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@JasonBerkan You should watch Mega Piranha
@OrigamiRobot If a character dies and their dream self dies, they become a ghost in a dream bubble. But that ghost can also die and then they stay dead
Okay, serious @Uni time. Some sharks are scary (bull sharks, tiger sharks, etc), however, in general, from the perspective of a diver, most sharks will not attack. In general, when not provoked. Swimmers and surfers are another story, but, in general, sharks bite out of curiosity. They'll bite, realize that you're not food, and swim away.
@Unionhawk oh i know that :D
Besides, literally every shark I have seen while diving has been a nurse shark, which will not attack at all unless provoked
for definitions of provoked meaning "you have really pissed it off"
I think @Unionhawk is actually a shark trying to make us let our guard down
Tricky trickster
@Unionhawk But what about Mega-Sharks? Or Two-Headed Sharks? Or Sharknados? Or sharks injected with a serum to make them super smart? TV seems to indicate that these are the most dangerous of sharks.
@JasonBerkan Or Sharktopus
@JasonBerkan This is why TV has made it impossible to have an intelligent shark-related discussion.
@Unionhawk Yay! I'm helping!
And I'm looking mostly at shark week
@Unionhawk That's just what a shark would want you to think!
Then again, intelligent discussions and The Bridge don't usually mix either
It's actually really hard to talk to my kids about sharks, because they are convinced that they are mindless human killing machines.
@JasonBerkan aren't they?
They are not
For starters, sharks are far from mindless
@DwarfSlice No they aren't. They very rarely attack humans.
And they definitely don't eat them
And I believe the majority of those instances are mistaken identity - i.e. we look like their food.
@Unionhawk right, they just maim humans for sport
@JasonBerkan Yes.
The rest of them are provoked attacks (which, incidentally, aren't included in shark attack data)
Q: Minecraft Mob-Spawning in vanilla 1.8 server

lambchop9I am making my own server and i am trying to make mobs not spawn in a certain area, I can do a /kill @e[type=!Player] command because I have armor stands! So I was wondering what you guys thought. P.s it is a 1.8 vanilla server Thanks a lot! :D

I know people who wouldn't set foot in the ocean at night because they were afraid of sharks
sharks are fuct
I didn't even know how to respond to that
Other than going swimming myself
It depends
@OrigamiRobot When we were in Hawaii, it took a lot of convincing to get my kids into the water - though one of them was terrified of crabs, not sharks...
surfboard reparing and shaping

Proposed Q&A site for surfers, shapers and people interested in surfboard repairing and shaping.

Currently in definition.

I am more concerned about jellyfish than sharks
@OrigamiRobot Yes, very much this
I am most concerned about the robot apocalypse.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Kinda related to this conversation
I had one day of moon jelly season, and that was too much for me
I am most concerned about the rep recalc
Will @OrigamiRobot spare me or not?
I've never been stung, luckily
@Yuuki no human gets spared
Sharks fall into that realm of human fears where you are pretty defenseless in their environment and they made subconsciously scary by the media
@OrigamiRobot What if I become a cyborg?
It was like "Jump in with no air in the buoyancy control, hope I don't get stung on the way down" and then "okay, time to go up... you first"
@Yuuki We can talk
Do I count as a robot by playing claptrap?
I will take that under advisement
Oh hey, they're introducing Captain Cold.
I mean they get the point across but 'good morning' isn't really what I'd call a catcall
Also, E = mc^2 is not a formula for kinetic energy... it's mass-energy equivalence...
Q: Very high specs, LOOOW FPS

The Hash-Slinging SlasherI have noticed that in Payday 2, even at the LOWEST settings, I get ~20-30fps. My specs absolutely blow the reqs out of the water. Here they are, (My specs / Recommended specs) 3GHz, 2 core cpu / 2.4GHz, 4 core cpu 4 GB RAM / 3 GB RAM Windows 8.1 x64 / XP, Vista or 7 Pixel Shader 5 / Pixel ...

> I don't know if this counts as harassment, but while I was on my way back to work from lunch I was making a right turn in the Range, a pretty woman was taking her time crossing the street while talking on her cell, so I just laid on the horn the whole time. She did not seem as amused as I was at the situation.
@Lazers 30 fps isn't what I'd call "LOOOW FPS"
@Yuuki It's the total energy of a particle with no kinetic energy
@murgatroid99 So... a way to determine how much mass is how much energy.
And vice-versa.
@Yuuki Well, yes
But more generally, it's the general energy equation with velocity set to zero
General Generally joins the general battle
E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2
@DwarfSlice this sounds pretty standard for NYC
Q: Is There a Way to Disable User-Created Prisoner Names/Bios?

DaxJust as the title says. There are a LOT of terribly written names and biographies for prisoners that really ruin what immersion there is, and I haven't seen anything pertaining to this yet. So, there it is. Can it be done with a mod/simple option I have yet to see? Thanks in advance to all who re...

zomg, the bridge is so quiet
@MattGiltaji We're running stealth mode.
Hunting wabbits.
i thought the sharks got you
Just for your consideration: The Office of Planetary Protection.
Q: can I reset the game called A Dark Room

user90937I made a lot of progress in the game called a dark room a long time ago. I want to start from scratch. Can I reset a dark room?

@badp Oh god, more Transformers movies.
@Yuuki luckily he was just talking theoretically, right?
I mean, none are coming right?
@badp Hopefully.
Otherwise, may God have mercy on our souls.
I'd watch it
In today's edition of stupid things said by GameFaqs users:
> All games on Steam should be free because they have no value when only put on Steam.
@Wipqozn wat
@murgatroid99 Don't even try to understand. Trying to understand will only bring pain./
@Wipqozn I don't even understand what that's supposed to mean
The net stupidity of the Internet is a constant
@Unionhawk I disagree with you, but since your entire argument strategy seems to involve responding in the negative, I'm not going to argue the point.
@Wipqozn ...
shrug it's not something I find worth arguing for or against.
@Unionhawk It's almost as if it was a... neutral factor!
geddit? geddit? geddit geddit geddit? net? neutral? huh? huh? net neutrality? hand gestures
I guess I'll go play the new pokemon demo, because I am the chosen one
@murgatroid99 If you were able to understand that then I'd be worried.
It's also not really accurate per se, but I like to tell myself that if only because it reminds me to not be surprised by any internet stupidity.
You can only expect so much from unilogic
We are investigating a network incident that blipped the sites over here, but are online at this time.
Q: How do skulltula requirements split across two players?

YamikuronueLet's say a skulltula has a requirement like "Do not take more than 4 hearts of damage". If I'm playing co-op, does that mean we each can't take more than 4 hears, or we can't take more than 4 hearts total? What about other numeric requirements?

Q: Posting on Mineplex forum

Arti SchmidtI recently became a member of Mineplex, but I can't find any way to start a new thread or post a comment on their forum. Do you have to be a paying member for this feature?

Q: How are damage requirements for skulltulas counted?

YamikuronueIf a requirement for a skulltula says "Do not take more than X hearts of damage", does that mean ever, or at once? As in, if I take three hearts, heal up to full, then take another two hearts, have I met the requirement?

Q: Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2 Alistair (spoilers)

Deja VuAlright, ill start off with my choices in DAO. This playthrough (combined with what happened in DA2) puzzled my mind. I think for the first time ever i didn't take alistair with me to the Archdemon, i took with me Morrigan, Zevran and Leliana, so he's left to defend the gate. When you kill the a...

Q: In Shroud of the Avatar, what is the golden shield on the right of your screen?

Simon ArsenaultWhat is the golden shield with the blue circle on the right of your screen? Screenshot:

Q: In Minecraft, how much is a redstone repeater tick?

TheIdiotGamerIn Minecraft, there are these redstone repeaters that look like this. How much is one tick? Is 2 2x longer, how much?

@OrigamiRobot No, but there's a Brontosaurus.
Lies, it's an apatosaurus
@Fluttershy No, there's not.
> Apatosaurus, sometimes known by the popular synonym Brontosaurus, is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived from about 154 to 150 million years ago, during the Jurassic Period.
Emphasis mine.
Not a synonym.
It's a different, made-up dinosaur
> Apatosaurus, sometimes known by the popular synonym Brontosaurus, is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived from about 154 to 150 million years ago, during the Jurassic Period.
Emphasis mine.
22 secs ago, by Origami Robot
Not a synonym.
@OrigamiRobot Your mom's a made-up dinosaur
@OrigamiRobot Sure. Next you'll be telling me that Pluto isn't a planet.
I was just about to say "you're a made up dinosaur" and you ruined it
@fredley Oh buuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
@Unionhawk I love ruining things
> While Apatosaurus is sometimes still referred to by some outside of the scientific community as Brontosaurus, the name Brontosaurus was a result of a fossil mix-up.
@Fluttershy Do you own Fantasy Life?
@Wipqozn Not yet, but I'd like to!
1 min ago, by Fluttershy
@OrigamiRobot Sure. Next you'll be telling me that Pluto isn't a planet.
@Fluttershy I see. Well then. WELL. THEN.
@Fluttershy Pluto isn't a planet.
and if you say otherwise so help me zeus I'll delete my account.
@Wipqozn urmom isn't a planet.
> American paleontologist Othniel C. Marsh named one of his fossil discoveries — an incomplete set of remains — Apatosaurus ajax in 1877. Two years later in 1879, he named a more complete specimen Brontosaurus excelsus. However, it was later learned that the bones that were used to reconstruct Brontosaurus were actually mostly from an Apatosaurus with the head of a Camarasaurus.
@Fluttershy Well, that's true.
@Wipqozn Pluto is totes a planet. The best planet.
@Fluttershy Counter-point: New Horizons will give us our first good images of Pluto in 2015!
@Wipqozn BEST. PLANET.
tbh I'm tempted to go out and buy Fantasy Life right now.
But that would be silly.
yeah right.
Next you'll be claiming that this is an Iguanodon:
@badp Is that a chest with 25 gold in it, selling for 70 gold?
@Fluttershy yes
@badp Which game is this?
You're not playing it on steam, so I have no idea.
@badp That's the silliest.
Well, second silliest. It's not as silly as someone saying Pluto isn't a planet.
@Fluttershy Some men just like to watch the world burn.
@Wipqozn I am on Steam. It's Crypt of the Necrodancer.
This is a "brontosaurus" skull
In other news... Double Fine, where is my free copy of Hack n' Slash? :(
@badp You show up as online for me. Does this mean you hate me? It must. I'm going to cry now.
@Wipqozn Oh buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrnnnnn
aka Camarasaurus
@Fluttershy That's lotteries for you
Oh, now bp is online.
@Wipqozn and my Steam window told me I was offline
He doesn't hate me! yay!
@Wipqozn Oh silly turtle. Of course I hate you.
I love to hate you though so it's cool!
Oh, okay.
I guess the game really wanted me to take the chest with the gold.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu people in this building, please learn to not burn things when you cook kthx
It was too cold to go stand outside and wait for the police to turn the fire alarm off
@Unionhawk It's not even November
Let's fix this with borderlands
Q: Can "/kill" affect an armour stand?

BenPartially from curiosity, and partially because this question is unclear as to whether or not this is actually possible. Does a /kill command affect armour stands? Eg. /kill @e[type=!Player]

@OrigamiRobot good idea!
@OrigamiRobot are you set offline for some reason or something?
We're working on a mandatory update for TF2. We should have it ready soon.

This is the Scream Fortress VI update.

You will get items just for logging in btw
There will be achievements and unlocking some of them will get you more items
and it's again payload
TF2 is now complete
Parachuting bumper cars
"Our work here is done" --TF2 team
grumbles from her blanket pile
I think today my gran accomplishment might be making spaghetti soup. (Its spaghetti boiled in water that has a boullion cube (chicken usually) in it. My dad always made it for us when we were sick or whatever.)
@AshleyNunn Do you not have smaller shapes?
@badp I do, but then it is not spaghetti soup, and is thus wrong. (I am not going for pasta perfection, I am going for "I am sick and my dad made this and I want it because nostalgia and sick")
@AshleyNunn kk.
(And it does taste good.)
Nostalgia is a good argument
I don't need to justify it, though.
No you do not.
Usually for sickness pasta we do either spaghetti and butter or small pasta in its cooking water
(just sharing, no pressure)
Those would work too, I think. I am just being weird and particular because when I am sick I am secretly five.
I am not your real father
They're just slightly easier to make (although probably less tasty)
Yeah, probably :) I will keep them in mind when I am not being smacked in the face by nostalgia.
Small pasta in its cooking water is greatly enhanced by cheese triangles (?)
but of course if you're feeling sick in the stomach that's not an option
Always an option is abundant parmigiano though!!
@badp What is a cheese triangle
@badp I have that :)
@AshleyNunn In my family we buy "Formaggino Mio" which is a small cube of fresh cheese meant for newborns and whatnot. "Cheese triangle" was the closest translation
(Other variants are sold in triangles not unlike these)
(but I haven't tried them so I can't vouch for them)
@LessPop_MoreFizz #baseballisdead #basegate
@LessPop_MoreFizz but if it's THE END OF BASEBALL then it won't be alive for long!
@badp Oh, we have stuff like that
Its tasty
@badp Only until Pitchers and Catchers report in February.
@LessPop_MoreFizz oh. What is this, game 7 finals of some "world" series?

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