, if you got more paid sick days, you could just afford to rent a hotel room for your sick days! Genius!

Proposed Q&A site for writers to share their ideas, help one other with plots and character developing, listen to new ideas and share positive feedback and to help new writers to turn their thoughts into words and books.

Closed before being launched.

Music Production

Proposed Q&A site for musicians, music producers, mixers, and audio engineers.

Currently in definition.

Marketing Automation

Proposed Q&A site for marketers, engineers, CEOs, gowth hackers

Currently in definition.

@Wipqozn But "no paid sick days" is normal for a majority of people, even here in Canada. Everyone working at Wal*Mart or McDonald's doesn't get paid when they are sick.
@JasonBerkan They are hourly though, which is different.
@Wipqozn Why is it different (other than mechanically speaking)?
Why aren't they entitled to the same perk you are?
Hell, that Wal-Mart employee probably needs the paid sick days more than you do
I think it's funny that you seem to be taking a moral/ethical stance on paid sick days, but it's ok for hourly workers to get no sick days
Who in their right mind thinks that doing C-style string manipulation is a good thing? std::string isn't used, and it really should be.
My mind still boggles at the concept of paid sick days as a perk
@MBraedley Who still uses C?
Why would someone rent a hotel for a paid sick day? ._.
Unless of course I'm interpreting that wrong.
@fredley Yea, do so if you can, The thing with a farm is that you need someone else to take care of the animals. And finding people who are capable (and willing) to do so is not easy, especially if you have a total budget of 0 to pay them.
@Sterno whoever wrote this code that I now need to maintain.
@Arperum Yeah I get that
I'm happy my work gives me paid sick days, but I wouldn't even blink if they were taken away.
@Sterno This sounds like unions.
Different environment from sitting in a small office with the same 6 people in a hothouse environment day in day out
@Sterno I still think they deserve it, but they're not given them due to being hourly. Just meant there was a legal difference there.
I was just talking about the law and not morales.
@Wipqozn Gotcha
"You are my bucket list" doesn't seem like the best motivational/fluff phrase.
(waiting 2 minutes)
@RedRiderX "So I'll just leave and ignore you for 20-40 years or however long I have left and then come crawling back when I'm about to die."
@JasonBerkan you should, especially without compensatoin
Now admittedly, I'm part of the problem in this particular app, because I was young and naive and copied the existing style in the code instead of doing it the right way.
@Yuuki That or "you need to die first."
@RedRiderX "If I'm going down, you're going down first!"
But maybe it's just me that reads into it that way
@Wipqozn Those were not the correct edits.
@Sterno Also, I know there are companies here which - fuck
David Fullerton on January 16, 2015

There was a time where it seemed like we barely even needed to talk about this: Joel had won the argument, the Internet agreed that private offices were the future, and only incompetent management (or a tight budget) was still putting developers in cubicle farms. A glorious future lay before us.

The original Fog Creek Bionic Office, way back in ye olde 2003. We didn’t have iPhones, but at least the offices had doors.

Unfortunately, that’s not quite how it turned out. Open plans have been surprisingly hard to kill, despite research showing that they’re unpopular, decrease employee satisfact …

But I'm glad you brought Morales up
@Sterno I'm so glad he did that so it's even funnier
Because Peter Parker is better
	char *configPath = new char[256];
	sprintf(configPath, ".\\%s\\", argv[1]);

	if (configPath != NULL)
		printf("Using '%s' as the source directory.\n", configPath);
		printf("No test case name given. Exiting.\n");
		return 0;
anyways, yeah even hourly workers will get paid sick days from certain companies. I know SObeys, a grocery store I worked at, had sick days and long term disability for full-time employees.
Anyone see a problem with that code?
@TheStackExchangeBlog We're getting an open plan when the renovations are done :(
@MBraedley Not enough jQuery?
@OrigamiRobot I'm just happy to make you all happy.
I'm not looking forward to it
@MBraedley It's in C.
That's the one thing I really miss about my old job: I had my own office before
@Sterno Close enough.
@Sterno Apparently, he's now immortal. Like, what the f--k.
It won't fail to the else statement before crashing.
@Yuuki Well, it's nice for a comic to come right out and say the character is immortal rather than just pretend they're mortal but have them keep coming back from death anyway!
@MBraedley Did curly braces offend you in some previous altercation?
@TheStackExchangeBlog The developers in our company have our own office room we all share. We like it that way, because reasons. There has been talk about moving us into cubeland, and we're strongly resistant because nof fuck you cubeland sucks we like our shared room.
@MBraedley besides the buffer overflows?
Cubeland is terrible
Almost as bad as the Bearscape
@Sterno Better than Flatland.
> The only way to make that work is to keep the nexus of activity online: in chat rooms, Google Hangouts, Trello boards, etc. This keeps everyone on equal footing, whether you’re in the office or working from home. Want to know what’s going on? Just check Trello and chat. Don’t go hang out around the watercooler.
I like the inlcusion of Trello in that list.
Q: Do opponent mulligans tell you anything?

BlackVegetableIn Hearthstone, both you and your opponent get an opportunity to mulligan (or redraw) some cards at the start of a match. My question is whether strategy is altered based upon seeing your opponent mulligan all of their cards, or perhaps none of their cards. For example, do competitive aggressiv...

@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, that's entirely possible, although unlikely. It's a relative path, so the chances for a buffer overflow are low. The real problem is that the only possibilities are that configPath is not null, or sprintf will cause a crash before that. The else will never be executed.
Oh hey, is that Jin?
Oh, there's a link to his user page below the image.
@MBraedley the only way for configPath to be null is for you to run out of memory, which should be rare in what appears to be the int main
Random thought.
Or ooh
Jeah derp
@KevinvanderVelden Which would usually cause a crash
ok so I have a quick question but I don't know how I want to word it. ;-;
Well that's quite a conundrum
my new desk + new monitor :3
Poor center and right monitor, no ponies!
Man, it seems a two-monitor set-up is so 2014.
I feel old.
@KevinvanderVelden the center not a week old and the right was the next "invading space"
think what you do next after you to the next thing after the next thing
Q: Where are all the stores in south park stick of truth?

EnigmaSo far I have only found the hobo which doesn't sell anything high level and the starting store in Kyle's backyard which only sells up to level 10 gear IIRC. Is there going to be another store for 11+ items?

@Serverfrog is that an image?
If so, my school network is blocking it. GG Imgur
@crayzeedude what should be a image o.O?
You posted something about your new desktop and monitor?
@crayzeedude yes, try this url: php-proxy.net/…
It's blocked. ;-;
cc @DenizensOfTheGreaterWhiteNorth
I do know a site which will work, though. Try posting the link in chat?
Greater White Norther?
@Yuuki Where Canada = Ontario, Quebec, BC and Alberta.
Again, blocked. :c
@crayzeedude it's only my desk with 3 monitors and a ca 70cm pc xD
@Yuuki I only have 1 monitor at home.
Ahh, neat.
StackExchange has unlimited sick days.
Yeah, I was mainly just curious if it was an image. Because I just saw a blank post.
But the most important thing they offer:
> Employees will never be poked with a sharp stick
@Sterno i work in the wrong place... we are even poke with bbq-sticks
@Sterno will they instead be poked with a dull stick?
@KevinvanderVelden dull, but fiery
What about sharp rods?
I just got a promotional email telling me to enjoy the long weekend. Is there supposed to be some holiday?
They're actually poked with unicorn horns.
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day
I guess this company just assumes everyone is still in school.
The school OF AUTOCAD
Oh yeah long weekend lesgooooooo
maybe i can actually get all this lousy late work done.
gg long weekends
@Unionhawk More time for MH4U!
And Elite, I guess...
I guess I'm the only person who doesn't care about scalpers.
what do you mean?
its definitely a bad thing
@Rapitor Stupid because those reviews apply to the product, not the seller.
@Yuuki yeah well, when people are angry, they aren't smart
They saw an opportunity and took it.
@Rapitor Truth right there.
If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at nintendo for creating the opportunity
@Yuuki Next step, portable home consoles
@Rapitor Besides, while the issue is iffy on eBay, pre-selling is definitely not allowed on Amazon.
@Yuuki PlayBox 4 One, so lonely.
Report those sellers and get those listings taken down.
An item is only worth what people are willing to pay and obviously Nintendo is undervaluing the MM 3DS
> And they picked "PlayBox" over "X-Station"?
@OrigamiRobot I think they get some kind of sick pleasure out of it since they tend to do this a lot. :P
Quite possibly
I meta'd on Lifehacks! (cc @Sterno, @Wipqozn)
@Yuuki I really don't think the issue is iffy on eBay
@OrigamiRobot Some people say pre-sales are allowed, other people say they aren't, I'm too lazy to read the actual TOS...
Sounds pretty iffy to me.
eBay is pretty good at enforcing their ToS
If it wasn't allowed, it wouldn't happen so blatently and frequently
@JasonBerkan They make medication for that.
We need to get some of it for @Wipqozn.
@Sterno is it cyanide? It is cyanide isn't it
@KevinvanderVelden That's the lifehacky way of doing it
Work gives me all day to do something. Finishes it in less than an hour. Yay!
Work gives me all day to do something. I think I can finish it in one hour. Still working on it.
School doesn't give me enough time to finish anything. Oh, the joy.
@Yuuki Well, I was asked to get a list of all the various things we're caching in our webapp.
Now the problem is writing a web UI to reset these caches when an administrator edits things directly in the DB. In Production.
Because editing things directly in the prod DB isn't a gigantic WTF or anything.
@Powerlord The Web UI should be a message that says "Don't update the Production Database!"
in elite news. I killed my first viper! (with help from police)
Was it @Unionhawk?
I hope it was @Unionhawk
no it was a "competent" NPC
@JasonBerkan Well, there's no way to add/edit this data directly in the web UI as its normally controlled by an outside agency.
still hurt a lot, he had turreted weapons so i was basically always being shot at
Jonesville is a city in Fayette Township, Hillsdale County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 2,258 at the 2010 census. == History == The village was founded in 1828 at a stop along the famous Sauk Trail. In August 2014, the village voted to adopt a charter and incorporate as a city. == Geography == According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 2.92 square miles (7.56 km2), of which 2.89 square miles (7.49 km2) is land and 0.03 square miles (0.08 km2) is water. == Demographics == === 2010 census === As of the census of 2010, there were ...
Incidentally, this city caused us all sorts of issues
They started doing things like holding elections before the state actually certified that they were a city.
an NPC viper with turreted weapons? weird
why? NPCs have whatever don't they?
Usually it's fairly standard
Does it depend on combat ranking? I got more missiles lately than ever now that I'm competent
A viper is a pretty low class ship for turreted weapons as far as NPCs are concerned
IMO at least
I feel so dirty now for not replacing a bunch of sprintfs with std::stringstreams
I usually only see turrets on really large ships
Yeah, I'd expect large ships to have them
I'm thinking of putting point defense on my empty util
@Powerlord 2300 people does not a city make. That's a town at best.
i just figured their rating is an indicator on how much pain they would have on them. not so much the ship itself
@Unionhawk I don't run into missiles often enough for that.
Any missiles I do run into, I can somehow magically avoid.
@Rapitor It is. Competent is not high
i just got cobra, thought about fitting that with missles, but they aren't that cheap.
right now it just has gimballed burst lasers
So I found a really fun Diablo 3 Crusader build last night
@Yuuki a lot of them are homing mines, apparently. Whatever that means. I never get alerts for dumbfires
I have permanent uptime on 8 bowmen, and 8 phalanx soldiers
And I think I could get permanent uptime on 3 more soldiers
the beam lasers + cannon worked really well on my adder, but now I can fit a bit more oomf on the cobra
And I have about 2/3 uptime on Akarat's Champion
I wish I had 1 more hardpoint to put missiles on
what do you have?
@SaintWacko D3 is the old hotness. Turn-based roguelikes are the new hotness.
@Sterno Turn based roguelikes have always been the hotness
The best one is still Crawl
But they're the new old new hotness

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