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@Frank Oh, I nkow
A lot of my current gig is structured just so for maximum lazy
That tends to be a warning flag for me, if they don't do that.
Okay, I going to leave the coffee because I am vibrating now
@AshleyNunn :D
@badp I am trying to decide what to do, my current plan is ALL THE CHEESE but I figure I should figure out something a bit more than cheese +pasta in a pot
For reference, this is the job I am interviewing for
@AshleyNunn If you like alfredo, you could alfredo-ify
That reminds me, I have spaghetti and things to cook. I should probably do that.
Instead of being lazy
@FAE I lack a lot of the other bits for that
@AshleyNunn Just about any sauce will do.
I'm trying to decide if I should use my tiny bit of disposable income to purchase food at a food truck (because this is the last chance before winter), or save for more video games / comic books / models.
Otherwise that would be awesome
It depends. How fancy are the models?
What I do to make its taste stand out is add sauce, mix, then let the parmigiano snow from your grater and eat without further mixing
when you run out, grate more.
You aren't supposed to do that, but oh well!
Q: What is Gold used for?

freebol96I have got to the stage where i can get the gold upgrade in the workshop in the kittens-game. what exactly is gold used for? and when should i get the upgrade? I am currently torn between saving up minerals fro the amphitheater or to upgrade for gold.

@AshleyNunn ah, hm
@GraceNote 40K. New Orks.
@Lazers really is the new
@FAE I think I have an egg and onion pasta thing that wants parmesan from a can so perhaps I will try that with the real stuff and then be like WOOOO mouth happiness
@Unionhawk It's a lot of fun
@Unionhawk join us
yesterday, by Unionhawk
It's fun, but I hate incremental games as a genre
@AshleyNunn Mmmm yummy
7 secs ago, by Unionhawk
yesterday, by Unionhawk
It's fun, but I hate incremental games as a genre
@FAE I think so :)
@JasonBerkan We have a wing truck coming by our building today. Wings!
Peer pressure OP
I hate you all
Especially @OrigamiRobot
@Frank That's awesome. It's also like 30 degrees outside today (at the end of freaking September), so that may influence my decision.
@AshleyNunn ooooh ooooh ooooh
Go for an actual carbonara then
@badp What does one need for that?
@AshleyNunn I now want pasta, with some sort of creamy, cheesy sauce. Preferably with some sort of meat, but that's optional.
@AshleyNunn Mostly egg bacon and parmigiano
@JasonBerkan Yeah, someone always arranges food trucks to do business outside our building during the summertime. Never the same one twice, and one every week or two.
@JasonBerkan Sounds like a plan then since you already have intentions!
@badp I have those things.
But, it is a food truck, so the actual quality isn't going to be there.
@Frank I am a bad influence.
The truly original recipe actually uses pecorino, but you don't have it and I don't like it
so that is not an issue
@AshleyNunn You're paying me back for my book recommendations. :P
@Frank ah, that's fair then :)
@AshleyNunn Pepper?
@badp I trust your pasta ways.
As in the ground black powder, not chili
@Frank Our food trucks serve excellent food. One is actual BBQ (pork or brisket, slow cooked for hours upon hours) while another serves some of the best burgers in town.
Dammit, now I'm hungry for good food.
@badp ground black, ground white, or stuff I can grind myself. (I like spices.)
I guess this is the motivation I need to make the spaghetti I have
Curse you @badp and @AshleyNunn!
Also, for those of you interested, I am almost done cutting out the pieces for my model. After that, painting starts! And then you get an avalanche of pictures.
@Unionhawk shush, you love me, I am encouraging you to eat food
cc @Michel @AshleyNunn @FAE @Everybodyelsewho'sinterested
@StrixVaria dps first is better, but since the price goes up for every level up, having both is cheaper
@Frank Yaaaaaaay
@Frank Woo!
The part I'm doing now is the most boring; just cutting them off the runner, and sanding them down.
@AshleyNunn I literally have ground beef in the freezer from like 3 weeks ago, bought specifically to make meat sauce. So I should actually probably use that (it's cooked and frozen, so it's fine)
I'm actually going to be trying some new techniques with this kit.
From what I read (because I'm not a cooking book, but this webpage is) you whip eggs and parmigiano together, add pepper, mildly cooked bacon on it (on pan, no oil, etc) and pasta. Add more parmigiano because fuck yes parmigiano.
@Unionhawk dooooo it
@badp That is a doable plan!
If you can chop up the bacon in small pieces that'd be better
definitely not whole slices of bacon
I have eight of these.
@badp I bet whole slices of bacon would still be delicious.
@Unionhawk If it helps I'm hungry too
@Frank What is it?
@Unionhawk Not really, it's just pasta and egg otherwise
actually stores sell bacon cut in small cubes for carbonara
@fredley They're called Dragoons. They're meant to be detachable, fully independent firing platforms.
This way they're easier to fork
however I don't expect @AshleyNunn to have anything of the sort
@Frank I see (I don't see)
@badp Nope, but I have bacon and a knife
she'll just have to catch the bacon in the tornado of rolled spaghetti
The blue things on the wings.
@Frank I actually see
@badp I think I can do this.
They're basically giant lasers with rockets.
So this lab I'm in doesn't have enough boards for everyone >_>
@AshleyNunn I'll go on the defensive and say that if that doesn't work I'm really sorry, I preemptively blame the Americans and WW2 and breakfast supplies and romans, and I hope you don't use all of your parmigiano for it.
@badp It's okay, I won't hate you, and I bought a decent sized chunk so if I use it all I would be drowning in cheese.
And now I want to make my cheeseburger soup again.
@Frank ...wat
@badp Best soup.
@badp Canadians
As I understand
@Frank I need that recipe again.
@badp is there a certain type of pasta I should use for this?
@AshleyNunn Spaghetti and the likes.
@Unionhawk ... are awesome.
@AshleyNunn I'll see if I can find it again.
@badp Wicked, I have those. (I get fascinated by pasta shapes. So I buy them.)
@Frank That would be awesome <3
@badp's voice headcanon eviscerated
@JasonBerkan Agreed.
@StrixVaria I couldn't find a way to listen to it :(
@StrixVaria apologies
53 mins ago, by badp
@StrixVaria https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1164414/temp/wtf.ogg
...the last word might be cut off there, or it's just chrome acting funny
@JasonBerkan Triple agreed.
@badp Oh wow, you do say them different.
The last word was "rhyme", but vlc ate it
I guess it's VAT
@AshleyNunn It might very well be me doing it wrong
@badp no, i can see how you got there, linguistically.
Also, I like your voice.
Q: Ban Of Arthropods Enchantment

user71416I was reading the Minecraft Wiki about the enchantment "Ban of Arthropods" and the enchantment applies a slowness effect to spiders. But at the bottom of the enchantment there is a note that says: Notably, the slowness effect applies not only to kills with the sword, but to any "arthropod" ...

@AshleyNunn I think it's lousy and too high-pitched for my age, but I suppose it's one of those things you can't be a good judge of yourself for.
@badp You're right, it is.
Just kidding.
@badp I was thrown off by the fact that you were emulating British English rather than American, although in retrospect that shouldn't be surprising.
@badp It doesn't sound all that high pitched to me. But I know what you mean.
Fun fact: hearing your own voice while speaking isn't accurate, due to the vibrations in your head distorting it.
Your voice is invariably higher pitched (I think) than what you think you sound like.
@Frank Yep, which is why a lot of people find recordings of their voices uncomfortable.
@Unionhawk Yes, feed me with your spite.
@StrixVaria That wasn't a conscious effort of mine
@AshleyNunn I find it initially confusing, but then I find my pitch and cadence in it, and I'm much more comfortable with it.
@badp No, but since you're closer to England you likely learned that variant of English over American.
If I were trying to be accent-conscious, the main thing would be evoiding the "It's-a me" effect :P
It's-a me! @badp!
@StrixVaria I think most of Europe are taught the British variant of English in schools
@Chippies Yeah, like I said, in retrospect it doesn't surprise me.
@Frank I very rarely hear myself outside my head, so it always baffles me
He actually spoke a lot more clearly than some Italian people who live near me.
It's so hard to order pizza sometimes.
I guess it really depends on if you pick your accent from school and text or movies (or cartoons in my case)
@Chippies Do you still run smelters after having geologists able to get gold?
@OrigamiRobot smelters get me iron, so yeah, I do
So do Calcinators
I only got 10 of those
@AshleyNunn Yeah. But between all the recordings I've had to do for work, and that fun revolver satellite I made for @Strix, I've listened to my voice a decent amount.
I need my blueprints
and I need A LOT of steel
@StrixVaria You know people who aren't italian can sell pizza too
@GnomeSlice I do know that, but I am thinking of a specific pizzeria where I can't understand half the words the owner says when you try to order on the phone.
I turn my steamworks off and with 50 smelters and a lot of geologists I can have a 2:3 coal:iron ratio
@Chippies Do Smelters have anything to do with blueprints?
Q: How do you install Unity 3d on Chromebook?

An Original AliasI am trying to get the plugin to work on a Samsung Chromebook. I have heard of NaCl (Native Client), but I have no idea how to use it. Check out this page to see more on the subject here

@OrigamiRobot calciners require blueprints, don't they?
so I can't really invest too much in them yet
@Frank I used to DJ for an internet radio station, so I got used to hearing my voice from that. I did a couple commercials for some people on it too.
"Um, TA? I don't have a board. Wat do?"
I only have 4 Calcinators
@OrigamiRobot I just turned my 50 smelters off and my iron production dropped almost by half
So the kittens game is more idle friendly than I gave it credit for
@GnomeSlice That doesn't make any sense.
I mean, NO
Is it going home time yet :l
In fact I'm pretty sure all my pizza is made by clones of @badp.
I suppose I don't necessarily need smelters, but I do need iron, so it doesn't hurt to have them running
@Chippies I don't see a lot of value in having much higher iron production than coal
and I try to trade as much iron as I can every winter
@Wipqozn As it turns out, if you aren't careful, most pizzaioli in Milan come from Egypt and the likes.
@OrigamiRobot some buildings require iron and trading iron for catnip is best blueprint income
and I got 10 bio labs, so I get twice as much wood for catnip now
@Chippies I prefer ivory -> minerals
I don't see much use for minerals, I have a lot of them anyway
wood is always useful
and I always have enough iron to use up all my gold
and since ivory doesn't have a cap, I don't mind having a lot of it
Ah, geologists only make .001 gold per tick
@Powerlord doesn't look practical, but it does look fun
that answers that
tbh, the difference between running 50 smelters and 0 smelters is not worth the loss in production
I gain like 4 minerals and 2 wood per tick by turning off 50 smelters
which is like, 1/6th of total
@Chippies You could turn those workers into geologists
@Wipqozn All my pizza is made at home. Homemade pizza best pizza.
@OrigamiRobot too many geologists means I'll have more coal than iron and I have no use for coal without iron
@JasonBerkan I had really good home made pizza last week, actually. I'm hoping to make it again tomorrow. Well, my father made it the first time... but I plan to do it the second time.
I like having 2:3 ratio, because I get to make steel and have a bit left over for other uses
I've made it with pre-made doughs before, but ti will be the first time I've made the dough myself.
@JasonBerkan I heard about an idea to try cooking pizza in a cast iron skillet instead of on a baking sheet or stone, to get a pan pizza. I want to try that now.
@StrixVaria My brother in law does that. Pretty darn good.
@Powerlord Discriminates against lefties.
Q: Arcade Monitor Snowy Static

user431397I have an emulator arcade cabinet (MAME, etc) that I built with a few friends years ago. It uses an arcade monitor CRT and runs Windows XP (old!). The monitor has snowy static on it while in windows and I'd like to find a way to clear it up. Here's what it looks like on a black screen (@640x480...

We use one baking stone, plus three baking sheets.
Cast iron cooking generally best cooking
@Chippies I have a 1:3 ratio
@OrigamiRobot I run 10 quarry and 32 geologists
@OrigamiRobot 1:3 with steamworks on, 2:3 with steamworks off
I tend to turn steamworks off when I'm around to convert coal+iron to steel
I only turn it on when I can't be bothered to look at the game for a few hours
I have zero geologists
I really need to get around to playing the kittens game.
@OrigamiRobot well, that explains your 1:3 ratio :P
I am always at iron cap
is that with steamworks on or off?
Right now, it's sitting in a pinned tab
yeah, I got 1:3 with steamworks on
my iron caps at 70k
if I have too much iron, I just convert it to plates
Man, you people and your year 1 million cat villages
since plates don't cap, they might come in handy someday
@Unionhawk not even 1 thousand! (943)
@Chippies Me too, but caps are bad for idling
Automation only works 25% of the time
I don't have the other upgrade yet
I'm at year 13.
@Frank thanks for linking me =)
@OrigamiRobot I adjust everything for when I go to bed
@Frank already got some pictures?
and higher steamworks level converts more resources
@Chippies The project I'm working on means I'm away from my desk a lot
All day sometimes
@OrigamiRobot not sure how turning smelter off would really help you then
your other resources would cap out then faster
@Chippies to equalize iron and coal production more
@OrigamiRobot smelter produces coal as well
@Chippies Yes, but I'm trying to waste as little as possible
@Chippies It is the lowest form of coal production
Can someone really far in kittens post a screenshot of the game?
@StrixVaria I think the lowest is the mines :P
@OrigamiRobot hey, your font is different
Can someone give me a tl;dr of what this kitten game is about?
are you on linux or something?
Fractional unicorns?
The most I can figure is you're in charge of some sort of cat society.
@Wipqozn That's basically the tl;dr right there
@StrixVaria all unicorns are created equal! even the ugly and fractional ones
@StrixVaria From slaughtering them
@OrigamiRobot do you... actually do that yet?
woah, how'd you get that?
@OrigamiRobot :|
I really need to play this kittens game.
@OrigamiRobot hax
@StrixVaria I thought you were
I guess I can find it on wiki >.>
@OrigamiRobot I started but got sidetracked.
is @Unionhawk PLAYING YET?
@OrigamiRobot yes
also caps for some reason?
8 mins ago, by Unionhawk
Right now, it's sitting in a pinned tab
47 mins ago, by Unionhawk
I hate you all
I got all that shit, but no Ziggurat option
2 mins ago, by Origami Robot
I heard talk of sekrits and came to investigate.
@OrigamiRobot sekrit CHEATS!
@Chippies Look at what resource I have that you don't
@Chippies You need to enter the sekrit gameshark code into your actionreplay to get it
@Arperum :O Is this my sockpuppet that I didn't know about because that seems like 100% something I would ask to troll people
@OrigamiRobot unicorn tears?
@Chippies That comes from the sacrifice
@Michel There's a few more down after I CC'd you.
does crafting a megalith unlock ziggurat? :O
@OrigamiRobot yeah, I thought so
Having any amount of tears is worth 10% happiness
@Chippies Seems reasonable to me
bwah, just built a megalith and it unlocked ziggurat
wow I lost my debit card
@GnomeSlice That sucks - go to the bank (any branch of whatever bank you use) and report it, they will cancel it and give you a new one right then
I did tht like a month ago
I once lost mine twice in two weeks
@fredley Thanks for posting that link. We're updating our servers now.
@Frank Are you going to paint those "wings" ?
@OrigamiRobot is there a point in leveling up Ziggurats?
oh, shit, you get more tears per ziggurat
Yea, that
if only I had read that before I sacrificed all of my unicorns with 1 ziggurat >.>
@Chippies You must construct additional Pylons Ziggurats first.
@Powerlord We need more pylons!
@Chippies "You must construct additional pylons" is a direct quote from StarCraft 1.
We need more cowbell
or was that We
@Powerlord "We need more pylons" apparently is too
both of those are
Additional supply depots required.
I always kinda sucked at RTS games. Surprised I played them as long as I did.
@Michel Yep. Everything in this kit gets painted.
@Frank Nice! wanna see that ready already :P
@badp that recipe ask for 150 g of guanciale, which google translate is telling me is "pillow". Some help, please?
Then again, I'm only mediocre in FPS games too... except TF2 where I understand the majority of the game mechanics very well.
@Michel I can show you the blue I'm going to attempt to use for these parts.
@Frank that will do for now!
Our town is under a tack!
Guanciale (Italian pronunciation: [ɡwanˈtʃaːle]) is an Italian cured meat or salumi product prepared from pork jowl or cheeks. Its name is derived from guancia, Italian for cheek. Guanciale is similar to the jowl bacon of the United States. == Production == Pork cheek is rubbed with salt, sugar, and spices (typically ground black pepper or red pepper and thyme or fennel and sometimes garlic) and cured for three weeks or until it loses approximately 30% of its original weight. Its flavor is stronger than other pork products, such as pancetta, and its texture is more delicate. Upon cooking, the fat...
(it's that small, really?)
@StrixVaria Oh, okay, that's the bacon part.
Everything's better with
This blue is gorgeous! O.O
"Excuse me sir, I'm here on behalf of Judy Wasylycia-Leis the next mayor of Winnipeg" ... assuming she gets elected... silly sign person.
@Michel I know! It's also going to be a ton of work.
I have to prime to a certain texture, and then use the chrome paint.
And then spray the blue.
"Excuse me sir, I'm here on behalf of Dummy McVotedoutofoffice..."
@TrentHawkins Power of positive thinking, I guess.
Next sign person to come by, tell them we charge a toll for signs. See what they say.
@Frank damn, should have thought of that. Although this one only got me because I came in through the front door hoping to pick up the mail/junk.
@Frank oooh
@TrentHawkins If they're willing to pay, we'll put every single sign out front.
@FAE Yeah, that's a gorgeous shade of blue.
I'm gonna be working so hard to get something similiar.
@Frank and if they pay more they get to position their sign in front of those who payed less!
@TrentHawkins Capitalism at work!
Of course, out of fairness, we should keep contact information of past sign people so they can pay us more to improve their sign placement.
Indeed. Nothing like a little but of cutthroat mercenary yard space to show free market forces at work.
I wonder if @AshleyNunn ever tried getting a job as a paint shaker after drinking a bunch of coffee.
@Powerlord laugh I could've done it this morning.
I kept misclicking things because my hands were shaking
@AshleyNunn basically bacon
@badp That's what I figured :D
Everything's better with a chatbot that responds to mentions of bacon with "Everything's better with !"
@Frank At least, looks like it'll be worth the effort :)
I got lunch, new models and new comic book. Yay!
@Powerlord thanks >.< I usually confirm with Google about the grammar of this word... but I didn't this time =X
@Powerlord would that create an infinite loop because bacon is mentioned in the response
I also had some fresh BC apples. To everyone that doesn't live close enough to BC to get fresh fruit from there - I'm sorry.
@Michel Should be! And that's only one of the colors.
I've got two different shades of gold I'm going to be using, too.
@Rapitor The best infinite loop.
Boo. Food truck didn't make it today. :( Gonna have to wait until next week for awesome wings.
@badp This pasta is AMAZING.
@AshleyNunn :D
I used so much cheese. I am so happy.
is the bacon manageable? it's the part I'm a little worried about
like, is it too much effort to fork along with the rest of the pasta
@badp I cut it up pretty small, so it works pretty okay
the sauce helps it stick to things
Bill Murray posted this on FB
@FAE We used to have a similar promotion in Italy (labels with names on them); Nutella also did this.
What ended up happening is people removed the labels from the bottles (without buying the bottles) and sticked them in their room
@badp Yeah, Coke's been doing this all summer. Are they doing it in Italy too? I know it's here in the NL, as well as the US.
@FAE There is a promo like that from Coke on Brazil as well
@FAE They did last year
@Michel I think they're doing it pretty much everywhere now.
Well, except maybe China.
oh, nevermind -- this actually only happened with the Nutella ones, as they were DIY. :D
A bit harder to mass-produce the labels in China since there aren't as many common names there.
@Yuuki It's being over 1~2 years I believe
Ah, in China, they're using Internet buzzwords, not names.
So, you can have a bottle that reads "Meow Planet".

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