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Honestly, a bigger problem with nulls is null references than nulls used as descriptions of information
Q: minecraft 1.7.10 modded forge server keeps crashing

0_Exterminator_0---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Oops. Time: 31/10/14 5:49 PM Description: Exception in server tick loop cpw.mods.fml.common.MissingModsException at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.sortModList(Loader.java:244) at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:472) at cpw.mods.fml.ser...

@Lazers what a surprise, an unformatted crash report and not a question mark to be seen
I like and often take advantage of undefined vs null in JS. They should be separate things. They should be very separate things. And I am so happy they are. I wish other languages would do that too
@Ktash how?
If I call into a function, I want to know if it returned null, or if it didn't return anything. Those are different things, and I may need to react to them differently
No, I mean how is that distinction useful?
35 secs ago, by Ktash
If I call into a function, I want to know if it returned null, or if it didn't return anything. Those are different things, and I may need to react to them differently
That's how that distinction is useful
I may return a null object, meaning the return is null. Or I may return nothing, in which there is nothing to return
That doesn't tell me anythign
Something is not defined vs something that is defined, and has a null value
You're just saying again that you use it
What, you want a real life code example??
I just don't see what you're going to use a null object for
value, whatever
`function getUserInfo()`. Returns:
No return (undefined) -> User is not logged in
Null -> User is logged in, but we don't have the info
Object -> User information
@Ktash Why can't you use false, or 0, or some other value that does exist in other languages for the same semantics?
Or an empty info object
@murgatroid99 Because if the 3rd return type is true/false, that doesn't work. Or if it is a number, it is the same thing.
@Ktash what do you mean, doesn't work? You're already returning 3 types of things
Anyway, that function seems to have too many semantics.
I would make it an error to call that function on a user that is not logged in
There are lots of ways to work around the problem. But I'm an information person and that is really really annoying. DBs are a much much much bigger problem for this
So it always returns a user information object, which is sometimes empty
`function anyFunction()` Returns:
No return -> We don't have an answer for this
Null -> There is an answer, but we don't know it
Value -> This is the answer
There is the general format. If value is true/false, then returning true/false for the I don't know case doesn't work
@Ktash I don't think there should be a difference between 1 and 2
@murgatroid99 So in my first example, you wouldn't want to know if you simply need to fetch the user info from somewhere or if you need to ask the user to login? That's not important to you?
"There is an answer, but we don't have it" doesn't seem different from "we don't have an answer"
Because for me, it very much is
@Ktash Knowing whether the user is logged in should be a different function
You shouldn't be fetching information for user X if you don't have a user yet
"It doesn't make sense to call this function yet" should be an error, not a return value
If this were a perfect world, you are right. But the real world and real code isn't. Also, people and describing real situations isn't binary. When you get into describing a state, you sometimes have to say you don't know because you are in an indeterminate state.
@Ktash In code, you either have a user, or you don't
@murgatroid99 Really? You so sure about that?
@Ktash I can't imagine a situation where that isn't the case
I've just registered for an account, and I haven't filled out anything in terms of user info. What state am I in?
@Ktash Not "maybe"
A bunch of fields are empty. That doesn't mean you don't exist
Do I have an account? Am I a user? Do I have a password? A name? Can I access all parts of a site now?
@Ktash There shouldn't be registration that leaves you in a "maybe a user exists" state
And permissions are orthogonal to that
If a name field is blank, that doesn't mean you maybe exist
@murgatroid99 I have to have a unique user name, but I haven't filled out that part yet. What state am I in?
@Ktash If you need to have a unique user name to exist as a user, how did you register?
@murgatroid99 Easy, email address is used for the initial blast, and then I have to enter my username when I arrive at the site
I show up, and I am a user now, but I don't have a username. What is it? Blank string? What if that is a valid username?
@Ktash If it's necessary for the user to do anything, it should be part of registration
It usually is, in cases I've seen
@murgatroid99 Heh, "usually". That's a funny word. What would you do in the non-"usually" case
Twitter and wikipedia are two good examples of that
@murgatroid99 Oh, Twitter is a great example for that, but not quite how I think you're thinking
@Ktash I used the word "usually" because I don't remember every website registration I've ever done, not because I think there's a counterexample
@murgatroid99 Would you like me to point you to several?
I can even point you to some that I'm sure you've used before :)
And if there is an example, I'd just say that the user is in low permissions mode until they set a field
@Ktash but sure
@murgatroid99 Do you have Do Not Track turned on? Off? Or have you not set it?
@Ktash Considering that it does nothing but set an optionally followed header, no, I haven't bothered
How about when did you register for Facebook? Or for GMail? Maybe when they were in beta, and you were a "user" because you had registered to receive an invite?
You do know that it's another bit for browser fingerprint tracking, right?
@Ktash In gmail, the username is the email address
And I don't remember how facebook registration works
@murgatroid99 Well, then, what is the state of your setting? Maybe undefined? How about if you wanted it the be unset. Now that might be null. Don't send one. But how could the browser know if you've set one or if you don't care. Null vs Undefined seems like a pretty useful distinction in bothering the user to set the preference
@murgatroid99 I'm talking about them in beta or when you needed an invite
@Ktash It has a well-defined default value
And there's no point in sending a header with "Do Not Track: No", so I don't think the browser does it ever
@murgatroid99 "well-defined" is a funny term there. I don't think it is as "well-defined" as you think
@murgatroid99 Actually it does
It is a true/false. And it has a third state, null. And for browsers, they care about a forth state: Unset. The user has not been prompted for it, and it has not been set. It hasn't been ignored, and it is not true or false. It is nothing
@Ktash It's a checkbox. That's a one-bit value. And it defaults to off
and to think this all started because I misspelled a variable... :P
@murgatroid99 Well it defaults to whatever the browser tells it to. And most browsers choose off, IE chooses on, but some choose nothing. They don't send the header until the user has set a setting
@Ktash A browser setting defaults to what the browser sets it to? Who'd have guessed?
and it will prompt for the setting when it realizes the user has not had the chance to set it. But they can still ignore it
I have never been prompted for that setting, and I never will because it's useless
And I would seriously be willing to be that no browser ever sends "Do Not Track: No"
It's a no-op waste of several bytes
I'm not making a point about DNT. I think it was a good idea gone horribly awry, but that is beside the point. I'm showing 4, relevant states to a true/false value in the real world
@Ktash And I'm disagreeing with you
@murgatroid99 No it isn't. It specifies a user choise
This is a binary setting with a binary default
The user has chosen to opt in to tracking
@Ktash but it's a no-op in real life
Where as no header specifies no choice
"Do Not Track: No" does not produce different behavior than no header on any website
@murgatroid99 No it isn't, actually. But even if it were, the point is a that it is tri-state. Yes, no, isn't there. Also, there is the "I don't know" for browsers
@murgatroid99 I'd imagine it would mean consent
Advertisers can take it as a signal that people have consented
@Chippies I'm talking about actual effects on real life server code
@Ktash can
@murgatroid99 Ever looked at your Twitter settings?
They pay attention to it
And yes, no, and unknown are the 3 values for it
@Ktash The fact that a Yes may change their behavior does not mean a No does
And twitter is one of the few services on the internet that cares about a "yes" value
@murgatroid99 Alright, to end this really tangential segment of this, I'm going to go the low road route. When was the last time you looked at their code and know what they're doing? I'm telling you why it exist, not speculating at how it is being used by people who are spying on everyone anyway
@murgatroid99 but if you coded an internet service, you could care if you wanted to
^ this
Yeah, but I'm talking about the real world where real servers actually run
@Ktash What would they do if you sent a "No"? Gather more than all of the information?
And I'm still talking about null vs undefined. If you are off on another topic, then we're talking past eachother anyway
@murgatroid99 if you sue them, they can show you consented?
@Ktash And I still disagree that you have provided a meaningful case of distinguishing
@Chippies "Do Not Track" is not legally meaningful in any juristiction
it's probably at least slightly more meaningful than nothing, although probably not enough to matter
Though, California either recently or is in the process of making a law that says that companies have to say whether they care about it
@murgatroid99 I've planted cameras inside your home to watch your every movement. You didn't consent, which is the same thing as a yes, right? So it is ok
Yes or no questions inherently have a third state where you don't know the answer
@Ktash That's a big jump from "it's OK for companies to store/use information I have explicitly given to them by using the internet" to "anything that's not a no is a yes"
Consent defaults to "no"
If I ask you what restaurant you want to go to, there are 4 states. You have a restaurant, you don't have a restaurant, you haven't answered my question, or you don't care
maybe we should just have a mega-boolean
@Chippies it's been suggested, actually
@Ktash That third one doesn't seem like something a program would care about
@Chippies true, false, file not found
@murgatroid99 Really??? It doesn't need to know that it needs to ask the question???
I usually just use byte or something similar when I need more than 2 outcomes
@Ktash But once it's asked the question, "waiting for an answer" doesn't seem like a state that needs to be recorded.
You use code to describe the real world. You store information about the real world. And in the real world, there is more than 1 type of null. I like to have that in my programming languages as well
@murgatroid99 Why not?
How do you represent that state?
How do I know I have asked the question but don't have an answer?
@Ktash you're still waiting
@murgatroid99 if a window pops up with the question and you close it, you didn't answer the question, so I should probably ask again sometime?
@murgatroid99 That's the human answer. How do you write that down on a piece of paper
@Ktash "Process is suspended"
@murgatroid99 Shut down your computer, walk away, and turn it back on again
Still in the "process is suspended" state?
Also, that's a pretty good description for another null
@Ktash OK, at this point, I don't know what state anything is in
Sounds like you could use another null
perhaps there should be dynamic custom nulls
I would love meaningful nulls in DBs
How about "transaction incomplete"? Or is this some magical non-database thing that stores data when the power goes out?
And by "incomplete", I mean "rolled back"
@murgatroid99 That sounds like another null to me
@Ktash That's equivalent to "this never happened"
The database is in the state it was in before you asked the question
I have a UI, and I want to popup a dialog to the user. It is a yes/no dialog but they can close the dialog as well without answering the question. I don't want to go back to the "ask them again" state because I've asked them. But closing the dialog doesn't sound like a yes or a no
@Ktash Now it depends on the question. There should either be a default or a meaningful "cancel"
@murgatroid99 "Do you believe abortion should be legal?" What's the default answer to that question?
There isn't always a default
@Ktash "No response" should be an answer, and the default, and why is this in a modal?
It's like gender questions on many forms
You have the options "I choose not to answer, Male, Female", and it defaults to the first
Not answering a question is its own answer. It deserves its own state. Just like "thinking" does
Sometimes, it also has "Something else", but that's an explicit choice
@murgatroid99 That is a null. Is that the same null as not having been asked the question?
@Ktash Yes. That's what "default" means
@murgatroid99 Really? You sure about that? Because that's really easy to tear apart.
Because default is not a good answer to that question
@Ktash Wait, which question?
Pronouns are an important thing to a great many people. You shouldn't use the wrong ones, so assuming a default, even a "neutral" one, is a bad idea
@murgatroid99 Gender
Or, really, gender identity
@Ktash OK. I can't imagine anyone could possibly be offended at a default gender of "I have not chosen to answer"
That's not the same as "neutral", it's just blank
@murgatroid99 I can. I've met people like that.
And for all practical purposes "I have not chosen to answer" and "I choose not to answer" are equivalent
@Ktash So should there be another default for "I have not yet chosen to answer" just for people who identify as that?
@murgatroid99 No. They are not. They are absolute 100% not.
@Ktash OK. In what situation would querying the database and getting one versus the other change the output or operation of something?
@murgatroid99 "Such and such posted a new picture. View _______ picture here". Insert pronoun
@Ktash "Their" is a perfectly valid singular second person pronoun
As I said, "their" will offend some people if they haven't chosen it
@Ktash If someone gets offended at any nonsense, I can't help them
It's not like that's specific to a gender
And I still don't see what you would do differently in the two different cases where someone has not given an answer
@murgatroid99 Trans people can sometimes be hypersensitive to pronouns because it is a huge deal to them. They have to fight to be acknowledged by the right pronouns and the use of the wrong one is, yes, a very big deal
@murgatroid99 If you know you haven't asked someone, you can ask someone. If you have asked someone, and they chose the "I don't wish to specify" then you have an answer
You are not making assumptions for the user, they have made a choice and that choice is "null"
Before they have made a choice, they are "undecided"
@Ktash If you're displaying a photo to X, you're going to block rendering the caption until you have Y choose a pronoun?
@Ktash If you care that much about pronouns, but can't take the time to choose "M" or "F" from a dropdown, you have some messed up priorities
And in any case, getting offended by someone using a generic third person pronoun to refer to you is ridiculous. It applies to everybody
@murgatroid99 Yes. I am. I've implemented a new feature and the user hasn't chosen a setting for that feature, so I am not going to make an assumption. I am going to work around the fact that I have no answer by not displaying that portion of the information. That's exactly what most things do
@Ktash You could also just use "username's"
OK, it's 1 AM and we've been arguing about null semantics for an hour and a half. I'm going to bed
@murgatroid99 Hey, look, what do you know. An odd sounding, but acceptable middle area until you get your proper answer. So now you have 4 choices to display there. The odd sounding "username's photo. View username's photo". And then the 3 normal options of "their", "hers" or "his"
@Ktash That suggestion works for all 4 cases. And definitely the two null cases
@murgatroid99 Except it sounds odd and is a poor experience for users
What if they choose not to respond, but their only acceptable pronouns are "xe/xir/xis"
Then they'd still be offended
And I'm really going to bed now
Tell you what, I'll write an essay detailing the exact UI and requirements needed for all of this so you will accept that there may be a case where you have a reason to know both if a question has been answered, and if that answer is nothing. And when I do, I'll point you to it. But until then, you seem to be fighting tooth and nail to deny every possible reason you could ever want to know if someone has answered a question or not. And it is late and I'm going to bed too
JS is so much trouble for no apparent reasons
@Chippies It is trouble because JS
@Arperum that's what it seems like
Morning guys
@5pike Morning!
can anyone explain why this returns UpdateHtml is not defined?
setInterval('UpdateHtml("resources")', 1000);
function UpdateHtml(id) {
    // code
nvm, changing it to setInterval(function(){UpdateHtml("resources")}, 1000); made it work
JS is magical!
A function that fires every second ... are you writing an incremental game, per chance?
@5pike that would be the ideal outcome
but since I have no experience with JS or any web languages whatsoever, I'm not sure if anything will ever come out of this
as of now, I'm just messing with stuff, trying to figure out JS
Hehehe, nice. I also started to write one. Just for funzies.
@Chippies I also am not very skilled with JS, but it's fun to mess around with stuff.
@5pike Indeed!
JS, however, seems to be quite a pain in the butt, lol
Eh, it's alright.
I guess I should rephrase that... JS seems to be quite a pain in the butt for a newb like I am
sometimes it just doesn't do things and it's quite difficult to figure out why
@Chippies Mhh... you should look at the JS course at codecademy.com
@5pike I was looking at jQuery, although I probably should've started with JS, heh
@Chippies Do you have the console open?
@5pike I do
@Chippies JS is Dark Magic!
@Blem Silly dog, you didn't evolve, you were bred.
God, I hate the FTP plugin of Notepad++, always drops the connection.
woohoo. today was off to a "good" start. 300+ sites down. as in suddenly require username/pass.
I came into the office an hour ago to a boss in underwear frantically working to find out what the fuck had happened.
office is in his house, so he was called awake for "TROUBLES. everything dead!"
Oh, I see.
Well, not everything, just one server.
It just happened to be the login server?
@KevinvanderVelden No, apparently all 300+ anonymous users for the hostings are gone for no reason. So everything required a pass while it shouldn't.
So the FTP server bit was down?
yea, so now some task is running to restore all users one by one.
@KevinvanderVelden ftp was not really the issue, no anonymous ftp on the server, all websites were blocked basically with "no acces".
everything else was still up and running.
but I just had a call "yea, everything on the server is dead. when will it be fixed?"
My boss has left the office five minutes ago to go eat something and get clothes and stuff.
Bah. I hate mails like this one.
"It is obviously important that you make an accurate as possible time estimation. But I expect nothing less :)"
@Arperum Urgh...
Time estimation for "extra searchfunction" IIRC that "extra searchfunction" is a pretty complex thing that invovles a whole new slew of tables and stuff in the DB.
Did I mention that it is for a website in VB?
@Arperum "between 1 and 3 times your time and monetary budget"
Or that I asked for an hour to make a time estimation for something else? And that I got said hour, but there are now three time estimations I have to make.
So, what did I miss?
@Navaneeth Don't post your question into a lot of rooms at once, especially not into completely unrelated ones
@KevinvanderVelden Nothing it seems.
@KevinvanderVelden so'er spamming his questions in unrelated rooms - SF, Gaming, Computer Science, etc.
Code Review too. I thought it was a bad CR question at first and almost voted to close it.
@tombull89 jeah I checked his other rooms and not everyone had removed it
He also posted it in the tex and latex sites =/
hopefully an hour chat ban will teach him/her not to do it again ^_^
@tombull89 yeah, he started with half an hour ban, before that was up another flag got validated xp
Q: Is it okay to use the Name of this site in a Clan?

JutschgeWith the chatroom Summoners Rift being reopened, the small (and growing) amount of users that play League now have a place to hang out and chat etc. We often play together for fun and now we've found around 10 users who play on the European server. This would be enough to build a team with backup...

@SepiaLazers I recall the stance being "Make sure people know it's unofficial and sure"
@KevinvanderVelden cc @Jutschge
Ggo church. They are restoring some known pedophile back to his previous rank.
@Arperum what? The pope is coming out of retirement?
Oh wait, his job was for covering it up
@KevinvanderVelden Hahahaha, BURN.
@KevinvanderVelden dutch article
As cherry on top: he's becoming pastor again on the place where he sexually assaulted a kid...
Are you also aware that the current pope said that the Big Bang theory is actually right.
@Arperum eeh, he said that god didn't use a magic wand
I'm not a christian, but that guy is one of the better and more progressive popes I've heard.
well personally I really kinda like the new pope
The new pope is pretty dope.
@Arperum That's not new for catholics
@5pike except the assisting in kidnapping and support of violent regimes
I'm kind of trying to make the point that the current pope is super progressive.
@KevinvanderVelden ... what?
@Arperum well, he says things that sound progressive, and then they're clarified to be pretty much the same old
Well he's still the pope... but he's not as bad as Benedict
Eeeh, one covered up child rape, the other helped a violent regime
It's not really an achievement saying "Hey! I'm better than someone that covers up child rape"
@5pike Did your invite arrive?
@fredley Yes, it did. Thanks
@5pike Awesome
@KevinvanderVelden Well I guess for a pope it is an achievement :P
> Perhaps he didn't have the courage of other priests, but he never collaborated with the dictatorship ... Bergoglio was no accomplice of the dictatorship
Well, whatever.
Jeah, I can't find anything concrete so it could be nothing. It is interesting that the second he became a pope everyone started saying he was completely innocent
Could be nothing but makes me skeptical
@KevinvanderVelden True, true.
Man I'm going to be so pissed when Google decides Inbox was a failed experiment
@DwarfSlice I hate when that happens.
lol wut
physics, how does it work?
@Blem the poor thing :|
k make it stop!
Why would you do that?
Because kids are dumb.
Oh yeah.
At least it's a hamster, and not a cat. I feel more empathy for cats than not cats.
@Wipqozn Eh, I doubt a cat would get hurt, but a hamster...
@5pike Today she learned that you jump higher when you hit Space on a rising platform
This will prove crucial in her videogaming career
@badp Next up - Rocket jumping
@5pike yesssss
maybe she should cover air strafing first
so she can avoid rocket jumping straight into a wall
she seemed to be attempting that
@5pike True
@5pike even cats can't land on four paws on a library
@Wipqozn I wonder what would happen if the cat claws the ball, while sitting on it.
...but a cat would probably only jump up by a few cm's
(dammit youtube I asked for the time code)
@badp I could try it with my deaf cat...
@fredley Cool
@fredley I know that one.
@fredley I am kinda proud of myself for understanding that joke
Galactic Cheerio Coach
Also, my new job pays me exactly when they say they will and I don't have to take off the tax myself. That's awesome.
@AshleyNunn w. a. t.
@AshleyNunn Whiskey Alpha Tango
The money just appears like magic in my account! It's crazy.
@AshleyNunn This.... this didn't happen at your old job?
And! No one is asking if you want it in bitcoin
Noone needs to be an animal. Like alot.
For safety people who aren't sure should say "nobody".
@MattЭллен yes*
Q: How do you get the last 3 secret cases in another case solved?

Mathieu DumoulinI've practically completed the game and only have secret cases left to do. What i find strange is that i have found all secret cases in the 5 chapters, but i have only 7/10 secret cases uncovered... Anyone know how to get the remaining 3 secret cases?

@StrixVaria Why only safety people, why not everybody?
@fredley If you know what you're doing, your options are expanded.
Also! Noone is a nonstandard spelling, while alot is a misspelling (according to en.wiktionary.org/wiki/noone )
noöne is a correct and best spelling
@MattЭллен Umlauts (they're probably not called that in this context) used this way make my face hurt.
@fredley oh no. When I got paid, it was always late usually by a week and I always got the joy of using Canada revenue's online calculator to figure out how much of that pay had to be saved to pay taxes.
@AshleyNunn ughhhhhhhh
@AshleyNunn uugghh
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah no one offering me bitcoin is great!
@StrixVaria Fëanor, Zoë, coördination
@MattЭллен Why is it on the "e" in whatever "feanor" is?
@StrixVaria Tolkien said so...
I don't know
@AshleyNunn I don't even think that's legal in the US. Your employer has to withhold some money because the government wants to make sure they get something.
Never seen an ë ever used
@MattЭллен Oh fantasy names are immune to all rules of logic, so I'm not worried about it now.
@StrixVaria I was a contractor (or so they claimed) so apparently that was always my problem
@5pike It's reasonably common in dutch
@AshleyNunn ew
@5pike Chloë also
@KevinvanderVelden How does on pronunciate that ë
@StrixVaria I am so so glad I don't have to deal with it anymore (well except for the last cheque they owe me, whenever I get that)
@5pike In cases like this the umlaut just denotes that you pronounce the two vowels as separate sounds, rather than the group of vowels as one sound.
@5pike usually like ee in bee
They're omitted a lot because people familiar with the words know how to pronounce them anyway.
@5pike Like a normal e. It's used to split lettergroups. For example: Chloe sounds completely different to Chloë in Dutch. Because "oe" has a specific sound associated with it.
and because they're hard to type
@Arperum Chlœ
@fredley We don't merge letters like the french, we just merge them in sound.
We have a thing called "tweeklanken", example in German would be ümlaut, the "au" is pronounced as one thing.
"I am super scared of Ebola right now. What if someone on this bus has it?" oh, bus people.
@AshleyNunn I would have coughed on that person
@AshleyNunn Start coughing.
@AshleyNunn then don't taste their body fluids
I mean, you shouldn't do that regardless of ebola
@KevinvanderVelden apparently touching their sweat might be enough?
@AshleyNunn start bleeding from your eyes
@MattЭллен I will get right on that
@MattЭллен now I wish I could do that on command
apparently it's happens automatically if you have Ebola. so... there are advantages to having it
I'd rather have control of when it starts and stops
@MattЭллен Other advantages - heightened chance of dying
People on this early morning route are always fascinating.
also your ambulance gets a police escort, apparently
@badp theoretically. But there has been no case of that reported and even transmission via saliva requires a person to be very sick
As in: to sick to get on a bus already
Yeah by the time you are contagious you are also kinda obviously Ebola

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