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@KevinvanderVelden I thought Win 8.1 was a little more lenient with the splitting
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, how are you supposed to do it?
@KevinvanderVelden Win-Left/Win-Right should suffice. I can't tell for certain as I don't have Win 8.1 running.
@badp that puts the selected window in the left/right half of the screen, I'm talking about having the other half of the screen be filled with the metro interface
Q: Server 5gb Ram and not loading my modpack

RhysPlaysMCHello guys i got a custom mod pack with 60+ mods and a 5gb Dedicated server its a Xeon Process and it hits 45 % the memory usage and in the console it says "Java.Lang.OutOfMemory"

Q: Playing Batman Arkham City with Xbox controller on OS X

ChironI want to play Batman Arkham City on my MacBook Pro. Is it possible to play it with Xbox controller? I'm planning to buy it from the AppStore, not via Steam.

Found out how to do it, doesn't seem to work in with a horizontal split. You open a metro app, and then in the right left corner open the list of running metro apps and drag one to a half of the screen
@KevinvanderVelden ...if that works then you should also be able to do that for the current window by dragging from the top edge to the same place.
@badp this is what I'm talking about, except having it split horizontally
> $9.99AUD for anywhere in the world. Come on, it's Australian Dollars so it's probably only a few bucks for you.
haha, oh silly website
Ooh, and with having the metro start screen open on it instead of a specific app
> Purchasing has been temporarily suspended. You guys have a sick fascination with shipping people glitter.
Oh for fucks sake microsoft, I've enabled the option to have the taskbar only show windows that are on their monitor. So now when I don't have an app running on the main screen it opens a new one if I try to win+*number key* it active
I'm at work today instead of at home playing ToME. So bored.
@KevinvanderVelden I'm afraid you want to install Windows 10
@Sterno You're such a pal
except Windows 10 doesn't let you tile in vertical halves by default
@badp I'm afraid I just want something microsoft can't provide, an operating system that is actually polished in more than just shiny interfaces
@KevinvanderVelden Welcome to the world of "rapid" iteration in software
for the reference this is as small as the Store app goes even in Windows 10
...so if your screen isn't at least twice as high resolution-wise...
The maps app is ever so slightly taller, too.
MOre like le awesome!
I am so hilarious
Don't sigh until you die in the Binding of Isaac because an enemy spawned on top of you
That seems horrible
it is so your fault
Why are you playing such a horrible game?
Is it because you're just a horrible person
@MattЭллен It is so my fault it overflows right into not being my fault.
Fact: one person's 1 is another person's 18446744073709551617
@badp You should have known by now where these three spawn. AFAIk nothing ever spawns in the absolute bottom right or left.
@Arperum but I just didn't happen to be there when the previous boss (I'm sure you know what it is!) was killed.
@badp You have enough time to get away from harm. The previous boss death animation is slow enough.
9 mins ago, by badp
@MattЭллен It is so my fault it overflows right into not being my fault.
Q: Why can't I play against the computer in in call of duty black ops 1

TatumI turned in multiplayer but it still won't load a computer to play against.

Q: What's the difference between a rune and an infusion?

SternoI don't really understand what the difference is between a rune and an infusion. The wiki for the game says: Inscriptions come in two flavors: runes and infusions. Runes are magical glyphs drawn on the body like temporary tattoos. Infusions are natural substances smeared/attached to the body,...

Q: How to automatically heartbeat a TF2 listen server?

mathgeniusI am running a listen server from time to time to play with friends, i get annoyed that in order for the server to be lsited on the internet i have to manually "heartbeat" and "map " in the console. Is there a way to somehow automate this? I already have a "listenserver.cfg" file set up, but addi...

@badp I'm sure she thinks you're the 18446744073709552953est
@MattЭллен She has no idea just how deeply 18446744073709552953 I am.
that's probably for the best. I don't think I want to know, and I'm not related to you
Error code 0x00001NB4
yeah yeah. but not really
Error code error code 0xBADEXADE
Error code error code error code 0xBADEXADE
Error code error code error code error code 0xBADEXADE
@badp is broken again
to think, he was almost good enough to pass the Turing test
Error code error code error code error code error code 0x6c6f6c77
Someone reboot the @badp
I don't think I can even boot @badp, let alone reboot
I think @fredley is the only one with access to the reboot switch
Error code error code error code error code error code error code 0x0000000A
Q: Is there a skill difference between players of the same Elo but in different region/server?

PierreMy question is more statistics and data proof oriented than subjective. If possible I would like the answer to include some "cultural differences" inputs. For example, I would assume that a diamond in the Korean server might be worth a challenger in the EUW server (based on the last LCS). My as...

I'm not sure if this is a joke, or if @badp installed some script which is messing up.
Both seem likely.
Error code error code error code error code error code error code error code 0xFFFFFFFF
Oh hey, it's that @Rapitor guy. I hear he's pretty rad.
badp has experienced an internal error and must reboot. See you la€€øæŧñ↓ŧñø→↓ŧñø→łŧñø→€ŧñø→ł€æ↓ŧñø→ł€ŧħ→æøłħ[}]³ħ²}@[æ½¼]]}¹
Goodbye forever, @badp. We hardly knee thee.
Dibs on his diamond
Dibs on his rep
@Wipqozn who told you that slander
Who needs rep when you have a diamond?

@▒ngڽC▒▒@aHJ▒L▒0▒}▒▒▒▒ W_ܿb>▒▒$▒▒W輒TaG▒▒▒▒O▒0▒2OP%չ▒X▒8"
The first thing I'll do when given @badp's diamond is ban everyone, in honor of his memory.
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It would be what he wanted
He always did love daily cup of mod abuse to start his morning...
(p▒eG▒ g▒l
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@Lazers The feeling I got in the tutorial is that one is one use only and the other is permanent. (cc @Sterno)
oh good, i got here just to see badp explode
Exploding badps are the best badps
It's been a looong time. How have you been?
@JasonBerkan I kind of got that feeling too, but I'm not really sure. And if it's one-use, do you use it from inventory? Or does it go in a slot first?
I haven't had much reason to experiment since everything I've wanted so far has been an infusion
Yeah - In my short play time, I don't think I found anything except infusions.
@badp by being
@MattЭллен I have been really busy being dead. You know, after you murdered me.
@badp You're confusing me with someone else who looks like me
@MattЭллен We've both said a lot of things you're going to regret.
but for now I'll bbl
I'm trying to reboot @badp but the switch doesn't seem to be connected to anything
I kind of want to flag that to see if it gets the same treatment Zalgo text flags get
Maybe I'll try the Magic/More Magic button next
In this case magic is probably the best setting
Hello everyone...
Hi @FinnRayment
Yes, I got the reference, I'm saying we shouldn't fix @badp =p
Lo @Finn
I assume you are here because of my comment?
@Arperum Yes, I am.
So what would you like to discuss about it?
I just wanted to say that it felt discouraging to answer old questions the way you said it. There is no need to mention that the question is of a certain age.
@KevinvanderVelden According to the specs, each of those LEDs needs 2V. So wire 'em up in series, I get a needed 8V. If I'm understanding how all this works, anyways.
Comments are on this answer:
A: Is there a way to get Feed The Beast offline?

clarity2199What's weird was in the past I used to have no problem playing ftb offline, back when it was 1.5.2. It would look for the connection, realize it's not there and just like vanilla Minecraft it would tell me it can't get a connection, do I want to play offline. I found it very strange when my powe...

As I said, I had no mean of discouragement, just a way of expressing that as a new user, they shouldn't feel that they should be getting immediate answers. This is a Q&A site, not a rush-to-conclusion site. For future reference, I can change the way I state them, if at all, if it concerns you.
I agree with your other comment, but the one about the age of the question got me annoyed, mostly because of some other comment you posted (and removed after I inquired about other parts of it) that had the same thing in it.
Thankyou for that @Wipqozn
@Frank I don't think that's how it works, what lesd are you using?
@Arperum I'm sorry, what did I delete?
@KevinvanderVelden I dunno. Some I picked up from a local electronics store. They do the trick, although they're a little dim.
@FinnRayment I know you are doing it in good faith, but there is no need for mentioning the age of a post, these comments are generally seen as discouraging (because they are on most other parts of the internet)
I usually calculate leds with something like this: led.linear1.org/led.wiz
@FinnRayment gimme a sec, I'll see if I can find it.
I'd prefer to go with them in parallel, as that then allows one to break without the entire series going down
Also, since we're discussing those comments...
I'm sorry, but are you answering the question or giving us your experience with FTB? What correlation do these two things have? — Finn Rayment 2 hours ago
@KevinvanderVelden Half that information, I don't have.
@Arperum Just a quite note, if your worried that you are offending me, I take all criticism as constructive criticism. As for your reply, then I will not continue that, if that is what you wish to be the best option, and am sorry if it has offended you in anyway.
@Frank forward voltage would be 2V and the forward current 20 mA (usually, if they're just generic ones)
@FinnRayment I can't find it, I think the post we commented on got deleted.
@Arperum Damn.
When new users come across and post answers that don't look like answers, it's usually because they don't understand they are a forum, @FinnRayment. It's usually best to just explain that site isn't meant for discussion, and that space is used to answering questions, then just link them to the help centre.
It's my first time actually wiring LEDs into a kit, so I'm going to take anything that includes them lighting up when I want them to as a success.
@FinnRayment I think it was you anyway. That memory plus this post today caused me to post the way I did.
Your comment does come across bit abrasive, and I understand it gets frustrating when you keep seeing crap answers pop up by new users, but there a lot of people that just don't get we're not a discussion forum until someone explains it to them, @FinnRayment
@Arperum Well, to be honest, that's the only "discussion" I remember having with you.
@FinnRayment I think not mentioning the age of a post is the best option. The other comment I agree with.
@Wipqozn I understand that they are new users, and as much as I come across 20+ a day, I try to embrace them as best as I can. As for the Help Center, thanks for that suggestion. I have never used it before let alone known of it before. I will use that next time. :P
@FinnRayment I might be wrong, or it might've been some other user. but I distinctly remember having a comment discussion with someone (99% sure it was you) about some other comment I thought to be more offensive then the post it was posted on.
@Arperum Sure thing. I will definitely keep that in mind for future reference then.
@Arperum Hmm... Ok then. Tell me if you remember. I try not to be offensive though, so that's a worry...
Total War: Warhammer. This might be the groggiest grog game to ever grognard.
I'm in. sign me up.
@MattЭллен my money doesn't fit into any of the slots on my computer. :(
@badp @fredley @LessPop_MoreFizz I assume you guys can see stuff I deleted yesterday. I self-deleted a comment on a now-deleted post. Can you see if that discussion was with @FinnRayment or see if I was hallucinating?
@fredley I think we may have a case of multiple user creation and spamming. As a moderator, is there anything you could do about this?
Maybe if I roll it up I can jam it into a Thunderbolt port.
@LessPop_MoreFizz it's poor UX, that's what it is :D
@Arperum it's a pain to look for deleted comments on mobile because of poor design. So bother the Italian or the Brit I guess.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Lol. That's something they have been needing to fix for a long time.
What's the moderator part of it like?
@fredley Another thing I just noticed, these users are all Unregistered....
@LessPop_MoreFizz I added you at the last second because you just posted.
@Arperum if you can remember anything about the post the comments were on that'd be good, because it's easier to search for deleted posts than deleted comments
@FinnRayment honestly, I can do 90% of moderating from mobile with no problem. But the button to show deleted comments is off in the margins of the page that don't get rendered on my phone, even viewing the full site.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh god....
Is there a version of The Bridge for other SE sites?
@MattЭллен Not really. It was some new user post AFAIK. And the comment mentioning that the post was offensive (while it wasn't really) offended me a bit.
fair enough
@FinnRayment All sites have some chatrooms.
@Arperum Hmmm... Let me check my history.
@Arperum Ooo. Ok. Will have to check them out. :)
@FinnRayment You can also reply to a specific post by clicking on the small arrow on the right if you hover over a message.
@Arperum Yes! I never use chat... So hope you don't mind my rusty comments...
Ahh! Did it again!!
@FinnRayment No problem. You'll learn it if you use it. My message wazs there to help you :)
Used it!

I looked, and as far as I could see (I went back 10 days), nothing there with a response to anything negative.
@FinnRayment Yes it did, it pinged me :)
@Arperum ...... xD
@FinnRayment I can't find anything I did yesterday.
@Yuuki Atleast a company releases everything to Aussies first!
@Yuuki's hype explosions may just break things
3 hours ago, by fredley
But it's not on the starwall, so it doesn't exist
@FinnRayment Apparently, the Australian release was because there was a delay in manufacturing and they had enough N3DS stock to ship to one of their less popular regions.
But that's a rumor.
@Yuuki Shh!! No-one needs to know!
Might be on this deleted post, but I can't see it, so can't check for sure.
@Arperum apparently #mobilechat
@Yukki *6 xD
@Arperum Nope. I don't and never will/want any affiliation with GTA. (I hate it!) So that definitely was not me.
Q: Can I play Batman Arkham City smoothly on my Mac?

ChironI'm planning to play Batman Arkham City on my MacBook Pro. Here are my specifications: Retina Display 8 GB of RAM SSD 2.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor Intel Iris Graphics I did some research but it isn't looking good: Batman: Arkham Origins Benchmarked, Best Mac for gaming. Do you ha...

Weather or not it's about Steam and OSX.
Come snow or hail
@Lazers Hmmm... Who here is using a Mac? I mean, no-one uses the precious things for games anymore. (Not that they ever did)...
I just wish more dev's/publishers would release games to OSX.
@FinnRayment It was not your answer, it was your comment on a non-answer.
@JasonBerkan gif
@fredley Now our date is ruined. I hope you are happy with yourself.
@Arperum Never said it was an answer. I knew we were talking about comments though.
@JasonBerkan :(
Do Apple computers even have actual GPUs? Even their 5k monitor model has an underpowered mobile gpu
@fredley As an aside, did you see the Tabletop outtake where Felicia Day pronounces it like you do, and Wil goes ballistic?
@badp Well... I got a 6 year old iMac that runs like a beast, and has some crap AMD in it.

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