@Yuuki They kept those, but the Fiona is a keeper of the children instead of the elderly, and Jonas' male friend (name is slipping my mind, it's late) is a drone pilot instead of an argicultarist.
Yes, we need to realize that not all things in the book are going to make it into the movie and thus not fuss over the small things. But we can't accept that the movie will not match the book perfectly (or as close as it can) or we start smoothing over the big things.
For me, there are fundamental things wrong with making The Giver into a movie. It loses so much of its punch because the medium in which it is originally presented is arguably the best medium for it given its messages, the way in presents them, and how it toys with reader assumptions
@Ktash I whole-heartedly agree. The Giver was good because of the way that the write wrote it, one cannot re-create her style in video form. However, this was a good visual interpretation of it. Yes, they could have improved some things. But I don't believe this is reason to dismiss the movie entirely.
@RPiAwesomeness The problem though is that there can't be a visual translation of it. The ideas presented in it and the way they are presented are meant to be read, not seen. For example, the colorblindness. The book plays on the concept that readers are assuming a colorful world, so when Jonas tries to describe red for the first time, you may not quite get it. That's intended to parallel the uptopia presented with the world he comes to see during the alegorical growing up he does with The Giver
You come to see the world just as Jonas does, along with him. All that meaning and nuance is completely lost when the reader is presented with the ideas visually. They no longer grow with the story. Which is why I think there can't be a good movie for the book. It isn't possible
The short answer is that the shortest real-time orbit will always be at the altitude at which you can use the maximum time warp. On Kerbin, going from the lowest possible orbit (70km) to the orbit at which you can use max (100000x) time warp (600km), will increase your orbital period from 1834 se...
Also, I will once again be the one that nobody agrees with and say Domino's pizza is not terrible anymore. It's actually acceptable as pizza now. To me.
@Unionhawk There's nothing wrong about liking Domino's. There's just something wrong about liking Domino's over something like a handmade brick oven pizza.
I feel extra bad because of the devs of the game I posted were really happy they got posted, and that it was getting so many upvotes. They pm'd me later to ask why I'd deleted it.
every time I refresh it it has a different vote count
After I beat a level on a difficulty, that difficulty gets a check mark atop it. I have confirmed that if I beat a level on two difficulties, BOTH get check marks (as opposed to just the hardest).
Is there any benefit to beating levels on all difficulties (other than check marks for the sake of ...
If you've bought any bundles from groupees in the past 12 months, you'll find this bundle automatically added to your profile (for free). Contains one steam game, which I've never heard of, but it looks like a neat... music game?
@Unionhawk The wireless aspect is what makes it really awesome. I can't stand any more cords than I must. I'm currently using Sony's wireless gaming headset for the PS3, which is nice, but the logitech one has much better sound and range.
I'm not the world's biggest audiophile, but when I tried it in the store, it sounded really nice. The depth / distance that you'd expect was there and easy to appreciate.
I'm going to go with the G430s. They're cheaper, have 7.1 dolby still, are USB, and... well, mostly cheaper. I don't exactly trust logitech with an expensive headset
I recently discovered a weapon with a single slot, but it was locked. Instead of an ability, it has a symbol with crossing swords in it followed by "x 1000". I am unable to use it in the smith, so I assume there is something there.
What does this mean? How do I unlock it?
In getting an awful lot of swords. Is there a limit to how many of the same weapon I can end up having? If so, what is the max and what happens if I get another one?
The only way I've seen to get rid of weapons is to put abilities into empty slots using the smith. Is there another way to trim d...