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@Ktash That means demand is skyrocketing and developers are throwing enormous amounts of capital into every major game release. The amount of money companies are spending is unsustainable.
@DragonLord don't focus on release day prices so much.
@DragonLord For some games. But games are infinitely more complex, and the testing model in games is completely unsustainable as the complexity grows. That's not really a market problem that can't be solved
Average selling prices have cratered
Release day prices are a classic example of price discrimination; they don't reflect rational economics.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, the poor economy is certainly part of this
@DragonLord But is there really any lack of supply? Honestly?
AAA titles are coming out at about the same pace from everything I can tell
and there is certainly no shortage of individual copies of items
@Ktash Consumers want better content and will not tolerate stagnation of improvements
Classical economics don't really work perfectly when applied to intellectual goods.
@DragonLord Not really. There's a video on this, but it will take me a minute to find. Short of it is though that consumer behavior is not indicating that at all
A sequel that is not meaningfully better than a previous game will be rejected by the market
That's why I say the market is overheating.
Consumers are easily bored and demand better all the time. The industry is throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into new games and is barely keeping up.
Eventually, developers cannot meet demand and are forced to produce a subpar product. Assassin's Creed Unity is a prime example of this.
It's not quantity consumers demand, it's quality.
@DragonLord How did AC Unity sell?
How did Destiny sell?
The flop of a singular AAA title is not indicative of a larger issue.
Q: Minecraft can't connect to server

JAAT2000Hey guys i've been getting this error a lot in minecraft which is can't connect to server i've been all over google looking for an answer and nothing helps also i have tried port forwarding and it doesn't works i'll let my error log so you can see it and help me [21:37:21] [Server Connector #1/...

There are consumer hostile practices going on right now, but the fact of the matter is that consumers are not revolting against that. Overall, sales are up on the whole, for better or worse
Have you stopped to think about why microtransactions are appearing in full-priced games, even though consumers hate it?
It's not greed. The industry is struggling to make enough money to even break even on each game release.
@DragonLord Because consumers don't hate it. They, in fact, put more money into it then they would the regular game
Microtransactions are consumer-hostile, and, in my opinion, not great for games overall. But they work. Dear lord do they work.
The fact that they're even necessary in the first place is not a good sign.
I think you're thinking about this differently. Your line of thought is that studios are releasing games of sub-par quality largely because they're being rushed for time by consumer demand whereas @Ktash is saying that sub-par game quality is largely because the studios are realizing that they can get away with it.
Do you think modern AAA games can meet their budget without microtransactions?
@DragonLord Easy. But why would they when they can add icing on the cake
Do I think? I think that what I think doesn't matter. I know nothing about game budgeting.
Are you including DLC in microtransactions?
Any opinion I have on AAA games and their budgets has and should have no persuasive weight.
@Ktash No—meaningful DLC expansions are not microtransactions
@DragonLord Costumes included?
@Ktash That's borderline, but I think we should refer to these kinds of purchases collectively as "low-value DLC" to distinguish it from full expansions that add meaningful content
Here's the thing. Microtransactions and DLC are so profitable for bigger titles, that they recoup there money and then some. Just look at how big the Free-to-play market is becoming. AAA titles are getting turned into free-to-play because they know the costs are going to made back easy
DOTA 2 is a great example of this, but MMO's seem to be going this route as well as a few others
The fact of the matter is, the industry is going to go where the money goes. And right now, as terrible as it is long term for the consumer, microtransactions is where things are headed
Why can't they treat consumers honestly and charge more up-front? I'm willing to pay $80-100 for the best of today's games if they're free of any microtransactions or low-value DLC.
@DragonLord Because they make more money when they don't. There hasn't been enough consumer rebellion against harmful practices.
If that's what it takes to make up for no microtransactions, that's fine.
@DragonLord You may be. But they aren't targeting you anymore. They are targeting the much bigger crowd. The people who will pay
:19527292 Meh, pre-ordering I'm not quite as big of a hater against, personally. I'm really against pre-order incentives, but not actual pre-ordering
Personally, I think the industry has a huge, big, terrible elephant in the room of a problem, and they don't want to address it. Games have always been complex, but testing for games is done in such a terrible way. And because they are so over-optimized, the bugs that come from it are getting worse and worse
Budgets are the real issue.
I can understand wanting to reserve a physical copy, but there should be no need to pre-order a digital release.
Games are regularly running budgets exceeding $30 million, with many costing $50 million or more.
@DragonLord Are movie budgets a problem?
@DragonLord That's not really something solvable.
Because they are in the same range. And yet, movies will make up their money and then some
If money wasn't being made in the process of making games, companies would not be making games
@Ktash Movie budgets have always been high and have not experienced the explosive increase video game budgets have seen.
And budgets are set in advance based on what they think they can make back. If they are budgeting wrong, that sounds like a business that isn't going to last
Besides, movies have traditionally had a much wider audience than AAA video games, though things are changing.
@DragonLord Movie budgets and video game budgets have pretty much always been comparable relative to the lifetime of the format
@DragonLord Not anymore. But you probably are ignoring certain genres that you don't consider "games" ;)
@Ktash That's why I said things are changing.
Consumers are not willing to accept change. In these tough times, raising the base price to $70 is not a solution.
Yes, they are. So why shouldn't the budgets and pricing models change too?
The industry cannot satisfy consumer demand for high-quality games without serious compromises.
@DragonLord You demand, maybe. But sales figures say otherwise for other peoples satisfaction
Anaconda bounties stolen from @Unionhawk: 4
And that's what counts. Consumers vote with their money, and they have voted for these new things
Not without finding unsavory ways to make money well beyond the sticker price.
@DragonLord There isn't a demand for high-quality games.
I think consumers will learn given a couple of years. The market is already on a downhill trend.
@DragonLord It's not about making back the money. They can do that without the micro-transactions and such. It's about maximizing profits. And the maximum profits come from those
@DragonLord From what evidence is the market on a downhill trend?
Are they actually making money?
@DragonLord Consumers don't learn. Forward and long-term thinking doesn't work in an economy and government like the one we have. Lots of studies to show that
@DragonLord Game companies? Yes. They are still doing well
Barely. Think about how many of the smaller studios have closed down. THQ is a prime example.
Also, I'm not sure what tough times you are talking about. Global economy is still higher than it has been in recent memory even
There's a market shakeout in progress.
@DragonLord THQ closed down to a number of mistakes of their own, IIRC.
@DragonLord That's a different problem entirely. Do mostly to the change and the publishing monopolies. The industry is shifting ever closer to the way the movie industry is setup. With a few big houses, and everything else is indie
sigh People don't heed my warning
@DragonLord Maybe because you're not being exactly forthcoming about what data your warning's based on.
Whistleblowers tend to be more convincing when they have evidence.
"NASCAR driver accused of domestic assault claims his ex-girlfriend is a trained Assassin."
There are a lot of consumer hostile practices going on right now. But people are voting with their money. Vote with yours and unfortunately that's all you can do
@LessPop_MoreFizz wut
@LessPop_MoreFizz Seems valid
That is a real headline about which I just got a push alert.
@LessPop_MoreFizz There are a number of things I find troubling with this.
For one, if his ex-girlfriend is a trained Assassin and he assaulted her, why is he not dead?
Or at the very least, incapable of revealing her as a trained Assassin?
@DragonLord Here's the real thing. What games are you referring to in particular that have micro-transactions? What is it you are worried about, and why is it worrying you. I'm not talking about the big stuff. Specific examples, one at a time
12 mins ago, by Ktash
Personally, I think the industry has a huge, big, terrible elephant in the room of a problem, and they don't want to address it. Games have always been complex, but testing for games is done in such a terrible way. And because they are so over-optimized, the bugs that come from it are getting worse and worse
@DragonLord This is an opinion blog that hasn't presented any further data other than quotes from game developers. Do you have any harder data to claim that the gaming industry is collapsing?
Assassin's Creed Unity, Forza Motorsport 5, Dead Space 3: Microtransactions for rapid upgrades. Not essential, but game may be balanced to favor such purchases.
@DragonLord Have you purchased any of those games?
@Ktash No, but I've read about it quite extensively
@DragonLord Great! You're a part of the solution
BUT those all sold pretty well last I checked.
Which, relates to what I said earlier. Our economy does not do well with fighting consumer hostile practices. This is a vast over-simplification, but we went into the great depression partly do to this (and lots of other factors)
@Yuuki It's not collapsing yet, but may well soon. Recent trends in how developers are making money beyond the sticker price—the transition from full expansions and large high-value DLCs to low-value skin packs, season passes, and microtransactions—show that the industry is using every resource it has to make every last dollar it can from consumers
We have come up with ways to combat that though. Commissions who are there to help regulate control and protect consumers.
@DragonLord How does that differ from standard practice? Any company will always use every resource it has to make every last dollar.
> show that the industry is using every resource it has to make every last dollar it can from consumers
That is every business ever
That's exactly how capitalism works. If it makes money, it'll happen.
@Yuuki Not normally in a consumer-hostile manner.
If not, it probably wasn't around long
@DragonLord Actually, yes. Most business will be consumer hostile until they get reined in
@DragonLord No, it will always happen in whatever manner will make them the most money.
It's business. It's about money and staying ahead of competitors
@Yuuki This
Every business ever: money > everything else.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Was she also his bartender?
Why can't businesses focus on customer satisfaction? That's how you drive profits, repeat customers.
@DragonLord No. You drive profits by making money however you can.
Customer satisfaction can be a happy side-effect, but it is most definitely not a cause.
@DragonLord Customers vote with their money. And customers are voting
Counterexample: Starbucks Coffee is expensive as heck but they have top-notch service.
> top-notch
> top-notch
Premium prices for premium products. Why can't companies do this?
@DragonLord They do. Lots do
There are entire industries built solely on this
The gaming industry is not
There is no Ferrari of the gaming industry
@Ktash Lack of market segmentation. You hit it right on the nail.
But, similarly, name a single entertainment based industry that has a "Ferrari" type business model
Any one
Here's a hint: there are none. Not even amusement parks
I don't know what we're talking about here, but I'm not sure I'd call handing me coffee and "correcting" me when I say small, medium, or large "top-notch"
2 mins ago, by Yuuki
> top-notch
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I chose to not go down that path lol :P
@OrigamiRobot Not in my experience. Every Starbucks I've been to is outstanding.
x dollars y developers
What do they do? Massages?
Different industries work in different ways. And Games do have quite a bit of segmentation
@OrigamiRobot mmm, massage and coffee.
coffee sucks
That would actually make me very uncomfortable.
In fact, you segmented it yourself at the very start of this: AAA
You should open up @OrigamiRobot's Rub 'n Brew.
"Premium" products for "premium" prices
@OrigamiRobot I intentionally stopped shooting at one of them.
@TimStone Ew.
@Unionhawk That's why I didn't say 5
@TimStone How about a cozy environment to settle down and work while you drink your coffee?
How many coffeehouses provide a satisfaction guarantee where they'll remake your drink if it isn't right?
I was going to come shoot at you too but then you went offline
All of them?
> Busch said Driscoll repeatedly asserted her assassin status and claimed the work took her on missions across Central and South America and Africa. He recounted a time they were in El Paso, Texas, when Driscoll left in camouflage gear only to return later wearing a trench coat over an evening gown covered with blood.
Yeah, in the food service industry, everyone does that
I drink coffee in my house because I'm not allowed to go outside without caffeine.
This story is amazing.
Even with caffeine, you need close supervision.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I...what.
@OrigamiRobot It's true, it's true.
@DragonLord Different places offer different experiences. There is a place by where I used to work where if they did that, the environment would be ruined. It was hipster coffee and that just wasn't how they rolled
> Driscoll has an interesting background that makes Busch's assassin claims seem at least vaguely plausible. One of her jobs is as the president of the Armed Forces Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to improve the health of military service members. But she's also the owner of a defense contractor called Frontline Defense Systems that provides military equipment to the government and private companies.
The point is segmentation is about more than just Ford v Ferarri
I was at a nav beacon earlier and a wanted Imperial Clipper came in and there were like four security service ships there and we blew it up in record time.
We have segmentation: AAA v Indie
Remember when you went to the mall and got lost? Boy, that elderly couple wont be going back to that Foot Locker!
@Ktash There's no middle ground. Big studios cannot satisfy consumer demand with lower-budget games.
@TimStone There was an imperial anaconda blowing shit up fast. I had to just get shots in to hopefully get a slice
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wouldn't asserting her assassin status make her a less-effective assassin though? Maybe she's just super-sneaky.
@DragonLord Sure there is. There is a lot of middle ground. Nintendo lives in that middle ground. There is so much variety
@OrigamiRobot Old people shouldn't be allowed to drive places anyway.
@Ktash I think there are several things big developers need to do.
There is a kind of insane video on YouTube titled "Pocket Commando," that is a reality TV-style mini-documentary about Driscoll's life—it's unclear if Driscoll commissioned the video and why it was shot. In the video she dresses her kid up head-to-toe in war gear and says she is "commando mommy" as far as he is concerned, she goes to a gun range, an employee of hers (at the AFF) says one of her nicknames is Baby Rambo, and other employees rip her naked out of bed at a NASCAR event.
I'm so glad I can say that under the assumption by the time I'm that old we'll have self-driving cars and it won't come back to bite me.
@Unionhawk I was grumpy that I killed all the Anacondas.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ... raises finger ... puts it back down ... Huh.
1) Understand consumer demand and deliver products that satisfy it. Don't rush to meet deadlines, release quality games.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know what happened with that last sentence there. It just... words
2) Involve more technically-inclined users in the development. Follow the lead of indie developers and release an early preview (clearly marked as such) at reduced price before releasing the retail game a few months later.
This can dramatically reduce release-day issues.
@DragonLord They do that. It's called betas. Also user testing. Also alphas. Also, lots of other things
But they do it for free or as a promotion
@Ktash I don't usually see it with AAA games.
Are we really arguing Ubisoft/EA therefore the gaming industry is dying?
@DragonLord Destiny, Halo, Starcraft, DOTA... it's pretty much industry standard practice. And user testing is industry standard. I don't know of any company (AAA) that doesn't do that
@DragonLord Because AAA game studios have people hired internally to do that shit?
@DragonLord The first part they are doing. You just aren't happy with how other consumers are voting with their money (understandably)
The second part is something that stems, actually, from user demand, and the terrible condition the working environment is over the games industry
@Unionhawk Your audience is much narrower with an internal playtesting team than even a small group of real gamers. The variety of system configurations that the game is tested on is much smaller.
This is the most bonkers defense in a DV case I have ever seen.
Behind the scenes, the gaming industry is a mess. But, it's the elite. So a 5 year burn out rate hasn't hit them yet, because everyone wants to be next in line
Public betas will never be the norm for AAA games.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's so crazy it just might work if the jury is all high as hell!
I stand behind that 100%.
@Unionhawk Actually, they really are becoming that. Think about how many recent games have had public or closed betas? A lot, really
3) Deliver high-quality, high-value DLC for a long period of time after initial release. This will dramatically extend the life of games and satisfy consumer demand without the cost of developing an entirely new game.
@Ktash ...dammit
Borderlands 2 is this done right.
I forgot Destiny had a beta
Aren't most of the betas related to online play though?
@DragonLord But it won't, actually. That's the thing. The further from release DLC is, the worse it sells. And the further out it is, the less people they have working on the next thing
@Ktash Not as well publicized as the indie game betas. Most recent AAA game betas are fairly closed.
The best way to extend the life of a game is through continuous play and involvement in an MMO style, usually funded through subscription or micro-transactions
@DragonLord define "fairly closed"
They're always going to be pretty closed
@TimStone Yeah. Can't really do a demo as a beta, because people will only play it once through and so you only get one chance to fix the bugs
@Ktash It's not like, say, Lichdom, where the invitation to try out the game and test it is fairly broad
@DragonLord Destiny was pretty broad. Halo 5 was broad
Tests for blizzard games usually grow at a fairly consistent rate to be pretty sizable
You're going to get much better testing out of people who are paid to do QA work.
Well, I have to concede in many of the arguments.
Just opening it up to people in a public beta doesn't magically find all the bugs.
And why does it need to be an open beta? What does that really serve. If the point is bugs, a smaller beta is actually better at finding issues
@Unionhawk Beat me too it lol
Also public betas can kill interest in a game. Just look at Early Access.
70% of early access games aren't quite there enough for me, so I get bored and then never look at it again.
First impressions of something cannot be taken back, and set the tone for whether or not you recommend it to a friend. And if your beta is busted, you probably aren't going to play it much
Indie devs and many on steam have to do it so that they actually can finish the game
I have to go in a few minutes.
Ultimately, I cannot shake the feeling that the cost of AAA development is getting out of hand, and the industry must rein in the costs.
I can't see indie devs running many user studies, but big companies have the resources to do lots of them, so they get a lot of feedback directly from users in a way that is actually far better at improving the game
@DragonLord The market is there for the big investment so far. As is the case with movies
Yeah, the reason AAA games get so much money pumped into them is because people buy them. A lot of people.
> "In 2015 and beyond, the expectations for a traditional AAA game’s feature set in an established franchise are so immensely high that when you couple that with the added graphical fidelity you’re looking at an increased budget, increased risk, and the potential for more bugs and problems" (source)
The consumer demand is there. That much is obvious.
@DragonLord As I said, personally, I think the industry, behind the scenes, is in huge trouble. But not because of budgets. They are terrible working environments and the way things are done are very sub-optimal
> What we’re looking at is a very precarious situation right now in the traditional space when you add in the mix of hype, game budgets, marketing budgets, and scope,” Bleszinski said. “You start to see, yes, in-game purchases in the midst of a $60 brand-new game. Massive DLC campaigns. Things like a season pass. All the bullshit that no one really likes … is put into the games in order to try to keep the studios afloat with these massive game and marketing budgets. It just doesn’t add up.
There's your problem. Studios cannot meet budgets without resorting to these consumer-hostile practices.
@DragonLord They can. This is just the route they have chosen to make the most money
There are a lot of ways to skin a cat
@Ktash The industry would not do this if costs were under control.
This one just happens to be the most profitable one they've explored
@DragonLord Sure they would. They want more money
They want to stay competitive and consumers are purchasing (and therefore demanding) these things
Take Destiny, for example. Biggest budget game ever made. Also set net day 1 sales records.
There's lots of consumer backlash already. This cannot be sustained for long.
@DragonLord Actions speak louder than words, and the actions don't match the backlash you describe
Yeah, I think the backlash is a very loud minority.
Also you're more likely to talk about something you hate
@DragonLord you do this all the time. You assume the high volume of the Internet Echo chamber represents broad consensus.
I'll say it again. The economic system we have in place does not do well with combating consumer hostile practices because consumers demonstratably don't think ahead when the make a purchase.
Sometimes it does. It usually doesn't.
Q: Is GTS gone from 4th gen?

Amo ShahI've been trying to use GTS on my pokemon diamond but it never works anymore. It says that the software isnt compatible or something like that and some of my friends have been telling me that GTS has been removed from 4th and 5th gen. So is it removed or am i doing something wrong?

There's a noisy minority, but it's growing.
Hint: the vast majority of video game consumers have never made, read, or cared about a forum post.
@Unionhawk And the @BenBrocka thought it was so bad he tried to return his collector's edition
@DragonLord It's not, though. I'm in the minority and don't like the practices, but the group isn't growing
@TimStone Yeah, well
Then he died, apparently
Yes, that too.
It's proof that if you hype a thing enough, people will be convinced they need it.
The problem is, that you're echoing that minority, and shouting about things of which you generally have no first hand knowledge.. You do this all the time.
I don't think it'll work again, but it might
We'll probably see
Ubisoft actually did pretty well with Unity's in-game purchases, because they really aren't necessary. I'm curious how much buy in they got from lazy people, but what those people do with their money is of little concern to me.
Speaking of dead, I should get around to RMAing this SSD
@TimStone If it's in the next game, we'll know it was more than it took to develop ;)
I suppose I've been deceived by what I've read. I'm leaving in a few moments.
I have to get to bed.
@OrigamiRobot And I should install mine. We are the worst.
Trade you?
So no, the game industry is not dying. Optional microtransactions are not a sign that the industry will suddenly go full mobile gaming on us. And EA and Ubisoft have hopefully learned a thing or two from the last couple releases. Maybe. We'll see I guess.
I can hope right?
Regardless of whether my prior words are right or wrong, there is one thing that must be understood: developers must bring costs under control.
@Unionhawk We can always hope
Alright. I'm out of here.
This is officially stupid
As the console generation goes on (which is a good time measurement for gaming, imo), we'll likely see improvements in a lot of areas
@OrigamiRobot I'll pass, this time.
My deepest apologies to anyone I may have offended.
... You haven't offended anyone.
Or at least I don't think you have.
Also the VP's death was suspicious, I knew @Unionhawk was responsible
You haven't really said anything offensive, as far as I can tell.
Now they just need to put a 1,000,000 credit bounty on him.
Q: What is the admin command to spawn the heat suit?

Kenneth PoseyNormally a player would defeat the giant robot to get the heat suit, but I can't quite pull it off. What is the admin command to spawn the heat suit tech?

See y'all. Sorry for the semi-wild guesses and arguments.
Yeah, nothing offensive... Just wrong. :P
Q: Play games with my friend online

PrincessI want to know if there is any possible option that I can play games of my choice (e.g: FIFA, Counter Strike) over the internet. We both are sitting on our Computer(we have no playstation or XBOX) and got a LAN connection. Is there any way we can play games? I know this is lame but I want to expl...

@TimStone Well fine :(
Also you get a bounty put on you for shooting a wanted person without scanning them as wanted? That's silly.
Q: How to use the 'Free from captvity' option from the intrigue focus

DactorDeathSo I want to free my kinswomen from the King of France's prison but I see no option anywhere, despite having the intrigue focus? Can anyone help?

Success! LEDs wired in and working.
That's me holding a 9V on the wires.
Will need to buy a snap. AFTER I lead these wires properly.
Hello bridge i am feeling better and may communicate if anyones fatigue is good :)
Nevermind my stomach is rumbling and I must consume an evening snack
Q: Are you rewarded for finishing missions with 3 gold stars?

winterbloodIn Mission Control: Nanomech it appears that as long as you finish a mission without yourself or Titan falling then you are able to continue to the next mission, and so far every completed mission has awarded me 6 tech points to upgrade myself plus a static bonus to me or my robots, no matter how...

@OrigamiRobot I believe in anarchy systems now (so many wanted ships usually with larger bounties, 10-30 range, no cops to accidentally shoot)
3 hours later…
@Frank 9v leds? O.o
reading the star wall, I can only conclude that the bearscape has too much glitter
@fredley That is exactly why the starwall is full of glitter.
@Arperum oh
But it's not on the starwall, so it doesn't exist
17 hours ago, by GnomeSlice
@fredley NEITHER DO YOU.
Well now it's there, so there
@fredley Did you pin/unpin cheat a star?
@Arperum no
@fredley Not believing. Need proof.
i never did nuffink
3 mins ago, by Arperum
@fredley Not believing. Need proof.
The proof is I'll delete your account if you don't believe me
@fredley Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
You've heard of stacksort, now there's Twitter sort too!
Q: GTA-V, Online PS3 and PS4

ShudyI have PS4 and GTA-V, my friend has the GTA-V too, but he have PS3. I have PSNPlus, but my friend not yet. The reason he don't have it, is because we want to try to play GTA-V online, but togheter. My question is: When he buy PSN-Plus, we will be able to play togheter online? I ask it because ...

@Lazers is that the reason he doesn't have it, or is it the reason he is thinking of getting it?
TIL Bearscape is a M:TG card
Uugh, is it just me or does the win 8 tile interface offer nothing of value on a desktop machine?
As far as I can tell it doesn't even have a file manager
I agree
I tried it for a bit on a VM, but it just got in the way of doing things
I currently have 2 tiles on my start menu after having removed all the non functional ones, those are the weather and the button that opens the desektop
Metro skype doesn't work (Generic error, regular skype on the same pc works just fine). The calendar doesn't support google calendar as far as I can tell, even though google calendar offers a open standard synchronisation thing
The alarms don't have a purpose cause this is a desktop
Everything else is, as far as I can tell, just a link to a thing that would have worked just as well when not full screen
Ooh, and clicking+dragging on the background doesn't scroll it when there is enough to scroll
gah! that's the worst thing. do the intuitive thing, damnit
Jeah, it was clearly designed on single screen multitouch enabled devices
"We don't need to worry about desktops, everyone will just buy a Surface"
I think it might be quite useful if I could set it up so that one of my screens has the metro interface, but the only way to change where that opens when you press the windows key is to make that the main monitor
Which also changes games
And I don't want to play games on my 1080x1920 monitor thank you very much
Unless I'm mistaken about that, in which case they failed in the configuration options design because I can't bloody find it
> The new Windows 8 UI will start on your primary monitor. You can always change which monitor is considered to be your primary
I don't know. I think you're right about the main monitor thing.
Official response
well, at least you know!
Also, I was all happy when I saw they added the window list to every screen, thinking, jeah! Now I can see at a glance where everything is
Nope, they've just duplicated the information to every screen making it just a waste of space
oh. so what is the window list?
Wrong about that one
I don't know what to call it, the bottom bar with the start menu button
Apparently that is an option
oh. the task bar?
I know what you mean
That's the name yeah
is it possible to have your games start on a different monitor to the main one?
I also found an option to open the tile interface on the monitor where your currently active window is
@MattЭллен yes and no, the game has to support it
It's basically a thing they have to tell directx when they initialize it, which isn't a huge problem, but who uses it?
Also, then I'd have to tell every single game that supports it (and many don't!) that
I see. I haven't looked at directX programming in years!
Oh damnit, they offer a useful feature to split the window in half, having metro on one half and the desktop on the other
But it only works horizontally -,-
oh. my first thought was vertical
Uuh, the line that splits it is vertical
Sloppy definitions =p
But my second monitor is 1080x1920 because portrait mode, and it doesn't allow me to split it

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