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@Chippies that is awesome
@Noctrine It might very well be a reasonable solution?
except a rather short-sighted one.
Hmm, what mission line do I have to do to get dominate anyway
I'm working on the ratbag missions currently
A: Is Source Film Maker on-topic?

AJ HendersonYes. Film making is film making whether animated or live action. The most recent source film maker question we got is slightly borderline as it is more tech support in nature, but film making with source film maker is plenty on topic.

Case closed
Explode all the heads!
@TimStone :O
We can point SFM questions to video.SE the next time the need arises, perhaps in 2037
@KevinvanderVelden It's the main questline
Yeah, main quest line, after all the ratbag stuff
And a bit after that still
@Chippies well he just won.
Even better would have been to set it up as a warchief versus warchief riot
Damn.... I feel good when I can kill two warchiefs in short order
@Sconibulus they're all marked as main!
@KevinvanderVelden Yellow is main... other colours are side
At first I thought it said "Sloth" and I was like "Wow, that's messed up Shadow of Mordor"
/cc @OrigamiRobot
@Sconibulus yes, and there's the yellow quest line for ratbag, the yellow quest line for gollum and the yellow quest line for the outcasts
he killed 19 of those fancy orks (warchiefs? idk) with one attack? Seems very OP
@Chippies They belonged to him. It requires a lot of setup to do.
If they later converge that's fine, there's 3 now =p
@Unionhawk ah
@KevinvanderVelden Ahh, I think they converge into a single event
less impressive, I guess, but still fancy
@Chippies you have to beat each of them to half their life and then dominate them
Like, you basically have to defeat them first to be able to do it.
@Chippies The guys with the fire pits on their heads are great. It's such an impractical headgear.
@KevinvanderVelden and you can just kill them on command after that? Without actually having to attack?
@KevinvanderVelden you don't have to... some of them are clumsy, some are vulnerable to stealth
@TimStone keeps your head nice and warm tho
@Chippies Yeah, because they won't attack you, it's basically mind-control.
@Sconibulus clumsy ones true, vulnerable to stealth instakills them right?
So the dispatch move just causes their heads to explode
Or can you dominate from stealth, dunno
@Chippies Wow. That gameplay looks fun
@TimStone that explains why it looks so OP
@KevinvanderVelden I think you can dominate from stealth... I just got dominate in my last 30 minutes of play though
@Sconibulus I haven't got it yet =p
Watching dr who! :D
you can drain from stealth, and drain turned into dominate, so I assumed
I mean, brand itself is slightly OP, but it's also a cool mechanic.
It made that bridge sword mission so many times easier
I'm thinking about doing a playthrough without using brand except where required by the story.
@Unionhawk So are the final unlocks for the weapons, heh.
"20 seconds of unlimited executions!"
@Sconibulus I just shot them.
It doesn't say you need to sword them
Though eventually I had some combat branded people who just pushed them back outside the circle
even shooting them... there'd come a big scary warchief that was hard to kill
and I'm a slow shooter
I shot a couple, but combat brand made the whole mission really easy
the first time I played it I didn't have combat brand, and got killed with like 20s left after blowing up all the barrels and stuff in the area
@Sconibulus That happened to me too. I'm pretty sure it was just chance since he happened to have ambush, I think.
It didn't happen a second time after I got killed.
Ahh... he came both times for me
he was immune to archery poison weaponed combat master... fortunately the like 10 other orcs I had by then managed to keep him off me
You just have bad luck then.
Because I was scanning around for him the second time, but he wasn't nearby.
@Yuuki Considering the first DLC pack is supposed to be...$15? I think? And the season pass itself is $20. Sounds like a good deal to me.
I assumed one spawned halfway through that mission as part of the challenge
Also lol @ that guy
Oh wow... the guy who invented the LED never got a Nobel prize and is apparently fuming after they gave a Nobel prize to the guy who created the blue LED.
too bad he doesn't have Fear of Flies
@Sconibulus "Fear of the Gravewalker" and "Fear of his rival" are also things.
Yes fear of the gravewalker. Some captains are literally afraid of the player.
Really? Wow
that makes life super easy
Unless they have fast run and immune to ranged
@Powerlord They considered the blue LED a much more significant step, tough luck for him. :P
Though I guess shadow strike would still help
yeah, even if they're immune, you can still teleport to them
I think Fire Arrows also work?
Nah, it flashes the "Immune to Ranged" in that case too
Don't think so
I remember it flashing, but I thought I also remembered the guy being on fire
@TimStone It's like how there's no blue foods, but suddenly, a BLUE LED? It's quite an amazing discovery.
Shadow strike is infinitely more useful than pin in place
I literally only got Pin in Place because there was a quest that required it
it sounded way less useful than a headshot
I can never get it to work when I want it to
@GraceNote Well, and their reasoning was that it was the critical step to creating white LED light, which they reason will make lighting much more accessible due to its lower energy demands, etc.
It's good for some things, mostly novel ones.
People want that cinematic 30 fps the obv
> Keeping a game at the 30 frames per second limit supposedly allows developers to cram more into each frame, which means better visuals for gamers.
of course, if we're talking about consoles
"If the game looks gorgeous, who cares about the number?"
This is so very very wrong. If the game feels responsive, who cares about the number
looking good is much less important than playing well
and this is why you guys are spending bazillions of dollars to make crappy games
so stop it
a PC game should allow us to lower the settings visuals to be able to run at 60fps if we want or increase so we can only push 30 fps. Or just have both if you have paid for a good PC
So if I create a gorgeous picture and call it a 0 fps game then who cares?
@Sconibulus the problem is that people are pushing that bigger resolutions and framerates than actual gameplay or aesthetics.
@Unionhawk Does it have the required level of input?
@Unionhawk Do that. Kickstart it. It will be hilarious.
Because that's literally the argument that dude just made.
Game of the Year material there
@Chippies I know I can't see 60 FPS, but I believe my brother can.
To me, it just feels smoother.
@Chippies Thats bull most of the time.. Keeping the games at 30 or 60 fps is so we can run more AI and physics simulation or the like.. not spiffy the graphics even more.
@Frank you may not see it per-se (depends on game), but you should be able to feel it
This is just a guy spinning the fact that he can't get 60 FPS on a console.
Anything below 30 borders on unplayable for me, personally. Though I'm accustomed to that range of framerate
Better time slicing of the things that matters :D
I am used to playing below 30 fps on my old PC, so I can play below 30, but if I can lower some settings and play at 60, I will
@Frank I didnt think I could tell, but after firing up TitanFall(60) after playing Destiny(30) for a long time it was really apparent. it further confirmed that I dont like 60fps
actually 45'ish is my treshold
anything above 50 is great
If they try to lock in 30 FPS on PC, you know someone's going to hack it to get higher.
@Frank they did that in Dark Souls and it messed up physics engine
it's just so much better if they have official support for 60 fps...
And create all sorts of fun backlash for Ubisoft continuing to treat their PC players as second class citizens.
Isn't Dwarf Fortress like 10 fps?
@Frank they did that with Need for Speed Rivals. only to learn the game tick was frame based, instead of time based. so it was super bad
@Chippies Yeah, but that's sorta the point.
@Sconibulus configurable, FPS death is inevitable though
They'd rather go for low hanging fruit than actually try to let a system stretch itself.
and it's really sad how lately 30 fps is becoming a trend, when 4K and 144Hz monitors are more and more moving into the PC market
Yeah, but that game feels responsive anyway until the lag beast attacks
required FPS level is highly dependent on the control system
PS4 and Xbone have set gaming tech behind for years
@Chippies I dont think 4k is really going to go anywhere
@James why not?
@Chippies The need isnt as high
@James There's going to be a logical progression past 1080. Why wouldn't it work?
@James in a few years when the price is reasonable it might pick up. but i dont expect it to appear in gaming anytime soon. its a waste
Well right now you can have either 60 frames OR 4k
@Frank It's hard to blame them from a pure business perspective though, because it's not like adding in that effort would actually turn a significant increase in profits. Sucks for the consumer though, but what's new? :P
@James blame consoles for that
@TimStone The whole point of business is to provide what consumers want.
Trying to excuse it as anything more than a business decision is silly, of course.
the graphics cards haven't progressed in performance mostly because there hasn't been any need for it, due to consoles holding everything down
Sadly, enough people are going to buy this regardless of being treated like crap.
@Unionhawk 4K for developer work is apparently fantastic, from what I've read.
@Frank That's an odd way to say "make money for shareholders" ;P
@Frank if the monitor is big enough.
@TimStone Indeed it is! :P
It makes money for shareholders, yes.
They make more if they keep their customers happy, however.
Q: Is there any mirror of ngWorldStats?

Franck DernoncourtUnreal Tournament 99 GOTY used to offer global statistics for its players at the address http://UT.ngWorldStats.com/, which is dead now. Is there any mirror of ngWorldStats? The statistics used to look like the following:

@Frank in the long run, yes. Not in the short run, which is what they are all aiming for.
they want what gets the most money NOW
@Lazers I'm conflicted on this question.
@Chippies Which is one reason I stay away from most of the big publishers.
@spu Good. I thought you might. I saw a lot of really great ones on there in just my quick glance
I'm conflicted on your face
@Lazers On the one hand, he's asking for a site that meets certain criteria. We're gonna get a lot of link-only answers.
It's essentially going to be a website recommendation.
On the other, the game has a broken piece. And that's really what we're here for.
@Frank Right, but as you mentioned on the whole their customers are happy because they don't care enough to complain, otherwise they'd fear lost sales enough to invest in that extra effort.
@Frank to me it sounds like the game just isn't supported anymore, nothing we can really do to fix it
...From now on I shall call @spugsley @spu, because that's hilarious.
@TimStone Lesson: Gamers love to complain, but suck at actually abstaining from things.
@Frank Gamers want to game, doesn't mean they won't complain while they do it...
@Chippies sometimes I think they like complaining more than gaming...
@Chippies Or let those principles show that they're more important than consuming Call of Duty 345.
@Rapitor well, one is more time consuming than the other. Guess which one :P
@Frank most of the ones consuming Call of Duty 345 don't care to complain though
I was about to say the latest cod has seen a decrease in sales, but I'm prt sure that's the opposite of correct
@Chippies Which is exactly what publishers count on.
and those that complain, don't have 345 different-but-exactly-the-same games to play instead
@Unionhawk Ghosts did have a decrease and advanced warfare seems to have less pre-orders from I know.
Ah, okay, I guess the data I was thinking of was blops2
Q: 1.7.2 mods keep crashing

Hazza BazzaOn minecraft 1.7.2, using forge modloader, whenever I try to mine something with my pickaxe the game crashes. Could someone please tell me how to fix this. Here is the crash report: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Shall we play a game? Time: 10/10/14 8:26 AM Description: Ticking memory con...

@Lazers is there a way we can link that meta question we have on how to ask minecraft questions when the minecraft tag is entered?
@Rapitor Add it to the tag wiki.
@Frank rabblerabblerabble ooooh shiny
@Frank because they are going to read that...
@Rapitor We can't force them to read.
We just make it as easy to find as possible.
a big ol' popup would grab their attention
@Rapitor New users already get lots of popups and info to read. We still get crap for questions.
Expecting users to read instructions is an exercise in futility. All we can do is try to hit them upside the head with it.
@Rapitor Did you delete your comment, too?
@Frank i did, yours showed up first :P
@Rapitor Derp.
Okay, I'll put mine back.
@Rapitor Linking to a Meta post in the middle of post composition is... mediocre at best. Something a lot better than that would be ideal if it were to be made in such a fashion.
@GraceNote Maybe scream it at them as soon as they add the tag?
That's doable, right?
I'd still call that mediocre
@KevinvanderVelden xkcd still relevant
@GraceNote I'm just solving the issue of interrupting post composition. They can still type it out.
Post interruption isn't much my concern as much as Meta being a poor vehicular choice.
To be fair, most of the time people won't either be skilled enough to follow instructions or just won't bother doing so
It could even backfire ("you didn't follow the question template!!"/"I copy pasted the template as you asked me to why is the question closed??!!?!?!?")
@badp "you didn't fill it out."
basically all these questions we manually link them to the meta post, I was just suggesting of an automated way to do so.
@Rapitor I'm just glad we finally have a meta post.
It at least gives us a single place to point them at.
@5pike perhaps unsurprisingly the FF13 port seems to be shit. Thanks for saving me those €10.
@badp Eh?
@badp I'm not certain you need "port" in that sentence.
@JasonBerkan Hey, I liked FF13.
@Frank I know. I disliked it.
I got a gild on Frostleaf for passing 140. Not sure if I like that or not.
How do heroes get gilded?
You get them for passing bosses at some point. (Past 100 maybe?)
But only once (i.e. I'll never get another gild at 140).
@JasonBerkan The first time you get to that level.
Yeah, from level 100 onwards, every ten levels.
A: Is it possible to prevent this character's death?

cloudymusicYes, it's possible. However, in order to do so, you need to do the following:

What's our stance on answers that are entirely blocked out by spoiler markup?
Did we ever decide that that is Silly and that we should just remove the spoiler markup?
I think it is ridiculous. Heck, I think the spoiler stuff in the question is ridiculous as well
Spoilers in titles I can see avoiding, sometimes.
Q: The tagging on Minecraft mod questions is a mess

UnionhawkAs many of you are well aware, we have a giant mess of tags related to Minecraft mods. (and if you're not aware, here's a short list: minecraft-forge minecraft-feed-the-beast minecraft-ae minecraft-thaumcraft minecraft-comes-alive yogscast-complete-pack minecraft-oceancraft). It is a mess. How d...

Spoilers in the question body are bleh. Spoilers in answers, in general, should never be marked up IMO.
If you are reading the answer to the question, you want to know the information.
Obscuring it is silly.
In this case it feels useless because the title doesn't feel helpful at all.
Add the spoiler in the body, AND the spoilered answer, and it is a mess
@StrixVaria They should only be hidden if they are likely more major spoilers than you can reasonably expect from the question title
@MadScientist In this case, it makes no sense to spoiler the answer - if you've read the question, you already know a character dies, the steps to prevent it don't really need to be spoilered extra, I don't think.
Server Maintenance Saturday Oct 11th 2014 - 15:00UTC (11AM EDT) to 18:00UTC(2PM EDT) We will be doing some... http://tmblr.co/Z7Lcqt1SltlSo
@SepiaLazers TIL if you end a question title with a period, it's automatically removed.
@Unionhawk Should have used the disapproval face instead.
"minecraft-mods ಠ_ಠ"
Actually it doesn't look very good in question titles.
best question title.
posted on October 09, 2014

15:00UTC (11AM EDT) to 18:00UTC(2PM EDT) We will be doing some server maintenance on our Web and SQL server in the NYC data center this Saturday. We will be adding Drive space to the SQL servers and Memory to the Web servers. We only expect a short period of unavailability (<1 min) while we fail over the SQL servers for the upgrade. If we have time, we will also be testing network core r

Wait, the IEEE has a standard for what a second degree burn is?
does any of you want an invite to Google Domains?
If you're not in the US, like me, you can receive the occasional poll asking for your feedback to a service you can't use.
Sure, why not
@Batophobia "Because I'm not giving it to you. HAHA SUCKER." /badp impression
mod sad-buse
@Batophobia I'll need your email
@Unionhawk Now when someone gets insulted, you can say "Hah, you just got an IEEE standard second degree burn"
Like, why does the IEEE have a standard for this? Other than they have a standard for literally everything?
A: Is editing a question to use the Spoiler format acceptable?

badpHere's the golden rule: Feel free to spoiler protect things, but if you don't heed the golden rule, you are doing it wrong. An example is this suggested edit of yours; hopefully now you can understand why it was rejected. I encourage people to edit posts that go astray of this golden rule. I...

@Unionhawk Somebody has to decide what qualifies as a second degree burn. Why not IEEE?
@Unionhawk Yo' mama so hot, she is 4.2 units of second degree burn
@Unionhawk I did a search, it has something to with arc flashes.
@Batophobia I'm pretty sure that doesn't make sense
@murgatroid99 Because, you know, that's something a medical professional should probably do?
@murgatroid99 Welcome to the Bridge and by extension the internet
@Unionhawk I can't even find the standard you're referring to
@Batophobia how dismissive
It's in the latest what-if
There's probably a reason, but on the surface it doesn't make sense.
@murgatroid99 Yea, I suppose I should just use @fredley's script to burn all your messages
@Yuuki Ah I see.
@Batophobia k
@GnomeSlice Seems to require Facebook. can't.
@TrentHawkins Doesn't for me.
@TrentHawkins GH5XF-4RHL6-WXX79
there you go
There just isnt a demand for the resolution
and the TV companies are going Mad trying to make one
No one wants 3D
no one wants their curved TVs
no one wants 4k
Annnd delay cause I went to lunch :)
It may just be eventually all their is as things move forward
@GnomeSlice are you logged in to facebook generally? might be automatic if you are. I have -no- facebook account.
But there isnt the push ilke their was from SD to HD simply cause HD was adopted a Long time ago by computer users.
@TrentHawkins Oh, you have to 'like' them.
Yeah, I have done that.
Well take that other key then.
I already had it.
@GnomeSlice took the key, thank you.
For anyone else who likes games like OpenTTD, or Anno:
I'm here to chew bubblegum and disagree
And I'm all out of disagree?
@Batophobia ...except it's in a completely different genre, or so it looks.
@Powerlord Made by developers that worked on Bioshock though
@Frank Yeah, big pharma looks great
These are so cool
just needed the image
@fredley I'm afraid I have to disagree with your disagreement disagreement invitation.
So that just happened...
@badp Unacceptable
ten more applications filled out. Fingers crossed :3
@spugsley You go girl!
I'm assuming job applications?
@Wipqozn yupyup
I figure a drawing/painting would be better than a picture of an actual rabbit's foot.
@fredley Well you should own it now in theory. Check your email for confirmation.
@spugsley Photography jobs, or something else?
@MBraedley anything else. Anything not retail. And maybe one retail job that might not give me panic attacks. We'll see.
Well good luck in any case
Q: How do you shut down games in Origin?

MadisonI just recently installed Sims 3 a month ago but it won't let me on. when I click on my Sims3 window it loads for a while and sometimes nothing comes up but other times there is a sign from Origin that says "You must close all of your active games before playing this one" When I go to Origin I ...

Q: Do i keep Skill Boosts after reincarnation?

Memor-XIn previous Disgaea games, when you reincarnated your inheritance % determined what skills you would keep but so long as your skill level is above 1. however that was back when skills would be developed primary from being used. In Disgaea 3 and 4 you can boost skills with Mana, i am wondering ho...

@JeffreyLin I do
I have no computer to play it on though
@fredley ?
shrug this is why I felt the whole issue was important enough to take to meta rather than just do
@Unionhawk Yup. Correct meta usage
SpaceChem was hard enough

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