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I gotta get to class. Later, folks.
Hi and bye @Raven!
Later @RavenDreamer
I'm rather shocked at how many votes I have gotten for this answer
A: What does the term "rail shooter" mean?

WipqoznA rail shooter is a shooter game in which you don't have control over your movement, at least for the most part. The movement of the character is pre-determined, although some rail shooters will give you some movement control. Although this normally amounts to nothing more then choosing which pat...

> When reddit was acquired in October 2006 by Condé Nast, it was receiving about 700k page views per day. Now, reddit routinely gets that much traffic in 15 minutes.
That's insane
I'm sorry, you're right. The only made 8 (you can see this if you run the server updater, as they have new model files (.dx90.vtx
, .mdl, phy, and .vvd) for each class for it).
So what browser do people use? I like Chrome, but its extensions totally blow
Stop pinging me :/
@NickT Chrome, and there's nothing wrong with its extensions.
Also, I love how my server updater appears to have updated 100%, but is still just sitting there.
They're horribly limited
I don't want to abort it in case materialsystem.so really is still updating.
so they work differently (read: totally break) in certain areas ("special pages", e.g. new tab)
@NickT No, they're "horribly" secure.
The security is more strict than Firefox.
Bunkers are more secure than houses, should we all live in bunkers?
@Nick Yes.
@NickT Houses are more secure than wooden forts.
Remodeling bunkers consists of new paint, you aren't going to get any real substantive change in them
I'd think a fort would be more secure
TC drama continues into latest post
rest of world continues to not be bothered
Q: How to quickly select other weapon for a slot in Team Fortress 2?

BlaXpiritI often want to select a different weapon in a slot, but often I'm too lazy, or don't have time to go to the menu and do it. For example, when I play as Demoman, if I want to quickly get to the capture point, I use Splendid Screen, but if I defend something, I need Scottish Resistance. I was w...

> This whole saga is weird. It's like watching someone self-immolate while writing a blog about it.
best comment.
@Lazers Assign QuickSwitch to a key
humm, do I play DE:HR, TF2, or Arma?
decisions, decisions.
@ThomasMcDonald Start using the proper abbreviation dammit.
@Arda No.
@ThomasMcDonald Yes.
I already am.
No you're not.
I quite fancy playing prophunt after the discussion earlier.
The proper abbreviation is DX:HR.
I don't know, it just is. Started at Deus Ex itself.
Team Fortress Two: TFT
I lol'd
*You just saved my life! How can I ever repay you?*
*I need some directions.*
@Wipqozn Come play Frozen Synapse. I'm bored.
just use 1 set of *---*?
Markdown doesn't work at all across multiple lines
@GnomeSlice Play TF2. :P
@ThomasMcDonald well that's terrible design.
@Wipqozn Agreed.
@Powerlord I don't have it, it would take years to download, and my connection wouldn't be good enough to play it.
We've been through this.
waits for Arda to star my comment
Q: Markdown in chat fails for multi-line messages

sbiWe've come to rename Markdown to Letdown in the C++ chat room because it lets you down so often. I've now just found a pattern. It seems markdown fails for multi-line messages. That is, this Letdown can't cope with multi-line comments. Let's see code? fails to display code marked as co...

@Wipqozn You're terrible design.
oh steam client update as well
the trade stuff is live
@ThomasMcDonald !
@KevinY ?
@ThomasMcDonald Nah, I'm just happy it updated. boots up Steam
Q: Crysis 2 physics problem

LifeH2OI have started playing crysis 2 and noticed its crappy physics at some places. I shot a guy in head, he jumped and flipped as if i kicked him from back. I shot another guy and his gun moved away and collided strangely. Is it only me feeling strange here or it is really like that? In Crysis i nev...

I'm rather at a loss as to what to spend points on
I have 6 praxis points, and nothing that jump out at me that I need.
Did you get CASIE yet?
I'm not sure what that means?
The social aug.
whoa, what's this theme tune
did they add some new music to tf2?
No. I thought about it, but I still don't see much point in it.
@ThomasMcDonald They added the Meet the Medic theme a few weeks ago
hmm, must just be one I don't recognise then
I might do some of the leg mods, so I can move run silently.
Would go very well with cloak
For some reason only the first second plays for me...
@Lazers "You make it sound like "bug/glitch" and "the way the engine behaves" are somehow exclusive when they are really just the exact same thing"
@Wipqozn There is.
I don't like giving negative answers
A: How to quickly select other weapon for a slot in Team Fortress 2?

Ronan FormanThere are no console commands to change the loadout selection, so there is no way to presets using the .cfg files. The only way of changing loadout is through the loadout or (as @The Annoying Pyro said) the mini loadout screens.

@RonanForman Did anyone tell him to just bind the QuickSelect screen yet?
Anyway, it's time for me to head out.
Got people to see, sleep to cat... er... I mean an instructor to pay attention to.
I didn't know one could cat
What the hell is my steam name?
Then how come when people search for it, they don't get me?
Gameplay Stats
Member since: May 12, 2010

Steam Rating: 6.8

Playing time: 21.7 hrs past 2 weeks

Frozen Synapse
21.7 hrs / 21.7 hrs
[View stats](http://steamcommunity.com/id/GnomeSlice/stats/FrozenSynapse)
@NickT Yeah, I don't play anything through steam.
I hate it.
Http 'ain't a choice. Punk.
Also, because that computer is slow. Plus Steam sucks.
hate hate hate hate
@RonanForman what?
@NickT +1...
I'l invest in the leg tree
@Wipqozn I do like a good set of legs
Cloak + complete silence was really awesome in the original DE
Your URL is missing the http:// part, so it won't markdown. Punk.
@RonanForman Oh. Clever you.
@RonanForman Um, ok, lets see you do any differently in a multi-line message
Wait, so why is my login 'GnomeSlice64'?
@RonanForman And yes, it is in there if you look at the source
@GnomeSlice The login can be different from the public name, which you can change at will
You use your original username but you can change the displayed one. Punk.
@Lesspop Are those items real WoW items?
@badp No
The "Shower Rod" has the same icon/sell price as the Copper Tube
Likewise with "Electric Heater" and Heart of Fire
I figured. A calculator with a cooldown of 20 minutes? Lame!
Though there actually are Safety Goggles, just not the ones that are there
Wow, there's a lot of binding in WoW
...wait, then you can sell it even if it's bound?
most items, some you can't
and enchanters can disenchant them to get materials
so... what's binding about? In Spiral Knight bound items can only be destroyed from your inventory, but not auctioned or traded.
Once an item is bound to you (or with special items, your account), only that character can have it--you can't trade it to any other characters
So it only restricts you from transferring it to other characters of your own
"of your own"?
I mean, you can sell the item, so clearly you can transfer it
It's meant to keep item prices high, otherwise people could just sell their hand-me-downs, which occasionally can be extremely powerful
Well, shit, Twotribes is following me now.
A few tweets later, and they should be thinking twice about selling me any more stuff.
also, it forces people to actually run the high-level instances to get the high-level gear.
@badp some items are "BoP" (bind on pickup), which means that once you loot it, it's bound to you, while others are "BoE" (bind on equip) so you can take them and sell them to other players, though once they equip it they can't resell
@NickT Yeah, BoE is how it works in Spiral Knights
(except you can pay big $ and unbind)
98% of the end-game stuff is BoP
They also created bind-on-account items (aptly named "Heirlooms") so you can hand them down to other characters, e.g. this
The stats change based on the level of the character using it
They're not always the best items you can use at a given level, but they reduce the amount of gear you need to worry about
new intention in de, kill everyone
stealth is boring
@ThomasMcDonald It is dangerous to go alone. Take this. Drops vending machine on Thomas
Q: Mac Minecraft Folder

KaraI have a mac... ...So here is my problem. I was trying to install a mod, but it didn't work, so I deleted the mod things. I went to play Minecraft, and it was all black. So I clicked force update, and here is what Minecraft said: 'Failed to Launch Fatal Error Occurred (4): /Users/(my name)/Librar...

23 hours ago, by Nick T
I think this video changed how I will play the game
23 hours ago, by Nick T
I've seen enough in the first 30 seconds to know that that is how to play the game
I haven't done hand to hand combat before though
I didn't realize Zen Bondage had a sequel on Steam.
@GnomeSlice that have SpaceMouse support? :P
@NickT S...Spacemouse?
lol Kevin Mitnick
didn't expect his name to come up
Some hacker dude
one of the first notorious ones that was convicted of a crime and did some time
Yeah, he's in DE:HR.
Well, there's an email to him
> Mitnick served five years in prison — four and a half years pre-trial and eight months in solitary confinement — because, according to Mitnick, law enforcement officials convinced a judge that he had the ability to "start a nuclear war by whistling into a pay phone".
lol, just PEPS'd three medical workers
@ThomasMcDonald Somehow I didn't realize that was a non-leathal weapon at first.
and then promptly ran in front of the security booth...
Is the PEPS worth it? Seems slow, ammo limited, bulky...
@TimStone it is?
You didn't hear the DET cops talking about it?
@Nick Nah, probably not
um, no?
they were like "yeah, we got them new PEPS IN THE ARMORY UPSTAIRS (I hope nobody thinks to steal them), non lethal, yo!"
I couldn't get in there at the time
still on my first playthrough
wow, that's annoying, went up behind a heavy rifle man to take him out, and you cant
so what can you do?
Anyone do molecular biology/biochemistry by chance?
or genetics
@ThomasMcDonald Wait, what?
It could just be that he was alert
but still, I was behind him, and it played the denied noise
anyway, I killed him and his compadres, snuck up to the security room and set the robot to be my friend
Yeah, setting robots and turrets to attack enemies was good fun :D
triggered the lasers in the data core
...Whoever created is even dumber than me.
snuck past them all this time
Q: please identify nes game

Greg77i recall playing an old nes (famicom to be precise) which had some cartridges with no apparent english title or whatever. one was a side scroller, with loooong stages - called scenes -, strange physics, populated by monsters which pushed the player around, made him paralyzed, or shoot at him - a...

@Lazers Oh wow.
I call editing.
#### WALL ####
##### OF #####
#### TEXT ####
How can you have multiple itg in one question?
What do I do about this.
he just showed you how
that's how
I think his shift key is broken
Also, Jesus Christ, fix your shift key.
@NickT :o
or did he do the entire thing in uppercase so it was automatically converted
Oh, probably.
Pirate friend activated himself when stage time ran out, swarming the playing area with a thick flow of black objects
...What Pirate Friend?
The only thing mentioned so far was a Pirate ENEMY.
Sarcasm. I think.
You're green, right?
And you were born from an egg?
....are you a Yoshi?
@NickT N..No.
I'm trying to write an email to my prof but I'm worried he'll just read like 2 words of it and reply
well, maybe more than 2 words, as mine are "I was"
Oops, I forgot the title.
I am ashamed.
Dear Next Person Who Opens a Pluralization 'Bug', I will personally come to your house and bludgeon you to death with a giant S
Wait, "NES (Famicom to be precise)"?
@NickT ?
I dunno, is Famicom some publisher of NES games?
@NickT Pretty sure Famicom is a completely separate console.
@GnomeSlice was just commenting that he also screwed up pluralization, "ID this NES game" then asks for multiple games
Well, at least he provided a lot of information. Gotta give points for that.
oh wow
this could be interesting
there's a lotta guys out there
I'm actually referring to DE
That's right, nobody cares about your edits
@NickT I was talking about it BEFORE the edit.
yes, I was there, oh the humanity...
Oops, I supposed I should have retagged it.
Oh that's also incredible
Here are my favorite excerpts:
> ...a deadly combination at most times.
> his long, zigzagged, glowing, fiery tongue
> a giant green frog as a mount (like yoshi)
I decided to leave those in.
> "I again got >tongued<, damn"
I'm still not entirely sure if he meant NES or Famicom.
I suppose they had the same hardware inside.
@GnomeSlice Are you so superficial that you can't appreciate who they are INSIDE? Are looks all you care about? sheesh.
@NickT Yes.
Wii U isn't going to have Blu-Ray?
@NickT Nothing wrong with a good tonguing once in a while
Wow. I feel special. Gaijin Games responded to my tweet.
Q: F-Zero-esque racing game with Don Knotts?

jsnlxndrlvI was at a bar this weekend where a guy claimed to have played a 3D or pseudo-3D racing game in the vein of F-Zero on the PC in the early to middle 90s, in which after every level or so, video footage of Don Knotts would appear on the screen and provide the player with a pithy quip. While I reme...

@RavenDreamer Nice! What about?
I approve of the tag
@RavenDreamer Pft, Two-tribes and I had quite a lovely conversation over Twitter earlier.
Unfortunately, it ended with them following me, which I'm sure they'll regret soon enough.
backpack expanders are on sale
@FallenAngelEyes "Any plans to release the Bit.Trip Soundtrack on a physical CD?" "Not currently."
Cortex Command has potential to be really run, I think.
@RavenDreamer Wait, I thought it was coming with the Wii version
Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be anything but a menu in the campaign.
And now, of course, I would feel terrible about pirating the soundtracks, because the Indie Devs actually took the time to say something to me.
@FallenAngelEyes It's basically a "sampler". A "Bit.trip Greatest Hits", if you will.
Oh, not the full? :(
They also have the soundtracks for each of the 6 games for sale.
@RavenDreamer Hah, the devs of Frozen Synapse told me how to haul the soundtrack files out of the setup over IRC.
Not from all 6 games, no.
shoots flames from fingers
@Mana NOT AGAIN. ducks
@GnomeSlice Trine?
Oh I see, 3 from each game
@RavenDreamer "Trine"?
@Mana So whatcha doing there?
@GnomeSlice my bad. Confused "Developers of Frozen Synapse" with "Developer Frozenbyte"
@FallenAngelEyes Chilling for a week in res, then university!
oh you go to U of T?
Gaming Moderators Volume II: Mana does college.
@RavenDreamer So does me! D:<
Wait. I thought of a better premise.
Moderators Gone Wild: @Mana does Toronto
@RavenDreamer ಥ_ಥ
Why did you have to do that.
@FallenAngelEyes Ayup!
@RavenDreamer I do everything.
@Mana Cool! I went to the ROM this past January so I was near there :)
Yeah, I think I remember you mentioning that
@Mana you do everything except when you do nothing.
Then I do it in your stead.
Yeah, one of my b/f's lives in Toronto, so he took me there when I was visiting
Oh, I've decided something.
Deep down, I'm actually a redhead.
nods So is Female Shepard.
I've decided something else.
@RavenDreamer As in your carpets match your drapes or how deep are we talking?
Deep down, I'm actually my Female Shepard.
@FallenAngelEyes tries to think up a response for five minutes, then gives up
@RavenDreamer pats on back Probably for the best. It's one of those statements that will either generate awkward responses or awkward silence.
Or both!
> Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
That makes me a loser.
Well, we already knew that. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
finger dance
I think your "d" key is sticking, sir.
I think your face is sticking, friend.
Or you have a really, really gross anatomical defect involving sixteen mouths.
@RavenDreamer Maybe he got excited about your inner redhead
I guess it'd have to be my inner lesbian too, hm?
I'm going to stop before I say something else I'll regret.
I am cursed with really, really vivid dreams.
I think I should talk to a psychiatrist about some of them.
Are they sexy?
@FallenAngelEyes Why is everything you say related to sex tonight?!
They could be vivid dreams involving killer bunny rabbits.
@Mana My mind is always in the gutter. Life's more entertaining that way.
@FallenAngelEyes It seems to be more in the gutter than usual. I'm shocked. SHOCKED I SAY
Given the starred list of this room, I imagine this goes for a few people here. :P
I was tempted to get a room with @FallenAngelEyes. Then I realized that would probably only escalate things.
@Mana Have I violated your virgin ears? Because I'd imagine that'd give you a headache
Curse the image my overimaginative brain has so thoughtfully provided to go along with that statement.
@RavenDreamer mouses over the out-of-context star button...
Although really, even in context it's still pretty much the same thing.
@Mana. Remember who you are. Why just star messages, when you can pin them.
Though picking the best to pin might be a chore of its own.
@FallenAngelEyes Do you get an email when you get sent a gift game through Steam?
@FallenAngelEyes In ways that frighten me to think about, yes.
@Mana yes
@RavenDreamer I demand details
I dunno.
That would leave a paper trail.
@GnomeSlice For once, I agree with you.
@Mana did you get Dead Island yet?
I have not received Dead Island.
oh no
Someone made a video of the Dead Island third person animations
if Deus Ex: HR is any indication...this is going to be horrible/hilarious
I haven't either
these sites using full-screen popups are starting to piss me off
not a window, just where it shades the page and has some video or some BS in front
Blast, steam has spoiled me. I don't think the Kalypso DRM that came with tropico 4 is going to allow me to install it on my laptop and desktop
@TimStone pardon?
No idea what you are talking about
you must be seeing things
Q: What's the wager in COD:BO gun game?

Jader DiasI'm seeing some Black Ops: Gun Wager Matches on Youtube and I wonder if people bet real money, or what they can buy with the credits they win in those games. I don't have the game nor a XBox, so I would like to know: if those credits cost money if you have to bet before starting a wager match i...

Q: How does game trade work?

DrakeSo I just read that is now possible trade games in Steam. I have spare copies of some games bought in 4-pack offers: How can I trade one of them with another user? If I click an item I don't see any Trade button, but only gift.

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