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Well now I know I'll be waiting a year or so before checking the market again.
@OrigamiRobot For music while working out. I don't know about leaving the phone in the locker, I don't go to a gym.
I mostly use it as a remote control for music and for checking my notifications without pulling out my phone
@MBraedley I meant is there a reason for leaving your phone.
@murgatroid99 Yeah, but it's silly that it can't speak back.
Deal breakingly silly
@OrigamiRobot There might be a case made for wearing workout clothes that don't have pockets. As I say, it's not something that concerns me.
@badp I don't think I would ever want it to do that
@murgatroid99 The best explanation of why you can do it is someone probably said "why not?"
@OrigamiRobot It looks like it can pair to other bluetooth devices, so it's probably the thing about the bluetooth headphones
@murgatroid99 So you would want to "Ok google what's the weather like in London" then have to look at your watch's tiny screen instead of having it say out loud "It's foggy and rainy as it's always been"
5 mins ago, by Origami Robot
@MBraedley But then you can just use your phone.
@badp the screen is surprisingly readable
I sometimes read entire emails on it
I imagine the times you are wearing a smart watch while you don't have your phone with you are few and far between.
It's still silly. IMVHO.
@OrigamiRobot You mostly cannot use a smart watch if it's out of range of its paired mobile.
There is a smartwatch by Samsung that's standalone, and it's fucking stupid.
Well, Samsung excels at fucking stupid
At least it does something when not paired
So, I learned a valuable lesson.
got 95% crit chance cc: @Koviko @OrigamiRobot
The SendProps for a CUtlVector backed DataTable are completely fake.
Only the CUtlVector table itself and its lengthproxy sub-table have real offsets (and the lengthproxy's offset is 0)
@Chippies /jealous. I wish I put more effort into getting crit. I'm down at 35%.
@Koviko I didn't really put much effort, I just equipped everything that had crit chance and ignored everything that didn't :P
@murgatroid99 I want to assume it can at least tell you the time without being paired
@OrigamiRobot tell time? what is this, 1980's?
you got phone for that!
@OrigamiRobot some smart watches don't even do that
make calls on your phone? what is this, 1990's?
no one makes calls anymore
@Chippies Maybe I'll do that. 95% crit sonds good since the warlocks are the best thing you can get.
Also, it just occurred to me that reflects are useless with high evasion.
@Koviko warlocks?
@Chippies The Mercenaries. Warlocks are the highest cost mercenary.
@Koviko oh right, duh
I keep forgetting about the mercenaries
They are the reason you get gold!
@Chippies mercenaries are the reason my stats are so high
@Rapitor probably same for me
they give pretty subtantial buffs
@murgatroid99 sigh I was afraid of that.
I upgrade them every now and then, trying to get the next useful upgrade
but their prices go up insanely fast
@Chippies Yeah. Footman doesn't stay behind for long, either.
all have upgrades up to lvl 200, first one stops at 300 (thats when I stopped anyway)
But the return for buying them seems meh.
@Koviko is it even worth upgrading footman?
@Chippies Not sure. It seems like it's just a money sink.
mine's at 100 and the benefits seem not worth the costs
@OrigamiRobot Mine is fine unpaired, but it's Samsung so it might be the one you were talking about
@Chippies not really no
the full bonus with 300 footman is 102GPS per.
102*300=fuck math
are there any better items than the orange ones?
Q: Destiny Nightfall with 2 players, one dead, did we time out or did I run too far away?

Lasse V. KarlsenWe're quite the newbies when it comes to nightfall strikes in Destiny but we tried nevertheless. It was the Nexus strike and we got so far as to get into the cavern hallway above the last boss. While trying to get rid of the minotaurs down in the area below (where the main/last boss will spawn ...

Q: How does focus work in dragon age inquisition?

GoswamiKI just got my focus abilities but I never have enough focus to use it? Why does this happen? How is focus generated? I am a knight enchanter mage and I use spirit blade as my main spell.

and cost is like 18 quadrillion
@Rapitor 30600
That's actually pretty easy math.
@Chippies nope, orange items are tops. but they are still determined by level. so always improving
@Rapitor so the auto sell checkmark isn't very useful, unless you're idling for a long long time, I guess
what item rarity % do you need for the orange?
@Chippies auto sell doesn't sell purples or golds.
@Chippies autosell takes a long time to kick in
it does save inventory space
@Rapitor there's a checkmark for each
autosell can sell everything
@MattGiltaji takes seconds if you're clicking
@Chippies yeah, its too long for me
hm, i don't have the options for autosell purple and gold.
@Rapitor did you buy the upgrades for it?
i am grinding lower levels b/c my regen is not high enough
all I could
I have purple, but not orange.
Oooh, weapon with both Combustion and Rupture
i think it depends on what you have equipped. I still have a blue piece
@Rapitor I had a blue shield when I had everything else orange
@Chippies I never doubted it was possible.
@Rapitor were you mostly idling or clicking?
@Chippies cheating
my last purple thing is a trinket
the upgrades might unlock from clicks
@Rapitor well that explains a lot
@Rapitor always cheats
I don't know why he even bothers.
@OrigamiRobot I honestly only replied to you, because you were the first relevant person under my cursor
autoclicker or fooling with JS?
@OrigamiRobot I said before. if it's easy, im gonna do it. and it is super easy for that one.
@Chippies I see how it is!
@OrigamiRobot I'm sorry, I still love you! :(
@Rapitor But why even waste the time?
I liked that you couldnt cheat on MMO Incremental
@OrigamiRobot I played it for a while before actually cheating, but nothing new was really happening.. at all.. which is my red flag for incrementals
I'm technically cheating. I have the click spamming all the time even when it's not the active window.
Q: The reason behind the Crestfallen Warrior

Finn RaymentAs the player first comes across the Firelink Shrine, there is a knight named Crestfallen Warrior sitting against a ledge of grass. My question is, he is only a dialogue character. Useless. Was there any planned reason for having him? Is there some lore about him on how he got there? I basically...

This incremental feels like an actual MMO
@Rapitor Right, so why not just stop there?
It starts out unforgiving, then you get gear
And it becomes about optimization instead of survival
"This game is boring. I'm going to spend more time on it."
breaking it provided more entertainment
shrug I don't get it
I ended up using a javascript autoclicker because otherwise it would take way too much time
Note: When I make an incremental, make it purposely tough to crack.
But still possible, clearly.
Maybe make cracking it incremental.
Every time you get closer to the solution, I increase your hacker score.
@Koviko That should be the incremental gameplay. It's meta.
@Koviko the javascript console is the incremental
@Koviko as you progress through the game, unlock vulnerabilities in the code
You can only win advance by using the console.
@JasonBerkan that edit lol
I like when incrementals have achievements. Then, I feel like I win when I get them all.
@Koviko I like when they detect that you are a cheater and give you an achievement for it.
cookie clicker did that
@Rapitor Yeah, I remember when that popped up. I was like, "Yup, you got me."
I'm stacking a bunch of gear towards Rend and suddenly everything's dying really fast.
I'm probably going to restart and try to go a pure rend build or something weird like that.
I feel like I can do this better.
Where's my ascension button?
it does have one, but it doesnt seem fully implemented
There's Reset at the top right
Oh wait... "Reset" and "Full Reset" are both options.
hit reset
you don't get anything
but it doesn't seem to actually give the thing it claims to give
I'm scared. I'll wait.
Oh, okay.
I'm not a good gamer. I'm always scared to try different things and end up missing out on lots of content.
@Koviko that's not really a bad thing.
just linear games are more for you
Randos would always get mad at me in Co-op MMOs (recently Destiny), because I always wander off.
"Get back over here and help us!" .. "loooooooot"
@Rapitor Sounds like Borderlands
@Batophobia very much
@Sconibulus I have an AutoHotkey autoclicker. I press F7 and it clicks very very fast until I press F7 again
Then again, that's how I played Bioshock Infinite. Gotta look in every trashcan
@Rapitor lmao
@Rapitor Pfft, why were they not looting too?
no idea, their loss.
What if you found a sweet new weapon that let you help them better?
Q: When do the Tier 17 world bosses respawn?

JutschgeWell I'm trying to gear up my alts by killing the world bosses out in the world but usually they aren't even there. I'm not sure if I miss them just by a couple of minutes or if they take hours to respawn. What are the Respawn timers on The T17 World bosses? (Drov and Tarlna)

I'm noticing a trend in games today that most players just want to "speed run" through it. At least in my experience
@Rapitor so many games, so little time
whenever I come across those kinds of people again, I'm just going to direct them to "I am bread". try rushing through that shit
@Rapitor depends on the game
I rush through content in many mmos, because often what you do until the end game is totally irrelevant
although on first playthrough I try to explore and learn more
What are the checkboxes at the bottom of the inventory for?
@Batophobia auto sell that color
@Koviko 105% crit chance, did I win the game?
Critical crits!
@MadMAxJr I hope that's actually a mechanic in this game
@Chippies Big o' critties
I don't think there's any benefit of going over 100% crit though
@Koviko crits in my face
Is there a way to figure out what the buff you got does?
@Batophobia It seems colored. I've seen green and blue.
Not sure the difference, though.
The color behind the green arrow*
I think the green up arrow gave a boost to the XP I got
Is Berserking the most useless enchantment?
@Sconibulus what does it do?
10% chance to deal bonus damage
@Sconibulus depends on if it is multiplied by the %damage or not
@Sconibulus ya, seems crap
but probably pretty useless
Is stack not doing hats this year?
Supposedly hats will be a thing maybe
@MadMAxJr If there is justice in the world, no.
Q: Do you hate hats?

fredleyWe have been given the option this year to opt out of this year's Winterbash. The default is opt-in, so if we do nothing or can't decide, we will get hats. However if we decide that we definitely do not want hats, we can make sure the site remains hat-free until at least a year's time.

My Rend is doing 75k per stack, at 2 stacks per hit
I just got a wep with crushing blows: attacks do 5% of monster's current HP in damage... not sure how i would ever be abe to kill a monster with that
@MattGiltaji it adds on top of your damage
@MattGiltaji its additonal
it's actually pretty huge bonus on bosses later on
Crushing Blows is great
ah, poor tooltip then
Although Rupture/Combustion is better
10% to create hats on hit.
@Sconibulus depends on how many hits it takes to kill and how much hp we're talking
but I don't care enough for math to optimize that much
Anyone else having trouble with quests disappearing?
@OrigamiRobot Lack of justice in the world is
@SaintWacko mine are just really infrequent
Actually, it probably depends whether it's multiplies by %damage
it just now occured to me that it might be
@MattGiltaji I had a new one show up, and it showed 4 in the quest log, so I clicked on the second one, and they all disappeared
@Unionhawk I'll design your status!
@SaintWacko I've never had 2 quests at the same time....
@Batophobia did you get multiple quests during the tutorial?
Meh, that game didn't last long :(
@SaintWacko Not at the same time
@Batophobia i had 2 right now
what in the fuck
Did you just discover that?
It takes months for @Gna;ijne4vika3unf to load a video
@OrigamiRobot Not any more.
Q: How do you determine which portal a control field is created from?

martinatimeI'm currently a L10 agent but until missions started I didn't really care where a Control Field was created from and this recently came up during a conversation. I'm trying to figure out which portal a control field is created from. Given: We have portals A, B & C. We have already linked A to ...

@MadMAxJr Yes. It's only been around for a month.
That's an eternity in Internet Time
It was a side project that a writer for the Adult Swim team had. Mike Lazzo encouraged them to finish it and get it on the air. It went viral. Lazzo was pleased.
The only funny thing about that video is that they put in on TV in an infomercial spot and didn't tell anyone what it was.
@JasonBerkan is an old curmudgeon.
@OrigamiRobot The oldest most curmdgeony person here.
My that is some awesome spelling.
I'm going to submit an enhancement request for the universe. Cats have too high of a crit rate and draw aggro on belly scratches. Please revisit and revise cat attribute balancing, thanks.
@MadMAxJr My cats go to go to sleep on belly scratches. It's not a bug, it's a feature.
Steam, why does your https site redirect back to http?
dammit steam, stop putting things I want on sale. I need to pay rent and utilities
Just sent a postmarked envelope with pictures of you smiling while playing the game, and ask them "Is my happiness not payment enough?"
Weird that they have Arkham Knight on a list for 2014
I expect Steam to accept direct deposit by 2020.
Just divert 20% of my paycheck direct to steam
You know you live in a first world country when you can feel the difference between different brands of Q-tips
Q: Which will Boone use better, a Sniper Rifle or an Anti Material Rifle?

TheFoxSageHow effective is boone at using an anti Material rifle, compared to using a sniper rifle?

Also. @OrigamiRobot Your avatar is exceptionally cute
@OrigamiRobot I didn't even do anything!
@RPiAwesomeness Everyone loves robots and skittles.
@OrigamiRobot ikr. Skittles are the bestest
I need to make one of those little guys...
lol, I love the way the big one looks in this:
He's all like puzzled and, "Uh...okay....You guys need help or something?"
OMG! This one has a tiny little camera. ^.^
So, Xenonauts on sale.
@Yuuki Do it
@OrigamiRobot Hey, this guy knows what controller's best. Wonder if he's on PC or not...
Gross. PS controllers are the worst.
@RPiAwesomeness That doesn't look like a Gamecube controller to me
Or an Xbox 360 controller
That doesn't look like an OUYA contr-- User was killed typing this post
Gamecube controller best pony
I need motion controls for Catlateral Damage
Look, it's a @Wipqozn!
And @Wipqozn!
@Yuuki Naw, @Wipqozn Isn't that cute
@murgatroid99 :P
But he does like sushi
@OrigamiRobot Why does everyone hate the PS controllers are horrible? I much prefer them over the Xbox. Xbox seems so bulky
I hear if you ping @Wipqozn three times, he comes in four hours talking about how popular he is.
@Wipqozn @Wipqozn @Wipqozn
Oh gosh no
/me hides under a rock
Relax we're safe for hours
@murgatroid99 Gamecube controller is definitely a good one
@Unionhawk Meh, just being prepared
Besides, N64 controller is the best controller... for 3 armed people.
@RPiAwesomeness I prefer the layout of the Xbox 360 controller
@murgatroid99 Ah
@TrentHawkins Spot on, it's rather mediocre otherwise
Yay, more unnecessary censorship!
cc @spugsley
@Yuuki Those are the worst, and yet so good
Bought peameal bacon for dinner because I have been wanting it since @yuuki mentioned it. Dinner will be amazing.
@AshleyNunn Pea meal bacon?
I mean, bacon's good and all..
@rpiawesomeness peameal bacon best bacon
@AshleyNunn Never tried it
What's it like/how's it different than regular bacon?
@RPiAwesomeness maybe you have tiny baby hands
@OrigamiRobot Probably
I hate ps controllers because of stick placement
@OrigamiRobot I'd say the same about Xbox. However, I've had most of my experience on an original Xbox at my Gpas...soo...
Wii U pro controller is where sticks should be
@RPiAwesomeness The Xbox 360 controller is a lot nicer and more reasonably sized than the original Xbox controller
Hello Ms. Polly! We *!@#&# everyone and took a briefcase!
@murgatroid99 It is definitely better.
@rpiawesomeness it's a local thing. It's brined pork loin.
@AshleyNunn Ah
Spy: "This, is a bucket" Soldier: "Dear God" Spy: "There's More" Soldier: "No..."
Dang formatting
@murgatroid99 Have you played with the XBone controller much?
@Batophobia some. It's basically the 360 controller, but a little smaller
@murgatroid99 Yea, I think I still like the 360 one better
but I can't tell if that's just because the new one is still....new
@murgatroid99 the d-pad looks much better on xbone controller
but I haven't used one myself, so I can't say for sure
the d-pad on x360 controller is practically unusable
@Chippies This is true, I like the new D-pad much more than the 360 one
2 hours ago, by Frank
Bridge, I am disappointed.
@Frank Poo is very important aspect of the game
Q: Is there a vendor that sells rare (blue) rings?

cbirdsongAt some point in the game, is it possible to buy rare (blue) rings from a vendor? It seems like there's a rare ring for every skill in the game, and hanging on to all of them in case I eventually want to use them is a real drag. There's a vendor that sells rare necklaces in Crestwood. Is there ...

Incremental games are a thing. I want 'games specifically designed to thwart office no-game-site firewall policies' to be a thing.
@MadMAxJr so proxies?
Something designed to appear as a business product but is a web game.
HR Management Simulator
HR Incremental MMO
MS Office Simulator
you could make an excel sheet which just multiplies things
Well there's an excel version of that 2048 sliding block game.
@MadMAxJr I'm pretty sure almost any incremental can be ported to excel
theres an excel movie player...
# cats creating excel sheets
#cats processing excel sheet data
# cats making access databases from excel sheet data
# cats making war effort plans with access databases
This looks pretty sweet.
This War of Mine is also on sale, but I don't feel like suffering from depression right now.
Four monitors, go!
...now to figure out what to DO with them.
fucking incredible
@Yuuki Got it :D
@James how is it?
@MattGiltaji I only just got it, but I have heard good things about it.. I like survival games
I think the stats said around 11% of the people who play it have actually gotten through it all with no one dying
I'm interested, definitely.
yeah I heard good things too
I heard it's a lot like a 2D State of Decay and I loved that game.
Oh well, at least I have until the 8th to decide.
@Yuuki I think the game is a bit more simple than that.
Ive played State of Decay and Ive seen people play this one and this one looks less 'hands on' on your survival.
More of an event driven Act and React game
@Yuuki (cc: @OrigamiRobot)
Q: Hunger games server for PE

logan sharplessHow do you join a hunger games server for minecraft PE? I googled it and every time I try the steps Google told me to, it just says that it cannot connect to the world? How do I get it to connect?

Gratz @badp!!!! :D
This concludes the Badp Parks A Truck series. Now that I've kind of figured it out, I am officially uncapable of providing further related entertainment.
€100? Bargain!
Ooh. Black Desert is coming to North America.
Does anyone know the optimal avatar size for SE?
scaled up
seems a tad small...
It's the smallest your avatar is shown at!
If it looks good at 16×16, it'll look good at any resolution!!
Don't you love my pixel perfect avatar?
(say yes.)
What am I disagreeing with again?
@badp But seriously...is that actually the optimal size?
It's the one I chose.
@RPiAwesomeness depends on many factors
like, how detailed it is and how well these details scale up and down
but the site doesn't scale it up larger than 128×128
@RPiAwesomeness What is your measure of optimality?
if it looks good at 16x16, it will look good at 128x128
if it looks good at 128x128, it might not look good at 16x16
so the file you provide should be at least 128×128

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