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That's amazing
#IfWinActive Google Chrome
Ctrl & c::
Send ^c
Sleep 10
ClipSaved = %clipboard%
StringLeft, URL, ClipSaved, 23
If URL = wikiwand.com
	StringTrimLeft, article, ClipSaved, 26
	clipboard = en.wikipedia.org/wiki%article%
Use that one instead
With the one setting line
This one verifies that it's actually a wikiwand URL, not just that the title bar says Wikiwand somewhere
Did not think about that
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
With the one setting line
Works for me
I put that in
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive Google Chrome
Ctrl & c::
Send ^c
Sleep 10
ClipSaved = %clipboard%
StringLeft, URL, ClipSaved, 23
If URL = wikiwand.com
StringTrimLeft, article, ClipSaved, 26
clipboard = en.wikipedia.org/…
Vaporwave is a musical genre that emerged in the early 2010s from indie dance genres such as seapunk, bounce house, or chillwave, and, more broadly, electronic dance music. Although there is much diversity and ambiguity in its attitude and message, vaporwave often serves as both a critique and parody of consumerist society, '80s yuppie culture, and New Age music, while sonically and aesthetically showcasing a curious fascination with their nostalgic artifacts. == Style and origins == Vaporwave was first characterized by its heavy use of samples from '80s and '90s music, typically lounge, smooth...
I see the problem
wat are the golden keys about
Copy it again
I have http:// in the url
You grabbed it before I converted it to fixed font
With the URLs converted
See the difference between what you posted and what I posted?
Vaporwave is a musical genre that emerged in the early 2010s from indie dance genres such as seapunk, bounce house, or chillwave, and, more broadly, electronic dance music. Although there is much diversity and ambiguity in its attitude and message, vaporwave often serves as both a critique and parody of consumerist society, '80s yuppie culture, and New Age music, while sonically and aesthetically showcasing a curious fascination with their nostalgic artifacts. == Style and origins == Vaporwave was first characterized by its heavy use of samples from '80s and '90s music, typically lounge, smooth...
Q: Please Onebox Wikiwand

ElfSliceWikiwand is a really nice plugin that beautifies wikipedia, but it does so by automatically converting wikipedia URLs to wikiwand URLs. These don't onebox. It's possible to get the unaltered wikipedia URL from the wikiwand page, but it's a pain. Everybody should use wikiwand anyway, so somebod...

double yay
lol -14
Things I do every Sim generation: Google how to rotate the furniture.
I swear, they change it every time.
They have pools now, so you can probably drown them too
If you're into that kind of thing
Last gen was right-click, hold, and drag in the direction you want them to face.
Gen before was a hotkey, I believe.
This gen, it's just right-click apparently.
Next gen, I might have to input the Konami Code: ^('.'^)(^'.')^v('.'v)(v'.')v<('.'<)(>'.')><('.'<)(>'.')>B('.'B)(A'.')A
Aw, forgot to cc @Chuck and @spugsley.
That's amazing
Bit Shifter + Star-Twine
A: Please Onebox Wikiwand

SaintWackoAs it appears there is no interest in oneboxing Wikiwand, I've developed a solution for those of use who use it. Install AutoHotkey, and run this script: SetTitleMatchMode, 2 #IfWinActive Google Chrome Ctrl & c:: Send ^c Sleep 10 ClipSaved = %clipboard% StringLeft, URL, ClipSaved, 23 If URL = ht...

I am not feeling good, so I am going to lie down now
@djsmiley2k they let you open any lock on the floor without using a key
lol cool
wow, i have like bowling ball tears...
@SaintWacko Thanks again. :)
22bombs.... 17 keys
@djsmiley2k sounds good
wooo moms dead
now take the giant chest
or go down into the evil zone? ;/
oh it closed D:
Chest it is then :D
3rd time :D
I found a noose o:D
@djsmiley2k closed? Like the devil room appeared and then disappeared?
Just so you know, there is no reason to not continue to the next floor. You will unlock whatever you get from beating the boss either way
@murgatroid99 i went into the devil room, came out
glanced away, looked back and it was gone
@djsmiley2k Yeah, sometimes devil rooms disappear if you leave the boss room
What I'm saying is that there's no reason to not go down and try to fight satan. You don't lose anything
@murgatroid99 ah cool, next time then :)
I did once and died on him
is it always 1 hit kill down there? or was that just bad luck for me?
@djsmiley2k Once you get to the Womb and below, all damage is a full heart instead of half heart
There are no one hit kills (nearly positive)
Actually, I'm pretty sure that the only thing in the game that deals more than one heart of damage is the spark plug
ah ok
it's because I had the x9 lives
so kept spawning with 1 red heart == insta death
@djsmiley2k I actually managed in one game yesterday to kill Satan with that
And I only died like 5 times
I had mom's knife, though, so that made it much easier
i should go to bed but...
One thing that helps with both Mom and Satan is that you can run into the side of their feet without taking damage.
This lets you be a little less careful with movement, and if you deal contact damage it can help
first floor, i fight headless horseman
so now flying... weeeee
and harliquin budy
the doors with spikles, any way to pass unhurt? ;/
@djsmiley2k going in doesn't damage you if you fly
also, if there's an adjacent secret room, you can go through that
Also, if you have Holy Mantle, you can go through without taking damage
Of course, Holy Mantle is just generally OP, so you always want that
@ElfSlice So... Don't touch anyone ever?
@ElfSlice lifehack for the extinction of humanity
[19:41:57] <ElfSlice> [adult swim] comedy infomercials?
[19:42:12] <cst003> no.. bloodborne pathogen training for work. x_x
@ElfSlice That is an effective way to avoid bloodborne pathogens
well yeah
Kind of like how not breathing is an effective way to avoid airborne viruses
[19:42:22] <ElfSlice> I thought it was from those infomercials
[19:42:57] <cst003> nope, just this douchefuck telling me not to lick other people's scrapes. http://puu.sh/dz60y/5a793ce991.jpg
Anybody want to play Scrolls?
Had to call the student loan people to figure some stuff out - first time I have called any CSR/IVR phone thing since I got the job as a CSR and it just makes me laugh because I am like "I know why you are doing this this way mwahahahaha"
@AshleyNunn CSR i know, what is IVR?
IVR is the automated phone stuff, the press 1 for x, 2 for y thing that sorts the calls
aka interactive voice response
@AshleyNunn til more acronyms, thanks
Glad i could help :P
[19:50:57] <cst003> hahahahahaaaaaaa they honestly just said "dont mix your blood together to become blood brothers"
@ElfSlice has anyone done that blood brothers stuff since the 1950s?
"And of course, never take illegal drugs. Contaminated needles are a leading cause of diseases carried in the blood."
I'll remember that next time I'm injecting myself with pot
@ElfSlice so drugs are ok, as long as the needles are clean?
@ElfSlice pot is legal now, depending where you are
@ElfSlice I...I am trying to think of this as a thing and I am just boggled by details
@MattGiltaji Canada, so nope
I couldn't think of any other drugs
Not in the 1990s where this video is taking place
Or probably even older
@AshleyNunn guess you need to stick to injecting maple syrup and politeness :p
@AshleyNunn Medical?
I will stick with not injecting myself with things
@RedRiderX Well, yes
(although i am very jealous if you actually are injecting maple syrup... that is a technology that needs to be exported to the US asap)
what would be the point of that
@ElfSlice deliciousness and eventually diabetes
@MattGiltaji there would be no deliciousness there
Only horror
How do you taste things injected intravenously?
No deliciousness only terribleness
@ElfSlice You don't
@SaintWacko it would be delicious if I had a scrape for strangers to lick
especially if they did not see @ElfSlice IRC relay's training video
not actually mine, just relaying from IRC
although he's uploading the segments for my enjoyment dropbox.com/sh/rge9is924hil1hg/AAChd4h2vimgXpkcEAIK_vYfa?dl=0#
dat microscope thumbnail
@ElfSlice she's pouring the pathogen all over herself!
@ElfSlice One of these days I should poke my IRC client with sticks again, it crapped out on me and I keep forgetting to fix that
@AshleyNunn You're still logged in haha. I guess whatever core thing you had setup is still going.
@AshleyNunn How I picture that going: "poke work pls" "no" "ok"
I always wanted to do that with mine but I could never figure out how. Need a server or something.
@ElfSlice Weird. I should totally try to get it to work. The persistent sign in is not mine (its housed on a friend's server), so that is likely unaffected.
@Unionhawk Pretty much. I can start the thing, but it refuses to connect to things. :(
Oh, now I see how it is broken
no idea how to correct that....
@AshleyNunn post it in lifehacks!
Two new experiences today for me
1) Landing a job while I have an active one
2) writing a letter of resignation
@James grats
@MattGiltaji Thanks :D
yey jesus juice lol
Old one, but an awesome one
@James congrats :)
My new hat is awesome! Tell me how awesome my new hat is!
@MBraedley wat?! how did you get that one?
@MattGiltaji It's not a secret hat
@AshleyNunn how is it broken? I'm sure someone could help you with it
@Chippies I am asking the guy who set it up for me to fix it :)
ah, alrighty then :P
(He is like "how did you get it to do that" and I was like "No idea!"....that happens a lot when I ask people to tech support me)
Q: can you get a ender dragon on here

TylerCoal blocks in the world? From: HerobrineTotal 3 Answers Posted On: 11-29-2014 How do you make a dropbox acount? From: Horselover10447Total 1 Answers Posted On: 11-25-2014 Know any Block Textures? From: SurvivalistTotal 1 Answers Posted On: 11-25-2014 List of Mods? From: IllusionsDreamTotal 1 Ans...

why on earth has loki split in two o_O
@AshleyNunn Thanks Thanks :)
@Lazers wat
ok wtf why did the screen go all dark D:
Q: A game is showing the wrong icon

ThebluefishI recently got a PS4 as well as a year subscription to PSN. Through this subscription, I also grabbed December's Playstation Plus titles: Secret Ponchos Injustice Gods Among Us After downloading both titles, I see that both titles show the icon for Secret Ponchos. Injustice Gods Among Us runs...

@djsmiley2k either the curse that makes it dark or a temporary effect from either a dice room or a boss
Somebody play Scrolls with me
@StrixVaria @badp @Chippies
@ElfSlice umm, I guess I could play a match
Q: Steam Client Is Broken

dudephatOkay, this happened completely all of a sudden. This morning, I was getting the "-130" error message even more than normal. That's the one that says "Unknown Error, could not connect to the page". I was also unable to update any of my games. I tried restarting my computer and internet multiple ti...

Ian is wrapping my Christmas presents :33333
I can here him shuffling paper around. He is so bad at wrapping :3
@spugsley it's ADORABLE
@Mana is secretly in your house it's fine
@Mana :D
ughhh people like this make me rethink my decision to write for TC: thoughtcatalog.com/nicole-mullen
she writes "satire" (except not really satire, the kind of satire that allows her to get away with saying hateful shit) and I strongly dislike her
That's the worst kind of satire
@spugsley This sums up why I hate TC, and I feel bad saying that
@AshleyNunn don't feel bad
what are everyone's holiday plans
@spugsley The current Robot Hugs is apt.
what holiday things are people doing
@spugsley i don't get all the fake austrailian words, and overall this piece is very poorly written
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is free on Google Play if you're into getting movies on Google Play.
@Mana If it is anything like tonight, sitting around feeling lonely :P
what christmas songs are people singing
@AshleyNunn :C
@MattGiltaji can you do me a favor and flag it for removal? ;3 If they get enough, it'll be taken down
@AshleyNunn why be lonely when you have the bridge!
@spugsley Hateful or weaponized writing?
@AshleyNunn yassss
@MattGiltaji that's what I said, yeah
@MattGiltaji True enough
it does seem hateful to me
I just wanna see people this weekend and literally everyone I know including my parents has plans and I feel silly and like a five year old who is like no one loves me lets eat worms
@Mana Ian and I are doing early Christmas on Saturday with each other and my family and then we are traveling to MD for actual Christmas. Busy busy
@AshleyNunn awww :(
Its dumb, but holidays often make me :( because I am bad at social and stuff and everyone does family stuff and I have a small family so we don't really do things in the same way, and just aaaa
I didn't meant to be sad
it's okay, now we all feel sad
@Mana Santa Baby
@ElfSlice do I want to know what this is
please tell me it's actually a baby Santa
@ElfSlice good song
@Mana its actually not nsfw
Shitty. If I want to swap the mobo and processor for my HTPC, I'm going to have to buy new ram (or steal some from my main desktop, which isn't happening).
A classic
@AshleyNunn do you like Nightmare Before Christmas?
@spugsley that movie is awesome in every sense
@spugsley yessssssss
can I suggest listening to Amy Lee's version of Sally's Song :)
it's amazing
her voice is perfection
I hate that movie and everybody who likes that movie.
I don't like that movie either
@ElfSlice screw you
I hate people who hate that movie too
there goes christmas...
actually I just hate everybody
I didn't say I hated it
Q: My minecraft forge-1.7.10- server keeps shutting itself down

0_Exterminator_0My minecraft 1.7.10 forge server keeps crashing. Every time I open it, it opens up and starts like it should and starts running but than suddenly it comes up with a bunch of messages that I'm not familiar with and than it shuts down like nothing ever happened and it doesn't even give me a crash r...

@ElfSlice don't lie
I can see inside those elf eyes
there's only hatred
Awesome cover of Santa Baby:
Why are you never on gchat any more
@Mana This is further proof of my "all mods are actually @AshleyNunn's sockpuppets". Now that you are no longer a mod, control of the account has reverted to its original owner and we see you for who you truly are.
@Yuuki It all makes sense
@Yuuki i believe they would be called "hugpuppets" were that the case
@spugsley The only Christmas song I hate more is the "its cold outside" one
@MattGiltaji Truth, I don't like socks
@AshleyNunn I KNOW
@AshleyNunn I have a hilarious version of that one that I like.
@Yuuki now that I'm no longer a mod, I've started a slow and gradual systematic destruction of all the reputation I developed on this site
@spugsley its so yucky
it's the only natural course of action
@AshleyNunn it REALLY is
@MBraedley This is really nice
while we're posting music. This is my favorite song right now:
@Yuuki This confuses me. It's messing with my head.
Stop messing with my head
@Yuuki zomg scrubs!
@spugsley I assume it's because it's all about vanity and the sort.
@MBraedley I don't know if I have a specific reason other than it's annoying as hell
> ♪ It's a f--king brush!
@spugsley How about this:
Q: Skyrim and follower problem which I do not feel has been answered fully

bluejean stormyskiesCall me stupid, what ever, but I did not read one thing here that would actuallly help anyone with the question on followers. You mark it as duplicate ok - so where is the answer? It is not here that's for sure. I can't see where it was ever correctly answered for anyone. Like I said call me ...

Mind you, if I'm being honest, I was listening to this all day.
@MBraedley their carol of the bells is impressive
Today I listened to Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/14 by TSO like a million times
TSO is amazing
@ElfSlice I can understand why....
@Unionhawk I love them. Seen them love quite a few times. :)
@ElfSlice Oh my
@Unionhawk Dude, Nintendo does it. That means it has to be cool.
loses it I can't
Q: Why is the new Thresh Blood Moon skin unavailable?

leigeroI thought the new Thresh skin was released, and it's showing up in the list of possible skins to choose from, but when I click "buy skin" it says it is unavailable. If it's brand new, and unavailable when/how was it ever available?

But yeah, not cool, @Steam.
Too fast on that account change
Does this mean I'm cool now?
I bet if you change back to @Yuuki nobody will know what the hell happened in the transcript
Problem is, Gravatars aren't cached.
They should be, but they aren't.
I caught it as it changed, that was a weird moment
Oh, wait, it has the names in the transcript
@Unionhawk Yeah, but the avatar changes in the transcript.
Which sucks.
If you refresh, it recognizes they're all @Yuuki.
Here, in chat
But on the transcript it shows the name changes
@Unionhawk But not the avatar changes.

In which @Steam responds and @Uni loses it

12 mins ago, 9 minutes total – 17 messages, 6 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked just now by Unionhawk

Oh man, looking back at conversations is always memory time

In which @fbueckert...

Nov 13 '13 at 18:17, 17 minutes total – 115 messages, 11 users, 33 stars

Bookmarked Nov 13 '13 at 18:37 by Unionhawk

That was a fun day
@ElfSlice He turned the Xbox into an AxeBox
@Chippies get out
@Chippies hue
HAHAHAHA GET IT? NO? Well, I'm off to bed, g'night
@Unionhawk GONE!
wonder how they managed to get Richard Hatch in for that
@RavenDreamer Thanks! :D You too!
I'm surprised it got to you so fast.
Maybe I was tricked into paying expedited shipping...
Regardless. Enjuoy!
You gotta win it before the sequel comes out
2x youtube is how a man with a backlog catches up
warp speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
(like, 100 episodes behind on the space engineers podcast that's hilarious)
20 minute episodes in 10 minutes let's goooooo
/cc @Sterno, @TimStone
Q: Everyone can get free WOW gold on Christmas day!

ting wangEveryone can get free WOW gold on Christmas day! To celebrate Christmas day, Wowtoes held one week sale with 8% off code WOW8XMAS for you to buy wow gold, Mounts&pets and wow gears on wowtoes.com from December 23, 2014 to December 31, 2014. GMT www.wowtoes.com Before Xmas celebration, you can ...

Wow, manyland.com is a beautiful mess.
Q: Is it possible for a pitcher to hit a homerun in RBI Baseball?

zgirodIn the original RBI Baseball game on NES all the pitchers had the same batting stats; a 150 batting average and 0 home runs (I think). A friend of mine has always claimed that he has hit a home run with a pitcher. Is it possible to determine how far a pitcher can hit the ball and if they are ca...

@Lazers That account should probably be burned, if for no other reason than to provide more information to the spam filter.
@Frank Don't the spam flags provide information for the spam filter?
Q: Are mods from level 60 commendation gear freely transferable?

Japhasca(SWTOR) It seems like, given the incredibly slow rate of getting purple mats from crew skills, it would be faster to farm dailies for the basic commendation to get purple gear for both me and my main companion. The issue is, I like the way my gear looks and until I get set bonus gear, I don't pla...

@Unionhawk That they do. I suspect account destruction does as well, as there are reasons you choose from for doing so.

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