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but there, now they're methods
Fuck I hate Ruby.
I hope get_random_user can't return @Wipqozn
@StrixVaria they're also optional in Python if you implement it as a property or through __getattr__()
@Sterno d'aaawwww, I'm glad to know you care!
As I've stated before, I'm not a web developer, so Python and Ruby are not my strong suits.
@badp except for get_random_user
I don't think we have it perfectly right. But when it comes up, we discuss it, and hopefully tweak our policies bit by bit.
@Wipqozn no, it'd just crash the mod-abuse-bot when it tries to deowner you!
@Sterno it can, but then the destroy() method silently fails.
@KevinvanderVelden ssshhhh, I'm trying to feel loved
@Sterno And yes, that is spelled right.
@Arperum *VB6
@badp You want me dead. So much is certain now.
@badp That was my intro to object oriented programming.
It blew my mind at the time.
@Frank That was my intro to programming
I remember when I only knew C/C++ and I heard that in Java, everything is in a class. I couldn't comprehend what that even meant, or why it would ever be like that.
My very first lines of code were made by adjusting VBA macros recorded in Excel
This should explain A LOT about my own brand of brain damage
@StrixVaria "In Java everything is a class" is the biggest lie
@badp And you continued on in Computer Science? Wow.
@badp It's technically true.
@JasonBerkan after that my father bought me a PHP book.-
I still have it!
@StrixVaria primatives
Except primitives, I guess, but primitives in Java are dumb.
My intro to coding was making an Apple //e play Itsy Bitsy Spider.
@StrixVaria Maybe in Java 8? but not even there
It was awesome.
@badp That explains the rest of the brain damage.
Primitives aren't objects. Classes aren't objects. Methods aren't objects.
Although, no, technically, it was just making the thing play a random song.
@badp I didn't say everything's an object.
I learned programming by copying Scholastic programming book games into a C64 and then modifying them.
I said everything (being all the code you write) is in a class.
But I figured out how it worked, and got notes from a teacher, and modified it for Itsy Bitsy Spider.
@StrixVaria Methods are classes?
I think the first programming I did was some couple hours the school had reserved for it, and they used turbopascal.
@StrixVaria interfaces
Everything is in a class.
Interfaces are a type of class.
@StrixVaria It's that ish I have a problem with
@StrixVaria but what does that gain us?
@StrixVaria This is the most general statement ever.
Answer: Misc classes full of static methods
@badp I didn't say it gained us anything. I was just commenting that this design paradigm didn't make sense to me at the time.
@Arperum Lucky you. We didn't even touch programming during my school time. Only word, excel, etc...
In Python, everything is an object, except perhaps keywords
I guess I shouldn't bring up Java in here since literally everybody gangs up on it even if I'm not saying anything good about it.
I actually dislike the fact that everything in Ruby is treated exactly the same.
It means that I can do a bunch of nonsense on things that shouldn't have those things done to them.
I shouldn't be able to redefine what + means for integers.
In assembly, everything is a processor command.
@5pike Oh, that too. I remember half a war between the teacher and our class, because some student had stolen those little balls that regulated how a mouse worked back in the day.
@StrixVaria I agree, but then implementing your own brand of numbers where + does another thing is way too laborious in Python.
@JasonBerkan Oh, assembly. I am so glad for actual compilers and IDEs.
@Arperum We used to throw these balls around the pc room.
I prefer the Python way, still, but...
In soviet python objects orient you
Or the point where someone from our class had subscribed his work email to some porn subscription.
@Arperum Floppy discs used to be our "usb sticks".
@5pike That guy threw them in the grass outside. ANd then had to go search for them.
being unable to pass functions around in Java without putting them in a do-nothing object is mindblowingly stupid for me
@Arperum Serves him right. AFAIK, there were no replacement balls sold.
you wouldn't have to do that if METHODS WERE ACTUALLY INSTANCES OF A TYPE.
but there's no method class.
because not everything is a class.
and so you have stuff where Java reflection works on strings
Method method = foo.getClass().getMethod("doSomething", null);
You can't declare a method as a delegate object in Java?
I mean look at it.
look at the stupidity of it
it is stupid
I remember learning Java in high school
We didn't even touch simple stuff, like HTML.
Morning, Bridge
I don't remember Java, but I remember learning it, and, at that time, thinking that stuff like System.out.println("String!"); was dumb, coming from basic python self-learning
Missed opportunities, mang.
@Unionhawk eh, it's not much different from sys.stdout.write("String!\n")
@StrixVaria I hate that I can only pass primitives by value and objects by reference. Well, can only pass references to objects by value, but that's a technicality that only matters with immutable objects.
Java is the language I actually learned to code in. That turbopascalthing was worthless, if only because only for maybe 4 hours total study time.
@badp Right, right, but coming from python, where print String! would fly...
At least I think that flies
@Arperum I remember spending hours in high school fumbling around with Turbo Pascal to make console apps that would draw an interface with box drawing characters and then move the cursor places.
They weren't very many hours.
I don't remember if the print instruction requires quotes like that
It was fun, though.
The first time I started coding was .... back in 2008, I think.
@Unionhawk yes it does.
And in Python 3 it also needs parens
Makes sense
so really it's just a function in the global namespace
wow so ge.tt is gone so my nitronic rush hosted files are inaccessible now
Oh, well, back in that day, print "String!" flew.
I hope I didn't have anything important on there
@StrixVaria Fun fact: I get paid to write Java code.
@DwarfSlice I'm sorry, dude.
I honestly cannot remember the last real program I wrote that output a string to the console.
@Unionhawk it still does if you use Python 2
@badp I probably still have them on my PC somewhere
@Powerlord I used to. I didn't mind it.
but the Python 3 way is better because it means less custom syntax and more optional parameters
@Powerlord not onyl you ;) i love it to persuade my chef to make our software open source xD
@JasonBerkan True, true. I still use it for debugging things, but at least the last two assignments have been using fstream stuff.
I haven't used a stream in forever, either.
I mean, the MVC code uses them internally, but I don't.
C++ is the nicest paved road to hell I've seen
@badp C++ will even give you the choice of sports car, daily driver, or transport truck to drive that road
@MBraedley so long as you bring your own implementation of each
@badp I'm sure there's libraries for each out there
"C++ can do managed memory! Just write your custom memory manager and you're fine!"
@badp custom made ref pointers to the rescue!
@Wipqozn I just didn't want @badp's script to get a null reference exception when deownering you.
20 mins ago, by badp
"I hate bugs." -- fellow coworker
Although I can understand her frustration because apparently this bug is showing up on tester machines but not developer machines.
@Powerlord clearly you aren't using enough XML
@Powerlord devs need to run in release for preliminary testing
I have to take my cat to the vet at 3 because he was throwing up all night :(
@OrigamiRobot :(
@MBraedley Did I mention this is a webapp?
@Powerlord probably, wasn't paying attention
@Frank what's your favorite kairosoft game? just finished with GP story and not sure what to get next
@Rapitor If you liked Grand Prix Story, a similar one is Pocket Stables.
It's actually quite a bit more complex than GPS.
I assume she's trying to replicate the testers' results on the QA server.
I miss @gnomeslice too
I miss @SexRobot
@Gnomeslice and @fbueckert = best Bridge shipping
Shipping, derived from the word relationship or friendship is the desire for two people, often fictional, to be in a relationship, romantic or otherwise. It is considered a general term for fans' emotional involvement with the ongoing development of a relationship in a work of fiction. Though technically applicable to any such involvement, it refers chiefly to various related social dynamics observable on the Internet, and is seldom used outside of that context. The methods of shipping can include creating images of two characters a fan wishes to be shown in a close relationship with one another...
was there some slashfic about them?
Woah now, let's not get crazy.
@Sterno oh gods, please no :|
TIL about "BROTP"
@DwarfSlice that looks interesting
@Sterno Yeah, nothing happening there.
@3ventic It's come a long way from a year ago when it was still called Project: Strongroom
Q: battlefield 3 is not updating

Troy WatsonAnytime I put my battlefield game in my ps3 it says nee update for the game and try to download the update but on synchronizing it stops and says error anyone knows how to fix that

@Sterno sigh ignorance was bliss
@DwarfSlice I love this
@DwarfSlice When Firefox crashes on startup
@fredley hue
So, what are some good Vita games?
Gets a website comp
@Powerlord What genres do you like?
Every page has a different typographic rhythm
@Powerlord Closed as primarily opinion based
Ugh print designers.
@RedRiderX Ugh, type snobs
@Powerlord Hollow Fragment is one I enjoy quite a bit.
@fredley You mean the one that tells me I should ask on chat instead?
@fredley Makes it a pain in the ass to code
@Powerlord It didn't say you would get a response
I have to make a bunch of exceptions for like every page.
@RedRiderX Throw them at someone else
That would be nice
But being an ensign I don't have people to throw things at delegate things to yet.
@RedRiderX Hire people, throw things at them
orbiting, shielded tears
Well, this is a problem
@Frank I don't really watch Sword Art Online... would that hinder my enjoyment of this game?
There's a room with spiders on the other side of a chasm
And my orbiting tears don't go far enough out to hit them -.-
@SaintWacko Second-player baby
@Powerlord Probably not. It continues the story, but as an alternate. You would get a bit more of the interaction going on between the characters, but not a whole lot.
@5pike What?
And, of course, you play as the main character, so take that for what it's worth.
Q: How is the coop partner useful in single player?

badpBinding of Isaac: Rebirth supports a coop player, but I don't have anybody to play with! I do have a controller plugged in however. Can coop game mechanics aid me in single player?

That would be incredibly useful if I had a controller
Alas, I do not
@SaintWacko Ah, to bad.
@Unionhawk nice, grats.
What kind of fucking IM client in 2014 doesn't allow rebinding?
This IM client is like a bad console port.
Does it even have a(n?) FOV slider or anything?
@Sterno ...rebinding?
Q: Garrison Followers in WoD

GrohlierIs there a comprehensive list of Garrison Followers, their abilities, and their profession matches anywhere? I know I can search each individually; but, that can get rather tedious. It would also be nice to know which followers to choose, or the pros/cons to selecting followers when presented ...

@Powerlord Of keys. Like, sending the message on control + enter instead of enter
Instead, Lync likes to start a web call every time I hit control + enter
@Powerlord He wants to press F and have the Rebecca Black YouTube link automatically added to chat.
Also that.
Stop trying to call Rebecca Black
Today is one of those days where I feel like I'm getting nothing accomplished.
@StrixVaria a few more to go!
Soy Milk is annoying
It reduces my dps so far that I literally cannot kill those red things that regenerate
I can't do enough damage to their pile of flesh form to destroy it before it regenerates
just got all the parts for wife's PC delivered... except motherboard >.<
@Chippies heh
@Chippies lol, oops
@RPiAwesomeness well, it should hopefully be here tomorrow
my keyboard is still in Ontario though :(
@SaintWacko one solution is to use bombs
@murgatroid99 Yeah, I eventually used my one bomb to destroy two of them, but it was too late by then
the psu is so heavy :O
@DwarfSlice this has way less to do with comets than I hoped
@DwarfSlice I just looked at that like 15 minutes ago
@DwarfSlice dat parallax.
@badp I'm not seeing parallax...
What's so neat about voxels?
@Sconibulus everything
They're easy to work with
@DwarfSlice dat $5000 tier...
Holy crap the post-update boot after upgrading to Lollipop takes a long time
Like, multiples of 10 minutes
@str pls
but like... what's the difference between voxels and say, minecraft?
@Sconibulus That's what I was expecting
@fredley Well it has to upgrade everything
@SaintWacko gawsh
@Sconibulus minecraft is cubes, voxels are not
take 3d space, treat it as a grid, each thing in the grid is a unit with a value
@fredley Yeah the upgrade took forever.
@StrixVaria Up and running now
I really like Lollipop.
@Rapitor voxels aren't cubes? I thought their whole thing was volumetric pixels?
I wish my phone would upgrade to Lollipop
How is that not a cube? It might be really tiny cubes, but the mechanic seems the same
@SaintWacko I got bored of waiting, manual flash
Speaking of lollipop, maybe one of you can answer my question
Q: How to view email in "Combined View" in 5.0 Lollipop

David StarkeyAfter updating my Nexus 5 to Lollipop, the Email app tells me that the Gmail app will now handle all emails. However, I'm having trouble being able to view all email accounts at once in the gmail app. In the old Email application, at the bottom of the list of email accounts was a "Combined View...

@Sconibulus A pixel is not a little square
don't mind me, I'll just sit here with my 4.1
First Google Now card: "Lollipop flashlight bug affects Nexus 5"
Thanks Google
btw, new Lollipop version secret is basically flappy bird
@DwarfSlice -1, not enough over the road racing
@Frank such value
sixteen gold
Dammit, the internet has pretty much hard-wired my brain to respond to "such x" with "very y wow"
ooooh, I'm gaining two points on my driving license the day after tomorrow
all the way up to 28/20
@badp wat
Italian drivers worst drivers
Do you like, accumulate points that you can spend on vehicular manslaughter or something in Italy?
Q: Need some Help with Lord of Lies (Act 2 boss)

eLborI am a 33 level barbarian (Diablo 3 PS3 version) and I cant defeat The Lord of Lies, Belial, the boss of Act 2, I cant kill it, because when he starts to cast that exploding spell all over the place he almost one hits me if i am not carefull enough, and trust me, at the end the spell is all over ...

@Unionhawk kinda, yeah. You start with 20 points and gain 2 for every year in a row without points deduction after the second.
There's a cap at 30 though.
I see
Once you're at 0 you can't drive.
I don't think you can spend them on vehicular manslaughter, but racing is 10 points
you just have to do it on a throwaway car... :P
Here it's something like if you accumulate 12 points in a 2 year period, it's a 6 month suspension and a remedial driving course after that.
there might also be some jail time to spend.
(in ohio)
@Unionhawk after the 6 months suspension?
@badp Yeah
you mean after you accumulate further points while being suspended?
man, I'd go straight for user destruction then
man I haven't destroyed a user in hours
I'm not certain how it works exactly, other than "don't do these things on the 6 point list and you're probably fine"
just $60! such value!
Who needs so many batteries?
@5pike you can throw them like confetti at weddings!
152 batteries for $60? bargain!
@badp I'll remember that....
@MattЭллен only good until 2019
maybe if you run a medium business...
I'll power my whole flat off batteries for a week
@MattЭллен hmm... AAA-battery-powered bitcoin mining
now that'll burn through batteries quickly
Mhh...how many coins would you be able to mine with one such pack?
"Limit five (5) per customer"
@5pike Probably a thousandth?
@badp that's to vague. We need science.
@5pike only ships to continental US
@Fluttershy Oh wow that's a lot :o
so you'll need more than science
@badp lol
@badp Damnit.
@Fluttershy excite levels: 0
@5pike Do you want to volunteer to design a bitcoin mining computer that runs on 1.5 volts?
@murgatroid99 just use four at a time!!
that'll be plenty delta-V
@badp Our wall outlets have 120 V power (I'm pretty sure). That's more like 80 at a time
@murgatroid99 all toy circuits we studied at university five years ago were fine with 5 V!!
clearly that ought to be plenty for everybody
For those of you who don't hate NCSoft, this looks cool.
We can work something out with that many batteries.
@Frank i hate them with a burning passion
@Rapitor As do I.
I wish Steam had a place for patch notes for games like Desura
Small World 2 had a small update but I have no idea what it was. If it fixed the dumb bug that makes you have to reload that would be nice but I don't really want to risk it
@DwarfSlice It has a place for version history but most developers don't use it.
You'll find for most games that whole section is empty.
That's just the news feed.
Most developer just post about sales and media coverage there
@DwarfSlice News feed about product updates is a change log.

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