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@KevinvanderVelden Holy shit. That's beautiful
@GnomeSlice drunk.SE
A moderator stepping in is meant to get us to that war of reason. To get us actually communicating, engaging in a dialogue with each other, to see everyone's perspective. And this doesn't differ in the scenario of a reopening - with the only stipulation that they can't really lock it open because locks defeat the purpose of why they decided to go with "Leave open for now" instead of "Stay closed for now".
Why take a particular action? There's two general reasons for this action. One is because they may believe this is the state the community is likely to end on - it saves there needing to be any action taken after the discussion because the community decision lined up. Two is because they believe that this is the state the question stands best to give it the most appropriate level of discourse [...]
A question may need to stay closed to prevent extra damage accruing during the discussion, or it may need to stay open in order to allow for additional data to be provided on its validity or invalidity.

Proposed Q&A site for people who are using cannabis.

Currently in definition.

The main thing to take in, is that the moderator doesn't take action because "The people before me were wrong." It's because "Let's put it in this state while we get a discussion going."
@GraceNote Thing is, though, that's exactly what happened.
11 hours ago, by badp
Yeah, the community making wrong calls is thankfully exceptional
11 hours ago, by StrixVaria
I'm going to chalk this "community decision" up to not quite remembering the "Good Subjective" guidelines. That's why it's re-linked in the comments.
If it was to generate discussion, I'd be all for it.
This, though, was not that.
I hate to step in with this but is this topic of interest to anyone else or might it be moved to a different room where it may not have an impact on potential topics in here?
We begged you for discussion. You weren't interested.
@badp Question Retracted
@badp You weren't even attempting to address my points.
Any particular reason a discussion has to be had on your terms?
Can we cycle back to the part where "Neither side was addressing either side's points" and again note that there was a stalemate in discussion because neither side was aware what the other was going for?
We just got past this point. And yes I'd be comfortable moving this to another room if others are fine with this.
@GraceNote Nah Nah, there are lurkers who are paying attention. I was unsure.
And now I am going to go take lunch and just not come back to work
Cya quiet chat room :)
And sorry if me asking brought all this up again
Sorry, afterhours support. Distracted.
Putting aside verbiage that is indeed real and that real words were said, I s'pose additionally if we look at things in a certain sense, option 1 wherein a moderator acts under their interpretation of the community's will does imply that the other side can be seen as "wrong".
@GraceNote Which is what has colored this entire discussion.
From that perspective, though, any sort of action on the site is a challenge of being either wrong or right. This is a system built upon dualities and oppositions. To that end, then, let's then look at divorcing the negativity of being wrong.
Both in the sense of it being a bad thing and in the sense of it being a bad thing.
@GraceNote For the most part, I have absolutely no problems with being wrong; never have.
The point at issue here is the coloring of the discussion from that point forward. It's no longer a discussion among peers.
That is by your own judgment call to assume that.
It's me having to argue me with someone who has the capability to ignore my points entirely, and me having no recourse.
@GraceNote At no point, anywhere in the discussion, was my argument given any merit of validity whatsoever.
No, they don't have the capability to ignore your points, and no, you actually have quite the recourse to address this.
Even with us talking past each other, the positioning of my points as wrong colored the argument in a certain manner.
During the original discussion, I'm going to repeat as I've repeated twice now, that points were missed because people weren't seeing eye to eye. This not only isn't a matter of moderators ignoring you, it's also completely independent of them being moderators at all because three normal users took the same perspective.
@GraceNote Which can be argued rather easily of the mods coloring the discussion.
Or you can assume the users... agreed?
I don't think I'm going to agree with the actions taken here, nor your viewpoint of how it went down.
Or you can simply assume that they independently came to see the same perspective of addressing one thing instead of the other thing
Q: FreeOrion ship production variables

GusI'm playing FreeOrion (a free 4x game based on Master of Orion), and when I put a ship in the production queue, there are two drop-downs at the top-left which both affect the total number of ships that get built. But, I don't understand the difference between the two options: You can see that...

To me, what happened was incredibly disappointing, and completely one-sided.
There needs to be more transparency in the actions mods take.
My ultimate objective here is to assert that what happened here is not because of some kind of moderator abuse but because of moderators acting in their station as representatives of the community. It may have been one-sided, but only in so far as leading a one-man charge against the every of the one.
@GraceNote I submit there was an inherent bias in the actions taken here, and I do not agree with what was done, nor the actions taken thereafter.
Because the point where we consider a moderator acting in their accordance of their station as abuse, is a fundamental breakdown in the expectations of what a moderator is to do.
At this point, I'm rather disillusioned about the whole thing.
I don't say I'm completely in the right; I'm not.
I must determine dinner and you yourself have expressed tiring of this discussion. I will understand whether you'd like to revisit this discussion at a later point, or if we shall agree to disagree for now. Though even in the latter case, I don't say that we actually disagree anyway.
(You may continue to leave your own concluding statements, I leave the floor to you)
But neither were the actions taken by the mods.
Q: What is the Clan Shield Icon for in an Attack?

Memor-XWhen i get attacked, sometimes when it lists the units that were expended in the attack the Clan Shield of the clan the attacker was in at the time of the attack appears, when i review the attack i see this stone with the Shield above it placed down and units come out of it. Is this stone in som...

And regular users have no voice to submit that disagreement to, as mod actions are always assumed to be done in good faith.
@GraceNote Maybe later, but this whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth.
I believe there was mod abuse inherent in these actions, but there will be nothing done about it.
@Frank Hah, I almost wish I hadn't chosen to put a hold to this but I am a witch of my word. We shall see how things progress after we take some time apart from this.
@GraceNote Yeah, I want to go play video games.
We've been at this for something like two hours.
Three as it were. My mom actually complained about us not eating yet, haha~
@GraceNote Heh.
Go. Shoo!
Plus this copy of Wild ARMs XF isn't going to play itself.
This is one of the greatest games that I've always wanted to play and have never gotten to play for waaaay too long.
@GraceNote Last comment, promise! I bet you'd be an awesome person to debate stuff with over beer and wings. If you're ever in my area, look me up!
Maybe wings, but by default I'm not a drinker. Love wings, though~
@Alex There is nothing I enjoy more than my mouth being on fire from spicy sauces. (Lungs on fire from spicy sauces when things go wrong and I inhale... That I'm not fond of.)
So maybe if I can exchange for a portion of wings to replace the beer in an exceedingly lopsided deal towards my favour, I might take you up on that. ♪
@GraceNote Done!
It's mostly about the discussion and company, anyways. The food and whatnot just helps with the informality of the situation.
Q: Redpower Factory Trouble

Starfire1337This is sort of hard to explain, so here it goes: I have 13 factories (currently looking to expand to a lot more so I am using this method) that have their output color on the filters set to red. Now, these items will travel through a main underground pipe to different warehouses. Each warehouse ...

@agent86 I might suck, but at least I don't suck as much as you.
I am cute look at my face buy me things kthx :3
@spugsley What about a trade ;)
@Ktash don't even joke because I am not sure I can control the amount of first born child/soul/boob showing/whatever I would give in exchange for Marvel merch
(I have a merch problemmmmm)
@spugsley :oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YOU DON'T EVEN TEASE ME LIKE THAT!! :0
My heart, be still
Gundam Reborn's multiplayer is confusing as all heck.
You're really trying to kill me, aren't you...
trying to kill you is an enjoyable pass time :3
I had an article published today so I'm in a good mood :3
@spugsley I should be offended, but there is a little voice in my head telling me that one day it will all be worth it.
I don't believe this voice :P
@spugsley Also, yay!
Where at, can I read?
Also, that is a decent retro shirt. Can't say it is my style, but I do like retro things
you are welcome to read. It's a bit personal but hey, that's alright. That's kind of the point: guerrillafem.com/2014/07/plan-b-plan-b
it's a feminist blog too
Nice, I will check it out
@spugsley Very well written, my dear
@AshleyNunn <3 ty
I don't know how my life was complete before
What did you think?
On an unconnected note, I bought 6 colours of nail polish yesterday
I never used to but it has started to be a very calming fun thing
so I only had five colours and 3 were pink
so I decided to fix that yesterday
I hope you got some fun colors!
I like orange and weird blues
I got 2 purples, 2 blues, a funky green, and one that is fuschia and teal sparkles
@spugsley Agree, very well written
@Ktash thank you. I've been trying to write more about things that are important to me. I miss writing.
(and also smut. I do enjoy writing smut)
@spugsley That's good. You are very talented, and all the better that you enjoy it! :)
@Ktash :D
I know for me it can be therapeutic too
@spugsley :o
oh yeah, definitely for me too
@spugsley You haven't by chance read Karen Chance, have you?
I have not. She's urban fantasy, right?
@spugsley nsfw
@spugsley I'm not sure what urban fantasy is.
All I know is her covers do fun things for me, and the stories are pretty decent.
:16415969 no
@spugsley You are talented at that too
I just like saying 'smut'.
And there's a decent chunk of smut.
@Frank like fantasy set in modern day
@GnomeSlice I also like saying smut
@spugsley Okay, so it's sorta urban fantasy, then. Mostly.
So, I just beat FEZ
But the main character is a time traveller.
@Frank oh ok, that's neat
Who doesn't know how it works. So she gets into a ton of scrapes.
@Frank Okay, now I am intrigued.
@AshleyNunn It also has vampires and a love triangle, and she never makes up her mind.
But the covers are nice, so she gets a pass.
It's sorta braindead reading.
@Frank That could be problematic but sometimes I just like fluffy reads
@Frank Sounds like the girl who leapt through time
@Ktash Okay, I am also intrigued by this
is a 2006 Japanese-animated science fiction romance film produced by Madhouse, directed by Mamoru Hosoda and written by Satoko Okudera. Released by Kadokawa Herald Pictures, the film is a loose sequel to the 1967 novel of the same name by Yasutaka Tsutsui and shares the basic premise of a young girl who gains the power of time travel, but with a different story and characters than the novel. Riisa Naka voices Makoto Konno, a teenager who inadvertently gains a mysterious power. She learns from her aunt Kazuko Yoshiyama—protagonist to the original story—that she has the power to travel thro...
It's really good. It is a "sequel"... sort of
So, yeah. Covers like that get me.
I've been watching Continuum lately
Anyone here watch it?
@SaintWacko Into season 2 yet?
@Frank Finished it today
@Ktash That sounds super great
Going to torrent season 3 tonight
Since it's not on netflix yet
@SaintWacko I started, and after first episode, I was like, "My head hurts. Time travel sucks."
@AshleyNunn It is really really good. It became one of my favorites after watching it
And since the ending to 2 was so upsetting
@spugsley How'd you fare with the hurricane? Or are you far enough inland that it didn't really effect you?
@Frank This has good fluff novel potential
@Frank It does get confusing, keeping track of who's who, when
@SaintWacko Oh, wait, no. That was the start of season 3.
Especially with the flashback/forwards
With parallel timelines and shit.
@Frank Oh dear
every time
Yeah, it sounded like the Freelancers could skip between timelines
Which sucked, because it was doing so well up to that point.
Instead of just forward and backward in one
@MBraedley We're about 4 hours west of the bad storminess so we just got some breezes and some pop-up thunderstorms :)
@spugsley Neil Gaiman is my favorite author. Have you read Anansi Boys yet?
@Brant Have you read Good Omens?
@Brant it's on my nightstand to start tonight :)
@AshleyNunn Indeed. It's a decent series. Nothing super awesome, but I don't mind keeping up with it.
But if you really want a, "Girls are badass, and don't fuck with them" series, might I suggest:
@SaintWacko Not for years. I probably should again...
@Brant Such a good book
@spugsley I think you will rnjoy it
@spugsley Lucky you. It's set to track right over my head on Saturday.
@MBraedley booo :(
I love the description of Crowley as "an angel who didn't so much fall as saunter gently downwards"
@Frank oh, that sounds super awesome!
@MBraedley be safe
@AshleyNunn 'tis, indeed.
Also, I have three bookshelves full of books, double stacked and double layered, and they've almost all been read.
I may have a bit of a reading problem.
@Ktash It won't be too bad. I doubt it'll reach level 2 at all, and it'll be a weak level 1 at best when it gets here.
@Frank I got an e-ink Kindle about a year ago and it’s opened a direct link between the wallets of myself and Jeff Bezos
At worst, I'll lose my power, and I'll have to take my chairs in from the balcony.
@Brant Books are one of my non-tech throwbacks.
@Brant Yes, he was.
(Sorry, I don’t know whether or not you feel like talking about it, you said it was personal)
@Wipqozn you're not planning on moving this weekend, are you?
@Brant I have a sony reader, and me and the Kobo store have a similar relationship
@Brant oh, no I don't mind at all. That's why I wrote about it. Not talking is what's fucking everyone over. So yeah, I'm good :) thanks though
@MBraedley Nope. I did start looking at apartments though.
Not planning to move until September or October.
A lot of people say e-ink looks like blurry newsprint, but I’ve never really seen that… and it’s super awesome having a device that holds every book you can think of and keeps a charge for over a month.
@spugsley Good point.
@Brant See, i cant stand reading on anything else
I'll stick to my high-definition, glossy, smells good physical books. With some books even coming in a lite edition!
@dantebasco I'm thinking about leaving neverland...could you take over my place as the new head lost boy....when I choose to leave neverland
I like books, but I also like not having to drag 2 or 3 places :P
I love that Dante Basco retweeted that
Also, I like this peter guy. He can stay
Man, sparkle nailpolish is hard to get even
But my nails look spectacular
just need this to dry then topcoat then bam pretty
My mountain has fireflies!
@AshleyNunn Then they will match everything else
though I'm sure they did before too
@Brant I want this
@GnomeSlice Mountain, the premiere mountain simulator for Mac/PC/Linux/iOS
@Brant Oh I know what it is
It sounded dumb at first but it turns out it's an actual thing
I guess you can leave it on the background while you do other stuff. It makes nice nature-y sounds now and then.
Oh, it’s fall now.
Erin Grey Van Oosbree (born August 24, 1973), known professionally as Grey DeLisle (pronounced De-lyle), is an American actress, comedian, and singer-songwriter. She has done voice acting for numerous animated films, television shows, and video games. Her long-running voice roles include Vicky from The Fairly OddParents, Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Daphne Blake from the Scooby-Doo franchise, and Azula from '. Early life and early career Erin Grey Van Oosbree was born in Fort Ord, California to truck driver George Van Oosbree and singer Joanna Ruth. She is of Dut...
> This photo is Grey's official Wikipedia photo which she wanted to take after being unhappy with the previous pic.
Hahaha, that's how you take a Wikipedia picture
Not awesome: bulb burning out.
Awesome: finding out you had a whole box of replacements, because at some point, I actually thought ahead.
@Frank Nice! I am bad at remembering those things
@AshleyNunn Mostly, it usually happens at a point of extreme annoyance.
@Frank Yeah, that sounds familiar to me :P
I go buy a bulb to replace the one that burned out, and go, "This ain't happening to me again anytime soon!" buys giant box of bulbs
I seriously have like three different types, and at least a couple of each.
Hmm, a giant clock that was flying through space just crashed into the side of my mountain.
@Frank That's smarter than me
I bought a pack of 5 bulbs last time and dropped them all
@Brant What time is it?
I’m not sure.
Heh, the clock is actually updating in real time.
Now the minute hand is over to the right more.
I am so tired. :(
@Fluttershy go bed?
Q: Halo Reach: Can I play on a party without XBox Gold account

ramb00I have been recently added to a clan, and there are custom games played within the clan. I currently have XBox live gold account. Can I still play these custom matches without the gold account? If so what will be the drawbacks? I am planning to end my gold subscription. Hence the question.

Q: Can I defeat Spiked Beetles without a shield?

Ashley NunnI am working on the sixth dungeon, and there is a room with Spiked Beetles that look like this: I know that you are supposed to hit them with a shield and then you can hit them with your sword and kill them. Problem is, I keep losing my shield in the Lost Woods before I can even get back to t...

1 hour later…
Q: End of the world Minecraft

JackWhen i go to 29,999,999.999 in the x coordinate, I see a barrier in which I can not go through. But that is in the latest update of 1.7.9. What version do I have to go back to to get farther than 29,999,999.999? equally, I seem to have normal world generation after a couple hundred blocks of the ...

Hi @LessPop. Are you drinking again?
@LessPop_MoreFizz How many days in a row are you now drinking?
@5pike Ummm... 4?
No, 3.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, try not to kill yourself.
@5pike I don't actually honestly usually drink more than a beer or two most of the time when I drink?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah that's totally fine. I thought you would repeat the "1 pints or 2" of rum.
@5pike Yeah, no, that was highly unusual, and mostly the result of me being super exhausted, and also having gotten a phone call from my ex-gf right as I got home.
Also, wtf autocorrect why did you just try to change ex-gf to ex-bf? And continue to do so? YOU DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT ME AUTOCORRECT.
Morning chat
If you are a programmer and have not watched Silicon Valley, you should fix that
Also, it is late, and I think I am going to head to bed
g'night all
@Ktash Best character on the show passed away. :(
@KevinvanderVelden Morning!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I just watched episode 1 so far, so I haven't become attached to anyone yet
@Ktash Eccentric billionaire investor dude
The actor died a few months ago.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The one who invests in him, or the owner of the house?
Season 1 was literally shot as he was wasting away with terminal cancer.
Ah, sad
Also, Season 2 of Nathan For You is up and running and you should watch that after Silicon Valley
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll add it to the list :)
1 hour later…
@Ktash It's on my list
Why isn't USB Mass Storage used any more?
I had a load of people take videos on their phones yesterday, and getting the videos off was a nightmare. No phones connect with USBMS any more, they all require proprietary programs. What is this, 2001?
not even that crappy multimedia transfer protocol thing?
@badp Nope, at least Mac doesn't speak that particular language
So even stock Android needs a special program
That doesn't work half the time
@fredley From what I understand this requires the partition to be unmounted on the phone, which is rather annoying. But newer Androids use some other media thingy which doesn't do that
Q: how cani get my cars back gta 5 online?

gerardoafter the 4th of july update i bought one of the new houses but it had a 6 car garage only and i had 7 cars in my dep of 10 car garage so i traid inmy depand only 4 cars transfer to my new house and i lost the 3 most expensive cars so i bought a garage to seeif they came back but no ...

@MadScientist Surely we are sufficiently technologically advanced to fake it
USB Mass Storage up front, party in the back
@Lazers oh my god i thought my English was bad...
@Jutschge I will never understand why people don't just use punctuation. IT'S NOT HARD PEOPLE.
@KevinvanderVelden but, but, but, effort
@5pike I can't be bothered to help people who don't take minimal effort. Basic punctuation is way below minimal effort
@KevinvanderVelden Minimal effort is still effort. People are lazy.
once I was too lazy to sleep... I was sitting in front of the computer (tired as hell of course) but I didn't want to move those 2 steps into my bed
@5pike and they have every right to be! They just shouldn't be surprised if I ignore them (excepting occasional advocating of burnination)
Ugh, morning, all.
Also many ugh
Morning @FAE
Woke up early to buy Night Vale tickets.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Successfully bought tickets to the Amsterdam show!
Well then waking up early was worth it
@FAE Wooooooooo
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am excited. :)
I also slept like shit so I'm really groggy and grumpy.
@FAE Me too, except London!
Q: Tag rename request - [tinkers-constuct] -> [tinkers'-construct]

imulsionThe current tag for the Minecraft mod Tinkers' Construct is misspelled. Can we rename it to the correct spelling?

@fredley Awesome!
@fredley I'm apparently lucky I got any at all because I guess they've been tweeting the wrong time. They said they went on sale at 9am GMT, but they got mixed up between GMT and BST I guess, so they were already on sale for an hour before I woke.
Many repro, on my pc
It's working again
@KevinvanderVelden DNS?
@FAE no I got to google it just gave me server errors (500)
Also, which google
@KevinvanderVelden weird
Via chrome searchbar
meh, it redirects me to .fi
Probably a tiny hickup in the servers I'm pointed at
Also can it just start raining already so I can find out if it's actually hay fever or if it's something else?
MY NOSE WON'T STOP ITCHING, and various other things but mostly OH GOD STOP THE ITCHING NOSE
oh wow new league statistics on the official website :D finally riot did something good
@KevinvanderVelden 26 and sunny here :|
Barely noon. My apartment's going to get so hot today.
@FAE About the same here, it's expected to rain in the afternoon
@KevinvanderVelden Oh yay, here too. Problem is it'll be so warm in my apartment from the sun the whole day that it's almost impossible to get it to cool down again even when it rains. Ends up hotter in here than outside.
That's the default for my room, it's the corner of the house so I can see the sun from the moment it clears the trees to the moment it disappears on the other side ><
@Kevin are you sure you know how to noise right? Noses don't usually cry
@KevinvanderVelden Oooh, that's rough. Our living room faces southish, so we get it for the hottest brunt of the day. And our living room is where both our PCs are, and all our consoles and stuff. When I game in the summer, I kind of set Jochem's legs on fire.
@FAE I missed it completely, at least an hour late
Luckily they're doing 2 dates in London
First had sold out, but got second
Oh wow. I saw people on twitter saying they were sold out in like 5 minutes, yeah.
@FAE For London?
@fredley Yeah
@FAE It's weird, they're not advertising the 21st on commonplacebooks.com, but all the ticket vendors have it
maybe that's why they're still availble
@fae sounds like you need to start hammock gaming!!
Just turn the TV to face the window
Looks like the new date was only added an hour ago
I must have got in soon!
@fredley Huh, odd.
@badp Oh man, I wish I could have a hammock.
Hammocks are awesome
I'll need to find a way to put my hammock in my new home
Also uuuuuuugh I just read that SCOTUS has already expanded the Hobby Lobby ruling. This is awful.
I could possibly just build a frame I suppose
@FAE That's bad.
Welp: Time to go start a privately held company in america and start sacrificing people to summon Cthulhu, that's legal now right?
@KevinvanderVelden Make sure the sacrifices are involved in this whole horrible thing.
@Arperum of course! Such piousness such as hobby lobby's owners would wake dread Cthulhu even faster
Dear Helix, no.
Stupid onebox not oneboxing https >.>
@KevinvanderVelden ... and rulings like these are the reason why you don't get your non-workplace related insurance (health or otherwise) through your company. WTF is wrong with you, USA?
@MartinSojka and rulings like these are why you don't give people damn near ultimate power over how laws are interpreted and them not give yourself a way to fire them
Q: CS:GO Server on OS X 10.9 Server

AirglowI'm wondering whether its possible to run a CSGO casual server on OS X Server for me and a few mates, the system is up to it hardware wise I'm just wondering if its actually possible and how it would be done. Only say 10 slots. Thanks

Q: Trying to remember a game from late 90s

CasperI think the game came out in the late 90s. It was for Windows and was set in a futuristic time. You could drive around a city and fulfill missions. I think there one would set bombs and have ti fight "terrorists". It was a little like Command and Conquer, but without the building and production a...

@KevinvanderVelden The US ones can be impeached by the Senate. In general it's a rather good idea to have some kind of high court which can set the lawmakers straight when they are breaking the constitution though.
Those need to be hard to fire.
@MartinSojka that has not once in the existence of the US happened
It's also only for certain things: The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Well, you wouldn't want the parliament members to be able to fire them for stuff like speeding ...
Or, hell, even drug possession. It's easy enough to frame someone for that if you're determined enough.
Hmm true, my main problem is that it doesn't happen, there was evidence for congress people being bribed a while back, and nothing happened
So it shouldn't be a case of If impeached => If evidence => removal, it should be If evidence => Investigation => removal
See: that whole the US is an oligarchy thing. :|
Honestly I think the single greatest amendment any constitution could have is one stating that every proposed law needs a description of intent, and then a review at a later date to see if the law is probably helping in fulfulling that intent
Half those damn christian bills would either be thrown out immediately because they can't state their intent in a secular way, or later when they would be shown to not actually work
@KevinvanderVelden Like this guy, the DuPont family heir who sexually assaulted his 3 year old daughter and won't get jailtime because the judge said "he wouldn't fare well" in prison. Or this guy, the SC Johnson family heir who only gets 4 months for sexually assaulting his 12 year old stepdaughter because he "leads a productive life".
You have money and/or fame, you can get away with murder. Literally.
@FAE uuugh, that's somehow worse than then the football team thing a while ago. That's rampant rapeculture, this is rampant rapeculture+oligarchy

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