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@OrigamiRobot @Wipqozn yay! Yawn buddies!
@KevinvanderVelden cramped jaw-muscle? I didn't know that was even possible :O
@Chippies I think nearly every muscle can cramp (major exceptions being (fortunately) the heart)
Should I buy new speakers for my PC as well?
I don't need them, but new speakers could be nice.
@KevinvanderVelden I guess it can, but I figured something like jaw-muscle cramps were very very unlikely
Actually, a better investment might be a nice pair of headphones.
@Wipqozn No
@Wipqozn what do you have now and what do you want to buy?
@Wipqozn I'd say yes... but not at the same time, buy them in a few months after saving some more
Since I'll be living in an apartment.
@Wipqozn alone? how loud do you like to listen to your music?
@Chippies Room mate.
I guess headphones it is then
Actually I'll just not buy them. don;t be silly wiqpzon .You don't need new speakers.
I'm just being silly.
Thanks @OrigamiRobot!
I am a hero
But headphones might be a good idea.
wait, do turtles even listen to music? or do you just want it for gaming?
I'll wait until I move out, and then decide.
@Chippies Both.
Fancy, the Netherlands is getting a legal right to source protection :o
well, either way, headphones are probably a better and cheaper option
Yeah, my speakers are fine really. I do require nice headphones for home.
good headphones can be under 100$
I have a nice pair at work, so getting something similar for home would be good.
good speakers are gonna be more than 100$
Yeah, they are.
Not 100%, in rare cases cops can get a court order with the new law but this is still good. And it applies to everyone, not just professionals
You guys have really high standards for headphones and speakers.
My speakers were $20
I'm not sure how loud I can have my speakers without disturbing my neighbours, since I'm not living ther yet.
My headphones were free.
@OrigamiRobot you're a robot, you'd probably be fine with a simple 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable
I got entry level studio monitors and they're great... when they're pointing directly at my face...
which, due to my setup, is currently impossible >.<
I tend not to worry in my apartment but a) I am the only one in the apartment itself, and b) the upstairs people scream so much, anything they hear of mine is payback in my opinions
@AshleyNunn imho, as long as you don't blast music after 10pm, it doesn't really matter
Also, my kittens were neglected the entire weekend. I feel so behind now :(
@Wipqozn SubredditDrama?
@OrigamiRobot my kittens live in a small town now
@Chippies I could do without the upstairs people's screaming/fights/tantrums
@Chippies I will have 65 soon
So many compendiums needed :(
@Chippies no, as long as you don't blast music after 10pm it doesn't matter legally, you can still be a dick
@AshleyNunn well, of course, screaming is always worse than music
I'm sitting on almost 50 kitties!
And just got Theology, after getting the manuscript upgrade.
@KevinvanderVelden what I meant is, you can blast your music all you want before 10pm without being a dick
@Chippies and you'd be wrong
unless you have like, an insane setup with an insane subwoofer, than you should probably turn it down a bit before people think there's an earthquake
@KevinvanderVelden I suppose it also depends on how thin your walls are
My sister has crappy speakers and turned up high enough you can still hear the music white noise anywhere in the house
@Chippies In my place? Very.
I hear EVERYTHING from upstairs unless they go to the second floor (rarely, usually only to sleep) and even then it is muffled but I still detect the sound
@KevinvanderVelden and it bothers you that much?
Mostly they spend time on the main floor with lots of screaming
if you expect complete silence, you probably shouldn't live in an apartment to begin with
as long as the noise isn't loud or anything, it doesn't bother me
@Chippies that I can't have a discussion downstairs without having to shout over her noise? Yes that makes her an ass
there's usually other noises anyway, like fridge and whatnot
@KevinvanderVelden if you have to shout over the noise that's too loud, obviously
Q: What is an Elite card in Hearthstone?

VladYou can divide Hearthstone cards by mechanics, by class, by type, by set(basic, expert etc...), by rarity etc... But I couldn't find what is an Elite card? For example Leeroy Jenkins is an elite card. Can somebody explain? I will remove the question if it is stupid. Thanks.

Q: How to get infinite Mobage coins

Johnny AppleseedI'm playing G.I. Joe Battleground on my iphone 5s and I love the game, but I cannot compete against the hackers that have every possible card and the strongest ones to boot. How do they do it? How can I do the same with the same game on my old iphone 4? I know it's cheating but whatever, I've p...

@Chippies thus proving that time is not relevant to being a dick or not =p
@AshleyNunn If I win the Canadian lottery, I will pay for you to move out.
@murgatroid99 Yes sir.
@KevinvanderVelden yes and no, you're talking about same house
You were talking about how you never thought you'd be linked in /r/subredditdrama before.
separate apartments would have a bit more sound proofing
I will also ask all the other Bridge Canadians what gift they want, but send them a signed photo of @Wipqozn instead.
but I guess it really depends on the walls and whatnot
@Chippies yes, which just means that you'd have to make more noise, not that you can't =p
In fact, I'll send @Wipqozn 2 signed pictures of @Wipqozn!
@OrigamiRobot Signed by me or you?
Also, I'm more tolerant of my sister than of random neighbours
Mmm, dance music in a game.
@KevinvanderVelden well, if you're playing the music so loud that your neighbours have to shout, you're probably deaf already :P
@Wipqozn Me, obviously.
@OrigamiRobot Holy snap, crackle, and pop. Best gift ever.
@OrigamiRobot Excellent.
@Chippies she probably already has not insignificant hearing loss, yes =p
@OrigamiRobot sign upon receiving? nvm, you're signing it
@OrigamiRobot You're so wonderful - first you offer me recycling bins that no one will steal, now this.
(I have yet to replace my last stolen bin. I am so angry I don't want to go do it.)
@Powerlord This game rocks
I've been playing it again, just got a steam copy.
Kind of annoyed the fixed the infinite ammo bug for Joe's Machine gun in the steam version =[
Actually, I'll get @GnomeSlice to forge @Frank's signature.
the one on gamersgate lets you shoot it forever once you upgrade it
@OrigamiRobot Good luck with that.
@AshleyNunn put timed explosives in the next bin so that if you don't enter a code every 2 weeks they explode!
@Frank You can't stop me!
That way you'll find out who stole them buy following the burning and you can give them a good talking to.
@OrigamiRobot I can't, but it doesn't matter. Replicating my signature is impossible, even for me.
I still wonder why there's no PC version of Bionic Commando Rearmed 2.
I just discovered this, and it is glorious:
A: Tools to selectively copy HTML+CSS+JS from existing sites

Konrad DzwinelSnappySnippet I finally found some time to create this tool. You can install SnappySnippet from Chrome Web Store. It allows easy HTML+CSS extraction from specified (last inspected) DOM node. Additionally, you can send your code straight to CodePen or jsFiddle. Enjoy! Other features cleans u...

@KevinvanderVelden I am so tempted to put some sort of tracker on my next bin if I decide to be a decent ecologically minded human again and get another one but by this point I have spent like $30 on bins at least
@Frank That wont stop me either.
@Powerlord I think it's a lot heavier on multiplayer, and they figured nobody would have several gamepads for their PC
@AshleyNunn Just make it explode if it moves more than 30 yards. That's doable, right?
Forge away.
@StrixVaria Nowhere near.
@Frank Oh yeah, and I won't get in any trouble for that....
@Frank timed explosives also work!
Q: Why is FSX crashing on single player?

T-u-s-t-yI got FSX for my birthday and I couldn't wait to start it up, when I did it worked fine but 2 days later- after 2 mins of gameplay below 16x speed, it crashed, I also have service packs one and two, I had no mods installed at the time, which is annoying because. I got an epic AI mod but now it st...

@Frank No one made any claims as to quality
@StrixVaria Saved
@Frank grenade, 30 yards of string, duct tape
Uuh, @AshleyNunn, you commented on this question about infinite mobage coins but you didn't close it. I don't know if that was the intention or an oversight, just letting you know =p
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, I got work distracted. Give me a minute and I will look at it again
@AshleyNunn no problem of course =p. Your comment seemed like you wanted to close it so I just poked you :)
@KevinvanderVelden That question might actually be somewhat answerable.
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, work went boom. I am debating if we delete the piracy stuff if it is salvageable
@Frank I have no idea, I just noticed it was untagged so I went to tag it, but saw Ashley's comment and decided not to touch it further
@AshleyNunn Just delete it. If somebody else wants to ask without piracy later, they can do that.
*In my opinion
@GnomeSlice That's not really how it works.
Made an attempt to fix that question kind of.
Bonus points: The signature makes it look like @Wipqozn is giving the finger.
You'd think people would spend less than 90 minutes realizing that the server is broken and there is nothing left worth playing for
but no
literally 90 minutes after the server got stuck in badwater, people are still going at it
even without anything to play for
no cart no timer no objective nothing
Can you still kill each other?
Then they're probably still having fun.
The kind of fun that doesn't last 90 minutes.
Killing people? Sounds like fun :D What game be you killing people in?
@badp Maybe not for you.
@RPiAwesomeness the better question is, in what game with people in it aren't you killing people?
@GnomeSlice Maybe they could join any other 24/7 badwater server instead of holding the only server in this continent running this particular mod hostage for this kind of scare-quote finger-quote "fun" finger-quote scare-quote
Q: What is the access code for the Night Terror's cell?

chaosIn the Darwin Village lab, what is the access code for the Night Terror's cell?

Q: What is the access code for the Illuminati safe?

chaosWhat is the access code for the Illuminati safe in the Canyon of Titan (marked with an owl, contains the Eye of Providence)?

@badp Maybe they're also in that continent.
@Lazers Give meh teh codez!
@GnomeSlice I think you're "maybe"ing wrong.
@RPiAwesomeness Which are valid here! Although, I tend to downvote questions who's body is basically the title.
@Frank also 2 nearly identical questions within half a minute...
@Frank lol, I'm sure, it's just kinda funny looking.
Anyway, home time!
@KevinvanderVelden Which is usually a sign of little effort. There should be a little bit of context.
@FAE My Thug Kitchen book just arrived!
@GnomeSlice Yay!
> When you are measuring ingredients, double check that shit. There's a big difference between 1/2 teaspoon and 1/2 tablespoon. One is going to complete a dope dinner, and the other is going to end with a plate of regret.
@FAE How goes turning your chocobo into a rainbow?
@GnomeSlice lol
@KevinvanderVelden not yet home time =[
> Feel free to try and mix shit up on your own, but use some goddamn sense. Out of tomato sauce? Not a problem, just... PUT THE FUCKING KETCHUP BACK. NO. NOT THE SAME THING.
I love this
@GnomeSlice Let me know how it goes?
I will!
@GnomeSlice This is good advice.
@GnomeSlice And that's from the book? :D
Once I pick out some stuff and shop for it
~4 grams of sugar helps the medicine go down~
I'd order this, except my mom would spaz out about the swearing :P
ooo theres a page of basic staples to keep stocked in your pantry
@RPiAwesomeness My mom wasn't very happy about it either, but whatever
lol, I still live at home and I'm still a minor...soo...yeah
@RPiAwesomeness ...stop making me feel old.
Oh nohs, an uncouth word!
@GnomeSlice I love reading the posts on FB
For fucks sake, get over yourself
@FAE It sounds like tasty food AND it is well written. That is a win.
@Powerlord :)
Huh... their recipies don't use meat
or any animal products, apparently
I didn't know that
@Frank I haven't started attempting the color change yet. I'm level 26 though! Only 4 more, then 9 levels on my Marauder for Dragoon!
@GnomeSlice ooo... Welp. There goes that.
cool, that should make it cheaper to shop for
@RPiAwesomeness Eh, you can make good food out of other stuff.
One of the last thing I think of when thinking of a thug is him being a vegetarian.
Bioshock 2 review
@Batophobia oops. lol
@GnomeSlice Yeah, they're veggie based because as they put it, enough places teach you how to cook meat and they want to help you be less confused by the produce section
@AshleyNunn Yeah, it's just so fun
@RPiAwesomeness eat less meat! It's good for the environment
That's good.
At some point, I need to go back and play the Bioshock games.
so as long as stuff is relatively in season, it should be pretty decently priced.
If I had known that I wouldn't have bought my other veggie cookbook
But now I have lots
@GnomeSlice how much was the book, incidentally?
Uh... I preordered it on Amazon.
Looks like its $15 on Amazon.ca right now
@GnomeSlice Oh that's pretty cheap
Both are currently discounted
@KevinvanderVelden They both say Hardcover, what's the difference? O.o
One seems to be the UK version (the cheaper one)
Salad: big bowl of plant nachos
@OrigamiRobot wow @Frank, thanks for doing autographed pitures of me!
@GnomeSlice xD
Also the release date
@KevinvanderVelden And they're both in English, so I wonder if one is specifically for the UK then or what
Hm, a recruiting agency/job search thing just called me. Said that they wanted to ask me a few questions. Could be interesting.
@AshleyNunn Woo!
I'm kind of sad there's no meat.
But this other stuff looks delicious.
@AshleyNunn If they ask "Where were you at 10pm last night?" don't answer unless you have a witness.
(I'm assuming Canada has something similar to the U.S.'s Miranda Rights)
The Miranda warning, also referred to as Miranda rights or Miranda rule, is a warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings. The Miranda warning is part of a preventive criminal procedure rule that law enforcement is required to administer to protect an individual who is in custody and subject to direct questioning or its functional equivalent from a violation of his or her Fifth Amendment right against compelled...
@Powerlord aye, we do
Granted, I just assume most people from other countries know that part of US law just from television ("You have the right to remain silent..." etc)
I wonder if the new Gauntlet is fun
@Sterno I like Gauntlet, but I noticed it said "randomly generated" in its description, so...

Proposed Q&A site for all about using Symfony and its components and derivates.

Currently in definition.

Personal Development

Proposed Q&A site for questions about the best ways to improve yourself.

Currently in definition.

> Sift through the beans and pick out any that look all fucked up
Q: Any good Gaming Community?

Peter Knuke OberraunerI'd like to find a nice community with a bunch of people to play games with. Unfortunately most of my RL buddies are Playstation gamers. Teamspeak would be very nice and they should play all kinds of games together. (Like TESO, TF2, Dota 2) Do you have any suggestions?

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment StackOverlow
pokes network
I'm beginning to think my employer is having network problems as web requests stop working properly.
@AshleyNunn Yay! :)
Allison plans to make a wall hanging. She has 36 feet of decorative edging. What is the largest rectangular hanging she can make with edging all around it?
I don't know and I really don't care. I'm not a wall hanging/decoration advisor!
@Ktash Also, I am working on sorting out the paycheck mystery - my supervisor is as confused as me as to why I've not gotten paid as now everyone but me has invoices on the filing cabinet with cheques attached.
@AshleyNunn :((( Well that really isn't good, but hopefully that means sorting it out very soon
@RPiAwesomeness So, given the perimeter, they want the largest possible area?
@AshleyNunn :P Getting paid is kinda important..
@Powerlord lol, yeah :)
Darn Math :P
@Ktash Yeah, I am still frustrated, but at least it looks like someone is trying to figure it out.
@RPiAwesomeness Lets see... 16x2 would be 32, 14x4 would be 56, 12x6 would be 72, 10x8 would be 80, 9x9 would be 81.
@Powerlord :D
So, I guess the answer is 81 ft²
Figures, chat doesn't support superscripts?
Yeah, I know. Kinda annoying.
I could be unlazy and search for unicode squared
Q: Is there any forum to talk about old games?

LaazI whanted to know if is there any forum to talk about old games like Simtower, Car Tycoon, Street-Fighter etc... Thanks for reading, Laaz. P.S. I know this is off-topic but i don't know any other forums to ask it so if you can please help me!

A square is always going to be the max area for min perimeter.
@JasonBerkan That's what I thought, but it's been so long since I've had to know that...
Unfortunately for @RPiAwesomeness, I'm going to bet his math teacher wants some reasoning as to why that is true.
Graphing is one of the few math things I have encountered that I fail to see an applicable use for, like, ever.
@RPiAwesomeness Really? That's...odd.
Graphing is a very easy and common way to display data.
@RPiAwesomeness It's the best way to get a sense of the behavior of a function
Of all the things I would think someone wouldn't see an applicable use for, graphing isn't one of them.
@Wipqozn Yeah, but I mean, are you ever going to manually graph something?
@RPiAwesomeness Oh, manually graph something.
@RPiAwesomeness No. That's what Excel is for.
@RPiAwesomeness That helps you understand the correspondence between function graphs and their mathematical representations in general
@Wipqozn Yeah. Created graphs are great! Manually...not so much.
Ah well. I'm just annoyed by Math and how hard it can be.
given today's technology yeah, it's rare you'd ever need to manually graph something. You should still learn it for exactly what @murgatroid99 said.
Like a lot of homework, the point is not to expose you to a technique that you will actually use in a job or something, but to help you learn the material in the class
Q: ESEA for a lower level player in CS:GO

Frank VI'm a fairly low level north american Counter Strike Global Offensive player. I'm looking to get better and want to join an amature team to perhaps play brackets and that sort of thing in. I'm therefore looking at ESEA and/or ESL. ESL seems to lean towards the European crowd (but they do have a...

TIL @RPiAwesomeness is only 15. I thought you were in your 20s.
hello there :3
Mikey! How goes it?
Great ... tired ... but doing fine =D
@Frank and you? any knews?
Man, today is not my day. Cut myself trying to open my can of soup :(
@Michel Just about done cutting out the last bits for my new model.
Then the fun bit starts: painting.
@AshleyNunn Ouch :(
@AshleyNunn Were you using a can opener?
@Wipqozn I was!
@AshleyNunn I didn't even realize that was possible.
I thought they were designed in such a way to prevent that.
I can only assume your can opener has become self-aware and is out to get you.
@Wipqozn Well, the can is still sharp when you cut it...
@AshleyNunn Sounds like the can and the can opener are conspiring against you.
@Wipqozn cheap can openers make throwing discs of death
@AshleyNunn lunch?
@Michel Yep. Cold grey day, so it felt like a good day for soup.
There is never a good day for soup.
@Sterno You're a monster.
Lies. Soup is a fantastic food.
I'd remove you from room ownership, but that would only be hurting myself.
@Sterno Sure there is. When you're sick. Or you're out of food and soup is the only thing left in the pantry
@AshleyNunn can you ban @Sterno for hating soup?
Soup is okay when it supplements a meal, but as the primary? No.
STEW, maybe
I can do something better than banning @Sterno for hating soup.
Can you also ban @Ktash for making statements which make it sound like soup isn't fantastic?
@GraceNote uh oh, I'm afraid0-i KNEW
Potato soup is delicious.
Man, this is the worst.
@Sterno hates soup, and I lose room ownership. This is basically the worst day of my life.
@Sterno I love stew more than soup but I also really like soup
Soup > Stew.
If it makes you feel better, I might have some soup right now.
Soup is lovely.
@Wipqozn Of all of the things I've said in the room, taking a middle line on my soup stance is definitely one of the least likely things to get me a ban :P
@Wipqozn If RPi is only 15, that means I'm 20 years older than he is. :O
I could eat that all day.
@Ktash Not if I was mod!
@Wipqozn But I've wooed the mods
Cheese in potato soup turn it into cheese paste
@Powerlord Holy snap you're old. I think you might actually be older than @Sternold.
Plus, that'll never happen, because then people couldn't remove room ownership from you
@OrigamiRobot You put cheese on top.
@Wipqozn Yeeea no
@Ktash I replied to your email, by the way.
You take a little cheese with each bite, but it's not melted in.
Q: Battlefield 3 - Roadkill in a Mobile AA?

crayzeedudeSo, I was playing a round of Conquest Large on the Russian team, on Caspian Border. I'd jumped into the Russians' mobile anti-aircraft vehicle and begun attacking a hostile attack helicopter. I ended up destroying the aircraft and killing its pilot (I don't think there was a gunner) with the vehi...

@Ktash You can add/remove mods from ownership. Here, let me demon- WAIT I CAN'T! CURSE YOU GRACE NOTE!
@StrixVaria I never want to eat any food like that. Ever
@AshleyNunn Yep. I got it. Just sent a response :)
@OrigamiRobot You are so bad at food.
@StrixVaria He really is.
@OrigamiRobot also hates Sushi.
@Ktash Secret E-Mail between @AshleyNunn and Ktash!?!?! OOOOOOOOOOOO
I bet they're doing something secretive.
@Wipqozn Mwuahaha
I've been working in cahoots with the mods for years

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