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@Chippies EMTs are generally not doctors. They can be. But having your EMT and not acting in a situation like that is usually illegal, and certainly unethical and immoral.
@Sterno Wait so the two separate continuities interact with each other?
Why do comic books have to be the worst?
@Unionhawk It was determined that the police don't have an actual obligation to protect people so I imagine this won't be much different.
It depends and I'm not sure if that's actually illegal
@Unionhawk And some would argue that acting that way would be un-Christian.
I know that you are protected from tort law if you act within your training to provide emergency medical care
With consent
@Unionhawk I would assume someone from the EMTs probably complained about their religious freedom being restricted or something, because why else would such a thing even be brought up?
@StrixVaria Whenever people talk about mainstream (DC/Marvel super hero) comics it reminds me why I don't read them. They're just completely ridiculous.
@Unionhawk not illegal any more!
@KevinvanderVelden Unethical at best.
At least in one batshit insane bit
I do want to read Watchmen again, and I've been considering reading V for Vendetta.
Also, it just passed the house. I assume there's a senate etc that still can shoot it down.
@Chippies well yes, to anyone but christians so
If not, then I hope the supreme court shoots it down with the greatest firepower it has.
@KevinvanderVelden What are you talking about, christianity is the only real religion! /sarcasm
@Chippies even if it were the only religion, there is still discrimination against people not believing in any religion =p
@Frank Yeah, but the Hippocratic Oath isn't really binding legal precedent.
Is this going to devolve into a religious thing
Not to mention, it also originally forbade surgery.
@KevinvanderVelden true :P
And chemotherapy would definitely be in murky waters there.
@Unionhawk well, it IS a religious thing. Not that religion is the part that needs to be discussed tho
Yeah, there's no devolving it to a religious thing, it started as a religious thing =p
@Wipqozn I like some of the characters and stories, but it just... ugh, I can't stand it anymore.
I don't want to see your religious thing!
No, it's a homophobic thing that is being argued as a religious thing.
Let us get that straight right now.
@Unionhawk Hehe, "straight".
It's being spun into freedom of religion which is bullshit.
@Unionhawk Honestly? Given that certain sects of that religion are advocating it? It can be and is both
100% USDA certified, organic bullshit
@Unionhawk homophobia that's been inspired by religion
honestly, I would actually want to see some statistics of people who are homophobic AND don't practice any religion
The idea that freedom of religion should actively protect freedom to discriminate is bullshit.
I'm not saying that the baptist church doesn't believe homophobia is AOK, I'm saying that the freedom of religion bit is irrelevant and bullshit
@Unionhawk it would be irrelevant, if it wasn't their reasoning
Well their reasoning is stupid
Well, that it is
And distracts from the real issue
See, if you try to argue the "religious" bit at all, then they win because you really cannot, constitutionally, argue it.
@Unionhawk that religious homophobes are using the law and freedom of religion as an excuse to discriminate against people?
Whatever, I don't even know what the hell I'm saying anymore
@Unionhawk But according to them, if you tell them that they have to help gays, you're imposing on their freedom of religion.
Well they are wrong.
Yeah they're dumb.
But they have a lot of voters!
Freedom of Religion? that's a thing now?
@djsmiley2k in 'Muricah
god bless!
@djsmiley2k In the USA, yes, as part of the first amendment.
There is no religion in the world except westboro baptist that preaches actively harming homosexuals.
Freedom of Religion, if your religion is Christianity
And if they do, then they are so beyond wrong it is unfathomable.
And I definitively approve of the first amendment, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]
Freedom of Religion should be thing anywhere. People should be free to practice their religion without being discriminated against. The problem here isn't freedom of religion, it's people who are insane and complete assholes.
It's just a sad thing that it's been abused so much
so their religion, whatever that is, says that they have to let gays die? that's crap
@MattЭллен No it doesn't, that's the stupid thing
Assuming they're coming from mainstream protestant christianity, absolutely no
oh, then I don't get it.
@Unionhawk How can you claim it doesn't? Assuming christianity it definitely has at least one thing that can be interpreted that way
If they're coming from westboro baptist maybe
religion should not be able to affect your work performance
Has anyone ever been able to successfully argue that paying taxes goes against their religion?
@MattЭллен They've intentionally misinterpreted their own religion to coincide with their own discrimination.
don't like dealing with certain people? don't work a job that makes you work with people
@Chippies hey! I'm not Christian, but I'll keep the Christmas holidays, thank you very much :D
The idea that you can do whatever you want so long as it's supported by religious beliefs is inane, simply as that. Freedom of religion should only extend to the point that you're not imposing on the rights of other people, including their right to practice another religion or no religion at all.
@Yuuki sucessfully? No
It's been tried though
they definitely impact on my work performance
@MattЭллен I'll practice all religions on holidays, tyvm :D
Can I also practice the chinese holidays?
mondays are holidays in my made-up religion. So are tuesdays.
@KevinvanderVelden That is a misinterpretation.
When you start making laws which allow people to let others die because of your religious belief you've gone too far, and are infringing on a persons rights.
@KevinvanderVelden Sure, bring some mooncake though.
@Unionhawk says who?
Says me.
And on what basis
@Wipqozn their freedom of speech at the very least.
@fredley what the fuck is happening
@StrixVaria ikr
@Wipqozn At least people who refuse the help of doctors and just pray for their children get prosecuted when their children die from it.
@StrixVaria ... want me to look that up for you?
@fredley it's taking a really long time to load for me.
There are several states where that is perfectly legal
I've seen people get prosecuted for it. I guess it varies by state.
Was anyone else unable to purchase "Oh say, can you 'c'" in Adventure Capitalist?
@KevinvanderVelden Because there is nothing that says that gays should die according to christianity, just that if you are then god is frowning on you or whatever. Nobody ever said "exterminate every sinner"
Actually, old testament god did
@StrixVaria I'm glad that's thing in some places in the US of A.
@KevinvanderVelden Who would have thought that North Carolina of all states is on the good side of this one?
@Unionhawk pick and choose what you believe, that's what many christians do
@Chippies Well they are wrong.
@Yuuki ikr
They are practicing religion wrong!
@Chippies s/many/all/
You can't just pick and choose as is convenient. That's not how it works.
@Unionhawk assuming the BUT is a "That doesn't apply anymore since BABY JEBUS": Yeah no
@KevinvanderVelden Wait wait wait, religious exemption for capital murder?
@Yuuki yes, it's just your child so that's fine right?
Totally okay to kill your children if you pray really hard
@Unionhawk but if they didn't pick and choose, they wouldn't pick christianity at all
especially old testament
@Unionhawk so, you never wear clothes of mixed blend fibers?
Cause uuh, death
Discussion of matters relating to religion can only continue once all participants have completed this game
@fredley damn Q-Q
@KevinvanderVelden Does it only apply in parent-child cases?
@fredley that's amazing
@fredley it's taking too long to load D:
I'm done. This is getting dumb.
@Yuuki probably legal guardians but yeah.
We should just ban religion.
(I don't mean in the Bridge; I mean on Earth.)
Also, wat.
> “If the parent combines prayer with orange juice or a cool bath to bring down a fever, the parent loses the exemption,” Rita Swan, co-founder of the advocacy group Children’s Healthcare Is a Legal Duty, said.
Yep, now it's officially dumb
I'm out.
@StrixVaria Everyone is entitled to believe whatever the hell they want, it's when they force it on others or it conflicts is when it becomes a problem
@StrixVaria So you're saying everybody should be forced to believe the same things you do?
Yeah, I'm done with this.
@Yuuki Yup. I would have much rather had them be banned from taking any kind of medical care themselves, retroactively
Wear glasses? Lose the exemption, take an aspirin? Same! :D
@fredley I'm just problemsolving here. All these conflicting beliefs cause wars and stuff, so just get rid of the problem.
ok @fredley it finally loaded and WHAT IS HAPPENING
@StrixVaria People will still find reasons to fight
@Rapitor You're in the game
did i won.
@fredley Pro tip, always move left and keep jumping
We should just ban people.
@fredley yeah, IMO religion is usually a scapegoat reason for wars, though it does help in segregating people
I made it into the void!
Did I win?
Sep 16 at 22:08, by Jason Berkan
I like video games. They are fun.
I apologize for the discussion that I inadvertently started, I should have known it was going to get into all that.
@Unionhawk Thanks OBAMA
I should have just kept my goddamn mouth shut
thanks bridge
@Unionhawk Offtopic in this room: politics, religion, video games.
'preciate it
@Unionhawk What? Why? This was a perfectly civil conversation
This user is starting to tweak my spam senses. Anybody want to double-check?
@Frank well, all of his answers link to the same website
so it does seem like self-advertising
@Chippies definitely self ads.
@Chippies note also that the site is nks clovers.co and the name is nks
Every single answer of yours has a link to that site, and it feels kinda spammy. We tend to frown on self promotion without disclosure. If this is your site, you need to disclose that. I'd also recommend linking directly to the page where this information is, not just a straight generic link to the site. — Frank 3 mins ago
@Chippies In China, you see masks a lot. Black people? Not so much.
@KevinvanderVelden that's why I said self-advertising
@Yuuki Makes sense, but that reaction tho
@Chippies aight, it hadn't been pointed out so I did
@Chippies Also, realize that the Chinese perception of black people is derived entirely from American pop culture.
We... don't really have black people of our own to know.
I don't know a single black person, have seen maybe a few, but I'm not afraid of them when I see them in the grocery store once a month
@Yuuki All black people are Jedi that hate snakes on planes
Hi there
@Batophobia Yeah, basically scary stuff.
@Chippies have seen maybe a few.
And he just got a suspension. Huh. Alright, I guess that works.
The average Chinese national has seen literally no black people in probably their entire lives.
@Yuuki not even tourists?
@Chippies Tourists rarely go outside Shanghai and Beijing.
@Chippies Probably not. The average Chinese person doesn't live in a place frequented by tourists
well, I guess if you take the average...
@Yuuki They will have seen on TV
3 mins ago, by Yuuki
@Chippies Also, realize that the Chinese perception of black people is derived entirely from American pop culture.
I used to live in India, in a not very touristy city
After a year, I still had people staring, all the time
It gets old real quick
In fact, outside of Shanghai, Beijing, the westernmost provinces, and maybe Guangdong, the average Chinese person probably hasn't seen any non-Chinese for most of their lives.
@Yuuki True multiculturalism is restricted to a few countries
China is very, very monoculture.
In most countries in the world, most people won't have seen people from outside much, if at all
Certainly in China, India, most of Africa, large parts of South America
@fredley Well my tower is tall enough that new squares are loaded inside of other ones
@Batophobia Yeah this is how I got out
I was hoping to fill the whole are with squares
started lagging, I consider that a win
@Unionhawk This kind of idiocy wasn't my idea.
Q: In the lore of Warcraft do Shaman's have a special relationship with Murlocs?

ahsteeleIn the Hearthstone expansion Goblins vs. Gnomes two of the new shaman cards, Neptulon and Siltfin Spiritwalker, seem to indicate a relationship between Murlocs and either Thrall or the Shaman class. This is of interest as none of the other heroes have class specific Murloc cards. In fact until th...

And laptop, I'd appreciate it if you would shut down
So I think Anna Kendrick's been typecast.
restart fixed it
So, last night I learned that Generation 6 Pokemon games have lost one of the main features that were present in every single Pokemon games since generation 1: You can't transfer Pokemon from previous generation to the newer generation, without paying for the Pokemon Bank app
@Chippies The reasoning is that now you can transfer all Pokemon from Gen VI to whatever the newest Gen will be.
Rather than having to chain trades.
@Yuuki except it's not a free feature
Trading from III -> IV -> V -> VI was one of the most annoying parts of completing the Pokedex.
I think the Pokemon Bank is cool and the way Pokemon Transporter works is great, but the transporter should've been free
@Chippies It's a cheap as f--k feature. I think it was $15 for a year's subscription last I checked?
5$ for a year, which, yes, is cheap
@Chippies At the rate, it's pretty much free.
but 1) I have no funds added to my 3DS and I don't want to and 2) it's a feature that existed in all previous games for free
if I could pay with paypal, I'd probably just impulse subscribe to it
but that doesn't take away from the fact that he transporter should've been free
it's a one way transport from gen 5 to gen 6
you can't use it to transport from XY to ORAS
I see no reason why it has to require a Pokemon Bank subscription
@Chippies That's because XY and ORAS are in the same generation.
There's no need for Transporter because you can do the in-game trade.
@Yuuki What I'm saying is, the transporter is extremely limited in functionality
@Chippies You're saying that now, when it's only been out for one gen.
@Yuuki in the future you'll still only be able to transport pokemon one way
I doubt you'll be able to transport from gen7 to gen6
it's a one way transfer
@Chippies That's only if you have ORAS-only moves.
Doesn't the pokebank come with a free 1 month trial? Or am I mis-remembering?
@Yuuki I think you're confusing the bank with transporter
@TrentHawkins it came with a free 1 month trial, but everyone was pretty much tricked in getting it when XY came out, because they were also giving out a legendary with it
the point is - the bank and transporter are and should be separate apps
but transporter requires bank subscription, which, imho, is dumb and unnecessary
@Chippies Then Transporter sends your Pokemon straight to the Bank, IIRC.
making the transporter require the bank subscription removes any compatibility the gen6 has with gen 5
@Yuuki it send it to a transporter box in the bank
Q: How to enter window after ledge assassination?

JuliaDiasWhile I was playing the game I had to perform a ledge assassination on a guard standing by a window. So I went from below the window and I performed the move well. But i noticed that right after the ledge assassination I can't climb up in any way. Straight up is blocked by some invisible wall an...

there are hundreds of boxes in the bank, the transporter is limited to one
with an expired bank subscription you can still take out the pokemon from the bank, assuming you have any in
so it just makes no sense that you can't transport from gen 5 to gen 6 without a bank subscription
it literally makes all the events, all the legendaries, everything you did pre-gen6 obsolete, unless you give in and pay 5$ for an app of which you will use a tiny fraction
something previous gen games had for free
I will agree that for the limited functionality of the transporter app, it should have either been integrated directly with the bank (one app rather than two), or be further divorced from the bank and not require it at all.
I hope Pokecheck.org gets its crap together and gets gen6 support and figrues out how to work with previous gens with DS online services being dead
Q: What are the chances of invasion?

NiteCyperAs a follow up question to What is an invasion?, I'd like to know the probability of an invasion occurring to farm Keeper of Light from Tuesday Dungeon.

@JasonBerkan i did
THQ being dead isnt really news though
@JasonBerkan That seems more like business news to me
My main point is that it is an actual researched article and not a regurgitated press release.
@Unionhawk I'm happy that you of all people said that
@badp Look at what the argument is, then consider whether or not there is room for error in that "they are wrong" statement.
I've proven to have an ability to be right when considering obvious statements.
@Unionhawk You said "They are wrong to selectively ignore the pieces that are ridicolous"
Honestly, that was at the point where I had lost track of everything.
And just then I was lazy and didn't follow the reply arrow all the way
...and thus lost your ability to be right when considering obvious statements
Q: How install mods in Minecraft 1.8.1 on Mac?

MayogaXguys, I never install mods in my Minecraft before, and now I have a problem. I read I need the Minecraft Forge and don't find the version for the 1.8.1 and when I install the Minecraft Forge I get an error because the version. How fix it?

Q: Borderlands 2 -how to undo glitch?

mcze13so i was playing multiplayer on borderlands 2 the other day with some random dude on my mac, and without asking me, he did something to my character which changed me from lvl 34 to 50 and gave me a ton of skill points, which he says is a glitch. Now, im unable to gain xp and am stuck as a lvl 50 ...

I thought we weren't supposed to discuss religion in The Bridge.
Did you?
Blizzard and EA are both annoying me with their timing today. The Hearthstone expansion is supposed to be released today, and the DA:I patch as well. Both are not released until now, and no ETA is in sight. The DA:I patch would be really nice as a bug in a puzzle is currently stopping me from playing further
Q: What causes different friend list messages?

ken.ganongWhen I am playing Hearthstone, I sometimes get little messages about what my friends are doing in the game, such as: started a new Arena finished an Arena finished an Arena (12-2) just opened a I am confused about why it sometimes tells me my friend's Arena record when they finish and so...

@MadScientist Hooray for timezones
It's half past 10 in PST, so you might have to wait a while.
Joker's face never stops me from laughing
He's not THAT funny. :P
@Powerlord not from the actual Joker of DC comics, but from Mass Effect :P
I recognize a surprisingly small amount of people from the 2014 youtube rewind
I'm going to say that's a good thing
Guys, work sucks this week
@OrigamiRobot Shitty. Why does it suck?
OK, we still need information on this and this and this.
We don't have that yet.
@OrigamiRobot uugggh, that's the worst
people ask you why something is behind ir not done, and the answer is becauase someone else still hasn't given you something you need
@Wipqozn Didn't Hom&m3 get already an HD version?
@Fabián I don't think so
> Play Heroes® III on tablets anywhere: Heroes® III now features iOS and Android tablet versions, upgraded with intuitive touch controls to enjoy this passionate game experience anywhere… anytime.
Oh cool
wait what
I didn't know that it was available for android
too bad M&M series have died and all that's left is the Heroes of M&M
as for Heroes 3 I just forgot it's an unnoficial patch
Warriors of Might and Magic is a game in the fictional Might and Magic universe. == Important notes == It was released on three different consoles generating three totally different games. Although they all follow a similar storyline each game was unique, for instance they all had their own unique levels and monsters. As well as this there were other differences such as, on the PlayStation 2 version items could be bought and sold at merchants, however on the PlayStation version a choice of only three weapons were available (a sword, an axe and a mace) which upgraded each time you found th...
I've played this
Bah, notepad++, why can't your ctrl+tab behavior be more like chrome or any other browser
Oh there we go
thanks SU
I use Sublime :P
I use Vim
@Batophobia I dislike pewdiepie the most :P
I couldn't believe they added the guy who did the homemade wolverine claws, that guy's nuts lmao
@ElfSlice sigh Please mark things from playboy.com as NSFW
@Fabián That's apparently one of the ones I did not recognize
@Fabián to be fair ctrl-tab'bing in Sublime is all over the place
@Batophobia I recognize only a few, and from those few I'm not impressed. I'd respect Freddie Wong though, even if I didn't check his channel for the latest videos.
@badp Actually I thought ctrl-tab was shift-tab, until I realized I was switching between tabs lol
@ElfSlice saying that something costs "something plus taxes" is like saying something costs "the result of this quadratic equation involving entirely unrelated numbers"
@OrigamiRobot I don't think he gets that playboy probably won't ever be considered SFW, even if they have quite a bit of SFW on site
(esp. when you also include tipping)
@Wipqozn Link? Where should I throw all of my money?
@Wipqozn the worst is when they've not given you something you need
It's (just) tolerable when they have a legitimate reason to not know of it
This might be the only game in the history of games that will make me install uPlay.
@JasonBerkan A dark day indeed.
@JasonBerkan noooooo! not the uPlague!
(geddit? geddit? huh? huh? HUH?)
@LessPop_MoreFizz you heard this gloriousness yet?
~Superfriends Announcer Voice~ Meanwhile, at the development hall of Valve... "Gentlemen, we need a gimmick to make TF2 popular this quarter." "Hats!" "We already did that Robin." "SHOES!" "...Call of Duty: AW did that." "Ducks." ".. Promote that man and give him twenty hats."
@Rapitor I hadn't really found a reason to hate Ubisoft recently until trying to play Anno 2070. Fuck Ubisoft.

Niels GIf i minecraft and i open up the browser or a other program, it doesn't react. It says: Minecraft 1.8.1 not responding. I am getting this error: [0x7FF936E3C1F0] ANOMALY: meaningless REX prefix used # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLAT...

@StrixVaria I haven't really had a problem with them until this season.
every bad decision they could make they did
@Unionhawk Why me? o_O
@RPiAwesomeness reasons
@Unionhawk Well, that's not a good answer....
NBD, I don't care
> Michigan House
^ those reasons
er, ^ that reason
'cause I live in Michigan...?
I can't vote you know...
AND SO IS @Wipqozn!
@Unionhawk But, he's to blame for everything. Except 1 Direction. I think that it is agreeable that only Satan himself is to blame for that ...
Now you're just not making any sense
Oh forget it. It was a joke.
Shark Incremental. It has an end!

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