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This is why I'm not allowed to interact with clients! These developers should learn their lessons from me.
There are quite a few out clauses for not delivering what was promised. And they're all pretty nebulous
I take issue with them refusing refunds, based on a nebulous reasoning of, "You played it, therefore you're SOL!"
(Okay, I just say I'm not allowed to interact with clients because I hate people, but)
> They work diligently and in good faith to bring the project to the best possible conclusion in a timeframe that’s communicated to backers
"best possible conclusion". Yeah, everyone is going to agree what that is.
@Frank Shotgun, rifle, or pistol?
> We want to make sure we treat each person's situation with the thoroughness it deserves, and have contacted each of them to ask that they bear with us over the next few working days if their circumstances do not fit either criteria above as we look into individual requests.
Of course, my primary interaction with Kickstarter is regularly lambasting the Star Command devs for continuing to dislocate their arm patting themselves on the back for the awesome, stupidly late (but so, so awesome) game they're creating.
re: refunds
@OrigamiRobot Is that new?
Because last I read, it was all what I had stated.
These quotes are from their latest newsletter
"criteria above" is what I previously mentioned
All I can say for certain if a change to the product scope or features makes you want to withdraw your pledge, you shouldn't Kickstart something in the first place. You're just setting yourself up to rage.
@Sterno the scope of this sentence is so wide I don't even know where to begin
I consider buying things the first week they come out as risky. I cannot imagine prepaying for something that doesn't even exist yet.
I treat Kickstarter/Early Access like loaning money. Only do it if you are prepared to never get anything back.
@Sterno Which is something we can say, now that Kickstarter has been around a few years, and we understand the pitfalls.
@badp It is purposefully wide.
@Sterno This literally means that nobody should ever Kickstart anything ever, because every project has the theoretical potential to change its scope or features to "mail feces to all backers"
basically you're saying "only pledge for X if you are the biggest X fanboy in the world -- and even then, the game might have a Y theme instead and you better like it anyway"
But acting like users should've known better than to back something they didn't 100% fully agree with is disingenuous to the extreme.
@OrigamiRobot Absolutely this, although it is easier somehow to accept that people have failed than it is to pay for them for empty promises. :P
Garrison is the farmville of wow
@badp More like I'm saying consider the money spent in the hope that the idea comes to the fruition you hope, but if it doesn't materialize, understand that was always a risk.
@Frank No, users should know better than to back something they didn't 100% fully agree with.
@murgatroid99 Kickstarter is based on the assumption that no one eats that much Taco Bell and/or are decent people.
@Unionhawk Why?
How it works given that the internet is terrible is beyond me.
Particularly if you're kickstarting something that's still a long way from being finished
@TimStone And my point was the Sterno was rejecting that assumption
throws money at the screen
They saw a concept, and decided it was worth backing, based on the concept they saw.
I mean, hell, it's a given in software that the features and scope change on a weekly basis
Changing the concept midstream doesn't mean we should blame the victim, which is the backers. That's beyond stupidity.
@Sterno I'm changing a feature right now!
@murgatroid99 No one who is risk-averse should back anything on Kickstarter, yes. That's what I'm saying. Not everyone is risk-averse.
I... wh.. okay.
This is officially stupid
@Frank Blame? No one is blaming backers. Backers should just understand the risks that come with backing stuff on kickstarter
@Sterno I was trying really hard to think of how to explain this.. Thanks for wasting all my time. I DEMAND A REFUND!
@Jin I take it it's not very Jinsational then?
@Chippies By going, "Welp, they shouldn't have backed it", you're blaming the backer for the choice they made without the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.
@Sterno you just seem to be implying that people should have a reasonable expectation that the product they get has no relation to the product they paid for.
If they told me they wanted to get Firefly back on the air, they'd have a $100 pledge from me. If it turned out they couldn't get Nathan Fillion back in the saddle because he got hit by a bus, or Joss Whedon later was struck by complete writer's block, or they decided they didn't have the budget for space anymore so they're all going to be stuck on one planet and ride horses, or any one of a hundred other things, I'd be sad, but I'd have known that was a risk.
@murgatroid99 I think they should accept the possibility but also that "no relation to the product they paid for" is probably a pretty rare case
I mean, the project might never finish.
@Frank I'm not saying they shouldn't have backed, but yes, if they don't understand the risks and want a refund because of a change in the project - welp, they shouldn't have backed it
Shit happens
In this particular case, I'd say "always online DRM" is not the same as "no relation to the product they paid for"
@Sterno the first could be considered force majeure, the latter not so much
@Chippies At the beginning of Kickstarter, there was no history of projects changing, being too big to handle, or just outright failing.
from what I understand, Elite Dangerous is the game everyone wanted and more AND it includes a single player mode
There was no reason not to take the promises at their word.
@Sterno this can be very easily construted as a deal breaker -- I dunno what US consumer protection law is on the topic, though, because "lol US consumer protection law"
Actually, now that I think of it, I've backed several things on Kickstarter and IndieGogo, and I don't think I've managed to claim anything from any of them
You're blaming the victim by not being able to see the future of how Kickstarter would work.
No, I've gotten a couple of things
@Frank I'm blaming the people that ask for a refund when they accepted the risks
@Sterno In this case, it's not even DRM. It's for missions and economy reasons.
@Chippies It's hard to claim that people accepted risks that they did not know about
@Chippies What risk? The only risk they'd see is the project failing.
I'm not so much blaming the victim as telling them to stop crying about it and take it as a life lesson. Just like everyone learned from all the other kickstarters. This one isn't special.
Not it being changed into something they no longer would have backed.
I'm done with Kickstarter.
@murgatroid99 I must be hearing about different kickstarter then, because I hear more about failed projects than finished projects that are 100% as promised.
I haven't had any good experiences there.
@Sterno That's still blaming them for not seeing the future.
@badp I don't know law either but given that there have been very few lawsuits and many projects have been much, much worse, I'm guessing this does not qualify.
But who knows
I think calling people who backed it and want refunds "victims" is disingenuous.
one shotted Mom...
@Unionhawk How are they not?
@SaintWacko do you have the halo yet?
@Frank No. That's like saying I'm blaming a guy who had an airplane fall on his house for not seeing the future. I'm saying you SUCK IT UP AND BUILD A NEW HOUSE
They've been essentially scammed out of their money.
(unless you were in it... then not so much)
@badp No?
@TimStone the picture is perfect
@Frank They were only scammed if the developer lied in the first place.
@Sterno Not providing a feature that was promised is lying.
Your Silicon Valley job title is...

@Frank No.
@SaintWacko There's an item that is guaranteed to one-shot Mom and Mom's heart. You get the halo by using it like that.
Just, no.
No. That's failing to deliver a promise.
100% no
7 mins ago, by Frank
They saw a concept, and decided it was worth backing, based on the concept they saw.
@badp Ah. I'm just using Tammy's Head with Azazel
There is literally no way for you to be more wrong
Changing the concept, without having the option to withdraw your pledge, is wrong.
@Frank I think we're arguing two different things. The system you are proposing is definitely a better system.
from what I see, the kickstarter page of the game is heavily advertising the multiplayer aspect of the game
What I'm saying is that that's not the Kickstarter system
and there is no mention of anything offline at all
If that's what you want, don't use Kickstarter.
@Unionhawk Yeah, we're not going to agree here. Kickstarter isn't a system that means devs can do whatever they want after they get backer money. You seem to think it is.
@murgatroid99 Yeah, well this is stupid anyway
@Unionhawk Oh, well that's a much better argument
Can we all agree that Steam Early Access is even worse than Kickstarter? Let's agree about something!
It's like one rung above mobile chat.
@Sterno And what I'm saying is that you're telling people to suck it up and learn, when they had no reason to believe the developers wouldn't deliver.
@murgatroid99 Not sure if sarcasm, or agreement that this is a stupid argument
@Frank I understand they had no reason. THAT'S WHERE THE LEARNING COMES IN
@Unionhawk Maybe both
@Frank I can't find a single mention of offline mode on the kickstarter page
@Unionhawk I'm just sick of people in this chat using "you're wrong" in place of an actual argument. It's dismissive and insulting
@Unionhawk and that was sarcasm
@Sterno And in the future, they probably won't back other projects, unless they're willing to lose the money they backed.
@Sterno why would you agree to that?
@Frank Exactly!
But saying that they should've known better is stupid.
you can sell ideas for games to be released in 2018 on Steam Early Access
@Frank I never said that. Or if I did I didn't mean to.
you have to have something
Which is the heavy implication of going, "Welp, just don't back something in the future"
It dismisses the legitimate problems that backers have.
No, I'm saying with this newfound knowledge, that should be the approach of people.
Putting money towards a thing that doesn't exist is inherently risky, I'd think.
@TimStone That's logic!
@Frank I actually agree with Sterno here. Saying that people should learn something from their experience is not the same as saying that they "should have known"
This is roughly equivalent to me saying you probably shouldn't buy a brand new PS4 for $100 on ebay from a guy with no seller history.
If it goes bad, it's not really your fault, but there is an opportunity to learn there.
In a dark alley. On a Tuesday.
@badp Yeah but like with Spacebase DF9 you can still say "k, released" at any time even if it's a half-assed product.
@Sterno And with the history of Kickstarter, you know people are going to be more careful of what they back, because they, or others, have been burned before.
@TimStone the same happened to GMail and no one complained
I strongly suspect, from what I've heard about constant newsletters asking for money, that the Elite: Dangerous devs don't have the money to refund a lot of pledges
But when Kickstarter was just starting out, there was no history to draw on.
At some point Google just decided to remove the "BETA" label
@badp Well the difference is Gmail actually works.
without doing anything special to accompany that removal
They used it to create (in their minds) the best game they could with the funding they had. A fundamental problem with the idea that at the end, everyone should be able to back out if they don't like the final product means that money used to develop the game was never really theirs to begin with, which kills the entire point of kickstarter
well, then, here's a better approach to Steam Early Access, given that if you bought Spacebase DF9 today when it's not on Early Access anymore you'd still get burned
In that case they pretty much just decided to stop development and declared what they had the "release". I'm not much bothered by it considering I went in with an expectation of some risk, but if I had to rank it against my Kickstarter backings I'd say it's so far the worst ROI I've gotten.
If you like what the game is like today and you feel the price is right, buy it. You get to play it immediately and you get lifelong updates for free
So then it comes down to basically an argument or whether or not failure to deliver very specific features of a game should be considered a failure to deliver at all
I like what Crypt of the Necrodancer is today and I'm happy for my purchase, even if I'm missing the entire stage 4
@TimStone (that said it's not a worthless ROI so even by that measure I've still made out pretty good thusfar)
I.. still don't understand where the idea of an offline single player mode came...
@Unionhawk Pretend I just messaged you on steam.
@Sterno It would depend on your specific motivation for backing the project was.
@Chippies The guy said something in a AMA or something
@badp Singing shopkeeper = automatic value
From what I gathered.
people have enjoyed the hell out of Path of Exile even if it took them one year+ after release to finish chapter 3
@OrigamiRobot Can I pretend too?
@TimStone so, a guy said something in an AMA... That doesn't seem like a 100% trustable promise
@Frank I understand that's your viewpoint. I guess what I'm saying is Kickstarter can't really work that way. Otherwise the devs can't count on the money they're spending. Some unknown quantity will have to be given back at the end of they don't perfectly deliver everything.
the kickstarter page mentions nothing about an offline mode
If that's what you as a customer want, do not fund a game that is not complete.
@TimStone Please do.
@Chippies I know, right? People say all sorts of shit on reddit.
@Chippies a promise is a promise and promises can be legally binding
the blog post where they "drop the offline support" is written in a way that doesn't say that they "got rid" of the offline mode, they are just reminding that the online connection is gonna make the single player better
@Sterno The problem is that backers have no recourse, and the developers are not accountable to their backers.
Q: Where can I see the approval rating of my companions?

Mad ScientistI'm pretty much constantly seeing notifications like "Solas approves" or "Cassandra disapproves", but I still have no idea on how much my companions approve or disapprove of myself in general. I assume those individual actions are accumulated into an overall rating, but I couldn't find anything i...

Q: How many different endings are there?

meme scientistSo I know of the alternate ending you get in 15 minutes of the game starting, I know you can get the ending where you kill Pagan Min, but are there different endings depending on who I sided with and the actions I made in game? So for my first run I sided with Amita but I made the decision not t...

They can do wildly unpopular things, and after the project is backed, backers have absolutely no method of displaying their disapproval with those actions.
If I give you $5 and send you to Taco Bell to get me 3 burritos, a taco, and a Coke, and you come back with 3 burritos and a coke and tell me the taco would have made it $6, so you got me what you could, it would probably be unreasonable for me to refuse the food you did buy for me and demand my $5 back.
That's not much different than EULAs which absolve the company from all responsibility
@Frank This is exactly what can happen, yes.
@Sterno eat the burrito and ask for a refund
@Sterno why?
@Sterno But there's also that personal social aspect to that.
To be clear, I sympathize with the unhappy people. I've been burned by Kickstarter too
I mean, if the person who gave $5 agrees to suck it up, fine
Kickstarter buffers it to the point where the developers can be (and have been) entirely tone deaf to any criticism, and there is no downside to them doing so.
@badp Remind me to never pick up a lunch order for you.
@Sterno will do
Negative press is kind of a downside, you can't eat Taco Bell on KS funds forever.
I don't think there's the risk anyway
If a friend went, "Uh, hey, that $5 you gave me, I figured I'd get you something more awesome, but you'll have to wait, but it'll be awesome, promise!", and didn't listen when I was trying to tell him I didn't like his choice, I can punch him in the face for his choice.
@Sterno It's okay, if he refuses to take the food I'll eat it
@badp Just remember that when we all meet up for an Arqade bash in 2037!
@TimStone And I'll keep his $5, because who carries cash anymore anyway?
But I require a discount for my services rendered.
That buffer allows devs to downplay their unpopular choices, which amount to, "Welp, don't like it, too bad, suckers!"
@Sterno I'll just go with you and keep you company
@badp That's the non-Kickstarter option! I approve!
@Sterno raises hand
@Frank It's interesting how many hypothetical situations on The Bridge end in possible assault & battery charges.
@Sterno Do you realize how old we'll be in 2037?
Comes in handy in those rare instances where someone won't accept plastic.
@JasonBerkan 50
@JasonBerkan ...
@Sterno people will ask "is that your grandson" and we can pretend it's true. It'll be beautiful
@JasonBerkan Well, on the plus side, we won't see relatively old.
@JasonBerkan @Sterno will be... how old will the Earth be in 2037?
@Yuuki 2037 according to some.
@Yuuki We are the Bridge of a prison ship, as it turns out.
Thanks for refilling my drama meter. It was low.
@OrigamiRobot I pretended to inb4 your message on steam like 30 minutes ago
Oct 29 at 16:04, by Origami Robot
user image
@Unionhawk Good, good.
@Sterno Does arguing really count as drama?
I think we can all agree that, at the core, Kickstarter is a scam. And if you don't agree, then, well, whatever.
I need to find the articles about Mike Nystul's kickstarters, where he used funds from later Kickstarters to fund the first ones, and to move to a new town, and to go to gaming conventions, and basically never delivered anything. I want to see smoke come out of @Frank's ears.
@Frank It counts enough.
@Sterno It won't happen, because I have enough of my own Kickstarter issues to deal with.
Which is cheerfully lambasting the Star Command devs for their utterly stupid design choices, and being 2.5 years late on delivering the promised product.
My favorite are the RPG Kickstarters that tell you the books "went to the printers and will ship any day". They tell you that about 5 times, 6 months apart, with no reason why the first 4 times never happened. And then don't update for a year. And then after that year, say "They'll ship soon"
Totally believable!
@Sterno Kickstarters "the cheque is in the mail", eh?
Ignoring how fear-mongerish that is, how would they know they could have done that if they can't ever get into the phone?
@JasonBerkan What's a checkway?
@TimStone think of the child!
the one child.
just one.
@TimStone We should be able to hyperbole the other way too. At some future date, the police will have access to everyone's phone at any time because of poor crypto and we'll become a police state.
Q: Is there any difference if I grab or destroy the mask?

DrakaSANOne of the things to collection are mask of a serial killer. You can grab or destroy them. Does it make any difference in the reward?

Q: ETS2 No "Edit Profile" in my game

Ioannis AthanI resently download a mod for ETS2 and from that I already read it supposed to has a button that write "Edit Profile" when launch my game to enable the mod..... BUT it doesn't.Any ideas?My OS is Win8 and the version of the game 1.1.1 .THANX

@Yuuki Now that's just crazy talk!
it's even easier to think of the children! How many children? All of them? ALL? Man, that's a lot of children. Maybe even an alot of children.
And then the police will start killing children that talk bad about the police.
The horror! Think of the children!
@badp Actually I feel the takeaway from this is that Mr. Cole is planning to abduct a child.
54 secs ago, by Tim Stone
@Yuuki Now that's just crazy talk!
Someone should probably look into this before he gets a new iPhone.
@Frank You'd particularly like the Nystul stuff because it's clear he lied about how far along the project was when he brought it to Kickstarter.
@Sterno Those sound like fraud lawsuits waiting to happen.
@Frank I guess, but I'm pretty sure there's no money to be recovered.
@Unionhawk @TimStone Pretend steam again
@Frank Liklihood that they're banking on it not being worth it to people: 1000%
@OrigamiRobot After I pressed ENTER, I realized I couldn't have written a more Canadian sentence if I'd tried. (Well, maybe I needed to throw in a "sorry".)
@Sterno And that's what indenturing his lifetime's earnings is for.
Especially when it's that clear it was entirely wilful fraud.
> Now that's a lot of... miles per hour!
Final ping, I swear.
@Yuuki How many fasts/second is a lot of miles per hour?
@JasonBerkan You don't say "the post"?
@Unionhawk Not enough fasts/second.
@OrigamiRobot I don't. It's a big country, though.
I don't believe you!
Yeah! I bet Canada is secretly a tiny country
Population-wise, it is. There are more people in California than in Canada.
@Sterno If you really want some drama, there's a user on MSE who keeps insisting on crossposting questions being an awesome thing, no matter the number of times people disagree with him. Apparently, he's been told this several times, and has a second account on P.SE to continue tilting at the windmill.
@Blem I'm still sad they didn't have the trophy fall over onto his face at the end.
@Yuuki DA is MUCH better now
im a little sick, but other wise good, thank you for asking @spugsley
I was actually having fun last night :3
So it turns out I had to restart my DA file.
@Blem awww :( feel better!
@Yuuki omg why!
@spugsley So turning off in-game Origin worked?
@spugsley DA Keep didn't port my World State properly.
@Yuuki it helps a LOT. And so I put everything down to low with meshes on high and the performance is great and the graphics aren't terrible at all. I also installed some beta stuff for my video card that seems to really be helping
So I was using the default rather than the one I customized in the Keep.
@TimStone That has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever read.
@spugsley Whoo!
Oh yeah, speaking of video card stuff, I hear its safe to install the latest nVidia drivers if you have Alien: Isolation. Unlike the last ones, the new ones don't crash the game on level change.
@James I like this part
> Mr. Cole predicted that [changing the law to require all companies that handle communications to provide a means for law enforcement to access the communications] would happen, after the death of a child or similar event.
@badp Well I do certainly hope we as American's are not going to be that stupid.
"we are so shallow that, while we can allow multiple school shootings per year without touching the gun control issue with a ten foot pole, we will be taking the first opportunity to turn it against Apple!"
But our history kind of belies that as of late.
@badp Oh lord please don't drive this bus in that direction
@badp I'm telling you, someone needs to keep an eye on that guy. His insight into the future is a little too keen for my liking.
All in favour of @badp driving more Eurotruckbusses say aye
@TimStone I do have it now!
but it doesn't run on Linux
and my copy of LyX for Windows is fucked in mysterious ways
and I need LyX
in particular, C:\Program Files (x86)\Lyx\Python\python.exe crashes immediately with "no module named sites"
BUT! That is not the original error message
The original error message was a syntax error in C:\Tools\Python\Lib\site.py
who put a copy of Python 3.4.2 in C:\Tools\Python?
why is Python 2.whatever in C:\Program Files (x86)\Lyx\Python\ looking at it?
who knows!
and I blame @LessPop_MoreFizz
Q: Why is my EPS red?

SaintWackoFor some reason my total EPS readout has turned red, and is much lower than it should be? What's going on, and is there any way to fix it?

@Lazers Well if you wouldn't pirate the software you would be fine
naughty @SaintWacko?
@badp What?
@badp @SaintWacko No idea :D Just seems like something a game company would do :)
@James ...what?
It's... a free online clicker game...
@badp -.-
@badp Indeed! How DARE he!
@badp Are you working in autocad too now?
I use UPPERCASE to highlight IMPORTANT words because UPPERCASE is the BEST COLOR.
You don't have to be using autocad to use caps
@Unionhawk What you say?
Sorry, it is loud in here
On an unrelated note
What do you guys think?
86ish mods, mostly immersion based.. 145 ESP files.
For those who have played Skryim, that is the end of Bleak Falls Barrow
@James First shout, right?
@SaintWacko First word, pre-dragon battle. That is where you pick up the tablet.
@James Er, word, yeah
It just gave me one of those moments of 'Woah, this is a game I am playing that looks like this' :D
And on top of that, its a game that is 3 years old (Happy belated birthday Skyrim!!!)
@James Looks pretty good
I prefer Skyrim a bit more colourful, like this
Also darker. A lot darker.
of course /r/3spooky5me is a thing
why would it not be a thing
@badp :IIAM: is best smiley.
@Unionhawk Yes, you do.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, my mistake
@3ventic Trust me the outside world is Very saturated with color
So much so that it took me a bit to get used to it :D
But after a few days if feels a bit more solid. I was concerned that I would remove the harsh feeling of the land by coloring it up a bit
And I have to be careful with Darker
I don't like games too dark, personally
I am going to be recording an LP series with this mod pack :D
It's just, I don't know
I attempted to replay Skyrim with mods and was near instantly overwhelmed by the selection.
@3ventic There are areas where you clearly need a torch (or its pitch black) but places like the end of bleak falls where you can see sunlight streaming in, do still get some ambiance from that. (I am using Climates of Tamriel, Enhanced Lighting and FX, and Immersive Interiors to get the mood right)
@OrigamiRobot Its very possible to have that happen.. Very Very.
I suggest going to GEMS or STEP or Mod Sanctuary to get a 'filter' for the mods out there.
I need to tweak my mod selection a little to include this
@Unionhawk I mean, this is pretty spooky.
"That one seems neat, and that one, and that one, and that one, ok fuck it"
My skyrim is very lightly modded, really
SkyUI and some others
My mod list in their load order.
(I almost said "Inventory Tweaks" then I remembered that's a Minecraft mod)
@Unionhawk LoL
I was tired last night while streaming it and said 'This is a heavily modified version of Minecraft' instead of Skyrim :D
They didnt let me live that down for the rest of the night
That's amazing
I am so hungry
@OrigamiRobot TOO MANY COOKS
@OrigamiRobot Then eat food
Someone feed me
@OrigamiRobot No
Q: Are dots of a different color in midst of a closed circuit removed?

Enmos ProjeWhen you close a boundary which has dots of different colors in midst of them, are these different color dots deleted and counted as score?

I'm sure @TimStone can relate
Yes :(
Dammit now I'm really hungry too
This is the worst
You're the worst
@OrigamiRobot I should just make that redirect to shouldiblamecaching.com
Things I have eaten today: Coffee, a donut, AutoCAD
That third one can't be healthy
It isn't.
My stomach is grumbling.
Oh, that's why I'm really hungry, I'm unmedicated
focus level: -1, hunger level: 7
awake level: 4
Q: PS3 membership accessing ps4 content

user92585If I have a PSmembership using a PS3....do I need a new membership for PS4? Can I log in to the PSnetwork with my member info from PS3 and access PS4 content?

@Unionhawk out of what?
It's a floating scale
now to wait 12 minutes to get back to full health
thanks placenta
After rigorously monitoring, viewing, flagging, and editing the 'First Post' review queue, I wish we had a flag for "Death by grammar education".\
Grammar kills
Don't drink and grammar.
This is grammar. This is grammar on the internet. Any questions?
I peek at the queue while I wait for automated processes to finish in testing.. And when I look into the First Post queue, the First Posts look back.
what do you mean grammar is obsolete i think that this is perfectly acceptabale
I had to try to do that
I hope you're happy
@MadMAxJr *looks
The spike of 'Halp minecraft broke UNFORMATTED LOG' is just an unending tidalwave.
Oh geez
Polyphemus is horrible with Azazel
@SaintWacko I do believe you gain a lot of damage
@badp Oh, yeah, I guess so

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