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@Batophobia that show makes me hungry, and sad that my artistic talent is not that
@Rapitor I would learn to make sweets if I got to meet Shigeru Miyamoto and play Mario Kart with him
@Batophobia I would be scared.
I'm actually kind of surprised Shigeru doesn't really speak english much
@Rapitor Perhaps it was video editin magic, but he seemed to understand English and just respond in Japanese
he does understand and have spoken it before. granted it's extremely "engrish", but he's still capable
Well, now I want Nintendo to see if they can partner up with Disney to get 3D movies on the 3DS.
Q: Does the gender of your avatar matter? Why/ why not?

JorgesysDoes the gender of your avatar matter, be kind im a girl!

@Lazers hypothesis: this question is actually an experiment to determine its own answer
@Lazers the question is valid I guess. but the way its worded and the "Im a girl" is no bueno
although, not sure if she's talking about avatars in all games, or just the 2 tagged...
@Rapitor You would need to remove at least one of the tags
"For each game that has ever allowed you to choose a gender, does that gender 'matter'?" would not be a question we would allow
@murgatroid99 of course.
Well, that didn't last long.
Self deleted.
@murgatroid99 That would be just slightly too broad.
@Arperum I was trying to point that out in a comment, but it was self-deleted before I could.
@Arperum "No, because video games don't 'matter'"
Or, to go completely nihilistic "No, because nothing matters. Life is temporary, and you will only ever have a minute, transient effect on a tiny blue dot floating in space"
@murgatroid99 Wat. How. Some games have a difference in stats/things based on gender. Others don't. And Minecraft doesn't even have the concept of gender, so that tag made no sense at all.
@Arperum Outside the scope of a game, nothing in the game matters
Like how outside the scope of a football match, the players on the field don't matter
@Batophobia True, and on an intergalactic scale the birth and death of the sun doesn't matter either.µ
@Batophobia except if they are beating up people in elevators
I was making a joke on the fact that "does this 'matter'" is arguably ill-defined
1 min ago, by murgatroid99
Or, to go completely nihilistic "No, because nothing matters. Life is temporary, and you will only ever have a minute, transient effect on a tiny blue dot floating in space"
@MattGiltaji If they are on the football field, I find that unlikely
@Batophobia I somehow did not read that line.
Why do I have a sneaky suspicion that question was posted to get a hat?
Yeeeep, looks like probably
2 days ago, by Powerlord
Gamification leads to gaming the system. Who could have predicted that!
52 mins ago, by murgatroid99
Q: What is the etymology of the pizza hat?

SteI have seen the terms but I don't know from where they originate.

@murgatroid99 Yeah, it's not as bad as that question.
That has been open for 6 hours and it's on the hot list (which is how I found it)
@murgatroid99 there is a hat for making the hotlist?
@MattGiltaji Get X answers in half-hour
@MattGiltaji No, the pizza hat is for getting 5 answers quickly on your question
Put those 2 comments together and you get the whole thing
They gamed it by having their chat room all answer that terrible question with shitty answers
At least it's not as bad as this one
Q: A single word for pizza-hatting?

HugoIn 30 minutes, five answers are needed. Five answers are needed in 30 minutes.

Which also hit Godwin's Law in 5 comments
@murgatroid99 That's so bad.
@murgatroid99 Incidentally, this kind of crap is exactly why I am against winterbash
@Frank at least that one is actually closed
How is a different SE site more addicted to hats then Arqade?
We have TF2 players here
@Batophobia we respect rules
@Batophobia Because we, at least, have principles.
We're not animals.
@Powerlord It would be better if the hats at least generally corresponded to good behavior
@Yuuki Since when?
@Batophobia I already have like 200+ virtual hats in TF2. Why would I need more?
@Yuuki we do?
@Unionhawk As of five minutes ago.
10 secs ago, by Unionhawk
@Yuuki Since when?
@murgatroid99 Yeah, except they don't.
@Powerlord HatOverflow.SE
14 secs ago, by Yuuki
@Unionhawk As of five minutes ago.
Or whenever ELU posted that question.
@Powerlord I think it was better about that last year, with hats for stuff like getting upvotes
on ELU is the new Lifehacks I think
There are only about 4 hats this year that encourage unequivocally good behavior
@murgatroid99 #whatcouldpossiblygowrong
I'm kind of just glad we didn't get hit hard by Sumo Judge, like some other rooms did
@murgatroid99 ???
@murgatroid99 i think everyone in the bridge got sumo judge by default
@Yuuki Some rooms had people show up in waves, star 8 messages each, and then leave
It was apparently kind of disruptive
I actually don't have Sumo Judge.
@murgatroid99 That's us when it's not Winterbash though.
Our star list is mostly random, out-of-context posts anyway
Then again, I'm also ignoring this event.
Q: The Sumo Judge hat is disruptive

tereskoCould the responsible person(s) remove the Sumo Judge hat from the list? Or is this intentional and the SE leadership wants the regulars to stop using chat? This hat is causing a starfest in various chat rooms.

Speaking of which, I forgot to star the things I agree with in the stars list.
Wow... only 1 thing in there for me to star? Really?
I actually don't star stuff much, so it will probably take me a little while to get that hat
my delay in getting the hat was that i didn't have an arqade account... which i later made for the chameleon hat, but i still have no chameleon ><
@Unionhawk Hey, I don't make the rules
Oh it's you
I'm always me, to my knowledge.
That's probably a lie
@murgatroid99 countrywide facepalm
throws penalty flag for blatant cheating
For failing to inb4 properly
Or is it "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!"?
@spugsley ...cause you said it in all caps?
@Powerlord But that's her standard MO.
@Yuuki the second one
@Powerlord maybe she is using autocad for her epic bridge fic?
@Powerlord I always say hello is all caps
it's my thing :3
just like@Wipqozn's thing is being the worst
POP UP QUIZ: what is the proper way to shorten "options"? "opt.s" or "opt's" or "opts." or...?
@badp post a hot question on elu! #lifehack
@badp optios
@badp umm, grats?
@badp "settings"
@Unionhawk no
(it's funny because that has more letters)
@Unionhawk "Preferences".
F--k it, I'm getting Sims 4.
I'm thinking about it now that things are included in stuff
That's the second one today about, "Email this guy to have all your dreams come true!"
@Frank I find it hilarious that they misspelled "Illuminati" every single time
@badp "opts" or "op", provided we're talking about programming. If it's meant for a GUI then I'd use opts.
@spugsley I used my $10 promo code from pre-ordering Inquisition and got it for $30.
@Wipqozn it's basically a poll.
I'll go with "opts."
@badp Why do you need to shorten the word?
@Yuuki I assume you're talking about the sims?
@Frank So, if my dream is that anyone who emails me things about my dreams coming true suddenly dies...
@spugsley Yeah.
It would only last for another 4 days anyways.
Q: Trying to Play Old Game, will Installing Old Direct X Drivers Affect Anything?

user2348797I'm trying to play an old Windows 98 game on Windows 7. The game is asking me to install DirectX 6 drivers. If I choose to install them will this affect my computer? (In other words will this stop newer games from being playable, stop flash websites from working, interfere with newer programs, et...

@Lazers Tag burned.
Q: Why does Ulfric things I am an stormclack?

Ander BiguriAfter around 200h of game play I finally decided to join the legion and take out the racist Ulfric (I am an elf...). However, after completing The Jagged Crown (and being very suspicious of why any of the stormcloack weren't attacking me) I started Message to Whiterun. However, when I go to tal...

Q: Hack 'n Slash: What debug buttons are enabled with the ENABLE_DEBUG_BUTTONS artefact?

Protector oneWhat debug buttons are enabled with the ENABLE_DEBUG_BUTTONS artefact and what do they do?

@SaintWacko I do not. Should I?
Good rating on snapfiles, but I don't really do a lot of stuff on my pc that would really benefit from it
@murgatroid99 because it doesn't fit the allocated horizontal space otherwise.
@PrivatePansy since you've expressed interest in General Mumble previously, mumbleetc.com/album/mumble-bundle-2k14
Q: Shivv or PD on vayne?

Matt CristaoI know pd better for the late game but in team fights, which item is better on vayne , Shivv or Phantom dancer and why? ( I started to play adc again )

In pokemon
you walk around the grass
and even when you don't wanna fucking fight a pidget
it pops up
and you beat it
and get XP
either you catch it
and take it with you
or it passes out
either way
you get XP for the next battle
^ My friend giving me advice on girls
I don't get it
@ElfSlice Did I? I don't think I did. You might have mistaken me for someone else
basically women are pokemans, right
and they just assault you
Oct 31 at 0:45, by murgatroid99
Also, General Mumble is a well known brony musician
I guess you didn't say you liked him
so you just deal with them whether you want to or not for them sweet experience value
@ElfSlice that's not how it works ...
I think he's trying to tell me that I need to go out and talk to more girls to get more confident at talking to girls for when one I'm really into comes along.
And hope she doesn't have a boyfriend grumble
Atleast he didn't say they were like zubat. I don't think there are that many fish in the sea
Oh, uh, no. Never heard of him. Most of the music the brony community produces aren't to my taste anyway
@ElfSlice I think that was me
You ponies all look the same to me
Sorry @PrivatePansy
and @murgatroid99
> Is that a Sudowoodo in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
(insert look of disapproval)
oh god why
I guess that extension doesn't exist any more, because it's gone from my chrome. =[
@ElfSlice i think you get negative experience talking to girls if you use pick up lines
> You make my Darkrai rise.
What does that even mean?
@MattGiltaji Yeah I'm obviously not going to use those.
or any
@murgatroid99 clearly Darkrai is a metaphor for one's level of appreciation for the company of another
Maybe it just sounds similar to 'dick'.
@AshleyNunn just letting you know I got the book today! Thank you once more! <3
I assume given the context Darkrai is supposed to mean "penis". I do not understand.
monkey paw or matchstick D:
@Chippies Yay! I am so happy to hear it arrived!
@djsmiley2k do you need bombs?
@AshleyNunn I'm happy, but also sad, because I thought I was done with wrapping presents...
nah i waste em
@djsmiley2k matchstick gives you a higher chance of getting bombs. If you don't need them, don't take it
Monkey Paw is marginally better than nothing, so you might as well take it
Q: How to put old games on new steam account

JacaI have Goat Simulator on my computer, and I want to get a Steam account so I can receive updates and new maps. But is there a way to put the game on a Steam account without a registration key? I wasn't given one, nor was I asked for one when I installed the game. And I don't feel like buying anot...

@ElfSlice If you do, I could give you a script that would make it so when you copy a wikiwand link, it copies as wikipedia
That sounds... cool.
It makes it so, essentially, you can copy a wikiwand link and it'll one-box
There's the program
I've got an autocorrect script too
You can package it as an exe too
@Unionhawk Oh, I forgot about that
#IfWinActive Google Chrome
Ctrl & c::
Send ^c
Sleep 10
ClipSaved = %clipboard%
StringLeft, URL, ClipSaved, 23
If URL = wikiwand.com
	StringTrimLeft, article, ClipSaved, 26
	clipboard = en.wikipedia.org/wiki%article%
There's the script
Er, wait
Stupid auto-hyperlinking
should it be Send ^v? If not, at which point does it send back the edited value to the clipboard? I'm blind, carry on
When it sets clipboard= I think CARRYING ON
@ElfSlice did you run the script?
haha probably not
how the fuck
you have to save the code in an *.ahk file and if you installed AutoHotkey, just double click the *.ahk file
Q: Do Black Arrow Multistrikes Proc Lock & Load?

JutschgeI know that Multistrike is the highest priority stat when playing as a Survival hunter. However what I want to know is whether or not multistrikes from Black Arrow can trigger Lock and Load for your explosive shot.

No, I'm getting the same
@ElfSlice just realized that won't work, you're missing a line
I'll get it to you when I get home
ALSO, obviously you have to be using chrome
Yeah, it does it on the copy side of the operation. So when you copy the URL it'll copy as a wikipedia
I know
If it worked
Question: The Google Play store is Android devices only, yes?
It doesn't have Windows games?
@Frank Yes.
@Frank yes
I truly have no idea but probably.
@Frank Nope. Unless they're cross-platform games like Scrolls which is available on both. But you can only get Android stuff on Google Play.
the goat guy can't have a non-steam version of the game
Somebody repost those so @Frank can see it.
a legit version
@Chippies Yeah, I figured. But thought I'd double-check.
@ElfSlice he's asking because of the goat sim question
I mean, you could probably, theoretically, run it emulating android or something
But I don't actually know
And that would be dumb
@Unionhawk you can run apk files on windows (possibly other OSs) just fine
@Unionhawk Android games update themselves automatically.
@Frank No they don't.
but the guy is asking about getting a steam key for the game he bought on google play
@Frank Not always, no
@Frank No
You can set them to not update
@AshleyNunn Well, the exceptions are those that want increased permissions with the update.
single player games definitely don't force updates on android, afaik
I mean you can set them to do so if you want to, but if the permissions change you still need to do them manually
@Unionhawk There is that, yes.
@Chippies Er?
All my Kairosoft games update themselves.
They don't force you to update.
@Frank last I used android, you had to go to google play to check for updates for all software
I don't recall whether or not that's an option I set when I bought them.
Turning off auto-update is a thing.
granted, that was android 2.1
100% is a thing
@Unionhawk I understand that.
but unless it's an online game, they usually don't force you to update
Okay, then I have no idea what you are saying then
at best they'd inform you about an update and offer to update
@Frank You set teh whole phone to either to do auto update or not, and then you can tell individual apps to not auto update
but they won't auto update, unless perhaps you allow them to
@Unionhawk I'm having trouble figuring out what we're arguing about.
I should get an android tablet so I can be relevant
You said android games update themselves, I said no they don't, necessarily
my information is very outdated
@Unionhawk I said this also
@ElfSlice Yes, also true
@Unionhawk If you've set them to auto-update, they'll do so until they need increased permissions, or you disable auto-update.
@Frank Yeah but auto-update isn't the default, if I remember right
@Frank but you have to set each individual game to auto update at some point, right?
@Chippies once you have a tablet you can go back to mobiles with ridiculous battery lives.
@AshleyNunn I do think it is.
Yes, you can disable auto-update. So they don't necessarily auto-update.
@AshleyNunn Aren't they? I don't recall, but I thought it was.
We're saying the same thing. This is dumb.
@AshleyNunn I think it is but I'm not certain now.
but the same is true of Steam and you wouldn't normally say that Steam doesn't autoupdate games.
I think default is auto-update on WiFi
You can disable Steam game updates or even Steam updates, but that's like missing the point.
@Unionhawk Well, you've thouroughly confused me, so I guess that counts for something.
@Unionhawk Yeah, I tihnk i am thinking of updates not on wifi
@badp my Samsung i5700 could easily last almost up to a week of texting and mp3 playing
@badp Well, now I know what my general-use font will be from now until forever.
and that's an android phone
pretty sure all phones can last fairly long without charging if you disable all the shit services you don't need constantly on
It depends on the phone
My phone should theoretically last for multiple days
true, but people claim their battery doesn't last a full day or so and that's just silly
But nope
no battery will last forever with all the shit people do on their phones nowadays
My phone lasts a full day usage no problem
like, you don't need to check facebook every 2 minutes
but people do and then complain about their battery lives
I mean, the iPhone etc has less than a day of life.
My phone just solves that problem by throwing a 3900 mAh battery in it
well, I can't say much about iphones, because I've never had one and Idk how open they are to disabling shitty services
my samsung i5700 has 1500 mAh battery, which was when most phones had 1000-1200 mAh batteries
oh phone, I wish you didn't suck compared to today's phones
(my old phone had a 3400 mAh battery, with a good 24 hours usage life)
@Chippies there are a few things you can disable on an iphone to drastically improve the battery life... go ahead, ask on lifehacks
Oct 24 at 14:30, by Unionhawk
@Batophobia NO
@Unionhawk that seems quite pathetic actually
@Chippies That's usage life. Services enabled.
@Unionhawk i was expecting the noctopus or w/e
@Unionhawk well, it really depends on what you do with it
Screen on ever
okay well, that's impressive I guess then
Not like, 1 week in my pocket on standby in airplane mode, no, 1 full day using it like people do these days.
@Unionhawk some people use their phones for texting and calls, some use them for gaming and browsing web 24/7
if you turn wifi off when you're not using it, 3g (or whatever fancy thing you guys have now) when you don't need it and all the stupid apps you don't need, that's still normal use, imho
I also don't browse web on a phone because that is the worst
@Chippies how else would one get around work filters?
I don't turn off data ever because why would I do that I've got the battery life to keep it on (also wifi on when data is on saves battery)
Q: How many hits per second do the weapon speeds indicate?

OreoI am trying to find which does more damage per second: The polished silver sword or the trolls bludgeon. The one thing I don't know the frequency of hits from the weapon speeds eg. fast, slow, very slow. so i want to know: How many hits per second does each weapon speed do?

Q: What are the blue and black crystals for?

Daniel JohnsonI have been pondering of what the blue and black crystals are for. Do they have a purpose? And if so, what is the interaction and how do I interact with it?

Q: Can someone with ONE minecraft account and two computes play together?

Dross MinecraftI have a friend who really likes the Minecraft PC version , but I want to play with on 2 computers, CAN I DO IT?

If you don't have data on, what's the point of the phone?
@Lazers isn't minecraft super cheap now?
@MattGiltaji well, at work I'm sure you can also have your phone charging the whole time
@murgatroid99 making calls?
@MattGiltaji afaik MC is only getting more and more expensive
unless you meant it's on sale
@MattGiltaji No, someone suggesting Lifehacks to you is grounds for confrontation, not NOPE'ing your way out.
@Chippies oh, i nabbed it when it was 10 bucks or so
@ElfSlice that is a very small fraction of my phone usage
@Chippies It's $26.95 USD, don't remember what it was before
@MattGiltaji it's 20 euros, I believe
@Chippies ouch, inflation hurts :S
Apparently $10 or so
@Unionhawk the price has been increased gradually
their price model is to never reduce the price
@Unionhawk minecraft.gamepedia.com says it was 5 euro between December 2009 and June 2010
@RavenDreamer You sneak! Thank you, sir! :3
Meanwhile at Microsoft (Note that this is a cache of a deleted blog post)
Q: Kargath Bladefist Aggro Reset

JutschgeWe were fighting Kargath Bladefist on Mythic lately and something really annyoing happened throughout the fights: He was randomly switching Targets during his Berserker Rush. Now since you should kite kargath as long as possible during his Berserker Rush in mythic difficulty we also tried it. Wh...

Okay, @ElfSlice, I'm home
@Lazers there is no aggro reset. there's some crap about an aggro reset by people that don't know how to manage their aggro
Lol zero punctuation is doing sonic boom
@murgatroid99 Well I'm convinced.
#IfWinActive wikiwand
Ctrl & c::
Send ^c
ClipSaved = %clipboard%
StringTrimLeft, article, ClipSaved, 26
clipboard = en.wikipedia.org/wiki%article%
@ElfSlice Use that. I Realized a way to streamline it on the way home
@murgatroid99 i can see why they deleted it
It manages to be both convoluted and offensive
And the primary point seems to be that Google Apps is easy to use, so you shouldn't use it. I think
i think the point is that you should pay a recurring subscription for the 20% of features that only power users need to use once in a while
hmmmm whats the rainbow poo all about?!
instead of the free alternative that handles the 80% of features that you happen to use all the time
Q: What does the rainbow poop do?

3venticI ran into this rainbow poop. Breaking it caused a nice sound effect and a rainbow to pop up on the screen. Did it do something else too, or is that all it does? Was I unlucky and got something I already had, like full health?

@ElfSlice You still don't have the line you need
One second
Got distracted by jello
Best excuse ever
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Put that at the top of the script
Before the #IfWinActive
Then save and reload the script
Are you putting this in a new script, or putting it in you autohotkey.ahk in My Documents?
@SaintWacko I put it in wikiwand.ahk in my documents
it says it's running though
Did you reload the script after you edited it?
wooo i'm flying samson
this is fun
Well then
Wups, try capitalizing Wikiwand in the #IfWinActive
I haven't been able to test this change
Vaporwave is a musical genre that emerged in the early 2010s from indie dance genres such as seapunk, bounce house, or chillwave, and, more broadly, electronic dance music. Although there is much diversity and ambiguity in its attitude and message, vaporwave often serves as both a critique and parody of consumerist society, '80s yuppie culture, and New Age music, while sonically and aesthetically showcasing a curious fascination with their nostalgic artifacts. == Style and origins == Vaporwave was first characterized by its heavy use of samples from '80s and '90s music, typically lounge, smooth...
there you go
If you put that stuff in the autohotkey.ahk instead, it'll automatically start with AutoHotkey, which can be set to start with your computer
Oh dear
I did not forsee that
Okay, go back to the old script

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