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It's pretty much the only other thing that works
It's the black market that's blocked off.
Ah, alright.
Also: greater rift lvl 17 soloed on hardcore! cc @SaintWacko @Frank @otherD3players
I played a couple games and enjoyed it, so I spent the five bucks.
Arcane enchanted elites were scary though, especially the ones who had a whole lot of minions.
I got an item to add a socket to a weapon, so if you find a weapon with awesome stats, but lack of a socket: don't throw it. Save for that socket adding item.
@ElfSlice wanna do another match?
Sure, one more. Then I'm gonna go make something for dinner.
So. That was depressing.
Network tech explained to boss why raise was not worth it. Boss tells her, "We think you're worth more, but we can't pay you more." And that's the end of it.
So...the entire senior team is probably going to be leaving in the new year.
@Arperum Yeah, but my 8 year old laptop with a 1.6GHz Dual Core (Core Duo), 2.5GB of RAM, and integrated graphics runs it better than my brand spanking new 3.5GHz Quad Core (i5) with 8GB RAM & GTX 750 Ti...
@Frank Wooow
There's only so much you can tell management that if they want their plans to come to fruition, they're going to need to invest in their IT team. We get lots of talk, but no action.
@Frank Sounds like "We like what you do, but we just don't think you're that important"
@RedRiderX More like they don't understand the value that IT adds to the processes.
@Frank I assume boss said, "but we can't pay you more." while packing a parachute of metallic yellow colour.
@TrentHawkins Wouldn't surprise me.
Yowch, that was loud.
The Steam Servers are currently down for routine maintenance.
Does that mean I can't download my games?
@RPiAwesomeness that is what it means
possibly, maybe
depends on what servers are down
but I would assume it includes the download servers
Gosh friggin dangit.
Having a 80 Kb/s connection is not good for download 2.0GB+ games...
@RPiAwesomeness if your craptop runs minecraft better than your new PC, you're doing something wrong
@Chippies IK!
I have absolutely no idea what is causing this!
well for one, is your igpu enabled for some reason and you are running on igpu instead of the nvidia?
and describe the lag you're having
I don't believe so. All signs point to me using my GTX 750 Ti...
vanilla MC?
The lag...um.. Sub 20 FPS on any render distance in vanilla MC
Q: How do I view my whole character?

OreoI have played Oblivion and in Oblivion you can see your person on the menu screen. When I go into 3rd person all I see is their back. Is there any way I can see my whole character?

^^ Why does this feel like question/answer whoring?
Chunk updates is about the average 2-6
my wife was running MC perfectly on core2duo and gtx750ti
and it still works great on the i5
That's the wierd thing
did you buy a brand new HDD?
or are you using some old leftover hdd?
Brand spanking new 1TB WD Blue
+ 240 GB PNY Optima SSD
oh so you got SSD, so that shouldn't be an issue
Yeah. No problem there...~7-10 sec boot times is amazeballs :D
hm well, you have to check the cpu/gpu usage when the fps drops
find out where the issue lies and then you can keep debugging
although, it is a java app, so it's probably just java being a piece of shit
@Chippies True....but why would it run better on my craptop?!?!
I've figured it out!
It's Microsoft.
@RPiAwesomeness you could have java installed properly on craptop and not on pc
They've added code to 1.8.1 that makes it run horribly on Linux
I doubt Microsoft even touches minecraft
doubt they care about minecraft on desktop at all
they pushed MC on windows mobile and they are getting lots of money from the franchise itself
@Chippies Microsoft Purchases Minecraft for $2 Billion
everyone that wanted to buy MC has most likely already bought MC
@RPiAwesomeness they bought the franchise, not the desktop MC
it includes the desktop MC, but I seriously doubt it's what they were after
Yeah they bought the community, not the game
There are reports that they are looking to unify it across all platforms though
But the purchasing speculation did include something for their mobile platform
they were saying they're not gonna change MC before the purchase
@Chippies Which we all know is a lie
probably because they just don't care about the desktop MC to begin with
Because the development of the game in all its formats is an ongoing thing
That was just the 'Chill People!' statement
eh, I doubt they will ruin desktop version of minecraft
I doubt they will have much involvement with it at all
clearly mojang knows what they're doing with the game
it would be unwise to mess with it
and the silly microsoft hate by linux fanboys is silly as well
The water gun you're recommending here only holds 3.7 fluid ounces, not anywhere near enough to fill any automotive fluid that I'm aware of. Also motor oil is a lot thicker than water so the chances of this really working aren't great. Beyond that wouldn't filling the water gun be even more difficult than filling the receptacle on the car, requiring an even smaller funnel? — apaul34208 2 hours ago
Lifehacks.SE: the gift that keeps on giving.
@Chippies I'm not hating on Microsoft...it was a joke
@RPiAwesomeness I know it was a joke
@RedRiderX i think only bridge people upvoted that
I hope so
Ugh, all those crafting, exploring, surviving games are in Early Access...
@RedRiderX I want LH.se to come out of beta so I can read the posts
without having to register for it
@Chippies It's not hard to sign up
Just go through that area 51 link
@RedRiderX I'm just afraid I'd be sucked into it
@Chippies ... You're joking, right?
Q: How free are we?

slow_excellenceNow that steam has liberated us from the icy clutches of GFWL, does anybody know if the new servers are VAC secured or not? Being able to try out different builds and theorycrafting was a pretty big part of my endgame, but I don't want to risk a VAC ban for something trivial. So has anybody fou...

Q: I want to pour motor oil without using a funnel. A: here's how to make a funnel.
@Yuuki I am getting the impression that everything on lifehacks is hilarious
and if I find out it's not, I will blame ALL OF YOU
@Chippies Oh, it's hilarious when you're trolling. Which you should be if you're on Lifehacks.
Okay, I think I finally found a hat that fits me.
If you find yourself on Lifehacks without an intent to troll, go home. You're drunk.
@Yuuki well, I only want to read the trolling
If you find yourself on Lifehacks, odds are, you are home.
Huh, hats don't update as quickly as they used to...
@RedRiderX i think there is a lifehack for that
... and as I say that my hat updates...
I'm tempted to answer this question with "Learn how to make @Yuuki-style sandwiches".
Q: How can I maximize the space in my compact size refrigerator so I can store more goods good enough for a month?

Cary BondocAre there any lifehacks where I can maximized the space or capacity of my refrigerator so it can store more goods? This question specifically points to the body part of the refrigerator as seen in the picture. I have a small compact size refrigerator (like the picture below) and I can't fit ever...

Pickles go on everything!
beans and rice don't need to be refrigerated
You're not trying hard enough if you still have pudding in your fridge.
@Yuuki put everything in boxes sized exactly for those shelves
Vanilla pudding and pickle sandwiches!
Q: Is there any way to kill a fly without a flyswatter?

ScimonsterFact: Flies move fast. Very fast. That's why you need something that moves even faster ā€“ like a fly swatter ā€“ to kill a fly. But what if you don't have a flyswatter handy? Then, how can you catch and kill a fly? I have tried whacking them with so many different items, from wooden sticks (bad id...

My new favourite.
@RedRiderX Dish filled with balsamic vinegar + detergent.
It sounds like it would (and it kinda does), but the flies survive long enough to breed, so now you have a dish that's slowly filling with dead flies.
@Yuuki cup with detergent and water worked for me
@murgatroid99 Balsamic vinegar attracts flies better than almost anything in existence, short of corpses.
It took a while, and it ended up with a lot of dead flies, but I also ended up with no live flies so I consider it a success
@Yuuki apparently the detergent is supposed to do that
also, I didn't have vinegar
@murgatroid99 i thought you were supposed to catch flies with honey, not vinegar
I live in my own apartment and basically only eat prepackaged or company-provided food, so I don't really own any ingredients
lifehacks could be a goldmine for comedy if you deliberately came up with contrived, over the top 'solutions' to shit and took pictures of your construction to go with your answer
@MattGiltaji Vinegar smells like decomposing fruit (because that's what it essentially is), unlike honey.
@ElfSlice gotta rename your account to rube goldberg
@Unionhawk Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang
@Yuuki but honey is delicious... and folk wisdom never lies!
Just saw the close call
@Lazers Freedom is slavery.
Hmm... do I want to go out and watch The Theory of Everything tonight?
@PrivatePansy you're Pinkie Pie now
@murgatroid99 More specifically, Pinkie Pie eating a Winterbash hat
It's traditional
Dear sir or madam: do not whisper under your breath when I am on the phone with you. Even if I don't catch what you're saying, it sounds suspicious as hell and I am therefore less likely to want to talk with you any further.
@Unionhawk At least he's home
The next thing that'll happen is for me to get the Mistletoe hat then set a picture of two ponies kissing or something
@OrigamiRobot If he's going to do what I think he's going to do, next episode should be awesome
I'm not sure he's completely stuck, but there's no way for him to know that, and there's no way for me to know that
ugh did i miss mistletoe again ><
@MattGiltaji since you can only get it on new years eve/day, not yet
> We are not free. Free will is an illusion. In each of the decision we make, we're bound by both written laws and unwritten social norms governing our social contract. Only by escaping our earthly tether can we truly be free.
I want to post this as a comment so much
A: Proper use cases for Android UserManager.isUserAGoat()?

mehFrom their source, the method used to return false until it was changed in API 21. /** * Used to determine whether the user making this call is subject to * teleportations. * @return whether the user making this call is a goat */ public boolean isUserAGoat() { return false; } It looks...

> In API 21 the implementation was changed to check if there is an installed app with the package com.coffeestainstudios.goatsimulator
Yes, there is an Android API function that just checks if Goat Simulator is installed
> Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty, and become wind.
@murgatroid99 That's what I thought of too
@murgatroid99 i grabbed that on a steam sale. I thought my wife would like it because she thinks goats are cute... beginning of the game has a huge pile of dead goats... fail
@Ktash I was actually assuming that was the same reference
Quite possible
Cheeseburger soup is simmering away. Almost done.
@PrivatePansy I can't actually find this quote anywhere, though. Did you just make it up?
Yeah, a random mishmash of stuff I learned during philosophy and literature class
See, studying six years in the best school in this country didn't totally go to waste after all
And I actually thought you were quoting Legend of Korra
The last part was
Now I get it
Although I'm quite sure they actually stole it from Buddhist literature
Yeah, it definitely sounds like it
I got the secret hat!
@Chippies Which one?
@RPiAwesomeness chameleon
it's taking forever to change tho
@Chippies Noice :)
I probably shouldn't have changed anyway, it looks dumb
@PrivatePansy Your avatar + hat is amazing xD
> Awesome! You read 553,643 words in Pocket in 2014. Thatā€™s practically 12 books, which earns you a spot in this yearā€™s Top 5% of readers!
@Frank Ugh. And the damn edit history doesn't show title edits as effectively since it's not side by side
553k words is 12 books? Must be some short books.
Q: Minecraft won't let me play online!

BaileyPlease help me!! So every time I log in to play minecraft it says, "Can't connect to minecraft.net" And it gets so annoying please help me. I'm not entirely sure what decimal I am playing. But I can tell you that it is not 1.8 so I am kinda stuck. My friend said to update it to 1.8 but I want yo...

> Yes, I know it says internet connection required on the back, but I just kinda ignored it
Well, there's your problem
@murgatroid99 To be fair, he says why he ignored it right after.
@Frank But it also sounds like he may just have to connect once in this instance too
Unless publishers are going to be consistent about it, I don't think we can really blame him for ignoring something that may or may not be important.
@murgatroid99 Could be. I suspect he's tried that, though.
It's typical X/Y problem, isn't it?
@Frank The question is about downloading required updates before playing for the first time. That is the first time connection
In any case, I think the edited title is correct and matches the body
OP's intent is for Steam to do offline update for its game, what he actually asks is if it is possible for him to download game updates through his phone (which is rather nonsensical, actually)
Which is probably why it was approved twice
@PrivatePansy tethering
Well, if meme decides to yet again roll that back, I'll be flagging.
@murgatroid99 That wouldn't require the Steam app, which was also in the title originally
At 15k rep, he should know better.
@PrivatePansy But that wasn't the meaning of the question
Because that title of his was silly. Nowhere near what was being asked.
Hence "or other workaround?"
Q: Cannot download Forge for 1.8.1

FlotolkSo I have tried all different types of Forge Modloader downloads for 1.8.1, and followed the tutorials. I even deleted and reinstalled minecraft , and my .minecraft folder. But every time I run the installer, I just get this error: you need to run version 1.8 manually at least once What am I do...

my nose is a little sniffly and I feel a little icky. Someone tell me a way that I can ward off a cold before it becomes a full blown death cold
@spugsley Super hot bath. Stay in it until you almost pass out. Go pass out in your bed.
I can't deal with a cold this close to Christmas. It's a horrible idea
and we have to travel
@spugsley Super spicy food. Like mouth on fire, eyes watering spicy.
My mom swears by vitamin C if you catch the cold in the early stages.
Find a mirror. Look into it. Tell yourself "Ain't nobody got time for that" like you really mean it. Done deal.
@TrentHawkins I took some. And the ones I have has that echinacea stuff in it. Maybe that'll help
Alternatively, get a sugar pill and convince yourself it's a super miracle cold cure.
@TrentHawkins It's the 'convince yourself' that's the hard part
Better send us the money instead, and we'll help convince you
I bet @Wipqozn was the one that flipped that turtle over in the first place
@PrivatePansy you don't really need to. Multiple studies have shown that it doesn't really matter whether you believe in a placebo; it works anyway
So, uh, as long as you're eating something, you get the effects? I thought the placebo effect requires, at the minimum, a belief of effectiveness?
Or maybe sugar pills are effective in combating flu :P
@PrivatePansy You have to take something that resembles medicine
But you don't actually have to consciously believe that it is medicine
Also, red placebos are stimulants and blue placebos are depressants
Q: Can I permanently skip the intro when starting Kohan?

ladenedgeIs there any way to permanently skip (ie. disable) the introductory movie? It's only one extra Esc keypress, but I need my Kohan now!

Actually, it looks like you have to expect it to help, but expecting the placebo effect to be effective may be good enough to be a self-fulfilling prophecy
Daily dose of Daaaaawe
@Lazers >_>
@MBraedley sobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ;_________;
So. Someone commented something on a post on SE. The SE app picks it up and display a notification on my Android phone. Pushbullet takes the notification, then cross post it to my computer screen, which is what I'm looking at now
@PrivatePansy The solution is to also get SE desktop notifications
@murgatroid99 Then I'll get two notifications.
Which would make things even funnier
@Chippies So, I installed NVIDIA drivers...and the FPS O.O
Q: Tekkit on Mac not starting - White Screen

flamespartonWhen I load up Technic, I log in, everything is fine. I go on hexxit and it loads. It loads the mods but it doesn't show the Mojang screen, it's just white. Then I open terminal and copy it and paste it and press enter a new java thing show in my tool bar i open it up and it says Last login: Tu...

I'm hoooome
@RPiAwesomeness Ubuntu?
@SaintWacko Oui
@RPiAwesomeness Yeah, it's pretty great
Unless it updates and fucks everything
I was apparently on Nouveau and was getting ~10-20 FPS...with 8GB RAM, i5-4690k, & GTX 750 Ti
Installed Nouveau and it's amazeballs.
Coming from a craptop that got tops 20 FPS on Skyblock
^ 4 render distance + fast everything
^ 14 render distance + fancy everything
I was actually getting 40-100 FPS on 32 render distance + Fancy everything .. but the max-min jumped around a lot
I wonder if it is possible to correlate the rate of new incoming questions and Mojang's server maintenance schedule
Heartstone on my Nexus 7 runs rather poorly
@badp How did scrolls run, out of curiosity? I haven't tried it on Android yet
Scrolls is much more enjoyable as an experience, esp. as it doesn't involve battle.net
Scrolls runs fine.
There aren't 3D effects to speak of, after all
@Chippies and I are playing Scrolls if anybody wants to spectate
Q: How do I pass the grid of stones to the diamond?

meme scientistThere's a grid of stones on the way to the diamond in the diamond exhibition room in the newest heist, The Diamond. Kind of like Indiana Jones, where one must carefully step on the right steps to avoid traps, we attempted to make our ways across, only to hit the wrong one and trigger the alarms....

Q: One Minecraft world not opening, others work fine

xornobI was making a map, (capture-the-flag-type). The world no longer shows up in my world in Minecraft. This is 1.8.1. The folder for the world is in my saves folder, in %appdata%. All of my other worlds still work. When Minecraft is open, and I try to edit the 'ctf map' (name of world) folder, I get...

@LessPop_MoreFizz ...
ą² _ą² 
@badp I got Unity back
I had to:
1) Create a new folder on the desktop
2) Open the new folder
3) Use the new Explorer window to find and launch xterm
4) Execute "ccsm" to launch the Compiz settings manager
5) Reenable the Unity plugin
@LessPop_MoreFizz Stop the planet, I want off.
@AshleyNunn tbqh, you should read it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz My cat and I are happy without the attention
@LessPop_MoreFizz satire, I'm assuming?
Okay, now that's I've spent a whole day fixing Ubuntu, back to KSP
@AshleyNunn But the money!
@spugsley @AshleyNunn So I'm considering getting Sims 4.
@Yuuki I've not played anything since 3 and even then 3 was not that interesting to me, but thats because I get overwhelmed by details and really I just only like setting up the houses
@Yuuki uhh haven't played it but I have a deep love for the Sims
@AshleyNunn I like making dysfunctional families and watch them slowly descend into madness. It's cathartic.
I played Sims 2 and 3, modded the shit out of it
@Yuuki Play something else.
Q: Does summoning the Poro King remove Poro Toss counts?

Bob2ChivIn the Legend of the Poro King game mode, I know by the counters in the upper corner that summoning the Poro King is caused by landing 10 Poro Tosses as a team. But, when the Poro King is finally killed, I know my team's Poro Toss count is returned to zero, but what about the other teams' Poro T...

@Yuuki LadyWacko enjoys it
@Yuuki I just like the ability to have things just so, its my way of being able to have dollhouse like stuff without the time/money/space of actual ones
@Frank "Something else" has not been particularly fun lately. The first game of Endless Legend was great, but it's been kinda meh since.
I can try to convince her to poke her head in here and discuss it, @Yuuki
@Yuuki Scrolls!
@Wipqozn Don't you mean bouuuuuuuuurn? I mean, if you add extra "u"s, why not "o"s?
@ElfSlice I freely admit that I absolutely suck at (C/T)CGs and have no joy in playing them.
I suck at them too but I'm still enjoying this one
fair enough though I guess
I have a very particular brand of suck.
When I play, I lose. And when I lose, I lose badly.
Last time I played Hearthstone, I lost in less than ten rounds without being able to play a single card.
@SaintWacko I would not be averse to that.
We can do a private chat room if she doesn't feel like talking to everyone.
@murgatroid99 Reminds me of that one time in China I bought a burger, but was told there would be no lettuce in it because they ran out
They gave me a coupon for a free breakfast soy bean milk to compensate
Omg. There is a thing called Squatty Potty
thank you Shark Tank for introducing me to things
@DoorHandle hi.
i need some advice on a build
@DoorHandle Bye.
(I can't help you at all. Maybe someone else can.)
@DoorHandle Use a cardboard tube, some paper, 3 paperclips and a bucket
980 SLI vs 970 SLI?
price is a matter of concern.
@DoorHandle 980. It's 10 SLI more than the 970.
Unless you can find a 970 and 10 for cheap. Then, you can make your own 980!
/me puts on Bridgeiness containment suit
What sort of games are you playing where you'd even need SLI?
Q: Prevent keyboard and mouse from being disabled when using controller

Eric FinnIs there a way (outside of using external software such as xpadder or GlovePIE) to use both a controller and mouse/keyboard in Skyrim? This similar question covers disabling the gamepad so that the mouse and keyboard can be used. However, I want to also be able to use the gamepad, and swap to ke...

@RPiAwesomeness you... didn't have newest drivers installed?... >.> sigh
@DoorHandle 970 SLI if money is a matter of concern
970 SLI is slightly more expensivle than a single 980 and only slightly slower than 980 SLI
it's almost never worth it to SLI the top tier cards if you care about money
but if you're SLI'ing, make sure you have a) multiple monitor setup for gaming or b) 144hz 1080p/1440p monitor or c) 4k 60hz monitor
because there's no (optimized) game a single 970 can't handle at 1080p@60Hz
annnnnnd I'm off to bed
Yup, pretty much. The only reason why you'd need SLI is if you're playing on resolution higher than 1080p. Otherwise a single high-end card should play all current and probably next generation games on a single monitor with most option maxed out
cc @spugsley
what am I looking at?
@spugsley Dorian resurrected the Keep Gate.
That interface... Of all things, why did they copy the OS X dock?
@PrivatePansy I play controller, so I don't see that.
Eh, what game is this?
Tell me so I can avoid it
@PrivatePansy Dragon Age: Inquisition. It's a good game though, so you're missing out.
@spugsley Come on, I thought it was funny.
@Yuuki lol I"m obviously missing something
@spugsley Dorian's specialization is Necromancer. One of their skills is to resurrect fallen foes as allies.
The various magic barriers and gates that you can break have health bars and are treated as enemies.
@Yuuki OH OH OH he resurrected the GATE?
Thus, when this person destroyed a Keep Gate, Dorian resurrected it.
@spugsley Yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was immersion-breaking for me, I'm glad they fixed it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought one finally appeared though.
Like two weeks ago or something.
@Yuuki had never bought an ipod.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The article said it was some news reader (Ars Technica?) who had bought one awhile back for personal use.
@Yuuki Regardless, that's really not how class action suits work, and is pretty much foul play anyway at this point. You are supposed to have this shit in order before going to trial
Can it be considered foul play if Apple agreed that the witness was fine and could testify?
@Yuuki Witness != Plaintiff.
> A federal judge on Monday disqualified the only remaining plaintiff in the case, Marianna Rosen of New Jersey, after Appleā€™s lawyers successfully argued that she did not even buy any iPods for which she is seeking damages.
That was the last plaintiff, who was disquaified.
> The judge overseeing the trial appointed a new plaintiff, Barbara Bennett of Marshfield, Mass., a few hours before the case was handed to the jury on Monday. But Ms. Bennett was not given time to testify.
If the judge appointed a new plaintiff, I think he or she should at least be given time to testify...
@Yuuki the whole case was a farce at this point.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Almost all tech cases are farces these days.
@Yuuki Significantly more of a farce than usual.
Everything's made up and the points don't matter.
Now I want to watch Whose Line Is It Anyway? again.
Today in Why Is There A Wikipedia Article About This:
Sex magic is any type of sexual activity used in magical, ritualistic or otherwise religious and spiritual pursuits. One practice of sex magic is using the energy of sexual arousal or orgasm with visualization of a desired result. A premise of sex magic is the concept that sexual energy is a potent force that can be harnessed to transcend one's normally perceived reality. == Paschal Beverly Randolph == The earliest known practical teachings of sex magic in the Western world come from 19th-century American occultist Paschal Beverly Randolph, under the heading of The Mysteries of Eulis: If a man...
@Unionhawk There was a post about this quite a few months ago, IIRC.
Roughly three to four months after X/Y came out, I think.
Or is this for ORAS?
Don't know, probably
I don't know
The what still stands

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