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The yellow bubble is Deadpool talking
@Cerberus I don't know about that. Yeah, you can go just for affinities if you want, but it depends on your playstyle.
Hmm OK.
@DwarfSlice Squirrel GIrl
She has beaten Galactus and Thanos
@OrigamiRobot wtf
@OrigamiRobot She's the best!
k nvm death has done some shit with galactus
it seems the "one-above-all" is omnipotent
Testing new speeds!
My favorite answer for most powerful character is The Sentry
wait what about the hulk
everybody in the avengers was terrified of the hulk
even the asgardians
The Hulk is a pansy when taking the whole of the Marvel Universe into account
isn't he completely indestructible?
Full disclosure, I hate The Hulk
He was great in The Avengers, though
@DwarfSlice Put him in high orbit around the sun and he's not much danger
Even The Hulk needs reaction mass
Squirrel Girl is the best, and I am so excited for her series in January. :3
I guess he could throw his shorts
@SaintWacko probably hard enough to get anywhere too
@Fluttershy Oh, she's getting her own title?
wtf is this
gil alexander?
@DwarfSlice Nah. The shorts wouldn't mass near enough to give him the required delta-v
Oh shit, written by Ryan North
And now, it's time to begin building mah model!
@Fluttershy What squirrel girl is a for real comic!?
@OrigamiRobot Yus!
@OrigamiRobot is this sarcastic?
If I weren't about to head home from work, I'd waste some time doing the calculations to find out exactly how hard he'd have to throw his shorts to achieve the required dv
> In the late 1990s, Paul Jenkins and Rick Veitch developed an idea of Jenkins' about "an over-the-hill guy, struggling with addiction, who had a tight relationship with his dog" into a proposal for Marvel Comics' Marvel Knights line.
@DwarfSlice No, I love The Sentry
is he actually the most powerful though
Keep reading
haha the way they wrote him in is that people just 'remembered' working with him
Yea, they tried to do a real life version fo that too.
Saying that he was a Stan Lee creation that predated the Fantastic Four
That part is lame
Just skip down to Powers and Abilities
it says he's on the dark avengers team
He is
He has an evil side known as The Void
> Robert Reynolds projects an entity as a dark side effect of his powers. It has been claimed that for every benevolent act the Sentry performs, the Void corresponds with attempting an act of malevolence.
@RedRiderX Yep!
@OrigamiRobot so basically he can do everything
@DwarfSlice Yes, but he is mentally unstable
is he more powerful than galactus
I mean you said the hulk was a pansy
and it says he managed to stalemate the hulk
Norman Osborn claimed that The Void was the biblical Angel of Death
it says that he fought galactus
stalemate, it seems
> A mere physical assault required much effort to hold off, even with the combined force fields of Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and the Invisible Woman, while the united forces of the New Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Inhumans, Illuminati, and heavily armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents simultaneously attacked it
I broke the scholar clicker, @OrigamiRobot
> During the Siege storyline, the Void exhibits a more demonic form, capable of nearly slaughtering Thor, bringing down the entire city of Asgard, and striking down every immortal and mortal hero set against it simultaneously,[citation needed] as well later killing the Norn Stone-powered Loki in seconds.[
and this is just a middle aged fat dude
No, that's before he remembered he was The Sentry
Also, he was a drug addict who took an experimental version of the serum that created Captain America
@DwarfSlice Basically, the only way they beat The Void is because he reverted back to The Sentry for a second and let Thor kill him
@OrigamiRobot captain america is even less impressive than the hulk
isn't he pretty much the bottom rung
@DwarfSlice The Hulk's power varies wildly depending on the author.
Moreso than most.
I mean, at one point (World War Hulk), he fought The Sentry to a standstill.
@OrigamiRobot Is this guy the same as Death wikiwand.com/en/Nekron
In DC? I don't know.
I think he's the avatar of Death or sommat
oh right, you said you don't know mcuh about dc
@DwarfSlice Nekron and Death in the DC universe are kinda iffy.
@Yuuki does that make the sentry really weak or the hulk really strong
@DwarfSlice Hulk was a bit OP during World War Hulk, imo.
It makes the Hulk really strong
I have literally never heard of The Sentry
I personally think the writers have blown him out of proportion.
@DwarfSlice He's not terribly popular.
This is Death in the DC universe:
Death is a fictional character from the DC comic book series, The Sandman (1989–1996). The character first appeared in The Sandman vol. 2, #8 (August 1989), and was created by Neil Gaiman and Mike Dringenberg. In the stories, Death is both the end of life and a psychopomp. Like most anthropomorphic personifications of death, Death meets with the recently deceased and guides them into their new existence. However, unlike most personifications of death, she also visits people as they are born, according to Destruction in the Sandman Special: The Song of Orpheus. Evidently, only she seems to remember...
sentry sounds like him
@DwarfSlice If you're talking about position in the universe, yes. They're both the most powerful in their respective universes. Powers-wise, they're a bit different.
@Yuuki so sentry is the most powerful?
@DwarfSlice In the Marvel Universe, pretty much. He's their Superman.
superman dies like a billion times in DC
he's not the most powerful is he
@DwarfSlice And he comes back every time.
his whole planet blew up
Whereas a lot of people die once in the DC and don't come back.
he's just a lucky member of a race where everybody was on drugs all the time
and didn't know it
Kidding. Everyone in the DC universe eventually comes back.
The Sentry is like Superman, but instead of morals, he is crazy
so he just fights random people?
@OrigamiRobot isn't dr doom up there on the power list?
can hulk venom really kill him
Oh yeah, I asked about Death and Nekron in the DC universe...
@Yuuki the comedian never came back
Q: How is Nekron related to Death of the Endless?

SteamNekron is "Lord of the Unliving" and the ruler of a dimension where souls go after they die, although this is clarified as "before their final judgment". If Death of the Endless is also present in the DC Comics (or Detective Comics Comics) Universe, how is her/his/its dominion over death (and her...

@DwarfSlice That's The Sentry
he looks like venom
actually no you know what he looks like
@DwarfSlice Eh...
He is The Void
@OrigamiRobot is the void stronger than the sentry
@DwarfSlice They're the same person.
it says they split
They are split personalities
the sentry looks like a dude
that guy in the pic you posted looks like a demon
@DwarfSlice That's... because he is?
Q: Who in the DC Universe can stop Superman if he has a breakdown?

BlueIs there anything or anyone in the DC universe that can defeat Superman just in case he goes berserk on everybody? Maybe Batman stores kryptonite in his Cave or something. I don't know if Batman actually has kyptonite, the example was just a theoretical example. Who can stop Superman if needed,...

@MattGiltaji Honestly, anyone who comes out in favor of Batman in a theoretical Batman v. Superman needs to be checked into an asylum.
@DwarfSlice Is Bruce Banner the same person as The Hulk?
@Yuuki did you not read dark knight returns?
They don't look the same
I'd lean more towards some of the magicians in the DC universe taking out Superman rather than Batman.
@OrigamiRobot even I know that they are the same person context is a wonderful thing
@MattGiltaji Frank Miller needs to be checked into an asylum.
Even then, there were so many conditions on Superman's defeat, it's not feasible that it applies in the aforementioned case.
@OrigamiRobot sentry would be a cool movie
Would watch
One, Superman was at ground zero for a nuclear blast before their bout. Two, Superman didn't want to kill (or really injure) Batman.
@Yuuki on no, not a nuclear blast
supes was also getting old
Superman is the lamest
@OrigamiRobot Superman is a boring character, yes.
@DwarfSlice So was pretty much every superhero around that time.
"Guys, we made this ultra-powerful character, but we need some way to not have him just kill everyone. What is his weakness?" "Morals"
@OrigamiRobot also kryptonite?
@DwarfSlice Which he constantly overcomes
well duh he's a super hero
@DwarfSlice Superman has been shown to resist kryptonite in many of his comics.
@Yuuki OP
Again, it's really up to the writer.
And how much or little of a Superman fanboy he/she is.
they also made all kinds of varieties of kryptonite that do different things
Yea, one makes him mutate
is this a real thing
The lion's share of these covers are intentionally misleading.
It's a marketing technique.
well my productivity the rest of the day is shot with this site
@Yuuki It's the clickbait of the 50s
"Oh snap, has Superman really lost all his morals? I gotta find out how!"
@RedRiderX Pretty much.
superdickery best dickery
I gotta go eat
@RedRiderX And I'm fairly certain we've gone full circle with some "X Times That Superman Has Been A Total Dick" article.
Hah, countless times I'm sure.
Honestly, all these "Batman vs Superman" and similar superhero matches are just ridiculously stupid. It varies so wildly depending on who's writing that it's just a complete waste of time.
Or anything with "vs" in the title really
> A terrible plague has swept the Earth, turning everyone--human, hero, villain, god and monster--into sadistic cannibal predators.
"Everyone fights everyone BECAUSE REASONS"
God, that just sounds like something a really bad fanfic writer came up with.
But I still kind of want to read it.
Ugh, I'm glad Marvel's got this movie universe thing going. Because they lost almost all my goodwill with how terribly they handled Civil War.
And now there's going to be a movie about it...
About the Civil War arc?
@RedRiderX Captain America: Civil War.
I'm assuming so.
Sorry I don't do marvel comics that much what's Civil War
@RedRiderX Civil War was a story arc a whiles back.
Oh that does look like Avengers 2 a bit
Basically, s--t happens and the government decides that superheroes need to register and get training on how to superhero shit. Which honestly makes a ton of sense.
Gotta get those crazies on a list man
But somehow, the writers translated that into Iron Man turning into Hitler and registration being some super-fascist thing.
@Yuuki isn't that half the plot of watchmen?
@Yuuki Well it is a bit
It's not far off from mutant registration.
Actually it's almost exactly that
@RedRiderX Which also makes a lot of sense.
@Yuuki And also sounds almost exactly like what the Nazis did
@murgatroid99 Jews can't summon giant f--king meteors because they didn't get a lollipop at the doctor's office.
i would think that the various govt agencies already had these guys on a list
what is the point of registering
@Yuuki The Nazis might disagree
@murgatroid99 Yes very this
Registration makes sense. The way they wrote this was stupid as f--k though.
There is a "justification" behind antisemitism, however nonsensical.
Lots of people are potentially bad. That doesn't mean that they should be treated as second class citizens
It's a grey issue and needs to be treated as such. They wrote it as black and white.
Should we have really strong people register because they could theoretically punch someone to death?
@murgatroid99 That's a thing actually.
@Yuuki Isn't that how pretty much every Xmen movie handled it though?
@Yuuki I doubt it
@Yuuki Wait what?
@murgatroid99 In Japan, people with martial arts training can be convicted of assault with a deadly weapon if they get into fistfights.
@Yuuki That's a conviction, not a registration.
@Yuuki I don't know if we should consider Japan to be a good precedent for most stuff, plus what RedRider said
Sure if a superhero goes off the wall arrest the hell out of them.
@RedRiderX It implies that people with martial arts training are registered as having martial arts training.
But don't make them a criminal before that.
@Yuuki no it doesn't
you can find out after the crime what kind of martial arts training they've had
They're registered at their school of course, probably, but that's not the same thing
Okay, I'm explaining this poorly.
What you're talking about is what it eventually devolved into.
Registration at the beginning was about people who had superpowers and wanted to engage in superheroics.
@Yuuki That's a different thing entirely
It's essentially wanting your police to have firearms training.
Actually, I'd say it's more like giving citizens firearms permits
@murgatroid99 Yes, and that's why I'm annoyed at how the writers handled it.
@badp Yeah that sucks when that happens :(
@Yuuki So they wrote it as a superhero registration thing that turned into a superhuman registration thing?
@murgatroid99 Eh, but your average citizen with a firearms permit isn't going to (nor is allowed to) go out and arrest criminals of their own volition.
@Yuuki I think neither analogy is perfect
@murgatroid99 Yes. Which brings about the whole slippery slope thing, yes. But it would have made for much more compelling storyline, imo, if they didn't actually go down the slippery slope.
Civil War was a travesty and I hate it.
@Yuuki But the plot you're suggesting, "ask people to register before providing law enforcement services", doesn't sound like much of a story at all
Everybody goes "oh yeah, that's reasonable" and then life continues on
Well, they went the other way with "oh yeah, that's totally unreasonable". And then everything went to s---.
@Yuuki So everyone thought it was unreasonable before the program expanded? Because that does sound kind of dumb
One of the chief problems with the storyline was the underlying thought was "dude, I totally want to see Iron Man v. Captain America".
@Yuuki ah
@Yuuki isn't that what mind control is for?
Which expanded into "dude, I want to see every Marvel character fighting every other Marvel character".
It was a marginally okay idea for a story (registration) which turned into a stupid clusterf--- that led to a whole bunch of other clusterf---s.
It ended up screwing with almost everyone's characterizations and stories.
Like how Peter Parker is no longer married to Mary Jane.
Because MAGIC.
Yeah... I'm gonna stop talking about comics right now...
So, I just got Fantasy Life. It's pretty fun so far.
@Yuuki I put it on my christmas list :)
@AshleyNunn I started as an Alchemist because SCIENCE!!!
Good plan
I am having a bit of trouble with getting my hands on ingredients.
Gotta love it when you forgot you got something and then it shows up
@Ktash Oh?
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I got it a long time ago, and I totally forgot it was going to be a thing. Way back in March
Just showed up. A nice surprise for the day :)
Surprises are good.
I didn't get any surprises, but I made pumpkin bread, so that is pretty cool
Definitely :)
I figured it used up the pumpkin I had kicking about, and will save me from buying muffins at work
Win-win situation then
Personally, I'm not a fan of pumpkin things. But yay still for fall themed things
I don't understand why US/Canada likes pumpkin so much. I completely dislike eating it. I haven't found a single way to prepare it where I might even want to keep eating it. I'd rather be hungry.
@Arperum LIES. Pumpkin bread is awesome and delicious
@MattGiltaji No. Pumpkin is the worst.
@Yuuki He did it to save Aunt May
@Arperum I like pumpkin pie
3 mins ago, by Arperum
@MattGiltaji No. Pumpkin is the worst.
No, asparagus is the worst.
I grew up on a farm, my parents have a small pumpkin field and sell pumpkins and pumkin pie every year. I never liked it.
@OrigamiRobot Nothing bad with a properly prepared asparagus.
Everything is wrong with all asparagus.
Q: Is there actually an end to Tiny Death Star?

xyzzyI don't get any assignments, I am not allowed access to the last 8 levels, I have 15,000,000 credits that do me no good. Did the programmers wander off before they finished this game?

@Arperum shrug I had a pumpkin from my CSA, so I had to do something, and pumpkin bread is good. (I hate pumpkin pie). I don't go out of my way for it, but I didn't want to throw food out either
@OrigamiRobot I disagree
Well, you're wrong as usual
@Unionhawk I agree with your disagreeing. @ori is wrong.
"oh, hey, I'm just a little green bean... TRICKED YOU!"
@Arperum I also agree with your agreement with his disagreement
Improperly prepared, yes, it's the worst
Every way.
Unless there is a way to make it taste like green beans.
@OrigamiRobot Properly prepared asparagus doesn't even look like beans.
What have you been eating?
What is is, some kind of paste?
roasted asparagus is the only way to prepare it
@Unionhawk lightly pan seared can be nice too, but definitely pair with lemon
Asparagus is almost always delicious, y'all are crazy
@Arperum that looks phallic
If they are green they haven't gotten the correct care.
@MattGiltaji Your face looks phallic.
Asparagus officinalis is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial plant species in the genus Asparagus. It was once classified in the lily family, like its Allium cousins, onions and garlic, but the Liliaceae have been split and the onion-like plants are now in the family Amaryllidaceae and asparagus in the Asparagaceae. Asparagus officinalis is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop. == Biology == Asparagus is a herbaceous, perennial plant growing to 100–150 centimetres (39–59 in) tall, with stout stems with much-branched feathery...
@OrigamiRobot I know perfectly well why they are green/white. My parents grow them themselves.
Your asparagus is different
@Arperum its genetic sobs
The white is if they are correctly kept covered with earth and taken at the right time, if you wait too long or don't make a nice earthpile they'll grow up and become green and more chewy and stuff.
@Arperum The Hell Is That!?
@James Asparagus.
@Arperum Nope
@James Absolutely.
@Arperum How cruel
@OrigamiRobot And by the end of the growing season you let the new stalks grow out for the year.
@Arperum marinated pumpkin is awesome
From the wikipedia page itself.
White asparagus is made by starving it
@Arperum chewy is awesome
Any plant turns white if grown with out sunlight
@Arperum's parents should be thrown in jail
@OrigamiRobot Nope. And I take offense. They are extremely wonderfull people.
Cruelty to plants.
Attack me all you want, but don't insult my parents.
I don't even like asparagus, but that's too far!
asparagus is pretty awesome in a stir fry
the green kind, of course
@OrigamiRobot Please stop.
Idk what that white thing is or tastes like
I'd suggest all of you come over next spring and we'll eat it, and prove to the lot of you that it is tasty and good.
@Arperum I'm sure white asparagus is fine and dandy, but green asparagus is great in stir fry or pickled
I'm confused. You are actually offended at the notion that your parents be imprisoned for the way they grow plants?

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